
davidcalleGood morning o/07:38
dpmmorning all o/08:00
elfymorning dpm08:01
dpmhey elfy08:01
dpmmorning dholbach, quick q: what was the status of deploying the help app html to help.u.c?08:02
dholbachdpm, it's still blocked by IS - some part of help.u.c needs redeployment and some apache reconfiguration changes - they believe it's an "S" sized task, ("hopefully not 'M'")08:14
dholbachfor some reason does xchat not save the backlog reliably or I'd give you Spads' exact words08:15
popeydholbach: which channel?08:16
popeycant see it.08:17
dpmdholbach, thanks. Can you remind me about the RT number?08:28
dholbachI can't find the trello card though :)08:34
dholbachballoons, about the askubuntu integration: did we ever decide on what exactly needs to be done?08:34
dholbachit's not quite clear to me08:34
* davidcalle grabs coffee before meeting13:59
balloonsdholbach, ohh for askubuntu, umm.. We tentatively thought we would handle the offline more easily answerable questions, and then point folks at askubuntu for harder stuff. We *could* attempt to pull in tagged questions from askubuntu into the app, however I think I shied away from that idea14:01
davidcalleballoons, watch out for stackoverflow API rate limiting, the scope eventually failed because of that14:03
balloonsdavidcalle, ahh nice. Another reason to not pursue it14:05
dholbachballoons, can we massage this into a separate user story maybe?14:11
dholbach... until we know what we exactly want to do?14:11
balloonsdholbach, I'm thinking I don't want it anymore.. I would simply remove it14:16
* dholbach will be off to another hippie meeting in a bit15:00
=== ara is now known as Guest6665
dholbachhey jono15:51
dholbachhow's life over there?15:51
dholbachall right my friends... I call it a day - have a great weekend everyone!15:55
czajkowskipopey: when on the phoen you go to Apps17:55
czajkowskiwhy is the apps store at the bottom of the page17:55
czajkowskisurely closer to the top would make more logical sense ?17:55
popeyyou can get to it various ways, that's just one17:56
czajkowskipopey: one more q then I'll leave you be17:56
popeyI suspect that will change17:56
czajkowskiwhen you search for someething in the app store on the phone17:56
czajkowskiand it's not there it doesnt tell you17:56
czajkowskijust remains blank or am I missing something17:56
czajkowskiwent looking for kapman17:56
czajkowskibut if you search for it - nothing is shown I'd expect to get some sort of this isn't here or app unknown17:57
popeylemme try18:00
popeyI'll file a bug18:01
czajkowskipopey: :)18:03
czajkowskithank you18:03
czajkowskipopey: or join us at the pub where I can continue to find stuff18:03
czajkowskiI'm nice like that18:03
czajkowskipopey: one more I promise...18:03
czajkowskiif I install an app in the SWC can I tweet out that I've it installed like a share this in a  way to tell people what app I'm using on my phone18:03
popeyno, no way to do that right now18:04
czajkowskiokie dokie thank you18:04
czajkowskiI promise I'll stop now18:05
czajkowskiI actually have time to play with the phone hence the questions18:05
popeyfeel free anytime18:05
popeyif I am afk, poke me on telegram18:06
czajkowskioh not installed that18:06
popeyits preinstalled on ubuntu phone :)18:06
czajkowskihow do I add things to the side bar18:06
czajkowskias I really want to get more things there18:06
czajkowskito stop me wanting my back arrow18:06
czajkowskialso why on the Toda screen does it keep asking me to review my google settings18:06
czajkowskipopey: we need another co  working day where I can ask you questions18:07
czajkowskibah that's naff18:08
czajkowskiyou click telegram18:08
czajkowskiand go hit your number for the country18:08
czajkowskiand you have to scroll the whole way down18:08
czajkowskino way to enter it United to make it go to the bottom18:08
czajkowskino keyboard pop up :(18:08
popeyor just type it in18:08
popeyyou don't have to scroll, just put 44 in the left box czajkowski18:09
czajkowskipopey: come to the pup we're in the Drummond18:09
czajkowskitom dom niki and even Jon18:09
popeynot sure I'm prepared for the abuse :)18:10
czajkowskiwelcome to my world!18:10
czajkowskitomorrow is loading the skip and dumoing the kitchen18:10
popeyno pub for me tonight, sorry18:12
popeyneed to go out and get some nibbles and wine18:12
czajkowskipopey: how do I make it scroll like you did18:12
popeymake what scroll?18:12
czajkowskiflip through apps like18:12
popeypull in from the right18:12
popeyfrom off the screen18:12
popeyclick "skip and setup later" in today?18:16

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