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amrlima | hi, is it possible to use qtwebkit to parse a webpage in a scope project? | 01:01 |
bzoltan | zbenjamin: rpadovani: technically it is possible to create qmake for 14.10 chroots, but it requires an upgraded qtbase and that would bring some risks. I would not invest our time on this. The 15.04 will come out soon and it will make the 14.10 Kits obsolate. | 03:55 |
zsombi_ | mhall119: Force the focus on teh component you want in Component.onCompleted of the Page. There's no automated way to do that. | 04:07 |
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bzoltan | rpadovani: I have replied your mail on the ML. I hope it clarifies that your issue is not an SDK problem. | 05:16 |
davidcalle | Good morning o/ | 07:38 |
davidcalle | bzoltan, ping | 07:40 |
bzoltan | davidcalle: yo | 07:40 |
davidcalle | bzoltan, hey, I've discovered yesterday the translations building features of the QtCreator plugin and it's awesome, are there any plans to include desktop files translations to it? | 07:41 |
davidcalle | bzoltan, I'm asking because the app i18n tutorial is coming today or monday and I'm wondering if I add the manual way to do that for desktop files to it or if users can expect something coming soon-ish. | 07:43 |
bzoltan | davidcalle: I would go for the manual .. but let me check around first | 07:44 |
mivoligo | Hi, how can I get rid of usermetrics infographics from the circle after I uninstall an app which displays them? | 08:03 |
dpm | hi mivoligo, I'm not sure. Perhaps you can ask pete-woods when he's online. He tends to be on #ubuntu-unity | 08:04 |
mivoligo | dpm: thanks | 08:05 |
mivoligo | mzanetti: any idea? ;) | 08:05 |
mzanetti | no | 08:06 |
mivoligo | ok | 08:06 |
mzanetti | mivoligo, how do you add it? isn't there something like clear() or so? | 08:06 |
mivoligo | mzanetti: well, someone sent me an email that he uninstalled PopThat Wrap but he still get usermetrics on the circle | 08:08 |
mzanetti | have a link to the documentation for that usermetrics stuff? | 08:08 |
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mivoligo | mzanetti: I did it based on http://nik90.com/adding-infographics-to-ubuntu-phone/ by | 08:10 |
mzanetti | dpm, hey, the usermetrics stuff is not shown in the docs | 08:11 |
popey | mivoligo: known bug, we don't delete user data when apps are removed | 08:11 |
mzanetti | shouldn't this give me something? https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/development/search/?query=UserMetrics | 08:12 |
mivoligo | popey: thanks, can it be done manually somehow? | 08:12 |
dpm | mzanetti, which docs? tutorials or API? If it's tutorials, I don't think we've got any yet. If it's API, it's a bug we need to fix. As per the search, we're planning a new deployment of the API site in the next few days that should give you results both from the API part of the site and the more "textual" part of the site | 08:13 |
popey | no idea | 08:13 |
mivoligo | ok | 08:14 |
mivoligo | mzanetti: here's the source code but you probable got to this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libusermetrics/trunk/files | 08:17 |
mzanetti | dpm, it's completely missing from the docs | 08:17 |
mzanetti | so yes, imo a bug | 08:17 |
dpm | davidcalle, can bug 1428963 be marked as Fix Released? | 08:29 |
ubot5 | bug 1428963 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Links are broken on the article" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428963 | 08:29 |
davidcalle | dpm, the missing doc file (https://bugs.launchpad.net/accounts-qml-module/+bug/1429038) is fixed so when the new api website is live, yes, I assume it will contain the fix | 08:31 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1429038 in accounts-qml-module "manifest-files.qdoc is missing when generating the doc" [Medium,Fix released] | 08:31 |
dpm | mivoligo, mzanetti, reported bug 1442521 | 08:31 |
ubot5 | bug 1442521 in Ubuntu App Developer site "No API documentation for libusermetrics available" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1442521 | 08:31 |
dpm | ok, thanks davidcalle | 08:31 |
mivoligo | dpm: many thanks :) | 08:31 |
mzanetti | dpm. oh... good thing I got distracted and din't yet click "ok" on the report I just wrote :) | 08:32 |
mzanetti | thanks | 08:32 |
dpm | :-) | 08:32 |
mzanetti | dpm, while we're at it... many docs pages don't show return values for methods. drives me nuts at times. probably others too | 08:33 |
mzanetti | lemme get you an example | 08:33 |
mivoligo | popey: do you have a link to the bug you mentioned? | 08:34 |
mzanetti | dpm, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.PageStack/ | 08:34 |
mzanetti | dpm, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Content.ContentPeer/ | 08:35 |
mzanetti | dpm, especially things like the ContentPeer.request() are quite useless without evaluating the return value | 08:35 |
mzanetti | dpm, IMO someone would need to go through each and every page of the whole docs and verify that | 08:36 |
mzanetti | they're missing all over the place | 08:36 |
mzanetti | dpm, this is an example how it should look like: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.OnlineAccounts.AccountService/ | 08:36 |
* dpm looks | 08:38 | |
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dpm | mzanetti, I've got a hunch that that's perhaps a bug in the original source code when defining what will be extracted for the api docs? I'd suggest asking mhall119 when he's online, he'll definitely know more than I do | 08:40 |
mzanetti | dpm, yes, it is the original code | 08:40 |
mzanetti | dpm, what I'm trying to say, apparently we can't just trust that all the devs get it right. we need an instance that evaluates the docs and reports such things back to the devs | 08:41 |
dpm | mzanetti, it might be worth reporting a bug for that. I know we've got an importer script for each type of doc (qdoc in this case). It might make sense to integrate these checks in there. But also to set the expectations: after this next deployment, we're not going to focus on developer site infrastructure for a while | 08:43 |
mzanetti | not sure how to read that | 08:44 |
Jim___ | hello ? how to add content to Notifications panel of status bar pulled down from the top of screen? who can give me a runnable example ? | 09:11 |
Jim___ | the content is to tell user some application's information , or the user can press it to back to some application! | 09:12 |
Jim___ | my requirement is relative to push notification client / server ? | 09:13 |
Jim___ | Which heroes help ah? | 09:15 |
rpadovani | bzoltan, thanks for your reply. Indeed, it's not a SDK problem, but I think that there is a lack of documentation on qmake. I'll wait to update my app until vivid will land in RTM | 09:19 |
Jim___ | qml: GOT ERROR An AppArmor policy prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, 0 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.48922" (uid=32011 pid=22811 comm="/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene $@ M") interface="com.ubuntu.PushNotifications" member="Register" error name="(unset)" destination="com.ubuntu.PushNotifications" (uid=32011 pid=2054 comm="/usr/lib/ubuntu-push-client/ubuntu-push-cli | 09:20 |
Jim___ | please help me ?? | 09:20 |
bzoltan | rpadovani: IMO the qmake should be hidden for the majority of the developers. It just works... | 09:21 |
bzoltan | rpadovani: also, where have you read that on Vivid you need PPA? | 09:22 |
Jim___ | GOT ERROR bad auth | 09:23 |
rpadovani | bzoltan, actually, you said me in Feb, because click package in the ppa was more updated that the one in the repo | 09:24 |
rpadovani | (and indeed it was) | 09:24 |
Jim___ | GOT ERROR bad auth after add push-notification-client | 09:24 |
mivoligo | Jim___: I have no idea about it but maybe you need to add something to apparmor | 09:25 |
bzoltan | rpadovani: ahh.. that was a temporary issue during the integration process as click needed an important fix | 09:26 |
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bzoltan | rpadovani: landing stuff onthe archive takes more time. Developers are disapointed if I tell them to wait for the official release as they are unhappy if I push a quick fix to a PPA :) Is there anything I can do to please everybody? :D | 09:28 |
Jim___ | do you know what added exactly? | 09:30 |
Jim___ | or you can give me an example? | 09:30 |
rpadovani | bzoltan, I think is impossible to make anyone happy :-) But let ee it on my side: I have this little app and I have some issue every time I try to update it. It's annoyiung. Luckly, with the switch to vivid, seems there will not be any other problem, so it's ok :-) | 09:31 |
bzoltan | rpadovani: What I see as important detail is that you understand that using the unstable release as build environment brings certain risks. The 15.04 was and still is a moving target. It was and still is hardly possible to offer a stable tool what provides a stable abstraction of an unstable foundation. | 09:34 |
bzoltan | rpadovani: what makes me sad a bit is that we as the SDK team take the bullets for pretty much all frustration... when in fact we have limited options to prevent such issues. | 09:35 |
mivoligo | Jim___: push-notification-client maybe? But I'm just guessing, never used that myself | 09:37 |
rpadovani | bzoltan, I'm sorry to shoot to you, but I had a thing was working one month ago and doesn't work anymore now. It's a bit frustrating. But I fully understand your position, so I'm happy to hear that things will be better with vivid. I know I'm using unstable tools (I mean, I think all things here are not so stable) but chroots have the special property to make me crazy anytime I try to use them | 09:39 |
rpadovani | bzoltan, anyway, sorry. Now I reply to the mail | 09:40 |
Jim___ | yes, policy error appear before add push-notification-client,but another error about "GOT ERROR bad auth" appear after add push-notification-client! would you help me check it again ? | 09:40 |
Jim___ | I am a beginer! you are my hero! please~~~~ | 09:41 |
bzoltan | rpadovani: thanks mate :) nor worries... Anyway, chroots are indeed pain to deal with. That is the only part of thge SDK I am not fully happy with. In general using chroot is fine as long you know what you are doing and you have the ability to clean up sometimes the mess it leavse and configure to your needs. But to put it as a foundation and build 3 layers (schroot, click, QtC) above it is not a good idea. The reason why it was selected that chroot | 09:43 |
bzoltan | saves us from creating toolchains. In chroot you just use the native toolchain and that is it. With the Qt SDK model, the rootfs is rock solid but you need toolchains :) what are not less pain in fact. So there is no silevr bulett :) | 09:43 |
mivoligo | Jim___: I'm a beginner as you are :) | 09:45 |
rpadovani | bzoltan, I see that. Thanks for your time :-) | 09:46 |
Jim___ | ~~~~I can not search helper, would you search somebody?^_^ | 09:46 |
mivoligo | Jim___: I know Stuart Langridge did push notification stuff for his app "caxton". But he does not seam to be here atm. You can try asking on https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/111350780270925540549 | 09:51 |
Jim___ | ok ,thanks very much! | 09:55 |
dpm | Jim___, that should probably help you: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/platform/guides/push-notifications-client-guide/ | 10:00 |
Jim___ | thank dpm but I have read it | 10:03 |
Jim___ | Registration: the appId and token properties To register with the push system and start receiving notifications, set the appId property to your application's APP_ID, with or without version number. For this to succeed the user must have an Ubuntu One account configured in the device. | 10:25 |
Jim___ | to implement push notification client, I need register Ubuntu One account? | 10:26 |
mivoligo | dpm: when I got my simple app translated in Launchpad, how can I add those translations to my app? | 10:34 |
dpm | mivoligo, this should give some guidance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LpProjectConfiguration - in summary, I recommend setting up automatic exports | 10:42 |
dpm | that'll get the .po files into your source code | 10:42 |
dpm | then it's a matter of building binary .mo files from them and shipping them in the click package | 10:42 |
dpm | the question is a bit broad, so if you tell me which step is not clear, I can expand on it | 10:43 |
dholbach | hey jdstrand, how about the click-reviewers-tools upload? :) | 10:45 |
vitimiti | I want to have a big column of options that can be scrolled so that all of the options are accessible. Should I use a ListView or a Flickable? | 10:52 |
mivoligo | dpm: thanks, I'll catch you later then, my kids want to play Minecrat now :D | 10:55 |
dpm | have fun! :-) | 11:06 |
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jdstrand | dholbach: I won't be ready until next week. if you want to do one now, go ahead | 12:09 |
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dholbach | jdstrand, ok, thanks! | 12:15 |
dholbach | jdstrand, I just felt like we had a good bunch of fixes piled up and it might be good to get it into the archive and backport it before the release etc | 12:15 |
mivoligo | dpm: ok, so I have some translations in Launchpad already: https://translations.launchpad.net/pop-that-wrap Now I want to add them to the app | 12:23 |
chihchun | yo, anyone tried to run Android controller with ubuntu emulator? (for multi touch emulation) | 12:24 |
chihchun | I found the screen is mirrored, | 12:25 |
jdstrand | dholbach: hold off on the upload a moment | 12:25 |
chihchun | looking into details, wonder if anyone see or fix that before | 12:25 |
* chihchun <- Rex | 12:25 | |
jdstrand | dholbach: only the debian/changelog was updated in the mvo merge | 12:25 |
jdstrand | dholbach: also, I'm not comfortable with the open() | 12:26 |
dholbach | jdstrand, ugh, I'm sorry - you're right | 12:30 |
dholbach | jdstrand, what would you rather do instead of open()? just print out the filename? | 12:30 |
jdstrand | yes please | 12:32 |
dholbach | ok, wfm! | 12:33 |
dholbach | thanks | 12:35 |
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sverzegnassi | popey: hey! do we have a list of manual tests for docviewer? | 14:46 |
popey | sverzegnassi: we do not! We should. | 14:54 |
sverzegnassi | popey: huh, ok! I hoped to be able to steal a bit of inspiration for writing some QML test... :D | 14:57 |
sverzegnassi | I'll try to write a list of what it's not covered by automatic tests during the weekend then | 14:57 |
popey | ok. | 14:58 |
popey | sverzegnassi: maybe just put manual tests in a plan text file in trunk? | 14:58 |
sverzegnassi | popey: +1 | 14:59 |
popey | sverzegnassi: happy to help write some. | 14:59 |
sverzegnassi | great! ATM the whole documentPage and content hub stuff have no autopilot test. same thing for command-line parser... | 15:02 |
sverzegnassi | i should start giving autopilot some hugs and write some test :P | 15:02 |
balloons | sverzegnassi, file some bugs and tag them .. that way others can understand what you need and pitch in :-) | 15:05 |
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sverzegnassi | balloons: already did! :) need to check if i forgot to file some. | 15:07 |
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mzanetti | anyone knows what happened to nik90's flashback app? | 16:26 |
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newsages | hi. hola | 18:43 |
newsages | I can make this? "QFile saveFile(QStringLiteral("settings.json")); ".. or need Path for phablet user? | 18:44 |
foo-script | evening :) | 19:11 |
foo-script | Guys, QtCreator is complaining about missing chroot when I try to ssh to my phone. What are the missing packages? Cross compilatorion tools for armf? | 19:12 |
ahoneybun | damn does BQ know how to sell a phone | 19:31 |
mhall119 | zsombi_: I want a keypress anywhere on the page to be caught, not just on certain components | 19:36 |
foo-script | Guys, I've tried to connect by OpenSSH to my phone, but instead of bash/tsh prompt I see "Cannot find the shell" | 20:40 |
foo-script | any ideas? | 20:41 |
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