
=== tmpRAOF is now known as RAOF
pittiGood morning04:45
MirvTrevinho: oh sorry it was on this channel. anyhow, contact ted_g if he was the original lander to land the new superseding MP.05:20
seb128good morning desktopers05:44
didrocksgood morning05:55
seb128hey didrocks, happy friday!06:25
didrocksre seb128! happy friday too06:28
pittibonjour seb128 et didrocks, comment allez-vous ?06:31
seb128salut pitti, ça va bien ! et toi ?06:31
seb128pitti, joyeux vendredi06:31
pittiseb128: ça va, merci !06:32
didrockspitti: ça va, comment était la glace hier soir ?06:32
pittiseb128: seulment un demi jour, je dois aller au hotel à Munich ce soir06:32
pittididrocks: bien sûr c'était delicieux :)06:33
pittididrocks: avez-vous eu de la glace aussi ?06:33
didrockspitti: non, juste lundi dernier (dans Lyon, il y a un très bon glacier, mais il est loin)06:33
seb128pitti, il y a quoi à Munich ?06:33
pittiseb128: près l'airport06:34
pittiseb128: mon vol commence à 7:30h demainh06:34
pittiseb128: alors je dois être à l'airport ~ 5:3006:34
pittic'est trop tôt à aller d'Augsburg06:35
seb128pitti, ah, c'est vrai, tu vas au Texas06:35
* pitti tips his hat and pulls the brim a bit lower06:35
pittiuntil then, having fun with usb-modeswitch06:36
pittiwe have an ubuntu patch to rewrite the dispatcher in C, and that doesn't work/crashes with the systemd mode06:36
didrockspitti: get ready for a vegetarian-friendly-poor week :)06:36
pittididrocks: haha06:36
pitti"my vegetable has four legs and says 'mooo'" next week..06:37
pittididrocks: systemd's autopkgtest still fail in CI on the systemddm tests, drives me crazy; I wonder if it is related to lightdm crashing after all06:38
pittiI'll have a closer look next week06:38
pittiand until then just fudge the britney results06:38
didrockspitti: ah ok, I'm running them right now to check with the workflow changes06:40
didrockspitti: it doesn't fail anymore locally for you, right?06:40
didrocks(since you replaced the sleep with a wait-loop)06:40
pittididrocks: I still saw it once out of 10 or so06:40
pittididrocks: it has reset-failed, wait loop *and* an extra sleep 2 now06:41
pittiI don't think it's that, it actually might be lightdm that's crashing06:41
didrocksI want to ensure that I'm seeing the right thing06:42
pittididrocks: I suppose we could try and change ExecStart=/bin/sleep 1000, and see if it stops crashing?06:42
didrockspitti: yeah, that would be good enough06:42
pittididrocks: anyway, not that urgent06:42
pittididrocks: so please don't waste time on that right now, I'll have a look next week06:42
didrockspitti: I'm just ensuring that the fsck fd connection changes don't impact autopkgtest06:43
didrocksand fixing them if necessary06:43
didrocks(so fsck tests)06:43
pittiI still have two or three bugs which I consider RC for vivid06:43
pittididrocks: cheers06:43
willcookeAnyone else having Chromium crashes on startup?07:10
didrocksonly using chrome, let me start chromium07:11
seb128hey willcooke07:12
seb128willcooke, works for me07:12
didrockswillcooke: nope, restore my tabs, tried 3 stop/start…07:12
seb128do you have a bt?07:12
seb128what version?07:12
seb128I feel like you tried to get a newer version somewhere to try to hidpi work? ;-)07:12
seb128the hidpi*07:12
willcookeVersion 41.0.2272.76 Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit)07:12
willcookeIt doesnt happen all the time, and once it's running it's fine07:12
willcookeI'll launch via gdb next time I boot and see what happens07:13
willcookejust crashed again07:13
willcookenow I can launch my browser to look up how to use gdb :)07:14
seb128oh, you are on the lts?07:15
seb128you should have said so07:15
seb128didrocks and I are on vivid07:15
seb128gdb is easy07:15
seb128gdb binary07:15
seb128(gdb) run07:15
seb128get the segfault07:15
seb128(gdb) bt07:15
seb128to get the backtrace07:16
didrocks"gdb is easy" -> I know even a lot of "expert devs" who would disagree with this :p07:16
willcooke"/usr/bin/chromium-browser": not in executable format: File format not recognised07:16
didrockswell, maybe a "thread apply all" before the bt07:16
didrocksas chromium is heavily multi-threaded07:16
didrocksah, chromium-browser is a wrapper07:16
didrocks(bash script)07:17
seb128apport didn't collect a .crash for those segfaults?07:17
willcookewell, that's another thing...07:17
willcookeapport moans about some nvidia thing I haven't got installed07:17
willcookeI dont have any nvidia hardware07:17
willcookeapt-get upgrade is running at the moment, so I can't blame it I suppose07:18
willcookeneeds to reboot...07:18
didrocksdpkg -l | grep nvidia?07:18
willcookequite a lot of things07:19
willcookewhy would I have installed them07:19
willcookeI dont think I would have07:19
willcookemust be some strange dep07:19
seb128try to remove them and see what goes away with it?07:20
willcookeremoved that nvidia stuff - nothing broke07:24
willcookelet's see what happens07:24
seb128tkamppeter, hey, well done figuring that cups-filter issue out ;-)07:52
didrockspitti: all autopkgtests pass successfully with this new systemd-fsckd "out of trunk + new connection flow" version \o/07:56
pittididrocks: cool, without mods? nice!07:56
didrockspitti: yep ;)07:56
didrockspitti: do you think you will upload it soon? I would prefer we don't upload such big changes 7 days before release…07:57
didrocks(maybe stick it in proposed?)07:57
pittididrocks: I'd like to fix the broken autopkgtest as well, otherwise it'll get stuck again07:57
didrockspitti: ok, the lightdm thingy… for the purpose of the test, we can change that to the sleep method (and changing the unit on disk as well)07:58
didrockspitti: want me to do that?07:58
didrocksthe change is to change ExecStart + stripping BusName=07:59
pittididrocks: what I did was to run that single test with --shell, then ssh in and run the test in a loop; I usually get the failure after 10 runs07:59
pittididrocks: I also changed all the other tests except teh failing to to "def xtest_" to disable them, for faster iteration08:00
pittiif the sleep helps and avoids any kind of lightdm crash which might occur, that'd be awesome08:00
didrockspitti: well, we are not testing lightdm in this particular autopkgtests, so the sleep makes more sense, indeed08:01
Laneyhey hey08:03
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!08:03
seb128wie gehts?§08:03
didrockspitti: test_multiple_systemd() is the failing one for you, right?08:04
didrockshey Laney08:04
pittididrocks: test_multiple_systemd_ddmconfig_match and test_multiple_systemd_ddmconfig_match_no_symlink08:05
Laneyseb128: planning a bbq for tonight, so good ;-)08:05
Laneyhey didrocks08:05
seb128Laney, nice!08:05
* didrocks uses minicom to enter into the adt testbed as the test screws up with the ssh service08:16
didrockspitti: after running 30 times each tests, no lightdm startup issue here…08:25
didrockspitti: what I propose is to change to sleep 1000 anyway to fake lightdm, try the tests, ensure there is no regression and give you a patch against experimental08:26
pittididrocks: sounds nice, then I can try that in jenkins08:34
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didrockspitti: this seems to work well (at least for my adt testbed): http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/0001-display-managers-autopkgtest-try-to-avoid-some-exter.patch08:43
pittididrocks: hah, nice!08:45
pittididrocks: I think we could even drop the "needs-recommends" then, and save a few 100 MB of installing test deps08:46
pittididrocks: trying here, I'll first double-check that I can still reproduce it and then check with your patch08:46
didrockspitti: ah indeed, it was needed for the real lightdm binary, shouldn't be the case anymore08:47
pittididrocks: hah, got the failure locally on the very first try08:56
didrockspitti: with the patch? so it's not lightdm?08:57
pittididrocks: no, without still (just cross-checking)08:57
pittididrocks: re-testing with the patch now08:57
pittiwow, sooo much faster without "needs-recommends" :)08:57
didrocksah, phew :)08:57
seb128Laney, do you think you could sponsor the patch from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=781229 for me?09:01
ubot5Debian bug 781229 in gnome-font-viewer "Backport variable init to fix segfault" [Normal,Open]09:01
seb128so we can sync from Debian and keep in sync09:01
Laneyseb128: Yep, good idea09:05
Laneynice changelog :P09:06
pittididrocks: cheers! runs fine here09:08
didrockspitti: nice! :)09:08
* pitti goes for a quick run while builds and tests are running09:09
seb128Laney, thanks09:10
Laneyseb128: do you care to file an unblock to get it into testing?09:10
seb128what happened to the changelog?!09:10
seb128Laney, how do I do that?09:10
Laneyreportbug release.debian.org09:11
darkxsthey seb128 Laney pitti didrocks09:11
Laney-> unblock -> "this is a common crash, blah de blah"09:11
Laneyi'll make it severity serious09:11
didrocksevening darkxst09:11
Laneyhi darkxst09:12
didrockspitti: enjoy!09:12
LaneyI don't understand why the font thumbnailer is getting involved in /usr/share/icons though09:12
Laneydo you know?09:12
darkxstI'm getting reports of no outputs be set as primary, which gnome shell doesnt really like (can see it on my intel laptop also)09:13
darkxstare you guys seeing that? ie 'xrandr -q' and there is no primary output09:13
Laneyafraid not09:14
seb128darkxst, hey09:15
seb128Laney, no, I don't, it tries to thumbnaild the .index09:16
seb128Laney, does reportbug requires a working local mailer?09:16
seb128I think last time I tried to use it a ragequited because I never managed to get the email sent09:17
didrocksseb128: you can save in a file09:17
didrocksand copy/paste it in thunderbird09:17
Laneyin .reportbugrc put a smtphost09:17
seb128didrocks, I can as well directly write to submit@ in tb09:17
seb128which is how I usually file debian bugs :p09:17
seb128Laney, thanks09:17
didrocksseb128: yep, if you know the syntax for package: version:…09:17
ochosiLaney, seb128: just out of curiosity, did my patch help as expected with the gtk3 menu shadows?09:18
seb128didrocks, I usually look in my sent folder and edit an old email ;-)09:18
Laney.reportbugrc -> "smtphost reportbug.debian.org:587"09:18
seb128Laney, thanks09:18
seb128ochosi, I don't know, Laney & larsu were on it, I let it to them09:18
Laneysave it before sending though incase I got that wrong ;-)09:18
seb128Debian ways and tools are from the stone age :-/09:19
Laneyochosi: seems to, I tweaked it a bit and submitted a MP which is awaiting review09:19
ochosiok good09:19
didrocksseb128: ahah!09:19
seb128larsu, ^ can you do the review?09:19
didrocksthe old way ;)09:19
Laneynfi why reportbug doesn't just make this the default09:19
seb128didrocks, I'm too old for this s***09:19
ochosiLaney: feel free to get in touch if you need more help there09:19
Laneysure, thanks09:19
larsuseb128: sure09:20
seb128larsu, danke09:20
davmor2seb128: is Detective McClane in CodeHard5.009:20
seb128davmor2, lol09:20
Laneyseb128: laney@iota> file /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/icon-theme.cache                                                                                 ~09:21
seb128Laney, can't we just recycle the open bug as a request by subscribing some team (like we do in Ubuntu)?09:21
didrocksseb128: not a hippy like Laney, I see!09:21
Laney/usr/share/icons/Adwaita/icon-theme.cache: TrueType font data09:21
larsudone, but can't top-approve09:21
seb128Laney, that would be why ;-)09:21
Laneythey keep the release discussions and the bug fixing separate09:22
Laneyso no is the answer09:22
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davmor2seb128: admittedly is was sadi more by Riggs and Murtaugh but lethal Coding just didn't sound right ;)09:23
seb128davmor2, no, that doesn't ;-)09:23
seb128Laney, do you want me to provide a changelog text btw?09:23
seb128Laney, it fixes lp: #143673609:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1436736 in gnome-font-viewer (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/gnome-thumbnail-font:*** Error in `gnome-thumbnail-font': double free or corruption (out): ADDR ***" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143673609:24
Laneyno it's okay ;-)09:24
seb128Laney, can you provide me the debdiff for my release unblock request? ;-)09:26
seb128I guess it's better if that has the actual changelog :p09:26
Laneyjust test building it09:32
seb128Laney, k, no hurry09:32
Sweet5harkseb128: here we are: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.2/libreoffice_4.4.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes and http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.4.2/libreoffice-l10n_4.4.2-0ubuntu1_source.changes ...09:34
Laneyseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/patch-dump/gnome-font-viewer_3.14.0-2.debdiff09:35
Laneygoing to upload this now, thanks!09:35
seb128Laney, danke09:35
Laneystill no key yet?09:35
seb128Laney, key is fine, no vm or chroot to build a binary and Debian hates on source uploads09:37
Laneyah yes, one day soon09:38
seb128report sent to unlock it09:38
Laneygo vote for the DPL who is most likely to make that happen ;-)09:38
seb128Laney, debug bug #78231009:40
ubot5bug 782310 in openerp-mexico-localization "base_vat_mx no valida rfc´s correctos" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78231009:40
seb128debian bug #78231009:40
ubot5Debian bug 782310 in release.debian.org "unblock: gnome-font-viewer/3.14.0-2" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/78231009:40
Laneywe'll see what they say09:40
Laneyno big deal if they deny it, unlikely that package will need a new upload anyway09:41
seb128thanks for the reportbug magic btw ;-)09:41
Laneyah I just checked and it has a wizard thing if you have no ~/.reportbugrc09:44
didrocksgoing for a run, bbl!09:44
Laneyif you answer the questions write it creates this smtphost line for you09:44
seb128didrocks, enjoy!09:44
Laneyhf didrocks!09:44
didrocksthanks ;)09:44
Laneyis the knee better btw?09:44
seb128Laney, ah, that's new I guess (for some value of new)09:44
seb128lunch time here09:44
seb128Sweet5hark, libreoffice sponsored, thanks!ù09:44
Laneyearly lunch?09:44
Sweet5harkseb128: merci beaucoup!09:45
seb128de rien ;-)09:45
seb128Laney, yeah, friday, going out for some errands and having lunch with friends09:45
seb128enjoy the sun a bit as well09:46
larsuseb128: enjoy!09:46
Laneyit's actually looking a bit grey here09:46
larsuyou're in England, remember?09:46
Laneyprobably the pollution cloud of death09:46
seb128danke :-)09:47
larsuLaney: that stock picture...09:47
Laneyyeah ...09:47
larsu"too much text and science, throw in a guy coughing"09:48
Laneyannoys me that none of the advice is "don't drive your car please"09:49
Laneyinstead "avoid exercise"09:49
* Laney goes to lie down in the road09:49
larsuyeah that's weird09:50
larsuprobably a lot of people would respond to a friendly plea09:50
larsu"please leave your car at home unless really necessary"09:50
Laneyparis banned half the cars when this happened recently09:51
willcooke. . o o ( That bleedin' Sarahan dust, coming over 'ere gettin' in our lungs )09:51
larsuLaney: *banned*?09:51
larsudon't the have one of those stickers to get into the inner city?09:51
larsuBerlin has that, and it's working quite well09:51
Laneyjust for a couple of days09:51
larsuwow, good for them09:51
larsulol: you license plate needed to be odd-numbered :)09:52
larsuwhy don't they base it on age of car and size of engine?09:52
larsuthey probably know the rough distribution of those09:52
ogra_because it is easier to control perhaps ?09:53
larsuhm, harder to enforce I guess09:53
ogra_the german system definitely doesnt work09:53
larsuogra_: :)09:53
larsuwhy noy?09:53
* ogra_ has two cars, one with sticker, one without ... (teh one without is even cleaner, but i never bothered getting one for it )09:53
ogra_i most of the time use the car without and have been in many cities that require a green one09:54
ogra_do you think it has ever been checked ...09:54
larsuoh, you mean it's not enforced...09:54
larsuthat's unfortunate...09:54
ogra_nobody bothers09:54
larsumaybe people self-enforce well enough?09:54
ogra_indeed, this is germany :)09:55
* larsu would like to see pollution levels before/after the ban09:55
* Sweet5hark lives in a port city. If a container ship happens to start its engine, all discussion about car pollution is immediately irrelevant.09:55
ogra_i think i read a stydy a year ago or so where they said it didnt gain anything09:55
ogra_but that might have been from ADAC :)09:55
ogra_our system definitely looks more shiny :)09:56
ogra_nicely colored stickers :)09:56
larsuthey're thinking about adding a new, blue one apparently09:56
larsuSweet5hark: they should get stickers for those as well ;)09:56
ogra_one more color to ignoire :)09:56
darkxstLaney, ok, guess its a bug in mutter then09:58
Laneycan try a shell session if you want09:59
ogra_damn ... my neighbor just started the mowing season09:59
larsumove to a city without lawns09:59
ogra_haha, i would love to move to any city that isnt kassel :)09:59
ogra_weather there are lawns or not :)10:00
larsusounds reasonable :D10:00
ogra_but living here is free so i cant actually complain :/10:00
larsuliving in kassel is free?10:00
ogra_my GF inherited a house and property when her mother died10:01
Sweet5harklarsu: they are usually required to start their dirty engines only once they are out of town and down the river. recently it happened one ship started its engine too early while being tow. They were almost scalped by the green party and the tree hugger band.10:01
larsuogra_: I figured something like that ;)10:01
ogra_before she died she ordered (and paid) a giant solar heating system10:01
darkxstLaney, maybe only 3.16, but if you can try with 3.14 just to confirm that?10:01
ogra_so living here is almost free for me ...10:01
ogra_but well ... its kassel ...10:01
Sweet5harkogra_: kassel? that sounds almost as bad as bielefeld.10:02
larsuSweet5hark: sounds good to me. Being close to a tree is good when pollution is high ;)10:02
ogra_bielefeld !10:02
ogra_definitely equal :)10:02
Laneydarkxst: "connected primary" still10:02
Laneyon desktop anyway, not going to close this session :)10:03
darkxstok thanks, though Ive not seen it on my desktop, but that is not intel10:05
LaneyI'm completely non intel10:05
Laneyso if it's related to that then ...10:05
Laneyno help here :P10:05
darkxstyeh, i'll purge my laptop and see with 3.1410:07
Laney#ubuntu-x probably more helpful10:09
darkxstLaney, I was really just wondering if it was being seen under unity10:10
darkxstwe have the funky new wayland gdm in 3.16, but it wasnt caused by that10:10
darkxstjust test unity and I get a primary there10:12
Laneylarsu: did you have any other theme branches to land?10:20
larsuLaney: I have a workaround for the sqiggly line problem10:27
larsubut I'd rather fix it in gtk10:27
larsufinding my way through css machinery is a bit hard...10:27
larsuso maybe let's do the workaround for now?10:28
larsuhow urgent is this?10:28
Laneyhas Company guided you?10:28
larsuno :/10:28
Laneyjust "2 weeks until release" urgent10:28
larsuit's just a few lines, let's do it in the theme10:29
Laneywell if you can get pointed in the right direction we can still do that10:30
Laneyas you wish10:30
Laneycan do another upload first half of next week either way10:30
* Laney slides gtk 3.14.12 in10:31
larsuI'm making the patch right now10:31
Laneyseems like 3.14 has had loads of point releases10:31
larsuLaney: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/literal-colors/+merge/25580610:40
Laneylarsu: add a comment to gtk-main reminding people to update these values too if they change that?10:42
Laneyalso a bug link if there is one10:42
larsuLaney: done and done. Thanks10:47
larsucool. Going to lunch now10:49
Laneyenjoy the sun10:49
pittididrocks: yummy, fsck progress in qemu again \o/10:49
Laneytheme building in silo 02010:58
tkamppeterseb128, I hope my change will solve it, I have no proof that this was the actual problem. It is simply something what was wrong in cups-browsed. Now one has to see whether the error tracker calms down.11:01
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seb128tkamppeter, one of the reporters said it fixed the issue for him, on one of the bugs11:44
ajnrhi I am not able to login using Gnome but able to login in terminal11:45
ajnrhow to solve the problem11:45
seb128Laney, are you looking at bug #1357791?11:49
ubot5bug 1357791 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "software-properties-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_application_impl_active_window_changed()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135779111:49
Laneyyou and your all seeing eye11:49
LaneyI think it's fixed in gtk 3.14.1211:50
seb128Laney, I think bug #1439026 is the same issue11:50
ubot5bug 1439026 in shotwell (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/shotwell:11:gtk_application_impl_handle_window_realize:gtk_window_realize:_g_closure_invoke_va:g_signal_emit_valist:g_signal_emit" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143902611:50
seb128(which was on my tracking list)11:50
Laneynot sure11:52
Laneythe fix is in focus_in_event_cb() which isn't in that trace11:52
seb128hum, right11:53
seb128Laney, yeah, they seem different, I asked mclasen about it, in case it's obvious to him and he fixes the other one ;-)11:55
Laneycunning :P11:56
Laneyoh, it worked!12:06
Laneyhello blehsrt12:07
* desrt is sick :(12:07
seb128Laney, you think I'm new in that business or what? ;-)12:07
seb128hey desrt12:07
seb128desrt, oh, get better!12:07
seb128Laney, can you backport that fix as well? ;-)12:07
desrti can't talk for a couple of days now, and now it hurts when i swallow :p12:08
* Laney rejects the upload12:08
Laneydesrt: ice cream12:08
seb128Laney, thanks12:08
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didrocksdesrt: get better man :/12:12
* desrt is probably going to go to the doctor today (finally)12:13
didrocksyeah, sounds like a plan12:13
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didrockspitti: I know you are away now, but when you reconnect: good news! systemd autopkgtests all green on both archs now \o/13:07
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didrocksseb128: FYI, I just did the work for bug #1440549. However, I'm unsure doko got a FFe for this, and it can wait w anyway13:25
ubot5bug 1440549 in gconf (Ubuntu) "please convert python scripts to python3" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144054913:25
didrocksjust pushed the branch for now13:26
seb128didrocks, oh, nice, yeah it can wait winner whale13:27
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GunnarHjLaney: Still there?14:56
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GunnarHjLaney: Asking my question:15:04
GunnarHjLaney: Was your latest comment on bug #1439006 your final decision?15:04
ubot5bug 1439006 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Install Fcitx for Japanese users" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143900615:04
GunnarHjLaney: If the Japanese remix is more frequently used in Japan than standard Ubuntu, I feel it's kind of a more obtrusive change to not fix that bug compared to fixing it.15:04
LaneyGunnarHj: Yes. I don't see how you can know that, and I'm not willing to risk making this change so late. We can do it on Wiggly Worm day 1 and actually have a chance to fix breakage. The remix can continue to modify any package however it wants for V.15:07
GunnarHjLaney: The changes due to making fcitx default for Chinese makes it harder to provide fcitx as default in other languages. I don't know if they have figured out a way to do it. But I'll stop arguing. There are always pros and cons. ;)15:10
LaneyThanks GunnarHj, sorry for being so conservative. :P15:15
LaneySaw your fonts-droid change - wonder what's happening there15:16
GunnarHjLaney: That change was to prevent that a previously fixed bug reappears.15:16
GunnarHjLaney: It's a hack. I intend to talk more with the Debian people.15:16
LaneyYa, I mean I wonder why they moved it15:16
LaneyI had a look at the bug reports but it wasn't clear15:17
GunnarHjLaney: Complaints from some Japanese POV.15:17
GunnarHjLaney: We don't have the same Japanese problem in Ubuntu since we have conf files in the takao package which takes case of the conflict.15:18
LaneyThese fontconfig files are hard to get right15:19
GunnarHjLaney: Right. I have realized that there will never be a default configuration which makes everyone happy.15:19
larsuLaney, didrocks: the patch I attached to gnome bug #747634 fixes gnome terminal's class setting (which we need for backwards compat for the wrapper)15:22
ubot5Gnome bug 747634 in .General "gdk_set_program_class() breaks --class" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74763415:22
larsuLaney: not sure how much mclasen will like that, so maybe we should hold off putting it in the package?15:23
Laneylarsu: I agree, let's see what kind of reviews you get15:24
larsuwe do need something like this though15:24
larsuunless we get gnome-terminal to  drop the separate -server thing15:24
larsu(good luck)15:25
didrockslarsu: \o/ nice work. Let's hope that you get good reviews :)15:25
didrockswe'll see15:25
Laneyattente: https://www.castle-climbing.co.uk/node/18215:29
Laneythis place sounds nuts15:29
Laneyoutdoor boulders15:29
attenteLaney: oooh :o15:30
larsuattente: how are your fingers doing?15:31
* larsu went bouldering in berlin twice now15:31
larsuyou guys up for going somewhere in London?15:31
attentepretty good up till yesterday15:31
Laneyyou rest!15:32
didrocksclimbing sounds so… dangerous :p15:32
didrocksmaybe less than cycling in a city actually, but still15:32
attenteand i'm afraid to cycle in the city15:33
larsuattente: in TO? I've found it to be reasonably good for a US city15:34
larsu*North American, oc15:34
didrocks*troll detected*15:34
larsu*honest mistake, but could relabel as a troll since it's Friday*15:35
didrocks"honest" yeah ;)15:35
Laneydidrocks: come with us and see for yourself :)15:36
larsuit's fun!15:38
didrocksonly if you come running for (let's be kind) 10 kms first!15:39
Laneyi'll ride on a boris bike with you15:39
didrockshyde park is an only 7kms run though15:40
* didrocks needs to find a path15:41
didrocksoh wait15:41
didrocksit will rain anyway, isn't it? :p15:41
Laneythere's another park next door i think15:41
didrocksbuckingham palace garden15:41
Laneydon't think you can get in that one :p15:41
Laneyi bet it would be cool to run past the palace to parliament though15:42
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didrocksthe easy fallback is to do a second loop around the serpentine15:43
didrocksit's 3.3kms15:43
didrocksso, the whole run will fit15:43
didrocksenough for today anyway, see you next week guys! (leaving for board games tonight \o/)15:51
didrocksdon't climb too much ;)15:52
* Sweet5hark mumbles: damnit rust looks like an interesting language. much more than Go.16:20
jpdsSweet5hark: Blasphemy.16:21
Sweet5harkjpds: how so? rust looks like a cleanly designed language with a well-defined target problem space. Go looks like yet-another-half-assed attempt to fix C++ in much the same way as SVN was "fixing" CVS ...16:23
* Sweet5hark wonders if its Friday yet ...16:23
Laneyhappy weekend!17:00
seb128Laney, thanks, to you too!17:02
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