
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
Odd_Blokesmoser: How can I tell that cloud-init has finished running?10:51
Odd_Blokesmoser: Is the existence of /var/lib/cloud/data/result.json sufficient?10:51
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
smoserOdd_Bloke, yeah, result.json wont be written until finished. and status.json contains state as it goes.13:08
Odd_Blokesmoser: Cool; and do you have any thoughts about using /run/cloud-init/... over /var/lib/cloud/data/... ?13:08
smoser /run  is what you want13:08
Odd_Blokesmoser: Ah, these files aren't around on precise at all; is there an equivalent on that version?13:12
Odd_Blokeutlemming: ^ is probably why you had the /tmp/cloud-init.done trick.13:13
Odd_Blokesmoser: Thanks for the help! :)13:13
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kwapingharlowja hola amigo18:14
harlowjakwaping hola18:14
kwapingI will try to be here more often, as suggested18:14
harlowjathx man18:14
* harlowja has to go poke infra to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172179/ in18:16
harlowjaso we can start fixing up the repo18:16
harlowjakwaping smoser  ok https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172179/ is merging, so i'll try that branch create again soon18:23
harlowjathen kwaping  do u want to try to do the sync of that branch with bzr?18:23
harlowjathe ~10 patches that are missing18:23
harlowjathennnnn no more bzr?? ;)18:24
kwapingyou want me to do the bzr -> git thing?18:24
harlowjasure, if u want18:24
smoserbzr isn't so bad.18:24
harlowjaprobably just need to last X patch files and submit them up for review18:24
harlowjanice try smoser 18:25
smoserthere are a couple nice things.18:25
harlowjasmoser kwaping https://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init/tree/0.7.x is up19:17
harlowjasooo feel free to start updating it ;)19:17
harlowjathats revision 1046 afaik in bzr19:17
* harlowja would be nice to also have the right tags (or at least the 0.7.x tags)19:18
harlowjabut need to know which git sha matches which bzr tag, ha19:18
harlowjathen can replicate them19:18
harlowjakwaping when i run that bzr -> git thing; it appears the repo that it converts has the tags, sooo just need to push them up to gerrit, will do that19:20
harlowjaless work to do :-P19:20
harlowjaok, all 0.7 tags except for 0.7.6 (which i think is the most recent, which needs more commits) is up19:29
harlowjai'll leave the 0.6.x tags off19:31
harlowjasince meh19:31
kwapingshould I still be building from that specific 1046 commit you mentioned?19:32
harlowjakwaping yes19:34
harlowjaunless u push up the other 0.7.x patches and want to use those :-P19:34
harlowjaotherwise there is no other commits (1047...) in that repo, lol19:35
harlowjabut now at least u have a place to put said patches (on the 0.7.x branch)19:35
harlowjavs having no place at all19:35
harlowjaJayF ^ u should be happy with all that19:36
harlowjahttps://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init/releases shows up also, nice19:37
JayFharlowja: so cloud-init v1 is in stackforge now?!19:37
harlowjaJayF ya, all commits are there, branch is now there, tags for 0.7.x are there...19:37
harlowjai'd like to say no more bzr, but let's see ;)19:37
harlowjaneed to update the 0.7.x branch there first19:37
JayFharlowja: tl;dr: http://bit.ly/1axYBco ?19:38
harlowjahttps://github.com/stackforge/cloud-init/graphs/contributors is intersting to look at19:40
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