
mrqtrosHi all08:57
mrqtrosDid someone use DownloadManager? I can't understand why there is no any system-wide indication of download progress (I've seen it before, on older OS versions)08:58
popeythere is09:01
popeythere's a transfer indicator09:01
popeynot sure everything shows there - take a look at podbird, i think that uses download manager09:02
mrqtroshello, popey)09:13
mrqtrosSadly I can't see it09:14
mrqtrosmb smth wrong in my app, I'll try clean example from scratch09:14
popeymrqtros: the transfer indicator only appears when a download is happening09:14
mrqtrospopey ep, I even receive progress indication signals, from 0 to 10009:14
popeypodbird does use download manager it seems09:15
popey(I don't know much about this, sorry)09:15
mrqtrosBut no any visualization from OS09:15
mrqtrosDownloading podbird... )09:16
mrqtrospopey do use progress of download only in app or in system notifications too?09:19
mrqtrosIn podbird)09:19
mrqtrospopey sorry I mean "do you see (!) progress only in app or in system "tray" too?"09:29
mrqtrospopey of course you don't use it :)09:29
popeymrqtros: i dont see it, not sure what makes stuff appear in the indicator09:36
mrqtrospopey strange) Mb you know then where I can find newly downloaded file?09:36
newsageshiii   hola12:47
newsagesquestion : i can use U1DB from my C++ plugin? how to?12:48
foo-scriptHi pals :)13:44
efeshello :)14:00
efesGuys, I get segfault from emulator, literally adbd, when I try to run any of the emulators. Default installation, everything taken from the repo, no alterations in Ubuntu SDK.14:01
efesLog: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10800524/14:01
bzoltanefes:  what release you are on and what channel the emulator was created? Did you try other channels?14:01
bzoltanefes:  without knowing much about your issue I wold remove the emulator and create a new one from the devel-proposed14:03
efesbzoltan: Do not understand your question. Emulator fails for i386 devel and i386 stable14:03
efesBut I'm not sure if this was your question14:03
bzoltanefes:  are you on 14.04, 14.10 or on 15.04?14:04
bzoltanefes:  try the devel-proposed14:04
efesbzoltan: vivid14:04
bzoltanefes:  make sure that the emulator is properly set up .. enough disk space, enough memory. generic stuff14:04
bzoltanefes:  the emulator should start, no question about that :)14:05
efesIt is. As it would be my first run, I am keeping all my environment vanilla ;P14:05
efesbzoltan: This should be done with ubuntu-emulator create, not the GUI app. Am i right?14:07
efesbtw: does anyone know if there is equivalent for .nomedia file on Ubuntu, so that some directories are not scanned agains media data?14:10
wardsterjust trying to depoloy app to ubuntu touch, it runs fine but when deploying i get bad port phablet@
wardsteri can see another 1 is in the line it should be phablet@
wardsterwere do i change the port to deploy to16:58
Lennyhey guys17:28
Lennyi`m very new with programming in general but i need some info17:29
Lennyis it possible to make games fot ubuntu /desktop and oublish them in the nsoftware center?17:29
Lennyanyone here?;)17:37
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efesGuys, why there are two options for Ubuntu phone projects? One is cmake and second is qmake. Isn't there any suggested tool?20:52
nik90efes: What do you mean by suggested tool? They are just providing different project types giving developers the freedom to choose what they are comfortable with22:24
efesnik90: Fair enough :)23:10
efesBTW: does anyone know if there is something equvalent to .nomedia file on Android, so that media scanner ignores that given directory ?23:11

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