gunndawg | I'm back | 00:17 |
davevanloo | welcome back gunndawg | 00:17 |
gunndawg | taking it out of SOHO mode or whatever broke everything | 00:17 |
gunndawg | and deff. didnt make my ethernet connection work | 00:18 |
gunndawg | so it's back on SOHO mode | 00:18 |
davevanloo | mhmm.. did you take into account the info i gave about network hardware setup(s)? | 00:18 |
gunndawg | ok, sorry, back once again, but yeah taking it out of SOHO mode into Router mode did not work | 00:20 |
gunndawg | infact it broke my wifi as well | 00:20 |
davevanloo | i figured it would.. as i think you need bridge mode.., which will make it function more or less like a switch then router.., then again.. it had dhcp enabled.. thats why i gave pointers on what to do according to how your network hardware is setup.. | 00:21 |
davevanloo | basicly.. for modem only to --> router... use router mode and cable going to modem should be in wan.., for modem/router combo's(most modern modems..) it needs bridge mode... with a cable going from router to modem using one of the normal ports and not wan | 00:22 |
gunndawg_ | I have a router and a modem, separate | 00:22 |
davevanloo | how many lan ports does the modem have? or do you know its brand and type? so i could look it up | 00:23 |
gunndawg_ | with an ethernet going from the modem to the router, standard setup | 00:23 |
gunndawg_ | the modem is an Arris SB6141 | 00:23 |
gunndawg_ | Router is an Ubiquiti Air Router | 00:23 |
gunndawg_ | I msut have multiple connections here because I dropped out | 00:24 |
davevanloo | black "surfboard" modem.. thats a 1 port modem.. so yes.. router mode.. BUT the cable from modem to router.. needs to be connected to the WAN port of the router ( its usually seperated by more space then the other 4.. ) | 00:25 |
gunndawg_ | that's how it already is | 00:26 |
gunndawg_ | I've set up routers before, that's standard stuff | 00:26 |
gunndawg_ | and its in SOHO mode, wireless works fine. When I put it into Router mode both ethernet AND wireless no longer work | 00:26 |
davevanloo | jups.., funny thing is.. usually in SOHO mode.. port 1 on the router becomes the wan port and the other 3/4 get dissabled.. | 00:26 |
gunndawg_ | well all I know is that taking it out of SOHO mode makes neither wireless nore ethernet work | 00:27 |
gunndawg_ | so I have to keep it in SOHO | 00:27 |
davevanloo | that would keep wired connections impossible though.. | 00:27 |
davevanloo | nor is it really kubuntu/linux related :( | 00:28 |
gunndawg_ | Well Router mode makes both connection types impossible. I just went down that road | 00:28 |
gunndawg_ | guess I'm stuck on wifi then :( | 00:28 |
davevanloo | and you checked all settings? as im just saying.. the problem really lies in the router.. | 00:29 |
gunndawg_ | when I put it into Router mode I cant even access the routers settings via web browser | 00:29 |
gunndawg_ | so once I put it into Router mode and hit apply, that was it, no connection wireless or ethernet and no getting to the router page | 00:29 |
davevanloo | that indicates a IP problem.., so using a manual IP setting to acces it might be worth a try.. also before hitting apply.. check if it changes other setting when you change out of SOHO | 00:30 |
gunndawg_ | You're not understanding me. I cannot access the router page to see that info when I take it out of SOHO | 00:30 |
gunndawg_ | going to just times out | 00:31 |
davevanloo | yes.. hence you should put whatever client you have to basics.. aka.. disconnect modem from router.. connect PC via cable to modem.. set a static IP to 192.168.1.X and try again.. | 00:31 |
davevanloo | basicly.. you cercomvent as many "maybe wrong" settings from the router and see if you can get a connection to it.., go throught its settings.. changing any wrong ones.. and seeying if you can connect properly.. disconnecting the modem from it would make sure it wont interfere somehow.. | 00:33 |
gunndawg_ | I'll try a direct connection to modem and see if Kubuntu picks it up. I'll have to do that a bit later though | 00:34 |
gunndawg_ | davevanloo: Thanks for all the suggestions :) | 00:34 |
davevanloo | gunndawg_ a direct connection to the modem would be a good thing to try to.., i would think.. it would work.. :) | 00:35 |
davevanloo | gunndawg_ no problem! :) | 00:35 |
davevanloo | allright.. its late.. time to head to bed ;) | 01:36 |
* davevanloo goes afk | 01:36 | |
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jadergabriel | opa, boa noite | 01:52 |
=== Link_ is now known as Fremdulo | ||
gunndawg | If I'm having rubber banding effects when playing Valve games, would it be beneficial to me or worth trying the 346 drivers? | 03:44 |
gunndawg | I'm kind of at a last resort stage | 03:45 |
gunndawg | If I'm having rubber banding effects when playing Valve games, would it be beneficial to me or worth trying the 346 drivers? | 03:57 |
blas_ | hello guys.. i have one problem.. just installed kubuntu 14.04.. but when i boot it doesnt show me boot screen/logo/meno.. just blank screen and after couple seconds just enter in kde desktop.. i installed it on asus kly54 with radeon 6400.. any help please. thanks | 04:01 |
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest50312 | ||
Guest50312 | i'm in the live environment of kubuntu vivid and the installer crashes with efi computers. any suggestions? | 04:41 |
valorie | Guest50312: you might ask in #ubuntu+1 | 04:58 |
valorie | that said, | 04:58 |
valorie | !efi | 04:58 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 04:58 |
Guest50312 | ty valorie. i am aware of what efi is. i have installed using efi | 04:59 |
Guest50312 | i have 14.10 installed | 04:59 |
valorie | ok, that is the basic link | 05:01 |
Guest50312 | yeah, but unless it tells me how to work around or fix the installer crashing at efi........ | 05:02 |
=== kevin is now known as Guest95559 | ||
Guest50312 | by the way valorie, i already have my bios set up to boot "insecurely" | 05:04 |
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
valorie | Guest50312: support for vivid is in #ubuntu+1 | 05:14 |
Guest50312 | ty valorie. by the way; | 05:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1428877 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "partman crashes when trying to make a EFI partition" [High,Triaged] | 05:17 |
valorie | triaged, so it will be fixed soon | 05:18 |
valorie | good | 05:18 |
=== silver is now known as Guest68471 | ||
fcomtois | hey guys, I am experiencing some issues trying to search my samba share using Dolphin | 05:28 |
fcomtois | did anyone experience the same issue ? | 05:29 |
goddard_ | anyone home? | 06:02 |
goddard_ | i need help with a sound problem | 06:02 |
goddard_ | i only dont have sound in my browser | 06:03 |
=== kevin is now known as Guest65774 | ||
dyle | Hi *, I've installed git-flow, which passes me a /usr/lib/git-core/git-flow among others | 09:18 |
dyle | is there any policy or best pratcie to get this into my PATH? | 09:19 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 09:19 |
dyle | should I just ln -s /usr/lib/git-core/git-flow /usr/bin myself? | 09:19 |
lordievader | dyle: Why not add /u/l/git-core to your path? | 09:20 |
dyle | ok | 09:20 |
dyle | just wondered why | 09:21 |
lordievader | Probably best to do that in your ~/.profile. | 09:21 |
lordievader | But ofcourse you are free to do as you like ;) | 09:21 |
dyle | =) | 09:22 |
dyle | merci | 09:22 |
dyle | @lordievader: for the records I switch to $ ( cd /usr/local/bin; ln -s /usr/lib/git-core/git-flow ) | 09:46 |
dyle | since git-flow does a export GITFLOW_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")") | 09:46 |
dyle | this does not pollute my .profile, .bashrc or any and works as charm | 09:46 |
lordievader | dyle: I know, I do that from time to time, but I usually place them in /bin. | 09:47 |
s_20 | did the name of the clipboard change in plasma5? and does whatever it is called now not have a dbus interface? | 10:58 |
eagles0513875A | hey guys I have been looking around and stumbled on ask ubuntu in regards to adding environmental variables and it seems like things have changed | 11:04 |
eagles0513875A | where is the best place to export the path to the directory that has what im wanting to add | 11:05 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:32 |
lordievader | eagles0513875A: What do you want to do exactly? Set a variable? | 12:18 |
eagles0513875A | lordievader: got it sorted | 12:19 |
eagles0513875A | with a simple symlink as its a bug with the software i was trying to run | 12:19 |
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=== juboxi is now known as jubo2 | ||
xennex81 | if you have two running wpa_supplicant processes, you can expect trouble :p | 13:47 |
* genii makes more coffee | 13:47 | |
Saverio | Hello there | 14:41 |
soee_ | hiho | 14:42 |
lordievader | o/ | 14:42 |
Saverio | please, do you know how can I install color management (kolor manager and oyranos) in kubuntu? | 14:42 |
Saverio | to handle icc profiles? | 14:42 |
Saverio | or more in general: do you know a way to load monitor .icc profiles in kubuntu? | 14:43 |
soee_ | !version | 14:44 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 14:44 |
soee_ | Saverio: what Kubuntu version are you running ? | 14:44 |
Saverio | I have kubuntu 14.10, the stable release (no plasma5) | 14:45 |
Saverio | kde 4 | 14:45 |
Saverio | it would be wonderful if the color management could work with plasma 5 also but... let's start with stable things first :) | 14:46 |
Saverio | it's strange that kde developers are not considering the color management... | 14:47 |
Erthe | Color management for what? | 14:48 |
Saverio | (or at least this is what I know) | 14:48 |
lordievader | Saverio: | 14:48 |
Saverio | color management for image editing and printing for example | 14:49 |
Saverio | I suppose that if you have system wide color management profiles in place, you can have a color calibration with monitor, printer, etc. | 14:50 |
Saverio | something similar to gnome color setting | 14:50 |
Saverio | lordievader: I looked at that site ( and if you look in the "Requirements" chapter, it's stated that two packages are required (Oyranos Color Management System and Kolor-Manager) but I can't find them in kubuntu repositories | 14:53 |
Saverio | do you know if for kubuntu there's a re-packaging for those software modules? | 14:54 |
Saverio | or if there exist a PPA with these packages? | 14:55 |
lordievader | I thought I had them from packages. Let me check. | 14:56 |
Saverio | Thanks a lot lordievader :) | 14:57 |
lordievader | Saverio: The oyranos comes from, where the other came from I don't know. Can't really locate the package. | 14:59 |
lordievader | Ah, I probably followed: | 15:00 |
Saverio | ok, its a starting point... | 15:00 |
bloodytearz | hello guys anyone can help me with one matter regarding kubuntu ? | 15:22 |
soee_ | bloodytearz: !ask | 15:26 |
soee_ | !ask | 15:26 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:26 |
lordievader | soee_: If you want to do that you need to pipe. | 15:26 |
lordievader | !helper-snack| soee_ | 15:27 |
soee_ | ;] | 15:27 |
lordievader | !helpersnack | soee_ | 15:28 |
ubottu | soee_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 15:28 |
bloodytearz | ok thanks.. i just installed kubuntu on my laptop.. booting live cd was all ok. i have one problem booting now in installed kubuntu.. no boot logo or grub menu.. just blank screen and then goes into kde desktop | 15:28 |
lordievader | Sounds like modesettings isn't supported. | 15:28 |
lordievader | Try the 'nomodeset' kernel option. | 15:29 |
bloodytearz | that helped.. thank you very much :) | 15:33 |
krise | I need some advice how to set up boot menu so i can boot from usb. I have 2 pictures how my boot menu is set up. How can i show u helpful people those pictures ? | 15:51 |
=== davevanloo-bed is now known as davevanloo | ||
soee_ | krise: set it in bios | 15:53 |
davevanloo | often you either select it in bios.., something like boot-overide.., or you hit F8 during the boot process | 15:53 |
soee_ | put USB or Removeble device (dont know how it is named in your biod) as first booting positin | 15:53 |
=== Sword_Smith_ is now known as Sword_Smith | ||
krise | thats the problem, i dont know which one i have to set first | 15:59 |
krise | there is 9 different names doesnt matter if my usb is inserted or not | 16:00 |
soee_ | well hard ot say for us as we dont know what are the options on the list | 16:02 |
rberg | anybody know if anoise can be controlled vie kde? | 16:06 |
krise | | 16:07 |
krise | please take a look at this | 16:07 |
krise | this is my boot menu | 16:07 |
krise | and this | 16:08 |
krise | | 16:08 |
rberg | ohh yep there a general gui I missed before | 16:08 |
Dragnslcr | krise: it's most likely USB HDD | 16:12 |
petersaints | I can't launch a new app instance with the mouse middle click when using the Icons-only Taskbar on KDE Plasma 5, like I was able to do on KDE Plasma 4. Is there any way to achieve this? | 16:38 |
krise | that was my guess but the problem is that on the start usb wont load. im tryng to run startup disk with kubuntu vivid beta 2 Dragnslcr | 16:39 |
soee_ | petersaints: this might not be supported in ported version, try asking on #plasma | 16:39 |
petersaints | ok thanks. I didn't know about that channel. I asked on #kde but no one answered. | 16:40 |
petersaints | I just upgraded from Utopic to Vivid, and this is the only thing I don't like about Plasma so far. | 16:41 |
soee_ | :) | 16:42 |
petersaints | soee_: Thank god that I just found out that Shift + Left Click launches a new instance | 16:44 |
soee_ | always something :) | 16:44 |
petersaints | I still prefer the middle click but it's better than having to right click and select Start a new instance | 16:44 |
petersaints | And I found that there's at least one bug about this: | 16:46 |
ubottu | KDE bug 340165 in Icons-only Task Manager "start new instance of running application with keyboard shortcut" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed] | 16:46 |
soee_ | well there is also explanation why middle click was removed | 16:47 |
petersaints | Comment 3 says the reason: | 16:47 |
ubottu | KDE bug 340165 in Icons-only Task Manager "start new instance of running application with keyboard shortcut" [Wishlist,Resolved: fixed] | 16:47 |
petersaints | But I don't agree that much about it. Because on browsers (like Chrome and Firefox) if you middle click a link or a bookmark a new tab is launched. | 16:48 |
petersaints | Anyway, I just reported a bug: | 17:12 |
ubottu | KDE bug 346049 in Icons-only Task Manager "Starting a new instance of running application with the mouse middle click" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed] | 17:12 |
darthanubis | I do I restart plasmashell? | 17:31 |
polish | hello | 19:53 |
polish | try to change language for polish in kubuntu but i dont have | 19:53 |
polish | how to i upgrade polish package? | 19:53 |
=== phil is now known as Guest12128 | ||
polish | some help? | 20:03 |
mad_ | кто поможет с проблеммкой? | 20:25 |
lordievader | !ru | mad_ | 20:25 |
ubottu | mad_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 20:25 |
mad_ | thank you | 20:26 |
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=== aaron is now known as Guest26264 | ||
petersaints | I just reported a regression from what I was used to on KDE Plasma 4: | 21:53 |
ubottu | KDE bug 346055 in Task Manager "Dragging applications to the task manager" [Minor,Unconfirmed] | 21:53 |
=== Guest26264 is now known as ahoneybun | ||
=== davevanloo is now known as davevanloo-bed | ||
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Finetundra | Hello everyone, I'm having an odd problem with my video. When I'm playing a game or watching a video my playback will suddenly get choppy and then speed up very quickly and then continue like this till reboot. anyone know a fix for this? | 23:21 |
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