
ahoneybunthanks valorie and mparillo00:24
ahoneybundarn thumb will not update00:34
ahoneybunfixed valorie00:39
mparilloOn the Facebook Graphic on  http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/community/ most of that area does not go to https://www.facebook.com/kubuntu.org?ref=stream That is, it is more like a snapshot of a real facebook page, but I wonder if many people will zoom down and click in the area, rather than watching the target change as they mouse around.01:10
mparilloActually, it is kinda true for all the social media graphics, but for the rest, I think it is a little more obvious what is going on.01:11
valorieidenti.ca, that's what I couldn't recall01:50
valoriethank you elky01:50
valorieahoneybun: shouldn't that first link be ~/Documents/etc.01:51
valorieyou have =Documents01:52
ahoneybunvalorie: I always use Documents as I'm in my home directory but I believe your right06:35
ahoneybunbut in dd your telling it where the iso is06:36
valorieyes I understand, but the actual path is /home/username/Documents/etc.06:40
valorieor shortform: ~/Documents06:41
ovidiu-florinGooooood morning06:43
ovidiu-florinand it's so good that I've improved the header title http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/contribute-to-kubuntu/06:44
ovidiu-florinit's prettyer now06:44
valoriethat's beautiful!06:44
ovidiu-florinI believe Community, Contribute and Donate shoul be on the same page06:47
ovidiu-florinor a main page and subpages06:47
ovidiu-florintheir content are very closely related and they should be agregated06:47
ovidiu-florinanyone else?06:48
* ovidiu-florin is brainstorming while going through the feedback06:49
ovidiu-florinyofel: ping06:50
ovidiu-florinby icons you mean navigation icons? https://trello.com/c/fTDbCsr9/28-feature-tour06:50
kubotu_[Kubuntu Promotion :: Feedback :: Feature tour ++ ]06:50
ovidiu-florinvalorie: could you help me with something?06:51
ovidiu-florinor anyone for that matter07:00
ovidiu-florinkubotu_: give me a beer07:00
ovidiu-florinkubotu_ hates me07:00
ovidiu-florinI need to go through all the feedback and create trello cards for each suggestion07:01
ovidiu-florinplease help07:01
valoriekubotu_: give ovidiu-florin a beer07:11
valorieovidiu-florin: "Community, Contribute and Donate shoul be on the same page" or subpages: yes07:11
valorieI agree07:11
valorie!beer | ovidiu-florin07:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beer07:12
Peace-Riddell: 08:03
Peace-libkf5people-data  try to install that08:18
Peace-you will get an error08:18
lordievaderGood morning.08:53
yofelovidiu-florin: yes09:02
yofelPeace-: known, he was looking at it09:03
Peace-i got other errors btw 09:04
Peace-for exmaple 09:04
Peace-sudo apt-get install plasma-widget* does errors but i guess it's normal they are the old plasma wigets  i guess09:05
BluesKajHowdy all10:59
Peace-+-.- 11:52
Peace-qmlplugindump: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlplugindump': No such file or directory11:52
yofelPeace-: you want qtdeclarative5-dev-tools11:55
Peace-yofel: thank you11:56
Peace-yofel: i can't get qtcreator working properly 12:02
Peace-i tried everything 12:02
Peace-file:///home/semvivid/wq/wq.qml:22 plugin cannot be loaded for module "org.kde.plasma.core"12:02
Peace-i added this to wq.qmlproject12:03
Peace-importPaths: [ "/usr/lib/kde4/imports" ]12:03
Peace-plasma 512:04
Peace-mm but i have that folder12:05
yofelwell, we do still have kde4 apps around12:05
yofelPeace-: you probably want /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/ ?12:07
yofelQML isn't my field of expertise I fear..12:07
Peace-ok let's try 12:08
Peace-yofel: it seems it doesn't work no12:12
Peace-ah shit12:12
yofel#kde-devel would probably be more helpful at this point12:12
Peace-yofel: thank you12:13
BluesKajodd , suddenly the cursor turns in to an I on the Konversation tabs, like a it does in the textbox, and makes it difficult to see14:13
BluesKajok , a reboot fixed the cursor problem14:36
BluesKajno more kmix in the sytem tray, there's no widget either14:45
jaloWould it be possible to add https on www.hellotux.com delivery info page?14:59
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: lots of good stuff here that could be one page for the new site https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Contribute15:13
ahoneybunthis is a great video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYrobaenFCc15:27
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest72465
Guest72465tis I Sick_Rimmit15:48
ovidiu-florinkubotu_: give me a beer17:24
Riddellkubotu_: beer for ovidiu-florin 17:27
* Riddell slides a sangria down the table to ovidiu-florin 17:27
ovidiu-florinthank you Riddell17:28
ovidiu-florinkubotu_: doesn't seem to care about me17:28
soeeRiddell: this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sddm/+bug/140715217:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1407152 in sddm (Ubuntu) "Can't log out from Plasma session with SDDM" [Critical,Triaged]17:29
soeei think it has been fixed somehow in todays update to kernel or systemd or something17:29
ovidiu-florinregarding sddm.....17:29
soeebut we can logout now so this was related to sddm ?17:29
ovidiu-florinwhen resuming from standby I can see my wondws and after a second ot 2 I'm presented with the login prompt17:30
ovidiu-florinI can't report it since it doesn't always happen17:30
soee2 users also confirme dtaht logut works for them now /  under this bug report17:30
ovidiu-florinRiddell: do you know anything about aseigo?17:31
ovidiu-florinwhere is he?17:31
ovidiu-florinI've been trying to get in touch with him for a while17:32
soeeovidiu-florin: i thnk T-Shorts can be removed from main nav as it is in footer and its not as much important as othes17:33
ovidiu-florinso have you voted?17:33
soeeovidiu-florin: my votes are there liek 3 days ?17:33
ovidiu-florinso that will be taken into consideration17:34
* ovidiu-florin is talking formally17:34
ovidiu-florinI'll fix the menus once I finish getting through all the feedback17:34
ovidiu-florinand creating trello cards17:34
ovidiu-florinthis is what I asked the feedbakers to do.....17:35
soeeovidiu-florin: nice change with the page title on subpages / without bckground17:35
ovidiu-florinso I don't have to do it again17:35
yofelkubotu_: order beer for ovidiu-florin17:35
* kubotu_ gives ovidiu-florin a nice frosty mug of beer.17:35
soeethough, why not using Oxygen font ?17:35
ovidiu-florinyofel: http://www.dragosasaftei.ro/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/fotografie-de-produs-cu-amintire-silva-dark-7.jpg17:37
ovidiu-florinthis is what I'm having :D17:37
ovidiu-florinromanian beer17:37
yofelthanks for making me envious ;P17:38
ovidiu-florinyofel: come visit17:38
ovidiu-florinyou can have a dusin17:38
Riddellovidiu-florin: he'll be at the pim sprint this weekend in france17:38
ovidiu-florinthat's why he ignores his emails?17:39
yofelhardly the time for it, otherwise would love to17:39
Riddellovidiu-florin: I've no idea about that17:39
ovidiu-florinRiddell: do you have Georg's email?17:39
Riddellovidiu-florin: I do not17:39
soeeovidiu-florin: also try setting for the page title text shadow: 1px 1px 5px rgb(60, 60, 60);17:39
ovidiu-florinsoee: please make a trello card for that17:40
ovidiu-florinput it in ToDo17:40
soeei have no idea how to use this trello :D17:40
RiddellScottK: remember bug 1400730 if you're in a useful mood17:40
ubottubug 1400730 in libxext (Ubuntu Utopic) "libxext fills up .xsession-errors log files" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140073017:40
ovidiu-florinkubotu_: !trello soee17:40
ovidiu-florinyofel: how do I do this? ^17:41
soeedo i have to somehow join teh group or something ?17:41
ovidiu-florinpm me your email17:41
yofelovidiu-florin: I'm clueless about the trello plugin I fear17:41
soeeovidiu-florin: my email ?17:41
ovidiu-florinin private please17:42
ovidiu-florinsoee: you're in17:42
ovidiu-florinsoee: you can add the card details in the card description17:44
ovidiu-florinjust below the title17:44
soeeovidiu-florin: like i did now is fine ?17:45
ovidiu-florinit's ok17:45
ovidiu-florinsoee: can you split Bart's email into trello cards in the feedback list?17:48
=== aaron is now known as Guest92550
soeewhat email ?17:49
ovidiu-florinsoee: this one: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2015-April/009453.html17:50
ovidiu-florindarthanubis: ?17:51
darthanubisI have installed the restricted and extra packages, and mscorefonts-installer is installed17:51
darthanubisbut I don't think these packages have installed the normal files it usually have17:52
darthanubisI even installed the ubuntu-restricted and extras17:52
darthanubisIt seems these packages are not ready? And was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this?17:52
soeesome user had also problems with ms fonts last days17:53
soeedarthanubis: try reinstalling this ms- package17:53
darthanubisso I get this noticfication in the taskbar ever restart as a result17:54
darthanubisof course I already tried reinstalling the package. Butit does not actually pull the archive unpack it and install, like every year hence before17:54
Riddellfrecel: I'm still happy to give you a packaging tutorial if you're interested17:57
=== Guest92550 is now known as ahoneybun
soeeovidiu-florin: im not sure what exactly i shoudl put form that mail to dotos, its more like discussion atm18:05
soeesgclark: hows the work on frameworks going ?19:25
sgclarksoee: oh19:25
sgclarkdone but the new frameowrk and a silly patch..19:25
sgclarkbut distracted by kde ci..19:26
Riddellsgclark: need me to help?19:26
sgclarkRiddell: sure :) add a new repo for modemmanager-qt19:26
sgclarkI can build it I think 19:27
sgclarkbut I do need this evening off..19:27
Riddellsgclark: hasn't sitter already packaged it as part of kubuntu ci?19:29
Riddellsgclark: rest your weary fingertips :)19:29
Riddellsgclark: what ppa are you using?19:29
sgclarkproably just need kubuntu_archive branch19:30
sgclarkumm 19:30
sgclarknext staging19:30
sgclarkI think lol19:30
sgclarkforgot the status sheet.. one sec19:30
soeewhy there are posts in some non-english language for example about KF 5.9 https://planetkde.org/19:35
soeeand there is no in english ? :)19:35
soeeplanekde doen't work with https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-frameworks-5.9.0.php ?19:35
sgclarkthose are personal blogs no?19:35
soeeoh i duuno19:35
sgclarkthose are just links to personal blogs19:36
soeefor me planetkde is like nive place to get info about what is going on in kde world19:36
sgclarkdev blogs19:36
soeewould be goot ot have there also announcelments for officil webs19:36
sgclarkbut some are in languages I cannot read lol19:36
soeesgclark: thats what i talking about :) ome starnge langs19:36
soeewell meybe not strange but i don not speakread them :)19:36
sgclarkit looks much nicer than before though.. planetkde that is19:37
sgclarkour site too :)19:37
sgclarkmuch nicer19:37
sgclarkjust so busy I don't have time to read anymore :(19:37
soeeyou shoud one eye and one hand work, and second read :D19:38
Riddellsoee: the trouble is that https://dot.kde.org/ needs more editors, it didn't get a frameworks 5.9 story19:38
Riddellvolunteers welcome19:39
=== sgclark changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | KF5 5.9 Status: http://goo.gl/gI3xd0 | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Crash tracker : http://goo.gl/Cdynad | 20 bugs to fix http://goo.gl/Chh7uh
sgclarkRiddell: status ^19:39
Riddellthanks sgclark 19:39
sgclarkno no, thank you!19:39
sgclarkRiddell: I always get Can't retry with that retry script. What am I doing wrong :(19:40
sgclarkI was up late.. hitting retry..19:40
sgclarkit looks like it is trying.. lists them with the arch.. but error19:41
soeeRiddell: ill be more active and try to do more web related stuff after my personal projects are done19:49
Riddellsgclark: are you using --force ? I don't know why but it seems to need it19:51
soeei like to be informed and probably a lot of other users, thats why i often post some info on g+ liek now https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/Sjg6kySPCYo19:51
soee :)19:51
frecelRiddell: I have a free afternoon now, we could go through the packaging process if you have some time19:52
sgclarkRiddell: ahh no, that probably it19:53
Riddellfrecel: make a launchpad account and add your ssh key and I'll set up a shared server19:54
frecelAlready have one19:54
Riddellfrecel: url?19:54
frecelOh I might have to do the ssh thing again, I reinstalled for 15.0419:55
frecelRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~frecel19:58
Riddellfrecel: ssh ubuntu@ec2-54-159-224-203.compute-1.amazonaws.com20:00
Riddelltype something when you get in20:01
frecelRiddell: give me a second, I have to mighrate my key from a different partition20:02
frecelRiddell: I had to change my key20:06
Riddellfrecel: do I have the right one?20:07
Riddellfrecel: have you updated launchpad?20:08
frecelRiddell: yes20:08
Riddellfrecel: ssh ubuntu@ec2-54-159-224-203.compute-1.amazonaws.com   now20:09
frecelhmm I'm still gettin permission denied20:10
Riddellfrecel: try now, password foobar20:11
frecelSorry about that, I don't use lp often. I'm in now20:13
Riddellfrecel: great20:14
Riddellfrecel: this is shared ec2 cloud server from amazon, we can both see and interact with the session20:15
Riddellfrecel: shall we package something?20:15
frecelRiddell: sounds good20:15
Riddellfrecel: I see a new version of digikam is out https://www.digikam.org/20:15
Riddellfrecel: by checking on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam you can see we are at 4.7.020:16
Riddellfrecel: first thing to check is do debian have a newer version20:16
Riddellwhich is at https://packages.debian.org/src:digikam20:16
Riddellfrecel: do they?20:16
frecelRiddell: sid is at
Riddellsounds old, guess we need to do it outselves20:18
Riddellfrecel: get the current package with  apt-get source digikam20:18
Riddellfrecel: actually make a directory called current and do that20:18
Riddellfrecel: you've done this before so tell me if you know it all20:19
Riddellfrecel: that downloaded the upstream "orig" tar and the packaging debian.tar20:19
Riddelland a .dsc with description metadata20:20
frecelit's been a while, so it's probably better if we cover it all20:20
Riddellfrecel: look in digikam-4.7.0/debian for the packaging20:20
Riddellfrecel: it's quite a complex app this so there's quite a lot20:22
Riddellbut the .install files have the file in each of the .deb packages that will get made20:22
Riddellfrecel: and the control file has the descriptions of the packages to make20:22
Riddelland the rules file is the complex bit, it's a makefile to build install and make the .debs20:23
Riddelllooking at it there's some mess in there which is no longer needed, I think whoever packaged this last didn't tidy up20:23
Riddellfrecel: look at the files and see if you understand them20:24
Riddelland ask me what you don't20:24
Riddellmost of the process is done by debhelper a set of perl scripts to do the configure/build/install/generate package etc that's the dh_foo scripts20:26
Riddelland the makefile has those override_dh_foo lines to alter the defaults20:26
frecelI'm not an expert on make but most of this is fairly self explanatory20:27
Riddellnobody is, mostly you copy and paste from another project :)20:27
Riddellfrecel: right let's do the new one20:27
Riddellfrecel: cd out of current and wget the new one from http://download.kde.org/stable/digikam/20:27
frecelRiddell: 4.9?20:28
Riddellfrecel: rename it to digikam_4.9.0.orig.tar.bz220:30
Riddelland uncompress20:30
Riddellfrecel: tip: you can just use  tar xf  with tar it'll work out the compression these days20:31
Riddellfrecel: rename it to digikam_4.9.0.orig.tar.bz220:32
frecelRiddell: I've been uncompressing by right clicking on packages in dolphin for too long :D20:32
Riddellpackaging is mostly a command line task I'm afraid :)20:33
Riddellfrecel: digikam_4.9.0.orig.tar.bz2  note the underscre 20:34
Riddelldeb packages are fussy about the source tar name20:34
Riddellfrecel: inside the uncompressed directory copy over the debian/ directory from the current package20:36
Riddellfrecel: cd into digikam-4.9.0/20:38
Riddelland add a new changelog entry with  dch -i20:38
Riddellfrecel: this opens emacs as an editor, you know emacs right?20:39
frecelRiddell: I'm a vim guy20:39
Riddellbah! :)20:39
Riddellfrecel: here you go20:39
frecelmy pinky is untrained in pressing Ctrl all the time :D20:40
Riddellfrecel: add a 1 line changelog, fix up version number and name/email20:40
frecelwhat is the ubuntu1/ubuntu2 part of the version number?20:42
Riddell4: is the epoch, it resets the version number incase you want to go lower than the one before20:43
Riddell4.9.0 is upstream20:43
Riddell-0 is debian (0 because this isn't in debian yet)20:43
Riddelland ubuntu2 is the ubuntu version20:44
Riddellfrecel: so set it to ubuntu1 as this is the first ubuntu version of 4.9.020:44
frecelRiddell: I have no iea how to insert RFC822 date format into vim :D20:47
Riddellfrecel: well don't, the idea of dch is it gives you a template and does that for you20:48
Riddellfrecel: remove what you've done20:49
Riddellfrecel: the "digikam (4:4.7.0-0ubuntu2)" line is the start of a template for you to eidt20:49
Riddellfrecel: lovely save it20:52
Riddelland quit20:52
Riddellfrecel: let me tidy up some stuff20:53
Riddellfrecel: right I just removed some old files from packages that I should have removed last time I updated it20:55
Riddellfrecel: so let's see if it builds  debuild -j2  will compile it20:55
Riddellor rather will tell us what it needs before it can compile it20:55
Riddellfrecel: that's all the build-depends listed in debian/control20:55
Riddellfrecel: /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends20:56
Riddellis the clumsy titled script to install them20:56
frecelRiddell: why did it abort?20:57
Riddellfrecel: did you abort?20:57
Riddellfrecel: well best install them by hand!20:58
Riddellsudo apt install ....20:58
Riddellcopy and paste job20:58
frecelcan't select it20:59
frecelRiddell: oh, you are just doing it by hand like that21:00
Riddellfrecel: looks like mysql-server-core-5.5 is now mysql-server-core-5.621:01
Riddellfrecel: edit that in debian/control21:01
Riddelland run the apt line again with it changed21:01
Riddellfrecel: oh I see pbuilder-satisfydepends has confused apt now21:03
Riddelltry and   apt -f install21:03
Riddellnow we're talking21:03
Riddellthis digikam thing is a beast21:03
frecelDo you always package on a vps or is this just for me?21:03
frecelRestarting services will probably disconnect us21:04
RiddellI said no21:05
Riddellfrecel: depends, for something like calligra it's so big my laptop would take an age so I start an expensive cloud server21:05
Riddellfrecel: but it's best to build in a clean environment so I have a local chroot that recreates a clean install 21:06
Riddellfrecel: debuild -j2  and see what happens :)21:07
Riddellfrecel: did you update debian/control for new myssql version?21:07
Riddellfrecel: it'll be up at the top21:08
Riddellsomewhere under Build-Depends:21:09
RiddellI see it "mysql-server-core-5.5 | mysql-server-core"21:09
Riddellneeds to be 5.6 now21:09
Riddellstill needs an apt install21:10
Riddellfrecel: I looked at the build log to check the configure output, it seems all fine21:14
Riddellfrecel: so aye, time for a cup of tea now21:14
Riddellfrecel: once it's done we'll need to check if there's stuff not being build any more and new stuff being built and alter the .install files as needed21:14
frecelRiddell: do you have to use the version of ubuntu that you build a package for?21:14
Riddellfrecel: no but it's obviously good if you can test the package yourself21:15
Riddellor ask someone else to test21:15
Riddellin this case we're building on an i386 so I can't install the .debs at the end anyway21:15
Riddellso we'll put it into a standing archive and get someone to test it them put it into backports (because we're frozen for the vivid release)21:16
frecelHow are packages updated after the freeze? I've heard a lot of devs complain that it's hard to get their software uptated in the Ubuntu repos21:17
Riddellfrecel: well they're not, that's what it means to freeze :)21:17
frecelUnless they can get it in debian and it happens to trickle down to Ubuntu just in time21:17
Riddellit won't trickle down while we're frozen21:17
Riddellbut we can put it into backports21:18
Riddellwhich is another apt repository people can add21:18
frecelSo the freeze lasts for the entire nine months?21:18
Riddellsure, once we release that's it21:18
Riddellwhich you can argue is a bit rubbish for developers and users21:19
Riddellbut that's the way linux distros are set up21:19
Riddellcanonical did have an extras repository for individual apps that want to be separate, dunno what happened to that21:19
frecelRiddell: I think there are plenty of applications that should be frozen, like everything that has anything to do with the display server for example21:20
frecelbut I don't see why something like digikam shoudln't be updated if they have a new stable release in july21:20
Riddellother systems like android, windows, mac etc have a separation between operating system and apps but linux distros don't21:21
Riddellthe trouble is if you update digikam what happens if digikam needs a new Qt version?21:21
Riddellthen you have to update that too21:21
Riddellor you have to bundle it together and duplicate qt once for each application21:22
frecelfair enough21:22
Riddelllinux has efficiency for not bundling the same library 100 times but it does mean apps can be older by default21:22
soeewe should alway sprovide atest apps only for latest release21:26
frecelRiddell: so do you assign applications to packagers to take care of21:27
frecelor do people just check versions and package what they feel like21:27
Riddellfrecel: kde has three muckle releases, frameworks, plasma and applications21:27
Riddelland those get put into kubuntu ci for continuous builds21:28
Riddelland then someone takes on the tars and packages them21:28
Riddellas sgclark is doing now for frameworks21:28
Riddellwe have scripts to do them because it's mostly repetative and there's lots of them21:28
Riddellfrecel: a lot of other stuff gets updated in debian and we just sync it21:28
Riddellotherwise stuff gets packaged as people feel the need21:28
Riddellwe have watches on a lot of packages for new releases http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/buildstatus/kubuntu-buildstatus.html21:29
frecelRiddell: so the entire thing depends mostly on how much applications can we package before the freeze21:35
Riddellfrecel: yep21:37
Riddellbut that's true of any software development21:37
frecelRiddell: for me as a user PPAs solve the problem entirely21:39
frecelThere are a few applicaitons that I need to be at the very latest version, the rest of it I don't really care about21:40
ahoneybunkubotu_: give beer to frecel21:41
frecelahoneybun: do you look at the changes to DocCheck? I'm trying to add something to it every day now21:42
ahoneybunfrecel: let me check sorry21:42
frecelahoneybun: I improved the dictionary quite a bit so for a lot of files it only returns names and email adresses21:43
ahoneybungetting some invalid syntax21:45
Riddellfrecel: it's done!21:46
ahoneybunline 3221:46
Riddellfrecel: I'll need to leave soon to chat to my girlfriend, how are you doing for time?21:46
frecelI'm in UTC -7 timezone I got plenty of time21:47
Riddellfrecel: so it's saying it can't install a file21:47
Riddellwhich means that file was in a previous release but now isn't21:47
Riddelldh_install: libkgeomap-data missing files (usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/libkgeomap.mo), aborting21:48
Riddellfrecel: so edit libkgeomap-data.install and remove the line that wants that file21:48
Riddellfrecel: now run  dh_install --list-missing21:50
Riddelland it'll try to install the files again21:50
Riddellcd .. i guess21:50
Riddelllovely, it no longer has files listed in .installs that don't exist21:51
Riddellfrecel: not it has files that  make install  has installed (into debian/tmp) but are not put anywhere by the .install files21:51
Riddellfrecel: there should be a debian/not-install file where we list the files we know don't want to be installed21:52
Riddellcheck that21:52
Riddellfrecel: the only ones that need added are the appstream .xml files21:54
Riddellwork out which .install file to put them in21:54
* Riddell calls girlfriend21:54
frecelRiddell: what am I looking for?21:58
frecelahoneybun: when you selected a folder did you end the path with / 22:06
frecelahoneybun: I just realized that it needs it and the code doesn't check for wheather it's there22:06
Riddellfrecel: those appdata .xml files22:12
frecelRiddell: wouldn't it just go into digikam.install?22:17
* Riddell back22:18
Riddellfrecel: the digikam one will yes22:18
Riddellthe showfoto one will go in showfoto22:18
Riddelland the other ones, dunno we need to look and see what they go with22:18
frecelI think I need more coffee22:18
* genii hand-grinds some good strong arabica coffee beans, fires up the french press, and gets to making a fresh mug for frecel22:19
Riddellfrecel: looks like those plugins are part of the main digikam.install package22:21
Riddellfrecel: so put all the appdata files into digikam.install except showfoto which goes in showfoto.install22:21
frecelRiddell: done22:25
Riddellfrecel: run  debuild -nc  to rerun the build (with no clear so it won't have to compile it all again)22:28
soeefrecel: hows the packaging going ? :)22:31
Riddellonce him once lintian stops running :)22:32
frecelsoee: There is more to it than I ininitally thought22:32
soeefrecel: i know, thats why i hadn't time so far to start with it22:33
Riddellfrecel: looking good22:33
Riddellfrecel: you should have .debs in the directory above22:33
soeebut some day i have to, maybe than you can help me a bit :) 22:33
Riddellfrecel: install them with  dpkg --install *deb22:34
soeefrecel: mówisz po polsku ? (do you speak pl) ?22:34
frecelsoee: Tak22:34
soeefrecel: cool :)22:34
frecelja się wyprowadziłem z polski jak miałem 17 lat, osiem lat minęło ale jeszcze pamiętam język ojczysty22:35
soeefrecel: cool, would be easier maybe to communicate someday, anyway here we speak enaglish :)22:35
Riddellfrecel: so it installs22:37
Riddellfrecel: let's upload it to a ppa to build there and get people to test22:38
Riddellfrecel: inside the source directory run   debuild -S22:38
Riddellto make the source files22:38
frecelRiddell: it looks like it's missing your gpg keys22:40
Riddellfrecel: change UNRELEASED to vivid and run debuild -S again22:42
frecelRiddell: whic file was it in again?22:43
Riddellfrecel: debian/changelog22:43
Riddellfrecel: I did a remote sign22:46
Riddell>debsign -r ubuntu@ec2-54-159-224-203.compute-1.amazonaws.com:mnt/digikam/digikam_4.9.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes22:46
Riddellfrecel: you can now upload it to my ppa22:46
Riddelldput ppa:jr/ppa digikam_4.9.0-0ubuntu1_source.changes22:46
Riddellfrecel: dput --unchecked  I guess22:47
frecelRiddell: how long do you think it will take to build on launchpad?22:50
Riddellfrecel: building now https://launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/732126122:52
Riddellso I guess it'll be done in 15 mins or so22:52
Riddellthen you can fine someone using vivid to install and test22:52
Riddellthen we can copy it over to kubuntu-ppa/backports22:52
Riddelland life will be good for digikam users22:52
Riddellfrecel: any questions before I sleep?22:53
Riddellthere's lots more to learn of course22:53
Riddellwe keep the packaging in bzr and git for one thing22:53
Riddelland there's the fun of symbols files22:53
frecelNot really, I will try build one on my own now and probably spam you with questions tomorrow22:53
Riddelland the scripts for the big kde releases22:53
Riddellgood idea22:53
Riddelldo you want me to keep the ec2 up?22:54
frecelI have a vps that I have to reimage today I'll just do it there22:54
Riddellshutting down22:55
Riddellfrecel: oh your should join https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas-yellow-belts now :)22:55
Riddelladded you :)22:56
frecelThanks :D22:56
frecelas a side note is byobu just a reconfigured tmux?22:57
Riddellfrecel: it's gnu screen23:00
Riddellwith a nice profile23:00
Riddellsgclark: that should be frameworks all done up in the ppa now and plasma-nm23:03
Riddellthe question now is what to do with it23:04
Riddellbut I guess testing is welcomed23:04
* Riddell sleeps23:04
yofelRiddell: it's not screen but tmux these days23:10
yofelfrecel: pretty much23:10
yofelwith a couple extensions23:10
frecelyofel: screen has always been enough for me anyway, I just thought that bar on the bottom looks cool23:11
sgclarkRiddell: thanks!23:36

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