
sil2100ToyKeeper: the image is now building, the imgbot should pick it up soon00:00
sil2100pmcgowan: ^ new promotion candidate is building00:00
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 269 building (started: 20150410-00:05) ===00:05
sil2100ToyKeeper: so, once #269 finishes building, do you know if jibel wanted to have sanity tests ran on it? I suppose so, right?00:10
sil2100ToyKeeper: so sanity + oxide testing would need to be done00:10
sil2100...and the custom tarball bits as well00:10
ToyKeepersil2100: Yes, that's the plan.  :)00:11
ToyKeeperSanity, two bug fixes, anything else related to the changes.00:11
sil2100Thanks for picking this up :)00:12
sil2100Time for me to finally go to sleep00:12
loolrobru: I've merged and uploaded00:21
robrulool: k, just click build on the silo then. And do whatever testing is appropriate00:22
loolrobru: it's waiting for approval in queue now; I guess you can kill the silo00:22
loolrobru: sorry, I've uploaded to *distro*00:22
loolnot to silo00:22
robrulool: oh, even better, thanks ;-)00:23
robruelopio: no qa for autopilot?00:24
veebersrobru: elopio: we did the qa with a couple of gatekeeper job runs00:27
robruveebers: oh, is not marked as approved by qa00:27
robruveebers: I'll publish if you say it's good though00:28
veebersrobru: please (both elopio and myself are QA and we approve ^_^)00:28
robruveebers: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry i forgot elopio /is/ qa ;-)00:28
robruWow, four free silos, anybody want one?00:32
veebersrobru: nw00:40
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 269 DONE (finished: 20150410-01:40) ===01:40
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/269.changes ===01:40
ToyKeeperWoot, there it is.  :)02:03
imgbot=== IMAGE 167 building (started: 20150410-02:10) ===02:10
imgbot=== IMAGE 167 DONE (finished: 20150410-03:45) ===03:45
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/167.changes ===03:45
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Mirvkgunn: only now05:13
MirvTrevinho: there seems to be a new superseding MP now so probably no need for an action from me. note that I just reflected the fact that the landing was stated to be canceled in the landing spreadsheet, so you'd probably need to ping ted_g again to land it05:17
dbarthgood morning07:22
dbarthtrainguards, i'm looking for help respinning an amd64 build associated with silo 2807:23
dbarththere were temp build issues still yesterday, and that's all it takes to finish get this silo ready (all other arches packaged fine in the end)07:24
Mirvdbarth: do you mean ppc64el?07:25
Mirvthat's all I can see having failed https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-028/+packages07:26
MirvI kicked a rebuild of that if that failing test is flaky07:26
dbarthMirv: ah yes, now that's ppc6407:28
Mirvdbarth_: hey, you shouldn't have kicked a new build, now there's again a flaky build. please just let's retry in the PPA until they build, and at that point run watch_only instead of rebuilding the others... ppc64el _was_ ok :)08:07
popeyjibel: could you please move this card back to 'needs qa sign off'? https://trello.com/c/DUeVwfPn/1321-ubuntu-rtm-reminders-app-popey08:14
oSoMoNtrainguards: good morning! can I have a silo for line 57, please?08:14
jibelpopey, new card added08:21
popeymagic, thanks08:21
MirvoSoMoN: there you go, Mr. Bond.08:22
dbarth_Mirv: i didn't restart a build; i precisely asked to have it rebuilt at the ppa level; that's why i was confused to see amd64 vs ppc64 now failing08:25
dbarth_fingers crossed08:25
oSoMoNMirv, thanks :)08:26
Mirvdbarth_: the "rebuild" means "rebuild all archs", while what I was doing is "rebuild 1 arch". so since you rebuilt all archs with a new upload, now it happened that ppc64el succeeded and amd64 failed. what I mean that I manually restart single arch builds until it works and then we'd run watch_only build.08:26
Mirvdbarth_: for a moment though the ppc64el had succeeded before you restarted all archs and then amd64 failed08:26
MirvI'm kicking now a fourth amd64 rebuild08:27
Mirvit has failed a couple of times already08:27
Mirvdbarth_: oh, now you reuploaded one more :)08:34
Mirvbut the amd64 was still failing so it doesn't matter08:34
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Mirvdbarth_: now it failed on 3 archs instead of 1 :( please just don't press any buttons so I can try to rebuild them and run the build job with watch_only for you when it's ready08:49
jibeldavmor2, I confirm that after upgrading to 269 the hint screen is displayed on the today scope, can you confirm it?08:49
Mirvchrisccoulson: re: Oxide - there are different options for rtm and one will be selecter later doay. can you think if anything would need a pre-build in anticipation that it'd be selected? I mean, to save 5h+ build time when the decision is actually made.08:50
Mirvhmm, lots of typos. s/selecter/selected/, /doay/today/08:50
dbarth_Mirv: i'm playing hands off now08:52
dbarth_Mirv: but seriously there's something odd, cause i was not pushing buttons there; a ghost, or a script going crazy?08:53
Mirvdbarth_: oh! it's mardy!08:56
Mirvmardy: stop doing that! :D08:56
Mirvdbarth_: I just assumed it was you :)08:56
Mirva ghost called mardy08:56
mardyMirv: ah, sorry!08:56
mardyMirv: OK, I won't touch any buttons :-)08:57
Mirvthat's fun, all the miscommunication because of a wrong assumption :)08:57
dbarth_mardy: hey i told you i was on it ;)08:58
dbarth_Mirv: while we're at it, silo 23 landed but the branches are not merged yet09:00
dbarth_jibel: hi; i have silo 17 marked for a qa handoff, but it doesn't show up on the signoff dashboard09:02
dbarth_jibel: is that manual? can i do something to accellerate?09:03
Mirvdbarth_: ok there's a autopkgtest problem, I try kicking it09:07
Mirvdbarth_: that is, it's still in proposed pocket09:08
jibeldbarth_, more coffee maybe, created an hour ago https://trello.com/c/6g6zflrH/1365-ubuntu-landing-017-ubuntu-html5-theme-webbrowser-app-dbarth-alex-abreu09:11
sil2100jibel: how's 269 going?09:21
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Mirvdbarth_: mardy ^ done09:24
mardyMirv: \o/ thanks! :-)09:25
davmor2sil2100: it broke hard09:27
sil2100davmor2: really?09:31
sil2100davmor2: what's broken? We need a respin?09:32
sil2100oxide is busted? Do we have anyone working on it? This will delay everything I suppose, 1.6 was our only option - besides reverting to 1.209:32
ogra_sil2100, oxide isnt usable09:32
ogra_non mobile websites make it crash hard if you zoom09:33
davmor2sil2100: browser is fully zoomed in on desktop sites and you can't zoom out, also jibel hit an issue with upgrade that I'm failing to confirm currently09:33
davmor2ogra_: you can't zoom09:33
ogra_thats what i said09:33
sil2100jibel, ogra_, davmor2: should we try an oxide revert to 1.2 then? Or is chrisccoulson looking into fixing this?09:34
ogra_sil2100, not sure ...09:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1442458 in Oxide 1.6 "browser can't zoom out to show full page in rtm krillin 269" [High,Triaged]09:35
ogra_(i'm nozt sure chrisccoulson has been contacted yet)09:35
davmor2sil2100: currently we figure it is not a decision for us to make09:35
rvrogra_: He commented09:35
ogra_yup, i see that09:35
rvron that bug some minutes ago09:35
ogra_didnt know about that bug :)09:35
sil2100chrisccoulson: hey, is there anything we can do to get this working then?09:37
ogra_wait for 1.7 ?09:38
sil2100To make any serious decisions like these we would need pmcgowan around09:39
chrisccoulsonI'm working on it, but I need to wait for my local arm tree to build09:43
sil2100chrisccoulson: thanks, keep us updated :)09:48
* sil2100 continues his errands09:48
jibelsil2100, it means that 1.6 has not been well tested and is not ready for release even if this bug is fixed there are probably  others. I wouldn't land it in vivid in this state and certainly not in RTM. That's a discussion we must have with pmcgowan09:54
pmcgowanchrisccoulson, do we have a way to patch 1.5.5?11:19
pmcgowansil2100, morning11:20
ogra_http://i.imgur.com/xq472i3.png i wonder if can make it survive 8 days :)11:26
Mirvdbarth_: you probably noticed but 023 finalized migration ie. that rekicked autopkgtest worked11:27
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dbarth_Mirv: ah, splendid!11:46
dbarth_Mirv: if we had a test branch to that difficult silo from this morning, the reconfig won't invalidate the signon package, will it?11:47
dbarth_the additional branch has tests that can help validate the rest of the silo in particular11:47
Mirvdbarth_: yes, reconfig is fine, just always write the package name to the packages field when running build11:57
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dbarth_Mirv: ok; ready for a reconfig of silo 28 with that additional branch12:15
dbarth_Mirv: i'll just rebuild that extra one12:15
Mirvdbarth_: reconfig done, so run build for uoa-integration-tests12:17
Kaleobrendand, hey sir, does https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/1411782 still occur for you?12:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1411782 in camera-app (Ubuntu) "Camera app crashes if unfocused while loading" [High,New]12:18
brendandKaleo, haven't tried in a long time12:23
brendandKaleo, i'll check in a minute12:23
Kaleobrendand, thanks12:23
rvrpopey: reminders-app displays fine the one-line note12:27
popeythanks rvr12:27
popeyis that a +1 for upload?12:27
rvrpopey: Can you update the translation?12:27
popeyi can12:27
popeyr407 will have es, fa, nl and sl updates12:28
popeydo you want to test that?12:28
popeyto confirm?12:28
rvrpopey: Yeah12:28
popeyok, one mo12:28
popeyrvr: http://people.canonical.com/~alan/reminders/com.ubuntu.reminders_0.5.407_armhf.click12:29
rvrThat was quick!12:29
brendandKaleo, i guess it's gone now12:49
Kaleobrendand, wonderful :) I think a fix of mine did the trick12:50
sil2100pmcgowan, jibel: I guess besides distro-patching 1.5 with the fix we only have the option of reverting back to 1.212:50
pmcgowanmterry, has a branch we can use12:51
pmcgowansil2100, ^^12:51
pmcgowanwe need chrisccoulson I think to bless and build?12:51
sil2100A branch for oxide?12:51
mterrysil2100, yes12:51
sil2100mterry: is it a branch for 1.5.5? Or fo 1.6.2?12:52
mterrysil2100, but these oxide branches don't have debian/ in them?12:52
mterrysil2100, for lp:oxide/1.512:52
mterry https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/oxide/mirserver-1.5/+merge/25581912:52
sil2100Damn, we'll have to mangle the version then12:53
sil2100Yesterday's decisions were very risky and troublesome if things go wrong12:54
sil2100And they went wrong12:54
sil2100So now we'll have to release a 1.6.5.is.1.5.5 version or similar for ubuntu-rtm ;/12:54
sil2100chrisccoulson: ^12:54
loolsil2100: heya, is there a way to request a rebuild of a branch (no new merge proposal) into vivid?12:56
loolor should I create a dumb empty one?12:57
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sil2100lool: the best way is to do an empty merge13:00
loolsil2100: ok thanks13:01
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loolsil2100: oh actually sorry, I see I can do a sync; I somehow thought the rtm version was smaller but it' shigher13:03
rvrpopey: http://people.canonical.com/~vrruiz/reminders-app-evernote.png13:06
rvrpopey: I see nothing to translate in Launchpad13:07
popeymzanetti: ^13:07
popeyrvr: can you file a bug pls?13:08
rvrpopey: Yup13:08
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
rvrpopey: mzanetti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/144261413:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1442614 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Evernote sync startup dialog not fully localized" [Undecided,New]13:12
popeythanks rvr13:12
mzanettithanks rvr13:12
rvrmzanetti vs mzanetti!13:12
popeyNOBODY WINS!13:12
rvrmzanetti: Hurry up, you must destroy the bugs before they enter the distro!13:13
mzanettirvr, good thing reminders doesn't enter the distro, just the app store :D13:14
mzanettiand then the bugs are at least confined13:14
rvrmzanetti: Just kidding13:15
rvrmzanetti: I loved Machines vs Machines :)13:15
mzanettinice to hear :)13:15
rvrAre you planning any other game?13:16
mzanettirvr, definitely not one that requires sooo much efforts13:16
mzanettitook me almost a year to get m-vs-m done13:16
mzanettiand I didn't paint any graphics... mivoligo's time needs to be added on top13:17
davmor2rvr: read mzanetti guide to adding more levels :)13:17
sil2100Machines vs Machines was the game that made my girlfriend like Ubuntu Touch13:17
cwayne_sil2100, mine was dropping letters :)13:17
davmor2mzanetti: that's it, it's GirlFriend Friendly you can't leave it there ;)13:18
mzanettitoo bad dropping letters only works in english13:18
davmor2sil2100: see if she likes uu then you really can pick on mzanetti to make more ;)13:19
kenvandinemzanetti, hopefully you could create something cool more easily now if you used bacon2d, instead of rolling your own :)13:20
kenvandinei'd love to see another game from mzanetti!13:20
mzanettiwe'll see... I did have a play with bacon2d but I found it somewhat limiting. it works great for some simple things, but if you need something that's not supporte ootb, it gets a pain to get it done13:21
kenvandinemzanetti, yeah, depends on what you're looking for13:22
mzanettimaybe I just used it wrong13:22
kenvandinewe need some more behaviors for sure13:22
kenvandinei'd love to hear what you were trying to do13:22
kenvandinethat'd be better for #bacon2d though :)13:22
chrisccoulsonpmcgowan, mterry, sil2100, the change in https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/oxide/mirserver-1.5/+merge/255819 is not right for 1.513:24
mterrychrisccoulson, yeah I remember you saying there was a complication, but I couldn't find it in an email13:24
chrisccoulsonthe right fix for 1.5 (as is in 1.6) is to disable GPU access entirely when the platform is mirserver13:24
mterrychrisccoulson, is that hard/13:25
pmcgowanwhich is  the same as what we had in 1.2?13:25
chrisccoulsonpmcgowan, I don't understand why people keep mentioning 1.2. 1.2 is ancient, and has the same issue as 1.5 (unrecognized platforms result in us turning on the osmesa backend in Chromium)13:26
chrisccoulsonThis hasn't changed13:26
chrisccoulsonI'm pretty sure the browser won't even run with 1.2 anymore13:27
pmcgowanchrisccoulson, I was assuming that this crash did not occur and we could see the terms page from the wizard13:27
pmcgowanto be clear we dont want 1.2, just trying to understand when the issue appeared and safest fix13:28
mterrychrisccoulson, yeah I am also confused on when this bug appeared.  terms & conditions used to work13:32
mterrybut that's not super relevant rightnow13:32
mterrychrisccoulson, is it difficult to disable GPU access entirely in mirserver mode?13:32
chrisccoulsonmterry, this is the one that fixes it, although it wasn't the original intention of the change http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/1.6/revision/94413:34
pmcgowanchrisccoulson, mterry we need to decide if putting those changes into 1.5.5 is a better plan than fixing and testing 1.613:37
chrisccoulsonwell, 1.6 is fixed already ;)13:37
mterrychrisccoulson, did you see that there were some regressions found in 1.6?  Do you know how easy those might be to fix / how risky the 1.6 landing is?13:37
chrisccoulsonmterry, I've only been made aware of 1 regression, which I've fixed already13:38
sil2100chrisccoulson: how well tested is 1.6 then?13:39
sil2100Since we already have it in rtm and it might be easiest to just get the fixes in and roll with it, but we need to be sure that it has no risk involved13:40
sil2100Because 14.09 is essentially what the phone users get13:40
* sil2100 thought that releases like these are well tested anyway13:40
dbarth_hmm, apparently, there is another build issue getting the source tarball in that famous silo 2813:42
chrisccoulsonsil2100, well, I mostly test what I work on in trunk (which is currently 1.7). But this was trunk until 11th March, and has only had changes that fix high severity issues since (basically http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/1.6/revision/1017, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/1.6/revision/1021, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/1.6/revision/1022, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxid13:44
chrisccoulsone-developers/oxide/1.6/revision/1024, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/1.6/revision/1025)13:44
pmcgowanchrisccoulson, do you have a new build with your fix coming then?13:46
chrisccoulsonpmcgowan, yeah. It takes a little while to create the tarball though :)13:46
chrisccoulsonI've stopped everything else so my machine can go as quick as it can13:46
sil2100chrisccoulson: thanks!13:47
sil2100Greatly appreciated13:47
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* sil2100 off again14:08
mardyMirv: gpg error again: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-028-1-build/55/console14:17
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tedtrainguards, could I get silos for lines 63 and 64 please?15:35
Mirvted: all full, but I just published one so robert should be able to assign you at least one later16:15
kenvandinesil2100, i need up upload a fix for syncevolution for silo 30, which is just a dput16:16
kenvandinethe previous upload never got published16:16
kenvandineso i don't want to bump the revision, since it never made it to vivid16:17
kenvandinesil2100, i tried just deleting the current package from the PPA, but of course it still rejects it because it knows that version was uploaded to it before16:17
kenvandinesil2100, if i delete the silo and create a new one, would it let me upload the same  version with different contents?16:18
Mirvkenvandine: the only possibility is to trick by assigning another silo and uploading there, then cleaning the old one. robru should be able to help with that too when 006 is available and then ted would get 03016:20
cyphermoxpsivaa_: can you please check why it seems the installer / vm isn't ever starting lately for the Smoke Testing vivid-desktop-amd64-smoke-default job?16:21
Mirvthe same silo can't be reused no matter what16:21
robrukenvandine: in theory, yeah, except there are no free silos, so if you free and reassign you'll just get the same ppa back again16:21
kenvandineoh... no free silos :/16:21
kenvandinerobru, can i get dibs on silo 6 then?  since i'll be giving up silo 30?16:22
robrukenvandine: I blame SRUs, of which there are 4, and two of them have just been sitting for a month16:22
robrukenvandine: sure16:22
kenvandinerobru, it's line 40 on the spreadsheet, syncevolution16:23
psivaa_cyphermox: I'm about to finish in a few minutes, would you mind cihelp for this please?16:23
kenvandinerobru, will you assign that when it's available?16:23
robrukenvandine: sure16:23
kenvandinerobru, thx!16:23
kenvandinerenatu, ^^16:23
robrukenvandine: you're welcome. should I free 30 then?16:23
cyphermoxcihelp: could someone please check why it seems the installer / vm isn't ever starting lately for the Smoke Testing vivid-desktop-amd64-smoke-default job?16:24
kenvandinerenatu, i'll upload that once robru does his thing :)16:24
kenvandinerobru, you can16:24
kenvandineas long as we'll get 6 :)16:24
* Mirv sees robru, goes back to living room mode16:25
robruted: one silo freed up, do you have a preference for which landing you want to do first?16:25
robruMirv: morning ;-)16:25
renatukenvandine, thanks16:25
Mirvrobru: morning!16:25
bregmatrainguards, could I get a reconfigure for line 54 (silo ubuntu/landing-014) please?16:36
robrubregma: on it16:37
robruMirv: can I free 18? we're really tight16:39
robrudbarth: alex_abreu: what's the deal with webbrowser-app in silos 3 and 22? they're dirty and then you have another one in 17 that's awaiting qa. can you combine those? or can I just free 3 and 22 for now since other people are waiting for silos?16:40
alex_abreurobru, I'll rebuild silo 3 (it is a testing silo pending review), same for silo 2216:41
alex_abreurobru, we cannot combine them16:42
robrualex_abreu: you read my mind,ok ;-)16:42
robrustupid 29 free rtm silos. useless!16:43
robruboiko: poke about messaging-app in silo 29. are you using that? can I free it? we've run out16:44
tedrobru, The UAL one. The other is more to tide us over until W opens.16:51
robruted: heh, ok. with the crazy silo crunch we have right now I don't think I can justify assigning any silos for W. you got UAL in silo 30 for now16:56
tedrobru, Hmm, okay. Is there a way to add silos? In general, we just need a place to collaborate.16:57
boikorobru: sorry, I was out for lunch, so, I am finishing testing it16:57
* ogra_ always thought we couldnt use a new distro in LP until it has the actual name set up 16:58
boikorobru: you can free silo 21 though, we can get it later to continue testing, that's fine16:58
ogra_did that change ?16:58
robruogra_: no I think these W silos are just building in vivid for early testing before rebuilding for W later16:59
robruboiko: thanks16:59
tedYeah, that was the goal. It's a feature, so it isn't for vivid.17:00
robrukenvandine: ok you got silo 21 for syncevolution17:00
kenvandinerobru, thx!17:03
robrukenvandine: you're welcome17:03
boikorobru: I assume om26er is finishing his tests on silo 009 too, so that one is likely to be available if he is happy about it17:03
robruboiko: great17:03
kenvandinebfiller, renatu: i uploaded syncevolution to silo 21 and kicked off a watch only build job17:04
psivaa_cyphermox: just had a brief look at the installation, there seems to be an issue during the installation. Stuck at 'Reticulating splines' stage. I do not have more logs/ information on this. sorry17:05
psivaa_i really need to go now17:05
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=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
robrubregma: ping17:06
robrubregma: hey, regarding your two trusty SRUs, I see they're both in proposed. is it ok with you if I free those silos? the packages won't be lost from trusty-proposed, it just means you'll have to manually merge your trusty branches later when the SRUs complete. it's just that we're super-crunched for silos right now and these are the two oldest ones.17:08
bregmais the list of MPs saved in the spreadsheet sdomewhere so I can consult it for manual merge?17:09
robrubregma: yeah, but even better, the train has pre-merged them for you (also with the debian changelog entry you need) so it's really just one branch you need to push at the end. I can email you the branch locations17:10
bregmamo better even17:10
robrubregma: sweet, thanks17:10
bregmaOK, I'm hip wid that17:10
josephtcyphermox: I'm in a meeting now, but I'll look into it.17:11
robrubregma: ok, email sent! freeing silos! thanks again ;-)17:12
robruralsina: lool: are either of you actually around to use a silo if I give you one?17:14
ralsinarobru: yes17:14
robruralsina: sweet, one sec17:14
robruralsina: alright you got silo 217:15
ralsinaawesome, thx17:15
robruyou're welcome17:16
bfillerkenvandine: thanks17:20
robrujgdx: what's the deal with those two spreadsheet rows you have? do you need a silo?17:21
jgdxrobru, yea17:25
robrujgdx: why are there two rows? can you combine them into one?17:26
jgdxrobru, one sec17:27
jgdxkenvandine, what do you think about combining rows 32, 31?17:27
jgdxseb128, you still around?17:27
robrujgdx: thanks. partly we're short on silos so it's hard to justify assigning two silos, partly it's difficult to coordinate two conflicting silos for the same package like that17:27
jgdxrobru, rog17:28
* kenvandine looks17:28
kenvandinejgdx, that's fine17:28
jgdxrobru, updated, one silo.17:31
robrujgdx: thanks17:31
jgdxthank you17:31
robrujgdx: ok, you got silo 6. you're welcome!17:32
jgdxrobru, thank you sir17:32
seb128jgdx, not really no, why?17:33
robrujgdx: you're welcome17:33
jgdxseb128, wondering if you're okay with me squeezing battery refresh and bluetooth null device branches into a silo with other uss fixes17:33
jgdxbut let's try it17:33
kenvandineserious silo shortage17:34
seb128jgdx, yeah, sure17:45
sil2100pmcgowan, chrisccoulson, jibel: what's the current status?17:45
sil2100I just got back, had a really tiring ride home17:45
robrujgdx: you have to click build on silo 6 ;-)17:47
jibelsil2100, 3 online account tests left on the regression test plan of 269, test plans of webbrowser and webcontainer fully passed with oxide 1.6 excepted the known 'zoom out' issue, test plan of webapps in progress, url with intent doesn't work with google maps, alex_abreu is trying to reproduce apparently. You can track the progress on the qa board18:01
jibelsil2100, now waiting for 270 to re-run the sanity testsuite18:02
jibelsil2100, 270 = 269 + zoom fix18:02
alex_abreujibel, yes it does work (gmaps), the thing is that the test case is not valid anymore, gmaps has changed the content of the served website (there are no more intent:// url)18:02
alex_abreujibel, welcome to webapps :)18:02
jibelalex_abreu, nice, thanks.18:03
jibelsil2100, ^ everything appears copacetic18:04
sil2100Is the new oxide with the zoom fix still building?18:06
jibelchrisccoulson, ^18:06
sil2100Ok, I see armhf still building18:06
sil2100Might take another 2-3 hours18:07
sil2100jibel: anyway, good work! I guess we should be indeed good once this one lands :)18:07
jibelstarted 3h ago + 2h to build an image, it'll be 1:00AM my time18:11
popeycihelp: can someone validate something in jenkins please? I uploaded calculator reboot to the store, and have a horrid feeling it will break the automated testing dashboard because it's not /trunk.18:21
cyphermoxpsivaa-afk: josepht: ubiquity itself has no splines that require reticulation, that must be something introduced by utah.18:22
jgdxrobru, done! (silo 6 is building)18:22
robrucyphermox: stop playing SimCity200018:23
robrujgdx: thanks18:23
cyphermoxrobru: tell that to whomever bzr blames for that template.18:23
robrucyphermox: lol18:24
cyphermoxit's the message it shows for success_command; so I'm guessing some late installation scripts for utah are borked.18:24
=== ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen
josephtpopey: it will pull the tests in the click manifest18:41
Mirvrobru: hey. yes we don't need to test 018 more at the moment so feel free to clean it. the unity8 hang one. also, I could fix the version bloat in another silo.18:42
Mirvalso, good night.18:43
robruMirv: night, thanks18:43
cwaynedavmor2, yo18:59
* davmor2 logs off quickly in the hope that nobody thinks he is about still18:59
davmor2cwayne: what's up bud19:00
cwaynedavmor2, just curious if there was an update on what's goin on with oxide and the ota3 image19:01
davmor2cwayne: still building as far as I know.  I think it will be monday now19:02
cwaynedavmor2, ack.  i'm gonna prepare a custom tar with the caught up clicks from the store just in case you guys want it19:05
cwaynesound alright?19:05
davmor2cwayne: cool19:06
cwaynedavmor2, cool beans, I'll send ya out an email when it's ready19:08
cwaynei'll be off monday but lets be honest I'll be around to push if decided :)19:08
davmor2cwayne: you are always around ;)  Always!!!!! :D19:09
davmor2cwayne: is it a case of pinging on telegram monday?19:12
cwaynedavmor2, probably yeah19:13
chrisccoulsonsil2100, sorry, I went for dinner19:31
chrisccoulsonwere any other issues found with the initial build?19:31
ralsinarobru: looks like row 50 in the spreadsheet is very optimistic: it said "can publish" when I went to mark it as tested :-)20:07
robruralsina: yeah so for some reason it's not marked as requiring qa20:11
ralsinarobru: np, I'll just leave it there for QA to pickup, have a nice weekend!20:15
pmcgowansil2100, chrisccoulson  oxide is done21:15
robrucihelp http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/BootTest/job/vivid-boottest-messaging-app/6/ this looks transient, can somebody retry it for me? I don't have permission, thanks21:42
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
fgintherpopey, I took a closer look at the calculator/reboot problem you mentioned. If you can upload a new click from http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/calculator-app-reboot-click/109/, I think it should just work21:45
fgintherpopey, the branch name wasn't getting set via the cmake variables, it is now.21:46
popeyfginther: r156?21:46
josephtrobru: done21:47
robrujosepht: thanks!21:47
josephtrobru: np21:47
fgintherpopey, yes, com.ubuntu.calculator_2.0.156_all.click built by build #109 has the proper branch name21:47
fgintherpopey, that was the latest revno21:47
pmcgowanrobru, do you know if sil2100 was going to grab that new oxide and kick a build?21:48
robrujosepht: hmmm, looks like it got the same failure again, thoughts?21:49
robrupmcgowan: not sure, he didn't say. it's quite late for him now...21:49
pmcgowanrobru, ok21:49
fgintherpopey, but I see that lp:ubuntu-calculator-app is also aliased to the reboot branch now. That should also work21:49
robrupmcgowan: seems like a logical course of action though... want me to do it?21:49
popeyfginther: so, leave it and don't upload, or upload? :)21:50
fgintherpopey, one second. Let me triple check :-)21:50
pmcgowanrobru, yeah, you know where the oxide is21:51
robrupmcgowan: heh, no.21:52
robruchrisccoulson: what ppa was oxide building in?21:52
robruchrisccoulson: nm21:52
robrupmcgowan: thanks21:52
robrupmcgowan: and you want that published to rtm?21:53
pmcgowanrobru, yes, it has one regression fix21:53
chrisccoulsonremember it needs to be binary copied - if it's rebuilt against rtm then it won't work21:53
robrupmcgowan: on it21:53
pmcgowanaha he is here21:53
robruchrisccoulson: sure thing21:53
pmcgowanthanks chrisccoulson21:54
fgintherpopey, the old branch is gone. Do we still need to run tests against the 'old' version of the calculator?21:55
fgintherpopey, there doesn't appear to be an immediate advantage to doing a new upload, the lp:ubuntu-calculator-app/reboot and lp:ubuntu-calculator-app branches both point to the same thing. But if it becomes a problem, we should be in a better place to deal with it in the future22:00
popeyI'd rather not upload anyway, 11pm on a friday night :)22:00
popeythanks for looking22:01
fgintherpopey, np, have a good night22:01
robrupmcgowan: wait, I'm confused. does the silo need QA or should I just publish it so they can qa the resulting image?22:08
evcyphermox: did you test your ubiquity upload (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/vivid-changes/2015-April/007789.html) with an installation?22:14
evI am just guessing, but given that it's not rebooting after the install in CI or when run locally, it seems the likely cause22:15
evjosepht: ^ hi22:15
cyphermoxev, I did22:31
cyphermoxHowever, makes sense that would be the Casper issue still22:32
evmaybe it's transient?22:32
evwhich casper issue is this?22:32
evand I had gotten so far without hearing about our friendly ghost of an initramfs22:33
cyphermoxIn a vm it looks like it's stuck in graphical mode, but it's really the Casper eject and reboot script that gets started22:33
cyphermoxBut sadly on shutdown with systemd Plymouth won't get user input to finish rebooting and it freezes graphical in VMs. I'm still working on a fix that helps with the VMs at least22:34
josephtcyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/966480 this one?22:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 966480 in plymouth (Ubuntu Precise) "The prompt asking for media removal is not shown at the end of the installation" [High,Triaged]22:34
cyphermoxNot quite, but similar22:34
cyphermoxThat said...22:34
cyphermoxYou should still get ubiquity disappearing from the screen I'd expect22:35
cyphermoxI will need help figuring out how to convince plymouth to catch input despite systemd22:36
robruchrisccoulson: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-000-1-build/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/oxide-qt_packaging_changes.diff/*view*/ this looks weird. what happened to the changelog there?22:36
josephtcyphermox: mine got to the point where there's nothing on the screen but the aubergine fade background22:36
cyphermoxRight, that's what I'd expect to ser22:36
chrisccoulsonrobru, did you copy vivid instead of utopic?22:37
robruchrisccoulson: sure did!22:37
cyphermoxThat's plymouth not quite playing nice with systemd on shutdown22:37
chrisccoulsonthat's why :)22:37
robruchrisccoulson: thanks, will grab the right one then ;-)22:37
josephtcyphermox: is there anything else you need from me?22:44
robrujosepht: can you check http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/BootTest/job/vivid-boottest-messaging-app/ again? seems same failure again, not sure if it's transient or not anymore...22:46
josephtrobru: looking22:49
evrobru: what is leading you to believe that it was transient in the first place?22:49
robruev: because I don't see how a change in messaging-app could result in "failed to provision device", it sounds like a hardware issue, not a failure of the app. was just hoping it was transient rather than some sort of catastrophic hw failure.22:52
* ev nods22:54
evhm, they are both happening on krillin 10, and the last success was on 0922:55
josephtev: yeah I just saw that, is 10 one of the instrumented ones?22:57
evjosepht: trying something quickly22:58
evshoved it on krillin 08: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/BootTest/job/vivid-boottest-messaging-app/8/console22:59
sil2100robru: hey23:00
sil2100robru: you published the oxide to rtm? :)23:00
evI've reconfigured the job to use boottest&&krillin again23:00
sil2100robru: I think we want to publish oxide as it is without QA sign-off, kick a new image and hand it to QA23:03
sil2100robru: has it been binary copied to 002?23:03
sil2100Ok, I see it has23:04
sil2100robru: ok, I'll publish oxide now, wait for it to migrate, and kick a new image23:07
evrobru, josepht: that appears to have been the problem. I'm taking krillin 10 out of the mix.23:09
josephtev: thanks, is that an instrumented device?23:10
evno idea23:10
evI can't remember how I found the list the last time23:10
evI think it lives in some python script on heymann, annoyingly enough23:10
josephtthe playbook still refers to ashes23:12
josephtev: I'm in heymann23:18
josephtev: 10 is in recovery23:21
josephtidk, adb devices lists it as 'recovery' I can get into it via 'adb shell'23:22
sil2100Ok, oxide-qt migrated23:24
sil2100Kicking a new image23:24
josephtev: nothing jumps out at me, any ideas or should I 'adb reboot' it?23:26
sil2100ToyKeeper: new image with the new oxide building as we speak23:27
* sil2100 goes off23:27
josephtev: it is instrumented according to device_info.py on heymann23:31
evI think we should leave it disabled for investigation on Monday. Can you send a mail to the team?23:34
evNot sure what else to try23:34
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 270 building (started: 20150410-23:35) ===23:35
evBut I don't want to ask IS to reset it just yet23:35
evNot until we know more23:35
josephtev: sure, we can reset it ourselves23:39
josephtev: email sent.  I'm out before anyone else pings me.  See you in Austin.23:45
robrujosepht: ah, I see silo 9 migrated now, thanks for clearing up that boottest failure23:52
robruev: thanks also ^23:52

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