
bazhang<Patero-ng> and I read the intro message in ubuntu 14 yet it gave me green blocks and crashed to death00:13
Unit193Isn't that the guy that spammed the channel with some weird dating issues, holstein?00:16
bazhanghe's a super long time troller00:17
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu (Guest90328 chickenwings)03:40
ubottuchickenwings called the ops in #ubuntu (OerHeks)03:41
ubottuchickenwings called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()03:55
valoriepoor troll being ignored03:56
holsteinUnit193: i thought i recognized the nick, but i dont remember from where04:06
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (chickenwings)04:16
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: what's up ?07:22
* St3ve-Dal3 thinks he knows why the operators set me up07:22
St3ve-Dal3Was it for changing nicks?07:22
ikoniaare you banned again ?07:22
ikoniaand "set you up" ?07:23
St3ve-Dal3For some reason it automatically forwards me to this channel07:23
St3ve-Dal3When I join #ubuntu-offtopic07:23
ikoniahang on07:23
ikoniayes it does07:23
ikoniayou're banned from #ubuntu-offtopic07:23
ikoniait would appear you changed your mind from when you said "I'll pick a nickname and stick with it"07:23
ikoniaand have continued to keep changing your nickname despite being asked not to07:24
St3ve-Dal3I use the nick Steven_Dale in #ubuntu-offtopic, I admit I did accidentally join with a different nick earlier today, but I left soon after07:24
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: time to be honest07:24
St3ve-Dal3I'm telling the truth.07:24
ikoniayou're becoming a problem that people just can't be bothered with07:25
ikoniaI don't know how old you are or your background, but you seem to be very young and not really very mature07:25
St3ve-Dal3I'm 15.07:25
ikoniait's getting a bit tedious people constantly commenting on your silly behaviour and games in #ubuntu-offtopic07:25
St3ve-Dal3What behaviour?07:25
ikoniathese silly games07:26
ikoniatrying to get around ignores, bad topics, nick changing every 5 minutes07:26
ikoniaall the time you come back to #ubuntu-ops Sorry sorry won't do it again07:26
ikoniathen you do07:26
ikoniait's like babysitting a child07:26
St3ve-Dal3I don't request CTCP versions.07:26
ikoniait's supposed to be a social channel07:26
St3ve-Dal3Would you like me to?07:26
ikoniano-one said you did request ctcp version07:27
ikoniasee - this is the silly behaviour I'm talking about07:27
ikoniajust taking a conversation and making a pointless comment then suggestiing you'll ctcp version the channel - which is just stupid07:27
ikoniaI think I'd like you to find somewhere else for your social channel needs07:27
ikoniaI'd at least like you to find somewhere else for say 6 months and see if you fit in better there07:28
ikoniaas the constant babysitting is getting tedious07:28
St3ve-Dal3Oh, sorry, I thought you were referring to CTCP requests as an example, because you just requested one from me07:28
ikoniano, I wasn't07:28
ikoniaor I'd have said "ctcp requests are a problem"07:28
ikoniaand dont mess me around07:29
ikoniayou knew I didn't mean that, and even if I did - what kind of stuipd troll response is "I can ctcp the whole channel if you like"07:29
ikoniaI think this pretty much sums you up for me, so I think you need to find somewhere else for your social chatting07:29
ikoniathere are loads of other social chat channels on Freenode, I think it best you found one07:29
ikoniaPlease don't try to use #ubuntu-offtopic for at least 6 months, and try to find another social channel07:31
ikoniaclear ?07:31
St3ve-Dal3Firstly, like I said, before I join, I change my nick to Steven_Dale then identify07:31
ikoniasorry - this isn't a discussion07:31
ikoniaclear ?07:31
ikoniado not try to use #ubuntu-offtopic for 6 months, clear ?07:31
St3ve-Dal3I want proof the ban WILL automatically expire after 6 months.07:31
ikoniait won't auto expire07:31
St3ve-Dal3Make it.07:31
ikoniayou can rejoin this channel in 6 months and we can discuss it07:31
ikoniaI'll make a note in the records07:32
ikoniaare you clear07:32
ikonia"do not try to use #ubuntu-offtopic at all for 6 months, then rejoin #ubuntu-ops to re-discues"07:32
St3ve-Dal3No I'm not. The real estate agency is isn't being cooperative and I had to carry a fridge, a washing machine and a table out of my grandpa's house before they valued the block of land07:33
ikoniaagain - this is the childish behaviour I'm talking about07:34
ikoniawht has that got to do with any of this conversation07:34
St3ve-Dal3You told me to find another channel?07:34
ikoniaso I think we'll change this from 6 months to "you are no longer welcome in #ubuntu-offtopic at all, due to your childish behaviour"07:34
ikoniaI think we are done here -07:35
St3ve-Dal3Fine. We can discuss this in six months. You're clear.07:35
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops St3ve-Dal3 perm ban - will commit to council - troll behaviour to clear simple questions07:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:35
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: no - too late07:35
ikoniayou want to try to mess me around after I wanred you - too late07:36
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: why are you back ?07:36
St3ve-Dal3ikonia: I'd like you to reconsider. Next year, perhaps?07:36
ikoniatoo late07:37
ikoniayou had your chance, you wanted to be "smart" with me07:37
ikoniagood luck finding another channel,07:37
ikoniaplease /part the channel07:37
ikoniado you really want me to ban you in here too ?07:37
ikoniawhy are you parting and rejoining ?07:38
valoriewhat an annoying twit07:39
ikoniait's just a waste of time07:39
ikoniahe's annoying too many operators with these silly games07:39
valoriethank you for displaying patience07:39
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: what do you want now ?07:42
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: I'll give you 5 minutes to respond07:43
ikoniaif you don't respond, I'll put the ban back for wasting time07:44
St3ve-Dal3To negotiate to retrieval of the users list in #ubuntu-offtopic07:44
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: there is no negotiation07:44
ikoniaI warned you - gave you a chance, you tried to be clever with me 2 times, so you got banned for good07:44
ikoniaso now you have had that made clear to you a second time, please /part the channel07:44
Unit193"get me the users list"?07:46
ikoniajust wording07:47
ikoniaI knew what he meants07:47
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: why are you back again ?07:47
St3ve-Dal3ikonia: Can I have another chance to listen? I think I'm ready...07:47
ikoniait's too late07:48
ikoniaplease /part the channel07:48
ikoniaas you've been told07:48
ikoniathis will not be discussed again07:48
St3ve-Dal3ikonia: Then Can I talk to another ubuntu operator?07:48
ikoniaif anyone else is free07:49
ikoniafor the record - I've just updated your notes to say you are on a perm ban due to your behaviour07:52
ikoniaso any of the other operators will be aware of how you've just behaved with me07:52
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: sadly it doesn't look like anyone else is free - I'd suggest and request you /part the channel and come back another time07:57
St3ve-Dal3ikonia: I'd like to wait07:57
ikoniaI would strongly suggest you try to find a social channel out side the ubuntu channels07:57
ikoniaeg: #kubuntu-offtopic will still not tollerate your behaviour07:57
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: no, sorry07:57
St3ve-Dal3ikonia: And If I change my behaviour?07:58
ikoniatoo late07:58
ikoniayou had that chance07:58
ikoniayou chose to be clever with your answer07:58
ikoniayou chose to push thelimits when people give you a brea07:58
St3ve-Dal3Can you paste the logs of me using a different nick in the past few days07:59
St3ve-Dal3Where is your proof?07:59
ikoniayou admited it when you joined the channel07:59
ikoniaand the operator banned you when you did07:59
St3ve-Dal3IIRC, I said I change my nick before I join the channel08:00
St3ve-Dal3That's all i was pointing out08:00
St3ve-Dal3I only use one nick in #ubuntu-offtopic, that's Steven_Dale08:01
ikonia2015-04-10T21:05:45 *** Steven_Dale (~Stev3-Dal@ has joined #ubuntu-offtopic08:01
St3ve-Dal3That's me.08:01
ikonia2015-04-10T21:06:08 *** Stev3_Dal3 (~Stev3-Dal@ has joined #ubuntu-offtopic08:02
ikoniaSt3ve-Dal3: lets call this a day now08:02
St3ve-Dal3Yes, I'm pretty sure I left after I joined with that nick, and then left and changed my nick to Steven_Dale08:02
St3ve_Dal3What'd you say? I timed out08:04
ikoniano idea08:04
ikoniawhy are you joining more clones now ?08:04
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.08:04
ikoniato be honest08:05
ikoniaI don't personally care about your nick changes08:05
ikoniaI do care about your attitude and how you interact with people in the channel08:05
ikoniaand if you look at your conversation here - you are nothing but a problem08:05
ikoniaand it has to end08:05
ikoniawhy do you want to be in #ubuntu-offtopic ?08:06
St3ve_Dal3To access the user list, I have friends in there and can't remember their nicks off by heart08:07
ikoniayou don't need to be in there08:07
ikonia /who #ubuntu-offtopic08:07
ikoniathat will show you who is in there08:07
ikoniawho are your friends in there and you can write the users down so you don't forget them08:08
St3ve_Dal3#ubuntu-offtopic unknown pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit kornbluth.freenode.net kermit G :0 SWM32 minneapolis08:08
ikoniaok - so you know his nickname then08:09
ikoniayou don't need to be in #ubuntu-offtopic08:09
ikoniayou can messge him directly08:09
St3ve_Dal3What? That's the error message when I /who the channel08:09
ikoniaoh, I see you have an error08:09
St3ve_Dal3Obviously cause I'm banned08:10
ikoniathat should not impact anything other than you joining the channel08:10
St3ve_Dal3You could just have me muted instead of banned?08:11
ikoniaahh , I see it's only showing people who do not have +I set08:11
ikoniahowdy gry08:11
gryFloppy_Ho is noisy and announces ignore after i gently pmed him and attempted to explain what 'semi-random' means08:12
grythat is all08:12
ikoniagry: no problem, give me a few08:12
ikoniaand I'll sort it out08:12
gryta; enjoy08:12
St3ve_Dal3I've seen Floppy_Ho cause trouble before08:12
ikoniaSt3ve_Dal3: not your concern08:13
St3ve_Dal3Anyway, I understand your word is final and wish you luck.08:13
ikoniahello inetpro08:27
inetproikonia: hi08:27
ikoniahow can we help you today ?08:27
* inetpro just lurking :-)08:28
ikoniait's not really a lurk channel08:28
ikoniawe only really allow people in the channel if they need something from the team08:28
inetprohmm... ok08:28
* inetpro needs to know the options when we have abusive members 08:29
ikoniainetpro: jump in here and report them08:29
ikonianothing else08:29
inetprocool, thanks08:29
ikoniaif it's an emergecny hit the !ops trigger08:29
Unit193Or call ! ops08:29
ikoniadead easy08:29
inetprook, bye08:29
Unit193merdam in #ubuntu.20:33
ubottutrijntje called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:35
ubottuthegrreat called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:35

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