
KenbAnybody out there?04:49
dustwhat is the button or key which brings the keyboard into handicapped mode?13:15
dustfor example all keys are upper case... no its not the shift or the above shift key and also the led dosnt glow which shows the alternate works13:16
dustwhen i clicked in chat client at a channel it didnt select it but deleted it13:17
dustnow after reboot it works as normal again13:17
dustits at lubuntu 14.1013:18
ianorlindust: Are you still having keyboard troubles?20:20
dustthe reboot fixed it20:21
dustbut wasnt the 1st time that it happened20:21
dustand wont be the last time i think20:22
ianorlinargh the problem would be hard to use anything in the command line to fix anything with everything all caps20:24
ianorlinunless you knew how to fix it and did something clever with an alias20:25
dusti was in a game at full screen... and suddenly it happened... i dont remember after which keys and how long i did press em20:26
dustbut at least its not as bad as: http://www.networkworld.com/article/2906983/security0/massachusetts-police-department-pays-500-cryptolocker-ransom.html20:27
ianorlindust might be wise to save anything you are working on before playing that game20:33
dustimho its not the game but a key combination... sometimes it happens20:34
ianorlindust have you tried pressing control alt f1 and switching to tty when this happens and is it all caps in the tty20:34
dustdidnt try20:35
ianorlincould be X thinks all things are all caps and then running sudo service lightdm restart might make you  be able to get back to normal operation without restarting20:35
ianorlinbut you will be logged out of you x session20:35
wxlwhich game is this?20:35
dustbut i had the upper case here in chat programm too... thats the reason i rebooted20:35
dustthis game https://springrts.com/20:36
dustis also in the repo20:36
wxlseems like it's all in C unless you're using optional AIs20:39
wxland it seems like it does a good job of providing lots of linux help20:39
wxli'd be surprised if this didn't work well20:39
wxland also if it didn't, if it couldn't be fixed easily20:39
wxldust: you're using the upstream version/20:39
wxlman i like their wiki layout20:40
dusti use the version which gets downloaded from the lobby20:40
wxldust: you tried in #taspring already?20:40
dustand as lobby i use this http://www.playdeb.net/game/SpringLobby20:40
dustnope didnt... but asked in the internal dev channel and they had no idea why it happens20:41
dustand yes the game runs good at linux... also with the open source amd drivers from 14.1020:42
wxlthey should be able to solve it20:43
wxlfor that matter they should be able to replicate it with your same version20:43
dustthe problem is i dont know at which keys it happened... im busy in game and pressing various keys at various length and suddenly it happened... its seldom so nothing which happens usually... i always try a lot of keys after and once i got it back working... not remembering which key it was...20:45
wxlthat's why you need to do some more testing before seeking help20:45
wxl"i don't know how it happens" is a problem no one can fix20:46
dustthe problem with f11 key and full screen while its ingame also a menu key i solved with super f11... after trying out some stuff20:46
dustwxl if i would know which key to get into the situation or out of it i wouldnt ask here :)20:47
holsteini'll use live iso's, and run the live iso's on other hardware to help reduce variables with the specific hardware..20:47
dusti would just look into the key config and change that key for example or to avoid it or so20:47
wxldust: i have no intention of downloading a whole game engine just to see if i can figure something out that you already have the tools to do so20:48
wxldust: also holstein gives sage advice20:48
wxlof course if you can't replicate it, it's hard to test20:48
holsteinits just an easy way to see whats happening on other hardware, when collecting information and troubleshooting.. relatively easy, at least20:48
wxland if it's hard to test, it's hard to solve20:48
wxland if it's hard to solve, we're not going to be of much assistance20:49
wxlso back to you, dust: figure out how to replicate it20:49
dustwxl, is there something like a handicapped setting in lxde/lubuntu? to me it seems as such20:50
wxldust: just comment out the whole openbox configuration :)20:51
dustwith handicapped setting i mean something like for ppl with only 1 hand that they set a key modifier and that holds they key while they operate with the mouse20:53
holsteinfor disabled users?20:53
holsteinif you implement something like that, it can have an effect20:54
holsteinor, if your hardware implements something like that, in the bios, or system, before the OS20:54
dusti didnt but a lot of os and desktops have such20:54
dustthats the reason i ask here as i didnt find soemthing if and where lubuntu / lxde has such20:56
holsteindust: so, you are running a game? thats not in the repos? does this happen any other time?20:56
holsteinhave you tried running the game on a live iso with another UI?20:57
dustthe game is in the repo20:57
holsteinsure, but, you are not using that version, correct?20:57
dustand i press keys in that way only at that game20:57
holsteinhave you tried/can you replicate that issue in the repo version?20:57
dustit also happens not all the time but sometimes20:58
dustit is the repo version20:58
holstein16:40 < dust> i use the version which gets downloaded from the lobby20:58
holsteinthats why im asking.. regardless, if it were me, i would just be trying as many versions as possible.. and on different iso's and live systems, to track down what is causing what to happen20:59
holsteinyou can also ask in #ubuntu since its not a lubuntu or lxde package, and you may find someone else using the software..21:00
dusti did install the spring version from repo but the lobby is also able to download other game versions21:05
dustand the actual version now is there since half a year so i think its the same version as in the official repo21:06
wxlholstein: he doesn't even know how to replicate it, so…21:31
qpqpqpa friend of mine have a problem with his lubuntu i installed on his system21:44
qpqpqpthe build in updater hangs in an endless mode21:45
wxldefine build in updater and what version21:45
qpqpqpit always report the same amount of updates available. It also reports the same amount of updates after an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && reboot"21:46
wxlwhat version?21:46
qpqpqpand that simply cant be. how can i help him to fix this problem? Its ubuntu 14.10 final21:47
qpqpqpi mean lubuntu 14.1021:47
wxlso what happens with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade??21:47
qpqpqpwxl: everything works perfectly with apt-get21:47
wxlso the issue is with lubuntu software center or hwat?21:47
qpqpqpthe updating tool seems to hang somewhere21:48
qpqpqpi dont know what software reports automaticly on default installation that there are updates. but that is the software i am talking about21:48
wxlso you mean the update tool just stays open forever/21:49
qpqpqpwxl: the update tool repots the same file-size of available updates just atfer having them already updated before some minutes with apt-get update and apt-get upgrade21:50
qpqpqpand this since 2 weeks or more21:50
wxli'm having a little trouble following you21:50
wxlso the update tool finishes without problem?21:50
qpqpqpokay. i explain again21:50
qpqpqpdefault installation of lubuntu 14.10. Used normally and it automaticly repots the updates from time to time and have worked for a while. Before maybe 2 weeks it have report an error the user does not understand and called me. i told him how to use the terminal and he made "apt-get update && apt-get update && reboot". The system got updated fine without any errors.21:53
wxlwhat error?21:53
qpqpqpAfter that he run again "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" and nothing got updated. so the system was updated. and now the strange thing: The updater still reports every day the same amount of downloadable updates every time.21:55
wxlso the updater thinks there are updates to be had?21:55
qpqpqpalso after an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" it reports the same amount of updates available. the whole time.21:56
qpqpqpwxl: yes21:56
wxllet's verify this again:21:56
wxlupdate-manger: some updates21:56
wxlapt-get: no updates21:56
wxlwhich updates?21:57
qpqpqphe cant explain because of low understanding about all of that and i was not at his home since the updates came. i just told him over the telephone to update with command line and that works21:58
qpqpqpi would like to know how to help him when i am next time at his home. with such a problem. i never had something like that.21:59
wxlit's possible that the software updater is looking for proposed updates21:59
wxlsee if apt-get dist-upgrade fixes things22:00
wxlbeyond that we'd want to look at how you have software sources set up22:01
wxlalso, i should be clear, this is not a freeze or a hang22:01
qpqpqpwxl: Does dist-upgrade updates also to an new release when it gets out? for example in this case when 15.04 came out, would an dist-upgrade update an 14.10 to 15.04?22:01
wxldist-upgrade is not for changing mielstone versions22:01
qpqpqpso its not "distribution-upgrade"?22:02
wxlnope, cli milestone upgrades are handled by do-release-upgrade22:02
qpqpqpi have read somewhere in the net that someone had a problem because of failing updates on his system because his boot partition got full22:03
qpqpqphe told lubuntu would keep too many old kernels22:04
qpqpqpif this is the case, how can that get fixed?22:04
qpqpqpso that it does not come again22:04
qpqpqpcan i setup somewhere how many old kernels should be kept?22:04
wxlthat's a problem with installing updates22:05
wxltotally different thing22:05
wxlnote: BE CAREFUL WITH THAT22:05
qpqpqphow many old kernels does lubuntu save before starting to remove the oldest ones?22:06
wxlubuntu saves them all afaik22:07
qpqpqpwhen using just the update-manager22:07
qpqpqpwxl: ?? but at some point the boot partition would get full22:07
qpqpqpan normal user does not know what a boot partition is22:08
KamilionThat's why the standard installer won't create a boot partition.22:09
qpqpqpI read always that lubuntu should be user friendly22:09
Kamilionone ext4 partition is all you need for modern systems.22:09
KamilionSo if you decided to create a boot partition, you get to keep both peices if it breaks. :)22:09
qpqpqpKamilion: ah, so there is no boot partition on a default installation?22:09
KamilionNope, just a single ext4 volume is the normal default.22:10
Kamilionif the user chose LVM, it might create a boot partition, I'm not sure offhand, I don't use or trust LVM222:10
qpqpqpalso no swap partition?22:10
qpqpqpyes, the user have LVM chosen22:10
Kamilionthen there ya go.22:11
KamilionLVM's never been user friendly (for me) nor paticularly stable (for me).22:11
qpqpqpbut its not listed as unstable22:12
KamilionNeither is using an EISA network card; but apparently it broke last year and only one person complained.22:12
qpqpqpso an lvm based installation ALWAYS break after some time because of keeping every kernel and because there exists an tiny boot partition22:13
Kamilionno, not always.22:13
Kamiliononly if the user's totally anal about updating every time they're prompted.22:13
Kamilionand various other tasks try to run 'apt-get autoremove' on occasion22:13
qpqpqpKamilion: yes, he always updates when he gets an report about updates available22:13
Kamilionwhich does tend to purge down to two or three kernels (depends if you've reboot after updating or not)22:14
Kamilionif you're on .20 and .23 is released and installed and .24 is released and installed, and .25 is released and installed, it will pick .23 to remove, but not .20 (if it's still running)22:15
qpqpqpKamilion: Does autoremove been run automaticly every time when update-manager made an update?22:16
Kamilionin some cases, yes.22:16
Kamilionit seems it does on my 14.04 and 14.10 systems in some cases22:16
Kamilionbut i also have the unattended-upgrades package installed22:17
qpqpqpcan it be set somewhere how many kernel versions autoremove should keep?22:17
Kamilionit will keep "the last two, plus the running kernel"22:17
KamilionI do not know where it's source of configuration is.22:17
qpqpqpby default. ok. and how can i set it to keep for example the last one plus the running kernel?22:17
Kamilionwrite a script?22:17
KamilionI dunno, I'm more of a server admin these days than a desktop tweaker22:18
Kamilioni'm also just a user. Just like you.22:18
KamilionI'm not part of canonical or the lubuntu project (at least, not yet)22:19
qpqpqpand what does "some time" mean? can that mean it does not remove 10 old kernels, then it removes every time there are 4 old kernels, then it again dont remove 12 kernels, and so on?22:19
Kamilioni don't know what triggers the behavior. I've only observed it.22:20
Kamilionlooks like it may be part of the unattended-upgrades settings22:21
qpqpqpi have tested the nightly of 15.04. there are two bugs. when it say that i can remove now the installation media and press enter, pressing enter does not do anything22:24
qpqpqpthe secong thing is an X-error i have to click away at every boot. it starts after that LXDE22:24
qpqpqpare those errors known?22:27
wxlqpqpqp: yes, but you can confirm that yourself by searching for them on launchpad22:31
wxlwell the former is22:31
qpqpqpwxl: did you know an solution for this "boot partition when using LVM & killing systems with boot partition by not removing the old kernels"?22:32
wxlqpqpqp: huh?22:32
qpqpqpwxl: does lubuntu remove the old kernels?22:33
qpqpqpor does it keep them for ever?22:33
wxlqpqpqp: there is a rare linux that does22:33
qpqpqpwxl: what did you mean with rare linux that does?22:34
wxlqpqpqp: this is not necessarily "lubuntu" behavior. it's fairly common in the linux world.22:35
wxlqpqpqp: here's some more info for you https://askubuntu.com/questions/563483/why-doesnt-apt-get-autoremove-remove-my-old-kernels22:35
qpqpqpwxl: when /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal is been edit, how can /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels be automaticly generated again? Does that really happen at for example the next reboot?22:41
wxlqpqpqp: if you read the whole thing it will save up to 3 if you make sure to autoremove. not sure about the behavior if you don't.22:42
qpqpqpwxl: does the update-manager run autoremove automaticly?22:43
wxlqpqpqp: it can, but not necessarily22:43
qpqpqpwxl: but when the /boot partition get full, that breaks the updater22:44
wxlqpqpqp: you're worrying about a non-problem22:45
qpqpqpi think thats critical when its not been done automaticly at every update22:45
qpqpqpwhy non-problem?22:45
wxlqpqpqp: have you filled up boot?22:45
qpqpqpi have the hard feeling that is the reason of the broken update-manager22:47
wxlyou're describing two unrelated issues22:47
qpqpqpdoes the size of the /boot partition always have the same size (for example 100mb /boot, everything else of the HDD normal / partition) or is the size of /boot partition been made based on the size of the drive?22:48
wxlthey're two unrelated issues22:49
wxli have never filled up my /boot after years of using ubuntu22:49
wxlso this is really a non-problem22:49
qpqpqpwxl: how big is your boot partition?22:49
Kamilionwhen I partition my own systems, I normally make a 256MB /boot If I'm using something like a raid array or something that grub can't look inside of directly.22:52
Kamilionlooking through the installer's config at the moment to find it's default for LVM22:52
qpqpqpKamilion: yes, that would be perfect to know whats the default and if there is a hard default or the installer just make a big /boot for big drives and small /boot for small droves22:53
Kamilionas far as I know, the lvm partition map uses a static size for /boot22:55
qpqpqpin some seconds we will know that for shure. thanks for looking that up22:57
Kamilionmakes a 256MB partition.23:03
Kamilionenough for about 8 kernel+initrds23:03
Kamilion(at the initrd sizes I get)23:03
Unit193~30M per initrd is average.23:03
Unit193Just don't use grml-rescueboot. :P23:04
Kamilionyeah, that was my estimate23:04
Unit1934.0M Apr  9 17:59 /boot/initrd.img-3.19.3-u193 :D23:05
Kamilionnice, you must not need much during boot.23:06
qpqpqpi have seen 100MB boot partition with an 14.10 installation. It should be always 256MB, right?23:08
qpqpqpKamilion: can you show me a link to the place where i can read that it should be always 256mb?23:09
geniiIt should be large enough to hold how many previous kernels you want to hold onto23:09
Kamilionqpqpqp: depends on which installer option you've chosen. 14.10 AMD64 Desktop ISO?23:09
qpqpqpyes, 14.10 64bit desktop iso23:10
KamilionI just ran through a virtual machine install23:10
Kamilionon virtualbox23:10
Kamilionit made a 256MB /boot when I selected "use LVM"23:10
qpqpqphow big was the HDD you made in virtualbox?23:11
Kamilion8GB, the default.23:12
Kamilionso it's not scaling by device size.23:12
wxlconsidering 8192 % 256 = 0, it may be23:13
Kamilionwell, i can try again with a sparse 250GB image23:13
wxlbut only if a 16 gig gives you 512 :)23:13
wxlor if you're really interested, just go hunt through the ubiquity code and figure it out :/23:13
wxli believe it's not worth my time to fix when it's not broken :)23:14
Kamilioni'll find the exact file it's defined in in a few minutes23:15
Kamilionvbox is busy right now23:15
Kamilionalso, unattended-upgrades will try to remove kernels23:16
qpqpqpwxl: in the recent 15.04 nightly i have to change to command line and run "swapoff" by hand after knowing that the username is "lubuntu" and password is NONE. I dont think that that is a bug and not the normal way23:21
Kamilionargh, so that's what changed23:21
wxlyou think?!23:22
* Kamilion tries the username 'lubuntu' instead of 'ubuntu'23:22
wxlthat's old hat :)23:22
Kamilionuh, last I knew the livecd user was 'ubuntu'.23:22
Unit193lubuntu for Lubuntu isos.23:23
qpqpqpwxl: that is the normal-user way of the installation of lubuntu with lvm and cryptsetup?! really?23:23
Unit193$flavor for $flavor23:23
Kamilionhow odd...23:23
Kamilioni could have sworn it was 'ubuntu' password 'ubuntu' for 14.0423:23
KamilionI must be crazy, lol23:23
Kamilionor ubuntu-builder is broken/crazy23:24
wxlqpqpqp: would you like to learn more about testing and how to report bugs?23:26
qpqpqpwxl: the installation of 15.04 nightly is broken with lvm and cryptsetup.23:26
qpqpqpit does not boot23:26
wxlKamilion: 256 is not speecified anywhere in ubiquity fwiw23:29
qpqpqpalso the buttons in the installation for configuring the installation are missing. For example i just know where to press to set the functionality to on/off. When pressing on an empty space, the circle come (its choosen now).23:29
Kamilionthe outlines are missing, yes.23:29
wxlqpqpqp: i can tell you where to report this and how you can help with testing23:29
Kamilionbugged the hell out of me too.23:29
qpqpqpoutlines is the world for that. thanks Kamilion23:29
qpqpqpwxl: can i just tell you here where the bugs are?23:30
wxlqpqpqp: i wish i had time to be your secretary23:30
qpqpqpwxl: my? i report bugs on "our" software. not on "my" software. So i also make "your" software you use a better ;)23:32
wxlqpqpqp: if you choose not to actually report the bugs in a way that will lead to some sort of solution, chances are no one will hear you screaming :)23:33
qpqpqpyou hear me and you are a dev. just tell if you dont like to know about them. then i would not describe them to you23:34
wxlqpqpqp: i do not have time to write down your issues for you. if you have time to complain about them here, you have time to file bug reports.23:35
KamilionStatus: closed. Reason: Could not reproduce.23:35
wxlthanks for repeating the punchline Kamilion :)23:35
KamilionSome people are too lazy to click.23:36
KamilionBesides, there's no easy way to reference an individual xkcd comic pane.23:36
qpqpqpKamilion: thats why i would like to report here on an active talk. If the dev cant reproduce that, i can test on other computer and find an other way to reproduce the error and so on.23:36
KamilionWish I were a developer.23:39
Kamilionsadly, I'm just a lil' ol lazy scripter23:39
qpqpqpthen when i report the bug and a known dev answers directly to the bug that he also have it on his system, that would be fully clear23:39
qpqpqpKamilion: i mean wxl23:39
wxldon't have to be a developer to write bug reports23:39
wxlqpqpqp: if you want me to get involved with it, you can always write the bug report and subscribe me to it23:39
wxl(although there's better ways of dealing with it that involves the whole team rather than one person)23:40
wxl(which makes a lot more sense)23:40
qpqpqpwxl: after reported some bugs that was every time fully blocking everything here on two systems and those bugs just get closed because of http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/cnr.png , i like to create the bug together with the dev itself23:41
wxlqpqpqp: why did they get closed?23:41
wxlbecause of a pregnancy test failing?23:41
qpqpqpno answer, just closed with "cant reproduce". Should i make an youtube video to prove that the bug was there? :(23:42
Kamilioni asked that same question earlier yesterday! :D23:43
wxlshow me the bug that got closed23:43
Kamilionre: "should I just make a video?"23:43
qpqpqpKamilion: :)23:43
qpqpqpwxl: i stopped using that software. it was not lubuntu.23:45
wxlqpqpqp: doesn't sound relevant then23:45
qpqpqpthat was just a short story why i want to work on the bugs together with the devs and dont report them alone any more23:45
Kamilioni still havn't reported the VM GUI bug yet, because I'm still trying to figure out what circumstances it's reproducable under.23:46
wxlqpqpqp: you're doing what's called local optimization. making something work for you, despite the process that exists23:48
wxlqpqpqp: you're also taking some other situation and trying to necessarily apply it to this situation23:48
qpqpqpwxl: but again about the installation with LVM and cryptsetup. I dont think that changing to an ttyX and turning off swap by hand is what you mean how the installation should look like, right?23:49
Kamilionanyway, I don't think anybody's getting paid to work on lubuntu. AFAIK it's not a canonical-sponsored project, even though they kindly provide launchpad space for it23:49
KamilionI havn't paid much attention to that stuff in a while23:49
wxlqpqpqp: sounds like it should be reported on the iso tracker23:50
KamilionSo for the most part; we're all volunteers, subject to real-world jobs outside of our <3 for lubuntu23:50
qpqpqpwxl: as i remember its also like that on stable 14.10.23:52
qpqpqpits nice to know that a dev now know about that :)23:52
wxlright, Kamilion23:52
wxllike i'm at my regular paying job now23:52
qpqpqpthanks so far. hopefully we get an stable 15.04. Is the release date the same as on ubuntu?23:53
wxlso if you want something to happen, i'd suggest doing something better than just complaining here, qpqpqp23:53
qpqpqpthanks so far. bye23:54
* Kamilion geoips that23:55
KamilionNo wonder. German fellow.23:55
KamilionCultural differences. *nods sagely*23:56

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