
Kiloshi nhaines  and every one else08:28
nhainesHiya, Kilos.  :)08:28
Kiloshi toddy  DalekSec  09:18
toddyhi Kilos :)09:19
DalekSecKilos: Howdy.10:27
MooDoohowdy all12:33
Kiloshi MooDoo  wickedpuppy  12:33
=== MooDoo is now known as Daddo
=== Daddo is now known as MooDoo
geniiBobJonkman: Just saw that email22:40
BobJonkmanHi genii! I'm spamming things all over the Interwebs today.  Is this the one about Debian Jessie, or the announcement to Ubuntu Canada?22:41
BobJonkman(for those in IRC that aren't on the mailing list, or the forums, or Launchpad or in a local chapter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227327322:42
geniiBobJonkman: Jessie. I don't have any problem if they want to have a co-event since Ubuntu and Debian are so closely related22:43
BobJonkmanGood. That's what I'm doing on Saturday in KW as well.22:43
geniiAlthough from Debians release schedule I see Jessie is due 25th and we'll be doing Vivid on day-of which is 23rd22:43
BobJonkmangenii, any chance we'll see you out here for the KW party>22:43
geniiBobJonkman: I have no travel money right now, so unlikely 22:44
BobJonkmangenii: OK, too bad. But I'll be in Toronto for your that URP.  Need help setting up again?22:45
geniiBobJonkman: Sure, can always use some extra hands :)22:46
BobJonkmangenii: OK, I'll be there shortly after 7:00pm22:47
geniiBobJonkman: Also invited Sergio btw, guess we'll see if he shows up22:47
BobJonkmanYay!  He's been wanting to get involved in the greater free-software community22:47

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