
Kilosmorning all04:54
Kiloshi andrewlsd  06:11
andrewlsd Hi Kilos06:12
Kiloswb stranger06:12
Kilosyou getting behind06:13
Kiloscan you edit wiki pages?06:14
andrewlsdI was busy offsite for a couple of weeks, and then there was a long weekend.06:14
Kilosok you forgiven06:14
andrewlsdKilos, I know how to, not sure if I have permission to.06:14
Kilosyou can add you there06:15
=== andrewlsd is now known as mciverza
Kilosmorning inetpro  i can see it!06:19
Kilosnow we get the runaround, what is it!06:20
Kilosty mciverza  06:21
Kiloshi ton06:21
Kilosoh he left06:21
Kilossigh RTFS06:21
mciverzaKilos: RTFS?06:24
Kilosread the flippin script06:24
Kilosi get that every time i break something06:24
Kilosor cant do something06:24
Kilostheblazehen  are you actually here?06:26
Kilosthat looks better mciverza  06:32
Kiloswas hard to believe you just joined lp06:33
mciverzahad to figure out LP was launchpad.06:33
* mciverza facepalm06:33
Kiloshow good are you at fixing bugs? we have our own team doing ubuntu bug fixing06:34
Kilosled by octoquad  06:35
mciverzakilos. nice. not sure. also, whilst perusing the ZAteam page I followed the lnk to tonberry, thence maties-ubuntu group and ended up on hgibson's page. found this awesome "how the internet started" http://staff.lib.sun.ac.za/~hgibson/how-the-internet-began/06:37
mciverzanuvolari, you in the Western Cape these days? I thought you were in KZN?06:38
Kilosna he moved months ago06:38
Kilosclever read that06:42
mciverzaKilos. I lol'd about it06:44
Kilosvery clever worked out 06:49
* mciverza is off to lurk for a bit, and find coffee06:50
Kilosuh oh07:14
Kiloshi SDCDev  07:14
Kiloswb inetpro  what did you break07:17
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:22
TinuvaMacmorning Kilos07:22
SDCDevmorning Kilos07:39
magespawngood morning all08:01
Kiloshi magespawn  08:01
inetproohi everyone08:03
inetproand oom Kilos08:03
Kiloslol hello my pro08:03
* Kilos waits for comment08:03
inetproMaaz: rtfs'08:05
Maazinetpro: *blink*08:05
inetproMaaz: rtfs08:05
MaazRead the Freaking Source/Spec/Screen08:05
inetprowhere did you get script from?08:05
* Kilos waits for more comment08:06
inetproKilos: what can you see?08:06
inetprohow long is a piece of string?08:06
Kilossuch a beautiful site08:07
Kilosduh! what are you guys working on dodo08:07
inetprohttps://ubuntu-za.org/ 08:07
inetprothat's not done yet man08:08
Kilosyeah we need some clarity from fly before the jumotron edits08:08
Kilosarent they supposed to show a different view on every page?08:09
Kiloswasnt that the idea08:09
inetproKilos: where did you hide last night?08:09
Kiloshere every single minute08:09
Kilosi was watching08:09
inetprojust keep watching08:10
Kilosits hard to follow when lots happening same time08:10
Kilosmaybe you guys can add the dell lappy thing to the za site as well08:11
Kilosthere was a guy here last night from the site asking where to get buntu preinstalled lappy in za08:13
Kiloswhy didnt you guide him08:13
Kiloshi rohanza  08:14
rohanzaKilos: hi08:17
Kiloshi psyatw  08:20
psyatwhi Kilos 08:21
inetproKilos: it's simple08:23
* inetpro is not a salesman08:23
Kiloswe have to look past that and help in whatever way to get another person on ubuntu08:24
inetproKilos: then look at https://trello.com/c/2swQH0kX and do something about it08:25
Kilosand you are our number one pointer08:25
inetproKilos: no08:25
Kilosyaya you find things quicker than anyone08:26
Kilossjoe youre joking right?08:28
Kilosnow where is captine08:32
KilosMaaz  seen captine08:32
MaazKilos: captine was last seen 3 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes and 52 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-04-06 21:19:24 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-04-06 21:19:27 SAST08:32
Kilosinetpro  done08:38
inetprowhat did you delete on Trello?08:40
Kilosthat link08:40
Kilosand the investigate deb-delta08:40
Kilosdeb-delta will never be achived08:41
Kilostoo much work for everyone concerned and all the extra space needed on the host08:42
Kilosbut i have it in memory so neb=ver fear08:42
Kilosnever either08:42
Kilosim the only one that has been after a deb-delta server anyway08:43
Kilosi think its a massive thing space wise08:43
Kilosalmost everything doubled08:43
Kilosand then each user has to install deb-delta stuff as well to get it working08:44
* inetpro should remember to build a script to make automatic backups of the trello board08:44
Kilosonly mobile peeps would even consider it08:44
Kilosi tried to archive them and the delete button showed up too clearly08:46
Kilosbe honest, noone else has every bothered with deb-delta08:47
inetproKilos: I'll be honest, it's something I want to look at at some point when I have more time08:48
Kilosok i will remind you08:50
Kilosjust remember you need to get someone to host the extra on a server08:50
Kilosits a mirror alongside a mirror08:50
Kilosand its for all releases still in action so major space needed08:51
inetproKilos: so if you know it all, why didn't you update the card with the info?08:52
inetprothen we could have moved it to done as well08:52
Kilosoh my08:53
Kilossjoe sorry sir08:53
Kiloshi Rynomster  08:57
Kiloshi drussell  we good and you?09:03
Rynomsterhey Kilos09:13
mciverzacheers all, am off again10:23
Kiloshi pieter2627  10:29
pieter2627Evening all... Ooi oi Kilos10:29
Kiloslol jy ook tyd verskrik10:30
pieter2627half... was uit vir die ander helfte10:30
Kilosare you glad to be on the bug squad?10:31
pieter2627Yea, it seems like a lot of fun10:31
Kilosinvolved though10:32
Kiloswas very interesting watching you two10:32
pieter2627You always ask everyone, so someone needs to ask you. Can you also help with bugs?10:35
Kilosim sure others were taking notes as well10:35
pieter2627I'm also keeping a reference to the log10:35
Kilosi even battle with bugs that fly around10:35
pieter2627* for easy review10:35
Kilosbut i will supply moral support10:36
Kilosand stupid remarks now and again10:36
pieter2627sounds like triaging :P10:38
Kiloslol i dont even know what that means10:38
pieter2627filtering thru what is important and what is not, leaving remarks to get more info, finding dups...10:40
drussellKilos: all good thanks, happy Friday all :oD11:23
inetproKilos: ping12:11
Kilosinetpro  pong12:12
Kilosyou still talking to me?12:12
inetproKilos: why not?12:16
inetproyou still have an issue with thunderbird contacts?12:16
Kilosya the stupid thing12:17
Kilosi made the vcard inported it 3 times and then made some lib thing to export and then reimport but it says it cant12:18
inetproKilos: don't bite the hand that feeds you12:18
Kilosnow when i want an addy i open evo and get the addy there then use it in TB12:19
Kilosi tried for days with TB man12:19
inetprodid you export properly in Evolution?12:19
Kilosi can import the vcards12:20
Kilosbut they dont save in the personal folder they just add on under it and i cant use them12:21
Kiloswith the export it make lbi files or something right?12:22
Kilosevo makes the vcards12:22
Kilostb imports them12:22
Kilosthen tb must export them to make the lbii or whatever they are called12:23
inetprothe export in evolution should make a single file with all the vcards in it12:23
Kilosya list.vcf12:23
inetprook, and when you import you select that12:24
inetprowhat happens then?12:24
Kilosi cant remember12:24
Kiloslemme look12:24
inetprogo to Address Book | Tools | Import12:25
Kilosya ive done theat12:25
Kilos3 times12:25
inetproSelect Address Books12:25
inetproselect vCard file12:26
inetproselect your file12:26
inetproand what do get then?12:27
Kiloslemme post12:27
Kilosscreen shot12:28
Kilosyou will see i did the inport thing a few times12:33
Kiloseven named one addies12:33
Kilosthey all show in thunderbird12:33
Kilosbut i uses personal to send mails12:33
inetprohmm... 12:34
inetprothat screenshot only shows the import wizard12:34
Kilosoh my12:35
inetproso where are the addresses added?12:35
inetproI see in the background you have Perso... Book, addies, list, list, list and Collec... esses12:36
Kilosoh thats same12:36
Kilosyaya thats them12:36
inetproso then it was successful, what the problem is? 12:37
Kilosall addresses are in them12:37
Kilosbut when i send a mail it uses personal and the addies arent in there they are in all the others12:37
Kilosthat link said then you must export them to make a new file and then import that file12:38
Kilosthat didnt work it said cant import them12:38
inetproKilos, Kilos, Kilos12:42
inetprodid you do some little bit of RTFS even?12:42
Kiloshave you still got that link?12:43
inetproyou can change your preferences sir12:43
inetproKilos: and on top of that, you can simply highlight and drag and drop addresses from one sub folder to the other12:44
Kilosi think it wouldnt allow me to 12:45
Kiloscouldnt or something12:45
Kilosin prefernces i ticked use addies but it doesnt12:45
Kilosoh ya i can ctrl+a them but cant paste them into personal12:47
Kilosor ctrl+v12:48
inetproKilos: drag12:49
inetproKilos: and12:49
inetproKilos: drop12:49
inetprobut honestly, it should even matter12:49
Kilosdrag drop addies into personal?12:50
inetproin Preferences | Composition | Addressing | When addressing messages... | [X] Local Address Books12:51
inetproKilos: if that is ticked it doesn't matter which sub folder the contacts are in12:52
Kiloslemme see12:52
Kilosya that is ticked12:53
inetpronow please explain what you struggle with from here12:53
Kilosbut it still doesnt find an addy when i start typing it in12:53
Kilosi have to manuall enter a complete address12:54
inetprothis when typing a new message?12:55
inetproso, what happens if you press F9?12:55
Kilosat what stage12:55
inetprowhile writing a new message - Title: 'Write: (no subject)'12:56
inetprosame as pressing the View menu and selecting Contacts Sidebar12:57
inetproF9 = same as pressing the View menu and selecting Contacts Sidebar12:57
Kiloslemme try12:58
Kilosthat works then i can start typing 4 letters and it see all related addies12:59
Kilosty inetpro  12:59
Kilosnow i must remember F9 too12:59
* Kilos releases that hand from my jaws13:01
Kilosdinkie boetie13:01
Kilosraining here now13:01
Kilosai! for me too, gotta go find sheep in the rain13:05
Kiloswill wait till it stops13:05
Kilosbig thunder and lightening here now13:11
pieter2627we have a lot of thunder; will see you guys later13:17
inetproKilos: no13:29
inetprono need to remember F913:29
inetprojust remember RTFS13:30
Kilosoh i saw that ty inetpro  13:30
inetproS = Screen in this case13:30
Kilosit seems to have them found now13:31
inetprojust click on the menu and see what options are available for you13:31
Kilosif its working i dont want to even look further. i just want to send some and see13:32
inetproKilos: so you still call it "the stupid thing"?13:33
Kilosya now everytime i write new iIT opens the F9 thing and fails sending13:37
Kiloswhen hitting F9 again i seem to be able to send13:37
Kilosjust sent you one to test13:38
inetprodid it give you an error message?13:39
Kilosand lots of rtfs13:40
Kilosif i hit F9 to close it then IT seems to work13:40
Kiloshee hee13:40
inetprothere's no magic13:41
Kilosevery new mail it opens the F9 option13:41
Kilosif IT wasnt so much faster than evo i wouldnt use IT13:42
Kilosoh and the buntu thing too13:42
Kilosdont make me laugh man head too sore13:43
Kilosi dont mind hitting F9 everytime13:43
Kiloscloud cover clearing up here now13:44
Kiloswow we are min today14:02
Kilosmarketing strategy fail14:02
Kiloswb Tonberry  14:51
SDCDevmin today? te min mense?14:51
SDCDevor min like bleak14:51
Kilosya so sad14:52
Kilosim digging int hte archives now to see if i can revive some of the long missing ones14:52
Kiloswb pieter2627  14:54
KilosSDCDev  min like bleak?14:59
Kilosyou  lost me15:00
magespawnhi Kilos, back in the office, about to go home, did i miss the bug thing?15:01
Kilosnope magespawn  the quad guy hasnt arrived yet15:02
magespawnbleak is slang, depressed, not happy15:02
Kilosoh ty15:02
Kilosnot kinda whitish because of blood draining outa head15:03
magespawnright will chat later15:03
Kilosgo safe15:03
Kilosevening superfly  16:34
superflyhi, bye. Gotta go.16:34
inetprogood evening16:43
Kilosevening inetpro  ty for the help with IT16:53
KilosIT seems almost a usable app now16:53
Kilosi go eat16:59
magespawngood evening17:26
Kiloshi magespawn  17:28
magespawnso what's up tonight?17:42
Kilosim waiting to see as well17:42
magespawnstill waiting on the bug?17:42
Kilosi think octoquad  got busy or called out or something17:48
magespawnthat happens too18:03
Kiloshi gremble  18:04
grembleHello Kilos 18:05
Kiloswhat you broke18:10
grembleFor some odd reason, this keeps reconnecting inappropriately18:11
inetproKilos: you can ask Tonberry to also join ubuntu-za on LP18:11
Kiloshasnt he?18:11
grembleThe more I read haskell, the prettier it gets18:12
grembleI think that I may be starting to like it more than c++18:12
Kiloslp member since 2006-05-2618:12
inetproKilos: and barrydk18:12
Kiloslol gremble  any learning is better than none18:13
inetproKilos: member of which group?18:13
Kilosis this a quiz?18:13
inetproKilos: yes18:13
inetprobecause you might just be failing again to RTFS18:14
Kilosoh well give me the link where peeps join za then18:14
grembleRead the fucking screen?18:14
inetproMaaz: rtfs18:14
MaazRead the Freaking Source/Spec/Screen18:14
Kilosgremble my sensitive nature18:14
inetprogremble: ^^18:14
grembleAh ha18:14
Kilosand the lady present18:15
grembleYou're afraid of a little vulgarity Kilos? :o18:15
Kilosive never sworn in from of a lady18:15
grembleThere is a first time for everything :P18:15
inetproKilos: never is a long time18:16
grembleI try not to swear, but RTFM has swearing in it18:16
grembleI am not averse to profanity though18:16
Kilosyou got so much energy why dont you join launchpad ubuntu-za18:16
grembleI have an account there18:16
Kilosin za18:16
grembleI had to make one to comment on the LoCo page18:17
grembleI'm not going to make another account D: 18:17
Kilosgood then please add yourself here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members18:17
grembleI'm not a member. I'm just here to swear18:17
inetproKilos: Tonberry is a member of Maties Ubuntu but not the South African Ubuntu team18:18
Kilosyou gotta join us to keep me happy18:18
grembleWhy does Stellenbosch have their own ubuntu team?18:18
inetprogremble: we should have more such groups18:19
grembleWhy? Fracturing hurts communities18:19
inetproerm, maybe18:20
magespawna bit like lug's18:20
inetpromaybe not18:20
grembleBut yes. Perhaps having people close by with meetings that can be attended in person is better18:20
gremblethan having a meeting over IRC18:21
Kilosinetpro  you convince gremble  and ill get tonberry in the morning18:21
inetprowould be nice if we could have strong smaller localised groups18:21
inetprowhen the Africa team has managed to have a life of it's own we'll appoint Kilos to focus on creating smaller groups in each town18:22
Kilosoh inetpro  i want you to make a list please18:23
inetprogremble: success breeds success :-)18:23
grembleAnd you'll be the his secretary inetpro 18:23
Kilosgo through those 82 and tell me who you remember and would like back here18:24
Kilosnote 8218:24
grembleI'm actually laughing out loud18:24
Kilosok ill just approach them all18:24
magespawnand we want that done before 20:45 no later18:25
* inetpro hiding in the top corner again18:25
magespawntoday, just in case that was not clear18:26
Kilosand note i said please18:27
Kilosdont bite the hand that feeds you18:27
Kilosinetpro  ping18:28
* inetpro is not here18:28
Kilosnow tomorrow he says pong18:28
inetprowhat's wrong Kilos?18:28
Kilosnow i forgot18:29
inetproKilos: sorry but I have other things that keep me busy18:29
Kilosoh i see that banks guy is a za member18:29
Kilosill do it18:30
inetproyou can call on your other minions to help you18:30
inetprogremble: help him!18:31
gremblePsh :P When this computer is open it means that I am programming :P18:31
Kilosno man18:32
Kilosyou know the old peeps18:32
inetproKilos: please don't force people to take part or even to expose themselves18:33
grembleexpose themselves?18:34
Kilosi dont force anyone18:34
inetprosome peeps prefer to have a private life18:34
Kilosok ill find new peeps18:35
Kiloslike gremble18:35
grembleAm I a new peep or are you going to find people like me or do I prefer to have a private life?18:39
Kilosim gonna find peeps like you18:40
grembleI broke my haskell compiler I think18:40
Kilosclever ones that can do the hard work for me18:40
Kilosfix it18:40
Kilosinetpro  when you are quiet i worry you adding more stuff to trello18:53
Kilosmaybe ill have an early night18:57
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:57
Kilossee m ya morrow18:57
magespawni am also off to bed, good night all20:22
grembleWhen Kilos isn't here, it gets quite quiet20:24
inetprogremble: your fault20:32
inetproTonberry: wb20:32
grembleThey make such a fuss about the typing in Haskell, and sure it looks neat and a lot more math-like, but it is not as novel20:46
grembleI think20:46
grembleThe idea certainly isn't20:46
* inetpro has never even looked at Haskell20:59
pieter2627night all21:10
grembleinetpro: it is pretty neat. I normally dislike programming, but so far I am having a lot of fun21:30
gremblecurrently confused as to why I cannot make a type signiture for a function that takes a list of numbers and returns a mean value21:30
grembleregardless of whether the input list is floating point or integer values21:30
grembleSec, let me see if I can find a nice example21:31
grembleI'm using o'reilly's book21:31
inetprowish I had enough money to pay for all these fantastic books out there21:34
grembleI nicked it from piratebay21:34
* inetpro can't even affor a single one of them21:34
grembleokay, try learnyouahaskell.com look at the online version there are some code examples floating around21:35
inetprogremble: so you start by installing haskell-platform from the standard repositories?21:38
grembleOh. Ya. You have to install a bunch of shit. It's not like C or C++ where everything is there already21:39
inetprohmm... 21:39
inetproNeed to get 56,5 MB of archives...21:39
grembleAre you internet stingy? :o21:39
inetproyep, only the 10th in the mobth and already running low21:40
inetprogremble: thanks for the link21:41
grembleAh. then you should probably not download whillynilly21:42
inetprogremble: added card on trello for later or for others https://trello.com/c/skXdujJP21:45
* inetpro thinking21:49
inetprowe should perhaps add another page on the wiki for Tips, Tricks & Links under our team21:49
inetprofor reference purposes or to share experiences so others can get a nice kickstart21:50
grembleYes, why not. It is not like you have to pay for wiki pages21:52
grembleCan also add the documentation project on the site I think21:53
grembleHave it there until it is large enough to be its own thing21:53
grembleI hope I get time to contribute to that. I would enjoy that21:54
inetprogremble: can you perhaps start it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/TipsTricksAndLinks ?21:55
inetproor call it something else if you want21:59
grembleWhat do you want on this page?22:00
inetpronot sure yet, to be honest... was just a thought22:00
inetprobut I'm sure it could be useful and get a life of it's own22:01
grembleIts there22:01
gremblestefanor, davidc3 and voodoo-eu will be notified apparently22:01
inetproand me22:01
grembleThose names are the only ones that the website mentioned22:02
grembleSorry :o22:02
* inetpro just subscribed22:02
inetprowhere did the time go?22:03
inetprogood night22:03

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