
Talustusyeah true adrian4700:37
Talustusi think cm11 is much better patched etc then the aosp base also it supports a bigger range of devices00:37
gingermouseI'd like to run an X11 application (hexchat) on my Ubuntu phone installation on my Nexus 5. How do I go about installing/launching Xmir so that I can do that?01:03
lotuspsychjeYES YES04:03
lotuspsychjefinally realy good news04:03
lotuspsychjenhaines: happy to hear you like your new n7,did you try that multirom app?04:04
lotuspsychjealso good work on the browser-app settings, very nice guys04:25
gingermouseI'd like to run an X11 application (hexchat) on my Ubuntu phone installation on my Nexus 5. How do I go about installing/launching Xmir so that I can do that?04:56
OerHeks!info quodlibet06:17
ubot5quodlibet (source: quodlibet): audio library manager and player for GTK3. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1 (utopic), package size 999 kB, installed size 1362 kB06:18
bagginsDKHello, is any brief tutorial on how to install ubuntu on smartphones? Also is there any documentation about minimum system requirements?06:21
lotuspsychje!devices | bagginsDK06:24
ubot5bagginsDK: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices06:24
lotuspsychjebagginsDK: wich phone do you want touch on?06:24
bagginsDKlotuspsychje, to a chinese smartphone.06:24
lotuspsychjebagginsDK: brand?06:24
lotuspsychjebagginsDK: you might wanna look up the XDA forums for your devices for ports06:26
bagginsDKlotuspsychje, i am not aware of it to be honest06:26
lotuspsychjebagginsDK: for now only nexus devices work best with ubuntu touch06:28
lotuspsychjebagginsDK: so if you want other devices, you need to port it yourself or find an existing project06:28
bagginsDKI have tried with Fedora unsuccessfully and now it is my first time on ubuntu. It is just for testing purposes.06:29
lotuspsychjebagginsDK: check XDA forums for your smartphone brand06:30
bagginsDKlotuspsychje, thank you06:30
Ev3rtis the server still offline?07:13
Ev3rtgetting the clone.bundle error for 3 weeks now07:13
nhainesgingermouse: first you wait until vivid+1.  Then, I think, it should Just Work™.07:21
gingermousenhaines: how is Will Cooke doing it?07:22
nhainesgingermouse: http://i.imgur.com/96dDYVF.jpg07:24
nhainesgingermouse: Mir/XMir PPA.07:24
gingermouseWhich one is that?07:27
nhainesI don't remember whose.  But the good news is that he was happy to tell me when I asked, and I was happy to disregard advice that would likely lead to my phone being unusable.  :D07:27
nhainesAlthough frankly, my new Nexus 7 is functioning altogether too well since I got it on Tuesday, and the case came today, so it might be time....07:28
gingermousenhaines: if you remember what that ppa is, please let me know. There aren't any IRC clients available for Ubuntu Touch right now.07:32
nhainesgingermouse: I believe you're forgetting irssi.07:32
nhainesAlso screen.07:32
gingermouseNot on my phone, especially07:33
Nothing_MuchDoes Ubuntu Touch support Nvidia Tegra ARM CPUs?08:05
Nothing_Much or.. SoCs?08:05
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:09
Nothing_Muchyeah i'm looking at the porting guides, but do I need to be a developer to port something? I know somewhat basic types of compiling from source code and stuff08:10
popeyits a bit of an expert job08:10
nhainesYup.  You have to do the hardware enablement yourself.08:10
Nothing_Muchoh darn08:10
popeywe have had touch running on tegra08:11
Nothing_Muchso it's not like you can compile it on a tegra at all?08:11
popeyNexus 7 2012 is tegra08:11
popeywe no longer support it, which may say a lot :)08:11
Nothing_Muchwell, I was thinking more on the Nvidia Shield tablet with a Tegra K1 or a Tegra X1 if the new Shield Portable comes out08:12
Nothing_MuchShield Portable 2*08:12
popeyGood luck ! :)08:12
Nothing_MuchI don't know how to program, but I can donate or pay someone to port it or something.08:13
popeywell, someone would need a device08:13
popeylast time I spoke to ondra he estimated a month of solid work to port to any new platform08:13
popeyhow much would you pay for a months work?08:13
nhainespopey: that's at least $20.08:14
Nothing_Muchidk, all I know is that programmers get paid a LOT of money, so it's probably well out of my budget08:14
* Nothing_Much is a wishful thinker08:14
Nothing_Muchwould it be possible to have the source code uh... coded then uploaded somewhere that I can download and try compiling it on the device?08:15
Nothing_Muchor would the developer NEED to have the device on hand in order for that to happen?08:15
nhainesIt's very likely that anyone doing the work would make binaries available that you could then flash.  The trick is that whatever magic happens to make Ubuntu run on your device has to be repeated for every single new release of Ubuntu.08:16
popeyou really need the device08:16
popeynhaines: no it doesn't.08:17
popeywe separate the device specific parts from the ubuntu parts deliberately so you don't have to do that08:17
nhainesWould be a pretty good trick, although I wonder about some of the libhybris stuff.08:17
Nothing_Muchhmm.. oh crud, I forgot about libhybris08:17
Nothing_Muchtried my hand at compiling libhybris on some tablet I had08:18
Nothing_Muchhad no luck :<08:18
nhainesAlthough if those patches to support new hardware don't break other things, they they can go upstream into Ubuntu.  And that's good news.08:18
popeythere's more to just compiling it08:18
Nothing_Muchyeah I know, most of the games/projects I've compiled on ARM.. compiled08:19
Nothing_Muchso an OS is much more complex than just the kernel and a couple of games08:19
* nhaines notes that anything technical that popey says supersedes anything I say.08:20
Nothing_MuchI'd love for the kernel to.. pretty much upgrade, while Android uses a much older, but thankfully LTS kernel08:22
Nothing_MuchI feel stupid now, I don't even have an Nvidia Shield product. :(08:24
nhainesNothing_Much: thinking about possibilities and solutions isn't bad.  But yes, not having development hardware can be problematic even if you are a total expert.  :)08:25
NIN101is this userland of the bq 100% open source?08:35
popeywell, "it depends"08:46
popeydepends which image you install on a device08:46
popeyif you buy a retail phone then there may be some non-free bits on it08:47
popeyif you flash one of the community / developer images (like onto a nexus 4) then yes, I think everything "userland" is open, that we can open.08:47
popey(i.e. things we don't own, we can't open)08:47
popeye.g. Nokia HERE blob.08:47
popeysorry to be vague :(08:48
NIN101popey: thx.08:49
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Se7morning all09:41
Se7just installed google maps not the one with g icon and notice that the gps work10:09
Se7https://uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.karthik.upadya1.yourvoice  don t find it in the store10:22
brunch875hmmm it's not possible to write a contact's name using the dialpad11:42
brunch875but the letters are there so it's confising :S11:42
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speedmonkey027hey all is anyone working on a ubuntu touch port for the galaxy i717?12:39
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AskUbuntuImporting custom CA and personal SSL certificates into Ubuntu Touch web browser | http://askubuntu.com/q/60806116:34
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brunch875I really really really really really like the search function in the apps scope19:31
brunch875thumbs up to creator19:31
brunch875Does utouch use telepathy?19:51
Mirvbrunch875: yes, it does (use telepathy)19:59
Mirvvia telepathy Qt5 library19:59
brunch875that's pretty neat19:59
brunch875I can't wait till we get some sort of empathy19:59

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