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YamakasYmorning anyone running percona 5.6 ? I have dependency issues with it07:04
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lordievaderGood morning.09:19
ochorochlordievader: Good Morning ...10:38
ochoroch;-) ...10:38
rbasakkickinz1: looking at Docker now. Can I see the format-patch output or your git tree please? Is this up-to-date on docker-dev?10:46
kickinz1rbasak, I think so let me check10:47
kickinz1rbasak, docker-dev up-to-date11:16
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LeMikeHello . What do you do when a message comes in, that you send packages to a arbitrary control server? They only give you the source IP which is the firewall. That is like searching the needle in a haystack.11:42
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lucidguyPutting together an NFS server.  12x 6TB disks via raid controller/raid60.  XFS filessytem.  Will only serve as an NFS server, do I bother with anyont more then 8GB of ram?12:57
OpenTokixlucidguy: That is more depended on the amount of clients13:00
lucidguyProbably around 60 clients13:01
OpenTokixThen 8G should be more then enough - however, the more ram you have - the more will get cached in ram13:01
OpenTokixwill speed up reads13:01
OpenTokixI guess it wil be on 1Gbps?13:02
OpenTokixmore ram is always more ram for cache, but I think 8G will be sufficien t13:04
lucidguyI agree13:10
patdk-wkI would be more concerned about writes to the raid6013:20
patdk-wkand our stripe size13:20
patdk-wkto determine how much ram you need, overtop of your working set size13:21
rbasakkickinz1: failed to build on powerpc: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/202757945/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-powerpc.docker.io_1.5.0~dfsg1-1ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz13:23
rbasakI don't know if we care or not.13:23
kickinz1rbasak: I don't know either.13:25
hallynstgraber: lxc in vivid still needs commit 89a4ec737e97fdf2856fda94b816875e98155c8213:36
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excalibrUpstart question again, why is it job with script stanza only eventually goes into stop/waiting state after being started?14:00
excalibrwhile with pre/post-start, it remains in start/running and block further start invocation once started14:01
stgraberhallyn: did you talk to wgrant? he pinged me about that very issue last night :)14:54
stgraberhallyn: anyway, I plan on tagging 1.1.2 today which will include this14:54
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hallynstgraber: no, i was just checking to see if my running-in-container update fully fixed nested lxc15:33
hallynexcellent, thx15:34
strikovrbasak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/openldap/+bug/110335315:39
strikovrbasak: won't fix it please15:39
strikovrbasak: issues mention at #19 seems to happen only when you install this package over your own one built against openssl not gnutls15:40
strikovrbasak: which means that my point at #18 is still valid15:40
rbasakstrikov: done15:43
strikovrbasak: tnx15:43
strikovrbasak: i'll put a final note there in a minute15:43
strikovrbasak: ah, you put one already, thanks!15:45
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
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lucidguyRaid question.  12 disk raid10 array.  Technically I can lose a total of 6 disks and the array will stay online.  What if I loose two disks of the same pair?  Array is gone?16:46
tewardstupid question, and I think rbasak and sarnold may want to weigh in, but would anyone hate me if I made a catch-all bug for "Can I get somemodule added to nginx?" (where somemodule is any module the community wants)16:59
teward(it'd apply to my ppas project where I do bugtracking on the staging PPAs, the nginx project on LP, and the Ubuntu package)17:00
tewardthe only reason I asked is because I've seen this request a thousand times in my email or in Debian, and want a catchall down here that says Debian should include it first, or at least get a voice17:02
teward(same idea of including a new package somewhere, in that it's easier to get it into Ubuntu via Debian)17:02
rbasakteward: sounds like you actually want an FAQ entry or template standard response instead of a bug itself?17:10
rbasakteward: I don't think anybody will object if you manage nginx bugs how you please though. We appreciate that you do look after them.17:11
gQuigsis there a way to get changelogs from the ubuntu cloud archive without installing it?  (like packages.ubuntu.com or launchpad ppas)17:11
tewardrbasak: considering the number of feature reqs in Debian, yes.17:13
tewardrbasak: I should set up a wiki page for NGINX xD17:13
rbasakgQuigs: I think they're managed in bzr somewhere? If so you could find that in a browser somewhere. I don't know where that might be though. Does Vcs-Browser point to anything on an installed package?17:13
tewardrbasak: the big idea here is we don't want to *increase* the delta between debian and Ubuntu, so... since i see the requests *way* too often, thought I'd preempt em.17:14
tewardrbasak: done though :)17:16
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mpanettaHey peeps, quick question.  My google foo has failed me on this one, so hopefully someone can help...18:50
mpanettaI have a question that google is failing me on...  How do I have 2 separate DHCP configured interfaces (eth0, eth1) and only set the resolv.conf entries for eth0?18:50
mpanettaeth1 keeps overwriting resolv.conf when it comes up, with info that is not valid :(18:50
sarnoldmpanetta: maybe uninstall resolvconf and manage it yourself?18:51
mpanettaI don't seem to have resolveconf installed.  At least the dir does not exist in /etc18:52
concordJust upgraded a VM server to v15.04 and VMware tools doesn't seem to like systemd.  Install is failing.  Any tricks?18:53
sarnoldmpanetta: check dpkg -l resolvconf18:53
mpanettasarnold: says un, so not installed18:53
sarnoldmpanetta: aha18:54
mpanettahmm, I think dhclient may be editing it for me?18:55
mpanettaI could chatrr it +i I suppose18:55
mpanettaer chattr18:55
mpanettaSeems kinda like a hack tho18:55
tewardin theory you could set dns-nameservers for both interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces to be the DNS servers you want... but, no guarantee.18:56
tewardi'd test but i have to finish updating my VM labs :p18:56
mpanettateward: Yeah, it seems to ignore that18:57
sarnoldthere may be a way in /etc/network/services to set what you like.. I've never had to fight this one though, I'm running short o nideas fast18:57
tewardmpanetta: which release is this18:57
teward14.04? etc.18:57
mpanettaI've read that I can disable the dhclient from requesting that info, maybe that will help...18:58
mpanettateward: Yes 14.0418:58
sarnoldI know that the protocol allows it, whether the config files make it easy is another matter :)19:00
mpanettaActually let me try that...19:00
mpanettasarnold: We are about to find out ;)19:00
mdeslaurMy guess would be to list the specific interfaces in their own section in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf19:00
mdeslaurand not request  domain-name-servers for the interface you don't want19:01
concordUbuntu server has switched to systemd, no?  Now I'm unable to install vmware-tools.  Getting the following error: "initctl: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused"  Any help?19:01
mdeslauror, alternatively, just add a global "prepend domain-name-servers;" in there19:01
mpanettaWoop ok removing dns-servers and so forth from the request line in dhclient.conf fixed it19:02
sarnoldconcord: please file a bug against the vmware-tools package, add the systemd-boot tag to the bug19:02
mpanettateward: sarnold mdeslaur: thanks for the help!19:02
concordsarnold: this is a package from vmware, not an ubuntu package19:03
concordI'm trying to install in server v.15.0419:03
sarnoldconcord: hunh, I thought it was in our archive these days19:03
sarnoldconcord: Y19:04
sarnoldconcord: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools19:04
concordsarnold: I will give that a try, this is vSphere 5.0.0, shouldn't matter?19:05
sarnoldconcord: sorry, no idea there19:05
concordsarnold: thank you!19:05
sarnoldconcord: if it doesn't work out and vmware doesn't get around to fixing it soon enough, I think upstart will still be available as a fallback https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers#Switching_init_systems19:06
tewardsarnold: concord: vmware-tools i think won't build under the later kernels in 14.10 and later19:08
tewardalthough they updated vmware-tools lately from the vmware tools ISO, and I haven't tested since19:08
tewardopen-vm-tools should work for most of the functions otherwise though19:08
concordteward: sarnold: I have installed the package and vCenter reports that HA is up and running, although it does clearly say that vmware tools are "3rd-Party/Independent" and not genuine VMware so I'm guessing support is out the window. But hey ... that's what you guys are for!19:32
sarnoldconcord: interesting, they asked for the packages to be moved to main..19:35
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