
mitya57Rhonda: python-keyring has multiple backends, and it uses some unpredictable magic to decide which one to use. You probably ended up with having a text file based keyring backend.08:17
mitya57On GNOME/Unity it should use gnome-keyring based backend you have python-secretstorage installed.08:18
mitya57s/you have/if you have/08:20
LaneyI sort of remember configuring that09:37
Laneyonce upon a time09:37
RhondaWhom do I have to subscribe to a bug if a package should get removed from vivid?10:51
RhondaI guess ubuntu-archive is the proper way?10:53
RhondaOr rather, shall I assign it to them instead of only subscribing?10:54
mitya57Rhonda: ubuntu-archive is the right team, just subscribe them14:13
=== menesis1 is now known as menesis

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