
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
m0nkey_How Canadian is this.. Maple Syrup cola!00:55
daftykinshow is it?00:57
m0nkey_Pretty good00:57
diddledandaftykins: that deus ex video is very cinematic in quality01:47
daftykinssure is!01:48
daftykinshmm just found Human Revolution (the last game) for £2.71 on amazon UK01:48
mapppsmarvel daredevil any good?05:43
knightwisedont know06:02
knightwisewe are watching ARROW over here06:03
mapppsah cool06:05
mapppswhat ep you on?06:05
knightwisea good chunk into season 306:07
mapppscool ive seen it all so far06:12
mapppsgood series;D06:12
knightwisethey do a crossover with 'flash'06:14
knightwiseboy am i glad I dont watch that show06:14
mappsah had to reset router06:16
mappsknightwise watch any other shows06:16
knightwisecurrently watching Sherlock06:19
knightwisei mean Elementary06:19
knightwisethats not bad eiter06:19
knightwiseand thats about it , we dont watch a lot of tv06:19
knightwiseI love my webshows :) stuff yo can find on youtube like star trek fanmade stuff and that06:19
mappsahh ok cool...i watch elementary too:) but about 20 other shows too;)06:20
knightwisei think we watch about 2 hours of tv a day an hardly any in the weekend06:22
knightwisewe ditched our cable connection a couple of months ago06:22
knightwisei'm off :) going to powerwash the deck outside06:24
mappsbit early isnt it??06:26
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:34
zmoylan-pimorning *09:36
brobostigonmorning zmoylan-pi09:37
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:23
brobostigonmorning bigcalm11:40
zmoylan-pithe tv show, i've seen a lot of folk rave about it11:41
zmoylan-piwhoops, responding to commend from 0643 :-)11:41
shaunoI was gonna see, I've heard of this teevee stuff, seems kinda popular :p11:41
zmoylan-piit'll never catch on, it'll never have the great images that radio creates11:42
MooDoomorning all12:32
MooDooblimey it's afternoon lol12:32
* zmoylan-pi waits for lift to ad&d...12:34
zmoylan-pigor the orc will smite the buggery out of the bad guys.  and probably be the brains of the outfit...12:35
StevenRoh. wow. apt-get update doesn't work.13:36
* StevenR waits for the screenshot to appear in his mailbox13:36
StevenR(Dad's PC has had something bad happen to it, so much so that /boot is empty and other stuff is badly wrong)13:37
moreatiStevenR: At that point I wouldn't bother to try and repair it. Just boot from usb or a cd, copy all your dad's data off and then reinstall.13:44
StevenRmoreati: it's several hundred miles away13:45
StevenRfinding all the data remotely is going to be challenging13:45
moreatiah, i'll shutup then13:45
StevenRfortunately the /home array isn't on the same disks as the OS13:46
MooDoohows everyone today?14:54
popeynew cat flap installed15:01
StevenRYES! It lives. Sortof. It now kernel panics on something instead of barfing at the grub stage.15:02
* StevenR waits for the screenshot15:02
bigcalmpopey: using RFID chip in cats' necks?15:14
bigcalmOh well, they are cool15:14
bigcalmpopey: how far did you get in GTA IV? I kind of stopped after a couple of jobs with Jacob15:24
StevenRright. /etc/shadow appears to be hosed16:01
StevenRhrrm. Cannot login as a normal user... login just fails. Can't run passwd user from rescue system, says permission denied.16:15
=== MooDoo is now known as Daddo
=== Daddo is now known as MooDoo
StevenRhurrah. Reinstalled the pam packages and got a working system back17:06
StevenRnow we see what else is corrupt17:07
directhexStevenR: protip: debsums17:08
AzelphurHey folks, what versions of the chromebook are nice and let you install Ubuntu on them?18:43
AzelphurOr to bake the question down to its lowest common denominator: recommend me a laptop with insane battery life18:44
Azelphurbonus points for USB charging too18:49
penguin42I've seen it done on one of the earlier Samsung chromebooks (A15 ARMs)18:52
Azelphuryea, I want intel anyway18:54
Azelphurali1234, interesting, you can get ubuntu on that?19:07
ali1234i dont see why not19:08
ali1234most of the range runs windows19:08
Azelphurali1234, yea I wouldn't buy it unless someone had actually done it19:08
penguin42Azelphur: I know there's one of the Fedora guys who does it to the Dell intel tablets19:09
AzelphurI see19:10
Azelphurali1234, in fact, google says no for Ubuntu on that, no BIOS only droidboot19:10
ali1234buy one that has windows then19:11
ali1234i kind of want to buy a pitop19:12
penguin42Azelphur: https://www.happyassassin.net/fedlet-a-fedora-remix-for-bay-trail-tablets/19:13
Azelphurpenguin42, I'd prefer Xubuntu, I'd also prefer something that's a bit more laptop/PC like hardware wise so I have no issues19:14
ali1234i also kind of want to buy a point and shoot camera that has wifi and runs android19:14
AzelphurI want something more like a laptop where I can just install any OS and it should be fine, than say an Android tablet where that isn't going to happen19:14
popeyAzelphur: in general android intel tablets are not easy to install linux on19:59
popeyAzelphur: ironically the windows ones generally are19:59
Azelphurpopey, yea I can see why, ideally I'm trying to find something intel based with boatloads of battery life20:00
Azelphurthe goal being for it to be used on a plane20:01
AzelphurUSB charging is a mega plus20:01
popeywhat would you be doing with it on the plane?20:01
Azelphurwatching movies, playing some ultra-light games (FTL?) and IRCing if they have WiFi20:01
Azelphurmaybe some old emulators too for retro games20:02
Azelphurpopey, any recommendations? :)20:07
popeyyeah, a tablet20:07
Azelphurthanks captain vague :P20:09
popeyWell, last time I flew anywhere was 10 hours and I took my hudle220:09
popeyworked a treat for me20:09
popeyand it's still the primary tablet I use, and it's what, 6 months old now?20:10
Azelphuryea, I took my nexus 7 and it was alright, plugged it into a hdd with usb otg and had a bunch of movies20:10
Azelphurbut really want a full OS + keyboard myself20:10
popeyoh, only 4 months20:10
popeyjust for a flight?20:10
Azelphurbecause WiFi flights \o20:10
penguin42Azelphur: I'm not sure it's any harder to get it onto the Intel tablets than it is on the chromebooks20:11
penguin42Azelphur: Assuming you choose the right one20:11
Azelphurpenguin42, if you get a windows one it's probably ok, as long as it's intel20:11
popeyyeah, it is tricky on most20:11
popey(most android ones)20:11
Azelphurpopey, I am so tempted by the hudl now though, they have them on sale refurb for like £76 and I have £25ish of clubcard credit20:11
Azelphurworks out I could get one for like <£2020:11
Azelphurcrazy bargain, problem is I barely use my n7, so I feel like I'd just be buying it because its cheap20:12
penguin42actually, to be fair the chromebooks might be easier; certainly the older ones Google made it very easy to do20:14

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