
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
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jrwrenoh awesome. rsync -e 'juju ssh' works.04:21
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
jrandall_this may be a stupid question, but if I upgrade an openstack nova-compute charm while the hypervisor is running instances, what will happen to the running instances?10:44
jcastrolazyPower, can you fix your email metadata here: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/trusty/shoutcast-1/archive/metadata.yaml12:19
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
stubCan someone with a unit on a public cloud do 'juju run --unit=foo/0 unit-get --format=json public-address' for me? I need to know if that is a dns name, ip address, or something else.13:23
stubPretty certain it will be the ip address, which means something else is the problem (but still worth checking)13:25
tvansteenburgh> juju run --unit=ubuntu/0 'unit-get --format=json public-address'13:40
tvansteenburghstub ^13:40
stubDo I need to do anything before services can use the public-address ? I've got a java app failing to bind to the public address, but other parts of it are happily binding to the private address.13:46
stubIt might be before the port-open is called13:47
mbruzekstub: yeah the public clouds are all behind firewalls13:47
mbruzekstub: the public-address is not available until open-port is called13:48
stubHmm... so my services framework charm is starting the configured service in the install hook,  before the start hook is called.13:48
Spadsstub: yeah, the services framework doesn't care which hook it actually is, so long as all conditions are met13:50
Spadsstub: the new charm helpers framework will be a bit more explicit and less magical about start/stop, though13:51
stubNope, my fault. The default 'start' option in a service definition is [host.service_start, services.open_ports], and I overrode it. So my ports never got opened, and things explode the first time my public address != private address13:53
stubAlthough looking at that default, it should be the other way around if this is indeed the problem.13:54
SpadsI am aha13:56
Spadser, aha!13:57
stubWill will eventually re-implement Ansible.14:04
lazyPowerjcastro: fix released, thanks for catching that14:33
stubtvansteenburgh, mbruzek: Can either of you kick off the lp:~stub/charms/trusty/cassandra/spike tests again? I think I've sorted things, and local tests are ok.14:44
mbruzekstub: sure14:44
mbruzekstub kicked14:45
mbruzekstub: they are all the active processes here: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/14:45
mbruzekstub, I just kicked off tests for lazyPower but they should be queued behind your.14:52
apuimedolazyPower: is it possible to deploy lxc services that have to talk to each other on different hosts?15:00
lazyPowerapuimedo: you'll need to do some SDN15:00
lazyPowerapuimedo: http://blog.dasroot.net/container-networking-with-flannel.html15:00
apuimedoSDN? What is that :P15:00
mbruzeksoftware defined network15:01
apuimedoI was joking. I work at Midokura (we provide SDN)15:01
lazyPowerapuimedo: baseline answer without sdn: Nope - host only communication :)15:02
mbruzekI was just reminding myself.15:02
apuimedoyeah, that's what I guessed ;-)15:02
lazyPowerapuimedo: baseline answer with midonet: Network all teh things!15:02
apuimedobut who will deploy the MidoNet that is used by Juju to deploy MidoNet15:02
apuimedoit's turtles all the way down15:03
lazyPowerthats just it, we're reconfiguring the LXC bridge with the flannel charm15:03
lazyPowerthe thing to be aware of, if you're reconfiguring LXC - you need to config that software bridge *before* the service is up15:03
apuimedolazyPower: do you use that config file for defining the interfaces for lxc like nova-flex does?15:04
lazyPowerwe've targeted 2 network devices - lxcbr0 and docker0 - we dont support other networking changes in those charms.15:05
lazyPowerthe rest is leveraging default routes to pick the proper device to send the data OTW15:05
lazyPowermbruzek: when you're done fixing up /42 - i have /20 on the kubes charm rdy for rev - https://github.com/whitmo/charm-kubernetes/pull/2015:08
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dpb1anyone know how to silence the bootstrap on maas from this "ARNING no architecture was specified, acquiring an arbitrary node"21:30

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