Kanov | I have several versions of Python installed and get the following error; ImportError: No module named repository | 00:01 |
Kanov | gi.repository is already installed | 00:01 |
brass_gauge | I know I'm asking a dumb question, but there isn't a way to re-write a CD-R? | 00:02 |
OerHeks | brass_gauge, no | 00:02 |
brass_gauge | kk, just checking | 00:02 |
bekks | brass_gauge: CD-R vs. CD-RW | 00:02 |
brass_gauge | I'm aware. | 00:02 |
brass_gauge | Just asking a silly question. | 00:02 |
Jordan_U | brass_gauge: If it hasn't been finilized then you can add another track, which can designate that new files should be added or existing files modified. | 00:03 |
Jordan_U | brass_gauge: But most programs finalize CDs by default, and it's not a commonly used feature. It also means that if you "delete" an existing file you can't regain that space, because you're only adding additional bits physically to the CD, you can't change what's already been burned. | 00:04 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
aiconnect | Hi, I need help with the Ubuntu Software Manager. When I try and open it, the screen appears, then dissapears. I am getting a notification of error -> "Unknown Error: <class 'System Error' > (E:Opening /etc/aptsources.lost -ifstread::ifstream (13: permission denied) | 00:09 |
ronh | do I need to use hardware raid to be able to share raid-1 disks between windows and linux? | 00:09 |
aiconnect | nevermind.........I messed up. I just realized that unless root, I had taken read permission off sources.list....... | 00:10 |
aiconnect | Fixed now :) | 00:10 |
Marikos | Hi guys, this is driving me crazy and google is of no help. Short version, I'm not a fan of the unit policy and I want Nautilius to show me proper units (e.g. MiB, I can deal with the label) but I want my base-2 file sizes because it's not consistent between my terminal apps and my UI | 00:10 |
Marikos | Please tell me there's a setting somewhere? | 00:10 |
Marikos | (pretty please?) | 00:10 |
grio | ronh, what's the question exactly? I'm actually rebuilding my workstation to boot Windows 8.1 and 14.04 with a RAID-5 configuration. | 00:10 |
ronh | grio I don't know if I should enable raid in bios or if I can just create software raid under windows and then be able to access it on linux. maybe important: this is just a data disk, both OSes will be installed on a separate disk | 00:12 |
grio | ronh, you misunderstand what RAID does. What are you trying to achieve *exactly*? | 00:13 |
ronh | what makes you say that? I want to create raid-1 that can be accessed from both windows and linux. | 00:14 |
grio | Are you trying to create a disk that is accessible to both Ubuntu and Windows? Is that what I'm understanding? | 00:14 |
ronh | yes | 00:14 |
davevanloo | ronh, i created a raid drive on my motherboard by setting it to raid, linux now recognised it.., i also had done it inside windows.. and linux was not able to correctly detect nor mount it in any mode.., so i would suggest raid mode.. | 00:15 |
grio | ronh, OK. All of that is independent of the OSs. When you can, you should ALWAYS avoid software RAID. | 00:15 |
ronh | grio why? i actually wanted to avoid hardware raid | 00:16 |
ronh | but i am not sure if it would work | 00:16 |
davevanloo | i have a asus maximus VII ranger.., weirdly enough not sure if it has hardware-raid ( most likely not though.. as its an expensive option ) hardware raid makes all the raid processes be done on itself.. instead of via the cpu.. what all types of software raid do | 00:16 |
grio | Hence why I said I think you misunderstand why and how RAID works. A software RAID is incumbent on the OS working correctly. With a hardware RAID, it's transparent to both OSs. | 00:16 |
ronh | grio what if my motherboard dies and i buy a new one, with a different raid controller? | 00:16 |
bekks | ronh: The ONLY way to have RAID1 being accessible (not even talking about accessing the filesystems) is using a hardwae RAID. | 00:17 |
ronh | i can't access my data | 00:17 |
grio | ronh, hence why an independent RAID controller is better, though your RAID configuration is on the harddrives, not the controller. | 00:17 |
OerHeks | Marikos, known issue, i have no solution for mb <> mib | 00:17 |
grio | You should be able to hook them up to another controller, and if the previous controller stuck to RFC, it should "just work." | 00:18 |
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off | ||
ronh | and if not? I need to get exactly the same motherboard to access data? | 00:18 |
bekks | ronh: Yes. | 00:18 |
Marikos | OerHeks: That's what I was afraid of, it seems like a) it's a battle long over and b) user configuration was sacrificed for the "greater good" | 00:18 |
grio | But I *never* use on-board RAID controllers. Always use an independent PCIe controller. Not necessarily, but most likely. | 00:18 |
bekks | ronh: Thats why you have a backup. | 00:18 |
grio | Exactly. | 00:19 |
Marikos | OerHeks: IMO the debate was a non-starter, all storage units should be powers of 2 with SI prefixes, as it always has been | 00:19 |
OerHeks | Marikos, this guy proposed a setting in dconf > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/875224/comments/13 maybe you can reply on that ? | 00:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 875224 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus shows the files with wrong calculated size" [Low,Invalid] | 00:19 |
OerHeks | Marikos, i would have the option to show in bytes too. | 00:20 |
OerHeks | * would like to have | 00:20 |
yoh4ns3n | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER yoh4ns3n ebqyegckasty | 00:20 |
Marikos | OerHeks: I'll do just that. I think even if we use the "human" base-10 units as the default and have a hidden setting it would be fine. KISS for the masses and those who know wht they want can tweak to their heart's content :) | 00:21 |
OerHeks | yoh4ns3n, time to change password | 00:21 |
Johnny_Linux | D`oh! | 00:21 |
OerHeks | https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#changepass | 00:21 |
Marikos | OerHeks: and raw bytes would not be unwelcome. Personally despite its flaws, I like the way windows showed it, base-2 prefixed units and raw bytes | 00:21 |
grio | ronh, otherwise, you have to have a software RAID in both Windows and Ubuntu, they have to work exactly the same, and if one corrupts the other, your data is toast. An independent controller creates reliability and transparency. All that make sense? | 00:22 |
OerHeks | Marikos, good point, let the user choose | 00:22 |
bekks | grio: The former is "unclear", since there is no such software solution - which just needed to be pointed out. | 00:22 |
kSudo89 | when using CHOWN why might I get a 'Operation not permitted" error while using SUDO CHOWN | 00:22 |
kSudo89 | same goes for sudo chmod | 00:22 |
bekks | kSudo89: You are operating on a filesystem not supporting POSIX ACL. | 00:23 |
ronh | grio just googled a bit.. according to this (dated) post linux can access window's software raid. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=833653&p=5217561#post5217561 | 00:23 |
kSudo89 | but this is my /home/user/Videos folder. I don't understand what changed | 00:23 |
grio | bekks, ronh: I was leaving him to make that revelation for himself, but you are correct. | 00:23 |
OerHeks | kSudo89, chown without sudo is a security hole, even in you /home/ | 00:24 |
kSudo89 | i used it with sudo | 00:24 |
grio | ronh, I don't even see how that would be remotely possible, considering you need Windows to be maintaining bit integrity at that time. Otherwise, the data becomes incongruent, and the next time Windows boots, it eats the data because it never managed its writing to the disk. | 00:24 |
ronh | well isn't that true for the independent controller as well? if it corrupts data you can no longer access it? | 00:24 |
bekks | ronh: If it orrupts your data, you still have your backup. | 00:25 |
kSudo89 | my command was "sudo chown -R root:root /home/user/Videos" you guys telling my a can't reverse that now? | 00:25 |
grio | ronh, yes, but the drives are transparent to the OS. The OS doesn't know what a RAID it; it simply sees it as a block device. | 00:25 |
ronh | bekks and how is that a pro for hardware controller? | 00:25 |
bekks | ronh: No one said it is a pro for HW RAID. | 00:25 |
OerHeks | kSudo89, sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/user/Videos | 00:25 |
ronh | bekks we were discussing hardware vs software controllers. and you just jumped in with "ya gotta backup" line the second time | 00:25 |
bekks | ronh: The ultimate PRO for a HW RAID is that it is supported by all operating systems with drivers available for it. | 00:26 |
=== erwin is now known as PHPLearner | ||
kSudo89 | sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/user/Videos does not work | 00:26 |
bekks | ronh: And I dropped i a lot earlier. | 00:27 |
bekks | *in | 00:27 |
OerHeks | kSudo89, /home/user/Videos is correct? is your user named user? else use sudo chown -R root:root /home/$USER/Videos | 00:27 |
ronh | and what if 5 years down the line the controller dies? and you can't buy the same controller any more, except (maybe) on used market? | 00:27 |
grio | ronh, if you implement a software raid, I will guarantee you will lose data. | 00:27 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
ronh | grio if i share data between the OSes, you mean? what if linux just reads data? | 00:28 |
kSudo89 | sudo chown -R user:user /home/user/Videos well change all files to me but will not change /home/user/Videos and any subdirectories back to me. They all retain root | 00:28 |
bekks | ronh: The ONLY chance of NOT losing data is having a valid backup. No RAID solution can be considered "safe" under ALL circumstances. | 00:28 |
grio | You're not hearing me. The controller is just that; it controls. The RAID configuration is all stored on the hard drives. If you buy a controller today, in 5 years, you should be able to buy a new controller and swap it out, and have it be transparent to the drives. | 00:28 |
ronh | grio then why doesn't that work with onboard controllers? | 00:29 |
grio | ronh, what bekks said; nothing beats a backup. The controller is no guarantee your data survives in a RAID. | 00:29 |
bekks | ronh: Because onboard RAID controllers are fakeraid controllers, which work only because the driver in a specific OS (Windows) operates them. | 00:29 |
kSudo89 | /home/user/Videos and /home/user/Videos/1 all retain root while /home/user/Videos/video1.mov change | 00:29 |
grio | ronh, it SHOULD work. But those onboard controllers seem to be non-standard, unless it's Intel or Adaptec. | 00:30 |
grio | grio, and bekks detailed the coup de gras. Driver-controlled bit management = BAD. You want an independent controller with a fair amount of cache (RAM), and a battery. | 00:31 |
kSudo89 | sudo chown root:root /home/$USER/Videos | 00:32 |
kSudo89 | chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/master/Videos’: Operation not permitted | 00:32 |
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away | ||
ronh | "This motherboard adopts Intel southbridge chipset that integrates RAID controller supporting Raid0/Raid1/Intel Rapid Storage/Raid 10/ Raid 5" | 00:33 |
kSudo89 | I give up thanks anyways | 00:33 |
ronh | so how safe is to use this hardware controller? | 00:33 |
bekks | ronh: Which controller is it in particular? | 00:33 |
bekks | ronh: FIRST, we need to find out wether it is a HW RAID controller at all :) | 00:33 |
grio | ronh, then don't let me stop you. bekks probably ICH7-9 Raid Matrix. Decent HW controller. It's what the mobos I use at work use for RAID1. | 00:34 |
ronh | no clue, the page I"m reading doesn't say and I can't find it onl google... Z97 chipset, ASRock Extreme3 motherboard | 00:35 |
bekks | The Intel Rapid Storage controllers are fakeraid controllers. | 00:35 |
bekks | At least all of them I've seen. | 00:35 |
ronh | which means? | 00:35 |
bekks | You dont have a HW RAID controller. | 00:35 |
grio | bekks, Negativo, good sir. They're all standard, or at least in my experience. | 00:35 |
ronh | other motherboards can't read its raid arrays? | 00:36 |
bekks | grio: I'm open to learn :) | 00:36 |
grio | Every one of my customers who opted for RAID1 data protection use those on the embedded motherboards we sell. Never had a single data corruption in the 5 years I've been selling/servicing them. | 00:36 |
bekks | I cant find any reference for Intel Rapid Storage not being fakeraid. | 00:37 |
bekks | Some of you can, maybe? | 00:37 |
* grio has a Rapid Storage server sitting to his left doing almost exactly what ronh wants to do. | 00:38 | |
ronh | if I do raid-1 now can I switch to raid-5 once I buy more disks? | 00:39 |
ronh | without copying data back and forth | 00:40 |
grio | ronh, I wouldn't be concerned about using the Rapid Storage controller, personally. It's not best practices, but it's still a decent controller in *my* experience. | 00:40 |
ronh | okay.. sounds better than software controllers anyway | 00:40 |
davevanloo | its exually funny how much trouble im having in finding out weither I have hardware-raid.. it kinda looks like i have.. especially as in how easy both windows and linux recognised the drive ( even without drivers ) | 00:40 |
ronh | what about rebuilding raid-1 as raid-5 once more drivers are added? | 00:41 |
ronh | disks* | 00:41 |
bekks | davevanloo: Without drivers, neither Windows nor Linux woudl detect anything. The drivers are shipped with the default installation most likely. | 00:41 |
grio | I've never used Rapid Storage drives for RAID5, so I can't attest to the quality. | 00:41 |
davevanloo | bekks: that is true.., but doesnt hardware-raid present the raid-x drive as a single drive to the OS? | 00:42 |
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grio | ronh bekks: this is the motherboard in the embedded systems my company sells. http://www.portwell.com/products/detail.php?CUSTCHAR1=RUBY-9719VG2AR | 00:42 |
bekks | davevanloo: Yes. But the OS still needs a driver to recognize that device. | 00:42 |
=== coxzist is now known as coXZist | ||
grio | Those controllers are supported out of the box from Windows 7 on, and Ubuntu 14.04 for sure works with them. | 00:43 |
davevanloo | bekks: jups :) | 00:45 |
grio | afk for a moment; putting my rugrats to bed. | 00:45 |
davevanloo | my maximus ranger VII when set to raid show a splash during bios boot to configure my raid array.. looks a lot like hardware raid.., but could still just be software.. dangit.. :P | 00:47 |
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=== DarkDevil is now known as darkdevil | ||
cuddylier | Anyone kinow what a normal IOPs usage level is? | 01:10 |
cuddylier | know* | 01:10 |
cuddylier | I currently have 346 peak on raid 10 HDD | 01:10 |
cuddylier | And %wa is very high peaking at 40 | 01:10 |
=== Techi is now known as Arrick | ||
grio | back, though it looks like the RAID conversation died. | 01:11 |
cuddylier | grio: Do you know much about iops and HW raid 10? | 01:12 |
=== matrix is now known as Guest1234 | ||
ubuser | ------ | 01:14 |
ubuser | hi | 01:14 |
grio | cuddylier, admittedly, not a lot. What are you trying to achieve? | 01:14 |
davevanloo | greetings ubuser, do you have a question? | 01:14 |
cuddylier | grio: I'm trying to diagnose very high %wa on a raid 10 12 x 4TB HDD setup | 01:14 |
ubuser | davevanloo: no (sorry), the system is running fine | 01:14 |
cuddylier | That runs KVM VPS's | 01:14 |
cuddylier | I'm looking at the iops right now but don't really know what to judge as 'high' | 01:15 |
grio | cuddylier, admittedly, probably higher than my paygrade. | 01:15 |
davevanloo | ubuser: no need to apologize hehe, i just thought you were a little shy somehow lol | 01:15 |
ubuser | :> | 01:15 |
davevanloo | :P | 01:16 |
ronh | got it working after some trouble (installed OS on ahci then changed to RAID).. I now have two raid-1 disks showing as a single disk. now, what windows file system should I use for maximum linux compatibility? NTFS or exFAT | 01:16 |
grio | RAID 10: because you just can't have enough disks to do the job. | 01:16 |
davevanloo | raid-o because more IS better! :P | 01:16 |
grio | cuddylier, RAID 10 always gives me issues with a high I/O. | 01:17 |
cuddylier | This is hardware raid 10 too, it's driving my crazy hmm | 01:17 |
ronh | linux partitions aren't an option unfortunately.. this is mainly a windows machine, I will be the only one using linux | 01:17 |
davevanloo | its a shame isnt it ronh? :) | 01:18 |
grio | cuddylier, what does the great Google-machine tell you? | 01:18 |
ronh | yeah... so NTFS or exFAT? :) | 01:18 |
teward | ronh: NTFS/fat/exFAT and Linux permissions don't play nice together. | 01:18 |
grio | ronh, what's going to be on the drive? | 01:19 |
ronh | teward shame | 01:19 |
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teward | ronh: that's going to be a major factor though. what's going to be on the drive, and is this going to be used with an actual Windows system as well, or no? | 01:19 |
davevanloo | ooh yes.. i regularly have problems with that to.. but there are work workarounds. so it gets easier.. :) | 01:19 |
ronh | grio data. movies, photos, etc. I will install linux on a separate disk and it will have a linux file system | 01:19 |
teward | ronh: any of the movies over 4GB in size? | 01:19 |
grio | exFat is your best bet. | 01:19 |
ronh | tweard yes | 01:20 |
teward | grio: what's max filesize in exfat | 01:20 |
teward | grio: also, not all windows systems behave with exfat yet | 01:20 |
=== sUbMuNdO is now known as Guest1130 | ||
grio | teward, 32EB, I thought? | 01:21 |
ronh | if the answer was no, exFAT would be recommended? linux supports it better than NTFS, even though NTFS is a lot older? | 01:21 |
grio | teward, I was close. 16EB. | 01:21 |
grio | ronh, what? | 01:21 |
grio | ronh, if the answer was no, FAT32 would be the suggestion. | 01:22 |
ronh | grio does linux support exFAT better? since you recommended it over ntfs | 01:22 |
ronh | oh I see | 01:22 |
grio | ronh, NTFS has had a long and contentious support relationship. | 01:22 |
teward | ronh: exfat unless you have older windows. | 01:22 |
teward | (before winxp for example) | 01:22 |
teward | s/winxp/winvista/ | 01:23 |
ronh | i have windows 8.1 | 01:23 |
grio | ronh, I couldn't exactly tell you why. If he has < WinXP, I'd tell him to GTFO anyway. | 01:23 |
ronh | and don't care about older windows accessing the data.. only linux | 01:23 |
grio | exFAT FTW KTHKBYE | 01:23 |
teward | ronh: then exfat. but note that 8.1 and linux don't like each other either | 01:23 |
Jordan_U | ronh: grio: NTFS support is included out of the box, and is reliable. EXfat support is not included by default. | 01:24 |
ronh | hah ok.. I fully expected the answer to be NTFS and was just waiting for confirmation.. good thing i asked | 01:24 |
teward | so there may be problems if you 'fastboot' 8.1 (make sure to really shut that stuff down xD) | 01:24 |
grio | teward, negative nelly. It'll be fine. He just has to follow the instructions. | 01:24 |
teward | grio: *points at his own 8.1 installation on a dualboot breaking the data partition routinely* | 01:24 |
ronh | Jordan_U is it more reliable than exfat support? | 01:24 |
grio | Jordan_U, I was thinking I'd had good luck with NTFS, but I didn't want to speak out of turn. Which ironically I did. | 01:25 |
dodobrain | hi all.. | 01:25 |
YvesLevier | Hi dodobrain | 01:25 |
grio | teward, sounds like a 'you' problem. =P | 01:25 |
dodobrain | will installing postgresql-9.3 migrate the databases currently put into postgresql-9.1 ? | 01:25 |
grio | dodobrain, /j #postgres | 01:25 |
Jordan_U | ronh: I'm not familiar with how reliable EXfat support is, but it would be difficult for it to be more reliable than ntfs at this point. | 01:25 |
dodobrain | i did a quick check on apt-cache show postgresql-9.3 and it doesn;t say it conflicts with postgresql-9.1 | 01:26 |
teward | grio: sounds like windows. but meh | 01:26 |
YvesLevier | Som1 in Ubuntu-fr wants to know how to get well prepared his Linux certification. You know what it can mean plz? | 01:26 |
dodobrain | grio, no. this is an ubuntu question. not a postgres question | 01:26 |
teward | grio: but meh, i prefer a nice linux environmnet | 01:26 |
grio | teward, I'm a recent re-convert. Primary desktop for work and home for 6 months, but still boot to 7/8.1 for app support and gaming. Don't have this breaking you speak of. | 01:27 |
teward | grio: *shrugs* it's ultimately irrelevant and offtopic here so meh | 01:27 |
grio | teward, Love my 14.04 install. Upgrade to 14.10 on my work machine. That was a meh-stake. More trouble than the tweaks were worth. | 01:28 |
[n0mad] | all that breaks is if you have fastboot enabled you can't directly access the windows partition because it's basically hibernated | 01:28 |
[n0mad] | if you restart, if you shut down windows with fastboot enabled you never would notice | 01:28 |
ronh | grio,teward why exfat over ntfs? | 01:29 |
grio | I know NTFS support has been solid in my experience, but exFAT doesn't have permissions to play with. If it's just media, permissions aren't a concern. But Jordan_U is right; exfat support isnt native, and needs to be installed with apt-get. | 01:31 |
grio | I also come from the Linux 1.x/2.x era, when NTFS support was still just experimental. | 01:31 |
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Roberth | olá | 01:46 |
=== tj_ is now known as Guest94199 | ||
Roberth | Olá | 01:46 |
Roberth | hi | 01:46 |
Roberth | boa noite | 01:46 |
ubuser | hi | 01:50 |
ubuser | has anyone install ubuntu with full disk encryption and windows on the same disk | 01:51 |
ubuser | Has anyone installed Ubuntu with full disk encryption and Windows on the same disk? | 01:51 |
OerHeks | ubuser, ubuntu+ full disk encryption is possible, windows + full disk encryption and ubuntu side-by-side not. | 01:52 |
OerHeks | I wouldn't use full disk encryption, too many issues when somethin goes wrong, recovery can be a pain | 01:52 |
ubuser | but windows + ubuntu with encrypted home partition is | 01:53 |
ubuser | possible. | 01:53 |
OerHeks | sure, no problem | 01:53 |
ianorlin | there are some things with if you want ssh and encrypted home however | 01:53 |
OerHeks | ianorlin, correct, If you have an encrypted home directory, SSH cannot access your authorized_keys file because it is inside your encrypted home directory | 01:55 |
OerHeks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys#Troubleshooting | 01:55 |
Guest94199 | aight I messed up. I did a usermod -G <groupname> <user> and whiped out my normal groups. | 01:55 |
Guest94199 | can I reboot with "single" and get in as root to fix? | 01:55 |
RepThis1 | hey guys, i have a issue where when i try to go into fullscreen mode on youtube it just shows the same size video but with enormous sized black borders. Any idea on what this? running on KDE | 01:56 |
RepThis1 | on a fresh install i had the problem, then the next day it was normal and now its back to this black border madness. | 01:57 |
Guest94199 | cause I cant auth for sudo or anything now | 01:57 |
Guest94199 | can someone at least tell what is the standard set of secondary groups are please? | 01:58 |
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away | ||
_X_C_V_B_ | how do I update the linux kernal | 02:09 |
w00tburger | can someone assist me with a .bashrc question? | 02:11 |
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex | ||
[n0mad] | _X_C_V_B_, tried this? https://www.linux.com/community/blogs/133-general-linux/803937-installupgrade-linux-kernel-to-3183-stable-in-ubuntulinux-mintpeppermint | 02:12 |
w00tburger | I am running into issue with my bash prompt. I have colored it, but when I type to a new line it overwrites my first line | 02:14 |
shrikumar | terminal opening and closing immediately | 02:15 |
w00tburger | someone? anyone? I am desperate so I can go about my business | 02:19 |
w00tburger | or lack there of at this point | 02:19 |
dodobrain | w00tburger, what do you mean? i didn;t understand your earlier statement about overwriting | 02:20 |
dodobrain | perhaps screenshot or video would be more easily understood | 02:20 |
dancular | is there an easy way to execute some cli commands in x seconds up to a year later? | 02:23 |
w00tburger | when I type a line out in a shell, when it gets to the end of the line, instead of breaking the text to a new line it will begin overlapping the text I am currently writting | 02:23 |
cfhowlett | dancular, sounds like a cron command ... a LONG cron command | 02:24 |
dancular | k i'll google it thanks | 02:24 |
shrikumar | terminal opening and closing immediately | 02:24 |
dancular | is long cron different command or is long just a flag or something | 02:24 |
[n0mad] | i think cfhowlett just means a year is a long way out | 02:25 |
dancular | right | 02:25 |
dancular | that was just hypothetical the server will restart before a year is up | 02:25 |
[n0mad] | do you mean you want it to do something every x number of seconds for the next year? or you don't want it to do something till next year? | 02:26 |
Sramelyor3301 | Hey guys can you help me. Why isn't libreoffice able to detect any of my grammatical and spelling errors?? | 02:29 |
Sramelyor3301 | I installed the extension for american and british english yet it isn't able to detect any errors. Please help | 02:30 |
[n0mad] | Sramelyor3301, what if you hit F7? | 02:31 |
dodobrain | w00tburger, what did you set PS1 to? | 02:31 |
Sramelyor3301 | jam | 02:31 |
Sramelyor3301 | I did that already | 02:31 |
Sramelyor3301 | isn't detecting anything | 02:31 |
dodobrain | w00tburger, might i suggest you ask in #bash? they *will* tell you the definitive answer | 02:32 |
Sramelyor3301 | I made conscious mistakes here and there and I know there are mistakes yet it isn't detecting | 02:32 |
Sramelyor3301 | Where am I possibly going wrong? | 02:32 |
cfhowlett | Sramelyor3301, you should ask the libreoffice channel for LO suppot. | 02:33 |
Sramelyor3301 | Which channel would that be? | 02:33 |
Sramelyor3301 | #libreoffice? | 02:33 |
cfhowlett | Sramelyor3301, see your libreoffice "help" menu? look there | 02:33 |
Sramelyor3301 | oh thanks :) | 02:34 |
weggrafaeqfqrfq | Anyone have any issues with using ubuntu on a macbook retina? Does the trackpad work as well as with osx? | 02:34 |
Sramelyor3301 | hey guys quick summary what is sudo apt-get autoremove?? WHy does it keep telling me that certain programs can be autoremoved?? | 02:52 |
orion | grr | 02:55 |
orion | Does anyone know why when I run "DIST=utopic ARCH=amd64 git-pbuilder create" I get this error?: Package cowdancer is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:55 |
Sramelyor3301 | I tried installing open office | 02:59 |
Sramelyor3301 | I am not able to completely remove libre office | 03:00 |
Sramelyor3301 | please help | 03:00 |
keith_ | squarefree_keith | 03:00 |
Sramelyor3301 | and while installing open office it shows this - Unknown media type in type 'all/all' | 03:00 |
Sramelyor3301 | Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles' | 03:00 |
Sramelyor3301 | Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms' | 03:00 |
Sramelyor3301 | Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst' | 03:00 |
Sramelyor3301 | Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu' | 03:00 |
Sramelyor3301 | Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm' | 03:00 |
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` | ||
=== Osiris79 is now known as Osirez | ||
hgri89 | hello | 03:06 |
f__ | hi | 03:07 |
Jonno_FTW | hi | 03:07 |
f__ | where are you ? | 03:07 |
hgri89 | is this the right place to try and see if someone would be able to help me with disabling the NVIDIA card and just using the Intel Card on a Macbook Pro 9,1 | 03:08 |
f__ | so sorry | 03:09 |
hgri89 | I have tried to scour the forums but the instuctions are for older versions of UBUNTU/Debian and dont seem to work with newer versions | 03:09 |
javnut | I have an empty flash drive, how can I check if my computer can run 64 bit ubuntu? | 03:11 |
OerHeks | javnut, check on ubuntu ? | 03:12 |
OerHeks | lscpu can tell your arch | 03:12 |
javnut | Architecture: i686 | 03:13 |
OerHeks | = 32 bit | 03:13 |
javnut | CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit | 03:14 |
javnut | so are you sure? | 03:15 |
OerHeks | javnut, yes | 03:15 |
javnut | ok, thanks | 03:17 |
=== gerald is now known as Guest95415 | ||
pipeep | Does anyone know how to use 2fa with luks? There doesn't seem to be an option for it. | 03:24 |
esplonky | Can I install Ubuntu GNOME 14.10 on a Macbook Pro with core 2 duo? It's a 64-bit processor but has a 32-bit UEFI | 04:01 |
OerHeks | esplonky, sure, but i think there is no such thing, 32 bit uefi. see the mactel pages | 04:03 |
OerHeks | !mac | 04:03 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 04:03 |
esplonky | oh ok. Which ISO should I use? x86_64 or i386? | 04:04 |
Ben64 | 64 | 04:04 |
OerHeks | i386 is 32 bit. | 04:04 |
esplonky | ok | 04:05 |
esplonky | there's no page for my mac on the mactel pages :P | 04:05 |
esplonky | mine's a Macbook Pro 2,2 | 04:05 |
OerHeks | btw uefi won't work with 32 bit, although i read somewhere it can be done.. | 04:05 |
Catsandcats | Went to upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 and walked away for a minute,now stuck on a blank lock screen ,won't let me log in | 04:05 |
esplonky | I've only seen success in installing linux on mac with Ubuntu and other DEB based Distros | 04:06 |
unknownsquad | for what distro | 04:06 |
TheC4mel | I must have a corrupt font file. My font gets jumbled up, after I stay logged in for 3+ hours, the font gets worse and worse. | 04:08 |
TheC4mel | Maybe I should run a memcheck? | 04:08 |
OerHeks | TheC4mel, sure, memtest86 isn't a bad idea to check | 04:09 |
TheC4mel | I know that sounds weird, but the font actually gets more and more jumbled, out of place, with missing characters, etc, if I stay logged in for a long time | 04:10 |
OerHeks | TheC4mel, maybe your GPU fan is full of dust, that could explain this behaviour too. | 04:11 |
unknownsquad | -help | 04:11 |
unknownsquad | !help | 04:11 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 04:11 |
TheC4mel | !help | 04:12 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 04:12 |
coXZist | !help | 04:12 |
OerHeks | please don't ... you know what ubottu replies | 04:13 |
=== unknownsquad is now known as lizardsquad | ||
coXZist | didnt work ..lol..was just checking | 04:13 |
OerHeks | It has a timer, for flooding | 04:13 |
=== lizardsquad is now known as unknownsquad | ||
coXZist | oohhh | 04:13 |
TheC4mel | OerHeks, I have a laptop and it's only a few months old. | 04:13 |
TheC4mel | So Idk about the gpu | 04:14 |
unknownsquad | syn 53 4000 | 04:14 |
coXZist | TheC4mel: you dont have to know about the gpu...maybe ur laptop is just overheating..is it just the font or the display in general | 04:17 |
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lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 04:24 |
OerHeks | hi lotuspsychje | 04:26 |
lotuspsychje | OerHeks: hello mate | 04:26 |
* trol today found that deb = opensource, rpm = closedsource . | 04:30 | |
=== heisenberg is now known as Guest7301 | ||
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=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
Haris | hello all | 05:16 |
lotuspsychje | Haris: welcome | 05:17 |
Haris | how is everyone today | 05:17 |
Haris | in the aptitude upgrade process, in the list of packages to be removed, what does it mean when it has {a} or {u} with them | 05:17 |
Haris | common sense says {u} perhaps means upgrade | 05:17 |
Haris | what does {a} mean | 05:17 |
z8z | add? | 05:17 |
z8z | i don't remember as i don't use interface | 05:18 |
z8z | just type | 05:18 |
z8z | sudo apt-get update | 05:18 |
z8z | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:18 |
z8z | so you'll see everything much clearer | 05:19 |
z8z | in your terminal | 05:19 |
sgo11 | hi, this is weird. latest ubuntu 14.04.1, GParted hangs on "Searching /dev/sda partitions". My /dev/sda is a ssd drive which only has one /dev/sda1 ext4 partition. any ideas? thanks. | 05:21 |
ianorlin | sgo11: does lsblk list the partitions? | 05:22 |
sgo11 | ianorlin, yeah, just run that command without sudo. it outputs fine. | 05:23 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: did you change IDE to AHCI in bios? | 05:26 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, yeah. it's AHCI. | 05:26 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: what ssd brand? | 05:26 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, samsung. | 05:26 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: evo 840? | 05:27 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, ata1.00: ATA-9: Samsung SSD 850 EVO 120GB, EMT01B6Q, max UDMA/133 | 05:27 |
lotuspsychje | ok nice | 05:27 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: so sudo gparted hangs on you? | 05:28 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, yeah, the GUI window shows "Searching /dev/sda partitions" forever. maybe not forever. more than 3 minutes. I don't want to wait and just killed it. | 05:28 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: maybe do a tail -f /var/log/dmesg and tail -f /var/log/syslog while you running gparted, for errors | 05:29 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, I will try it. | 05:29 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, no error so far. | 05:30 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: this was a standard install or encrypted? | 05:31 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, standard install. no encryption | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | ok | 05:31 |
sgo11 | still no error output | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: maybe also try a SMART test from disktools | 05:31 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, how to try that? should I kill gparted now? | 05:32 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: no leave it open, maybe for errors | 05:32 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, ok, just afraid it will damage my ssd drive. leave it open then. how to try SMART test? | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: in your start button/ search the disk icon | 05:33 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, do you know the commands? I am running lxde. | 05:33 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: oh your on lubuntu? | 05:33 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, yeah. any difference? the core should be the same. :) | 05:34 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, the gparted loaded... | 05:34 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, 5 minutes. | 05:34 |
lotuspsychje | thats odd indeed | 05:35 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, does this log help? kernel: [ 2151.744305] perf interrupt took too long (2520 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000 | 05:35 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, probably not. that happens before I run gparted. | 05:36 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: wich lubuntu version are you on? | 05:37 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, the latest one with sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to the latest. | 05:37 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: you upgraded from wich to wich? | 05:37 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, what is the latest one? 14.04.1 or 14.04.2 ? can't remember. maybe 14.04.1 | 05:38 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: did you upgrade from 12.04? | 05:38 |
sgo11 | the LTS version | 05:38 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: yeah latest is 14.04.2 | 05:38 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, no. fresh install. I said I just did dist-upgrade. | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | hmm | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | not sure what could cause this freeze | 05:39 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, it just takes 5 minutes to load. weird. | 05:40 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: if you can find that disk utility for a smart test? | 05:40 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: look in your programs, its a disk hd icon | 05:40 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, is that "gnome-disks" command? | 05:41 |
lotuspsychje | !info gnome-disks | 05:42 |
ubottu | Package gnome-disks does not exist in utopic | 05:42 |
ianorlin | sgo11: yes and that is on lubuntu | 05:42 |
ianorlin | !info gnome-disk-utils | 05:42 |
ubottu | Package gnome-disk-utils does not exist in utopic | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | !info gnome-disk | 05:42 |
ubottu | Package gnome-disk does not exist in utopic | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | :p | 05:42 |
ianorlin | !info gnome-disk-utility | 05:43 |
ubottu | gnome-disk-utility (source: gnome-disk-utility): manage and configure disk drives and media. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.0-1ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 207 kB, installed size 1204 kB | 05:43 |
lotuspsychje | ianorlin: tnx | 05:43 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: you can do a few tests with that | 05:43 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, just start "self-test" short. | 05:44 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: sure smart test | 05:44 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, completed. Assessments are all OK. | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: and you dont have any hidden partitions on that ssd? got windows on there once? | 05:45 |
sgo11 | I don't think my disk has any problems. the problem should be gparted. | 05:46 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, ssd is very clean. new ssd bought some days ago. only one /dev/sda1 ext4 partition. I even didn't create swap. | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: i never seen a hang on gparted before.. weird | 05:46 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, I never seen it either. does weird. :) | 05:47 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: can you pastebin fdisk -l | 05:48 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, http://hastebin.com/wakokeheku.rib | 05:48 |
lotuspsychje | pretty clean | 05:49 |
sgo11 | yeah, it's a very clean brand new ssd. very fast. | 05:50 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: you have a floppy in pc? | 05:51 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, no floppy. | 05:51 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, by the way, I did access smb:// before after the boot. not sure if that matters or not. | 05:52 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: is this evo 850 or 850 pro? | 05:53 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, I can reboot and try gparted again. should I reboot now and try again? evo | 05:53 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: 850 series doesnt have firmware update neither so.. | 05:54 |
=== ubik is now known as Guest35127 | ||
lotuspsychje | sgo11: i would try a 14.04.2 ubuntu desktop liveusb maybe, and try gparted from there | 05:54 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: maybe its a weird lubuntu bug on gparted? | 05:55 |
lotuspsychje | !info gparted trusty | 05:55 |
ubottu | gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.18.0-1 (trusty), package size 527 kB, installed size 1880 kB | 05:55 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, not sure. the core should be the same. anyway, I will try it later. gotta have my lunch first. :) thank you very much for your help. | 05:56 |
lotuspsychje | sgo11: ok good luck | 05:56 |
sgo11 | lotuspsychje, thanks. ^_^ | 05:56 |
goddard_ | anyone home? | 05:59 |
lotuspsychje | goddard_: 1700 users are | 06:00 |
goddard_ | i need help with a sound problem | 06:00 |
lotuspsychje | !sound | goddard_ | 06:00 |
ubottu | goddard_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 06:00 |
goddard_ | im in ksw | 06:00 |
goddard_ | kde plasma | 06:00 |
lotuspsychje | k1l: morning | 06:00 |
cluelessperson | I'm havnig a serious issue with my server, I just can't connect to it for some reason. | 06:01 |
goddard_ | and i only dont have sound in my browser | 06:01 |
cluelessperson | I mean, I have SSH, but nothing else, MYSQL, teamspeak | 06:01 |
cluelessperson | all services down for some reason. | 06:01 |
Kanov | I uninstalled Python 3.2 manually and apparently, this was the worst decision ever taken. APT is broken now, the following errors are received; http://paste.ubuntu.com/10789030/ | 06:02 |
lotuspsychje | goddard_: maybe the #plasma guys might know? | 06:02 |
Kanov | I can't seem to install back Python 3.2, as I keep getting that error. | 06:02 |
Kanov | How can I fix this? | 06:02 |
lotuspsychje | !aptlock | Kanov maybe with this | 06:03 |
ubottu | Kanov maybe with this: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 06:03 |
lotuspsychje | !info python | 06:03 |
ubottu | python (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.8-1 (utopic), package size 134 kB, installed size 680 kB | 06:04 |
Kanov | lotuspsychje; i receive that same error if I try that command | 06:04 |
OerHeks | Kanov, first you install python 3.4, now trouble with python 3,2 ?? | 06:04 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, what was your installation method | 06:04 |
OerHeks | pip i guess | 06:04 |
Kanov | OerHeks; yes. I manually removed 3.4 and 3.2 to see that fixed the problem, but unfortunately...that just made it worse | 06:04 |
Kanov | if I try to reinstall python 3.2, i get this; http://paste.ubuntu.com/10789059/ | 06:05 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; 3.2 was installed through apt-get | 06:05 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, so apt-get purge python should kill it | 06:05 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; i removed 3.2 by deleting all it's binaries and the default directory where it was installed | 06:05 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, ! | 06:05 |
OerHeks | Kanov, backup your data and reinstall | 06:06 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; that gives me this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10789069/ | 06:06 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: look what me and OerHeks found this morning :p https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/04/09/designed-for-developers-dell-launches-two-new-ubuntu-based-systems/ | 06:07 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, I agree with OerHeks. reinstall | 06:07 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, I know. I haz 1. | 06:07 |
cfhowlett | : | 06:07 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; why, can this not be fixed? | 06:07 |
lotuspsychje | cfhowlett: this are new ones right | 06:07 |
cfhowlett | kanov, you uso a completely non-standard method | 06:08 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; there has to be a way | 06:08 |
OerHeks | Kanov, python 3 is part of the system, you messed it up with 3.4 and now 3,2 .. | 06:08 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, mixed, matched, and non-standard methods tend to break things ... | 06:09 |
OerHeks | If you only would have removed 3.4 with pip, you would be oke | 06:09 |
cfhowlett | lotuspsychje, yes these are the 2015 product line refreshements | 06:09 |
marco__ | hi all | 06:17 |
lotuspsychje | marco__: welcome, how can we help you? | 06:17 |
cfhowlett | !hello | marco__ | 06:17 |
dancular | hi | 06:19 |
=== jan is now known as Guest76681 | ||
Guest76681 | hello, i can not empty my trash, can anybody help me ? | 06:19 |
lotuspsychje | !info bleachbit | Guest76681 | 06:19 |
ubottu | Guest76681: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1 (utopic), package size 249 kB, installed size 1930 kB | 06:19 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; i solved the problem! | 06:20 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; everything is fine as dandy now | 06:20 |
lotuspsychje | !yay | Kanov | 06:20 |
ubottu | Kanov: Glad you made it! :-) | 06:20 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, nice! how, if I may ask?? | 06:20 |
mexson | hello | 06:20 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9446863/repair-damaged-python3-2-installation-ubuntu | 06:20 |
mexson | how to use c++ programming in backbox | 06:21 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, nicely done. | 06:21 |
mexson | please help | 06:21 |
cfhowlett | mexson, ask backbox. this is ubuntu. | 06:21 |
cfhowlett | !backbox | mexson | 06:21 |
ubottu | mexson: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. | 06:21 |
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech | ||
cfhowlett | Kanov, *gentle advisor mode* in future, try to avoid "deleting" by removing folders with binaries. generally, the installation method also provides the removal method, e.g. apt-get purge FOO | 06:23 |
Kanov | cfhowlett; i may forget my name, but not that advice | 06:23 |
Kanov | thanks! :-) | 06:24 |
cfhowlett | Kanov, lol. alright then. happy2help! | 06:24 |
mexson | thank u guys | 06:24 |
=== zz_AlphaTech is now known as AlphaTech | ||
azizLIGHT | why do i keep getting asked for my password again and again? Authentication is required to update SMART data from WDC blablabla (/dev/sdc) An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. Authentication is required to perform this action. | 06:36 |
azizLIGHT | it wont stop asking me no matter how many times i enter the password | 06:37 |
azizLIGHT | the password is correct | 06:37 |
azizLIGHT | even if i press cancel it keeps asking me | 06:38 |
azizLIGHT | even if i authenticate, it stil asks me | 06:38 |
azizLIGHT | what the hell | 06:39 |
DazPetty | I want to have a mac style doc, can anyone make a recommendation between docky aws cairo etc | 06:39 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
BlueBerry16 | I have question | 07:03 |
BlueBerry16 | anybody there? | 07:03 |
somsip | !ask | BlueBerry16 | 07:03 |
ubottu | BlueBerry16: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 07:03 |
BlueBerry16 | OK | 07:03 |
BlueBerry16 | what better Ubuntu or Windows 10? | 07:04 |
Fabby | Ubuntu! | 07:04 |
cfhowlett | BlueBerry16, seriously, dude? | 07:05 |
Fabby | (and I've got both...) | 07:05 |
Fabby | (or used to untile a month ago) | 07:05 |
BlueBer63 | sorry dc | 07:05 |
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech | ||
BlueBer63 | which one is better windows 10 or Ubuntu? plus can you list of pros and cons of both? | 07:05 |
somsip | BlueBer63: this is a support channel so the question is not appropriate here | 07:05 |
cfhowlett | BlueBer63, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or research elsewhere | 07:05 |
BlueBer63 | but can't you just simply tell me? | 07:06 |
BlueBer63 | I need os | 07:06 |
BlueBer63 | because my computer is without any atm | 07:06 |
PCatinean | How does one make his synclient settings be active on reboot? | 07:07 |
BlueBer63 | and I don't know which one should I install | 07:07 |
cfhowlett | BlueBer63, your computer, your choice. | 07:07 |
somsip | PCatinean: two recent solutions worth looking at http://askubuntu.com/questions/290009/how-do-i-make-my-synclient-settings-stick-ubuntu-13-04 | 07:07 |
BlueBer63 | my computer is intell inside | 07:07 |
cfhowlett | BlueBer63, ? so download ubuntu and install and make up your own mind. | 07:08 |
BlueBer63 | intell inside 0.75 Ghz single core plus 250 ram | 07:08 |
BlueBer63 | how do I install Ubuntu? | 07:08 |
cfhowlett | !install | BlueBer63 | 07:08 |
ubottu | BlueBer63: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 07:08 |
PCatinean | no clear solution on that somsip | 07:09 |
somsip | PCatinean: did you try either of them? Have you tried anything else? | 07:09 |
BlueBer63 | how much does it cost? | 07:09 |
brollypop | 0$ | 07:10 |
cfhowlett | BlueBer63, please read the links. they clearly state that ubuntu is free. | 07:10 |
PCatinean | somsip, if i'm not sure of the solution I don't try it, especially if I don't understand and people there saying it doesn't work for them | 07:10 |
somsip | PCatinean: so what have you tried and what else have you found from your research on this? | 07:11 |
BlueBer63 | no I was asking how much will cost. me to run Ubuntu when I crash and I won't be able to boot up again | 07:11 |
BlueBer63 | and will have to reinstall everything | 07:11 |
cfhowlett | BlueBer63, still free. | 07:11 |
BlueBer63 | it won't crash? | 07:12 |
BlueBer63 | or make fire? | 07:12 |
cfhowlett | BlueBer63, you are trolling and now you are /ignored | 07:13 |
BlueBer63 | I'm not trolling! | 07:13 |
BlueBer63 | I just have questions right? | 07:13 |
BlueBer63 | is this illegal to ask? | 07:14 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: you're asking silly questions. if you don't have an Ubuntu technical support question, this is not the place to be asking | 07:14 |
BlueBer63 | OK what's the minimum of ram? | 07:14 |
BlueBer63 | I need | 07:14 |
Ben64 | 512MB | 07:15 |
BlueBer63 | I have 250mb | 07:15 |
BlueBer63 | grrrrr | 07:15 |
BlueBer63 | it won't work? | 07:15 |
Ben64 | you could probably use the mini iso and install lubuntu | 07:15 |
BlueBer63 | what's minimum cpu? | 07:15 |
BlueBer63 | I have Intel inside | 07:16 |
BlueBer63 | would it be OK? | 07:16 |
Ben64 | intel has made many processors | 07:16 |
OerHeks | BlueBer63, so you want to run windows 10 on that too ? LoLz | 07:17 |
BlueBer63 | I have Intel inside 0.75 GhZ turbo single core | 07:17 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: get a new computer | 07:17 |
BlueBer63 | OerHeks yes windows for phones | 07:17 |
BlueBer63 | Ben64 and where are the money? | 07:17 |
Ben64 | in your pocket hopefully, that computer is ancient | 07:17 |
BlueBer63 | it is not | 07:18 |
BlueBer63 | when new boyfriend of my mother bought it for me | 07:18 |
BlueBer63 | he said he spent on it loads of money but he doesn't care | 07:18 |
BlueBer63 | because I'm an intelligent and nice girl | 07:18 |
BlueBer63 | it's not an old computer | 07:18 |
DamBedEi | Hey guys, got a little big problem and I hope someone can help me :) I had Windows installed on my PC but I wanted to try Ubuntu. So I installed Ubuntu 14.04 as Dualboot. In Windows I created a partition formated as NTFS. The idea was to save files there so I can access them from Windows and Ubuntu. I saved a few folders and files on this partition in Ubuntu then I rebooted and wanted to access the files in Windows. | 07:18 |
BlueBer63 | I has one year | 07:19 |
BlueBer63 | will this whole Ubuntu work or not? | 07:19 |
DamBedEi | I clicked on the partition in the windows explorer and it said it is empty. After rebooting and going to Ubuntu again the partition is also empty and all the files are lost. WTF happend ?! | 07:19 |
=== Guest1130 is now known as SuBmUnDo | ||
Ben64 | BlueBer63: doubtful | 07:19 |
BlueBer63 | Ben64 so Ubuntu must be some crap | 07:20 |
cfhowlett | DamBedEi, display .hidden files ? | 07:20 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: nope, that would be your computer | 07:20 |
BlueBer63 | good I didn't install it | 07:20 |
BlueBer63 | my computer is year old! | 07:20 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: 16 years old, sure | 07:20 |
BlueBer63 | so don't you dare to lie to me! | 07:20 |
OerHeks | BlueBer63, please join ##troll, this is ubuntu support only. | 07:20 |
BlueBer63 | you people are so unhelpful I may be complain | 07:21 |
BlueBer63 | will just find their email | 07:21 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: go ahead. have a nice day | 07:21 |
Vista1 | Hi | 07:21 |
cfhowlett | Vista1, ask your ubuntu support question | 07:21 |
BlueBer63 | Ben64 yours won't be nice when they sack you | 07:21 |
BlueBer63 | and you will live of dole | 07:21 |
DamBedEi | cfhowlett: Also displaying hidden files in Windows or using sudo nautilus didn't bring any results | 07:21 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: good thing i'm a volunteer then, huh | 07:21 |
W8_1 | Yo | 07:21 |
cfhowlett | DamBedEi, that IS weird! | 07:22 |
Ben64 | DamBedEi: just a tip - you should never do 'sudo nautilus' | 07:22 |
BlueBer63 | can just upgrade cpu to make Ubuntu work on my computer? | 07:22 |
BlueBer63 | what cpu should I buy? | 07:22 |
OerHeks | DamBedEi, how did you copy those files to that ntfs partition? | 07:22 |
DamBedEi | Ben64: just did to have a look | 07:22 |
cfhowlett | DamBedEi, wait, sudo nautilus? bad user | 07:22 |
DamBedEi | OerHeks: I did something like mkdir and mv | 07:23 |
Ben64 | DamBedEi: yeah i know, just saying. using sudo with graphical apps can lead to problems, although not related to your problem | 07:23 |
BlueBer63 | can someone answer? | 07:23 |
cfhowlett | DamBedEi, gksu nautilus | 07:23 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: something made in this decade | 07:23 |
=== Vista1 is now known as W8_2 | ||
=== W8_2 is now known as VistaChanged | ||
BlueBer63 | decade has 15 years right? | 07:24 |
Ben64 | 10 | 07:24 |
BlueBer63 | so I just go to shop and ask for cpu made in the last 10 years? | 07:25 |
Guest63891 | how I'd like to know if apt-get upgrade is the same as running the software updater interface? | 07:25 |
BlueBer63 | do I need some special cpu for Ubuntu? | 07:25 |
DamBedEi | cfhowlett: also there, no files. only three folders: found.000 $RECYCLE.BIN System Volume Information | 07:25 |
=== W8_1 is now known as W8_Changed | ||
BlueBer63 | will intell inside do be OK. | 07:25 |
W8_Changed | Hi | 07:25 |
BlueBer63 | ? | 07:25 |
cfhowlett | DamBedEi, found.000 is a windows thing. | 07:25 |
cfhowlett | Guest63891, same. | 07:25 |
Guest63891 | cfhowlett: I assume I have more options from the command line | 07:26 |
cfhowlett | Guest63891, indeed. | 07:26 |
Guest63891 | that's all I need for now | 07:26 |
Guest63891 | cause is slow from the usb port | 07:26 |
cfhowlett | Guest63891, run apt-get from terminal for details | 07:26 |
Ben64 | actually, 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' is the same as the graphical updater, just 'upgrade' doesn't do kernels and other things | 07:26 |
Guest63891 | and do you know if persistent data means keeping upgrade after reboot or no? | 07:27 |
DamBedEi | cfhowlett: ok, but my files are still lost and I did nothing else then clicking on the partion in windows explorer | 07:27 |
Guest63891 | cfhowlett: I'm gonna check it out | 07:27 |
BlueBer63 | hello I have asked question people! | 07:27 |
Ben64 | DamBedEi: go back to ubuntu and see if you can find them | 07:27 |
cfhowlett | DamBedEi, yeah, but that found.000 is created by windows due to something ... ask in ##windows for further info | 07:27 |
DamBedEi | Ben64: I am back in Ubuntu and no files anymore :( | 07:27 |
DamBedEi | cfhowlett: Ok, I will give it a try | 07:28 |
Ben64 | DamBedEi: maybe you made files in the mountpoint without the drive actually mounted there? | 07:28 |
BlueBer63 | can someone answer please? | 07:28 |
DamBedEi | Ben64: this is possible oO ? | 07:28 |
BlueBer63 | it's not nice to ignore potential future customers | 07:28 |
Ben64 | BlueBer63: you're just wasting everyones time with your nonsense questions | 07:28 |
BlueBer63 | right? | 07:28 |
BlueBer63 | it's technical question | 07:29 |
DamBedEi | Ben64: I thought it has to be mounted, else I can't access it through the terminal | 07:29 |
ianorlin | BlueBer63 you need pae for 32 bit ubuntu but that came out with pentium pro execept for some wierd pentium M chips | 07:30 |
Ben64 | DamBedEi: if it isn't mounted, the directory is still there | 07:30 |
ianorlin | but on such a system you would have trouble finding enough ram to run unity well | 07:30 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
allstarsnorks2 | Hello there. After replacing Xubuntu's default icon to Moka, Software Center's Search icon on the search bar shows up as a missing icon | 07:36 |
allstarsnorks2 | How do I fix this? | 07:36 |
OerHeks | allstarsnorks2, edit the moka theme, i know it is a paid theme, or contact the moka devs ? | 07:39 |
MonkeyDust | allstarsnorks2 only this Moka icon set? try a different set | 07:39 |
allstarsnorks2 | there's also Flattr, and Numix | 07:40 |
OerHeks | http://mokaproject.com/moka-icon-theme/download/ubuntu/ | 07:40 |
obr7 | hi. my python script http://paste.ubuntu.com/10789475/ logs every 3 seconds to a file. directly, without upstart (= initctl) it works well. with my upstart script http://paste.ubuntu.com/10789469/ it produces only an empty file. ideas? | 07:41 |
cfhowlett | obr7, python support = #python | 07:42 |
obr7 | cfhowlett: oki. thought its an upstart / initctl prob | 07:43 |
cfhowlett | obr7, could be. the python channel would know more than I do | 07:43 |
obr7 | kk | 07:44 |
DamBedEi | Ben64: I asked in the Windows forum and they said it is probably a mounting problem, like when you don't remove your USB-Stick. So I didn't unmount the Partition correctly and the datas are lost. The found.000 is a folder from windows. It restored something but not all | 07:50 |
Ben64 | DamBedEi: yes, you do need to properly unmount partitions | 07:51 |
lemonxah | hi guys question | 08:00 |
lemonxah | have 2 displays connected to my laptop | 08:00 |
lemonxah | they are the exact same screens | 08:00 |
lemonxah | the one with hdmi and one with vga | 08:01 |
lemonxah | the hdmi running 1920x1080 | 08:01 |
lemonxah | but the vga is only 1650x1050 | 08:02 |
lemonxah | how do i fix that? its the max that ubuntu says it can go | 08:02 |
lemonxah | but i know its not | 08:02 |
OerHeks | lemonxah, test your setup with the VGA monitor connected only, does it show 1920x1080 ? | 08:03 |
=== daniel is now known as Guest25068 | ||
lemonxah | nvm thnxi fixed it with xrandr --addmode VGA1 1024x600_60.00 | 08:06 |
lemonxah | well | 08:07 |
lemonxah | not 1024 | 08:07 |
OerHeks | :-) | 08:07 |
lemonxah | but i used that | 08:07 |
=== martinh_ is now known as Guest8982 | ||
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olegb | I want to setup a caching DNS-server on my laptop - what server should I use on ubuntu and any good documentation for setting up the service | 08:22 |
somsip | !info bind | olegb | 08:29 |
ubottu | olegb: Package bind does not exist in utopic | 08:29 |
somsip | !info bind9 | olegb | 08:29 |
ubottu | olegb: bind9 (source: bind9): Internet Domain Name Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.3ubuntu0.2 (utopic), package size 303 kB, installed size 1032 kB | 08:29 |
somsip | olegb: and some reading for you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto | 08:29 |
colby_ | hi folks, can anyone help me install a win7 connected usb printer to ubuntu over home network | 08:31 |
olegb | I want to setup a caching DNS-server on my laptop - what server should I use on ubuntu and any good documentation for setting up the servicel | 08:33 |
olegb | somsip: thanks (sorry for the runaway keyboard) | 08:34 |
bojan_ | What is the purpose of host.allow and host.deny?? | 08:35 |
ikonia | bojan_: to allow / block tcp services that support tcp_wrappers | 08:35 |
gtan | Hi all! | 08:36 |
qa | [0006.95] Log: Loading Package 'Startup' from path '../../HeistGame/CookedLinux/Startup.upk' | 08:36 |
qa | [0007.34] Log: 65163 objects as part of root set at end of initial load. | 08:36 |
qa | [0007.34] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool. | 08:36 |
qa | [0007.34] Log: Initializing Engine... | 08:36 |
qa | [0007.35] Log: Loading Package '../../HeistGame/CookedLinux/GuidCache.upk' from path '../../HeistGame/CookedLinux/GuidCache.upk' | 08:36 |
bojan_ | ikonia:Can i allow any mac address to access my NFS share using that?? | 08:36 |
qa | /home/administrator/repo/Development/Src/OpenGLDrv/Src/OpenGLShaders.cpp(271): Assertion failed: appErrorf | 08:36 |
gtan | Have a problem with ubuntu 14.10 - freezes on startup and shutdown | 08:36 |
gtan | wait-for-state stop/waiting | 08:37 |
gtan | any advices? | 08:37 |
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback | ||
zamba | how do i set the default keyboard layout in 14.04? | 08:38 |
ekuidas | hi all, I'm having some major boot issues after upgrading from 12.04 lts to 14.04 lts, after a certain point in boot I get a black screen (in safe mode too) and no activity | 08:40 |
ekuidas | even on 12.04 I had to boot to a legacy kernel to get past it but now that legacy kernel is gone and I'm screwed :\ | 08:40 |
chotaz`w | zamba, System, Preferences, Keyboard? | 08:40 |
zamba | chotaz`w: negative | 08:41 |
ekuidas | any way to debug it? I'm dropped at the root terminal at the moment | 08:41 |
chotaz`w | anything like sticky notes for the buntu? | 08:41 |
zamba | chotaz`w: this is stupid unity | 08:41 |
chotaz`w | ew, unity | 08:41 |
zamba | chotaz`w: i have system settings.. and then under "personal" i have "Language support" | 08:41 |
zamba | chotaz`w: nothing there about changing the keyboard layout | 08:41 |
zamba | which is frankly counter-intuitive | 08:41 |
chotaz`w | zamba, sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration | 08:42 |
gtan | I recently started having issues with Ubuntu 14.10 - after resuming from suspend - the networking went off.. I deleted the default ethernet entry and not it does not restart .. | 08:42 |
zamba | chotaz`w: why is this hidden? | 08:43 |
gtan | and if I go to recovery - root shell - it does not shutdown - I have to power down the machine | 08:43 |
chotaz`w | zamba, beats me, I just google it :P | 08:43 |
DerRaiden | hello... | 08:43 |
gtan | is this a known issue/ | 08:43 |
gtan | sudo shutdown now worked... some progress | 08:44 |
ekuidas | is there an easy way to see where the boot process dies at? | 08:44 |
ekuidas | a whole bunch of stuff starts up [OK] then I get a black screen and no activity | 08:45 |
ekuidas | does it get logged somewhere? | 08:45 |
ekuidas | or better yet, how can I stop X from starting ? | 08:46 |
=== kristof is now known as Guest77713 | ||
gtan | Hi! Can anyonw help me here with Ubuntu freeze | 08:59 |
ACCBiggz | Hey all, my question has to do with installing 14.04 64-bit. Do I have to backup all my files to external storage, or is there anyway to keep my files & still install 64-bit version? | 09:06 |
ACCBiggz | Thanks | 09:06 |
jegeren | HI | 09:10 |
bagginsDK | Hello! I would like to ask something irrelevant. Does anybody know any good ebook or link for developing osgi web applications? | 09:10 |
gunndawg | bagginsDK: you might try ubuntu-offtopic | 09:11 |
jegeren | HI | 09:11 |
jegeren | Waht | 09:12 |
jegeren | ,jv.jhv.jc.jcgjgcjgc.j | 09:13 |
jegeren | -kjb | 09:13 |
jegeren | -lkbj | 09:13 |
jegeren | d | 09:13 |
jegeren | t, | 09:13 |
jegeren | k | 09:13 |
jegeren | uil | 09:13 |
cq-aux_ | can anyone here play facebook videos? | 09:15 |
nita_ | I can't get Vino (VNC) to work properly when using fglrx-drivers. I can connect to the remote server and all, but the screen isn't refreshing. Using open-source drivers it works, but that's probably because OpenGL and everything else it broken then and it falls back to rendering everything in software. Any ideas how to fix? | 09:17 |
cq-aux_ | so noone playing videos on facebook? | 09:19 |
nita_ | No | 09:19 |
cq-aux_ | lol ok | 09:19 |
gunndawg | cq-aux_: facebook is not related to ubuntu, might try an off topic channel | 09:20 |
cq-aux_ | ok then | 09:20 |
farciarz84 | I would like to learn something about server-provisioning. Namely, I would like to setup ubuntu-server automatically by installing packages, setting up database, adding user, configs etc. Where should I start? | 09:24 |
nita_ | farciarz84: sounds like you're looking for OpenStack | 09:25 |
farciarz84 | nita_: why? | 09:26 |
faust | farciarz84: take a look at Chef or puppet or salt-stack (IMHO this last one is still not production-stable, but it is really nice) | 09:28 |
farciarz84 | faust: ansible or salt-stack? Which one would you prefer? | 09:30 |
faust | farciarz84: hey are really different | 09:31 |
faust | farciarz84: ansible is like "salt-ssh" that is just a small part of salt, but probably ansible could be considered more stable than salt | 09:31 |
farciarz84 | faust: what is the big part of salt? | 09:32 |
faust | anyway in my experience if you don't use the most exotic feature in salt it "should work" | 09:32 |
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donniezazen | Can xUbuntu 14.04 be good platform for Qt development or should you be using the latest releases? I like the stability of LTS releases but packages may end up to be quit old. | 09:33 |
maryamhonary | hi every body | 09:33 |
faust | farciarz84: it uses zeromq to make "minions" connect to the "master" which don't need to know anything about its minions, it is good if you have a dynamic enviroment with *a lot* of machines | 09:33 |
farciarz84 | is 7 a lot? | 09:34 |
faust | farciarz84: you can use salt with 7 machines if you want (and you won't have problems if you will increase this number), on the other hand orchestrating 7 servers over SSH is still possibile (but you may face some slowdown) | 09:36 |
faust | you should try them and which fits better, also give a chance to chef/puppet, they are written in ruby, which is a bad thing, but they are pretty stable | 09:37 |
MouseTheLuckyDog | I just started up firefox, the restore session is messed up, the history is messed up some of the plugins are not working. Before I start mucking around trying to fix things, what folders do I want to back up? | 09:38 |
farciarz84 | faust: I don't think ruby is a bad thing however I'd go with ansible or salt | 09:38 |
farciarz84 | chef/puppet seems odd to me | 09:39 |
=== thiago is now known as Guest56664 | ||
faust | farciarz84: ruby it's too "hipster" when I see something written in ruby I know that it is from some SF hipster who runs a startup that will fial tomorrow, I usually try to avoid things written in ruby :P | 09:40 |
Guest56664 | Hi there. How can I save underscan settings for nvidia, so that it stays fixed for every boot on Ubuntu 14.04? | 09:41 |
farciarz84 | faust: I agree python is better ;) | 09:41 |
Sy`work | Hey, does anyone know what defines the order of the block devices in /dev (sda/sdb/...)? Is that the physical location of the cables on the mainboard or can you change it in the BIOS? | 09:46 |
ikonia | Sy`work: there is no ordering any more - thats why you usin uuid's | 09:47 |
Sy`work | I can't - it's a live image that's sent to many computers and then runs a script | 09:47 |
Eightynine | Hi guys. I'm using Ubuntu LTS with XFCE and Unity, my resolution is 1920x1080, but quality is like resolution is low, I can see pixels(especially in panel and login screen). Boot logo not fits to my screen, resolution is low. How to fix this? | 09:48 |
MonkeyDust | Eightynine start with arandr | 09:48 |
Sy`work | even if the OS doesn't sort it... it should still have a certain order unless the OS randomizes it... :( | 09:48 |
k1l | Sy`work: its the ordering the bios sends out. some mainboards/bios do shuffle them every time. if you are lucky its just the order of the cables in the slots | 09:48 |
Sy`work | thanks :D | 09:49 |
Sy`work | thought it was the boot order, but a few computers didn't think so :) | 09:49 |
Eightynine | What is arandr? Also I have small fonts in Chrome. | 09:50 |
jenenliu | hi guys, I try to install build-dep package, but there is an error: unable to locate build-dep | 09:53 |
jenenliu | this is my sources.list file, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10790234/ | 09:53 |
jenenliu | I try google, but can't fix it, can someone help? thanks a lot | 09:54 |
k1l | !info build-dep | 09:55 |
ubottu | Package build-dep does not exist in utopic | 09:55 |
k1l | jenenliu: why do you want that package? or where does it say you need it? i am not aware of that package | 09:56 |
jenenliu | I want to compile wine | 09:57 |
jenenliu | ubottu: then how should I modify my sources.list file ? | 09:57 |
ubottu | jenenliu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:57 |
jenenliu | k1l: Any idea ? Is it because there are something wrong in sources.list file? | 10:02 |
ubuntu_ | hi | 10:02 |
MonkeyDust | !compile | jenenliu start here | 10:03 |
ubottu | jenenliu start here: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall | 10:03 |
MonkeyDust | jenenliu i guess you were referring to duild)essential, not to build-dep | 10:03 |
MonkeyDust | build-essential* | 10:04 |
k1l | jenenliu: the package is called "build-essential" | 10:04 |
jenenliu | thank you guys, I am confused, it should be apt-get build-dep wine ;(, thanks a lot anyway | 10:05 |
k1l | jenenliu: what howto are you following? | 10:06 |
k1l | jenenliu: wait | 10:07 |
k1l | jenenliu: its a command for apt-get, not a package | 10:07 |
jenenliu | k1l: Hmm, maybe I am tired, I should copy&paste the command anyway | 10:07 |
k1l | apt-get build-dep packagename. please put the command and the output into a pastebin | 10:08 |
MonkeyDust | jenenliu what time is it where you are | 10:08 |
jenenliu | 18:08 | 10:08 |
jenenliu | k1l: http://wiki.winehq.org/BuildingBiarchWineOnUbuntu | 10:08 |
jenenliu | k1l: it is my wrong, thanks | 10:08 |
=== luminance_137 is now known as NotYourAvgGoat | ||
dell | Hello everyone! I need help, I have a ssd "samsung 840 evo", I would like to format it using the "secure erase", what programs can I use ? | 10:28 |
Ice_Strike2 | -rwxrwxrwx 1 vagrant vagrant 6.1K Mar 30 13:14 Abstract.php* | 10:30 |
Ice_Strike2 | What does * mean after filename? | 10:31 |
perfecture | Install secure-delete | 10:31 |
MonkeyDust | he's gone | 10:32 |
MonkeyDust | Ice_Strike2 it's a wildcard, meaning "anything" | 10:32 |
perfecture | MonkeyDust Just noticed | 10:33 |
FL3SH | hi, can someone recommend a good tool to test pendrive? | 10:34 |
MonkeyDust | FL3SH pendrive linux? that's not supported here | 10:35 |
phaenon | hi need some help installing cups and new printer (its been a drag with no results) | 10:44 |
MonkeyDust | !cups | phaenon have you read this | 10:44 |
ubottu | phaenon have you read this: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu | 10:44 |
Mehrzad | How can I update gcc/g++ in ubuntu 12.04? | 10:45 |
phaenon | MonkeyDust, i did not, thanks | 10:47 |
zatan | hi, sudo su - root && cd /var/www why its changes a user but doesn't execute `cd /var/www` command ? | 10:48 |
phaenon | MonkeyDust, ill bet its apparmor =? | 10:49 |
faust | zatan: why sudo su? | 10:50 |
faust | anyway su will start a new shell, so cd /var/www will be executed only after you exit from the shell and only if it returns 0 | 10:51 |
zatan | faust, can you think of any workaround for my need ? I want switch user and change dir | 10:52 |
faust | zatan: try su -c "cd /var/log ; /bin/bash" | 10:54 |
faust | /var/www* | 10:55 |
zatan | faust, didn't work bash: cannot set terminal process group (7843): Inappropriate ioctl for device | 11:00 |
faust | zatan: exactly what command are you trying to use? | 11:02 |
DamBedEi | Hi. Can someone pls help me with this? Little desperate ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/607576/can-not-find-root-partition | 11:09 |
dvrr | Hi.. | 11:10 |
k1l | DamBedEi: can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" (small L at the end) | 11:11 |
k1l | !paste | DamBedEi | 11:11 |
ubottu | DamBedEi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 11:11 |
zatan | faust, sudo su root -c "cd /var/www; /bin/bash -l" it works but as soon as I click "CTRL-C" I am getting Session terminated, terminating shell...^C | 11:11 |
mjayk | zatan: ctrl c doesnt copy in console | 11:12 |
k1l | zatan: what do you want to do at all? | 11:12 |
DamBedEi | ok, I reconnect to the channel on the laptop the problem is. Pls hold on a sec | 11:14 |
dvrr | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10790764/ please open this url how can i resolve this problem | 11:14 |
zatan | change a user and go to directory, but when I type ctrl-c session terminates which one shouldn't be doing as sometimes I type something wrong I click ctrl-c | 11:14 |
phaenon | MonkeyDust, its working, problem was located in evince ..sigh | 11:15 |
k1l | zatan: why dont you just use "sudo -i" to get a root shell | 11:15 |
DerRaiden | does anyone know much about plasma 5 ? | 11:15 |
DamBedEi | Okay, back again. | 11:15 |
cfhowlett | DerRaiden, you mean kde plasma??? | 11:16 |
DamBedEi | So what shall I paste here? | 11:16 |
k1l | zatan: what ever you need a root shell for. because usually you use sudo if a command needs root permissions and dont use the root shell | 11:16 |
k1l | <k1l> DamBedEi: can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" (small L at the end) | 11:16 |
MonkeyDust | !details | dvrr | 11:16 |
ubottu | dvrr: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 11:16 |
zatan | k1l, root is just example it will be different user | 11:16 |
k1l | DamBedEi: you need a live-ubuntu anyway. | 11:16 |
DerRaiden | cfhowlett the new plasma 5 | 11:17 |
DerRaiden | cfhowlett from kde yes | 11:17 |
DamBedEi | !paste | 11:17 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 11:17 |
DamBedEi | k1l: how to paste here? | 11:17 |
k1l | !paste | DamBedEi | 11:17 |
ubottu | DamBedEi: please see above | 11:17 |
DamBedEi | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10790779/ | 11:17 |
DamBedEi | ubottu: thanks | 11:18 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 11:18 |
DamBedEi | k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10790779/ | 11:18 |
k1l | DamBedEi: ok, its gpt partitiontable. try sudo parted -l | 11:19 |
DamBedEi | k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10790794/ | 11:20 |
colby_ | hi folks can anyone help me upgrade GnuPG to version 2 for use with thunderbird/enigamail | 11:20 |
MonkeyDust | colby_ start from the beginning, what have you tried so far and what is the end goal | 11:21 |
k1l | DamBedEi: seems like the gpt partition table is corrupted somehow. i dont know what you did there and i am not familiar with gpt. maybe others can help | 11:22 |
MonkeyDust | colby_ keep it in the channel | 11:23 |
colby_ | sry | 11:23 |
k1l | DamBedEi: see if that answer helps: http://askubuntu.com/a/473073/31260 | 11:23 |
colby_ | hi, I am new to linux so learning. I have enigmamail installed in thunderbird but keeps advising me to upgarde to version 2.0 gnupgp. | 11:24 |
colby_ | there is no built packages in ubuntu if I am saying this right | 11:24 |
colby_ | so it directs me too https://www.gnupg.org/download/index.html | 11:25 |
SchrodingersScat | !info gnupg2 | colby_ | 11:25 |
ubottu | colby_: gnupg2 (source: gnupg2): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement (new v2.x). In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.24-1ubuntu2.2 (utopic), package size 707 kB, installed size 2340 kB | 11:25 |
colby_ | how do I install that please. | 11:27 |
cfhowlett | colby_, sudo apt-get install gnupg2 | 11:27 |
DamBedEi | k1l: Thank you. Hopefully someone else knows | 11:27 |
colby_ | ha thank you very much people :) | 11:28 |
colby_ | jeez that was easy lol | 11:28 |
dvrr | how to copy screen short paste.ubuntu.com it's possible | 11:28 |
MonkeyDust | dvrr try imgur | 11:28 |
dvrr | imgur not available | 11:31 |
mjayk | dvrr: https://imgur.com/ works for me | 11:32 |
bazhang | dvrr what is available then, use that, like imgbin | 11:32 |
dvrr | that is error screen short | 11:32 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:33 |
=== puzzola is now known as puzzola_zZz | ||
DamBedEi | Please can someone help me with this?? http://askubuntu.com/questions/607576/can-not-find-root-partition --- really desperate already :( | 11:34 |
ajnr | Hi, I was doing file transfer from one ubuntu machine (laptop) to another ubuntu machine (desktop) using cross cable, but after some time both the system unresponsive , after that I am unable to login my ubuntu system in laptop. but the desktop is running fine. So how to login in my ubuntu system. I can login in command prompt by pressing CLT_ALTf1, but not able to start GNOME Session. How to solve | 11:36 |
OerHeks | DamBedEi, no, because it is EFI, you will have a fat32 boot partition to put grub on, so it is sdb2 or sdb3 or sdb7 | 11:37 |
OerHeks | my wild guess: sdb7 | 11:38 |
DamBedEi | OerHeks: hopefully not sdb7 because I also can't mount this one ... :'( | 11:38 |
damiano_ | help! | 11:38 |
ajnr | help! | 11:39 |
max3453453453534 | In a C program if I create 10 pipes and spawn only 2 child processes that re-alias the appropriate ends of 1 of the pipes to communicate do I need to close the other 9 pipes? | 11:39 |
OerHeks | just ask your question, damiano_ | 11:40 |
OerHeks | max3453453453534, ask in ##c ? | 11:40 |
OerHeks | or ##c++ | 11:40 |
DamBedEi | OerHeks: I really think it is sdb7, but how do I mount it now? | 11:40 |
max3453453453534 | OerHeks: this is a unix question about pipes and file descriptors | 11:40 |
max3453453453534 | OerHeks: this is a linux quesetion* | 11:41 |
geirha | you'll have 9 unused pipes. Whether you destroy them or keep them for later ... who are we to judge? | 11:41 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: will the program block because certain pipe ends aren't closed | 11:42 |
damiano_ | ok guys, here is my situation. I just installed ubuntu14.10, had some trouble since I'm using a nvidia gtx970 video card, now I have installed the latest drivers that are not officially supported... acceleration is on but unity is not working, I can log into X but windows border and the lateral bar are missing | 11:42 |
geirha | max3453453453534: that only matters when you start reading from or writing to the pipe | 11:43 |
ajnr | hi I am not able to login using Gnome but able to login in terminal | 11:43 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: you're saying if i never start reading or writing from the other other pipes the program won't block if I close the first pipe | 11:44 |
k1l | ajnr: do a "ls -al" in that users home and see what is owned by root:root | 11:45 |
ajnr | k1l, I have root:root .. | 11:46 |
OerHeks | DamBedEi, maybe this manual is any help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstalling_GRUB_2 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 11:46 |
k1l | ajnr: for everything? | 11:46 |
geirha | max3453453453534: the pipes themselves do nothing until you use them | 11:47 |
k1l | ajnr: what does it say for .Xauthority? | 11:47 |
ajnr | k1l, It shows like that only | 11:47 |
ajnr | k1l, Its not there ! | 11:47 |
damiano_ | ok I'm done, solved by myself, I had to enable unity in compizconfig-settings-manager, why it was disabled I have no idea | 11:47 |
k1l | ajnr: what ubuntu is it? | 11:47 |
ajnr | k1l, by mistake removed , | 11:47 |
ajnr | k1l, 14.04 LTS | 11:48 |
k1l | ajnr: so what is the name of that user? | 11:48 |
ajnr | k1l, kunal | 11:48 |
Thenewone | goodmorningguys | 11:49 |
k1l | ajnr: so "ls -al /home/kunal/" lists that everything is owned by root:root? | 11:49 |
geirha | max3453453453534: Also, "closing a pipe" is ambigous. you don't close a pipe, you close its file descriptors. | 11:49 |
ajnr | k1l, yes | 11:49 |
ajnr | k1l, sorry , how to know that | 11:50 |
Thenewone | good question | 11:50 |
Thenewone | read man | 11:50 |
Thenewone | the results | 11:50 |
Thenewone | you will see user or root | 11:50 |
ajnr | root:root show vminfo , .. .dbus.gvfs | 11:50 |
ajnr | k1l, root:root show vminfo , .. .dbus.gvfs | 11:50 |
ajnr | k1l, root:root show .vminfo , .. .dbus.gvfs | 11:51 |
Thenewone | like :drwxr-xr-x root root 4069 ..................... | 11:51 |
ajnr | rest all are kunal:kunal k1l | 11:51 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: i can show you a program that will block unless i close the other 9 pairs of file descriptors that correspond to the other 9 pipes. | 11:51 |
k1l | ajnr: "ls -al /home/kunal/.Xauthority" | 11:51 |
Thenewone | guys is this good way to install vpn on ubuntu server http://www.howtogeek.com/51237/setting-up-a-vpn-pptp-server-on-debian/?PageSpeed=noscript ? | 11:51 |
geirha | max3453453453534: ok | 11:51 |
ajnr | k1l, its not there | 11:51 |
ajnr | k1l, removed | 11:51 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: do you want to see it? | 11:52 |
geirha | max3453453453534: sure | 11:52 |
k1l | ajnr: ok, it should create that when trying to login on the login screen | 11:52 |
Thenewone | i'm using ubuntu server | 11:52 |
ajnr | k1l, actually , we were trying file sharing from laptop 0ubuntu to desktop-ubuntu , but after some time it became unresponsive , and after that I am unable to login in GNOME | 11:53 |
k1l | ajnr: so what says "df -h" | 11:54 |
ajnr | k1l, should I try to login again | 11:54 |
k1l | ajnr: is the disk full? | 11:54 |
ajnr | k1l, usage 84% | 11:54 |
k1l | login on login screen | 11:55 |
ajnr | k1l, total size 93 GB | 11:55 |
Thenewone | any one good with scripts need help | 11:55 |
ajnr | k1l, ok i am rebooting | 11:55 |
ecksit | heya, i have a 8 character key apt key (1655A0AB68576280 for nodesource) but how can i get the full fingerprint? | 11:56 |
ajnr | k1l, after rebooting I am trying to login but it seems same ! now what to do ? by the way previously by default it was main user "kunal", but now it shows default login is Guest session. | 11:57 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: http://pastebin.com/Wfs54ex9 | 11:58 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: why does that program hang? | 11:58 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: you can skip to line 96 | 11:58 |
k1l | ajnr: what did you do there? | 11:59 |
Thenewone | any one want help me to install vpn on ubuntu server ??? | 11:59 |
k1l | what files did you remove etc? seems like you broke your user. maybe try setting up a new user | 12:00 |
OerHeks | ecksit, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Authentication_Tab | 12:00 |
k1l | ajnr: i got to leave now. maybe others can help | 12:00 |
ecksit | thanks OerHeks | 12:00 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: here http://pastebin.com/c3vcCrjM even more damning. both pipes are closed in all 3 processes | 12:00 |
ajnr | k1l, right now i tried to login again with correct credentials , but it flashed and goes back to the login same | 12:01 |
geirha | max3453453453534: where does it hang? | 12:02 |
k1l | ajnr: suod chown -R kunal:kunal /home/kunal/.dbus | 12:02 |
k1l | ajnr: *sudo | 12:02 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: if you run ls -l | less it hangs | 12:02 |
OerHeks | Thenewone, maybe this ubuntu howto is any help https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-14-04 | 12:02 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: it's a shell. if i execute 'ls -l | less' it hangs | 12:02 |
ajnr | k1l, then | 12:03 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: actually shit i was wrong | 12:03 |
geirha | max3453453453534: hang how? that should hang until less exits | 12:03 |
ajnr | k1l, nothing happen | 12:03 |
OerHeks | Thenewone, or the official docu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN | 12:03 |
Thenewone | OerHeks, thanks | 12:04 |
Thenewone | OerHeks, are you good with scripts i have one question | 12:04 |
Thenewone | OerHeks, only one :D | 12:05 |
OerHeks | Thenewone, no, no tthat good, anyway please ask here, someone might be able to help you | 12:05 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: here we go. this one hangs because less never exits because it blocks waiting for more input | 12:05 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: http://pastebin.com/krPY8z7V | 12:05 |
=== argoneus is now known as argoneus- | ||
max3453453453534 | geirha: the question is why, since the second child process does close the correct file descriptors | 12:06 |
=== argoneus- is now known as argoneus | ||
Thenewone | guys i want add more than 3 line i use echo ????? > ..... and >> ... but >>> dont work for the third line how can i replace it to make it work | 12:06 |
geirha | that is how less behaves. It requires user input from the terminal to exit | 12:06 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: no when less is ready for commands it shows END. here it doesn't show end | 12:07 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: i can't enter q | 12:07 |
ioria | Thenewone, ? | 12:07 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: it is indeed block waiting for more data from the pipe | 12:07 |
ioria | Thenewone, >>> not exists | 12:08 |
ioria | Thenewone, > = write or overwrite , >> append mode | 12:08 |
geirha | max3453453453534: ah wait, you connect less's stdout to a pipe as well | 12:08 |
=== smile is now known as Guest6739 | ||
Thenewone | ioria, sorry | 12:09 |
Thenewone | didnt understand | 12:09 |
ioria | Thenewone, if you want to add lines to file ,use always '>>' | 12:09 |
Thenewone | ioria, ok thanks | 12:10 |
geirha | max3453453453534: or wait, no. that's only if numPipes is 2, but I'm guessing it's 1 in this case, in which case there's no dup(2)s | 12:10 |
ioria | Thenewone, np | 12:10 |
=== Matthew is now known as Guest69385 | ||
aavrug | Hello everyone | 12:11 |
Thenewone | ioria, works | 12:11 |
aavrug | Can anyone help me with ffmpeg? | 12:11 |
ioria | Thenewone, -^_^- | 12:11 |
geirha | max3453453453534: indentation is off, so it's hard to read | 12:11 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, ffmpeg was deprecated but will return in ubuntu 15.* the recommended alternative is avconv which is included in the libav-tools package | 12:12 |
fragment137 | Greetings all | 12:13 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, ok thanks. | 12:13 |
fragment137 | An update got pushed out for 14.04 recently and now after a few seconds I can't click on any windows. Menus/launcher still work, but can't click on any active windows (left or right). I've tried with multiple mice and the issue is even replicated through TeamViewer. Can anyone help? | 12:14 |
geirha | max3453453453534: if the lines is "ls -l | less", then getPipes() will return 2, but there really is only one pipe, so you're creating a pipe too many it seems. | 12:15 |
Thenewone | i want add some animation to my script how knows some ? | 12:15 |
cfhowlett | Thenewone, ask ##bash | 12:15 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, but besides that is there any way to save images with different name on new uploads? | 12:15 |
ioria | Thenewone, youca use ncurses | 12:15 |
=== fragment137-1 is now known as fragment137 | ||
cfhowlett | aavrug, explain a bit more? | 12:16 |
dvrr | MonkeyDust: http://i.imgur.com/HhoWg2A.jpg please open this url i am getting this problem | 12:16 |
aavrug | I am uploading a video and if the image-01.jpeg is present then new image is not creating for this new uploaded video | 12:17 |
aavrug | here image-01.jpeg is creating from ffmpeg command | 12:17 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, so it's a screenshot of your source video??? | 12:18 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, exactly | 12:18 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, and you are uploading ONLY a video, not the .jpeg? | 12:18 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, also: uploading to ??? youtube? | 12:19 |
fragment137 | Can anyone help my with my mouse issue? Very odd problems after the last update to 14.04 a few days ago | 12:19 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, no there is a requirement that when a video will upload from local path, i have to set a thumbnail of that video. | 12:20 |
LiohAu | anybody that can learn me how to configure wifi on command line? :( | 12:20 |
aavrug | Only for local uploaded videos. | 12:20 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, I'm a bit slow I know, but bear with me ... so you use ffmpeg/avconv to create the thumbnail? | 12:20 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, yes | 12:21 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, no probs | 12:21 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, try this: no .jpeg, how about ... .png instead? | 12:21 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, i don't have the problem with extension | 12:22 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, that's actually a different image format, not merely an extension | 12:23 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: yes you're correct i realized that that example wasn't correct in the shower just now | 12:24 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, i think you didn't understood. I have a form and from that the video is going to upload so there will be a lot of videos. | 12:24 |
mohsen-rashidi | Hi. Is it possible to encrypt root partition after installation of Ubuntu? | 12:25 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: i have no idea. last night i was helping a friend and we were pulling our hair out about which file descriptors to close and when | 12:25 |
aavrug | So if i change the extension once then in next upload what will i do? | 12:25 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, quite possibly I don't understand. I never had this issue with youtube or vimeo uploads ... | 12:25 |
geirha | max3453453453534: getPipes should return i-1; at least; but then your else-clause is missing the dup(2)-ing | 12:25 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, on the theory that .jpeg is the specific problem, a non-jpeg might bypass the problem. | 12:26 |
fragment137 | I updated my Ubuntu yesterday and ever since, something has happened to my mouse input. different mice, and even a Teamviewer session has the same issue. I am able to see the mouse, I can (usually) click on launcher items and menu items no problem, but I am unable to click on any windows, move them, click on contents, etc. | 12:26 |
max3453453453534 | geirha: that's not the actual code. we had the counters right. anyway thank you for your help | 12:26 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, let me try once more. | 12:26 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, and you are sending to youtube?? | 12:26 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, no just storing that in local system. | 12:26 |
=== martinh__ is now known as martinh_ | ||
dvrr | MonkeyDust | 12:29 |
fragment137 | ok simple(r) question. How can I verify that grub will timeout to my default os next time i reboot? I'm remote right now and need to reboot the machine. Want to make sure it's not going to get stuck on the boot screen | 12:30 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, no same problem happening. | 12:31 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, i have uploaded a video from my form then ffmpeg created a image with name "image-01.png" again filled the form and uploaded the same video then new image has not been created. | 12:31 |
tsunamie | I wish to connect to a server using a password via ssh. However my temrinal is using my ssh key ment for a nother server. How do I force it to give me a username/password rather than using my key | 12:31 |
cfhowlett | aavrug, then this is officially over my head. sorry. I think #ffmpeg is a thing | 12:32 |
fragment137 | tsunamie: when you type ssh <server IP> are you specifying a user? | 12:33 |
tsunamie | yes | 12:33 |
fragment137 | so ssh user@ etc? | 12:33 |
tsunamie | yes | 12:33 |
aavrug | cfhowlett, it's ok thanks. | 12:33 |
tsunamie | fragment137, yes | 12:33 |
fragment137 | tsunamie, forgive mf but I don't quite get what the issue is? you're saying that the remote server isn't accepting the credentials for the user you're trying to log in with? | 12:34 |
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest86381 | ||
tsunamie | fragment137, I have an authorized key file with an ssh key for serveb. I am trying to login to server A. Server A is telling me that the key is wrong. I have not got pub key on my user account on server A. I want it to promt me for a password | 12:35 |
fragment137 | Oh, interesting. | 12:36 |
fragment137 | sounds like Server B is using the key for all ssh sessions | 12:36 |
fragment137 | Give me a minute, let me see if I can dig anything up | 12:37 |
fragment137 | tsunamie on server b do you have "PasswordAuthentication" set to "No" in /etc/ssh/sshd.config? | 12:39 |
Craigwell | Anyone aware of how I can tell Ubuntu *not* to charge my laptop battery? I'd like to maintain an 80% charge for longevity | 12:39 |
fragment137 | err | 12:39 |
fragment137 | sshd_config | 12:39 |
Craigwell | I've been trying running without the battery, but short of duct taping the adapter plug in ... it's not dependable | 12:39 |
Zerant | fragment137: didnt you mean „PubKeyAuthentication“? | 12:40 |
fragment137 | Zerant that was my next question, lol | 12:40 |
Zerant | xD | 12:40 |
fragment137 | I want to find out if it's set globally or just by user | 12:40 |
fragment137 | or system wide | 12:40 |
tsunamie | fragment137, one sec | 12:41 |
fragment137 | np | 12:41 |
Zerant | it can be a file permission problem if the .ssh folder has more permission then 644 | 12:41 |
mantez | lfds | 12:43 |
Guest69385 | Craigwell: I think it depends upon the hardware, lenovo have some firmware / software for that | 12:44 |
Guest69385 | for thier laptops | 12:44 |
Craigwell | <Guest69385> Dell D620 | 12:44 |
OerHeks | Craigwell, does any OS allow you to " *not* to charge my laptop battery? " ? | 12:47 |
fragment137 | gaaahhh this mouse issue is driving me NUTS O_O | 12:48 |
Craigwell | <OerHeks> I do not know. I'm looking into it now | 12:48 |
Craigwell | <OerHeks> One hardware workaround with these dells is to use 65w charger, which will run the machine but not charge battery. That's fine, but I'd rather have an option to tell when and when not to charge | 12:49 |
OerHeks | Craigwell, never seen such option, charge up to 80%, good luck | 12:50 |
Craigwell | <OerHeks> Yes, I've been charging them to 80% and removing, but want my butt covered when adapter falls out, brief power interruptions etc . | 12:52 |
Craigwell | Thank you, I'll keep plugging at it | 12:52 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive | ||
=== tedg is now known as ted | ||
EugeneBandit | Hey! I've got some issues with a fresh install of ubuntu (14.04.2), it won't boot and will only drop to a initramfs shell. I tried some of the solutions (dumpe2fs, gparted, boot-repair) available in forums, with no luck. Any idea or suggestions ? Thanks | 13:02 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: any errors before it drops? | 13:02 |
EugeneBandit | yes! something along those lines : "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxx... does not exist." | 13:02 |
EugeneBandit | just in case, here is the boot-repair report : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10791327/ | 13:02 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: do you have a live usb? | 13:03 |
desperate_joe | hello | 13:03 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: yes | 13:03 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: boot it | 13:03 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: done | 13:04 |
desperate_joe | need help with extreme slow internet: dual boot HP pavillion laptop, ubuntu 14 and win7, both use same home network: in win7 internet is ok, in ubuntu it is too slow, almost all pages in browser stop loading... can anyone help me? | 13:04 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
explosive | EugeneBandit: type sudo blkid | 13:05 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: paste it in paste.ubuntu.com | 13:05 |
hkrrsx | morning | 13:06 |
bogdan | hi everyone | 13:06 |
explosive | morning | 13:06 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: i'll paste through here for simplicity : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10791397/ | 13:06 |
explosive | ok | 13:07 |
bogdan | how can i make that damn keyring stuff to disappear? it shows me everytime i open my laptop | 13:07 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt | 13:07 |
explosive | then type ls /mnt | 13:07 |
desperate_joe | dual boot HP pavillion laptop, ubuntu 14 and win7, both use same home network: in win7 internet is ok, in ubuntu it is too slow, almost all pages in browser stop loading... can anyone help me? | 13:08 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done! returns no errors, and lists some files | 13:08 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: what files? | 13:08 |
explosive | is it the installation | 13:08 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: user directory and lost+found | 13:08 |
ebandit_broken | yes i think so | 13:08 |
explosive | ok it's your home dir | 13:08 |
explosive | type sudo umount /mnt | 13:09 |
explosive | then type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 13:09 |
PCatinean | guys | 13:09 |
PCatinean | when I get screenshre via skype I cannot distinguish any letters | 13:09 |
PCatinean | not to mention that I cannot use my camera | 13:09 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: no errors, and lists dirs from what looks like / | 13:09 |
PCatinean | does anyone know why this happens? | 13:09 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: ok | 13:10 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type cat /mnt/fstab | 13:10 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type cat /mnt/etc/fstab | 13:10 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10791445/ | 13:10 |
PCatinean | any advice? | 13:11 |
salvatore | buonasera c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi? | 13:12 |
cfhowlett | !it | salvatore english only, please | 13:12 |
ubottu | salvatore english only, please: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 13:12 |
salvatore | tank you | 13:12 |
slipttees | libimobiledevice 1.2.0 i need :-( | 13:13 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /run /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 13:14 |
slipttees | libimobiledevice 1.2.0 i need , to use iPhone iOS 8.3 :-( | 13:15 |
desperate_joe | dual boot HP pavillion laptop, ubuntu 14 and win7, both use same home network: in win7 internet is ok, in ubuntu it is too slow, almost all pages in browser stop loading... can anyone help me? | 13:15 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done; no errors | 13:15 |
slipttees | release version in 14.04 LTS? | 13:15 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: sudo chroot /mnt | 13:15 |
hkrrsx | slipttees: http://askubuntu.com/questions/598940/libimobiledevice-1-2-ios-8-support-for-ubuntu-14-04-trusty | 13:15 |
OerHeks | slipttees, there is no 1.2.0, utopic and next version vivid have 1.1.6 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/libimobiledevice | 13:15 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done, still no errors | 13:16 |
slipttees | libimobiledevice 1.2.0 is stable | 13:16 |
OerHeks | hkrrsx +1 | 13:16 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: update-initramfs -u | 13:16 |
OerHeks | slipttees, so build it yourself, see the port of hkrrsx | 13:16 |
slipttees | OerHeks, I compile last version | 13:17 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done! seems to have worked alright | 13:17 |
slipttees | OerHeks, .configure, make and make install put won't work | 13:17 |
slipttees | :/ | 13:17 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: update-grub | 13:17 |
OerHeks | slipttees, seems like you have not installed the build essentials | 13:18 |
OerHeks | !build | 13:18 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 13:18 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done! no errors. reboot ? | 13:18 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type exit then reboot | 13:18 |
desperate_joe | dual boot HP pavillion laptop, ubuntu 14 and win7, both use same home network: in win7 internet is ok, in ubuntu it is too slow, almost all pages in browser stop loading... can anyone help me? | 13:18 |
slipttees | OerHeks, yes, install every dev necessary, but wont work. | 13:18 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: same error, dropping into initramfs | 13:19 |
OerHeks | slipttees, paste the errors you get op paste.ubuntu.com please | 13:19 |
OerHeks | "won't work" is such a wide answer | 13:20 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: what's the error exactly | 13:20 |
slipttees | OerHeks, no erro... make install successful | 13:20 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10791520/ | 13:22 |
OerHeks | slipttees, funny, that guide does not mention make / install | 13:22 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: boot the live usb again | 13:24 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: i'm in | 13:25 |
explosive | type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 13:26 |
pbx | why do i get a "chrome did not shut down correctly" message after a normal restart? is chrome really so frail that it needs to be manually quit first? | 13:26 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /run /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 13:26 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: sudo chroot /mnt | 13:26 |
Elench | How do I use a WM that isn't Unity? | 13:26 |
[n0mad] | pbx, it's because you have chrome running in the background, at least that's what i've seen and found from reading about it | 13:26 |
Elench | Sorry if dumb >.> | 13:27 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: yes, done. | 13:27 |
OerHeks | pbx yes | 13:27 |
[n0mad] | pbx, if you manually exit chrome running in background before the restart, it won't happen | 13:27 |
explosive | type update-initramfs -u -k all | 13:27 |
OerHeks | Elench, logout, change WM, login | 13:27 |
pbx | [n0mad], it was running in normal foreground mode | 13:27 |
Elench | OerHeks: I see no option on login screen | 13:27 |
hkrrsx | Elench: sudo apt-get install <desktop_environment_of_choice> | 13:28 |
pbx | [n0mad], but perhaps a background one got started somehow :\ | 13:28 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done! update-grub ? just in case, there is also a update-grub2 command available | 13:28 |
OerHeks | Elench, sure there is, the icon maybe? | 13:28 |
[n0mad] | pbx, there's apparently some way to change it, i don't remember what I read. for me it's not that big of a deal i just go to my home page or close the message and continue. but there is some file modification you can make apparently that will cause that not to happen. | 13:29 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: it's the same command | 13:29 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type cat /etc/default/grub | 13:29 |
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pbx | [n0mad], interesting, thanks. at least it's a "known issue" even if i don't care to know more about it :) | 13:30 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: so I didn't type update-grub, right ? | 13:30 |
explosive | yeah not yet | 13:30 |
LiohAu | can anybody explain me how is it possible that I can SSH on my eth0 with i'm not wired? oO | 13:30 |
LiohAu | eth0 ip* | 13:30 |
Elench | Nope, none of the icons on the login screen do that | 13:30 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: okay, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10791571/ | 13:31 |
desperate_joe | dual boot HP pavillion laptop, ubuntu 14 and win7, both use same home network: in win7 internet is ok, in ubuntu it is too slow, almost all pages in browser stop loading... can anyone help me? | 13:31 |
ewooy | Does anybody have any good resources for developing for Ubuntu Phone? Particulary background services? Is it possible to build media player with current state of ubuntu phone? | 13:31 |
OerHeks | ewooy, join #ubuntu-touch for phone and development please | 13:31 |
ewooy | OerHeks: Thanks Havent seen that info in guidlines | 13:32 |
OerHeks | ewooy, see the topic there, lots of info | 13:32 |
hkrrsx | LiohAu: SSH doesn't seem to have that capability | 13:32 |
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hkrrsx | LiohAu: However, you should read the SSH man page for further details | 13:32 |
LiohAu | hkrrsx: I'm already connected.. I just would like to understand why I can connect | 13:33 |
LiohAu | it should not be possible to connect using the ethernet interface IP if the interface is not connected oO | 13:33 |
FL3SH_ | someone use motion? | 13:33 |
hkrrsx | LiohAu: How are you sure it's connected via eth0 ? | 13:33 |
OerHeks | LiohAu, maybe your other eth1 or wlan0 is taking over that IP? | 13:33 |
LiohAu | OerHeks: is it possible that the wlan interface take over? | 13:34 |
LiohAu | when I run ifconfig, the wlan has another IP | 13:34 |
OerHeks | LiohAu, not a running ssh session. | 13:34 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: try update-grub | 13:34 |
CosCap | Hello | 13:34 |
desperate_joe | can somebody please help me? | 13:34 |
desperate_joe | dual boot HP pavillion laptop, ubuntu 14 and win7, both use same home network: in win7 internet is ok, in ubuntu it is too slow, almost all pages in browser stop loading... can anyone help me? | 13:34 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done. exit and reboot ? | 13:35 |
LiohAu | well the ifconfig reports 1.21 for eth0, and 1.19 for wlan3, there are no other interfaces, and ssh works | 13:35 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: ok | 13:35 |
hkrrsx | LiohAu: You're SSH'ing to yourself? | 13:36 |
LiohAu | no | 13:36 |
OerHeks | LiohAu, are you running ssh from that box to an other machine or to your box? | 13:36 |
FL3SH_ | how setup motin to work in LAN? | 13:36 |
LiohAu | a machine, to another machine | 13:36 |
LiohAu | (the box is obviously in the middle) | 13:36 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: still dropping to initramfs | 13:36 |
OerHeks | LiohAu, oh. so ssh'ing out is working, so you really wonder? | 13:36 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: ok, press e over the ubuntu entry in grub | 13:37 |
LiohAu | OerHeks: It shoud not work if I use 1.21. | 13:37 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: first did you try an older kernel? | 13:37 |
explosive | advanced > .. | 13:37 |
LiohAu | with 1.19 I would understand since it's the wlan3 interface IP, but 1.21 is associated to a disconnected interface | 13:38 |
hkrrsx | LiohAu: OerHeks: What probably happened is wlan3 automatically took over when eth0 was unplugged | 13:38 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: i didn't, i don't think i have any older kernel since it's a fresh install. i typed e in grub | 13:38 |
OerHeks | LiohAu, how do you use *.*.1.21 to ssh out? | 13:38 |
LiohAu | hkrrsx: is there a way to disable this behavior? | 13:38 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: ok, in the line that sayd linux vmlinuz .... quiet splash try removing the root= part | 13:38 |
bogdan | what is askpass? | 13:38 |
hkrrsx | LiohAu: Turn off your wireless card/network settings when you're hard-wired | 13:38 |
LiohAu | .. | 13:39 |
hkrrsx | No kidding. | 13:39 |
LiohAu | OerHeks: you wanted to know how do I ssh ? "$ ssh" | 13:39 |
LiohAu | as everybody with ssh I guess ^^ | 13:39 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: still dropping into initramfs, but new error, i'll paste it in a few | 13:40 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: try root=/dev/sda1 | 13:41 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: alright, i'll try it. here's the error if it's relevant : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10791617/ | 13:41 |
OerHeks | LiohAu, i do not really understand, you have eth0 with *.*.1.21 and wlan3 *.*.1.19, and you ssh out to yourself? | 13:42 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: tried /dev/sda1, back to the first error with "ALERT! /dev/sda1 does not exist". | 13:43 |
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explosive | EugeneBandit: ok, try adding rootdelay=3 after quiet splash | 13:44 |
LiohAu | I have 1 pc with a given IP (I don't know which ip it is, and we don't care), and I am trying to ssh to another pc which has 2 interfaces, eth0 (1.21) and wlan3 (1.19), RJ45 cable is not connected, and I don't understand why "ssh" still works. I assume that the OS is using the WLAN interface transparently, but I don't see why it does that. | 13:44 |
LiohAu | Actually it's like if the wlan interface was a gateway for the eth0 interface... | 13:44 |
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OerHeks | LiohAu, now you are clear, yes, i think too that the wlan takes over, never seen that before. | 13:45 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: replacing the "root=UUID=..." with "root=/dev/sda1" again with the rootdelay ? | 13:45 |
explosive | yeah | 13:45 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: same again | 13:46 |
explosive | which ubuntu is this | 13:47 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: xubuntu 14.04.2 (kernel 3.16.something) | 13:47 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: boot the live usb again | 13:47 |
LiohAu | well next quesiton: I think I have messed up something with the window manager. When the boot is finished, the screen remains black but I still have the cursor. | 13:48 |
bananabob | hey all, i have a script that i need to run (with sudo) from users 14.04 that needs to end with a logout. That seems hard to do, gnome-session-quit wont work without the proper ENVs in place and service lightdm restart will only end up in blackscreen with cursor blinking. Any ideas | 13:48 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done | 13:49 |
LiohAu | (the missing question was : how do I fix that :P) | 13:50 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 | grep superblock | 13:50 |
hkrrsx | bananabob: “/usr/bin/gnome-session-save --kill” ? | 13:51 |
hkrrsx | bananabob: See section (C) Logoff Gnome from this URL: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-desktop-how-to-shutdown-restart-or-logoff-gnome-via-commandlauncher.html | 13:51 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: there are superblocks | 13:51 |
explosive | what's the first backup one? | 13:51 |
explosive | 32768? | 13:51 |
ebandit_broken | yes | 13:51 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: ok, type sudo fsck -b 32768 /dev/sda1 | 13:52 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: do i type "y" to each "Fix?" ? | 13:52 |
explosive | yeah | 13:53 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done | 13:53 |
explosive | ok | 13:53 |
explosive | try mounting it | 13:53 |
explosive | sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 13:54 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done, ls /mnt returns dirs from a root dir | 13:54 |
explosive | ok | 13:54 |
explosive | try to reboot | 13:54 |
bananabob | hkrrsx: Thanks but there is no gnome-session-save on 14.04 | 13:55 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: rebooting... do i change the "root=" ? | 13:55 |
explosive | nah | 13:55 |
Elench | Hmm, I got StumpWM working, but now something to do with keyboard maps is catching Control-Space | 13:56 |
Elench | How do I make it stop? | 13:56 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: back to the first error message | 13:57 |
explosive | that sucks | 13:57 |
explosive | try a larger rootdelay maybe | 13:57 |
hkrrsx | bananabob: The only other thing I'm seeing is to kill the user's entire session | 13:59 |
hkrrsx | http://bash.cyberciti.biz/desktop/logoff-kdegnome-desktop-user/ | 13:59 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: same error. :( | 14:00 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: ok boot the live usb | 14:01 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: that might not be relevant, but i used to run kxstudio (ubuntu based), that i upgraded to kernel 3.19.1, then downgraded to 3.16 and _i think_, i tried to reinstall this newer version with reboot the system first after downgrading | 14:01 |
EugeneBandit | and by newer version, i mean, this xubuntu iso | 14:01 |
bananabob | hkrrsx, thanks, but that leaves me in black screen with curser kind of mode :/ | 14:01 |
bananabob | cursor * | 14:01 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: i dont follow | 14:01 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: arrrh, sorry. i meant i didn't reboot the system after downgrading the system | 14:01 |
hkrrsx | bananabob: If " pkill -u <USER_ID> " doesn't do the trick for you, I'm out of options | 14:02 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: what do you mean you installed this without rebooting? | 14:03 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: you booted the live usb and installed right? | 14:03 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: this goes from KXStudio 14.04 (kernel 3.13) updated to kernel 3.19.1 in command line, then the package manager downgraded the kernel to, i think, wiped install before properly rebooting the system | 14:03 |
bananabob | yeah that will be my fall-back, i was hoping for a built in gracious solution but im stumped too :) Thanks for helping though! | 14:03 |
EugeneBandit | sorry, for my clumsy fingers and head : downgraded to 3.13 | 14:03 |
EugeneBandit | damn, downgraded to 3.16 actually | 14:04 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: yes | 14:04 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: i meant to say, in the previous system, i updated the kernel without reboot the system proprely. just after the update, i booted on the live CD and installed a fresh xubuntu 14.04 | 14:05 |
EugeneBandit | i wonder if that might be related | 14:05 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: oh ok | 14:05 |
explosive | no i dont think so | 14:05 |
explosive | did the live usb boot? | 14:06 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: yes | 14:06 |
explosive | ok, chroot as usual | 14:06 |
explosive | type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt | 14:07 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /run /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 14:07 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: just in case, the first install i tried, i chose a crypted setup with LVM. trying the commands now | 14:07 |
explosive | might as well sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/home | 14:08 |
NotYourAvgGoat | Whenever I plugin my headphone i get this https://i.imgur.com/jlHXUjZ.png annoying popup | 14:09 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done | 14:09 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: then sudo chroot /mnt | 14:09 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 14:09 |
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Elench | Sorry, had connection problems, is there a way to stop the keyboard map switcher stealing control+space? | 14:10 |
Mate__ | hello, could smbdy help with black screen after loading ? | 14:13 |
explosive | !nomodeset | Mate__ try this | 14:14 |
ubottu | Mate__ try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 14:14 |
jrtappers | Is there anything that should be done about UDP traffic and iptables that is different to default? | 14:14 |
jrtappers | I just saw a UDP scan for a list of random ports with a forged source, and wondered if there is a common config mistake it is trying to exploit | 14:14 |
lesshaste | where do I set a static ip address? Currently I am using dhcp. I thought it was in /etc/network/interfaces but that only shows auto lo | 14:15 |
lesshaste | iface lo inet loopback | 14:15 |
Elench | I've turned the shortcut off in gnome-control-centre but it still happens | 14:15 |
jrtappers | lesshaste, Ubuntu server? | 14:15 |
lesshaste | jrtappers, I am running a normal ubuntu desktop | 14:16 |
Mate__ | will it help me if i dont have X, Unity . screen is more blacker, i cant get console by ctrl alt f11? | 14:16 |
jrtappers | lesshaste, Should be able to do it in the networking menu | 14:16 |
lesshaste | jrtappers, I would like to know which config file it is | 14:16 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: done! | 14:17 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: ok, type dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 14:17 |
jrtappers | lesshaste, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/network-configuration.html <Static IP address assignment> | 14:17 |
ebandit_broken | explosive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10791863/ | 14:18 |
lesshaste | jrtappers, it does say /etc/network/interfaces | 14:18 |
jrtappers | lesshaste, I think that is the right file, but there may be multiple ways | 14:19 |
lesshaste | jrtappers, there is no sign of dhcp in that file. Maybe the graphical network config file uses some of other file | 14:19 |
explosive | ebandit_broken: ok, type exit and try to reboot i gues | 14:21 |
madsj | hi; how do I get the applications menu in the top bar? | 14:23 |
jrtappers | lesshaste, Network Manager uses the files in /etc/NetworkManager/ | 14:23 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: it works! thank you very much | 14:24 |
explosive | great, no problem | 14:24 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: do you know what kind of problem that was ? | 14:24 |
explosive | who knows :D | 14:25 |
guest-rMo2aA | hy, I think I made noobish mistake. I deleted my password like this: "sudo passwd -d <UserName>" . Trouble is I can't log back in, I'm ussing lubuntu. Can anyone help? | 14:25 |
EugeneBandit | ahah :D | 14:25 |
explosive | cause the dist-upgrade fixed it | 14:25 |
explosive | might be the newer kernel, or who knows what | 14:25 |
xangua | madsj: open Appearence settings and you can set it in the second tab | 14:25 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: yeah! that's surprising because i think i tried almost everything we did, but now it works! :) | 14:25 |
guest-rMo2aA | I tried "passwordless", "password", "", but nothing works | 14:26 |
jrtappers | guest-rMo2aA, Real machine? | 14:26 |
explosive | EugeneBandit: yeah it was pretty odd! | 14:26 |
EugeneBandit | explosive: thank you again! have a nice day :) | 14:27 |
guest-rMo2aA | I think yes. I'm not using virtualization | 14:27 |
explosive | np, you too :) | 14:27 |
madsj | xangua: not quite .. :-( | 14:27 |
guest-rMo2aA | jrtappers, i don't use ssh or WM ware | 14:27 |
madsj | No settings found it in there enables it | 14:27 |
jrtappers | guest-rMo2aA, Are you using the machine for this chat window? | 14:28 |
guest-rMo2aA | jrolland-ubuntu, no i'm using the guest account | 14:28 |
hkrrsx | lesshaste: How to setup a static IP in Ubuntu GUI -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9fJWDoX4nE | 14:28 |
guest-rMo2aA | jrolland-ubuntu, I mean yes :) | 14:28 |
guest-rMo2aA | jrolland-ubuntu, sorry I' didn't mean you | 14:29 |
jrtappers | guest-rMo2aA, You will want to boot into single user mode to reset it, blank passwords are not really used much in linux | 14:29 |
xangua | madsj: sure quite, you have two options: show menus in panel or tittle window | 14:29 |
xangua | I'm asuming you are using unity | 14:29 |
killall | hello is there a way i can make ntpdate to a server with stratum 16? (i dont care if it is bad or not) | 14:30 |
jrtappers | guest-rMo2aA, why do you want no password? | 14:30 |
guest-rMo2aA | jrtappers, great how do I start in single user mode? | 14:30 |
jrtappers | killall, stratum 16 is unsynced | 14:30 |
guest-rMo2aA | jrtappers, I was just playing around, I wasan't expecting it to turn out like this | 14:31 |
killall | jrtappers: i know but when i do ntpdate it does not do because of stratum, how can i force even with stratum 16? | 14:31 |
guest-rMo2aA | jrtappers, the manual said it will delete the password I didn't expected any of this really | 14:31 |
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madsj | xangua: I was talking about the Applications menu with all applications installed, not the one for the program currently used | 14:32 |
jrtappers | guest-rMo2aA, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode | 14:32 |
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jrtappers | killall, what is the error | 14:32 |
killall | stratum to high jrtappers | 14:33 |
jrtappers | killall, what are you syncing to? | 14:33 |
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jrtappers | Is there a way to make psad ignore small amounts of pings | 14:44 |
chrislp | Hi, if /dev/sda is mounted at / and /dev/sdb is mounted at /home, would loading a program that needs to access a config file from /home/.config cause the hard drive to start spinning physically and make noise? | 14:45 |
jrtappers | chrislp, if /home is on that drive then probably | 14:46 |
chrislp | thanks jrtappers | 14:47 |
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ioria | jrtappers, you cannot limit the number of packets ? | 14:51 |
jrtappers | ioria, Its more that a single ping from a host shows as the same threat level as a backdoor attempt... | 14:52 |
Voyage | HI | 14:56 |
Voyage | I had skype but had problems with voice, I tried to download skype.deb from skype.com. Installed it and this happened at boot (something to do with libjson.c.s0.2): Kernal panic. not syncing. attempt to kill init. exit code: 0x00007f0. cpu pid 1 comm init not tainted. 3.14.033 gen... $ 44 ubuntu hardware name dell inc lattitude d630. dump stack do group exit. sys exit. sys call fast path. kernel | 14:56 |
Voyage | offset. | 14:56 |
Voyage | my system dont boot. caps lock and other lights blink. any thing that can fix it/ | 14:57 |
Voyage | ? | 14:57 |
genii | Voyage: If all three of your keyboard lights are blinking on and off this indicates a kernel crash | 14:58 |
Voyage | genii ok. why would kernel crash due to skkyp? | 14:58 |
Voyage | genii and what the solution | 14:58 |
hkrrsx | Voyage: Reboot ? | 14:59 |
Voyage | hkeide did that many times. same message | 14:59 |
genii | Voyage: At the grub screen try to select the previous kernel | 14:59 |
Voyage | genii did that | 14:59 |
Voyage | genii did recovermode too | 14:59 |
Voyage | same message | 14:59 |
hkrrsx | Voyage: Remove skype ? | 14:59 |
Voyage | hkeide dont have control. can even login | 15:00 |
hkrrsx | via Recovery Mode | 15:00 |
Voyage | cant | 15:00 |
Voyage | recovery mode says the same message | 15:00 |
genii | Voyage: Looks like you'll have to boot from external media liks livecd/liveusb. chroot into your installed system, and remove skype | 15:00 |
* genii wanders back to work for a bit | 15:00 | |
Voyage | genii ok. I can boot from live cd. but how to chroot? | 15:00 |
hkrrsx | Voyage: Watch this YouTube video to get into Single User Mode on Ubuntu --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlA1vmEn3UY | 15:02 |
hkrrsx | You should be able to get to a command line prompt using that technique | 15:03 |
Voyage | k | 15:03 |
hkrrsx | STOP at 2:33 | 15:03 |
ioria | Voyage, youhaveto mount your partitions | 15:03 |
hkrrsx | DO NOT reset the root password | 15:03 |
ioria | Voyage, and the chroot in your mounted partition | 15:04 |
Voyage | hkrrsx ok | 15:05 |
Voyage | ioria how to chroot | 15:05 |
ioria | Voyage, sudo chroot /dev/bla/bla | 15:05 |
Voyage | what will this do? | 15:05 |
ioria | Voyage, first : sudo fdisk -l | 15:06 |
ioria | Voyage, first : then mkdir somewhere | 15:06 |
Voyage | k | 15:07 |
ioria | Voyage, then mount your linux partition, chroot in that, and remove program | 15:07 |
Voyage | how to remove skype? by apt-get remov? | 15:07 |
stanmcm | Hello! I'm trying to track down a memory leak. Out of 8 gigs I have less than 200 meg free. This is after shutting down all known services and virtual machines. Are there built in tools I can use? what I see in top isn't adding up to 8gig, or even close to it. | 15:08 |
Voyage | ioria obviously apt wont work as I wont be on that system as a logged in user | 15:08 |
genii | Voyage: Before you do the chroot command, you need to bindmount certain directories into the place you will be chrooting to. these are the /proc /sys /dev and optionally if you want network, copy the /etc/fstab file from the live session to the mounted etc directory. | 15:08 |
ioria | Voyage, remove or purge, yes | 15:08 |
genii | Voyage: Better to purge | 15:08 |
Voyage | genii dont you think that apt wont work as I wont be on that system as a logged in user | 15:09 |
Voyage | I mean the live cd system would be different than my HDD / | 15:09 |
genii | Voyage: chroot puts you on that box as root | 15:09 |
Voyage | oh. | 15:09 |
Voyage | so I just chroot /path/to/the/problematic/root/partition ? | 15:09 |
genii | Voyage: If you really wanted, you could su to that user, but for package removals or such root is what you require anyhow | 15:10 |
genii | Voyage: First bindmount those dirs | 15:10 |
Voyage | genii I woulud just chroot the root / of the old system | 15:10 |
genii | Voyage: My work requires me. I will be back and forth from computer | 15:10 |
Voyage | o | 15:10 |
Voyage | ok | 15:10 |
Voyage | thanks | 15:10 |
genii | Voyage: If you only just chroot and try removing packages it will fail | 15:11 |
genii | bindmounting those dirs first required | 15:11 |
genii | afk | 15:11 |
Elench | I solved my immediate problems, I'd just like to thank those who gave suggestions | 15:11 |
Voyage | genii I will mount th partition in normal way first | 15:11 |
ioria | Voyage, if apt-get remove doesn't work, try the full path /usr/bin/apt-get | 15:11 |
Voyage | ioria right. thanks | 15:11 |
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking | ||
Blueking | anyone has experience with xmlrpc`? | 15:18 |
bloodytearz | hello guys anyone can help me with one matter regarding kubuntu ? i asked in kubuntu channel but i guess noone there | 15:24 |
Voyage | ioria, I have chrooted now and can use apt but when I try to resolve things. it says E: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/j/json-c/libjson-c2_0.11-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb Could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com' | 15:25 |
Voyage | looks like after chroot, I cant use network | 15:26 |
ioria | Voyage, ping | 15:26 |
Voyage | unkonw host | 15:26 |
Voyage | ioria, wait | 15:26 |
Voyage | is pingable. but google.com is not | 15:26 |
ioria | Voyage, can you use network manager ? | 15:27 |
ioria | Voyage, preference -> network connection | 15:27 |
Voyage | ioria, yes but the network manager would be of live cd. not of the chrooted / | 15:27 |
genii | Voyage: exit the chroot with: exit Then: cp /etc/resolv.conf /mountplace/etc/resolv.conf then chroot back in again | 15:27 |
imbezol | Voyage: try "host google.com" | 15:27 |
genii | mountplace is the dir you have where you ounted the old system | 15:28 |
* genii wanders back to work for a bit | 15:28 | |
colby_ | hi I have just installed pgp and was wondering if someone wants to help me test so I know what I am at. Thanks | 15:28 |
Voyage | imbezol, google.com has address | 15:28 |
Voyage | genii, ok | 15:28 |
Voyage | what genii said is working | 15:30 |
matt|home | sigh. hi. so i just did a fresh install of 14.10 , and after messin around with some drivers everything seemed to be working fine. then out of nowhere, after i login the top and left menus in gnome are missing. all i see is my desktop background | 15:30 |
Voyage | genii, I cannot now do sh: 1: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied | 15:30 |
matt|home | can someone tell me how i can fix this please? | 15:30 |
Voyage | why is that | 15:30 |
Voyage | ioria, genii it says /var/lib/dpkg/info/libjson-c2:amd64.postinst: 17: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libjson-c2:amd64.postinst: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied | 15:31 |
genii | Voyage: As I said like 2 or 3 times, before chroot you have to bindmount the /dev /proc and /sys of the booted system into the ones of the place you want to chroot to. | 15:31 |
genii | ( before you chroot there) | 15:31 |
imbezol | mknod /pathtochroot/dev/null c 1 3 | 15:32 |
matt|home | hey genii , can i get some of that goodwill of yours for a bit of help? :P <3 plz? xoxo | 15:32 |
matt|home | i can pay you in huggles | 15:32 |
rgammon51_ | On 15.04 with all updates applied, Desktop edition | 15:33 |
Voyage | genii, amm.... I really didnt got you as I am not so experienced. my old system is mounted at : /media/kubuntu/0b3a1c13-1b28-4ae8-b8df-ef3adc71c37d/ so i just chroot /media/kubuntu/0b3a1c13-1b28-4ae8-b8df-ef3adc71c37d/ . I thnk you want me to exit and do some bindmout (whats that?) and chroot again. | 15:33 |
rgammon51_ | Nfs server reports no errors on start, stop, restart, and showmounts shows nothing | 15:34 |
genii | Voyage: Easiest is: exit chroot again. then: mount -o bind /dev /mountpoint/dev ...do this same command 2 more times, once for proc and once for sys ... then chroot back in | 15:34 |
genii | matt|home: I'm somewhat spread thin right now, perhaps in 45 mi nutes when my lunch is | 15:34 |
OerHeks | rgammon51_, please join #ubuntu+1 for vivid support. | 15:35 |
OerHeks | * until release | 15:35 |
Voyage | genii, so mount -o bind /dev /media/kubuntu/0b3a1c13-1b28-4ae8-b8df-ef3adc71c37d//dev | 15:35 |
rgb-one | matt|home: you are using Ubuntu Gnome? | 15:35 |
Voyage | genii, sudo mount -o bind /dev /media/kubuntu/0b3a1c13-1b28-4ae8-b8df-ef3adc71c37d//dev | 15:35 |
matt|home | yeah. | 15:35 |
rgb-one | matt|home: What graphics card are you using? | 15:36 |
matt|home | 14.10 , uh .. nvidia i think. one moment | 15:36 |
xyzwhatever | help, I increased the disk size of my virtualbox ubuntu, but the stupid ubuntu still thinks it has the small disk,. how do I tell it ??? | 15:36 |
matt|home | 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2) | 15:36 |
cfhowlett | xyzwhatever, reinstall | 15:36 |
xyzwhatever | :( | 15:36 |
xyzwhatever | all my software gone? | 15:36 |
rgb-one | matt|home: do you have the noveau and nv graphics drivers installed? | 15:37 |
cfhowlett | xyzwhatever, ask #vbox the reason why | 15:37 |
OerHeks | xyzwhatever, old answer, still valid : http://askubuntu.com/questions/101715/resizing-virtual-drive | 15:37 |
rgb-one | !xf86 | 15:37 |
matt|home | after i type in my login password, the screen briefly resizes and i dont see the left/top menus, right clickign doesn't do anything | 15:38 |
rgb-one | !noveau | 15:38 |
matt|home | rgb-one : yeah , i had to manually remove noveau and add the nvidia driver myself. it was working a few minutes ago | 15:38 |
matt|home | for like half hour | 15:38 |
Happy1 | Does anyone know that works like magic terminal tool, that can download streaming videos? I want to download "http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/checkout/LE1402H001S00#playing" | 15:38 |
rgb-one | !nouveau | 15:38 |
ubottu | nouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default since Ubuntu 10.04. Currently, 3D rendering is only partially supported. More information can be found at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ | See !nvidia for the closed-source Nvidia driver. | 15:38 |
till | Hello, I have issues with handbrake and my dvd drive ... what is the best way to find out what the problem it/to test the whole dvd -> handbrake chain (ide dvd drive)? | 15:38 |
rgb-one | matt|home: How many times did you reboot? | 15:39 |
matt|home | rgb-one : yeah i correctly did all the video driver things, like i said it was working fine for a while then just stopped | 15:39 |
matt|home | a lot | 15:39 |
Happy1 | If anyone knows the answer to my question could they please PM me. | 15:39 |
marianne_ | ok guys, totally screwed up blu-ray playing on VLC. IT was working fine then I got it into my head to upgrade to vlc 2.2.0... now I'm getting errors when I start my blu-rays (yes, i have the no menu box checked) | 15:39 |
marianne_ | HELO! | 15:39 |
marianne_ | HELP! | 15:39 |
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rgb-one | matt|home: It may have seemed to be working fine because even though you replaced the drivers, the system may have still been using the one you removed. | 15:40 |
matt|home | nah, because it wasn't working til i installed the correct drivers | 15:41 |
rgb-one | matt|home: I see | 15:41 |
matt|home | if worse comes to worse i can just uninstall/reinstall the gui right? | 15:41 |
rgb-one | matt|home: indeed | 15:42 |
matt|home | how do i do that | 15:43 |
rgb-one | matt|home: how did you uninstall the default drivers? What apt command did you use? | 15:43 |
matt|home | oh jeez i totally forgot, ive been typing commands all day and im half asleep. here one moment.. | 15:43 |
matt|home | http://www.beginninglinux.com/home/graphics-drivers/install-nvidia-custom-driver-on-ubuntu-12-04 <-- i followed those instructions | 15:44 |
genii | Voyage: In that command you showed me, remove one of the / where you have two of them /media/kubuntu/0b3a1c13-1b28-4ae8-b8df-ef3adc71c37d//dev <-- note two // before dev here, make it one | 15:44 |
Voyage | ya | 15:44 |
Voyage | genii, it looks like all is well now. the errors just disappeard | 15:44 |
Voyage | genii, i dont know what to do with the "libjson.c.so.2 | 15:44 |
genii | Voyage: That is probably not a critical error, for now I would ignore it | 15:45 |
Voyage | genii, thats what started all | 15:45 |
genii | Voyage: The main objective right now is to get your original system booting | 15:45 |
Voyage | genii, i do not know if it will boot now | 15:45 |
genii | Voyage: You did: apt-get purge skype ( or similar?) | 15:46 |
Voyage | genii, I did nothing. i was having errors when i didnt bindmount. when i did. all errors just faded away. | 15:46 |
Voyage | genii, skype was never there | 15:46 |
Voyage | genii, skype was never there (according to apt) | 15:46 |
genii | Voyage: You stated originally you installed skype from their site and then system became unbootable | 15:46 |
Voyage | yes | 15:47 |
Voyage | genii, but I used the .deb | 15:47 |
matt|home | rgb-one : so , do i have to uninstall/reinstall ? | 15:47 |
rgb-one | matt|home: reinstall | 15:47 |
matt|home | kay, whats the commands/thing i should look for | 15:47 |
genii | Voyage: Then it should still show if you do a command like apt-cache policy skype | 15:47 |
genii | But with a source like /var something instead of a repository name | 15:48 |
xyzwhatever | goddammnittt why is the extended virtualbox disk now called sda2 and I cannot extend the sda1 to it | 15:48 |
Voyage | genii, skype: | 15:48 |
Voyage | Installed: (none) | 15:48 |
Voyage | Candidate: | 15:48 |
matt|home | rgb-one : sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ? | 15:49 |
Voyage | genii, Version table: | 15:49 |
Voyage | 0 500 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ utopic/partner amd64 Packages 500 http://archive.canonical.com/ utopic/partner amd64 Packages | 15:49 |
genii | Voyage: At this point I think you should do: apt-get -f install (no packagename after this, just as I wrote it) And see what it does | 15:49 |
Voyage | genii, is skype installed? | 15:49 |
Voyage | genii, did the -f thing | 15:49 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest23861 | ||
Guest23861 | somebodz wanna challenge _ | 15:49 |
rgb-one | matt|home: not sure | 15:49 |
rgb-one | !gnome | 15:49 |
ubottu | GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome | 15:49 |
genii | Voyage: Did it install/deinstall things, do nothing, something unexpected, what? | 15:49 |
Voyage | genii, when I didnt did bindmound. -f install was giving errors about libjson. when I did bindmount and then chrooted. there were no errors without me doing anything. STRANGe | 15:50 |
rgb-one | !ubuntu-gnome | 15:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu GNOME is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses !GNOME as the default desktop environment instead of Unity. For more info or to download, see http://www.ubuntugnome.org/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage | 15:50 |
Voyage | genii, no. after bindmout, chroot, -f didnt do anything but didnt gave any errors either | 15:50 |
genii | Voyage: I would AGAIN now run the apt-get -f install | 15:50 |
Voyage | genii, did that many times. autormove too | 15:50 |
Voyage | genii, is skype installed . according to policy? | 15:51 |
genii | Voyage: Apparently it is not. | 15:51 |
Voyage | genii, should I get rid of libjson | 15:51 |
Guest23861 | how to Format a Hdd thats encypted and onlz boots itself befor booting from cd or usb | 15:51 |
genii | Voyage: Not right now. First command: sync | 15:51 |
Guest23861 | somebody a clue _ | 15:52 |
Voyage | genii, sync? whats that | 15:52 |
rgb-one | Guest23861: change the boot order from the BIOS | 15:52 |
Guest23861 | i cant | 15:52 |
genii | Voyage: sync makes sure there are no unwritten disk writes in the buffer | 15:52 |
rgb-one | Guest23861: You cant access the BIOS? | 15:52 |
Voyage | genii, ok | 15:52 |
Voyage | genii, now what | 15:52 |
Guest23861 | thas right | 15:52 |
genii | Voyage: the libjson errors as I said before aree not errors that would give the kernel panic | 15:53 |
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rgb-one | Guest23861: What system are you using? | 15:53 |
Guest23861 | on the hdd or here _ | 15:53 |
Voyage | genii, ok. | 15:53 |
Voyage | genii, should I reboot now? | 15:53 |
genii | Voyage: You should try now to exit the chroot, exit the livecd and re-try to boot the system | 15:53 |
* genii runs back to work | 15:53 | |
xyzwhatever | plz help me, how do I extend /sda1 to this unallocated space??? http://s1.postimg.org/ylkd3bgj3/Captu32342323re.png | 15:54 |
Voyage | genii, thanks! | 15:54 |
OerHeks | xyzwhatever, not. there is a partition in between. | 15:54 |
xyzwhatever | goddamnit why | 15:54 |
OerHeks | xyzwhatever, maybe you can move that partition to the end, can you drag it? | 15:55 |
OerHeks | xyzwhatever, please don't curse | 15:55 |
xyzwhatever | cant drag it | 15:55 |
matt|home | okay, now im tired. is there a way for me to do some kind of completely clean reinstall of the entire X system in ubuntu without getting rid of my graphical drivers and stuff like that? | 15:55 |
explosive | xyzwhatever: isn't thing to do would be to delete the swap partition, and extend the primary one, then make the swap again | 15:55 |
explosive | *easiest thing | 15:55 |
OerHeks | xyzwhatever, do this from a live-cd, not from a running system | 15:55 |
xyzwhatever | i am in a live cd now | 15:56 |
hkrrsx | matt|home: no, if you re-install your operating system, the graphics drivers go in the formatting process | 15:56 |
matt|home | no no , i just wanna reinstall X | 15:56 |
matt|home | not the whole OS | 15:56 |
colby_ | copy the dev folder.....isnt that where all the drivers go? | 15:56 |
explosive | xyzwhatever: type sudo parted -l | 15:56 |
mmazing | did my earlier message come through ... ? xyzwhatever: http://derekmolloy.ie/resize-a-virtualbox-disk/ | 15:56 |
hkrrsx | sudo apt-get install --reinstall <desktop_environment> | 15:56 |
matt|home | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-removeinstall-and-reconfigure-xorg-without-reinstalling-ubuntu.html <-- will this work? | 15:57 |
hkrrsx | And you should still have your graphics drivers afterwards | 15:57 |
Voyage | genii, it worked and I am back to old system. thanks. I learned something from you today | 15:57 |
xyzwhatever | yeah mmazing but see my screenshot it looks different | 15:58 |
Aro2220 | Hi, I've followed this tutorial http://blog.bobbyallen.me/2014/01/11/setting-up-teamspeak-3-on-ubuntu-server-12-04-lts/ to install teamspeak on ubuntu 12.04 but it's running as root | 15:58 |
Aro2220 | how do i create a new user account and fix this service so it runs off that? | 15:58 |
mmazing | i was disconnected for a bit | 15:58 |
matt|home | omfg.. why.. | 15:59 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: This line from your tutorial creates user "teamspeak3" ---- sudo adduser --disabled-login teamspeak3 | 16:00 |
colby_ | matt i am a noob to linx in general but if all ur concerned about is drivers, wipe the machine and install the latest version of ubuntu | 16:00 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx: for some reason when i looked at top it said it was running from user root | 16:02 |
jeffreylevesque | can someone tell me what this upstart script does - https://bpaste.net/show/06e3b64d49b1 | 16:02 |
jeffreylevesque | it's located in /etc/init/redis-server.conf | 16:02 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: kill the current TeamSpeak process and relaunch it ...... hopefully, it'll launch from the "teamspeak3" user | 16:02 |
jeffreylevesque | does it start the redis-server when the ubuntu machine starts up? | 16:02 |
Aro2220 | it still says it is running from root | 16:03 |
genii | Voyage: Glad to assist | 16:03 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: Are you logged in as root right now? | 16:04 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx no | 16:04 |
jeffreylevesque | i don't think my upstart script is doing anything | 16:04 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx: i was before and it also showed as root | 16:04 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: is it running? ps aux | grep redis-server | 16:05 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: Reboot your computer, your instructions say Teamspeak should start on boot | 16:05 |
jeffreylevesque | explosive: all i get is the grep process `jeffrey 3139 0.0 0.0 11740 936 pts/9 S+ 12:05 0:00 grep --color=auto redis-server` | 16:05 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx: it does in fact start from boot. I've rebooted 3 times already and it's always running as root. | 16:05 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: maybe it's not enabled? | 16:06 |
explosive | update-rc.d rdis-server enable | 16:06 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx: i also ran cat /etc/passwd and teamspeak3 user is there | 16:06 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: Then you probably missed a step or something went wrong | 16:06 |
jeffreylevesque | i am able to manually run the commands `sudo [start|restart|stop] redis-server` | 16:07 |
mostefi | hye everyone | 16:07 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx: any idea what steps I could take to troubleshoot? | 16:07 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: ok, try to enable it with update-rc.d so it starts when the pc boots | 16:07 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: cross-reference your command history to the instructions and verify that you didn't miss anything | 16:07 |
jeffreylevesque | explosive: when i do `update-rc.d rdis-server enable`, i get `update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/rdis-server: file does not exist` | 16:07 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: when you manually start it does it start? | 16:08 |
jeffreylevesque | yes sir | 16:08 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: You might also go into /etc/password and set the shell for user 'teamspeak3' to /bin/false or /sbin/nologin | 16:08 |
hkrrsx | Then reboot again and see if that helps | 16:08 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: try ls /etc/init.d | grep rdis | 16:09 |
explosive | */etc/passwd | 16:09 |
explosive | Aro2220: ^ | 16:09 |
jeffreylevesque | i get nothin with ` .. | grep redis` | 16:10 |
jeffreylevesque | or rdis | 16:10 |
hkrrsx | explosive: Thanks for the correction | 16:10 |
explosive | np | 16:10 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: I meant /etc/passwd | 16:10 |
jeffreylevesque | explosive: https://bpaste.net/show/07036ac68378 | 16:11 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: how did you install redis-server? | 16:13 |
jeffreylevesque | explosive: https://github.com/jeff1evesque/machine-learning/wiki/Redis#installation-on-ubuntu | 16:13 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx: checked history...it's all in there | 16:14 |
Aro2220 | hkrrsx: bin/false or /sbin/nologin? | 16:15 |
Aro2220 | which one? | 16:15 |
Aro2220 | does it matter? | 16:15 |
=== erwin is now known as PHPLearner | ||
hkrrsx | Aro2220: check your /etc/passwd file and see whats in there | 16:16 |
Aro2220 | it was /bin/bash | 16:16 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: if you have /usr/sbin/nologin , go w/ that | 16:16 |
Aro2220 | it's mostly bin/bash | 16:16 |
Aro2220 | err bin/false | 16:16 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: Ok, then go with /bin/false | 16:16 |
Aro2220 | well actually.... | 16:16 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: i dunno | 16:18 |
explosive | jeffreylevesque: are there any logs you could check? | 16:19 |
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Knight80 | Hello everyone! | 16:22 |
Knight80 | Does anybody know how to set up minidlna properly? | 16:22 |
Knight80 | Hello? | 16:24 |
digdug__ | Suddenly, my Gnome term lost its menubar, and it only appears when I hover the title bar | 16:24 |
digdug__ | View | Show Menubar is checked | 16:25 |
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digdug__ | i've disabled the global menubar | 16:25 |
jeffreylevesque | explosive: i have redis `Version: 2:3.0.0-rwky1~trusty`, i think thats old | 16:26 |
jeffreylevesque | https://github.com/jeff1evesque/machine-learning/issues/1785#issuecomment-91607704 | 16:26 |
OerHeks | Knight80, maybe this page is any help http://www.htpcbeginner.com/install-minidlna-on-ubuntu-ultimate-guide/ our page needs cleanup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA | 16:26 |
jeffreylevesque | never mind, i have 3.0 | 16:26 |
ioria | jeffreylevesque, it's not available in ubuntu repos ? | 16:27 |
pbx | can microsoft lync be made to run under wine? | 16:27 |
jeffreylevesque | it is via ppa | 16:27 |
hkrrsx | digdug__: close gnome-terminal and re-open it? | 16:27 |
* pbx googles the question like he should have before asking | 16:27 | |
OerHeks | pbx, check #winehq and their database | 16:27 |
Knight80 | OerHeks Thank you very much | 16:27 |
digdug__ | nope, that didn't fix it hkrrsx | 16:27 |
digdug__ | i think it is after my last apt-get update, though i'm not sure how to check the log | 16:28 |
digdug__ | it used to be below the titlebar, now it's inside the titlebar, but hides itself | 16:28 |
hkrrsx | digdug__: is there an auto-hide option in there somewhere? | 16:28 |
pbx | OerHeks, yeah, not looking good - https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=14390 | 16:28 |
digdug__ | not that i can see | 16:28 |
hkrrsx | digdug__: what happens if you de-select Show Menubar and try again? | 16:29 |
ioria | !info redis-server | 16:29 |
ubottu | redis-server (source: redis): Persistent key-value database with network interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.8.13-3 (utopic), package size 316 kB, installed size 907 kB | 16:29 |
digdug__ | that makes it not appear when i hover it | 16:30 |
digdug__ | (i also had to disable it in profile preferences, since there's a "show menubar for new terminals" setting | 16:30 |
digdug__ | now i'm not even sure how to get it back on hover actually haha | 16:30 |
digdug__ | damn it | 16:30 |
hkrrsx | digdug__: Language. | 16:30 |
digdug__ | sorry | 16:31 |
digdug__ | ok, there's a show menubar in the right-click menu | 16:31 |
hkrrsx | There you go | 16:31 |
digdug__ | i guess they just changed it and hope it's ok | 16:31 |
digdug__ | and i'll have to deal with it | 16:31 |
hkrrsx | digdug__: If it's something you get frustrated with, you could always try another terminal emulator | 16:32 |
nrml1 | so I'm having trouble with my apt-mirror cron job.. it does not appear to be running | 16:32 |
Aro2220 | nope still doesn't work =p | 16:33 |
nrml1 | it looks like this: 0 2 * * * apt-mirror/usr/bin/apt-mirror > /var/spool/apt-mirror/var/cron.log and lives in /etc/cron.daily | 16:33 |
pbx | is the `apt` command supposed to eventually replace apt-get or just be a subset with a nicer ui? wondering about things like autoclean | 16:33 |
Aro2220 | does anyone have any resources i could read to understand how /etc/init.d works or update-rc.d? | 16:33 |
hkrrsx | Aro2220: I found this Teamspeak3 installation tutorial that's got your name written on it ....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClfhQfv1pZ8 | 16:33 |
hkrrsx | Yes, the video was made using Linux Mint but the instructions are for Ubuntu as well | 16:34 |
Aro2220 | okay i run through a command line but i'll check it out | 16:34 |
sugoiryu | hello. i rebooted my laptop and now the keyboard wont work unless i modify /etc/default/grub to have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i8042.nopnp=1 i8042.dumbkbd=1" why do i need this now? | 16:34 |
=== Matthew is now known as Guest31258 | ||
hkrrsx | And minimal need to use the terminal :) | 16:34 |
Aro2220 | i only have a terminal it's a vps ;-) | 16:34 |
=== Guest31258 is now known as mjayk | ||
Aro2220 | i think this tutorial is for teamspeak3 client not the server though | 16:35 |
hkrrsx | It is | 16:36 |
hkrrsx | I didn't realize you are on a VPS | 16:36 |
Aro2220 | i'm trying to run a ts server on a vps | 16:36 |
Aro2220 | i need to understand how linux determines which user to run things as in /etc/init.d | 16:36 |
hkrrsx | Ok, this is for you ..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xECUS8dEmLQ | 16:36 |
hkrrsx | Sorry, that video is for CentOS | 16:37 |
labeeb32 | I installed ubuntu alongside windows, but now my laptop directly boots into windows. What can I do? | 16:38 |
Aro2220 | labeeb32 you need to fix your bootloader somehow | 16:38 |
Aro2220 | or install one that can handle both operating systems so you have a cohice | 16:38 |
Aro2220 | choice* | 16:38 |
labeeb32 | should default GRUB handle this? | 16:40 |
jack_ | aha | 16:40 |
Aro2220 | GRUB should be able to do it. Don't know any details since I haven't done this in a very long time. Sorry. | 16:40 |
Aro2220 | You should look for tutorials about that though. | 16:40 |
jack_ | hey guys | 16:41 |
TomAstro | hi folks does xorg-edgers have an IRC channel? | 16:41 |
hackal | Hello, what permission should I set to files on my web server which should not be accessible? Now they are at 777 | 16:42 |
smygIG | Hallo all :) Is there anyone that is an expert on WOL? | 16:42 |
jack_ | 700? | 16:43 |
jack_ | i don't know,haha | 16:43 |
jack_ | we all are not talking in the same subject | 16:43 |
jack_ | so,it's the first time i use xchat | 16:44 |
jack_ | seems not very useful....at least till then it seems to be like this | 16:45 |
genii | hackal: 650 | 16:45 |
smygIG | WOL expert Wanted | 16:45 |
OerHeks | smygIG, WOL is pretty simple >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WakeOnLan | 16:46 |
jack_ | permission 650? | 16:46 |
genii | jack_: Sorry, no, 1 minute | 16:46 |
jeffreylevesque | i got redis working on autostart via Ubuntus upstart by commenting out the only line in `/etc/init/redis-server.override`. Specifically, `#manual` | 16:46 |
jeffreylevesque | is this ok? | 16:46 |
genii | jack_: 644 rather | 16:47 |
jack_ | genii:it's not proposed by me | 16:47 |
jack_ | <hackal>didi | 16:48 |
jack_ | did | 16:48 |
jack_ | i know little about linux | 16:48 |
genii | jack_: And 755 for those ones you have right now which are 777 will prevent people from writing over your web pages | 16:49 |
jack_ | so the group and other users only have read and write permission with it set to 755? | 16:50 |
smygIG | OerHeks Does my router hawe to suport WOL? | 16:50 |
jack_ | write and execute | 16:51 |
genii | jack_: They will have only read and execute and not write | 16:51 |
jack_ | yeah,i got it | 16:51 |
ioria | jack : the first number refer to you, the 2°to group, the 3° to others. 4=read, 2=write, 1=execute | 16:51 |
jack_ | yeah, i got it ,thx,guys | 16:52 |
ioria | jack : 4+2+1= 7 you got all rights | 16:52 |
jack_ | ioria:thx | 16:53 |
VanDerGroot | Hey guys. | 16:54 |
jack_ | i'm gonna learn android develop, windows or linux,which one do you prefer? | 16:54 |
jack_ | hey | 16:54 |
jack_ | VanderGroot:welcome,hahahahahaha | 16:55 |
VanDerGroot | Is there a sensible way to forward tcp connections to another computer if they have a certain HTTP header? | 16:55 |
VanDerGroot | jack_: What's funny? | 16:55 |
genii | jack_: Learning linux will help you a lot with learning android, and vice-versa | 16:56 |
smygIG | VanDerGroot du är svensk va? | 16:56 |
genii | !se | 16:56 |
ubottu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack! | 16:56 |
VanDerGroot | smygIG: Yes, but I don't have a reason to limit myself to swedish support. :) | 16:56 |
jack_ | VanDerGroot:i just wanted to express my welcome,.... | 16:56 |
jack_ | genii: ok ,thanks | 16:57 |
VanDerGroot | jack_: The laughing threw me off. Thanks, I guess. :) | 16:57 |
area51pilot | is there a way to purge all settings from Bluetooth and go back to install defaults? | 16:57 |
ioria | VanDerGroot, maybe Netcat... i haven't done that | 16:58 |
VanDerGroot | Maybe it helps if I tell you what I want to accomplish: I've got two servers at home and I want them to serve different websites, both on 80. | 16:59 |
smygIG | VanDerGroot Är der ok om jag skriver på sv till dig allafall? har lixom ig+ på engelska ;) och min fråga är angående WOL. Kan du påstå att du är bra på WOL? | 16:59 |
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VanDerGroot | smygIG: Keep the non english in PMs | 17:00 |
ioria | smygIG, i understood only 'pasta' :-) | 17:01 |
=== Thierry76be is now known as Thierry|quassel | ||
TurtleDan | I wanted to change the background picture but when I load desktop settings it locks up on me. | 17:04 |
area51pilot | is there a way to purge all settings from Bluetooth and go back to install defaults? | 17:05 |
kemmler | Can someone help me identify what file is trying to be accessed here when I use apt-get? http://pastebin.com/aPWeWYaC | 17:07 |
kemmler | Packages.gz exists in the directory being accessed and I receive this error W: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden | 17:08 |
=== java is now known as Guest9629 | ||
ioria | kemmler, why are you root ? | 17:13 |
=== luke is now known as Guest59273 | ||
kemmler | ioria: because i'm ssh'd into a machine and can do what i want | 17:14 |
kemmler | and last time I checked the files i'm working with are owned by root | 17:16 |
mjayk | thats just bad practice xD | 17:17 |
kemmler | Not very relevant though | 17:18 |
=== dbm is now known as Guest4966 | ||
ioria | kemmler, as you know 403 means lack of permissions .... | 17:20 |
kemmler | ioria: permissions are 644. i can wget the file from the machine having problems | 17:21 |
kemmler | apt-get is the only thing returning an error | 17:21 |
ioria | kemmler, i see | 17:21 |
zykotick9 | kemmler: i assume the :3142 means you're using apt-cacher(-ng) is that correct? is it setup to allow the machine your trying from? best of luck. (PS. i won't visit pastebin.com so haven't seen your paste) | 17:22 |
ioria | zykotick9, Ign binary/ Packages Err binary/ Packages 403 Forbidden | 17:23 |
ioria | kemmler, anything in /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ ? | 17:25 |
kemmler | ioria: i tried to clear it | 17:27 |
kemmler | didnt help | 17:27 |
ioria | kemmler, change http with ftp (just a guess) | 17:29 |
andybrine | good evening | 17:30 |
c3sl | Hello, I was just wondering if there is some software similar to Suse Studio, but open source. Do you guys know? | 17:30 |
hkrrsx | andybrine: welcome | 17:31 |
hkrrsx | c3sl: http://alternativeto.net/software/suse-studio/ | 17:31 |
andybrine | I wonder if anyone can help me. Im running gnome-shell and have cleared cache and everything and it still seems to be going incredibly slow. | 17:31 |
andybrine | Is there anyway to diagnose where I can find where all the memory has gone? | 17:32 |
kemmler | ioria: that just causes it to hang at [logging in]. pretty sure the server just drops the packets | 17:32 |
andybrine | I have tried many things but im not able to speed it up. | 17:33 |
hkrrsx | andybrine: Try running " top " from the command line | 17:33 |
hkrrsx | or if you have it installed, the colorful "htop" | 17:33 |
c3sl | thanks hkrrsx | 17:34 |
andybrine | ok, thanks. I have used system monitor | 17:34 |
hkrrsx | There you go | 17:34 |
hkrrsx | If you're looking for mammoth performance gains, I'd say get a solid state drive | 17:35 |
hkrrsx | HUUUUGE boost in performance | 17:35 |
andybrine | that will give me the running processes but it doesnt tell me why my computer is soo slow | 17:35 |
andybrine | I have a solid state drive | 17:35 |
hkrrsx | Oh ... how about running fstrim ? | 17:36 |
hkrrsx | sudo fstrim -v / | 17:36 |
andybrine | let me give that a shot | 17:37 |
andybrine | thanks | 17:37 |
OerHeks | andybrine, maybe htop gives you more info. | 17:37 |
andybrine | it says that its just trimmed 125gb :S | 17:38 |
andybrine | is that right? | 17:38 |
hkrrsx | Marvelous | 17:38 |
andybrine | thats a lot though right? | 17:38 |
OerHeks | andybrine, that is fast, usually it takes several minuts | 17:38 |
andybrine | yea, it was quick | 17:38 |
OerHeks | sounds undefragmented | 17:38 |
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen | ||
hkrrsx | What's slow for you? Launching applications, going to web pages, moving the mouse around, etc ? | 17:39 |
andybrine | I did clean up my computer last week to speed it up but did not make a huge difference | 17:39 |
andybrine | moving windows is slow, running multiple apps | 17:39 |
andybrine | its just slow in general | 17:39 |
hkrrsx | Pastebin the output of " free -m " , please | 17:39 |
Bohemus | having some trouble connecting to an openvpn server using the network manager plugin. I can connect using the ovpn profile through command line just fine. | 17:40 |
hkrrsx | I wonder if you're in swap | 17:40 |
Eightynine | Hi. I'm using Ubuntu LTS with XFCE(replaced Gnome and Unity by removing them and installing xubuntu-desktop package) but I didn't like it. Can I turn my system to Ubuntu MATE? | 17:40 |
andybrine | here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/hEzwJMAe | 17:40 |
hkrrsx | Thanks | 17:40 |
hkrrsx | Well, available RAM is not the problem ... | 17:41 |
hkrrsx | You're not using any swap at all (good) | 17:41 |
andybrine | thanks for your help. That last command fstrim has really made a difference | 17:41 |
hkrrsx | Excellent | 17:41 |
andybrine | I have swap setup though | 17:41 |
hkrrsx | You do, indeed | 17:42 |
andybrine | ok cool | 17:42 |
andybrine | lol, I thought it wasnt for a second | 17:42 |
hkrrsx | How many programs do you have open at once when this problem occurs ? | 17:42 |
andybrine | sometimes its only google chrome | 17:42 |
hkrrsx | Google Chrome can be a beast but it won't chew up 8GB of RAM | 17:43 |
andybrine | I may have 1 other program working alongside chrome but not a lot of the time | 17:43 |
Patero-ng | I have a problema, I installed ubuntu 14 on a usb drive but the thing loaded fine ok but after like 10 minutes the screen started to look blocky with some greens blocks very weird this doesn't happen on the same windows 7 pc, it loaded from the usb so help someone??????? | 17:43 |
andybrine | at the moment I have chrome, terminal and quassal running and its using almost 4gb or ram | 17:44 |
Eightynine | I was late at your channel but what DE does he use? | 17:44 |
andybrine | I though that was really extreme | 17:44 |
hkrrsx | How many tabs do you have open in Chrome? | 17:44 |
hkrrsx | And are any of them using Flash, like YouTube.com or something ? | 17:44 |
OerHeks | Eightynine, mate-desktop in 14.04 , you will need a ppa for that > http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/08/install-mate-desktop-ubuntu-14-04-lts | 17:44 |
OerHeks | Eightynine, as of 14.10 mate-desktop is back in the repos | 17:45 |
andybrine | I usually have youtube running at times and can have many tabes open | 17:45 |
mariano_ | h0olis | 17:45 |
hkrrsx | andybrine: close Chrome and check your resources again | 17:45 |
andybrine | with free -m? | 17:45 |
Eightynine | Thanks, I saw this, but wanted to know whether this safe or not. | 17:46 |
hkrrsx | Please | 17:46 |
delinquentme | so I'm staring at a EC2 instance .... | 17:46 |
OerHeks | Eightynine, use of a PPA is at your own risc. | 17:46 |
delinquentme | and at current the / is almost full | 17:46 |
delinquentme | but there is a /mnt/ which has quite a bit of space left there... | 17:46 |
delinquentme | is that a *BAD* directory to use as working space on an ec2 instance? | 17:46 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: I have had this happen as well when I was using alphaOS Linux | 17:46 |
rgb-one | Is is on and off. | 17:47 |
Eightynine | MATE has a better file manager than XFCE, right? Thunar doesn't even have search, it uses Catfish. | 17:47 |
OerHeks | !md5sum | Patero-ng | 17:47 |
ubottu | Patero-ng: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 17:47 |
andybrine | here is the pastebin: apC9ZNjz | 17:47 |
andybrine | http://pastebin.com/apC9ZNjz | 17:47 |
andybrine | still 2gb of ram being used with online quassal and terminal open | 17:48 |
hkrrsx | So a side-by-side comparison shows that Chrome was burning through 2GB of RAM | 17:48 |
Bohemus | is there an openvpn gui i can use instead of the plugin for network manager? | 17:48 |
andybrine | yea, thats a fair bit | 17:48 |
hkrrsx | Perhaps browser tab management would be a good thing going forward | 17:49 |
rgb-one | andybrine: What version of Gnome are you using? | 17:49 |
andybrine | hkrrsx, do you think that I should still be using 2.5gb of RAM with what I have open now though? | 17:49 |
ioria | Bohemus, try... https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/OpenVPN-GUI | 17:49 |
Eightynine | openSUSE enables TRIM if user installing this distro on SSD. Can anyone please tell me if Ubuntu does this or not? | 17:49 |
andybrine | rgb-one Im using 3.14 | 17:49 |
hkrrsx | andybrine: I don't believe Unity is a light-weight desktop environment | 17:49 |
OerHeks | !trim | 17:49 |
ubottu | Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it. | 17:50 |
hkrrsx | Not the heaviest , but not light either | 17:50 |
teward | Eightynine: it's activated by default in 14.04 and later | 17:50 |
Eightynine | Thanks for the answer. | 17:50 |
teward | per the Ubottu factoid just now that OerHeks called | 17:50 |
ioria | Bohemus, sorry ... foe win32 | 17:50 |
toshok_ | hey all, q: is there any guide to forking a system package into a ppa along with local changes? | 17:50 |
hkrrsx | andybrine: Yeah, 2GB between the operating system, desktop environment, various services started at boot and a couple of programs .... that sounds ok | 17:51 |
andybrine | hkrrsx Im not a fan of unity. I have installed Mate and some of the other dsktop environments which could conribute to it slowint down as well | 17:51 |
andybrine | cool, thanks | 17:51 |
Bohemus | ioria just noticed that! | 17:51 |
Eightynine | If I remove XFCE(I mean xubuntu-desktop after MATE installation my system will be stable still? | 17:51 |
hkrrsx | andybrine: You're only running 1 desktop environment at a time, so MATE or XFCE wouldn't contribute to this problem | 17:51 |
andybrine | just out of interest, what did that trim command do? | 17:51 |
hkrrsx | I'd ask you to switch over to one of the other DE's and see if your performance improves any more | 17:51 |
hkrrsx | fstrim - discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem | 17:52 |
hkrrsx | http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man8/fstrim.8.html | 17:52 |
andybrine | hkrrsx it was still slow in the other environments as well | 17:52 |
hkrrsx | It was slow then, prior to us running fstrim | 17:52 |
andybrine | I think that trim may have done the trick | 17:52 |
hkrrsx | Give it another shot now | 17:52 |
andybrine | yea | 17:52 |
ioria | Bohemus, it' a bit complicated but this should work http://gopenvpn.sourceforge.net/ | 17:53 |
Smithgift | My ubuntu laptop is connected via ethernet to a router, as there are no accessable wifi networks in my area, It will constantly disconnect saying it has no wireless connection (true) and reconnect immediately saying it has a wired connection (also true.) How do I get it to stop doing this? | 17:54 |
OerHeks | toshok_, sure, if you can get hands on the sourcecode, and write something about the changes https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA | 17:55 |
OerHeks | Smithgift, easy, disable wireless in your networkmanager | 17:55 |
Bohemus | ioria, that might work! | 17:56 |
Bohemus | wish i could get it to work over network manager but i can never connect for some reason | 17:57 |
Smithgift | OerHeks: Both the wireless button and the network manager insist that wireless is disabled. It's still doing it. | 17:58 |
OerHeks | Smithgift, that is curious. | 17:59 |
Smithgift | OerHeks: Can I just get network manager to ignore the wireless completely? I rarely use it. | 17:59 |
hkrrsx | Smithgift: ifdown wlan0 from the command line | 17:59 |
OerHeks | Smithgift, are you sure it is saying " no wireless" ? so it cannot be a flaky networkconnector? | 18:00 |
digdug__ | oh man, that thing with the menubar happened to everything, not just the terminal | 18:00 |
digdug__ | vlc is doing it too now | 18:00 |
=== Jen7 is now known as Jen8 | ||
Smithgift | hkrrsx: ifdown says that wlan0 is not configured. I'll try a different Ethernet cable. | 18:01 |
=== BOHverkill is now known as BOHverkill___ | ||
Smithgift | brb, I have to run from one computer to another, as this isn't the laptop in question. | 18:01 |
ki7rw | what's going on with these web browsers? neither chome nor firefox will stream iheartradio anymore | 18:03 |
hkrrsx | ki7rw: Works fine for me. Do you have Flash enabled in your browser(s)? | 18:05 |
Smithgift | OerHeks: Switched to an entirely different cable in a different port in the router, it's still doing it. | 18:05 |
ki7rw | from my understanding, chrome doesn't use flash - i do have flash enabled on firefox | 18:06 |
hkrrsx | ki7rw: Are you getting an error of any kind ? | 18:06 |
ki7rw | nope. just doesn't play | 18:06 |
hkrrsx | I tested in both Chrome and Firefox and they both played without intervention | 18:07 |
hkrrsx | Are you running an ad-blocker ? | 18:08 |
triath | I have a wierd error, whenever I boot or reboot my computer the the monitor gets "No input signal detected" right after the message "Loading operating system", I then have to push the physical reset button on my PC, it then restarts again normally and it boots. How would I go about finding the cause of this? | 18:08 |
hkrrsx | Perhaps trying in Incognito mode ? | 18:08 |
Patero-ng | rgb-one how did you solve it? | 18:08 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: I don't think I tried. | 18:09 |
Patero-ng | cause is running live rbanffy | 18:09 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: It didn't happen all the time | 18:09 |
Patero-ng | rgb-one hah | 18:09 |
Patero-ng | rgb-one I don't it to happen at all | 18:10 |
Patero-ng | rgb-one if is live it should be as stable as the installed ver | 18:10 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: Expectations. | 18:10 |
rbanffy | Patero-ng, ? | 18:10 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: it is what it is. | 18:11 |
Patero-ng | rgb-one so no? | 18:11 |
Eightynine | I can't find a good MATE review and don't remember one thing. Can anyone tell me if MATE's file manager has search option? | 18:11 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: I don't know how to fix it | 18:12 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: It could be because you are using a USB drive | 18:12 |
Patero-ng | rgb-one serious? | 18:12 |
ki7rw | this sucks - don't know what changed but there are other sites that aren't working properly | 18:12 |
hkrrsx | ki7rw: did you try my last couple of suggestions ? | 18:13 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: The Alpha OS system was installed on the USB I had and I would use it on various computers | 18:14 |
szogoon | howdy :) | 18:14 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: Thes screen would go green with some monitors | 18:14 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: and occasionally with my laptop | 18:15 |
rgb-one | Patero-ng: You are going to install the Ubuntu? | 18:15 |
ki7rw | yeah, i'm running ghostery - i'll try disabling it but everything was working fine a couple of days ago - i know that there was a recent update for firefox - not sure of the last chrome update | 18:16 |
szogoon | got problem :( got software that was written for DOS, and then moved to Linux (Mandriva). It uses codepage CP852, and i've got proper font but can't get PL characters | 18:17 |
massiveblue | Hello, i have a boot issue with ubuntu gnome vivid, grub2. Freshly installed sys, last installed package: fglrx-driver I also have a BootInfo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10793356/ I only see the grey rectangle after BIOS and nothing happens. Can anybody help me? | 18:17 |
EriC^^ | !ubuntu+1 | massiveblue | 18:18 |
ubottu | massiveblue: Vivid Vervet is the codename for Ubuntu 15.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 18:18 |
Eightynine | What about my question? | 18:19 |
massiveblue | EriC^^: ty | 18:20 |
ki7rw | hkrrsx, it was ghostery causing the problem | 18:21 |
Smithgift | OK, I tried setting /etc/network/interfaces to manually configure wireless, and therefore snatch it out of NetworkManager's confused clutches. It seems to have been overwritten on restart. Any ideas? | 18:21 |
hkrrsx | ki7rw: Winner | 18:21 |
ki7rw | gah! one tries to do whatever to protect privacy only to cause "issues" | 18:22 |
ki7rw | time to go | 18:22 |
ioria | Smithgift, i think you have to remove networkmanager if you wanna configure manually | 18:23 |
ioria | Smithgift, but for wireless it's a pain | 18:23 |
Smithgift | ioria: I don't really care about wireless, because I haven't found a hotspot that works/I have access to here. | 18:24 |
szogoon | is there any console apps master here? :P | 18:24 |
=== uber is now known as Guest12282 | ||
Smithgift | ioria: I just want to be able to connect without regularly briefly disconnecting due to NetworkManager. | 18:25 |
=== guest1_ is now known as TheBlindGhoulie3 | ||
TheBlindGhoulie3 | need help dual booting a mac | 18:25 |
hkrrsx | Smithgift: In NetworkManager, if you click on the Wireless tab, is there a "Connect Automatically" option at the top? | 18:27 |
=== guest1_ is now known as TheBlindGhoulie3 | ||
Smithgift | hkrrsx: Where should I be looking? There's a lot of network screens. | 18:29 |
zykotick9 | szogoon: perhaps, you should ask a more specific question and see... | 18:30 |
hkrrsx | The up and down arrow icon by the time clock, right click on it and select Edit Connections | 18:30 |
=== guest1_ is now known as TheBlindGhoulie3 | ||
hkrrsx | That's the NetworkManager window I'm referring to | 18:30 |
hkrrsx | Then Wireless tab, are there any network connections listed in there? If so, click on the top one and click Edit | 18:31 |
nonms | hi | 18:33 |
szogoon | LANG in /etc/default/locale sets console character map? or is there other way to change it? | 18:33 |
Smithgift | hkrrsx: The window with the add/edit/delete buttons on the side? I deleted all of the networks listed there (none of them are near/work.) No dice. | 18:34 |
hkrrsx | Thanks for playing ... :( | 18:34 |
=== Guest12282 is now known as uber | ||
TheBlindGhoulie3 | anyone have any experience with rEFInd on mac? | 18:36 |
hkrrsx | Smithgift: The only other thing that I can think of is to comment out the wlan0 stuff from /etc/network/interfaces | 18:36 |
mpanetta | Morning/Afternoon :) | 18:36 |
hkrrsx | That way, it shouldn't configure the wireless card's networking stuff on boot, leaving you with only " lo " and " eth0 " | 18:37 |
mpanetta | I have a question that google is failing me on... How do I have 2 separate DHCP configured interfaces (eth0, eth1) and only set the resolv.conf entries for eth0? | 18:37 |
mpanetta | eth1 keeps overwriting resolv.conf when it comes up, with info that is not valid :( | 18:38 |
shortstraw8 | I created a postgres DB and user: [createuser username -P -S -R -D] and [createdb DBname] then added the user but now I can't seem to find it. I have been looking on postgressql.org trying to find what I did wrong. Anyone here have experience with postgres or how to find my DB? | 18:38 |
Smithgift | hkrrsx: Actually, prior to working on this today, /etc/network/interfaces had nothing but the loopback interface. Nothing else, not even comments. | 18:38 |
Smithgift | hkrrsx: IIRC somehow it was corrupted in installation and I made it manually. | 18:38 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | If I want to Dual Boot my Apple with Ubuntu I have to install a program called rEFInd. It allows you to boot Ubuntu, but Im getting something wrong apparently | 18:38 |
ioria | Smithgift, because you are using Network Manager... try ifconfig command | 18:40 |
hkrrsx | Smithgift: Perhaps re-install NetworkManager ? | 18:43 |
=== BlackoutIsHere|O is now known as BlackoutIsHere | ||
TheBlindGhoulie3 | anyone have any experience with rEFInd on mac? | 18:43 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | If I want to Dual Boot my Apple with Ubuntu I have to install a program called rEFInd. It allows you to boot Ubuntu, but Im getting something wrong apparently | 18:43 |
Smithgift | hkrrsx: Going to try that next, because I think I might have incidentally broken it. | 18:43 |
hkrrsx | sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager | 18:43 |
hkrrsx | May the force be with you :) | 18:44 |
mjayk | TheBlindGhoulie3: what is going wrong | 18:44 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | I install rEFInd and it does nothing lol. | 18:45 |
wfio | Is anyone running a Dell XPS13 or Dell M3800 (2015 models) with Ubuntu? What are your thoughts on performance on either side? I do a lot of stuff with R/RStudio (data analysis, visualization/plotting, graphing) can these machines (at 8gb default) handle that? | 18:45 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | Its supposed to show you an alternate boot screen-it does not | 18:45 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | but says its installed correctly | 18:45 |
hkrrsx | brb | 18:45 |
mjayk | TheBlindGhoulie3: you done > 3 reboots there is a bug in it | 18:46 |
mpanetta | Anyone that can help me with my networking issue? | 18:46 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | lol great | 18:46 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | any starters how to fix tha | 18:46 |
mjayk | yea do > reboots | 18:46 |
teward | mpanetta: theoretically you can't - resolv.conf is used for the entire system, and if networkmanager controls your DHCP for both interfaces, then DNS servers are maintained by NetworkManager and not resolv.conf | 18:47 |
mpanetta | teward: Ahh hmm | 18:47 |
teward | mpanetta: in theory you can set dns-nameserver for the one interface via /etc/network/interfaces entries, but I haven't tested if that messes with resolv.conf effectively on a desktop | 18:48 |
area51pilot | is there a way to purge all settings from Bluetooth and go back to install defaults? | 18:48 |
mpanetta | teward: Well, this is a cloud server so if I break it I can just blow it away and try again ;) | 18:48 |
mpanetta | Let me see what that does | 18:48 |
teward | mpanetta: that's probably better asked in #ubuntu-server then | 18:48 |
mpanetta | Oh there is a separate channel? Thanks, I did not know :) | 18:49 |
marianne_ | hi, why does my firefox window come up in a different language and the switch to english once i load a page I'm on firefox 37.0.1 and ubuntu14.04. I've never had something like this happen before, any idea why? | 18:51 |
Olxd | Hello all people any hackers | 18:53 |
hkrrsx | back | 18:54 |
ioria | marianne_ probably it reads you local | 18:54 |
marianne_ | ioria: US based though... | 18:55 |
marianne_ | ioria: Thinking of uninstall and reinstall through software center | 18:56 |
ioria | marianne_ did you install Ubuntu in en_US ? | 18:56 |
Smithgift | hkrrsx: Reinstall didn't help, so I gave in and configured it manually. Seems to be working so far (...I hope.) | 18:57 |
hkrrsx | Smithgift: Best of luck :) | 18:57 |
Krigsforbryter | Hello, i run Ubuntu 14.10 and have now changed motherboard the the server. After change its cant find the NIC. How can fix it? | 18:57 |
marianne_ | ioria: yes, I did install in english, only language i know... all other apps seem fine | 18:58 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | ok bacl-sry at work and trying to figure this out | 18:58 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | back* | 18:58 |
ioria | marianne_ in which language does FF start ? | 18:59 |
Smithgift | It's working! Through a restart! I'm declaring victory while it still works and leaving things the way they are. | 18:59 |
marianne_ | ioria: looks like spanish or maybe portugese | 18:59 |
ioria | marianne_ you are right ... :-) me too | 19:00 |
OerHeks | Krigsforbryter, see this page howto clean old ethernetdevices instances ( for a vm, but works for normal install too ) http://chris.dziemborowicz.com/blog/2010/07/25/fix-missing-eth0-when-cloning-ubuntu-vmware-virtual-machines/ delete the file and reboot | 19:00 |
marianne_ | ioria: I'm going to un/re-install right now and see if it fixes it | 19:01 |
ioria | marianne_ i use chrome ...usually | 19:01 |
Krigsforbryter | OerHeks: Tnx, i will check it out :) | 19:01 |
marianne_ | ioria: me too, but I can't get HBOGo or StarzPlay to work in Chrome | 19:01 |
ioria | marianne_ i remember some recent updates | 19:03 |
xTessa | My sister sent these creamy pictures of us to share <3 http://bit.do/cam_screenies | 19:06 |
ioria | marianne_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2272519 | 19:06 |
marianne_ | ioria: totally NOT a happy camper about this | 19:09 |
Krigsforbryter | OerHeks: That fix my problems, tnx again :D | 19:10 |
OerHeks | Krigsforbryter, have fun ! | 19:10 |
ioria | marianne_ yep | 19:10 |
marianne_ | ioria: ok next question will be - anyone out there know how to get HBOGo to work in chrome? | 19:14 |
i0str3am | Hi everybody | 19:15 |
i0str3am | what does HBOGo use - flash? HTML5? | 19:16 |
bekks | What is "HBOGo"? | 19:16 |
genii | bekks: Home Box Office channel's streaming service | 19:16 |
zerowaitstate | i0str3am: whatever is least convenient i am sure | 19:17 |
bekks | genii: ah, thx | 19:17 |
qwiey | http://pastebin.com/8ZRKkGTy | 19:19 |
foo-script | Evening :) | 19:19 |
=== Zetetic is now known as nalkri | ||
foo-script | Guys, I have a strange output from apt-get. Could someone take a look at this? http://pastie.org/10085233 | 19:19 |
zerowaitstate | i0str3am: apparently it uses flash | 19:19 |
zerowaitstate | foo-script: it's possible that libc6-dev:armhf conflicts with another package | 19:23 |
marianne_ | ioria: ok got HBOGo to work in Firefox, 1 down 1 to go | 19:25 |
gayle_ | Trying to install Dell's software for their v313 multi-function inkjet printer on Ubuntu 14.04 and it is not working. (Doing this for a friend.) *However*: I have a 12.04.5 system here that I can get it working on. See: http://superuser.com/questions/738060/installing-dell-v313-printer-scanner-on-ubuntu-12-04 | 19:26 |
gayle_ | Anyone know how to get it to work on 14.04.2 ? | 19:26 |
marianne_ | gayle_: did you install the HP toolbox through software center? | 19:27 |
marianne_ | ioria: ok StarzPlay is working again, lets see how long before it errors out | 19:27 |
gayle_ | marianne_: No, will try that. | 19:29 |
gayle_ | marianne_: But this is a Lexmark printer re-branded by Dell. Do you still think the HP toolbox will do something for me? | 19:30 |
marianne_ | gayle_: damn, sorry... probably not... | 19:31 |
gayle_ | marianne_: Here is where I got the software: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=R293768 | 19:31 |
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=== Zetetic is now known as nalkri | ||
area51pilot | gayle_ did you try installing as a Lexmark S305 | 19:32 |
gayle_ | marianne_: And as you see from the other URL I sent earlier, had to re-arrange the control file and put it back together. | 19:32 |
gayle_ | marianne_: No, but will try that.. | 19:33 |
area51pilot | gayle_, try this: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=R293768&dgc=BA&cid=285111&lid=5447194&acd=123092093822786725 | 19:34 |
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area51pilot | gayle_, the link I posted has the deb install script for the v313 | 19:37 |
millerti | What package do I need to install to get "/usr/sbin/ipmi-dcmi"? | 19:42 |
bekks | !search /usr/sbin/ipmi-dcmi | 19:42 |
ubottu | Found: | 19:42 |
bazhang | freeipmi-tools, libfreeipmi-dev millerti | 19:45 |
SchrodingersScat | millerti: freeipmi-tools: /usr/sbin/ipmi-dcmi | 19:45 |
millerti | bazhang: Thanks! | 19:45 |
millerti | SchrodingersScat: You too. | 19:46 |
bazhang | welcome | 19:46 |
SchrodingersScat | it takes a village | 19:46 |
lawltoad | hi guys, i'm trying to install 14.10 on my macbook pro 9,1. but when I try to start the live cd it comes up as a blank screen | 19:46 |
millerti | So when I run "/usr/sbin/ipmi-dcmi --get-system-power-statistics", how can I get it to sample for a longer period? | 19:49 |
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dougsko | lawltoad: have you followed the directions here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20live%20CD ? | 19:59 |
dougsko | lawltoad: there are some special steps you need to take to boot a live cd on a macbook | 20:00 |
lawltoad | so for now (that link says optional) i'm skipping refit | 20:01 |
lawltoad | and is it different if I'm using usb | 20:01 |
lawltoad | the USB drive shows up as windows and efi boot | 20:02 |
allen_ | salut | 20:03 |
dougsko | lawltoad: i dont think so but im not 100% as ive never done this personally | 20:03 |
lawltoad | yea so from efi boot -> grub menu -> live cd option | 20:04 |
lawltoad | puts me into a blank screen | 20:05 |
allen_ | hello i am new | 20:05 |
k1l_ | allen_: no problem. if you have an issue with ubuntu just ask | 20:05 |
allen_ | right | 20:05 |
allen_ | thank | 20:06 |
allen_ | thank kil | 20:06 |
Nokaji | which one do I tweak for the message font? (ie what i'm typing) it is way too small | 20:08 |
viKKKtor | hello, i'm using kubuntu vivid daily and everytime i open dolphin as root i have to fresh install cause plasma stops working forever :( anyone is experimenting this? | 20:08 |
k1l_ | viKKKtor: dont crosspost alpha/beta issues into here, thanks | 20:08 |
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dougsko | lawltoad: check this out, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick | 20:10 |
sorta | i'm trying to provide numpy with a lapack/blas package. I have liblapack3gf installed, but i still get numpy.distutils.system_info.NotFoundError: no lapack/blas resources found | 20:11 |
dougsko | lawltoad: its a little more complicated than the cd option but it doesnt look toooo bad | 20:12 |
guest-VlcdmG | hy, I did something stupid: I deleted my user password for my only admin account; more exactly "sudo passwd -d <username>". So now I can't log in. I tried to set a password in the recovery mode but this didn't work, I think it's because I choose to encrypt my home directory durring the installation. | 20:14 |
guest-VlcdmG | ... is it possible to fix this or am I out of luck? | 20:14 |
htqp | chroot, then ''passwd username'' inside the chroot | 20:15 |
htqp | !chroot | 20:15 |
ubottu | A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot | 20:15 |
Christopher-Were | hey guys, im trying to install virtualbox-additions-x11 on 14.04.2 but I can't. It says I have unmet dependancies. | 20:16 |
Christopher-Were | I'm running 14.04.2 in a virtual machine incase it wasn't obvious | 20:17 |
rypervenche | Christopher-Were: Can you provide us with the actual output please? | 20:18 |
rypervenche | Christopher-Were: In a pastebin. And also if you could give the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" as well as "ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d" that would be helpful. | 20:19 |
OerHeks | virtualbox in ubuntu in a vm .. ? | 20:20 |
* OerHeks thinks that doesn't work well | 20:20 | |
Christopher-Were | I'm testing out Bella OS (which is based on 14.04.2) in a VM which is install on Ubuntu | 20:21 |
anon | hie | 20:22 |
anon | hai | 20:22 |
OerHeks | Christopher-Were, find Bella support channel then, we do not support forks. | 20:22 |
k1l_ | please ask bellaOS guys for support | 20:22 |
OerHeks | Christopher-Were, anyway: any virtualbox in linux in a VM gives trouble AFAIK | 20:23 |
Christopher-Were | They don't have an IRC channel. Since it's basically a re-skin I figured there'd be little difference. I actually dorce installed and it seemed to work, so sorry for wasting your guys time. | 20:23 |
Christopher-Were | force install rather | 20:24 |
Christopher-Were | Thanks for your help and attention. | 20:24 |
htqp | we don't know their repositories, so we can't know if/what packages of bellaos conflict with stock ubuntu's ones | 20:25 |
rypervenche | Glad you got it fixed :) | 20:25 |
dougsko | Christopher-Were: use virtualbox to insert/install guest additions | 20:25 |
dougsko | Christopher-Were: even if it doesnt run properly, it doesnt matter. mount the guest additions cd, and run the install or autorun script | 20:25 |
Christopher-Were | The installer has returned errors with Linux headers. But as OurHeks said, this kinda trouble comes with the VM territory. | 20:27 |
dougsko | Christopher-Were: are you running a guest within a guest? | 20:27 |
Christopher-Were | To be clear. I'm running Mint 17.1 on my computer. I installed VirtualBox and am running Bella OS on it. Bella OS is based on 14.04.2 | 20:28 |
DJones | Christopher-Were: Neither Mint or Bella OS would be supported here | 20:28 |
DJones | !mint | Christopher-Were | 20:28 |
ubottu | Christopher-Were: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 20:29 |
dougsko | Christopher-Were: ok, i think OerHeks may have thought you were running a guest inside a guest. as long as youre not doing that, you should be ok. look for instructions on how to install guest additions on debian. they should be applicable. | 20:29 |
k1l_ | Christopher-Were: all your issue are form the spin offs that do fiddle with the repos themselves. so please ask them how to solve that issue appropriatly. | 20:29 |
genii | So you're running a non-supported Ubuntu derivative inside another unsupported Ubuntu derivative | 20:29 |
Christopher-Were | Okay, no need to all jump on me at once. Jeees | 20:29 |
Olxd | hello | 20:41 |
Olxd | any hackers | 20:41 |
k1l_ | Olxd: no hax0r stuff in here | 20:41 |
roky | Anyone sit in the ubuntu channel even though they run mint? | 20:51 |
sorta | why doesn't `dpkg --list` say anything about liblapack-dev ? | 20:51 |
pbx | roky, sit in, sure. ask questions and get answers, no :) | 20:51 |
roky | haha :) | 20:52 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | ok-im going to try this again now that im not so busy.Anyone have any experience with rEFInd on mac? | 20:52 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | If I want to Dual Boot my Apple with Ubuntu I have to install a program called rEFInd. It allows you to boot Ubuntu, but Im getting something wrong apparently | 20:53 |
roky | What's happening? | 20:53 |
OerHeks | TheBlindGhoulie3, rEFInd is the old way, iirc, see the mactel pages | 20:54 |
OerHeks | !mac | 20:54 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 20:54 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | ok thanks!! | 20:55 |
Kandean | Hola a todos | 20:55 |
roky | @OerHeks, I remember it all too well :( | 20:55 |
roky | Que tal | 20:55 |
OerHeks | roky i remember it from support here, never owned a mac myself | 20:55 |
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Guest62196 | hy !! | 20:56 |
wallbroken | hi | 20:58 |
wallbroken | somebody got dell xps ? | 20:59 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | that covers ubuntu 10.0.2-will that work for installing Ubuntu 14.0.2? | 20:59 |
pbx | wallbroken, i've installed ubuntu on an xps. to get good help you need to ask your whole question | 21:01 |
wallbroken | it's 2015 version? | 21:01 |
wallbroken | i just want to know how 14.10 works on it | 21:01 |
wallbroken | i know that the last xps supporting ubuntu got 12.04 version | 21:02 |
wallbroken | called xps developer edition | 21:02 |
TheBlindGhoulie3 | and according to the link you sent it still uses rEFInd bc rEFit isnt maintained any longer | 21:02 |
pbx | wallbroken - that's an indicator of dell's attention span only | 21:02 |
k1l_ | wallbroken: dell got a department making sure linux/ubuntu runs on their laptops | 21:03 |
wallbroken | dell sells xps with ubuntu already installed | 21:03 |
pbx | wallbroken, actually, looks like they're shipping 14.04 now http://www.dell.com/us/business/p/xps-13-linux/pd | 21:03 |
k1l_ | project sputnik is what its called | 21:03 |
wallbroken | but this year, with the last model, there is not | 21:03 |
k1l_ | wallbroken: ^ | 21:04 |
wallbroken | is not dell that writes the driver for it | 21:04 |
pbx | wallbroken, dell is unlikely to choose non-LTS versions | 21:04 |
wallbroken | project sputnik is just a cloud stuff | 21:04 |
k1l_ | wallbroken: nope | 21:04 |
wallbroken | pbx, 14.04 is lts | 21:05 |
wallbroken | but dell sells developer edition with 12.04 | 21:05 |
pbx | wallbroken, i commented re LTS because you asked about 14.10 | 21:06 |
OerHeks | wallbroken, no, 2015 edition with 14.04 lts http://www.zdnet.com/article/dell-xps-13-linux-developer-edition-available/ | 21:06 |
wallbroken | oh ok | 21:07 |
byaruhaf | just wondering why is a text editor the default calendar application in Ubuntu? | 21:07 |
wallbroken | and dell will give me support about operating system? | 21:08 |
k1l_ | byaruhaf: what? | 21:08 |
k1l_ | wallbroken: why not ask dell if you want that specific answers? | 21:09 |
jaith | I hope this doesn't sound like a ridiculous question. Can a user belong to more than one group? | 21:09 |
k1l_ | jaith: yes. | 21:09 |
wallbroken | because dell customer service does not know anything | 21:09 |
k1l_ | jaith: type "groups" in terminal to see what groups you are in already | 21:10 |
wallbroken | and i don't want to fight with them | 21:10 |
k1l_ | dell will support the preinstalled windows as it does with windows: it ships drivers. | 21:11 |
dust | is there a mode for handicapped or disabled persons? how to get into it and how to leave it? | 21:11 |
k1l_ | "hey dell, how can i watch netflix on my xps" will not work of course. | 21:11 |
byaruhaf | K1l_ in the settings under details the deault Applicaiton for calendar is a text editor, gedit | 21:12 |
k1l_ | dust: you can start the accessibility menu on the login screen | 21:12 |
k1l_ | byaruhaf: which settings? | 21:13 |
k1l_ | byaruhaf: ah, hmm. same for me here | 21:13 |
byaruhaf | k1l: in the system setting ubuntu 14.04 | 21:14 |
jaith | OK so I'd like to create a new group, say "developers" and add a couple of users to it. I'm guessing this should NOT be a system group and that I should use the groupadd command. I don't understand the point of additional parameters like password (do groups have passwords??) or --key or --root | 21:14 |
jaith | NOTE: the point of this group is to set permissions for a git repo I'd like to host via SSH | 21:14 |
k1l_ | byaruhaf: seems lik bug 841409 | 21:14 |
ubottu | bug 841409 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Precise) "GEdit is the only choice as Calendar application in Default Applications dialog" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/841409 | 21:14 |
jaith | is "sudo groupadd developers" a good approach to this? | 21:15 |
dust | k1l_, and when im already logged in? how can someone change to it or get out of it at a running desktop | 21:16 |
=== foreign is now known as foreign3 | ||
foreign3 | Hello, I am trying to install TeXlive using "sudo apt-get install texlive-full" but I get an error saying: "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." To correct them I tried : "sudo apt-get autoremove" followed by "sudo apt-get -f install" both commands said: "0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade." I retried installing and failed. I then tried "sudo dpkg --configure -a" followed by "s | 21:20 |
foreign3 | udo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" that too said : "0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade." any idea where to look next? | 21:20 |
foreign3 | (I am using 12.04 by the way!) | 21:21 |
k1l_ | foreign3: can you show the output where it names what packages are the issue in a pastebin? | 21:23 |
Mnemonic | Hi, I need to do a 1-to-1 NAT in IPtables, but I cannot get my Ubuntu Linux Server to publish the IP on the external interface. Can anyone hint me on what to look for.. | 21:23 |
foreign3 | k1l_, yes sure: http://pastebin.com/G6eM5aPa | 21:25 |
foreign3 | There are numerous packages as you see. By the way I also tried "sudo apt-get autoclean" and "sudo apt-get clean" before installing but that didn't help either. | 21:27 |
k1l_ | erm, well. that is a lot of issues :) | 21:27 |
Patero-ng | Can anyone here give me an explanation as to why my ubuntu crashed last night while I was doing nothing just using the dash searching for a program, the screen turned into a blocks of green objects! | 21:27 |
k1l_ | foreign3: ok, run a "sudo apt-get update". then try to install "sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra" and see what the issue is then | 21:28 |
k1l_ | Patero-ng: see the old logs what happend | 21:29 |
foreign3 | k1l_, http://pastebin.com/e5GLMvYW | 21:31 |
foreign3 | I suspect that I have deactivate some basic repo... | 21:33 |
k1l_ | foreign3: hmm, can you please show the repos with "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" | 21:33 |
Patero-ng | k1l_ where are those logs | 21:34 |
gtan | Hi! My ubuntu 14.10 is frozen - btrfs-transacti - anyideas? | 21:34 |
Patero-ng | mine frozed too last night | 21:34 |
Patero-ng | it was cold | 21:34 |
foreign3 | http://pastebin.com/rrS21qm0 | 21:34 |
k1l_ | Patero-ng: /var/log/ and them syslog and xorg and dmesg. but keep in mind that after every reboot they get recycled to .0 or .1 etc | 21:35 |
foreign3 | k1l_, http://pastebin.com/gMG3xi8p (for the 'ls') | 21:36 |
gtan | I accidentally deleted the network settings .. how do I enable / add that from root prompt? | 21:37 |
aldarsior | does anyone know if there’s a way to make sssd/realmd work with normal usernames rather than username@domain.com ? | 21:37 |
k1l_ | foreign3: ok, universe is enabled, too. and i dont see a ppa for latex so far. | 21:37 |
k1l_ | foreign3: what gives you "sudo apt-get upgrade"? | 21:38 |
foreign3 | should that be in universe? | 21:38 |
k1l_ | foreign3: texlive-full is in universe, yes | 21:38 |
foreign3 | "0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade." | 21:39 |
foreign3 | (after running apt-get 'update' and then 'upgrade') | 21:39 |
k1l_ | foreign3: try to install texlive-binaries | 21:39 |
k1l_ | foreign3: maybe we get to the end of the line and see what is really blocking | 21:40 |
foreign3 | that's much worse: http://pastebin.com/jfzzD3ag | 21:40 |
k1l_ | ouch | 21:41 |
foreign3 | something is holding back even "g++"... fun stuff! | 21:41 |
foreign3 | I suspect that without releasing I probably did a partial distribution update at some point. I cannot explain it otherwise. | 21:43 |
k1l_ | yep, that is really a mess. | 21:43 |
k1l_ | what gives you a "uname -d"? | 21:44 |
foreign3 | '-d' ? nothing. | 21:45 |
Neyhart | m.b. uname -a? | 21:45 |
k1l_ | argh, not uname. "lsb_release -d" and "uname -a" | 21:45 |
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here | ||
foreign3 | "Linux pantelis-U400 3.13.0-49-generic #81~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 25 16:32:15 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" | 21:45 |
foreign3 | (-a) | 21:45 |
foreign3 | " lsb_release -d >> Description:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS" so that is OK. | 21:46 |
k1l_ | 3.13 is a enablement stack kernel, right? | 21:47 |
kokut | Hello is there a way to disable the system logs? its parking my freaking hard drive every 5 seconds and it's driving me ****** nuts | 21:47 |
foreign3 | I believe that it is, yes. | 21:47 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: Forgive me if you've already tried this but what happens if you run " sudo aptitude build-dep texlive-binaries " ? | 21:48 |
hkrrsx | Just to see if it'll install those depends | 21:48 |
foreign3 | hkrrsx, I have not tried it. I will try it now. | 21:49 |
k1l_ | foreign3: only exit path i see no is to try a "sudo apt-get install -f" but that will force that to install. so maybe it breaks more than is broken now. | 21:49 |
foreign3 | hkrrsx, it is installing "some stuff" just a moment. | 21:50 |
foreign3 | k1l_, I tried this already. | 21:50 |
foreign3 | -f returns 0 packages. | 21:50 |
foreign3 | "0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade." | 21:50 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: Can you pastebin the output of that "some stuff" when it's done ? | 21:50 |
hkrrsx | I'd like to see what it's installing | 21:50 |
kokut | please anyone knows how to turn of system logs? | 21:52 |
kokut | i'm not using them | 21:52 |
foreign3 | http://pastebin.com/QEjfZt1X | 21:52 |
kokut | and its parking my drive every 5 seconds and i can hear the clicking sound | 21:52 |
hkrrsx | Thanks | 21:52 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: Care to try the same for gcc-4.4 ? | 21:53 |
hkrrsx | sudo aptitude build-dep gcc-4.4 | 21:53 |
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen | ||
hkrrsx | And then afterwards, sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4 | 21:53 |
foreign3 | nope. | 21:54 |
hkrrsx | Nope? Meaning? | 21:54 |
foreign3 | http://pastebin.com/9qzF9Wxn | 21:54 |
kokut | nvm found a solution turning off power management for the drive :) | 21:54 |
hkrrsx | Ah | 21:54 |
foreign3 | (sorry I wanted to pastebin it first) | 21:54 |
hkrrsx | Understood | 21:55 |
hkrrsx | sudo apt-get install texlive-base texlive-binaries | 21:55 |
foreign3 | http://pastebin.com/2neasJmQ | 21:57 |
foreign3 | that created a lot of new config files. It also installed 'eperl' . | 21:57 |
nda_ | I've tried to follow various guides on making Ubuntu work with NetBIOS names. I basically just want to access the Linux box using the hostname from a Windows box. I've installed samba and even winbind, but nothing seems to work as expected. :( For example, this didn't help me: http://ppanyukov.github.io/2011/08/17/hostname-resolve.html | 21:58 |
hkrrsx | Indeed it did ... sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4 again, please | 21:58 |
nda_ | Any ideas? :\ | 21:58 |
foreign3 | at this point "udo apt-get build-dep texlive-full" said "0 to upgrade, 0 to new install, 0..,0..." | 21:59 |
hkrrsx | Right, that's b/c that command is only building the dependencies for texlive-full | 21:59 |
foreign3 | still nope I am afraid. (I p-b now) | 21:59 |
milehigh | what is the command I enter on command line to open the GUI update manager? | 22:00 |
k1l_ | milehigh: update-manager is the command | 22:00 |
milehigh | thanks | 22:00 |
foreign3 | http://pastebin.com/G73ntSvB | 22:03 |
foreign3 | (sorry my internet connection froze) | 22:03 |
arno_ | Hey there, do you know if I can have opengl es2 with nvidia drivers? | 22:04 |
hkrrsx | Ok, so you've got the dependencies for texlive-base and texlive-binaries installed ...... what about now doing sudo apt-get install texlive-base and texlive-binaries ? The install should go really fast if it works now | 22:05 |
foreign3 | the same as before. | 22:06 |
hkrrsx | Build-dependencies for gcc-4.4 could not be satisfied ? | 22:06 |
foreign3 | http://pastebin.com/VHnbhQ9e | 22:07 |
foreign3 | no they could not. | 22:07 |
nda_ | Regarding my problem, I was finally able to ping the Linux hostname from Windows after disabling the firewall. | 22:07 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: Try this: sudo apt-cache policy gcc | 22:08 |
hkrrsx | What does the line for " Installed " say ? | 22:08 |
foreign3 | gcc-4.4 wants texlive-binaries anyway. | 22:08 |
foreign3 | Installed: 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu5 | 22:08 |
existme | Hi | 22:11 |
existme | Could anyone help me with a driver installation? | 22:11 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: Last thing that comes to mind is a semi-dangerous " sudo aptitude full-upgrade " | 22:12 |
hkrrsx | That'll upgrade ALL packages and potentially remove some old ones | 22:12 |
veritablej | anyone else had ubuntu-geoip-provider running 100% cpu and never finishing? | 22:12 |
foreign3 | I haven't seen this option just a moment. | 22:13 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: I'd say run a simulation first ..... " sudo aptitude -s full-upgrade " | 22:13 |
hkrrsx | The -s is for Simulate | 22:13 |
foreign3 | I can't seem to be able to run that command. | 22:14 |
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Bray90820 | What is a good size for your /boot partition | 22:15 |
Patero-ng | 50GB | 22:15 |
foreign3 | (in general aptitude is not a command I can use) | 22:15 |
foreign3 | (I have to replace it with apt-get) | 22:15 |
EriC^^ | Bray90820: 500mb maybe | 22:15 |
Bray90820 | Patero-ng: were you talking to me? | 22:15 |
bekks | Bray90820: 512M | 22:15 |
[n0mad] | my boot partition is 512MB | 22:16 |
Patero-ng | Bray90820 no I was talking to him | 22:16 |
[n0mad] | sorry, 524MB | 22:16 |
hkrrsx | Ok, apt-get dist-upgrade would be the equivalent, I believe | 22:16 |
existme | I am trying to install AMD Ati Radeon HD 4870 Driver which is no longer supported by AMD. Anyone knows how to do it? | 22:16 |
Bray90820 | Would it be odd if a 200MB /boot partition became full | 22:16 |
EriC^^ | Bray90820: that's about 4 kernels | 22:17 |
foreign3 | hkrrsx, do you mean 'dist-upgrade' ? | 22:17 |
EriC^^ | so yeah that could happen | 22:17 |
hkrrsx | I thought that's what I said, no? | 22:18 |
Bray90820 | EriC^^: I looked at it and it papers that about 55% of it is being used by fonts | 22:18 |
foreign3 | hkrrsx, I think you said 'full'. I did not know they are the same. | 22:18 |
foreign3 | in any case : "0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade." | 22:18 |
foreign3 | both with '-s' and without. | 22:19 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: Yeah, aptitude was full-upgrade, apt-get was dist-upgrade | 22:19 |
Patero-ng | foreign3 comeplete line | 22:20 |
hkrrsx | Unfortunately though, my mind came to a grinding halt on options for you | 22:20 |
=== GBTC4SALE is now known as KingBearTard | ||
foreign3 | Patero-ng, excuse me what? | 22:21 |
foreign3 | hkrrsx, thank you very much for your time. | 22:21 |
hkrrsx | Sorry I couldn't be of further assistance | 22:21 |
foreign3 | and to k1l_ of course :) | 22:21 |
Patero-ng | foreign3 the full set yes | 22:22 |
hkrrsx | k1l_: My apologies for hijacking your helping of foreign3 | 22:22 |
k1l_ | Patero-ng: stop that nonsense in here. this channel is to really help people. | 22:23 |
=== davevanloo is now known as davevanloo-bed | ||
k1l_ | hkrrsx: no problem, i said i was out of ideas. | 22:23 |
Bray9082_ | EriC^^: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33402675/Boot.png | 22:23 |
Bray9082_ | Does that look normal | 22:23 |
Bray9082_ | EriC^^: | 22:24 |
Bray9082_ | sorry for pinging you twice | 22:24 |
EriC^^ | Bray9082_: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 22:26 |
braderhart1 | exit | 22:26 |
Bray9082_ | EriC^^: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/82806d90438a928b33cf | 22:27 |
EriC^^ | Bray9082_: type uname -r | 22:28 |
wldcordeiro_ | I tried to install kubuntu-desktop but I think some of the packages failed is there a way to force apt-get to redownload/install all the packages? | 22:28 |
xangua | wldcordeiro_: what error message do you get¿ | 22:28 |
Bray9082_ | EriC^^: 3.16.0-33-generic | 22:28 |
EriC^^ | ok, is it working fine Bray9082_ ? | 22:29 |
wldcordeiro_ | xangua: I didn't get any errors but when I go to login to the kubuntu desktop the window manager selector isn't there and then it just logs into a really bare gnome desktop | 22:29 |
EriC^^ | any reason you're not using 34? | 22:29 |
wldcordeiro_ | Like just a wallpaper and guake started up. | 22:29 |
wldcordeiro_ | I think my xsession got messed up but I'm not sure how to correct it. | 22:29 |
Bray9082_ | EriC^^: I can't seem to install updates because boot is full | 22:30 |
foreign3 | hkrrsx, I tried synaptic to check the status of packages, none comes up as broken. | 22:30 |
hkrrsx | Interesting | 22:30 |
EriC^^ | Bray9082_: ok, type sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.16.0-{23,30,31}-generic | 22:30 |
foreign3 | Given that this installation obviously has "issues" I will opt to reinstall all manually installed packages. | 22:31 |
foreign3 | I am sure this will properly mess up my system or sort something out. | 22:32 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: what issues? | 22:32 |
foreign3 | EriC^^, like being unable to install texlive-binaries and as a result being unable to install gcc-4.4. | 22:33 |
Bray9082_ | EriC^^: should I try to install updates after I purge the kernel | 22:33 |
EriC^^ | Bray9082_: you could, yes | 22:33 |
EriC^^ | Bray9082_: try rebooting into the newer kernel if you want | 22:34 |
foreign3 | EriC^^, I really need pdflatex for my work at this point. | 22:34 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: why can't you install texlive-binaries? | 22:35 |
foreign3 | "E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." | 22:36 |
foreign3 | We tried to install the dependencies manually that did not work. | 22:36 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: did you try sudo apt-get -f install? | 22:36 |
foreign3 | yes I have. | 22:37 |
foreign3 | "0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade." | 22:37 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: type cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log | nc termbin.com 9999 | 22:39 |
foreign3 | http://termbin.com/rrw4 | 22:40 |
Bray9082_ | EriC^^: Thanks it seems to work now | 22:43 |
EriC^^ | Bray9082_: great | 22:43 |
kokut | Hello, anyone knows how to update mesa to the latest? | 22:44 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: type awk '/Broken/ {print $2}'/var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log | xargs sudo apt-get purge | 22:44 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: if you want just use the awk command to see the list first to see what it'll remove | 22:45 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest88218 | ||
EriC^^ | foreign3: sorry, there's a space after {print $2}' /var/log... | 22:45 |
ki7mt | goona aad that one to my awk one liner list for sure :-) | 22:46 |
ki7mt | ..add | 22:46 |
foreign3 | EriC^^, what should I do with that list? | 22:48 |
foreign3 | http://tny.cz/e24688b3 | 22:51 |
foreign3 | (sorry I have to use tinypaste now, I reached by 10 paste/24 hours limit in pastebin) | 22:52 |
LeDuke | yo | 22:52 |
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off | ||
ki7mt | wow, gcc 4.4 and openjdk-6 .. how old is this system / what distro is it? | 22:52 |
LeDuke | how do I play midi files? | 22:52 |
ki7mt | LeDuke, Here's one way: http://blog.thameera.com/playing-midi-files-in-ubuntu/ | 22:53 |
askk | hi i installed ubuntu 14.10 on hp stream 7 i installed the driver for wifi and touch screen my question how i save the state and size of the virtual keyboard florence on ubunut login any idea ? | 22:54 |
foreign3 | 12.04.5 | 22:54 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: if you can, try to remove the packages that have unmet dependencies | 22:55 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: maybe purge any ppa's you don't need | 22:56 |
foreign3 | OK. Thank you. | 22:57 |
foreign3 | I will look into removing ppa that I do not need. | 22:57 |
kokut | EriC^^: hey man, do you know where can i get the latest open source intel drivers for ubuntu? | 22:57 |
kokut | for gpu | 22:58 |
ki7mt | foreign3, FWIW, 21.04.5 manifest shows gcc 4.6 and openjre is gone missing, but 12.04.4 had openjdk-6 | 22:58 |
askk | hi i installed ubuntu 14.10 on tablet pc hp stream 7 i installed the driver for wifi and touch screen my question how i save the state and size of the virtual keyboard florence on ubunut login any idea ? | 22:58 |
EriC^^ | foreign3: do you know about ppa-purge? | 22:58 |
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=== Isla_de_Muerte is now known as NwS | ||
foreign3 | nope! | 22:58 |
LeDuke | thanx ki7mt | 22:58 |
foreign3 | :) | 22:58 |
EriC^^ | !ppa-purge | 22:58 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 22:58 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: A thought that just came to mind .... what about upgrading to 14.04 LTS? These PreDepends messages say that the required versions of the software is newer than what's available in your repositories | 22:59 |
LeDuke | ki7mt, I tried that but it just stalls! | 22:59 |
foreign3 | it is an 7 year old system that even 7 years back was not top of the pops.... | 23:00 |
EriC^^ | 14.04 is actually quicker than 12.04 | 23:00 |
ki7mt | LeDuke, ok, well here's the official Ubuntu version, I didn't do an exhaustive search though: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/SoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 23:00 |
foreign3 | OK. | 23:00 |
foreign3 | anyway I need to work a bit eventually today. Thank you k1l_, hkrrsx and EriC^^ for your time. | 23:02 |
kostkon | foreign3, 14.04 is more optimised in terms of memory consumption, compiz/unity performance, etc | 23:02 |
foreign3 | I will upgrade to 14.04 and I will take it from there. | 23:02 |
foreign3 | thanks again. | 23:02 |
hkrrsx | foreign3: lol, hope it turns out well for you :) | 23:02 |
askk | hi i installed ubuntu 14.10 on tablet pc hp stream 7 i installed the driver for wifi and touch screen my question how i save the state and size of the virtual keyboard florence on ubunut login any idea ? | 23:03 |
tylero | pornhub.com | 23:09 |
genii | tylero: Not appropriate for this channel. | 23:09 |
netlar | I know this is the Ubuntu channel, but OSX does not allow you to create a crontab file? | 23:10 |
Ben64 | you gotta ask the osx channel | 23:10 |
bekks | Of course it does :) | 23:10 |
netlar | I am using crontab -e to create the new crontab, is that correct? | 23:11 |
Ben64 | ask the osx channel for osx issues... | 23:11 |
hkrrsx | netlar: See this URL and then /join ##mac ---- http://alvinalexander.com/mac-os-x/mac-osx-startup-crontab-launchd-jobs | 23:14 |
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iejnctieutnc | hello! i am on free ubuntu! | 23:46 |
bekks | There is no unfree ubuntu ;) | 23:47 |
iejnctieutnc | hello bekks! | 23:47 |
estudiante | hola | 23:49 |
estudiante | adrian | 23:49 |
snkcld | ive got a laptop with some macro extra keys on the side, like "P1", "P2", etc... | 23:55 |
snkcld | i want to leverage them in ubuntu, by taking their keycodes and remapping them to different functions | 23:55 |
snkcld | however, they show up as "~", "caps lock" "tab" etc | 23:56 |
snkcld | is there some _other_ flag hidden in the key input that i can use to differentiate that key? | 23:56 |
ebonics | anyone know why i'd be seeing black thumbnails and flat black images for jpeg files in eog? | 23:57 |
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