
ahoneybunsince we use systemd would this command work now? systemctl start smb.service00:38
ahoneybuncool thanks Unit19300:41
Unit193Sure.  There's several others that are quite handy now too.00:42
kortumwhere do i go for ubuntu help?01:00
Erthe#ubuntu ?01:01
Unit193/join #ubuntu01:02
wldcordeiroHas anyone installed Android Studio through Ubuntu make on Kubuntu? The launcher icon seems to be missing and I don't know where the launcher files are to edit it01:27
TBotNikAll: Repeating: getting weird errors from mysql so documented at: http://pastebin.com/hgGpAbmK can anyone help?03:18
TBotNikAll: Back to my problem: Getting weird errors from mysql. Started with no change to code, so documented at: http://pastebin.com/hgGpAbmK can anyone help?03:21
valorieTBotNik: this doesn't seem to be a kubuntu error -- maybe ask in a mysql or php chan?03:22
valorieplease don't repeat yourself03:22
valorieif you don't know such chans, try alis03:22
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:22
TBotNikNo response from mysql so asking around!03:22
valoriedepending on where people live, chans can be pretty dead at times03:23
valoriethis is late-night on a Friday night in Europe, so pretty much just us nightowls or Americans around right now03:23
* valorie goes off to watch TV for a bit03:23
TBotNikAll: Repeating: getting weird errors from mysql so documented at: http://pastebin.com/hgGpAbmK can anyone help? Know this is not Kubuntu issue, but if you know the answer please join me on #mysql and expound!  Thanks!03:37
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Finetundrahello everyone, I'm having random FPS jumps and drops. Any ideas?06:17
Finetundraonly seems to affect fullscreen applications06:25
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lordievaderGood morning.08:53
krisewhich file format should i format my usb stick to make startup disk09:29
lordievaderkrise: fat32 or extN where N is preferably 2.09:31
denza252why ext209:39
denza252why not 409:39
denza252or ReiserFS09:39
xennex81i personally often try to stay away from ext409:40
MoonUnit`journalling filesystem might be overkill for a startup disk09:40
xennex81it seems like an improvement the way SSDs are improvements09:40
xennex81i just stick to ext3 mostly09:40
xennex81hi mparillo09:41
MoonUnit`if i reinstall debating switching to xfs09:41
xennex81never looked at that, it's the default for some things?09:42
MoonUnit`fedora server 22 is making it the default09:43
xennex81i saw something of the kind in some tool, I thought it was cryptsetup, maybe it was ...09:43
MoonUnit`seems to be pretty speedy http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux-40-hdd&num=109:44
xennex81oh, it was the container-creating tool of libpam-mount09:44
xennex81Filesystem to use for the encrypted filesystem. Defaults to xfs.09:44
xennex81linux has a habit of using many many small files09:45
xennex81i feel it is often like offloading some application-level technique onto the filesystem, out of laziness :p09:45
xennex81seriously, people are offloading something that should be done by the application (inside some container format) onto the filesystem09:46
xennex81in the sense that the filesystem often has all these tools available already09:48
xennex81you could even create e.g. linked trees using just files and branches in the filesystem (directories, etc..)09:49
xennex81:) :p09:49
mparillohi xennex81. Good early morning (EDT) to all.09:56
xennex81still morning here too :P09:57
lordievaderdenza252: Because it was about a usb stick.09:57
denza252ext2 still has a bit of overhead does it not09:59
denza252why not just fat09:59
lordievaderHence the fat32 or ext2.10:02
xennex81but fat32 has this 4gb limit and that is pretty much a no-go for me.10:09
xennex81just saying. But sdcards are often formatted with lowlevel mechanics supporting it, in fat3210:09
BluesKajHowdy all10:59
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MoonUnit`vivid release date getting close and still can't log out, reboot or shutdown properly.12:06
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BluesKajMoonUnit`, yes i had that problem until the last kernel upgrade12:08
BluesKajwhich was this morning EDT or -5 GMT12:10
MoonUnit`from the systemd bug report sounded like we are waiting for a dbus update to fix it.12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1438612 in D-Bus "duplicate for #1427672 remote file systems hang on shutdown, D-BUS stops too early" [Medium,Confirmed]12:14
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lordievaderHehe, such bugs are allways fun.12:16
BluesKajI was using sudo halt and it worked12:16
MoonUnit`sudo poweroff is temperamental12:18
soeei can confirm what BluesKaj said12:19
soeelogout works now12:19
lordievaderhalt/poweroff doesn't use dbus. KDE does.12:20
soeethough we have thisannoying Starting vesion 219 text in the middle12:20
BluesKajyes, soee what is that listing of all the usb ports etc , or so it seems12:21
soeeBluesKaj: usb ports ?12:21
BluesKajwell , that's what it looks like12:21
lordievader"Starting version 219" is systemd.12:23
soeeyeh, and it is not a bug as was told in bugreport :)12:23
soeeis housl be hidden before final release12:23
lordievaderI already found it a strange "bug". It is just telling you it is starting.12:24
MoonUnit`soee: this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/139802512:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1398025 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Error messages like "error: /dev/sdb: No medium found" on booting" [Low,Confirmed]12:24
BluesKajthis machine is a bit old , and it has several usb1.1 and one 2.0 port , and the list shows right after the sysd21912:24
soeeMoonUnit`: the one valorie posted12:31
denza252oh right systemd is default by the next rhelees12:37
hegemon8Hi All13:41
hegemon8Hi BluesKaj13:41
BluesKajhi hegemon813:43
hegemon8lads, any of You have a safe(ish) way to install  jack on kubu 14.10 so after reboot, i'll have at least minor problems with apps requiring pulse or jack?13:44
lordievaderBugh, jack.13:44
hegemon8just some link that i wouldn't regret using..?:)13:44
hegemon8yep, some nice audio soft there, but remember troubles after installing jack long time ago :)13:45
lordievaderThat is precisely why I stay far away from jack.13:45
hegemon8i have fresh install, and just added my details here and there, looks nice and last thing i want to do is to reinstall :)13:46
hegemon8tell that to rosengarden... :) lordievader :)13:46
BluesKajhegemon8, I'm no expert on jack, my experience with it tells me it's to be avoided unless absolutely necessary because my needs are rather simple13:49
hegemon8yes, You have similar stand to mine regarding jack BluesKaj :)13:50
BluesKajthen we have pulse to complicte matters even more13:51
hegemon8just was wondering if there is any safer way to try apps that require jack on kubu13:51
hegemon8true :)13:51
hegemon8there is some pulse with jack integration, but from my previous experience (while back) - not trying that again :D13:52
hegemon8the worst part, if i find anything usefull i could use on the forums, its mostly quite outdated regarding kubuntu itself, and ubuntu ones not always match ...13:54
hegemon8so i'll ask that way: Is there any quite active kubuntu forum, that Yous may use?13:56
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums13:57
BluesKaji just feed a spdif and hdmi signal to my audio receiver for sound and video...this pc is merely a media server, like an old time audio/video component14:00
hegemon8i'm on kubuntuforums.net :) i've heard about google :) was asking any of You use one that You kinda like over the others :)14:00
BluesKajcan't say that have any fav forums14:00
hegemon8ah, worth asking anyway BluesKaj thx14:01
BluesKaji'm reluctant to name any forums , since advice there can be mistaken and not corrected, more than here or other irc support chats14:03
hegemon8yep, thats why i asked for one :) not following any command listings blindly anymore :)14:04
hegemon8lesson learned :)14:05
BluesKajyup :)14:05
hegemon8and most of the ppl when they get, or research answer don't close threads14:06
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hegemon8and are gone from forum till next problem occures :)14:06
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xennex81what is an easy way to sync two directories based on a date as a separator for dermining which side a change has occurred?15:10
xennex81in the sense that files newer than that date should be copied (from right to left) but files older than that date (that are deleted/missing on left) should be deleted on right15:11
xennex81of course it is easy enough to do a date-base (--from) copy from right to left wich only newer files being copied (or missing files)15:12
BluesKajxennex81, probly a good question for ##linux15:12
xennex81I'm asking here15:13
xennex81for now15:13
BluesKajwell, good luck then :-)15:13
xennex81you can answer if you want :P15:14
lordievaderxennex81: rsync15:14
BluesKajrsync is great for copying files , but that's all i use it for15:16
xennex81i think it would require an hour of troubleshooting to find the options I need....15:16
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xennex81i think find's -mtime or -newer are good options15:26
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xennex81lol I wrote a little script that will update with a one-way sync from a certain date onward17:09
xennex81using just find and cp and diff17:09
xennex81two hours later though17:09
xennex81albeit with food in my stomach17:10
lordievaderRsync's main purpose is, as the name suggests, to sync things.17:13
lordievaderQuite a lovely tool.17:13
kbdhelplaunch keys on ms 2000 not working. how can I get them to work?17:22
MoonUnit`kbdhelp: tried assigning them in shortcuts app?17:38
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xennex81lordievader: yeah rsync is nice but I get so tired finding out the required parameters17:57
xennex81just looking at the options list and searching some of the web sees people using find -mtime as a way to specify a time for rsync17:57
xennex81I just perused the options list and coudln't find any17:58
xennex81I will just use FreeFileSync to sync back after I have done my script's sync17:58
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MoonUnit`hmm phoronix article, google added encryption to ext4. could be interesting.18:10
xennex81there was this bug with Kubuntu 15.04 / plasma5 where SDDM wouldn't log you out while spawning many sddm-helper processes, right?18:59
MoonUnit`haven't heard of that one19:30
=== kubuntu is now known as jorge-ibiza
lordievaderxennex81: There was a bug related to dbus. Dbus stopped to quickly.20:24
xennex81are we talking about the same thing?20:25
petersaintsI just moved to KDE Plasma 5. I have now noticed one problem. I run Dropbox and its icon doesn't show up in the tray area. I have Googled for a solution, and while I did find some people complaining about the same issue, I have yet to find a clear solution. Could you please help me?20:26
lordievaderxennex81: Well the dbus bug caused you not to be able to logout, so I suppose we do ;)20:26
xennex81okay https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sddm/+bug/1407152 @ lordievader20:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1407152 in sddm (Ubuntu) "Can't log out from Plasma session with SDDM" [Critical,Triaged]20:26
lordievaderpetersaints: http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/06/where-are-my-systray-icons/20:27
lordievaderxennex81: Seems it is fixed...20:28
xennex81yeah i just read20:28
xennex81sorry about that ;-)20:28
lordievaderGuess I should update my Vivid box.20:28
petersaintslordievader: Dropbox is Qt 5, isn't it?20:28
MoonUnit`didn't like wmsystemtray martin suggested, trayer seemed better.20:29
xennex81makes it beautiful for me to install vivid again from dvd @ lordievader20:29
xennex81but when is release?20:29
denza252yakuake is borked20:29
xennex81april 23?20:30
petersaintsI have all those packages installed on Vivid.20:30
MoonUnit`don't think dropbox is using qt5 yet20:30
lordievaderpetersaints: I remember dropbox being very troublesome in that. Can't remember if I fixed it or not.20:31
MoonUnit`had to use wmsystemtray/trayer to see the tray icon for it20:31
petersaintsok lordievader. MoonUnit: I'll try that20:32
petersaintsMoonUnit`: It works with wmsystemtray, but having a window floating around is not a very good solution :P20:34
MoonUnit`yeah thats why i went with trayer, lots of options to change to suit.20:35
marushello, my firefox crash and i have to restart my ubuntu 14.04, is this a known bug?20:42
maruskubuntu sorry20:42
marusor is there a way to know it crash?20:45
lordievadermarus: If you want to know in full detail, strace. Otherwise running it from the Konsole might give a clue.20:46
marus(process:4896): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed20:47
maruslordievader: that's what it return when i run from terminal20:47
maruslordievader: i get it this time working without restart20:48
lordievaderHmm, I guess file a bug report.20:49
marusjust with killing the prossess, but this bug happend often20:49
maruslordievader: any way thanks a lot, i know now how to fix without restarting20:50
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segaboyhi folks.  having some trouble modyfying the breeze theme.21:25
segaboyI want to take the transparency away from the panel, but I can't.21:25
soeesegaboy: i think it is global setting21:27
soeesegaboy: checkDesktop Effects21:27
soeein System Settings21:27
segaboyI made a 1x1 png of the window background caolor, and tried to apply it as the backround of the panel in breeze theme settings, but it doesn't seem to take.21:28
soeei never modified them21:29
soeeso cant help here much21:30
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xennex81i think all those million join and leave messages are annoying, but that's just me.22:23
soeexennex81: you can configure konversation to ignore it (dont show)22:27
soeeprobably quaselle to22:27
soeenot sure what irc client you are using22:27
xennex81i was using quasell in kde, now I am in the webchat of freenode22:27
xennex81because it is too troublesome to get up the tunnels all the time... ;-)22:28
soeeah k :)22:28
xennex81the webchat can also hide it i see22:29
xennex81it's just that there is always some people you *want* to know about ;-)22:29
xennex81particularly the ones who chat a lot (or even ocassionally)22:30
xennex81there's gotta be some rule "hasn't spoken for an hour - don't show"22:30
xennex81"didn't speak last time - don't care ;-)"22:31
xennex81I used to play a mud in tinyfugue22:31
xennex81never knew it was nothing other than a mud client22:32
xennex81you could script it easily22:32
xennex81pattern-response patterns22:33
xennex81count stuff22:33
xennex81i'll shut up when the grown people start talking ;-) :P22:34
xennex81i think kde instant messenger should have a real name22:34
xennex81if it is to be included on the features page22:35
xennex81or in any case22:35
xennex81perhaps just something like Kaimo22:35
xennex81Deimo <-- Japanese sound to it22:35
xennex81I don't like all the "K....." names for applications in KDE, thankfully it is rather minimal these days22:36
xennex81Just Kate, and Konsole22:36
xennex81Gnome has a habit of calling things "Files"  or "... what was it called22:37
xennex81real names are better22:38
xennex81"  "Image viewer"22:38
xennex81Image viewer is not a name, it is a category22:38
soeeGuenview it is22:39
xennex81yes much better still22:39
xennex81I was always annoyed by that in the past also, because once a program starts showing a weird indescriptive name in the interface, you can't find it in the process list22:40
xennex81how do you feel about the document folders being with a capital letter?22:43
xennex81Documents, Pictures, and so on22:44
xennex81I kind detest that, it is nice for the interface but not in the shell22:45
xennex81not when you need to type them22:45
tuv0kjust rename it for yourself22:47
Andludsch1866welcome core......init see you......all!!!!!!!22:55

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