
knomehullo bluesabre 00:05
* bluesabre is sighted00:09
knomebad sight is sight too..00:09
elfysight is just usually bad00:10
knomebluesabre, not too late for translations00:25
knomeand please keep the devel discussion here :P00:25
knomewondering who's going to take care of that slideshow update still00:26
knomewe need one NOW and one on next week's thursday00:27
bluesabrehm, maybe not for greeter-settings translations, seems the translation template and all translation files are completely different00:31
bluesabreandrew_p has been busy x.x00:32
Unit193bluesabre: Hah, right, telling you where would help.  ppa:unit193/xfce00:37
bluesabre20:22Unit193 * d/p/xubuntu_git_Make_verbose_logging_conditional.patch:00:39
bluesabre20:22Unit193    - Backport a commit to turn off verbose logging by default.00:39
Unit193bluesabre: So anything not for wombat to do?00:54
bluesabreUnit193: hoping to have a new catfish or menulibre when wombat opens up00:54
bluesabreand/or a gtk3-ready exo00:55
ochosibluesabre: does that mean i can put your name down in the 4.14 roadmap for exo? :)06:36
knomeochosi, regarding the mailing list,08:33
knomeochosi, since we do not really want non-members to "vote" on the office/image editor discussion, what should i do with a non-member, moderation queue message:08:34
knomeochosi, 1) simply discard the message; it doesn't appear on the list and no notification is made08:34
knomeochosi, 2) reject the message with a note for the original poster telling why it is rejected08:35
knomeochosi, 3) sth else08:35
ochosi1) sounds a bit harsh to my ears08:35
ochosi2) would be acceptable08:35
ochosifor 3) i could imagine changing the subject, thus creating a new thread08:36
knometo me, 2) sounds like we're going to have an argument over the issue with the poster08:36
knomei recognise that email address being somebody who has posted irrelevant stuff before.08:36
ochosiright, i guess if you know the poster, it's a slightly different issue08:37
knomethe mail is straightforward "vote", there is very little discussion08:37
ochosiright, then my 3) is not an option08:37
ochosiwasn't sure you were talking generally or about a specific message08:38
ochosiif it's about this specific message, i would simply reject it (aka 1))08:38
knomesome one-liner arguments, but then again, it's supposed to be a team vote, and at this point there has been time to bring all arguments to the table (via the general, open for all thread before)08:38
knomeboth this and to act as a guideline for future08:38
knomei would lean to 1) too.08:38
knomethere is a way they can get their mail on the archive if they insist; just subscribe the list...08:39
Unit193How about for all team votes and such, don't just set [TEAM] but explain what that means?08:39
knomeUnit193, it is explained.08:39
knomeclearly people, including you, don't read the mails08:39
ochosii thought i did explain it quite clearly in my first email08:39
ochosi(for both votes)08:39
ochosieven in CAPS :)08:40
knomeexactly, anybody who has actually read the original message but post their "vote" nonetheless (and are not a team member) are just plain ignorant08:40
knomeor, and this is the more likely option, they didn't read it08:40
Unit193knome: Sure I do, but as that didn't work, does listing people help or no?  Granted, you're always going to get some no matter what.08:41
knomeochosi, discarded08:41
ochosianyway, as a more general rule, we could set up a template message that quickly explains why a message was moderated/discarded08:41
knomeUnit193, i didn't..08:41
knomeochosi, these are very rare occasions really08:42
Unit193* Read this whole message, I don't always read all of them.  More so if I think it came from another list. >_>08:42
ochosisomething generic like "This is a team-only vote. Your message has been discarded. Create a new thread if you want to discuss something else."08:42
knomemost of the time the accident has already happened08:42
knomethis is an edge case where we were able to prevent the accident from happening08:42
ochosiyeah, guess that's true08:42
knomeit's literally the first time08:42
knomeUnit193, that just proves that no matter what we said, people are going to be ignorant08:43
knomeand that there is no way to stop them from posting except an all-moderated list, which people were against before08:43
knomeochosi, should we set a vote for the next meeting about the strategy document?08:44
knomeelfy, i postponed survey 2, because clearly we should wait until we've done the moves for 15.1008:45
ochosiknome: is that about the SD change where we remove the developer paragraph or something else?08:47
knomeochosi, no, this is about the seeds and composition part08:47
ochosioh right, yeah got it08:47
knomethe developer paragraph is gone08:47
ochosisounds good to me08:47
ochosiyeah, i was distracted by other stuff there08:48
knomeok, good, i'll add it to the agenda08:48
knomeno worries08:48
knomejust going through the open work items..08:48
ochosithanks knome 08:50
knomei'm procrastinating real work08:50
ochosiyeah, i should get back to that now08:51
knomespecifically writing an offer :P08:51
knomeback to procrastinating? sounds good.08:51
brainwashbluesabre: the last xfdesktop update for trusty (SRU) triggered an automatic crash report. any news on this? did all users get the update despite the report?09:28
brainwashbug 141568309:30
ubottubug 1415683 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/xfdesktop:11:xfdesktop_file_icon_manager_metadata_changed:ffi_call_SYSV:ffi_call:g_cclosure_marshal_generic_va:_g_closure_invoke_va" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141568309:30
brainwashshould the fix be backported?09:31
brainwash+ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/1335492/comments/5809:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1335492 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "[4.11.8] Desktop icons rearrange on each login" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:31
elfyknome: yup, ty 10:16
brainwashcould xubuntu opt out of "One Hundred Papercuts"? alberto tends to add it to the affects list of many bug reports, but there really seems to be no benefit10:30
elfynot sure if we can opt out - possibly someone could ask him to not do it10:35
slickymasterWorkyeah, I'm also under the impression that's not a possibility10:44
slickymasterWorkbut he does seem to be all over the place10:45
brainwashthe project idea is not bad, but adding all these "easy" to fix bugs does not seem to help much10:45
brainwashmost of our bugs are not trivial or require packaging skills10:46
elfycan we not just untag them? 10:58
elfydidn't we have this conversation with him a while back? 11:04
slickymasterWorkwasn't that ^^^ about is fixation with emoticons in m/l instead elfy?11:07
elfyno pretty sure we did something re our bugs11:09
elfybrainwash: do you remember that? 11:10
knomei vaguely remember something like that12:24
knomewasn't it about the black background bug?12:24
knomeochosi, are there some bugs in the bugs blueprint that you aren't planning to fix?12:51
knome [xubuntu-qa] Create rolling base release note wiki: INPROGRESS12:52
knomeelfy, can't that considered to be done?12:52
knome [xubuntu-qa] Exploratory testing information to testers via ML: INPROGRESS12:52
knomeelfy, what's the status of that? since we only have a few days left, is it realistic that it's actually just postponed?12:52
ochosiknome: yes, there are, i guess i should go over them with bluesabre to decide what to unlink12:52
knomeelfy, or do you consider it done?12:53
knomeochosi, fwiw, you can link them to the umbrella blueprint, and they won't show up at status.u.c12:53
knomeochosi, that way you can still keep a list of things that you want to move onto the next cycle12:53
ochosiyeah, i'll still discuss this with him first12:53
knome [xubuntu-qa] Review and correct testcase as required (re-check Xfce4.12): INPROGRESS12:53
ochosibut good to know12:53
knomeelfy, that?12:53
ochosibluesabre: maybe we can talk about the remaining open bugreports attached to our v-bugs blueprint sometime on the weekend and move those we won't fix somewhere else12:54
knomepleia2, if you want to print the first batch of flyers on a print shop, you can do that with the current files already... the thing i need to iron out is related to home printers without FB-modes12:55
knomeochosi, should probably unlink invalid ones12:55
knomelooks like it's again around 10% that didn't get done12:56
ochosisome of those are upstream bugs that won't get easy fixes12:57
ochosii'm actually quite happy with what we accomplished this cycle12:57
knomesure, i was referring to the whole lot of blueprints, not bugs only12:57
elfyknome: could possibly have been tghe black screen thing 13:09
mrkrampsa wekk or something ago, i reported keyboard media keys not being recognised on my system … well, i shoud not have diabled them, so … just forget about it14:32
ochosiit happens14:34
mrkrampsxinput lists the media keys as seperated device in pointers AND keyboard and i incidentely disabled them in mouse and touchpad setting … just took me some days to find aut :S14:37
slickymasterokie doke brainwash, done20:58
bluesabreochosi: here only briefly, but I will probably be around for a bit tomorrow21:42
bluesabre!info xfdesktop4 trusty21:43
ubottuxfdesktop4 (source: xfdesktop4): xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.11.8-0ubuntu0.1 (trusty), package size 134 kB, installed size 545 kB21:43
bluesabrebrainwash: yes, all sources seem to indicate that 4.11.8 is still rolled out to everyone in trusty, and yes, it would probably be good to get them a fix21:43
Unit193!info xfdesktop4 trusty-updates21:44
ubottu'trusty-updates' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed21:44
Unit193!info xfdesktop4 trusty-proposed21:44
ubottuPackage xfdesktop4 does not exist in trusty-proposed21:44
bluesabrethe bot seems to look at -updates21:44
bluesabrevs http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/xfdesktop421:44
brainwashbluesabre: is it worth the effort? could be yet another package which gets stuck in -proposed for weeks/months21:46
bluesabretrusty is supported for quite a bit longer than that, so yeah21:46
bluesabrecrashes are annoying21:46
Unit193Wait, anyone cares about trusty?21:47
brainwashI think it's a silent crash, or not visible due to the crash recovery mechanism of xfce4-session21:47
* bluesabre does21:47
* slickymaster also21:48
brainwashsome trusty users may be annoyed by the icon reset regression, and there is a patch available upstream (or 4.12.1)21:49
bluesabrelet's gauge how bad it is and determine what we want to backport21:50
bluesabreI gotta run now, bbabl21:50
brainwashit mainly affects people with many desktop icons and/or slow systems21:50
brainwashso, it's bad21:51
brainwashbluesabre: a good start would be to pick the patches and let affected users test it, then got for the SRU21:52

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