
ErtheHey folks.  Kubuntu 15.04 Beta 2, plugged in a USB 3 thumb drive formatted with FAT32; Dolphin sees the volume but it's inaccessible to my user account (who has sudo privs)00:55
ErtheCouldn't find a bug for this, just wondering if I've done something wrong.00:56
lotuspsychjeholstein: thats long time ago mate :p04:11
holsteinlotuspsychje: ?04:12
lotuspsychjeholstein: you did support long time in #ubuntu right, we never see you anymore?04:12
holsteincorrect, im not in #ubuntu anymore04:13
lotuspsychjeholstein: why's that mate?04:13
holsteini dont feel its constructive for me to be there anymore04:13
lotuspsychjedid you have a sort of issue perheps?04:14
holsteinim also just busy..04:14
lotuspsychjeholstein: i always found you very helpfull to users04:14
lotuspsychjeok, i understand no sweat mate04:14
holsteinthere *always* some sort of issue.. ;)04:14
holsteinanyways, im running some 15.04 places, so i thouht i should be keeping an eye here, as i update..04:15
holsteinlotuspsychje: cheers, and good to see you :)04:15
lotuspsychjeholstein: im sticking to good ol LTS :p04:17
holsteini have that running some places as well..04:18
sbarreroshi, I have a question about mac addresses, can anybody help, please..07:47
SwedeMikesbarreros: just ask, and stick around until someone might answer.07:50
SwedeMikenobody can answer the question until you've actually said it out loud.07:50
lordievaderGood morning.08:53
elfymorning lordievader08:55
lordievaderHey elfy, how are you?08:55
elfysun's shining, it's Saturday :p08:57
lordievaderWaking up late...08:58
lordievaderAt least, trying to do so.08:58
BluesKajHowdy all10:59
=== sandGorgon_ is now known as sandGorgon
BornToFlyBertHello Everybody! Is there anybody insinde who can help me with cups, ubuntu and lexmark printers19:42

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