
ToyKeeperI see image 267 now.  I don't see a notification about it though.  Is 267 the new OTA target?00:18
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
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Mirvdbarth_: note line 29 is not marked as Ready. please marke it so if that's an error.07:46
* sil2100 checks his mailbox for CI Train errors07:47
Mirvmandel: whtat's the status of line 12 (vivid) / 11 (rtm), will those land at some point?07:48
Mirv"Propagate the hash errors to the udm clients."07:48
Mirvif it's not yet in rtm I guess it won't be07:48
dbarth_Mirv: checking07:50
dbarth_Mirv: you can clear line 29; that one got merged into another silo07:50
Mirvdbarth_: ok!07:51
MirvI see, line 2107:52
jibelsil2100, I'm out for an appointment, not sure I'll be back for the standup07:52
sil2100jibel: ACK07:52
sil2100jibel: how's the testing proceeding so far?07:53
Mirvjgdx: should you consider merging the three ubuntu-system-settings silos? only one can enter at a time, and with the QA signoff those won't be in vivid at this rate if done one by one, first waiting for the current u-s-s landing in silo 006 to go for QA signoff for publishing07:53
jibelsil2100, so far so good. nothing critical found yet, 27% tests left07:54
Mirvsil2100: or is there a limit of u-s-s MP:s to land in a single landing?07:54
MirvI'm just worrying about the amount of weeks to get those bug fixes in with so many landings07:54
sil2100Mirv: there shouldn't be any limit, maybe besides URL length limits - but when that happens, we can assign the silo manually08:06
Mirvsil2100: ok08:06
mandelMirv, agh! I forgot about that guy, yes!, but please, remove the silo, I probably need to redo some of the mrs08:12
Mirvmandel: ok! so remove silo and the rtm line but keep the vivid line available for later use?08:26
mandelMirv, perfect, thx08:28
ogra_imgbot, status 166 vivid08:32
imgbotStatus: succeeded, Started: 2015-04-09 02:03:01 UTC, Finished: 2015-04-09 02:57:35 UTC08:32
imgbotBuild URL: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-touch/+build/2471408:32
imgbotChangelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/166.changes08:32
bzoltanMirv:  may I get a silo for the QtC landing?09:08
Mirvbzoltan: there would be one free silo yes, if you file a line09:09
bzoltanMirv:  #5909:09
Mirvbzoltan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/ ?09:09
bzoltanMirv:  I will give the silo back today09:09
Mirvare you on the old spreadsheet?09:10
bzoltanMirv:  ahh... new file. #53 it is09:11
MirvI had to remove quite lot of my browser history entries to get rid of everything related to the old address (with "0au" in it)09:11
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
ogra_bzoltan, mzanetti, qtpim and ssl merged ...09:21
bzoltanogra_: \o/ thanks09:21
ogra_bzoltan, also about your snappy question ... i think having a framework that easily enables you to create a snap for an external push-service poller/proxy for your app would be cool, so people can run a snappy cloud instance and do a one click install to get an external push service up and running09:24
ogra_tied directly into your application in the click09:24
ogra_bzoltan, do we have some place where we collect such ideas ?09:25
bzoltanogra_:  not yet10:23
davmor2ogra_: how do I use the bot to figure out what version 20 is on rtm stable please10:26
davmor2ogra_: rtm proposed even10:26
ogra_davmor2,  teh bot only knows -proposed of either RTM or vivid10:28
ogra_hmm, i dont have a "latest" command, i shoudl probably add one :)10:29
davmor2ogra_: no worries I'll do it the old fashioned way :)10:29
sil2100jibel: good idea on the QA time-schedule graph, this is something really useful10:29
ogra_davmor2, well, i'll add such a function :)10:29
ogra_thanks for asking10:30
davmor2ogra_: thanks.  It will be useful for knowing what proposed images to flash for testing factory→latest  so for example we know that 224 was image 16, but we assume that most people will update so would be on 20 and not 16 any more if that makes sense :)10:32
davmor2ogra_: so we will still test 224 for ota but would also need to test 20 →21 too10:33
jgdxMirv, ping11:11
jgdxMirv, line 37 does not have a lot of backers it seems. I don't mind that not hitting vivid. Line 35 (arale fixes) is the most important one.11:29
jgdxI can't merge 35 and 36 since 36 is a bit risky.11:31
popeysil2100: i dont see calculator on https://trello.com/b/AE3swczu/qa-testing-requests-for-questions-ping-eu-jibel-us-jfunk-or-ubuntu-qa-on-ubuntu-ci-eng11:32
popeyjibel: ^11:36
rvrpopey: Do you want me to create a card for it?11:39
popeythats the click and the steps we use to manually test11:39
Mirvjgdx: ok, then those being separate makes sense. thanks!11:40
rvrpopey: Done11:42
jgdxMirv, thank you11:42
sil2100Yeah, the spreadsheet reverted the landing of course11:43
sil2100popey: sorry about that, I could have anticipated CI Train troubles erasing it11:43
popeythanks rvr, no worries sil210011:48
jibelpopey, if you submit the request on the spreadsheet the card should be added automatically.11:53
jibelsil2100, ^ it is still supported by the spreadsheet, isn't it?11:53
popeyjibel: spreadsheet glitch I guess.11:53
jibelpopey, ah no, it on a separate sheet with tarballs11:54
jibeland we didn't update the trellobot11:54
sil2100jibel: ah, ok, so brendand_ still didn't re-target then11:54
sil2100Ok, nvm11:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== _salem is now known as salem_
ogra_imgbot, last12:21
ogra_imgbot, last12:22
ogra_imgbot, last12:24
imgbotThe last krillin RTM build is 26712:24
imgbotThe last mako vivid build is 16612:24
ogra_davmor2, ^^^ there you go12:24
davmor2ogra_: Yay12:29
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
sil2100On it12:49
sil2100alexabreu: hey! Regarding silo 23 - the silo mentions only AP and doc fixes, but the following merge also seems to modify real code: https://code.launchpad.net/~abreu-alexandre/ubuntu-html5-theme/fix-ap-tests/+merge/25508412:57
sil2100jibel, davmor2: we might need to block OTA-3 on that wizard regression, john-mcaleely confirmed my worries that BQ might use it in the production line12:59
sil2100We would have to explicitly ask them not to use it until we have a fix13:00
sil2100Or just block on it13:00
jibelsil2100, ack13:00
* sil2100 waits for mterry13:00
davmor2chrisccoulson: did you get chance to look into the issue with the terms and conditions on the welcome wizard with mterry?  I think he pinged you last night to start the discussion13:01
chrisccoulsondavmor2, yesterday afternoon13:02
chrisccoulsonThe crash is fixed in the 1.6 branch of Oxide, which is going to be pushed out as a security update next week13:02
alexabreusil2100, yes there were bugs uncovered by the AP test failures13:02
alexabreusil2100, one bug actually13:02
chrisccoulsonBut the experience without the crash won't be acceptable, because it will use software compositing13:03
pmcgowandavmor2, we decided to live with it as this image is not going to be flashed on new phones13:03
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
cwayne_sil2100, we found a small regression in the today scope, it *may* be a quite small fix, looking into it right now13:05
davmor2pmcgowan: from what john-mcaleely has said to sil2100, sil2100 is prepared to block it because bq will be flashing it to phones13:05
sil2100alexabreu: hm, sadly in this case I would personally prefer QA to sign it off13:05
sil2100alexabreu: but let me consult them in a moment13:05
sil2100pmcgowan: john-mcaleely said it will be flashed on new phones in a factory probably13:05
sil2100pmcgowan: see my question on barajas13:06
pmcgowansil2100, we already had this discussion, let me check13:06
sil2100If we can explicitly tell them not to, then I suppose we can live with it - if, of course, we get the proper fix13:06
davmor2chrisccoulson: awesome, that's great news :)13:07
sil2100chrisccoulson: what do you mean exactly?13:15
sil2100chrisccoulson: also, another important question: would we be able to get the fix this week still, at least as a distro-patch or something?13:23
alexabreusil2100, I'll rebuild the silo w/o the AP test fix branch to land the others that are more urgent13:27
alexabreusil2100, (about silo 23)13:27
chrisccoulsonsil2100, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/1.6/+bug/1439829/comments/613:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]13:27
pmcgowanchrisccoulson, so we need 1.713:28
sil2100alexabreu: wait a moment13:30
sil2100alexabreu: I'll ask QA to take a quick look13:30
sil2100alexabreu: ok... I see it's too late ;p13:31
alexabreusil2100, ah yeah :)13:31
alexabreusil2100, I'll do it in 2 steps13:31
sil2100chrisccoulson: thanks, when is the earliest we can get oxide 1.7?13:35
sil2100chrisccoulson: since this bug might actually block our OTA-3 update and similar, we would actually need a fix (or even a workaround, anything!) ASAP13:37
chrisccoulsonsil2100, 1.7 is not ready for OTA. That's bleeding edge stuff13:39
sil2100chrisccoulson: can you join pmcgowan's hangout?13:39
sil2100I'll be there in a minute13:39
sil2100We're saved \o/13:47
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
alexabreusil2100, you can land silo 2313:54
bfillerjibel: will QA have time today to test some of the silos that are ready? there are bunch in the queue13:55
jibelbfiller, yes we'll find some time.13:55
bfillerjibel: great, thanks. wrapping up our sprint this week and hoping to land some of these13:56
sil2100alexabreu: o/13:58
sil2100alexabreu: hmm, did you reconfigure?13:59
alexabreusil2100, no just rebuild, dont think I needed to reconfigure do I?14:03
sil2100alexabreu: yeah, removal of an MP needs a reconfigure - let me do it, I think a no-op build should be enoohg14:05
sil2100On it now14:05
jibelsil2100, for info bug 144215614:05
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1442156 could not be found14:05
sil2100jibel: private bug?14:06
jibelsil2100, yes14:06
alexabreusil2100, sil2100 thx14:07
alexabreusil2100, do I need to re +1 silo 23?14:11
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ubuntu-html5-theme/add-docs-package/+merge/255279 needs approval ;)14:12
mhall119alexabreu: ^^14:14
mhall119is that branch still the one we want, or did you and dholbach replace it?14:14
rvrpopey: The reminders app update had lots of strings.14:14
alexabreumhall119, still the one we want14:14
popeyrvr: yeah, we left it for a few days for the translators to do their stuff14:15
alexabreusil2100, +1'd it14:15
popeyrvr: which is why I didn't ask for QA last week14:15
rvrpopey: I translated it to Spanish14:15
popeyrvr: awesome, I wanted QA to approve it (but om26er found a couple of bugs) and then I'd re-submit with only language updates14:15
popeyand put that in the store14:15
rvrpopey: The one that comes in the RTM image, is not public yet?14:16
kgunnsil2100: hey, quick one...on this bug, i linked to your infamous "commit" report...did i match it up correctly ?14:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1441822 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 consuming excessive cpu in a preview page" [High,New]14:16
sil2100kgunn: hey! Looks to be the right thing - why is it infamous?! ;p14:17
popeyrvr: we haven't updated the one in RTM recently14:18
popeyrvr: thats why I submitted to QA14:18
sil2100Well, some info might me missing from it as it takes the data from the spreadsheet14:18
kgunnsil2100: cause it's use to go spank people that released stuff that resulted in a bug for me :D14:18
sil2100But yeah, that's the commitlog for #125, and since it seems it's broken with that image, I guess we can narrow down the source now14:18
rvrpopey: I got the local/Evernote login dialog in English at start, that I didn't see before.14:19
popeyrvr: what version of reminders you using?14:19
rvrpopey: I'm regression testing image 26614:20
rvrLet me check14:20
popeyrvr: the latest reminders isnt in that image14:20
popeyrvr: r400 is what we wanted to go in, but it failed14:20
sil2100chrisccoulson: if you could give me and pmcgowan a poke once the oxide is ready in a PPA then it would be awesome14:24
sil2100alexabreu: publishing then14:24
alexabreusil2100, thx14:24
sil2100alexabreu: grrr, need to rebuild again, changelog wrong, doing that now ;/14:26
dbarthhey trainguards; i'm getting jenkins build issues due to a gpg signature error in silo 2814:55
dbarthis there an outage somewhere?14:55
om26erKaleo, ping14:56
om26erKaleo, silo15 fails testing, see comment here: https://trello.com/c/JACWoVDb/1349-ubuntu-landing-015-qtubuntu-camera-bfiller-kaleo14:56
sil2100dbarth: let me take a look14:57
dbarthsil2100: ah no, that worked for armhf, i386, etc.14:59
dbarthsil2100: but not for some 64-bit platforms now14:59
sil2100dbarth: hm, this CI Train error might be a bug anyway15:01
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dbarthsil2100: can i land the silo as-is (once tested) or will that take a rebuild for the error platforms?15:06
sil2100dbarth: I think we need the platforms rebuilt somehow, since if CI Train tracks those then it means they're in the archive15:06
dbarththe merge proposals block another one for a tst library down the line15:06
dbarthhmm, ok15:06
sil2100dbarth: we'd have to ask an archive admin to remove them if those platforms are to be dropped15:06
sil2100Which is possible, but I guess we would have to have good argumentation for that :)15:07
dbarthsil2100: and can i retrigger the build directly in the ppa for the failed arches?15:07
sil2100dbarth: I'll do it, the code for this is still not deployed :)15:08
dbarthhmm, at leat i cannot; no button for me15:08
dbarthsil2100: cool, thanks15:08
Kaleoom26er, you're switching the camera while it's focusing?15:09
sil2100dbarth: re-triggered15:09
Kaleoom26er, and it was not happening before?15:10
Kaleoom26er, (that's on BQ?)15:10
om26erKaleo, it happens during focus, yes. But I also see a hang if I wait for it to focus15:10
om26erKaleo, yes krillin15:11
om26erI reverted back the package and it was not happening, re-installed the silo and issue is back.15:11
Kaleoom26er, focus, wait 10 seconds, switch camera, still broken?15:11
om26erKaleo, hmm, seems it happens when I try to switch while its focusing15:13
Kaleoom26er, right15:13
Kaleoom26er, taking a look15:17
dholbachalexabreu, sil2100: I don't have that much experience with the silo process and everything, but http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/ says "Can't publish: Packaging changes need manual ACKing." for silo2315:35
dholbachwho can approve it?15:35
alexabreudholbach, sil2100 ...15:35
sil2100On it15:36
sil2100Sorry, meetings ;/15:36
sil2100dholbach: you're a core-dev, right?15:37
sil2100dholbach: ok, so I suppose you signed off both, let me publish then15:38
dholbachthanks a lot sil210015:38
sil2100bfiller: I noticed one of the dialer-app tests got disabled in the silo 14 landing - is that correct?15:40
sil2100bfiller: I'm a bit worried that there's a lot of things that are not mentioned in the changelog15:40
bfillersil2100: it's a new test that was written and that is not working yet15:41
bfillersil2100: we wanted to leave it in the MR even though it's not ready yet15:42
bfillersil2100: the MR fixes the bug mentioned only, and adds test infrasturcutre15:42
sil2100bfiller: ah, ok, now all those deps make sense15:43
sil2100So they're not really used yet, right?15:43
bfillersil2100: if all the tests are disabled then no they are not used yet, salem_ are all the tests disabled on the branch or just some?15:44
sil2100bfiller: ok, I'll approve this anyway, but please try making sure next time (when the tests are enabled) the dep-additions are mentioned15:45
dholbachsil2100, maybe it's documented somewhere, but ... what is the abyss in the silo context? :)15:46
bfillersil2100: ok, thanks15:46
sil2100dholbach: hah ;)15:46
sil2100dholbach: that means it's published, but didn't pop up in the -proposed pocket yet15:46
sil2100It's a good state15:46
sil2100It's just in transit15:46
alexabreudholbach, you are too eager ;)15:46
dholbachI guess that's because the -doc packages are in binNEW?15:46
dholbachalexabreu, the API website deployment is sort of blocked on this15:47
sil2100Oh! WAIT, crap15:47
sil2100Archive admins will be mad at me...15:47
sil2100Because it was an upload from you dholbach, I didn't actually check the packaging diff, and I was supposed to first ask for an ACK from archive admins15:48
sil2100Oooh boy, I'll get beaten for it15:48
sil2100Oh well15:49
ogra_sil2100, now all beer for infinity might be on you during the sprint ...15:50
dholbachprobably not... it's just an added -doc package - we need it to populate developer.ubuntu.com/api15:50
sil2100slangasek, infinity: hey guys, I made a big no no15:50
sil2100slangasek, infinity: I mean, I published dholbach silo that adds a new bin package without first approving it with an AA15:51
slangaseksil2100: which package?15:51
sil2100slangasek, infinity: can you take a look and do a post-publish ACK? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-023-2-publish/14/artifact/ubuntu-html5-theme_packaging_changes.diff <-15:51
sil2100slangasek, infinity: sorry for that, I let my guard down since it was a core-dev upload ;)15:52
dholbachsil2100, slangasek, infinity: I wasn't quite aware of the protocol - sorry about that.15:52
sil2100dholbach: no worries, it's something I should do on my side ;)15:53
sil2100I just missed it15:53
slangaseksil2100: a *doc* package?! you fiend15:53
sil2100I can perform seppuku if you just say a word15:54
ogra_didnt happen if there isnt a video !15:54
slangaseksil2100, infinity: acked15:55
sil2100slangasek: thanks o/15:55
dholbachsil2100, I'm glad I pinged you about it again :)15:57
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sil2100robru: ping16:02
robrusil2100: oh hey16:03
salem_bfiller, all new tests are disabled16:07
robrubfiller: silo 7 needs to be rebuilt due to new revisions16:29
om26er_popey, Hi!16:33
popeyom26er_: yo!16:33
sil2100chrisccoulson: ping16:33
om26er_popey, calculator seems to be a totally different app, seems its missing its icon16:33
popeyit is a totally different app :)16:33
popeyicon is known.16:34
om26er_popey, so what kind of testing is needed for it ? do you want to land that in vivid image ?16:34
popeyom26er_: see the etherpad link?16:34
popeyom26er_: it could be tested on rtm or vivid16:34
om26er_popey, right, thats fine. I just want to make sure its not something thats going to land as is16:35
popeyom26er_: okay, thanks for checking.16:36
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
dbarthhey sil2100; on silo 28, we just miss amd64 now16:54
om26er_lool, Hi! what kind of testing does the ubuntu-touch-meta require ?16:58
loolom26er_: it's noted in the spreadsheet, but essentially just confirming you can still install apps17:02
loolom26er_: it's basically a forward feature to allow having 15.04 apps in the store, but right now it doesn't change anything17:02
loolit's really a trivial change I'm afraid17:02
om26er_lool, great, thats good to know.17:03
sil2100dbarth: is it again a key-failure?17:03
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
oSoMoNtrainguards: is the spreadsheet operational to request a new silo?17:09
sil2100oSoMoN: yes, currently no issues are visible, let me change the topic17:10
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ATTENTION! Silo shortage, ubuntu-rtm landing gates closed
oSoMoNsil2100, cool, can I have a silo for line 57 then, please?17:11
sil2100oSoMoN: sure17:19
sil2100Wait, actually we don't have enough silos I think17:20
om26erpopey, are the designs for the calculator approved ? well it seems not "crispy"17:20
popeywhat does "crispy" mean? :)17:20
sil2100om26er: I think design actually requested all of this17:22
popeyom26er: but to answer your question, we have approval from design for this release, and further design changes are yet to come.17:22
sil2100It's the redesign of a redesign17:22
popeyyeah, they asked for this17:22
popeyno, there's more to come! :D17:22
sil2100OH NO, redesign of the redesign of a redesign?17:22
popeyif the developers can stay motivated enough to re-re-design a freaking calculator!17:22
sil2100That's incalculation17:22
om26erpopey, does the app come with automation, I wonder ?17:25
om26erpopey, calculator used to have lots of autopilot tests, can you please share the reboot branch ?17:28
om26erI couldn't find it17:29
om26erI wonder why would people favorite their old calculations :p17:32
popeyom26er: mzanetti is fixing the bug you found in reminders17:37
popeyom26er: but the crasher you found is not a regression, we know about that one for a while.17:37
popeyom26er: so once fixed, I'll resubmit (shall I just move the card back to the left lane?)17:38
popeyjibel said om26er might be able to fast-track the test rather than re-test everything17:38
popeyyeah, that17:40
om26erpopey, sure, he gave me a heads up in our standuo.17:42
rvrpopey: Music app. We have a regression test for tracks that have "Unkown" genre. I am copying albums with that, and I see nothing in the Genres section.17:47
* rvr comparing with the stable release.17:48
rvrBah, the version is the same17:49
popeyNot a regression :)17:50
rvrpopey: Did the behavior changed?17:51
popeyFrom when to when?17:52
rvrFrom when the last time we run this regression test17:52
popeythats hard for me to say because I have no idea when you last ran it.17:52
rvrpopey: I mean, is the expection still valid?17:52
popeyrvr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/139697117:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1396971 in Ubuntu Music App "Tracks with no genre tag don't show at all in the Genres view" [Low,Triaged]17:53
rvrI see17:56
bfillerrobru: rebuilding17:56
Kaleoom26er, still around?17:57
om26erKaleo, yes17:57
Kaleoom26er, I pushed a fix, silo 15 is rebuilding17:58
Kaleoom26er, please let me know if it fixes it for you17:58
charlesrenatu, there were a couple of other landings in datetime this week. Silo 8's branch needs to be synced to it and I haven't gotten around to it yet18:02
charlesrenatu, I'll do that now18:02
kgunnMirv: you around ?18:17
Kaleoom26er, silo 15 is now ready with new packages including the tentative fix18:24
om26erKaleo, I already picked it from the ppa, seems to fix the issue I reported18:24
Kaleoom26er, great18:24
Kaleoom26er, :)18:24
robrubfiller: thanks. I think the new commits are just ap tests, so just give it a quick smoke test, shouldn't need a full qa run18:35
bfillerrobru: ack18:35
popeyom26er: I've uploaded a new click for calculator to http://people.canonical.com/~alan/calculator/com.ubuntu.calculator_2.0.155_all.click - any chance you could install it and give me a +1 that the icon is fixed?18:35
om26erpopey, right now I am testing camera-app fix, will get back to that in a bit18:36
popeyom26er: ok, I've added the link to the card, and will move it as a reminder18:36
popeyom26er: no I won't, I don't have access to18:36
bfillerrobru: silo 7 is good to go18:57
robrubfiller: great thanks18:57
robrulool: looks like your u-t-m conflicts with an upload ogra did direct to distro, can you coordinate with him?19:02
om26erpopey, icon looks good now19:25
popeythanks om26er19:25
popeysil2100: when are you planning to rebuild the image?19:26
popeyom26er: shortly I'll have a reminders click for you which fixes the issue you had with text disappearing.19:26
om26erpopey, sure.19:27
popeypmcgowan: we've had the *new* calculator app approved by QA. Am I okay to upload to the store?20:07
popeypmcgowan: It looks quite different from the existing calculator.20:07
popeypmcgowan: like this.. http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-04-03-135433.png20:08
pmcgowanwhat are the left arrow and checkmark for20:10
popeybackspace and square root20:10
pmcgowanwhat happened to the clear button20:11
popeylong press on backspace20:11
pmcgowanguess thats backspace20:11
popeynew design from design team20:11
pmcgowanlooks nicer20:11
popeyya, it is.20:11
popeyless blue :)20:11
pmcgowantoo much white though20:11
popeyif you want to play20:11
pmcgowanit has a bottom edge it seems20:12
pmcgowanmaybe we should run it by joe20:12
popeywant me to mail him?20:12
pmcgowanyes please20:12
popeyIt would be unfortunate for him to bounce it given we've been through this with design.20:13
pmcgowanpopey, I am sure he will approve but feel better asking20:15
pmcgowanin case design never shared20:16
popeywill mail now20:16
robruwow, two free silos, I think that's a record high for this week. anybody around to use one?20:27
jgdxbfiller, good test on silo 6.20:28
bfillerjgdx: great, thanks20:29
popeyom26er: added a new reminders click which fixes the issue you found, if you could re-test that and let me know that would be _awesome_20:29
jgdxbfiller, should be noted that I saw 14GB, which is not 16GB, but far from ~2GB.20:29
pmcgowanpopey, sounds like joe is +120:32
popeypmcgowan: do you know when we plan to spin a new image?20:34
popey(not entirely related to the upload)20:34
pmcgowanpopey, any min, as soon as oxide is built20:35
sil2100I see oxide armhf still building21:22
sil2100Will probably take 2 more hours21:23
sil2100cwayne_: did you publish the new custom? :)21:23
cwayne_sil2100, yep :)21:26
alesagesil2100, would you ping me and/or ToyKeeper when the new oxide is available?22:30
ToyKeeperYes, please.  :)22:30
ToyKeeperI get distracted too easily to poll for updates.22:30
sil2100It's almost done22:53
sil2100The armhf binaries are still pending publication22:53
sil2100Once that's done, I'll copy them over to a silo PPA and try to publish22:54
alesageok thx sil210022:57
sil2100brb in around ~20 mins, it should be available by then I suppose22:58
alesagesil2100, ack thx22:58
sil2100Ok, packages copied to the silo PPA23:27
sil2100Now a watch only build, publish, wait for migration and I kick a new image23:27
sil2100pmcgowan: ^23:27
sil2100It's late here, but I'll be around to do all those23:29
sil2100The train's taking its sweet time23:36
ToyKeepersil2100: Is anything needed for rtm-000 aside from the silo's PPA?  (rtm krillin 267 + ppa)23:38
ToyKeeperEr, rtm krillin 268 it seems?23:39
sil2100ToyKeeper: no :)23:40
sil2100ToyKeeper: but as per what me and jibel agreed - no need to sign-off the silo itself, I'll publish it straight away and then oxide will be tested in the new image23:41
sil2100ToyKeeper: what you could do in the meantime I guess is checking if it's not badly broken23:41
sil2100Like, install silo 000 and see if browser works23:41
sil2100Not sure if it makes sense to test more, I'll publish it instantly23:41
ToyKeepersil2100: Okay, fair enough.  Do you know if the fix for bug 1442156 (today scope, location) will be in that image too?23:42
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1442156 could not be found23:42
sil2100ToyKeeper: from what I know it's already published, cwayne_ included those in the custom tarball that has been uploaded23:42
ToyKeeperOkay, so that was in 268, and the oxide fix will be in 269?23:43
ToyKeeperI just want to make sure I'm testing the right bits.23:43
cwayne_righto, i've pushed23:44
sil2100ToyKeeper: yes :)23:45
sil2100Ok, oxide published, let's wait for it to migrate23:45
sil2100I'll kick a new build then, imgbot will be your guide23:45
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
sil2100It should migrate with the next run23:55
sil2100Ok, it's in now23:58

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