
Unit193james_w: Can I poke you about https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-fastimport/+bug/1014291?  It's still valid and the patch still fixes the issue.10:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1014291 in Bazaar Fast Import "Export from bzr / Import to git results in a deleted file re-appearing" [Undecided,New]10:33
Unit193lp 430347, lp 268933 being somewhat related.10:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430347 in Bazaar Fast Import "Delete of entry in renamed directory not reproduced correctly in fast-export" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43034710:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268933 in Bazaar Fast Import "bzr-fast-export exports rm+mv incorrectly" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26893310:58
=== rGalrito is now known as Galrito
dontdieychHello, I have question about patching ubuntu asterisk package with additional patch. Plz drop me any clue about this. https://gist.github.com/dontdieych/e15561c835d30b858ab812:20
=== DerRaiden is now known as DerRaiden_aw
lucaswhat was the name of the ubuntu webapp used to collect improvement requests from users?14:04
lucasin approx 2008-201214:05
melodieI would like to ask if, considering the actual state of methods in Ubuntu Trusty, it would be possible to get the new user's default configuration to be copied *from a /usr/share/that_remix* to his home directory : in an Openbox only remix ?14:17
melodieI have looked into the adduser.conf file and found there is only /etc/skel mentioned14:17
melodieI know all the official Ubuntu versions have their configs in the /usr/share directory. I just have no idea what configuration file makes them copied to the new user's directory, so if someone could point me in the right direction?14:18
hjdlucas: Sounds like you're thinking about Brainstorm (http://askubuntu.com/questions/321289/ubuntu-brainstorm-site-down-dead)14:19
rbasakmelodie: in general we don't do it that way. Instead stuff is arranged to default to the right thing in the absence of something relevant in the user's home directory.14:27
rbasakSo I don't think there's any existing mechanism that you can be pointed to, except maybe that packages could drop things into /etc/skel in theory.14:28
melodierbasak so far no one could tell me how stuff is arranged to default to "the right thing" :D14:36
melodieI have had a look at the files in Lubuntu, and it seems very very complex14:36
melodiewith files in /etc/xdg/lubuntu which are desktop files (I think I remember, not even sure now what type) and files into /usr/share/lubuntu14:37
melodiebut what makes it go there, no idea14:37
melodieand also there is this user file always recreated in the user .config/openbox/ directory: lubuntu-rc.xml pointing to the files in /usr/share/lubuntu/rc.xml : impossible to get rid of it when trying to make a pure openbox session and tweak it.14:38
melodieI guess I will just have to make a test iso to see how things are going14:38
lucashjd: ah thanks!15:23
=== DerRaiden_aw is now known as DerRaiden
=== Spads_ is now known as Spads

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