
cmaloneyGood morning13:04
cmaloneyTGIF and all that.13:56
cmaloneyText <- entirety of the plain-text body of a Dodge service specials email I received.14:08
jrwrenall these stupid computer watches stir fond memories of timex datalink14:10
cmaloneyjrwren: I wish I could share in the fond memories14:16
cmaloneybut the Datalink never had decent Linux support. :)14:16
jrwrenthat may have been why I stopped using mine.14:19
SneakyPhiljcastro: the image in your http://www.jorgecastro.org/2015/04/09/keeping-your-options-open/ post is missing14:39
greg-grick_h_: "reorg" is the word du month17:43
greg-ghence the /me breathes17:44
jrwrengreg-g: is new CTO!!!17:47
greg-gjrwren: not 100% far from the truth18:49
cmaloneyChief Greg Officer.19:03
cmaloneyletterhead: "From the office of my own bad self"19:03

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