
ToyKeeper... and another hour or so, then hopefully we can verify the fix and start on final tests.00:13
evrobru: sure thing00:13
imgbot=== IMAGE RTM 270 DONE (finished: 20150411-01:05) ===01:05
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/270.changes ===01:05
robruToyKeeper: blam ^01:20
* ToyKeeper returns with taxes done02:04
ToyKeeperrobru: Thanks.  :)02:04
imgbot=== IMAGE 168 building (started: 20150411-02:10) ===02:10
plarsev: sorry, was away for a while, what's up?02:14
* plars tries to catch up on the backlog02:14
plarsev: josepht: no, you can easily see which devices are instrumented in lp:ubuntu-test-cases/touch under /scripts/device-info.py - there are no magic scripts residing on heymann. Someone could take an axe to it and we can redeploy it on a different system with juju02:17
plarsev: josepht: and yes, krillin-10 is instrumented02:18
imgbot=== IMAGE 168 DONE (finished: 20150411-03:45) ===03:45
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/168.changes ===03:45
cwaynedavmor2, so funny story, the bbc-sport saying it needs to be updated is actually a bug in the updater i think17:34

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