
knightwisemorning everyone06:04
diddledanmorning knightwise06:07
diddledanI've been bashing my head against a brick wall for the past 12 hours trying to get freenas to join as a member-server to a samba4-powered active directory06:07
diddledanfinally found the problem06:07
diddledanthis comment had the answer: https://bugs.pcbsd.org/issues/6632#note-1706:08
diddledanit seems samba's domain creation doesn't add a subnet to it's directory06:08
diddledan(for windows admins subnets are defined in the "active directory sites and services" admin tool)06:09
diddledanat least I think that fixes it06:22
diddledanjust re-checking and it seems broken still06:22
knightwisediddledan: really ?  there is a link between AD and layer 3 of the OSI stack ?06:26
diddledanlol: https://youtu.be/EOfy5LDpEHo07:48
popeyapot   Morning all07:54
davmor2Morning all08:02
zmoylan-pimorning *08:04
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davmor2zmoylan-pi: wow man you say morning to everything rather than everyone ;)08:14
zmoylan-piand 'all' excludes non sentients? :-)08:15
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:17
awilkinsGroovy : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/boxzy/boxzy-rapid-change-fablab-mill-laser-engraver-3d-p?ref=NewsApr0915&utm_campaign=Apr+09&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter08:19
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Siblings Day! :-D09:08
zmoylan-piyou've never met my siblings, have you...09:08
JamesTaitzmoylan-pi, if they're anything like you I'm sure they're not all that bad. :-P09:32
zmoylan-pii'm the nice one... :-)09:35
zmoylan-piwell except for 1 sister and a fairly ok brother...09:36
zmoylan-pithe rest are loonies09:36
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:40
foobarryhmm experienced my first issue with owning an x86 tablet09:44
zmoylan-pibattery life?09:44
foobarrythe picpac app doesn't create video or gifs09:46
foobarryemailed the dev who replied straightaway to say it got broke in latest version and he would work on fixing it09:47
foobarryi will forever be suspicious of apps that don't behave properly09:47
zmoylan-pii'm more suspicious of apps that change09:48
zmoylan-pibroken apps i can often work around.09:48
foobarrythis is not poss to work around09:48
foobarryi have an apk downloader installed on this laptop09:49
foobarryam i gonna have to keep an archive of favourite apps:(09:49
zmoylan-pii think i have a directory around with all my old symbian apps somewhere... :-)09:50
* zmoylan-pi makes note to try python on current symbian phone...09:52
Laneyoh god11:21
Laneyopen window → wafts of bacony goodness from the cafe behind11:21
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awilkinsGF just reported that she will soon have a faceful of falafel11:42
awilkinsSee ^ http://drool.popey.com11:42
Laneymmm phalaphel11:46
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diploAny VM users here ? trying to login a superhub14:32
diplo192.168.0.1 ?14:32
intrbizdiplo: by VM you mean virgin media and not virtual machine?14:32
LaneyWTF rain14:35
* Laney screams and gets the bbq charcoal in14:35
zmoylan-pior course it's rain, the weekend is nearly upon us...14:39
popeydiplo: it's
diplo Sorry yeah14:48
diploBrowsing forums14:48
diploSo Superhub page own't load, issues it seems with superhub, 18 pages of me as well14:48
diploThey block PPTP by default and you need to enable passthrough14:48
diploAnd I can't do that on customers site14:49
davmor2diplo, popey: I thought it was unless you enabled modem only mode then it changed to I could be wrong though14:49
diploBecause I can't login :D14:49
diplodavmor2: is correct14:49
diploWell according to a few posts I read14:49
diploAh.. intrbiz, just wondering.. do you install your ansible via pip or apt-get ?14:49
popeydavmor2: you're wrong :)14:50
popeydavmor2: it's always even if you use a different IP range14:50
diploThe forums I've just been reading all agree with davmor2 - responses from VM staff as well14:50
diplo100.1 is status/stats in superhub mode it said ?14:51
popeyits been for _years_ - since I was on ntl, years back14:51
diployeah that was the status page of modem, not the login?14:51
popeyyes, the login too14:51
popeyit doesnt matter what your local network is, the modem always lets you get to it with
diploheh, well I tried both anyway earlier and neither would load14:52
popeyyou broke it :)14:52
diploSeems it's been an issue for a lot of users for over 2 years14:52
diplo18 pages of people complaining, only response they get is. Firmware coming soon, we'll send you a new one out, turn it to modem only mode fo rnow14:52
popeyi had to reboot mine last night14:53
diploI keep debating going back to Virgin, but guess I should buy a router before I do14:54
intrbizI installed Ansible via zypper (I use openSUSE)14:55
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intrbizdiplo: best off asking bigcalm how he installed ansible14:57
bigcalmdiplo: ansible in apt is old. Use the github version14:58
intrbizis there a ppa?14:58
bigcalmOh, maybe I used the ppa, yes14:59
diplopip installs the newest I think14:59
diploBut I'll look at a ppa too14:59
bigcalmI've logged my install somewhere..14:59
diploI've setup a new host, waiting to speak to you two before I reinstalled to see preferred :D14:59
bigcalmdiplo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10792118/15:01
diplotop man thank you15:01
bigcalmThe ppa is maintained by the Ansible peeps, so it's up to date15:01
diploInstalling ta15:03
diployeah same version as pip is being installed. prefer apt though15:04
foobarryanyone know how to make a lawn grow from bare patch of ground?16:01
foobarryturf or seed?16:01
zmoylan-piif you declare weeds to be a lawn it's easy :-)16:04
popeyseed will work at this time of year16:06
popeybit of sun, bit of water16:06
foobarrywifey is demanding a lawn for summer16:09
foobarryand a patio :(16:10
zmoylan-pidig for victory!16:10
foobarrypaying a man is ££16:10
popeywhat else you gonna spend it on?16:10
foobarryhe wants 750£ for a lawn16:10
popeymodels of spitfires?16:10
foobarrya bed, a freezer, a holiday, clothes16:10
foobarryuniversity unds16:11
zmoylan-pioriginal spitfires cost 5k new during wwii :-)16:11
foobarrymy lawn is ony 35m2 max16:11
foobarrywas gonna do it this week but been ill for 4 days :(16:12
zmoylan-pithen rake, grass seed and shotgun to keep the birds and cats off it16:12
foobarryyes, i need a net16:12
awilkinsGrass lasers16:12
zmoylan-pilasers will only attract more cats16:12
awilkinsYou attract the cats to the paths and side borders16:12
awilkinsThey scare off the birds16:12
zmoylan-picats see fresh tilled soil as predug toilet16:12
awilkinsLasers are therefore the best lawn promoter. QED.16:13
foobarrynot sure if lasers are real16:14
zmoylan-pido not look at imaginary device with remaining eye16:14
popeyi got a tiny torch for my birthday16:16
popeyits very bright16:16
popeybut not pink16:16
foobarryany recommendations for seed? miracle grow?16:16
* popey shrugs16:17
zmoylan-piseed is seed. depends on whether you want to look at or walk on or lie on the grass as to which you pick i think16:19
foobarrysome seed is special16:21
foobarrymagic beans16:21
shaunojust ordered one of these Aquaris wotsits :)16:25
zmoylan-pihulu hoop16:42
knightwiseok , mate runs ... pretty smooth on a raspberry pi216:43
awilkinsDoes that mean "smooth as silk" or "cotton pillowcase"16:55
knightwisewell, if you arent spoiled with a pc purchased in the last 3 years ... its pretty smooth16:58
zmoylan-pisounds like a replacement for a 4-5yo netbook i use as mainsystem16:59
awilkinsI'm running a Pi2 as a webserver16:59
awilkinsRuns Ruby on Rails OK16:59
knightwiseawilkins: i think i'm gonna install raspbian on it , command line only17:00
awilkinsYeah, that's what I've got on it. It's sat behind my TV being a quiet little server17:00
knightwiseits a great device17:02
knightwiseits running my command line apps , acts as an ssh server ....17:02
knightwiseHave it hooked up to my Synology17:02
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shauno'lo dan19:20
diddledanedward snowden says to use the password "margretthatcheris110%SEXY"19:57
diddledanref: https://youtu.be/yzGzB-yYKcc19:57
brobostigonnew HIGNFY :)19:59
intrbizdiddledan: (despite the reference to thatcher) its alot better than abc12321:25
MooDooevening all22:47
m0nkey_Cities: Skylines is evil23:29
m0nkey_I've played 3hrs stright23:29
m0nkey_Since getting home23:29
shaunoand you're taking a break already?23:33
m0nkey_just to grab food then right back i go23:34
* m0nkey_ loves his new PC23:35
m0nkey_SO MANY GAMES!23:35
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