
EriC^^ebonics: type sudo find ~ ! -user <your user>00:00
ebonicsEriC^^, ok :| i did that00:02
ebonicswhat am i looking for exactly00:02
EriC^^ebonics: did it return anything?00:02
ebonicsshould i pastebin it00:03
EriC^^as you wish00:03
ablest1980ebonics paste.ubuntu.com00:03
EriC^^you could try sudo chown -R <your user>: ~00:03
LeDukeguys how to run openVAS on ubuntu?00:05
vitimitiLeDuke, have you tried the docs? http://www.openvas.org/install-packages-v5.html#openvas_ubuntu_obs00:05
LeDukeok thanx i will try that00:06
ebonicshmm EriC^^ do you know why ~ points to some random directory :|00:08
EriC^^ebonics: type echo $HOME00:09
ebonicsEriC^^, that var is correct00:09
ebonicsbut when i execute that chown command you told me to i get: chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/cpu2/Desktop/winshare’: Permission denied00:10
EriC^^ebonics: that's in your home dir00:11
ebonicsoh it does it recursively?00:11
Patero-ngand I read the intro message in ubuntu 14 yet it gave me green blocks and crashed to death00:12
EriC^^ebonics: type ls -l ~/.cache/thumbnails00:12
ebonicsEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10796054/00:12
daftykinsPatero-ng: what? you seem to have started mid-convo00:12
EriC^^ebonics: try ls -lR ~/.cache/thumbnails | grep ^--00:15
Patero-ngdaftykins what about mortal kombat?00:15
ebonicsnothing returned EriC^^00:15
EriC^^ebonics: ok00:15
daftykinsPatero-ng: oh i see you'r trolling. nevermind! :)00:15
Patero-ngdaftykins what I sad was true about the green blocks ubuntu 14 crashed last night and I was running it live on a stable pc00:16
daftykins'the green blocks' ok yeah keep smoking that stuff Patero-ng :)00:16
Patero-ngdaftykins still haven't found a solution makes me not want to run ubuntu again00:16
Patero-ngdaftykins please00:17
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EriC^^ebonics: you could try deleting ~/.cache/thumbnails00:17
daftykinsuntil you phrase a sensible question on a single line with detail, we're not going to get anywhere00:17
EriC^^and log out and back in00:17
EriC^^ebonics: type ls -ld ~/.cache/thumbnails00:18
ebonicsEriC^^, i just deleted it haha00:18
ebonicscould it be entirely thumbnail related though EriC^^ since it shows up black in eog too?00:19
EriC^^what's eog?00:20
ebonicsi thought thats what the default ubuntu image viewer was called00:20
ebonicsat first i thought the files were corrupted but they are fine on my windows box00:20
EriC^^do they open in the image viewer?00:21
ebonicsand i md5'd them on both and it's the same00:21
ebonicsthey do open, but they're flat black. but they open properly in imagemagick00:21
daftykins'eye of gnome' ?00:21
ebonicsi wish i had time to read linux docs :( im so handicapped when it comes to this stuff00:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935584 in xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-saucy (Ubuntu) "gnome image viewer (eog) shows only black for certain images" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:24
EriC^^ebonics: which graphics driver are you using?00:26
ebonicsii  xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-utopic                   2:2.99.914-1~exp1ubuntu4.2~trusty1                  i386         X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver00:27
ebonicsEriC^^, ^00:27
ScuniziIf glxgears runs does that mean opengl is loaded and active?00:27
EriC^^Scunizi: i dont think so00:27
EriC^^ah nevermind00:28
ebonicsso there's no real fix for this huh EriC^^ ?00:28
EriC^^i've no idea00:29
ebonicsit's not a big problem anyway. i'm sort of bummed out it's only a problem with the driver00:29
ebonicscause i'm trying to send the image to a service on my windows box but the service is basically a black box and not working properly when i send it from ubuntu :|00:30
ebonicsi was hoping it was something to do with the bug00:30
ebonicsalthough, it actually could be couldnt it?00:30
EriC^^how so?00:31
ebonicsinternally, if the application has to render the image before sending it would it break due to this bug?00:31
ebonicsok thats good news i guess00:31
ebonicslooks like ill have to try a different distro :/ i would like to tinker with it but i dont have time00:32
EriC^^ebonics: someone said reverting to xf86-video-intel fixed the issue00:33
ryan_gold ps3 console, wants to wipe and install ubuntu :-)00:34
EriC^^that's the package you might end up using on another distro anyways00:34
ubottuFreedesktop bug 70527 in Driver/intel "[snb] Latest xf86-video intel (2.99.904) makes image viewers fail to fully load pictures" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]00:34
ebonicsoh thanks EriC^^ ill try that00:34
daftykinsi don't think the PS3 is supported?00:34
ryan_goh, just  wondered what would happend if i put my ubuntu hd in it, the keyboard works though ;-)00:37
daftykinsit uses the Cell chip so i don't think anything would run00:38
Ben64ps3 is a powerpc cpu, wouldn't work00:38
LeDukedaftykins, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkBM9sSdh5000:41
LeDukeryan_g, ^00:42
daftykinsLeDuke: no ty00:43
LeDukeu got no PS3, I think u don't even have a Wii00:44
daftykins!ot | LeDuke00:44
ubottuLeDuke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:44
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brickmanerror running python rtupdate hook ubuntu-drivers-common00:48
brickmanhow to solve the problem00:49
daftykinspastebin what you're running as the #ubuntu volunteer funds no longer cover crystal balls00:49
* xangua gives daftykins an 8 ball00:50
xanguagood enoguht¿00:50
daftykins"will we receive a pastebin?"00:51
daftykins"outlook not good"00:51
Prelude2004csup everyone00:54
Prelude2004canyone know why /proc/cpuinfo would report incorrect frequency00:54
Prelude2004cbios shows 4.5Ghz... but when i boot up /proc/cpuinfo shows me 2.9Ghz.00:55
Prelude2004canyone know why?00:55
compdocPrelude2004c, these days, cpus can run slower to save power, and then boost to 4.5Ghz when needed00:56
daftykinswhich CPU?00:56
kortumvery new to this, is there anyone hear that can help me with grub set up for a multi OS setup00:59
kortumam i not in the right place for help?01:00
Bashing-omkortum: Right place. more info : UEFI system ?01:00
kortumI have a z87 mother board, about a year old, was running windows 8 on a 750G solid state (more)01:01
LeDukekortom why u say hear and not here ?01:02
kortumI unplugged my other hard drives and plugged in a new 2TB to install ubuntu on, but now i want grub so i can select which OS i want to use01:02
kortumbecause ive been drinking01:02
Bashing-omkortum: Win8 == UEFI, and let's me out -> next .01:02
LeDukegimme sum then01:03
daftykinskortum: plug 'em in and run boot-repair01:04
kortumOR, I was thinking i could just change the boot order, when i want windows put that drive first, and when i want ubuntu put that hard drive firs01:04
daftykinskortum: but you would have had to have installed both 8 and ubuntu in EFI Mode01:04
kortumwould that work?01:04
serendependyAnyone have experience enabling a Radeon HD 8750 AMD graphics card? My laptop came with two cards, integrated and discrete, and I've been limping along on the integrated, as something seems wrong with the driver for the other01:04
daftykinskortum: changing boot order is a waste of time, just hit the one time boot menu key and pick a drive on boot - what brand of mobo is it?01:05
kortumASUS Z8701:05
ebonicswhy does my cli hang forever after i execute: gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 1DDD8C9B01:05
ebonics    it gets stuck at gpg: requesting key 1DDD8C9B from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net01:05
ebonics  :\01:05
daftykinskortum: so use 'F8' after power on then01:05
kortumi would really like to avoid uninstalling and reinstalling windows01:05
kortumhow does the one time boot work?01:06
ebonicsa year later; gpg: keyserver timed out01:06
ebonics :| am i doing something completely wrong01:06
daftykinskortum: go try it. press F8 on the Asus logo01:06
kortumok, one last question, as i will loose this chat window when i try it, Should i hook up all drives before i turn it back on?01:08
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kortumsorry, but im still a new, at a lot of this01:08
daftykinskortum: you're wondering whether a browser will stay running when you power off to plug some drives in? O_O01:09
kortumno, im not that bad, lol01:09
kortumI'm gonna try it. hopefully be back in a min.01:09
Zach443Is there a way to see recent login attempts?01:09
kortumthanks for the help Daftykins01:09
daftykinsZach443: /var/log/auth.log01:10
Zach443Thank you01:10
ebonicshey EriC^^ do you know if this is the right package https://packages.debian.org/source/wheezy-backports/xserver-xorg-video-intel01:10
ebonicsnvm EriC^^ i rechecked the link you sent and theres a link there01:12
millertiSomething nuts is going on here.  I have this program.  When I run it on my Sandy Bridge based Mac, it uses 22 Watts at 3.1GHz and takes 26 seconds.  When I run it on my Ivy Bridge server (running Ubuntu), it runs at 3.5GHz, uses 42 watts, and takes 52 seconds.  Does that make ANY sense?01:18
millertiIt's SSE vectorized neural net code.01:18
blackflowmillerti: the frequency isn't really a guarantee of same performance, what cpus are those?01:20
daftykinsclaiming to know the power draw seems a bit dubious?01:21
millertiblackflow:  The Mac is a 2.3GHz quad core Sandy Bridge.  The Intel Power Meter says it's running at 3.1GHz and using 22 Watts.  The server is a 2.7GHz 12-core Ivy Bridge Xeon, boosting to 3.5GHz.  IPMI tools report it using 42 watts higher than idle.01:22
millertiThe power is less important than the fact that my old Sandy Bridge is running this twice as fast as the new Ivy Bridge Xeon.01:23
millertiThe Sandy Bridge is a notebook processor.01:23
blackflowmillerti: what cpu models are they?01:23
kortumdaftykins: i hooked up all drives pressed F8 and i got to the menu you told me about, however, my SSD that has windows 8 does not show up, I'm getting a little worried now01:25
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daftykinskortum: doesn't it boot into that if you don't press F8?01:26
kortumlol, i hit F8 every time, i'll try without real quick and see if it does, if this works im really gonna feel like a dumbass01:27
kortumnope, didn't work01:29
daftykinsenter the EFI, change the boot device to 'Windows Boot Manager'01:30
daftykinsassuming the install even works and you're not holding back any details (:01:30
kortumi have UEFI, will that make a difference01:30
gtanI accidentally deleted the network settings .. how do I enable / add that from root prompt?01:31
daftykinskortum: they are the same thing01:31
kortumAll i did was unplug all my previous drives, plugged in a new 2TB, put in the ubuntu CD and turned on computer, then i installed ubuntu, thats when i started chatting in here01:31
gtandeleted the ethernet entry from the UI01:31
kortumgoing to try it now01:32
gtanHi!  I accidentally deleted ethernet network from the UI... how can I add it back from root prompt?01:34
daftykins!repeat | gtan01:35
ubottugtan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:35
Zach443Is it normal to get be getting a load of login attempts to a dedicated server? I'm talking hundreds in the past 5 days here01:35
daftykinsit's not clear what you're saying you removed01:35
daftykinsZach443: if you use password SSH auth on a default port, yes - very normal, but you shouldn't do either of those things :)01:35
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Zach443The box is just a sandbox machine for messing around. Should I be worrying about all those attempts?01:37
daftykinsresolve what i just said then you can cut down on them01:37
daftykinsrun SSH on a port other than 22 - and consider disabling password only auth - use key auth instead01:37
daftykinsalso, fail2ban is an option01:37
wldcordeiroHow can you change the login screen to use Kubuntu's login screen instead of the default Ubuntu one (already have kubuntu-desktop installed)01:39
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Kortumdaftykins: i had to install mirc on my laptop so i dont have to keep leaving the chat window01:46
superkuhHi. I had an AMD video card using 14.04. The card died. I used CPU integrated graphics for a while. Then a received the warranty replacement card. After I put it back in I switched back to fglrx-updates as my gfx driver.01:46
superkuhIt seems to have worked but amdcccle isn't even installed.01:46
Kortumi tried unplugging all drives except for the one with windows on it and it is still not loading01:47
scellowZach443: as other said, change the default port of your SSH connection, i'll resove the issue01:47
scellowjsut instantly01:47
compdoccatalyst? you might be better off without it01:47
daftykinssuperkuh: what's the question then? :)01:47
Kortumand there is no option in the asus UEFI bios utility to turn on windows boot manager01:47
superkuhI'm just baffled. The proprietary driver install mechanism has never failed silently on me in the past.01:48
superkuhI suppose my next step is just going back to the open source driver and purging everything again.01:48
daftykinssuperkuh: do you maybe have some cruft left behind from the other?01:48
superkuhI must.01:48
daftykinsyeah nuke it all from orbit :>01:49
daftykinsor a wee "dpkg -l | grep fglrx"01:49
superkuhAnd some from the integrated Intel 4000 HD graphics stuff I was using.01:49
superkuhWhile waiting on the RMA.01:49
daftykinsnot unless you used 01.org's pointless intel installer :>01:49
superkuhOnly on the windows install.01:50
superkuhBut I did notice it pulled in nvidia stuff.01:50
superkuhAnd that nvidia stuff is still there.01:50
cluelesspersonHey guys, for some reason my server will not accept or allow conenctions01:51
cluelesspersoncluelessperson.com  I cannot transfer anything at all, but CAN ping/connect01:51
KortumHelp please, installed ubuntu on a brand new drive while my SSD with windows was unplugged and now computer does not recognize my SSD with windows.01:51
cluelesspersonmy gaming group can connect to the cluelessperson.com  teamspeak fine01:51
compdocKortum, its not seen in the bios?01:52
Kortumim doing some trouble shooting now, hopefully its a bad connection that i over looked01:54
daftykinsKortum: well it either sees the drive or it doesn't, so it's either powered and connected or it isn't ;)01:55
KortumJust tried pluggin it into a different sata port, windows loaded no issue01:55
daftykinsi'm confused, why are we having this conversation then? :)01:55
happyfr0ggHello peeps. How are we doin' this fine Friday evening?01:56
ebonicsim honestly having the biggest struggle of my life01:56
Kortumbecause i literly just got it to work 30 seconds ago01:56
ebonicswhy does it seem like everything i do on linux causes problems :)01:56
daftykinsebonics: you could be one of *those* users ;)01:56
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happyfr0gg<ebonics> I am so about that. What is wrong? Is it Ubuntu related?01:57
happyfr0gg* sorry01:57
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ebonicsi don't think it's strictly ubuntu related but i need to backport a driver because bugs and i'm a linux noob01:58
ebonicshaving git struggles, make struggles, life struggles, etc01:58
tedwardutwhat driver ebonics?01:58
ebonicsi need that specific commit :|01:58
happyfr0gg<ebonics> Oh. May I help you?01:58
ebonicsthat would be awesome happyfr0gg :D01:58
ebonicsso i run01:59
happyfr0gg<ebonics> Okay. For starters, what flavor and version of Linux are you currently using?01:59
ebonicsubuntu 14.04 tls02:00
LeDukeits lts = long term service02:00
ebonicsso i run this: git archive -o repo.tar --remote=git://anongit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel 2851b7747bc8e143aa5c6209b8800eeccb62905802:01
daftykinsdo try and keep your messages to fewer lines so you don't trigger the spam bot, ebonics02:01
ebonicsoh right, should i just paste what ive done/trying to do in pastebin02:01
tedwardutebonics this committ was from 2013 have you looked to see if it was added to the kernel?02:01
daftykinsthat'd be a good way if it's an essay, yep ;)02:01
ebonicsi don't know what you mean by that tedwardut, as in is it compatible with the current linux kernel?02:02
tedwardutexactly, if you upgraded to a more recent kernel it might already been in there02:03
kostkonebonics, the patch is from 2013, 14.04 came out in 2014, do the math02:03
ebonicstedwardut, i wouldn't know how to check that sry :/02:03
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kostkonebonics, anyway, there is a way to get the latest intel driver if you want that02:04
ebonicsi need that specific driver kostkon02:04
ebonicsthat commit of it*02:04
tedwardutwhat hardware are you trying to get to work?02:04
daftykinsdon't say 01.org's installer, total waste of time02:05
kostkondaftykins, it's the only easy option though02:05
ebonicstedwardut, it's some really old 32 bit intel box02:06
daftykinskostkon: should be avoided imo02:06
daftykinsalways see it cause more trouble than it's worth02:06
happyfr0gg<ebonics> it seems like you are having some Intel graphics issues, correct?02:07
daftykinsthis happyfr0gg is sharp02:08
ebonicshappyfr0gg, yeah i am. i need that specific driver, EriC^^ found some info on my problem and it turns out its a bug with the current intel driver for that hardware02:08
tedwardutebonics: what does " sudo lspci | grep Intel " give you?02:08
ebonicstedwardut, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10796773/02:09
ebonicsit's REALLY old haha02:11
happyfr0gg<ebonics> I experienced an issue with the Intel graphics before when I was using Precise Pangolin. Most of you may remember me chatting in here trying to fix it but to no avail. I ended up doing backups via the terminal and then installed Trusty instead.02:11
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happyfr0gg<ebonics> what specific hardware is having an issue with the Intel graphics drivers?02:12
ebonicsidk happyfr0gg its this bug though https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70527#c002:13
tedwarduthappyfr0gg, check out is pastebin a few lines up02:13
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ubottuFreedesktop bug 70527 in Driver/intel "[snb] Latest xf86-video intel (2.99.904) makes image viewers fail to fully load pictures" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]02:13
happyfr0gg<tedwardut> okay.02:14
tedwarduthmm ebonics this is interesting as the best I can tell it should of been put in the kernel before 14.04 was released02:17
tedwardutcould be there was a regression in the kernel02:18
ebonicsoriginally i tried to get the one on the debian archives, but i had problems building the toolchain02:19
ebonicsso now i have this problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10796827/02:20
ebonicsyeah idk tedwardut according to the bug thread i just need to revert it myself02:21
ebonicsi'm just struggling :(02:21
tedwardutthere is always compiling your own kernel :)02:21
tedwardutthough I am afraid I have not used Ubuntu in years, been on arch or gentoo, and things are setup differently on those distros02:22
ebonicsi have a higher level problem im trying to fix, im using the box for something rly specific but there's a problem with something graphics related (i think). and i just want to try to see if i can get it working quick and easy02:22
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ebonicsbut nothing for me with linux is quick and easy02:22
ebonicsit's literally a struggle every single time haha02:23
tedwardutyes, well flexibility does come at a cost02:24
happyfr0gg<ebonics> Linux is not supposed to be "quick and easy". If one wants that they can spend their hard-earned money for Winblows or MAC.02:24
ebonicshappyfr0gg, that seems like some ideological nonsense :P02:25
tedwardutyes, but you can get burned hard by both of those, at least in linux you normally can fix it yourself02:25
ebonicshappyfr0gg, don't you think that statement is kind of elitist?02:26
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tedwardutebonics, part of it is that linux does things a bit differently than windows or Mac, but if you work with it for awhile I think you will find that linux is easier and gives you more freedom02:28
ebonicsand by the way i wasn't trying to bash linux :) i was mainly just commenting about how bad i am at it02:28
LeDukebuh bye pontificators02:28
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ebonicstedwardut, i've used linux as my main OS for a while. it's just i never bothered to read docs or anything. i'd just carry on with my business same as if i was on windows or something else :)02:30
happyfr0ggIf one wants absolute freedom, it requires the dedication of opening their mind to the power that Linux offers in regards to technology. It requires them to understand how it works, how to troubleshoot it and bash script solutions to their problems. It sounds a lot like what the US Constitution offers. With knowledge is great power and great power requires great responsibility.02:31
daftykinswhilst you guys convo is lovely, this channel is the support one and the general chat should be over in say, #ubuntu-offtopic02:31
bratty_catDoesn't seem like the constitution helps so much anymore though.02:32
tedwardutmy apologies daftykins, I should of read te room description02:32
ronkrtI have a vps with ubuntu 14.04 how do i down grade python 3.4 to 3.302:32
OerHeksronkrt, not. you will break your system.02:32
daftykinshappyfr0gg: please, US politics is the last thing that should be brought up in an OS support channel :P02:32
rgb-oneronkrt: why would you want to do that?02:32
daftykinsone does not downgrade02:33
bratty_catpurge and reintstall 3.3 ?02:33
ronkrtThe django framework and app I'm using needs 3.302:33
ebonicshappyfr0gg, i'd be more inclined to agree if there weren't any devs getting funded to bugfix etc02:33
ronkrtErrors with 3.402:33
ebonicsoops sry daftykins02:33
tedwardutdoes ubuntu allow you to install multiple python instances?02:33
rgb-onetedwardut: python 2 and 302:34
OerHekstedwardut, ubuntu has, 2.7 and 3.402:34
RedPenguinhey all02:34
superkuhhttps://xkcd.com/349/ https://xkcd.com/963/02:34
rgb-oneronkrt: are you developing the application? If so maybe you can troubleshoot a few of those problems.02:35
tedwardutronkrt is it just for that one app?02:35
OerHekssuperkuh, please don't.02:35
happyfr0ggI was not trying to imply politics. Okay, I am ending the discussion. Now on to something else.02:35
jason__There's something called virtualenv for python that allows you to maintain multiple separate python sandboxes.02:35
rgb-onejason__: can different versions of python be used within that sandbox?02:36
RedPenguinAnybody ever heard of MouseKeys randomly disabling, but especially if the USB keyboard is accidentally unplugged and plugged back in?02:37
jason__I'm not sure what you mean. You can pick which version you use. I've never tried to use a version of python I didn't have installed on the system, though. I'm not sure how that would work.02:37
RedPenguinOne minute mousekeys is on then like hours later I use the PC again and they are off02:37
rgb-oneRedPenguin: Mouse buttons?02:38
RedPenguinwell yea the mouse you use the keyboard numberpad for02:38
rgb-oneRedPenguin: maybe on reboot they turn off, similar to numlock02:39
jason__I've had a weird problem recently where my password doesn't work when I come back to a locked screen.02:40
jason__but if I hit switch users and switch back it works02:40
jason__(I'm typing it very carefully, caps lock isn't on, etc)02:40
rgb-onejason__: what keyboard layout do you use?02:41
Guest90328i have a problem with my cd/dvd drive on ubuntu02:42
jason__I guess "English (US)" is the proper name02:42
tedwardutGuest90328, what is your problem?02:42
Guest90328ok iam on ubuntu  and i got a RPi raspberry pi   well i bought a led touvhscreen for it and a dvd with raspi image on it  but i put it in the drive and my laptop cannot read it   i get  (error splicing file: input/output error)02:45
daftykinsno i mean you :)02:46
CluriI have had my desktop on Ubuntu for about a year now, but I have never used it much due to using my windows laptop more. I have been trying to get remote access working from my Windows 8 laptop to my ubuntu desktop. I finally got it working a couple of days ago, and it worked without a hitch yesterday. Today however when I got home and attempted to remote connect through TightVNC and Bitvise,02:46
Clurineither would work stating that the host had "Actively refused" the connection. It is also blocking connection to the Minecraft server running on it that has never had an issue before today. As far as I know nothing has been changed on it between last night and today. Any ideas?02:46
Guest90328i cannot get the image off the dvd to wright to a sd carf02:46
daftykinswhy are you putting it on a DVD if it needs to go on an SD card?02:47
Guest90328the touchscreen came with a raspi OS but on a dvd02:47
jason__You can download an sd card image for a raspberry pi. It's not that large.02:47
tedwardutCluri, when you got it working were you on a LAN?02:47
daftykinsGuest90328: ask them for support, this doesn't seem like an ubuntu support query02:48
CluriYes. My network is a simple home wired/wireless network with my desktop, laptop, xbox, blueray, and a couple of phones on it. Belkin AC750 router.02:48
Guest90328i have  raspi but it dosent support the touchscreen    the dvd has the image for the touch screen  but i cannot pull it off the dvd02:48
tedwardutCluri, sounds like without knowing your setup that either your Ubuntu box or possibly your Belkin router has a firewall running to block remote connections form the internet but to allow them locally02:49
CluriGuest, I can almost garuntee the manufacture's website has a digital copy of the software you can download02:49
rgb-oneGuest90328: are you using an external dvd drive?02:49
Guest90328i have looked for the image on line but cannot fine it for my touchscreen  i have the 3.5  i only found one for 3.2"  and it dosent work02:49
tedwardutI would look into chasing down what the firewalls settings are02:49
Guest90328nope   iv check   shitty  coustomer support02:49
Guest90328no its internal02:49
rgb-oneGuest90328: so it doesn't read the dvd?02:50
Guest90328its a 3.5" waveshare spotpare (A) led touchscreen02:50
CluriTed, I am still on my local network. It worked through my LAN yesterday (Minecraft worked externally as well) but today on my LAN none of my remote connections are working02:50
OerHeksGuest90328, check the dvd on an other machine, if it does not work, return it for replacement02:50
tedwardutnot from your windows laptop either?02:50
daftykinsCluri: sounds like the host isn't even there. ping the IP.02:50
CluriCorrect Ted02:51
Guest90328no it read it but when i try to extract it i get ( error splicing file : input/output error)02:51
tedwardutCluri, any firmware updates to your router?02:51
CluriLitterally same exact setup as I had less than 20 hours ago02:51
rgb-oneGuest90328: how do you try to extract it?02:51
Guest90328same thing on a windows box02:51
Guest90328archive manager02:51
CluriTed no.02:51
Guest90328should i try raspberrypi channel?02:52
tedwardutCluri tried rebooting your router?02:52
OerHeksCluri,  tried to reboot your router? soho routers happen to crash sometimes, too little memory.02:52
Guest90328this was my first stop   iv had many issues solve here   i love this place02:52
CluriIt is probably worth mentioning i had a hell of a time setting up the TightVNC connection in the first place, took me 2 nights of troubleshooting to get it to work, and even then it was a luck thing (Wont get into the luck)02:53
tedwardutCluri, what is your use case? there may be better/easier solutions than VNC02:53
CluriTed, you know, thats the one thing I havent tried. Never even thought of interupting my wife's netflix lol.02:53
OerHeksGuest90328, good luck with your dvd, it is not an ubuntu issue as it happens on 'windows' too.02:54
RedPenguinrgb-one: well for some reason not even a reboot, I just walk away from the PC while on and like an hour later they are off02:54
RedPenguinactually a reboot turns them back on again02:54
CluriSimply at the moment I only use the desktop as a minecraft server I am setting up for me and a friend to play around on.02:54
Guest90328oerheks: i figure that but thought id have luck here02:54
CluriThe remote access is so that I can administer the server from anywhere.02:54
tedwardutif that is all, I would just ssh into it02:54
Guest90328ok   iam trying a dvd movie  i should have earler02:55
jason__Guest90328, there's supposedly a download link here: http://www.amazon.com/forum/-/TxLBLUPNBFG4JI/ref=ask_dp_dpmw_al_hza?asin=B00OZLG2YS02:55
tedwardutyou can use PUTTY on windows, just make sure the sshd service is configured correctly02:55
CluriI am not as comfortable with command line. And my forge server is not able to be actively controlled through ssh02:55
CluriThrough ssh all i can do is start the server.02:56
Cluriat least as far as my limited exp with cli02:56
tedwarduton the command line you can type ssh username@ipaddress02:56
tedwardutit will prompt for your password and you are in02:56
Guest90328i put a dvd movie in and it wont work02:57
tedwardutI have no idea how easy minecraft is to manage from the command line, but when I ran counter-strike servers back in the day that is how I did it02:57
daftykinsit tends to be a script ran in screen, which is just calling java02:57
rgb-oneGuest90328: you can use the dd command to copy the disk image to an iso02:57
rgb-oneGuest90328: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image_name.iso02:58
rgb-oneGuest90328: Use with caution02:58
jason__Guest90328, did you see the link I posted?02:58
OerHeksjason +102:58
Guest90328iam not that comftorable with command lind   id have to look up a tutorial02:58
ebonicsi keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10797077/   - although i ran apt-get install xutils-dev ?02:58
tedwardutdaftykins, ah, then ssh will work well for his use case02:58
Guest90328jason__: yes downloading it now02:58
Guest90328have you tryed this?02:59
jason__Guest90328,  no. I don't have this device. I just googled it :P02:59
Guest90328daftykins hello   how are you   you helped me with a problem few weeks ago02:59
Guest90328jason__: i strayed away from amazon  tought it was jsut a link to buy the screen03:00
tedwardutwb Cluri03:01
CluriHey sorry, middle of our chat I got disconnected. Thats another issue I have to take up with charter...03:01
ebonicsi dont understand :( do i have to build xorg-macros from source as opposed to just downloading the package?03:01
CluriBut while net was out, took the opp to restart router03:01
rgb-oneebonics: download the package03:02
ebonicsrgb-one, i did :/03:02
tedwardutCluri, improvements?03:02
CluriOMG! I cannot believe it. I was pulling my hair out, and like usual, it was the simplest fix!03:02
rgb-oneebonics: whats the problem?03:02
Guest90328jason__: looks as though that download link isnt good   still havent started yet  just line going from left to right over and over sating unknown time remining03:02
tedwardutGlad it worked Cluri!03:02
ebonicsrgb-one, i keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10797077/ (even though i ran apt-get install xutils-dev)03:02
=== BlackoutIsHere is now known as BlackoutIsHere|O
CluriSo am I!!! You guys are my hero, especially you Ted!03:03
jason__Guest90328, that may just mean the site didn't tell your browser how big the file was03:03
OerHeksGuest90328, patience, it is comming from a google-drive 998 mb03:04
tedwardutCluri, I think we have all been there before03:04
CluriI am leaving this IRC readily available from now on!03:04
rgb-oneebonics: have you rebooted?03:04
deper29okay, I kind of messed my system up a bit. I wanted to switch to a new hard drive, so I rsync'd my root over to a new drive. I had to edit my /etc/fstab and my grub config to point to the proper hard drives, but I'm still having an issue. Anytime I plug in a removable USB drive, if I try to access the contents it says I don't have permission to view the contents. Any ideas?03:04
ebonicsrgb-one, nah i'll try now03:04
CluriTrying to slowly get more familiar with linux.03:04
Guest90328yea googel says file exceeds max limit google can scan03:05
CluriBut Ted, while im on, you had mentioned there might be simpler methods than vnc. Other than SSH, were there any others that i might find?03:05
Guest90328ill wait03:05
OerHeksGuest90328, just finished downloading here, no problem03:05
OerHeksugh, a .rar03:06
ebonicsrgb-one, still same error :(03:07
rgb-onedeper29: where is it mounted to?03:07
TallestManOnErthim gay03:07
OerHeks!ot | TallestManOnErth03:08
ubottuTallestManOnErth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:08
tedwardutCluri give me a few, let me see if I can dig up a list03:08
rgb-oneebonics: run sudo apt-get update03:08
ebonicsrgb-one, i did :(03:08
Guest90328really tallestmanonearth03:08
ebonicsill try running it again after reboot03:08
ebonicsnah no luck rgb-one03:08
deper29rgb-one: uhhh, it looks like it mounts to to be honest03:09
TallestManOnErthim more gay now that I read that03:09
TallestManOnErthyou are making me super gay03:09
deper29***I'm not sure where it mounts to03:09
Guest90328go to #isis  they love gays03:09
rgb-oneebonics: usually it is mounted to /media/your_username03:10
OerHeksGuest90328, stop it please.03:10
ebonicsrgb-one, you mean deper29 ?03:10
deper29rgb-one: I think that was upposed to be directed at me.03:10
rgb-oneebonics: yea03:10
Guest90328that google drive link still havesnt started downloadded03:10
TBotNikAll: Repeating: getting weird errors from mysql so documented at: http://pastebin.com/hgGpAbmK can anyone help?03:11
rgb-onedeper29: you can manually mount it03:11
deper29rgb-one: it says I don't have the necessary permissions to view the contents of /media/deper29 when I navigate to there through Nautilus03:11
jason__Guest90328, are you sure it hasn't started? It started for me, but didn't say how big the file was, so the browser doesn't know a percentage. It will just know when it's done.03:11
deper29rgb-one: they should be automounting though.03:11
rgb-onedeper29: indeed03:11
OerHeksjason__, that page says 988 mb :-)03:11
rgb-onedeper29: something to do with the fstab configuration03:11
deper29I'm not too sure what I broke :S Is there something else I should be editing?03:12
deper29my fstab configuration appears to be fine. I have the correct UUIDs according to blkid03:12
rgb-oneI will check my default and post it03:12
jason__Yeah, I mean the web server that's serving the file apparently didn't send the size along with the header for the download.03:12
Guest90328jason__: im on firefox  the blue arrow isnt blue at all and it still says unknow time reamining but the  000mb keeps climbing03:12
jason__Guest90328, yeah it sounds like it's working03:13
OerHeksTBotNik, so your user is named 'files'? >> /home/files/Dropbox/Projects/EM/em_dio/em_dio.php03:13
Guest90328ok so just wait?03:13
jason__Guest90328, yeah, when it reaches 988mb it will be done03:13
jason__(or however large it was)03:13
OerHeksTBotNik, i would use> /home/$USER/files/Dropbox/Projects/EM/em_dio/em_dio.php03:14
OerHekswould work for any user03:14
Guest90328iv had this touch screen for a month now and havent got it working   i trying  circiutbasic tutorial and they claim it works but i did step by step and got nothing03:14
TBotNikOerHeks: No I have no user named 'files'03:14
Guest90328its just super irritating03:15
OerHeksTBotNik, there you go03:15
Guest90328i know its just a driver but iam a windows <linux convert and not the best .....YET03:15
Guest90328i went to linux for the openness the freedom to do more then what windows lets you do03:16
Ben64Guest90328: you're on raspberry pi?03:17
Guest90328i get drawn to seeing how and why computers do what they do03:17
deper29Guest90328: freedom, hmph. touch screens, hmph. A linux neckbeard craves not these things.03:17
Guest90328no iam on ubuntu   but iam trying to get my RPi to work03:18
Ben64Guest90328: so your question is about a raspberry pi03:18
deper29Guest90328: what is your issue on the rPi?03:18
Guest90328i know i know03:18
Ben64Guest90328: then you should be asking in #raspberrypi ...03:18
Ben64Guest90328: if you know you know, then why are you not you not03:18
rgb-onedeper29: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10797197/ compare it to yours03:18
OerHeksGuest90328, please don't bother us with non-ubuntu-related issues03:18
Guest90328but ive found soooooo much help here just thought id try there03:19
Ben64Guest90328: this channel is great... for ubuntu issues03:19
TBotNikOerHeks: Changed that to 'path' to not confuse anyone!03:20
deper29I've gotten none Ubuntu related issues solved here before. I'm just careful to word them so that they are generic Linux questions so people don't try to shoo me away right away.03:20
Guest90328well iam on ubuntu   and many intellagent people here so this is my go to  ... i do not mean disrespect to anyone so doet take it that way03:20
deper29er, Guest90328 ^03:20
Ben64deper29: we don't solve linux problems either, don't try to trick people here, its not nice03:20
TBotNikAll: Back to my problem: Getting weird errors from mysql. Started with no change to code, so documented at: http://pastebin.com/hgGpAbmK can anyone help?03:21
deper29Ben64: maybe you don't, but don't speak collectively for everyone. I've had problems that aren't Ubuntu specific. Example, right now my /etc/fstab issue. I happen to be on Ubuntu, but every Linux distro has that, so it's not a unique problem to just Ubuntu users :/03:21
Ben64deper29: this channel, is for Ubuntu only. anything else is not on topic03:21
deper29Ben64: so only Ubuntu has an /etc/fstab, that's what you're telling me?03:22
rgb-oneGuest90328: try the dd command I mentioned earlier03:22
Ben64deper29: i'm saying this channel is only for Ubuntu technical support03:23
deper29rgb-one: my /etc/fstab is exactly the same as yours, but different UUIDs03:23
chickenwingsim bisexual03:23
rgb-oneGuest90328: insert the cd -> open a terminal -> dd if=/dev/cdrom of=rpi_img.iso -> ensure you typed the correct thing -> click enter03:24
Guest90328ok  to please Ben64 assholeness ill move to #raspberrypi03:24
Ben64Guest90328: you can call it what you like, but this channel is for Ubuntu only.03:25
Guest90328do you speak for everyone here?03:25
Ben64read the topic03:25
deper29Guest90328: no need to call names. I wouldn't take it too seriously. In my experience with Linux, if someone doesn't know how to help, they'll tell you to go elsewhere. I'm guessing Ben64 is originally an Arch user03:25
OerHeksGuest90328, time to read the topic and channelrules.03:26
xanguaGuest90328: no, but you do not insult people here03:26
TiKubuntu is super easy03:26
OerHeksdeper29, drop it please.03:26
Guest90328if you  know linux you know linux just thougt peeps could help  no offense03:26
deper29OerHeks: sorry, I'm done.03:26
TiKGuest90328: help with?03:26
deper29Guest90328: pm me, I'll help you.03:26
Ben64Guest90328: there is a ##linux channel for Linux support. this is #ubuntu ... for Ubuntu support. There are many many channels for certain topics, you need to use the correct ones03:27
chickenwingsubuntu is pretty much linux written in ebonics03:27
chickenwingsif you don't like it you can try kubuntu03:27
chickenwingswhich is the same thing03:27
chickenwingswith tablet drivers03:27
Guest90328deper  pm'd03:28
bratty_catkubuntu is too bloated for my tastes.03:28
deper29rgb-one: any other ideas why things wouldn't be mounting? Because rsync should have copied my permissions over03:29
TheBlindGhoulie3if I could get rEFInd installed properly it would be amazing03:29
Guest90328Ben64: so my dvd drive on ubuntu not rading a dvd isnt a ubuntu issue?03:30
rgb-onedeper29: maybe some applications are still referencing the old UUID03:30
Ben64Guest90328: you said raspberry pi03:30
deper29rgb-one: any idea how to find that out? I searched a bit through dmesg output and didn't see anything useful03:31
millertiEgad.  An upgrade from 13.x to 14.04 is going to take longer to install than to download.03:32
Guest90328the dvd contains  a raspi image03:33
Guest90328if you would hear my issuse instaed of dismissing it you woulf have known03:33
Ben64Guest90328: i asked if the problem was with a raspberry pi, and you said yes03:33
Guest90328in context it is03:34
OerHeksGuest90328, go on downloading that rar file and be happy03:34
rgb-onedeper29: you copied the entire contents of the drive right?03:34
Guest90328still hasent shown anything different03:35
chickenwingswhy are you using a raspberry pi?03:35
chickenwingsuse an arduino, or a beagleboard, or an intel galileo03:36
chickenwingsor a pic03:36
chickenwingsor a cellphone03:36
chickenwingsor a pda03:36
chickenwingsor anything but the overhyped raspberry pi03:36
Ben64chickenwings: please stop03:36
TBotNikAll: Repeating: getting weird errors from mysql so documented at: http://pastebin.com/hgGpAbmK can anyone help? Know this is not ubuntu issue, but if you know the answer please join me on #mysql and expound!  Thanks!03:37
rgb-onedeper29: I think it could be that you have copied only the content of the drive. I don't think the partition layout is copied to the other drive as well03:37
Guest90328why is your name chickenwings?  perfrence   i just playing around trying to learn   what is with all the hostility here?03:38
chickenwingsoh this?03:38
chickenwingsI stopped at popeyes on the way home and ordered a basket of 16 wings03:38
chickenwingshoney glazed, cajun, etc03:39
OerHeksGuest90328, chickenwings stop it, we try to keep this channel clear for UBUNTU support. you know where to go for chitchat.03:39
chickenwingsnice little bowl of dirty rice and a biscuit too03:39
chickenwingsoh, I'll quit03:39
chickenwingshey, he asked me03:39
deper29rgb-one: yeah. I did 'rsync -av /mnt/oldroot/ /mnt/newroot/' from a live USB. I setup the partition tables on the new harddrive with parted before I did this03:39
Guest90328ubuntu: a quality that includes the essential human virtues; compassion and humanity.  the developers wounlt be happy with the people here03:39
chickenwingsubuntu is pretty much just linux for black people03:40
ablest1980hi need some help03:40
Ben64Guest90328: #ubuntu-offtopic - the place for chatting and stuff not directly relating to support03:40
OerHeks!ops | Guest90328 chickenwings03:40
ubottuGuest90328 chickenwings: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:40
Guest90328why did you feel the need to say that?03:40
chickenwingswhoa there's an offtopic room?03:40
chickenwingsoh, this guy summoned the ops03:40
chickenwingswatch out we have a real badass here03:40
ablest1980i get when updating03:41
ablest1980The upgrade needs a total of 81.8 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 17.5 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.03:41
Guest90328i have ubuntu and it wont read dvd ;s   so yea this is a ubuntu issue   if you dont want to help   shut up03:41
chickenwings!ops | OerHeks03:41
ubottuOerHeks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang03:41
OerHeksablest1980, remove some old kernels03:41
Ben64Guest90328: you might want to tone down the attitude03:41
chickenwingsdoesn't feel too good, does it?03:41
bratty_catwell then, that's a little aggressive Guest9032803:41
TheBlindGhoulie3based on what ive read from http://www.rodsbooks.com/ubuntu-efi/ I need to install abootloader and im getting in over my head.03:42
chickenwingsthe support team here isn't grade A, I apologize Guest9032803:42
Guest90328i have a attitude?     check what you post03:42
TheBlindGhoulie3trying to dual boot my mac03:42
chickenwingsmost of them get pretty iffy when they can't fix your issue03:42
deper29guys, hostility. Let's be calm about this03:42
ablest1980show me03:42
OerHeksablest1980, old post, still valid > http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu >>>>   > sudo apt-get remove --purge $(dpkg -l 'linux-image-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d')03:42
Ben64ablest1980: what version of ubuntu03:42
deper29ablest1980: did you do a supo apt-get clean?03:43
TheBlindGhoulie3tried installing rEFInd and no luck. after digging I need to mount ESP but in order to do that I need a boot loader lol03:43
ablest198014.04 lts03:43
Ben64ablest1980: a "sudo apt-get autoclean" should remove the old kernels for you03:43
ablest1980apt get clean doesnt work03:43
Guest90328forget i said raspberry pi     ubuntu wont read dvd drive03:43
rgb-onedeper29: You copied the entire content with root privileges and as such only root can access the content of the drive. Maybe that is the problem?03:43
Ben64ablest1980: "sudo apt-get autoremove" sorry i had the wrong word03:44
jason__Guest90328, did the download ever finish?03:44
deper29rgb-one: related to my issue, if I try to click on a .rar or a tar it says it can't mount.03:44
deper29rgb-one: no, rsync -av retains all priviledges and ownership03:45
deper29I also don't think I did it as root. I don't think root was required to do that.03:45
ablest1980i did sudo apt-get autoclean and sudo apt-get autoremove03:45
Guest90328yes it finished but its a rar do i need to extract it or jsut point the start up disk maker to it?03:46
jason__I'd assume you extract it.03:47
rgb-onedeper29: can the files be extracted from the command line?03:47
ablest1980i get an error now running software updater03:47
ablest1980i see a red circle and white line thru it03:48
Guest90328tryed to extract it   stops at 41%03:48
guest_11336hi there, single boot ubuntu in uefi or does it not matter03:48
ablest1980still say The upgrade needs a total of 81.8 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 17.5 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.03:48
rgb-oneguest_11336: it doesn't really but it is the standard now03:48
deper29rgb-one: yeah03:49
guest_11336rgb-one: thanks03:49
deper29nautilus does something weird with its archive manager to extract stuff03:49
deper29not sure how it works. Magic probably.03:49
rgb-onedeper29: it seems like a gui thing03:49
rgb-onedeper29: download dconf-editor03:49
deper29rgb-one: I have that already03:49
TheBlindGhoulie3I know my issue is a boring newb issues but id be forever grateful for even a few hints in the right direction03:49
rgb-onedeper29: have you checked the mount settings?03:50
deper29rgb-one: I haven't used dconf-editor much. Where would I check for those?03:50
rgb-onedeper29: Check out the automounting section https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB03:51
ablest1980i have a red circle with white line in the middle in my taskbar03:51
deper29rgb-one: okay, I'll take a look. Thanks for everything so far :)03:52
rgb-onedeper29: np :)03:52
ablest1980ok its gone03:52
ablest1980now back to the original problem03:53
ablest1980The upgrade needs a total of 81.8 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 17.5 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'03:53
chickenwingsThe sad truth behind this chatroom is that most of these people are supporting a faulty distro that is prone to freezing, bugs, buffer overflows and memory leaks and despite this all, instead of choosing a better distro to support, they choose ubuntu because for many of them this will be the only distro they'll use03:53
chickenwingshonestly I don't know why anyone would use ubuntu over debian03:53
ablest1980i want lts distros03:53
ablest1980the beta distros are the ones with bugs03:54
rgb-onechickenwings: you use it no?03:54
namei am tryin to install but gparted doesnt know what file system it is03:54
chickenwingsno, I'm here because I'm looking for a social chatroom03:54
TheBlindGhoulie3chickenwings: :)03:54
ablest1980chickenwings #ubuntu-offtopic03:55
hambloatentry offtopics03:55
namei just got a drive back from WD and tryin to install ubuntu on it but it wont install03:55
nameit works just fine in windows03:56
rgb-onename: WD?03:56
namewestern digital03:56
rgb-onename: what is the error you get when trying to install ubuntu?03:57
deper29rgb-one: heeh, guess what?03:57
deper29my dconf-settings were already correct :(03:57
deper29my issue lies elsewhere03:57
nameit says it cant find the file system the drive is using03:57
ablest1980ty guys03:58
ebonicsguys im pretty sure im doing linux03:58
rgb-onedeper29: nautilus uses udisks2 to mount I think03:58
deper29rgb-one: okay?03:59
deper29not sure what that implies I should do :P04:00
TheBlindGhoulie3I guess I'll try asking again later :)04:00
millertiDoes Ubuntu no longer support downloading iso's by bit torrent?04:01
lotuspsychjemillerti: i think they still do why?04:01
namei guess no one cares?04:01
Guest90328sorry jason__ iam in PM with someone trying to fix    not ignoring you04:01
millertiI couldn't connect to http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce04:02
lotuspsychje!behelpfull | name04:02
chickenwingsname: kudos for not sugarcoating your response04:02
millertiActually, I finally did connect.  It took a LONG time.04:02
lotuspsychjemillerti: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/04:02
rgb-onedeper29: what do you see when you type this command getfacl -t /media/$USER04:03
ebonicsdoes anyone know what this means :| http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2013-October/056070.html04:03
ebonicswhere can i put that flag?04:04
deper29rgb-one: USER root rwx; GROUP root r-x; other ---04:04
millertiCan I have Ubuntu check itself after I've upgraded?  It just gave me some vague report of "errors".04:04
lotuspsychjemillerti: what kind of errors04:05
millertilotuspsychje:  It didn't say.04:05
millertiNot very helpful, eh?04:05
OerHeksmillerti, if you get an error, it did a check.04:05
millertiWow, my system is totally hosed now.04:06
rgb-onedeper29: mine is a bit diffenent04:06
deper29millerti: why is your system hosed?04:06
deper29rgb-one: what does yours say?04:06
millertiIt boots up to a desktop with one icon that I can't click.04:07
deper29millerti: you can't login at all?04:07
deper29or does it login?04:07
teromousanyone use docky?04:07
lotuspsychjeteromous: ask your issue about it04:07
millertiIt takes me to a desktop, and I see a shared folders icon, but I get no mouse.04:08
teromoushow do I add a program to docky? I tried to drag and drop but nothing happens04:08
namewish i knew how to get u guys the info u need to help me04:08
lotuspsychjeteromous: start a program, then new icon appears on docky, then right mouse the icon to pin it04:08
rgb-onedeper29: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10797441/04:08
lotuspsychje!details | name04:08
ubottuname: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:08
teromouscool thanks lotus04:09
rgb-onedeper29: it seems only root has access04:09
deper29rgb-one: oh, interesting. So I should be adding my user to it as well. Not sure what mask is.04:10
NikeshI'm in a unity chroot with crouton, and the text in the terminal is all squashed together. Any ideas how to fix this?04:10
namehttp://imgur.com/wW5pCPj here is what i am looking at in gparted04:12
deper29name, what's your issue?04:13
nameits soposed to be 1tb drive04:13
nametryin to install ubuntu04:13
deper29haev you tried clicking the dropdown menu in the upper right corner?04:14
happyfr0ggIs anybody familiar with FBCMD? It allows a access to Facebook via the terminal.04:15
chickenwingsgetting bored with regular masturbation, considering inserting needles into the bell-end of my member04:15
TheBlindGhoulie3is there a specific Ver of Ubuntu I need to use with a MacBook 5,1/04:15
aeon-ltdhappyfr0gg: well you could just ask your actual question04:15
aeon-ltdTheBlindGhoulie3: no the standard should be fine, assuming this is intel of course04:16
lotuspsychje!ops | chickenwings04:16
ubottuchickenwings: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang04:16
chickenwingswow bazhang is the only one here?04:16
chickenwingsfunny because he's the only one I'm friends with04:16
chickenwingsoh man shucks 4 u04:16
rgb-onedeper29: maybe try this: setfacl -m "u:your_username:r-x" /media/your_username04:16
rgb-onedeper29: man setfacl for before you run the command for more info if you want04:18
namewhat esle do u guys need to know04:18
deper29name: sorry, haha, I can try to help in a bit. Have to fix my issues first :)04:18
deper29rgb-one: okay, I'll check out setfacl man page04:18
rgb-onename: when does it give the error that it cant find the drive?04:20
OerHeksname, just remove all partitions in gparted, and you are fine04:20
lotuspsychjegood news guys, the BQ ubuntu touch phone is now out for permanent buy, check #ubuntu-touch for more info04:21
rgb-onename: yea as OerHeks. You can install gparted from the live usb and partition the drive from there04:22
deper29rgb-one: I could kiss you04:23
rgb-onedeper29: I guess it is working eh?04:23
nameit wont let me remove partitions04:23
rgb-onedeper29: great :)04:23
deper29rgb-one: I don't know why it didn't preserve that when I did rsync04:24
deper29it should have04:24
nameit says its a mac partition table04:24
rgb-onename: try using cgdisks04:25
namecan i find that in the sofware center04:26
lotuspsychje!info cgdisk04:26
rgb-oneyou will have to use the terminal to install it04:26
ubottuPackage cgdisk does not exist in utopic04:26
lotuspsychje!info gptfdisk04:27
ubottuPackage gptfdisk does not exist in utopic04:27
rgb-onename: it is a command line application04:27
lotuspsychjergb-one: packagename not correct?04:27
rgb-onelotuspsychje: It seems so04:27
OerHeksname, unmount the disk first, then you should be able to wipe the disk.04:27
deper29ahhh, I'm so relieved this works. Thanks a bunch again, rgb-one04:28
namehow do i do that04:28
namesorry for being so dummyfied04:28
rgb-onedeper29: You are welcome :) all the best04:28
rgb-onename: sudo apt-get install fdisk04:29
OerHeksname rightclick, unmount04:29
OerHekseasy peasy04:29
namei am only in a live session right now04:30
nameit couldn't find the fdisk04:30
rgb-onename: gdisk is already installed04:30
OerHeksgparted. as you have just used04:31
rgb-onetype cgdisk /dev/sda04:31
rgb-onename: assuming your partition is /dev/sda04:31
nameit gave me problem opening sr0 error is 204:32
rgb-onerun lsblk and paste the output04:33
OerHeksname, "it works just fine in windows" makes me wonder ...04:33
namei had formated it in windows but deleted the partition in windows and then tryed to install ubuntu on the drive04:35
rgb-onename: reformat the drive04:36
rgb-onename: post the output of lsblk in a paste04:37
gtanHi! My ubuntu suddenly froze - I cannot it shut it down normally or bring it up - it gets stuck on leading btrfs mount04:37
namedo i do lsblk /dev/sr004:38
rgb-onename: no just lsblk04:38
rgb-one/dev/sr0 refers to the cd/dvd drive I think04:38
OerHeksrgb-one +1 .. sr0 1.08 Gib04:40
OerHeksthat is a dvd04:40
rgb-onename: it isn't reading the harddrive it seems04:41
nameok so what do i do04:42
nametell westeren digital they gave me a bad drive04:42
rgb-onename: Do you still have windows installed?04:43
TheBlindGhoulie3I cant even get the .iso file to burn in disk utility fml04:43
TheBlindGhoulie3it wont recognize the file04:43
TheBlindGhoulie3its kinda funny actually04:44
namewindows finds the drive just fine04:44
namebut i don't know why linux cant04:44
rgb-onename: you say you formatted it with windows how did you do this?04:45
niranjanivashhelo name u have dual boot04:45
namein the disk management thing04:45
nameniranjanivash, i am tryin to dual boot04:47
niranjanivashu have successfully installed ubuntu in windows machine04:48
niranjanivashwhere actually u r installation stopped04:50
rgb-onename: can you post the output of sudo fdisk -l04:52
niranjanivashif u r installation is sucessful04:52
niranjanivashin win 8 u cant see dual boot04:53
niranjanivashbut u can get u r ubuntu from pressing boot key from u r machine04:54
niranjanivashfrom boot option u can select hard disk boot there u can see u r ubuntu if u r ubuntu is successfully installed04:55
GeekMan1222ok so i need some help figuring something out im playing around with rsync for a file server to backup to a remote storage drive via ssh and the command works locally but if i try issuing it for testing off my laptop remotely using ssh i get a strange error04:58
GeekMan1222can i not issue the command in a remote shell?04:59
GeekMan1222rsync -avrz -e ssh /file/path1/ user@localaddress/file/path2/05:00
GeekMan1222i get some wierd pipe errors when i issue it on the server remotely05:01
GeekMan1222http://pastebin.com/zGSGQNVi  thats the error and im not getting alot of results off google05:02
GeekMan1222at least relevent to my situation05:02
rgb-oneGeekMan1222: it seems you may have ssh spelled incorrectly as shh05:03
GeekMan1222oh my wtf05:04
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
GeekMan1222i feel really stupid now XD05:05
GeekMan1222ok next question rgb-one i want this script to automate on my server would i need to use a signature key that would seem like what i need to do05:06
GeekMan1222cause i cant train a monkey to type the password in when it asks for it right ;P05:07
* fk_007 begins installation of XUbuntu on ancient Dell XPS M14005:07
GeekMan1222but other than that thanks sorry for the absurd over look of the actual ssh command spelling05:08
rgb-oneGeekMan1222: it is what it is man these things happen05:08
GeekMan1222so i prolly need to setup a signature key05:08
OerHeksWe all had our breakdown over a typo05:09
rgb-oneGeekMan1222: Don't know. I have minimal experience with ssh05:10
rgb-oneGeekMan1222: by signature key do you mean passwordless login?05:12
GeekMan1222yes like a key05:12
GeekMan1222rsa key05:12
GeekMan1222or w/e05:12
GeekMan1222maybe theres a way to issue the password to inject into the command line but i dont think ssh would be that insecure05:13
GeekMan1222and that would be awful practice honestly05:13
rgb-oneGeekMan1222: Maybe the monkey can be trained http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12202587/automatically-enter-ssh-password-with-script05:14
OerHeksor better: here you find howto disable password too https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-ssh-keys--205:15
OerHeks( not mentioned in the off guide)05:15
GeekMan1222idk if i want to do that though the drive is a local nas05:15
fk_007create key on client machine (ssh-keygen -t dsa -b 1024)05:16
mick_liuhi guys, how can I make my own deb package, I compile the source from git repo, http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html this totorial use tar.gz file05:16
GeekMan1222surprisingly the wd mycloud uses debian05:16
mick_liuand I am confused05:16
fk_007add newly created key to authorized keys (cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys)05:17
rgb-onemick_liu: What is confusing?05:18
fk_007sftp to remote and put authorized_keys in .ssh folder, bam no more password prompt05:18
rgb-onemick_liu: A .tar.gz file is just another archive format like a .zip file05:19
OerHeksmick_liu, see # 6.3 > bzr builddeb is a command to build the package in its current location.05:19
mick_liurgb-one: I installed it correctly, under ~/wine64 directory, but there is not .tar.gz file on ~05:20
mick_liuOerHeks: can I just run bzr builddeb on the direcotry which contains the binary executable file05:21
rgb-onemick_liu: look in the wine64 directory05:21
GeekMan1222so fk_007 follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys05:21
mick_liurgb-one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10797776/05:22
fk_007GeekMan1222: looks like it05:23
fk_007you get the key on the server that was generated on clients machine and no password should be needed05:23
rgb-onemick_liu: what application are you trying to package?05:24
mick_liurgb-one: wine05:24
mick_liurgb-one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10797793/05:25
rgb-onemick_liu: What is your objective in packaging wine?05:25
mick_liurgb-one: I not sure what do you mean, but I just want to let the package knows my local built version of Wine, because I also want to install wine-mono, wine-gecko, and don't want to install a conflicting version of wine05:28
GeekMan1222fk_007: so when i run the ssh-keygen command it says i should be on the client that would be the server im backing up from correct05:28
GeekMan1222or no would it be generating a key to login to the device im backing up into05:28
=== mrcheeks` is now known as mrcheeks
mick_liurgb-one: s/package/package management system/, sorry for my English ;(05:31
gtan Hi! Can any1 pls help me with some basic Ubuntu stuff05:31
rgb-onemick_liu: I see.05:31
gtanI accidentally deleted the default network in the menu05:31
rgb-onemick_liu: There may be conflicts with various parts of your packaged wine and the wine in the ubuntu repositories05:32
gtanhow can I add it through command prompt.. or can i just edit etc/networking/interfaces and add eth005:32
GeekMan1222oh i see now05:32
outcomesHey all, looking for05:32
rgb-onemick_liu: regardless of the name change05:32
roh_hey what u teach here05:33
mick_liurgb-one: so, is there another way05:33
mick_liurgb-one: or maybe I should use  32-bit ubuntu.....05:33
OerHeks!topic | roh_05:34
ubotturoh_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:34
rgb-onemick_liu: that could work05:34
mick_liurgb-one: you mean 32-bit ubuntu ?05:35
rgb-onemick_liu: 32 bit wine05:35
rgb-onemick_liu: if there is one05:35
mick_liurgb-one: I follow this http://wiki.winehq.org/BuildingBiarchWineOnUbuntu05:35
mick_liurgb-one: and failed in the final step05:36
rgb-onemick_liu: sudo make install doesn't work?05:36
azizLIGHTwhat does firefox extensions from ubuntu like "ubuntu firefox modifications" "ubuntu online accounts" "unity desktop integration" "unity websites integration" do?05:37
mick_liurgb-one: Nope, above See Also section, there is a warning05:37
mick_liurgb-one: the warning part05:38
rgb-onemick_liu: if you want to install the latest version of wine use the wine ppa05:38
gtanhow can I downgrade to an older kernel?05:38
mick_liurgb-one: I want to compile the source, not just install it05:38
rgb-onemick_liu: why?05:39
rgb-oneI see. it is required for your use case05:40
mick_liurgb-one: Hmm, this is another story anyway, but do you know something about apt-pinning, the tutorial says apt-pinning works too, but I can't figure out how to make it that way05:40
roh_how can i update my ubuntu05:40
rgb-oneroh_: sudo apt-get update05:41
rgb-onemick_liu: no experience with apt-pinning05:41
mick_liurgb-one: Okey, thanks a lot btw ;)05:42
roh_how can i change my mac address using terminal in ubuntu05:42
rgb-onemick_liu: :)05:42
rgb-oneroh_: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Changing_Your_MAC_Address/Linux maybe this is helpful05:43
hiexporoh macchanger05:44
hiexporoh_, macchanger05:45
hiexporoh_, sudo apt-get install macchanger05:46
rgb-oneWell im off. take care everyone05:47
GeekMan1222well that was a failed attempt at ssh keys05:48
roh_how can i connect to open wifi network using terminal in ubuntu.05:50
roh_how can i connect to a open wifi using just a terminal in ubuntu.05:52
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bagginsDKHello! Is anybody aware of a brief tutorial on how to install ubuntu on smartphones?05:54
hiexporoh_, https://askubuntu.com/questions/294257/connect-to-wifi-network-through-ubuntu-terminal05:55
roh_how can i manage my all files from terminal05:56
bagginsDKroh, what do you mean by manage? Cd, mv, rm ?05:57
=== ph is now known as Guest97123
roh_i mean cd05:59
GeekMan1222man im confused where im supposed to make these keys at05:59
bogdanhi. guys do you know any nice chat where you can talk anything you want on a coffe break?06:03
cfhowlett!ot | bogdan06:04
ubottubogdan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:04
anvarcan you guys suggest me a good file manager as good as explorer in windows for me.06:08
cfhowlettanvar, nothing wrong with the ubuntu default: nautilus06:08
anvariam using xubuntu. it uses thunar. ok i will try nautilus. thanks06:10
dark5coderAny body is here familiar with exploiting ?06:10
cfhowlettdark5coder, wrong channel for that topic06:11
dark5coderIm new in IRC06:12
dark5coderwhen i double click on any channel, it does not join in them06:13
cfhowlett!topic | dark5coder,06:13
ubottudark5coder,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:13
rainbowwarriorHi can anyone please tell me what is good video editing software for Ubuntu 14.10 where I can view and edit the pictures one by one please ?06:13
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, edit video or edit picture??06:13
OerHeksYou might need to register your name, dark5coder , join #freenode for irc help.06:13
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett, Sorry i meant video , i would like to be able to edit the video and get pictures from it06:14
dark5coderthanks OerHeks06:14
OerHeks!info openshot06:14
ubottuopenshot (source: openshot): Create and edit videos and movies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1.1 (utopic), package size 21223 kB, installed size 55704 kB06:14
cfhowlettrainbowwarrior, openshot06:14
rainbowwarriorcfhowlett Ok Thank you :)06:15
bogdanguys is there any good app for music better then rythmbox?06:15
cfhowlettbogdan, see the software center, try them all, choose06:16
=== cyboman34 is now known as cyboman33
MichaelTiebeslhey hello, is it possible to remove empathy from ubuntu 14.04?06:21
hiexpobogdan, audacious i use06:22
anvari cant install libavcodec53 libavcodec-extra-53. please help06:23
bogdando i really need to use this shit? http://i.imgur.com/GsaUoZk.png?106:24
bogdanif i chose a keyring pass it will pop up everytime i log into gnome06:24
calwigWhen running sudo ./ with a script, and this does not execute, what packages must be installed?06:24
cfhowlett!guidelines | ubogdan,you need to cease using profanity in this channel06:24
ubottuubogdan,you need to cease using profanity in this channel: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:24
cfhowlettanvar, error messages??06:24
OerHeksMichaelTiebesl, sure, open softwarecenter and remove it?06:25
bogdanubottu, what the fuck did i do wrong?06:25
ianorlin!language | bogdan06:25
ubottubogdan: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:25
anvarPackage libavcodec-extra-53 is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:25
anvarThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:25
anvaris only available from another source06:25
anvarHowever the following packages replace it:06:25
anvar  libav-tools06:25
cfhowlettbogdan, you were warned ...06:25
anvarPackage libavcodec53 is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:25
MichaelTiebeslOerHeks:sorry i mean in a safe way, in software center it will also remove ubuntu desktop and other things06:26
cfhowlettanvar, install pastebinit, run your command again followed by | pastebinit e.g. sudo apt-get install foo | pastebinit06:26
OerHeksMichaelTiebesl, no, it does not, i just removed it myself06:28
bogdanyou know how to warn ppl but i still didn't got any answer to my question06:29
MichaelTiebeslOerHeks:sorry you are right, i see it. I was doing it before and i thought it will also remove the desktop06:30
lotuspsychje!patience | bogdan06:30
ubottubogdan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:30
Ben64bogdan: people here don't really respond positively to attitude and language06:30
hiexpocfhowlett, you better look at logs cause when you go to reboot nest time you may have no gui no desktop06:31
deper29bogdan: when does it pop up?06:31
deper29do you have your system set to autologin?06:31
cfhowletthiexpo, ???? no gui?  what???06:34
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
OerHekscfhowlett, no gui ? :-D06:43
cfhowlettOerHeks, what did I miss?  what are y'all talking about???06:44
OerHekscfhowlett, i don't know, just read the message of hiexpo06:45
cfhowletthiexpo, time for an explanation, yes?06:45
Ben64cfhowlett: its in reference to you removing empathy06:46
hiexpocfhowlett, it will remove your desktop he told you open synaptic and see if you have stuff that is removed06:46
cfhowlettBen64, ah!  got it.  that was someone else's question, not mine.  I use ubuntustudio so ... no empathy issues!06:47
OerHekshiexpo, cfhowlett , that was my line to MichielTiebesl, i guess. he got it wrong.06:47
Ben64btw, just because removing a package might remove "ubuntu-desktop" it doesn't mean you won't have a desktop. ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, when you don't have all parts of that meta package, it doesn't count as being installed anymore06:47
OerHeksempathy is no core part of ubuntu.06:47
ANJ7When I navigate in blender the screen suddenly blinks. How can I fix this ?06:50
ANJ7I navigate using middle mouse06:50
cfhowlettANJ7, ask #blender06:50
ANJ7This doesn't happen in windows06:52
GeekMan1222anyone still around to help with a bit of rsync questions06:52
OerHeksANJ7, known issue: "If you're experiencing problems, flickering during window transitions, window fades shown at a frame by frame rate and others, you may have to disable your desktop effects prior to use 3D software or use another window manager without desktop effects enabled.">> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Introduction/Installing_Blender/Linux/Debian_Ubuntu06:52
cfhowlettANJ7, this is ubuntu support.  ask #blender for BLENDER support06:53
ANJ7ok thanks OerHeks :)06:54
deper29GeekMan1222: what's your rsync issue?06:56
deper29GeekMan1222: if you're having rsync issues, you might want to go to #rsync and ask your question there. It's not Ubuntu related.07:00
GeekMan1222sorry im back07:01
GeekMan1222i was just wondering what the optimum command line arguments would be07:01
bekksGeekMan1222: The ony thta suit your needs.07:01
GeekMan1222maybe optimum is to strong of a word07:01
bekksGeekMan1222: You need to know what you want to do exactly then you will find the appropriate command line options very easily.07:02
OerHeks!info grsync07:02
ubottugrsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4-1 (utopic), package size 151 kB, installed size 661 kB07:02
GeekMan1222i want it to perserve a directory that my raid virtual drive uses to hold all my file servers data to another remote drive in case of a calamity07:03
GeekMan1222this server is cli only07:03
deper29GeekMan1222: I would just 'rsync -av /source /target'07:03
ANJ7OerHeks: I installed compizconfig-settings-manager07:03
bekksdeper29: That would not preserve possible ACL.07:04
GeekMan1222ah cause atm im using avrz07:04
deper29bekks: oh, right. I had that issue earlier :D how do you preserve ACL with rsync?07:04
ANJ7OerHeks: how can I disable Animation now07:04
bekksGeekMan1222: -av (-r is included in -a) (-z only with very fast machines) and --progress, and --delete (which deletes non-existing files in the source on the target also)07:05
GeekMan1222like what i want is that oh the data got totally rekt so i need to just move the backup right over and im done07:05
bekksGeekMan1222: And then you need to take a look which other options you'd need, like preserving ACL, and such.07:05
calcmandananyone know owncloud?07:05
GeekMan1222so -av --progress --delete07:05
bekkscalcmandan: Some people do know.07:05
calcmandani am testing owncloud for potential deployment on my home network. currently, i have it on a bridged VM. Got it port forwarded on my router. Attempting to contact it with my 4G phone, but can't seem to get the address right. I'm attempting to use the tomboy app with my phone. any tips? currently I need to plug the port into the url so my router knows how to direct the traffic.07:06
bekksGeekMan1222: Thats the minimum, not preserving any ACL.07:06
GeekMan1222i do have another project that backs up a completely remote location to that virtual drive and the user is chrooted and that was a bit of a pain so i need permissions and such to stay completely in tact bekks07:06
bekkscalcmandan: If you cant even connect to it, you dont have an owncloud but networking issue.07:06
deper29GeekMan1222: so then if you want to preserve ACL use --acls07:06
OerHeksANJ7, the guide says: goto unity plugin ( part of 'desktop') etc etc07:06
GeekMan1222acl i presume means access control layers07:07
calcmandanbekks: i figured that. i can access owncloud from inside my wifi network. problem is i have consumer grade equipment.07:07
deper29GeekMan1222: or anterior cruciate ligament07:07
ANJ7OerHeks: I don't know what is unity plugin. Where to open it?07:08
deper29I wish I knew about the ACL flag when I rsync'd my disk.07:08
deper29would have saved me a ton of headache.07:08
GeekMan1222so if i use that command ill be home free i been testing with copys of smaller bits of the main drive07:08
deper29GeekMan1222: yeah, but add the --acls option if you need it.07:09
calcmandanbekks: i have the VM port forwarded on a port.07:09
GeekMan1222how do i know if i need it07:09
OerHeksANJ7, and the part below desktop, "effects" looks like it can minimise effects and so on, explore yourself ?07:09
bekksGeekMan1222: Do you use ACL?07:10
GeekMan1222not that i know of07:10
GeekMan1222unless you mean permissions and pam07:10
bekksGeekMan1222: pam is irrelevant, since it has nothing to do with file system permissions.07:11
deper29bekks: how do you know if you use ACL? I rsync'd my whole ubuntu drive to another drive and had no idea I used ACL prior to doing that. Turns out my /media/$USER directory had issues later.07:11
GeekMan1222yes i have file system permissions i suppose07:11
GeekMan1222like ownership and such07:11
GeekMan1222it was a requirement to have pam work for the chrooted user07:12
GeekMan1222i would like to have that carry over07:12
bekksdeper29: I do know it, since I have to mount my filesystems with "acls" to support them.07:12
GeekMan1222read write permissions that is07:12
bekksGeekMan1222: pam has nothing to do with filesystem permissions. PAM is for authentication.07:13
bekksSo it is irrelevant at this point.07:13
calcmandanbekks: am i in the wrong channel? this is on ubuntu server.07:13
deper29bekks: err, let me rephrase that: How would someone know if they used ACL? Again, my system apparently used it and I didn't know.07:13
GeekMan1222but i had to example set an entire directory path with certain permissions unless thats part of pam which would mean i learned even more tonight07:13
bekkscalcmandan: And its still an Ubuntu. ACL arent used on servers only, rsync isnt used on servers only.07:13
bekksdeper29: You need to mount your filesystems with the acls option to be able to use ACL.07:14
deper29GeekMan1222: -av will preserve permissions07:14
calcmandanbekks: roger that. so perhaps i am asking the wrong question.07:14
GeekMan1222ok i thought as much07:14
GeekMan1222so acl's is something much more involved that i havent likely messed with07:14
calcmandanbekks: i want to access owncloud from my devices on mobile networks or elsewhere altogether. at the moment, the VM is bridged and assigned an internal IP address. I've port forwarded that address TCP/UDP to a particular port. I should be able to hit the apache main page if i type my public address with the port, but i can't even get that. so i'm missing a link here. at this point, i should be able to type IP_ADDR:PORT/ and get the apache page.07:17
GeekMan1222well if i dont need the --acl attribute to my knowlege i prolly wont need to use it07:18
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech
bekkscalcmandan: you yould not be able to do that from within your internal network.07:19
calcmandani'm trying this from my 4G phone. so it's not addressed to my internal network.07:20
bekkscalcmandan: Such as being connected using WIFI. You need to access your IP from outside.07:20
bekkscalcmandan: Does the portforwarding work?07:20
calcmandanbekks: yes. i can SSH to my desktop.07:20
calcmandanbekks: from my phone.07:20
bekkscalcmandan: SSH is irrelevant for accessing owncloud via http/https07:20
bekksDoes owncloud work, when accessed from your internal lan?07:21
gtanDoing a fresh ubuntu reinstall...  which device should I install Grub on?  /dev/sda - windows or /dev/sdb8 - ubuntu OS partition07:21
calcmandanbekks: yes. but, i have everything port forwarded and i'm able to SSH to my desktop. so port forwarding is working at least.07:21
OerHekscalcmandan,  http://your-external-ip/owncloud:port07:21
bekkscalcmandan: Portforwarding for SSH is working. Which is irrelevant for portforwarding for http/https07:21
calcmandanOerHeks: thanks, i'll try07:21
calcmandanbekks: i see.07:22
bekksOerHeks: That will not work.07:22
bekkscalcmandan: http://externalip:port/owncloud/07:22
calcmandanbekks: my brother has a box on my network. he connects via http/https all the time.07:22
bekkscalcmandan: And you are trying to use the same port as him?07:22
OerHeksbekks, correct, my bad07:22
calcmandanbekks: well, no the router wouldn't allow duplicate port assignments even if i tried07:23
OerHeksjust read the /owncloud part is important, not just ip07:23
calcmandanOerHeks: it's trying07:24
GeekMan1222bekks i mean the machine runs on a pentium D 3.0ghz and it has average low system load you dont think i should use the -z option in rsync07:25
calcmandani'm going to reboot my router.07:25
GeekMan1222total current size of usage on the directory is about 1.4tb07:25
bekksGeekMan1222: Decompression happens on the target, not the source.07:26
GeekMan1222the other is an arm7 lol07:26
bekksGeekMan1222: hahahaha :D07:26
GeekMan1222wd my cloud gets no use07:26
bekksGeekMan1222: Ok, that will take ages anyways.07:26
GeekMan1222oh what about the -u option is that included in -av i cant remeber if you said i didnt need it or if i even said anything about it07:27
erskullanybody home07:28
* shome is home.07:32
shomeBarely though. Working, so tired.07:34
shomeWhat's up !07:34
lucianfinally made my wifi network work... enjoying the internet now ;00007:35
luciando you guys know any good app for facebook?07:37
luciani got ubuntu 14.04 LTS07:37
cfhowlettlucian, look in the software center07:37
luciannothing useful there :(07:38
OerHeksIsn't facebook integrated standard ?07:38
shomelucian: Should be in the software center.07:39
* OerHeks has no facebook account07:39
Floppy_Hofacebook is browser related?07:39
* shome either.07:39
GeekMan1222OerHeks: mhmm join the club :D07:39
OerHeks"nothing usefull" sounds like you haven't tried07:39
lucianthere used to be a good facebook app back when i used ubuntu 10.0407:39
OerHeksFacebook changes stuff on regular basis AFAIK07:40
lucianthey "upated" that app :)))07:41
cfhowlettlucian, there are plenty of apps in the software center.  try again07:41
mark__whats going on peepz?07:41
mark__This is all new to me, are there mods here to keep everyone inline? Damn there is a lot of users on here tonight. Its like 2am man. Get the boot for idle time, nice! Not much action in here. 4 minute idle time boot. This is lame, I am outta here!07:44
OerHekshi mark__ did you read the topic ?07:45
Peace-hey someone know why  i get this on qt creator ? qrc:///main.qml:21 module "org.kde.plasma.plasmoid" is not installed07:56
OerHeksPeace-, not sure, maybe you need plasma-widgets-addons http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/plasma-widgets-addons07:59
Peace-OerHeks: i don't think so08:02
Peace-those package contains only widgets08:02
m14edWidgets wobble , but they don't fall down08:03
Peace-anyway i tried08:03
Peace-no i get the error anyway08:03
SenorChangI've had lots of crashes in ubuntu and someone suggested to fsck the drive (I've backed everything up), is that a good idea?08:03
Floppy_Hoscreen candy08:03
Floppy_Horun a hdd chk08:04
Floppy_Hoif the hdd is in bad shape08:04
m14edscreen shot sounds of door opening and closing ,,,,08:04
Floppy_Hoexpect crashes08:04
Floppy_Hoor mem is bad08:05
SenorChangFloppy_Ho: how do I check the hdd08:06
SenorChangI'm pretty sure my memory's alright08:06
Floppy_Hoqooqle it08:06
Floppy_Hosmart monitors etc08:06
grywpa-supplicant is running for my wifi; where is its config file? i would like to understand what exactly network-manager does to get wifi working08:07
FlannelFloppy_Ho: Please stop saying semi-random things.  Thanks.08:07
gryno, semi-random08:07
gryit means random but a little bit with a pattern08:07
SenorChangactually, I'll try memtest first. Easier since I know how08:07
cfhowlettSenorChang, yes, it's a reasonable idea08:07
gryFloppy_Ho: one sec08:07
dave301What is IRC all about?08:08
grydave301: welcome to freenode, the network dedicated to collaboration and support of copyleft (www.copyleft.org ; broadly licensed) projects. ubuntu is one of them.08:08
Floppy_Hoso why dont you bright sparks hep the guy rather than jump on someone who does?08:08
dave301thanks gry08:09
dave301It's my first time using irc08:09
gryi am glad to see you here08:09
=== user is now known as user1233211
m14edirc is an instant messenger like most of the rest of them08:09
Floppy_Hodont PM!08:09
m14edExcept , no commercials08:09
grydave301: this channel focuses on ubuntu-related discussions, as you may see - mostly ubuntu questions and answers08:09
dave301So sort of like a group chat room?08:09
dave301Ok sorry about my previous questions.08:09
grya few conversations in parallel, at the same time08:09
Floppy_Ho gry!*@* added to ignore list.08:10
m14eddave301  is well advised to run a /list of channels and log into one subject he finds interesting08:11
emmaI have this vps with Ubuntu running on it and it starts out with a root user.  I used the root user to make a newuser I can sudo with.  Is there a way to deactivate the root user (i mean make it so there is no password that can be logged in as root) now that I have done that?08:11
b3n_123hi there .. what email notification you're using in ubuntu 14.04 unity?08:12
dave301Ok. I'm still finding my way around here. This was the default room.08:12
ikoniaemma: passwd -l08:12
gry(i still have the question pending in case someone lost it in the scrollback)08:13
m14edgood thing dave301  didn't use the default version they ship with DynomiteForDummies08:13
Floppy_Ho\type #puppylinux08:14
Floppy_Howe are a bit more on the ball08:14
ikoniagry: what's up08:14
emmaikonia: as root?08:14
ikoniaemma: yes08:14
ikoniaFloppy_Ho: please don't push people to other channels08:14
deweydbcan anyone help me with this: http://pastie.org/1008606508:14
Floppy_Hosod this08:14
gry(resent from earlier) wpa-supplicant is running for my wifi; where is its config file? i would like to understand what exactly network-manager does to get wifi working08:14
deweydbit seems like i'm missing something obvious08:14
m14edikonia o/08:14
emmaI guess I better see that I can log in as my sudo user before I passwd -l root08:14
ikoniaemma: %100 make sure you other accounts are ok and that you have sudo access08:15
Floppy_Hoikona DONT PM!!!08:15
OerHeksdeweydb, are you trying to run docker as root??08:15
deweydbOerHeks: when i run it as non-root i get: The program 'docker' is currently not installed. To run 'docker' please ask your administrator to install the package 'docker'08:17
emmaikonia: yeah good idea.08:17
emmaYou can't apt-get update without sudo right?08:17
ikoniaemma: correct08:17
emmaI was just able to do that so I think my sudo user is working.08:17
emmaikonia: what do you think - on a VPS like this should I get rid of root password or maybe just make root password ridiculously long or something?08:18
grydisable root login08:18
b3n_123anyone using email notification? what do you recommend? sorry for asking again .. :D08:19
emmaive mostly just used ubuntu as a desktop user where root never has a password08:19
ikoniaemma: what's your concern ?08:19
emmaikonia: i guess my concern is being hacked08:19
emmagry: yeah that's what I was thinking08:19
ikoniaemma: is the vps %100 ubuntu or one of the hacked virutalised things ?08:19
emmaI don't know. I think its 100 percent Ubuntu.08:19
ikoniaemma: lets have a quick guess, show me the output of uname -a08:20
emmaikonia: are you a hacker?08:20
ikoniaerrr you know I'm just trying to help you08:20
grya full channel of people who know how to program08:20
emmaikonia: come on ikonia you know im joking :)08:20
gry(none of them are crackers, but that's not your question)08:20
emmaikonia: don't you know that IRC is where Hackers go when they don't want to be overheard?08:21
deweydbhmmm still same problem, trying as non-root: http://pastie.org/1008606908:21
ikoniaemma: want to show me the output of uname -a please08:21
karlhewerI have a question regarding server08:23
ikoniaemma: so based on what you've just shown me in private (thank you) I would suggest not fully disabling the root account08:25
emmaikonia: Sure. What is it about the hacked builds that make it a bad idea?08:25
ikoniaemma: what I would suggest is make sure it's disabled vi ssh, and then set a crazy hardware password for it08:26
ikoniaemma: that way you can "su" if you want08:26
m14ed(   o   Y   o   ) bigg\un's08:26
ikoniaemma: some virutal providers modify core components to allow it to run as they want on their virtual platform better08:26
ikoniaemma: hence why you see a specific kernel - which will be tweaked for their hardware platform08:26
emmaHow about setting up ssh to work with a private key for root?08:27
emmadoes that get rid of the risk ?08:28
ikoniaemma: it reduces it08:28
ikoniaemma: however blocking it from direct ssh login would be much better08:29
ikoniaso a.) change your ssh auth to keys only b.) disabled root login via sh c.) set a solid password for root08:29
ikoniaemma: that will get you to a pretty solid basis, without impacting any of the modifications your provider may/may not have done08:30
ikoniasorry b.) was "disable root login via ssh"08:30
ikonianot sh08:30
gryemma: see https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ch-sec-services.en.html#s5.108:32
emmathanks guys :)08:35
emmaHey - Im trying to build something from source using git.   The instructions don't say to use sudo for the git stuff.  But I guess when I use git from inside my home directory the new directory showed up in there.08:36
emmaWhen I run ./build.sh will this result in the software installed so that other users I create will be able to use it also?08:36
ikoniaemma: really depends on that specific script08:37
ikoniawhats the software ?08:37
emmathose are the instructions I'm following.08:37
ikoniaemma: I suspect that wil dump it in /usr/local/ and everyone can access it08:38
emmaI hope so.08:38
ikoniafrom what I read thats what should happen if it builds sucessfully08:38
Zarthusseems like the binary wouldn't be too hard to move around even if it only installed locally either08:38
emmabut nothing was done with sudo so how will it be able to write files into directories outside my home folder?08:38
gry(and i think in ./bin with offer for you to move it where appropriate, but i am not sure)08:38
ikoniayeah, maybe it's not doing the install08:39
ikoniajust the build then you can move it where you want08:39
ikoniait's certainly linked against /usr/local08:39
emmaSo once you have the binary the binary knows where to find dependences on the system on its own?08:39
ikoniaemma: that script will probably call the linker08:40
emmalike not relative to itself but in some absolute sense?08:40
ikoniaemma: which means it will be aware of whats on the system and where08:40
emmaso that the binary can be moved around?08:40
ikoniaemma: yes08:40
Voyage_how to completely remove a package and its downloaded installer?08:46
ikoniaVoyage_: what package?08:46
Voyage_ikonia,  krita08:47
Voyage_need to remove all. installer, settings etc08:47
ikoniahow did you install it ?08:47
Voyage_ikonia,  apt-get install krita08:47
alfatauhello all. I've a strange problem with multiple displays and nvidia driver. even having configured xorg to use multiple monitors and having defined which is the order (leftof), after reboot that configuration is overridden and the order of monitors is inverted. can you help me? maybe I've not configured xorg properly, I'm actually unable to successfully debug the problem. thank you in advance08:47
ikoniaso apt-get remove purge kirta08:48
Voyage_ikonia,  how to completely remove a package and its downloaded installer? I used apt-get purge krita and then apt-get install krita. it said Need to get 0 B/5,414 kB of archives.   So its using the same installer again08:48
Peace-Voyage_: sudo apt-get purge krita08:48
Voyage_Peace-,  ^08:48
Peace-Voyage_: installer ?? what do you mean , i mean , when you install you install it via apt-get install08:48
=== Isla_de_Muerte is now known as NwS
ikoniaVoyage_: because it's in the cache08:49
Peace-Voyage_: if you want remove the downloaded package you need to do sudo apt-get clear08:49
ikoniaVoyage_: why are you trying to purge it then re-install it ?08:49
Voyage_ikonia,  its faulty and giving errors08:49
bekksVoyage_: Which errors?08:50
Voyage_bekks,  cannot write text. keyboard and screen display errors08:50
Peace-Voyage_: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/08:50
Peace-Voyage_: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/ | grep -i krita08:50
bekksVoyage_: since you successfully installed it before, the installation package is fine.08:50
ikoniaVoyage_: why do you think thats a problem with the package ?08:51
Peace-ikonia: weirdo ppa08:51
ikoniaI think you need to address the problem, rather than guess at a fix08:51
Voyage_Peace-,  $ sudo apt-get clear08:51
Voyage_E: Invalid operation clear08:51
Peace-Voyage_: wiat  sec08:51
ikoniaVoyage_: the package is checksummed before install/uncompress08:51
ikoniaVoyage_: so the package will be fine08:51
sinasaharkhizanyone got any idea?08:51
Peace-Voyage_:  sudo apt-get clean08:51
bekksVoyage_: clean, not clear.08:51
Voyage_Peace-,  krita_1%3a2.8.6-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb08:51
Peace-ok Voyage_so you can delete just that08:52
Peace-instead to clean everything08:52
Voyage_Peace-,  krita_1%3a2.8.6-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb <-- this is after purge.         so whats the point of purge then remove?08:52
bekksVoyage_: purge includes remove.08:52
Peace-Voyage_: because it will use that cached file to install krita again08:52
bekksPeace-: And? That file is fine.08:52
=== perriman is now known as chuchiperriman
Peace-bekks: he says he can't use krita well so ... i guess08:53
bekksPeace-: It is checksummed before installation, and installation went fine.08:53
Voyage_ sudo apt-get clean   removed the.db08:53
bekksPeace-: He gets error when using krita, not with installing it.08:53
Peace-bekks: sure sure but what if the package install a crap krita version ?08:53
=== chuchiperriman is now known as perriman
ikoniaagain - fix the problem, not guess at the solution08:53
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
ikoniaPeace-: how will reinstalling fix that ?08:53
Voyage_by the way, how to reconfigure / fix a package by atp?08:53
ikoniaPeace-: as it will still be the same problem version08:54
Peace-ikonia: omg he said how to remove not how tinstlal08:54
bekksPeace-: Again: the file is checksummed before it is installed.08:54
ikoniaPeace-: he's trying to re-install it08:54
htqpPeace-: the .deb is checked against the ubuntu repositories signing keys, so there's no way the package can install a borked softare without the packagers knowing it08:54
Peace-i used ppa and sometimes krita is messed08:55
Peace-so ...08:55
ikoniaso what ?08:55
bekksPeace-: Even PPA packages are checksummed.08:55
ikoniaI'm failing to see the point08:55
Voyage_its the same faulty package again.08:55
Peace-bekks: and who cares of checksumm08:55
htqpthat's why you avoid ppas as possible, they are not checked by the UBUNTU repo maintainers08:55
Peace-if the bugs are in the app08:55
Voyage_policy says Version table:*** 1:2.8.6-0ubuntu1 0      500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic/universe amd64 Packages08:55
ikoniaPeace-: if the bugs are in the app - how will re-installing fix it ?08:56
Peace-ikonia: not how to re install08:56
Peace-omg i gonna to exit08:56
ikoniaPeace-: yes, but you keep doing apt-get install after it08:56
Peace-this is maddnes08:56
ikoniasuggesting your trying to re-install it08:56
ikoniahence how you know hte package is in cache08:56
bekksPeace-: You dont need to remove it from cache because the package itself is fine.08:56
ikoniaand it's in cache because there is no newer version to update to08:57
ikoniaif there was a newer version than the cache - it would download it08:57
Peace-ok do what you want i gonna to developmy apps08:57
Voyage_so what should I do?08:57
Voyage_bekks, ?08:57
Peace-Voyage_: have you added ppas ?08:57
ikoniaVoyage_: what is the exact prolem08:58
Peace-bekks: to install krita?08:58
Voyage_ikonia,  krita is not stable working.08:58
bekksPeace-: He installed krita fine.08:58
Peace-bekks: again ?08:58
* Voyage_ agrees with be08:58
* Voyage_ agrees with bekks 08:58
htqp"when I do thse steps ... I get this exact error message (copy-paste) ... expected behavior is ..." << fill the dots08:59
Peace-Voyage_: krita works fine08:59
bekksPeace-: Of course. Since the installation went fine, the package itself isnt the problem.08:59
bekksPeace-: HIS krita does not work fine.08:59
Peace-bekks: it was not a question08:59
bekksPeace-: Thats why he is asking in here.08:59
Voyage_Peace-,  it doesnt. just not mine08:59
Peace-bekks: o k i guess i gonna to ignore you08:59
Peace-Voyage_: screenshot09:00
* Voyage_ agrees with bekks 09:00
ikoniaVoyage_: work it through with bekks09:00
bekksVoyage_: Can you describe the errors you get a bit further?09:00
pikaciuhi there09:03
Voyage_ikonia,  I am.09:05
pikaciui would  like to know the   meaning of mount -o bind . I elaborate: when i boot from a livecd if i want to work on my root partition, i have to mount bind /dev /sys /proc .... WHY ? thanx09:05
Voyage_bekks, Peace-  when I press some letters like  'e' or some other for e.g in kirta. it does not types it but shows some shapes. http://oi58.tinypic.com/fxcf2w.jpg09:05
Peace-Voyage_: compiz activated?09:06
Voyage_Peace-,  whats compiz?09:07
Voyage_how to reconfigure an app?09:07
Peace-Voyage_:  i guess it's not an app problem but the compiz issue , well try this09:07
Voyage_Peace-,  whats compiz?09:07
Peace-Voyage_: go on krita settins => display09:08
Peace-let's try before this krita settings => display09:08
Voyage_Compiz /kɒmpɪz/ is a compositing window manager for the X Window System, using 3D graphics hardware to create fast compositing desktop effects09:08
huighi, i am looking for a good guide about code obfuscation in c09:09
Peace-Voyage_: if you ar using ubuntu with unity you have compiz ...09:09
Peace-Voyage_: anyway before that try what i have said go on krita settings09:09
Peace-then display09:09
Voyage_Peace-,  I am on kubuntu with kde09:10
Voyage_Peace-,  i am in settings now09:10
Peace-Voyage_: ok perfect09:10
OerHekshuig, join ##c or ##c++ for that09:10
Peace-Voyage_: just go on settings => configure krita => display09:10
huigOerHeks, thanks09:10
pikaciui would  like to know the   meaning of mount -o bind . I elaborate: when i boot from a livecd if i want to work on my root partition, i have to mount bind /dev /sys /proc .... WHY ? thanx09:10
Voyage_Peace-,  i am in settings now09:11
Peace-Voyage_: try to disable opengl09:12
htqppikaciu: some programs need access to runtime data about hardware or software. The standard interface is via those directories. Ubuntu mounts them on /dev etc. by default, when you work in chroot you need to mount them manually09:12
Voyage_Peace-,  i am in settings now.  whats next09:12
Voyage_Peace-,  its already no enabled09:12
Peace-Voyage_: ok then try to enable09:13
Peace-i have  a different version of krita of couse09:13
Peace-so some stuff are different09:13
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
Peace-Voyage_: http://i.imgur.com/0jH8Mq4.jpg09:13
Voyage_Peace-, did that09:13
Voyage_Peace-, did that. no help09:14
Voyage_How to reconfigure an app by apt/dpkg?09:14
Peace-Voyage_: that is not a reconfigure problem09:14
pikaciuhtqp. Thanx a lot.  so, i mount /dev/sda1 in /mnt ... after i chroot , then mount -o bind /dev  /mnt , /proc  /mnt ... etc,   ... it's right ?09:14
Peace-it's a video bug09:14
Peace-Voyage_: it's a video bug09:14
Peace-Voyage_: can your disable kwin effects?09:14
Peace-Voyage_: have you nvidia ?09:14
htqpmount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev09:15
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot09:15
pikaciuhtqp. ok09:15
=== athairus_oops is now known as athairus
Peace-Voyage_: btw there is a channel for krita09:17
Voyage_Peace-,  yes.09:17
Voyage_Peace-,  ok09:17
Peace-Voyage_: #krita09:17
Voyage_going there09:17
MysticRedIm using crouton, trying to install xfce trusty, but I always get not supported distrubution?09:19
MysticRedHere is message: trusty does not belong to any supported distribution.09:19
MysticRedAnyone know how to get this to work?09:20
htqpask to crouton's tech support? channel #crouton, 39 ppl09:20
htqpor use debootstrap09:20
MysticRedahh sorry didnt notice channel09:21
htqpwell freenode seems to have a chan for almost every oss09:22
MysticRedcuul first time on freenode09:23
=== jarkko is now known as YarkoL
Voyage_ how can I get  Current stable release: 2.9  . the latest krita????09:33
OerHeksVoyage_, wait untill the 27th, vivid has got krita 2.9.209:35
Voyage_OerHeks,  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dimula73/krita ?09:37
OerHeksPPA's are not supported, use at your own risc09:37
Voyage_OerHeks,  how do I remove this ppa?09:38
what_ever_fiI run apt get purge gpgv and now I lost everything, I can't even run apt get command09:38
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:41
what_ever_fi@ubottu that was for me ?09:41
OerHekswhat_ever_fi, no09:42
OerHekswhat_ever_fi, i think you deleted a systempackage, "gpgv is a stripped-down version of gnupg which is only able to check signatures."09:44
what_ever_fiThank you, I am newbie trying now to re-install things, but I get always errors09:45
what_ever_fiapt -  get not there09:46
htqpyou don't even have apt now, since apt has dependency on gpgv09:46
what_ever_fithat is right :D09:47
htqpbut maybe you have apt-get so, apt-get install gpgv ?09:47
ikoniayou can't apt-get something if apt-get is broken09:47
ikoniayou'll need to grab the deb file and dpkg it09:47
what_ever_fi_and I got disconnected09:49
what_ever_fi_@htqp how to install anything back (apt at least)09:49
ShalokShalomhi there, how to get a log about my boot speed ?09:54
ubottubootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot09:56
ShalokShalomthanks :D09:56
OerHeksde-install after use, else your /var/log/ will grow09:56
ShalokShalom0erHeks: is there a similar command in upstart available as well ?09:58
ShalokShalomlike systemd-analyze blame ?09:58
OerHeksShalokShalom, not that i know of09:59
ShalokShalomok, thanks10:00
ShalokShalomthis bootchart shows, why my system needs so long to boot, yes ?10:00
OerHeksit shows micro time for every part to load. big gaps can give you a clue about delays10:01
OerHekssome delays are normal, like auth wireless, that can take some time.10:02
OerHekselse dmesg can give you some info too> dmesg | more10:03
what_ever_fi_how to manually install gpgv ?10:14
OerHekswhat_ever_fi_, download the deb package for your ubuntu version, and install it with ' sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb  '10:15
OerHekshope that works, else backup your data and reinstall.10:15
what_ever_fi_Thx OerHeks the problem I was not able to find the right package,10:16
=== newbie__ is now known as Guest96257
Guest96257hello! i'm hesitating between gnome 3 or plasma 5, actually, could you help me decide between kubuntu and ubuntu gome?10:17
OerHeksGuest96257, not really, try them out both? plasma5 is in beta iirc10:21
sburjanHello. Is there an article on how to disable non-essential daemons/services in Ubuntu/Xubuntu ? I am installing on a very old lapto, and I am sure there are a lot of services I don\t need and that can boost performance if I disable them. I googled it, I saw some toold to do this, but is there a tutorial that explains all the daemons and what they do so I can chose which to disable ?10:22
Guest96257OerHeks: i tried them both, comming from mac, gnome is perfect except for its huge windows :S i and i like some things in kde like being able to set the touchpad (i'm on a macbook pro and i intend to use ubuntu as mu onlu OS)10:22
Guest96257kde looks goregeous but its task bar and workflow is SO windows that i feel lost, but its apps (krita, digikam, kdenlive are amazing)10:23
Guest96257so what i want is gnome workflow with kde apps lol10:23
Celexiyou can use those apps in gnome10:23
OerHeksCelexi +110:24
InokiGuest96257: I would definitely recommed GNOME or anything based on it.10:24
Guest96257but isn't there any problem doing it?10:24
Guest96257i mean, mixing apps10:24
Celexinot really10:24
OerHeksyou pull in a lot of dependencies, but it works.10:24
Guest96257Inoki: why to use gnome instead of kde?10:24
Guest96257OerHeks: and are they easy to unistall if i don't want the app related to any more?10:25
InokiGuest96257: KDE is nice, but personally I find it bloated. GNOME is a lot simpler.10:25
InokiGuest96257: If you want something to help you get things done quickly and efficiently in a mobile like interface = very modern UI, that is designed to get things out of the way and get them done.10:26
Guest96257exactly in gnome i feel more productive10:27
Guest96257kde is playful for me10:28
Guest96257so is it anyway in gnome i can get my touchpad faster and more sensible?10:28
Guest96257ah! another big question, when a new release is launched, is it recommended to fresh install or is it ok just upgrading?10:29
InokiGuest96257: You can customize anything necessary for productivity with GNOME, just as you can with about any DE. KDE is more for those who like to tweak their desktop to the max. Of course you can do that in any DE, but KDE offers a GUI for about every setting.10:31
InokiAbout upgrades, depends how you customize your system. If you use less 3rd party apps and more of those from the official repos I don't think you need to do a fresh install every once in a while.10:31
Guest96257im installing krita in ubuntu gnome right now and the amount of dependencies is WOA!10:32
InokiGuest96257: Don't worry about that.10:32
Guest96257i will folow your advice, i really like gnomes workflow ^^10:33
Guest96257i still don0t get the use of Unity10:33
Guest96257but between gnome and kde, i'm really surprise people do this piece of perfection for free! :S10:34
InokiGuest96257: If you install something originally meant for another DE of course it needs dependencies, but that doesn't mean that it would run any worse on another DE. I typically install software that requires more dependencies but never had issues of any kind.10:34
InokiPeople know what people need, that's the beauty of it. Enjoy your system!10:34
Guest96257Inoki: so mixing kde apps in an gnome environment is not a bad thing?10:35
Guest96257the performance of those apps isn't going to be poor?10:36
InokiGuest96257: I don't see how it's a problem. If the majority of apps you use are meant for another DE it would perhaps be recommended to use that one instead. But if you use only a few from KDE and the rest from GNOME use GNOME.10:37
javnutcan I add comments to my bash history with #?10:37
Guest96257yeah right10:38
Guest96257i will figure out how to change kde apps icons in gnome :S10:38
Guest96257to make it more integrated10:38
bekksjavnut: No.10:40
InokiGuest96257: GNOME has some of the most interesting apps designed for it. I tried KDE apps in the past but didn't like them at all. They felt bloated. I tried Krita and although it's a good app to me it seems too overfeatured, that's why I use MyPaint, which is super simple and feels better. Again, personal preference. I like minimal settings and maximum result, that's how I pick my apps. E.g. I never used Rhythmbox and that's a GNOM10:41
javnutbekks: won't "foo #comment here" run anyway though?10:41
bekksjavnut: Comments arent recorded in the history.10:42
Guest96257Inoki: do you know how to make default adwaita title bar smaller?10:42
javnutbekks: I just checked, yes they are10:43
bekksjavnut: Are they? TIL, all other bash implementations on other OS dont record them.10:44
javnutcd Desktop #this makes the Desktop the current working directory10:44
javnuttry it10:44
InokiGuest96257: Not really, you might want to join #ubuntu-gnome and maybe someone there can help. Some theme related settings for GNOME are (I think) configured in their theme files. As I said before, GNOME offers customization, but theme specific stuff has to be done (I think) in the config files of a theme, unless you have a GUI for it like in KDE. I never bothered with this kind of stuff. I like themes as they are shipped.10:44
InokiGuest96257: Should no one in #ubuntu-gnome be able to help you could always turn to GNOME-specific channels independent of distros.10:46
InokiGuest96257: Plus there is the awesome Ask Ubuntu page and Ubuntu Forums.10:47
Guest96257oki thanks!10:47
Aisonis there a package overlay that provides hplip 3.15.2 for Ubuntu 14.04?10:55
MonkeyDust!details | Aison i huess you mean lib (library), not lip10:57
ubottuAison i huess you mean lib (library), not lip: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)10:57
Aisonno, I mean hplip :) HP Linux Imaging and Printing10:58
BluesKajHowdy all10:59
bodo_hi. can anyone pls tell me what is this? http://i.imgur.com/JvLO2aB.png?1 i did set a pass and now everytime when i log in it makes me introduce the pass and its very annoing10:59
bodo_is there any1 able to answer my question?11:04
rochelimitThat depends on what your question is.11:04
bodo_i did asked a few mins earlier11:05
bodo_can anyone pls tell me what is this? http://i.imgur.com/JvLO2aB.png?1 i did set a pass and now everytime when i log in it makes me introduce the pass and its very annoing11:05
curcccHello, when I am running an Ubuntu script and make changes to that script while it is running, does it reread the changes I make?11:05
curcccAnd by that I mean a shell script.11:06
andcathey, I've got a question -- I have an ubuntu VM set up how I want it, and it's 8.04 [intentionally], so I can't upload it to ec2. I can use a default 8.04 ec2 image, but I'd want the state to be the same as my current one11:09
rochelimit@curccc, when you run a script it is loaded into memory, but editing is done on the version on disk.11:09
andcatlong story short, is there some way of seeing all the new packages and/or files from a base install, so I can quickly do them all again?11:09
curcccrochelimit: are you sure?11:09
curccc"bash reads from the last byte position, so editing shifts the location of the current character being read."11:09
rochelimitSo it won't re read the script unless you stop and restart it.11:09
curccc"bash is, indeed, interpreting the script "as you go"."11:10
curcccfrom: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3398258/edit-shell-script-while-its-running11:10
curcccIf that's the case, then it should be OK to edit bits of the script further down the script shouldn't it?11:12
rochelimitCurccc: interesting link. It seems to have caused disagreement. Have you experimented with a text script?11:12
curcccrochelimit: I will test it.11:13
bodo_Err http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com utopic-updates Release.gpg11:14
bodo_  Could not resolve 'ro.archive.ubuntu.com'11:14
bodo_Err http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com utopic-backports Release.gpg11:14
bodo_  Could not resolve 'ro.archive.ubuntu.com'11:14
bodo_why do i get this err trying to sudo apt-get update?11:15
curcccYeah, looks like it reads it bit by bit.11:15
bodo_and there are more lines like this11:15
curcccOk, so editing things downstream in the script looks fine, but upstream from the current bit seems to make problems.11:16
curcccThat answers my question. Thanks.11:17
rochelimitIt may also be different depending how you edit the file. Looks to unpredictable to rely on.11:18
bodo_why when i do sudo apt-get update i get some err and ign?11:22
ohai__is anyone here?11:23
bodo_nvm i see that i can't get help on #ubuntu anymore11:24
MonkeyDustbodo_  maybe because the source or mirror is not available11:24
ohai__try other repository i guess11:24
bodo_MonkeyDust, and is there anything i can do?11:24
MonkeyDustbodo_  it's harmless11:27
rochelimitBodu, do you need the backports? You could comment or the line in your apt-sources file.11:27
rochelimitThat's "comment out"11:27
monojinIs there any place I can find up to date information on using gamepads with Ubuntu (like necessary packages, configuration, which brands are more likely to work)?11:32
MonkeyDustmonojin  try #ubuntu-offtopic11:33
ThenewoneHi guys11:47
Thenewonei have ubuntu server how can i active icons ?11:47
Thenewonei have openbox as desktop11:47
rochelimitThenewone, openbox is a window manager, so you'll need to install something to manage the desktop. I'm run openbox and I prefer an icon-less background.11:51
Thenewonerochelimit, you know how to active the icons ?11:52
rochelimitSome file managers can do it. Try Nautilus or PCmanFM.11:53
Thenewoneok what about thunar ?11:53
rochelimitThunar is lightweight, and doesn't offer desktop icons.11:55
Thenewoneok man thanks for the info11:55
Thenewonecan i share with you my new setup for the desktop ?11:55
colbyFreehi folks, anyone here can help me diagnose bluetooth problems11:57
colbyFreedevice search shows nothing and my phone sees nothing11:58
Thenewonesorry man i have no idea11:58
MonkeyDustcolbyFree  use blueman11:58
colbyFreek installing now, will see how I go :)11:59
=== davevanloo-bed is now known as davevanloo
colbyFreenpe still can't see anything on PC or phone12:03
Thenewonehttps://i.imgur.com/SNigalO.png what do you guys think about my desktop on ubuntu server ???12:03
colbyFreeI like, looks good12:04
davevanlooThenewone cudoś, looks great!12:05
Thenewonethanks do you have any ideas to add ?12:05
Thenewonedavevanloo, thanks12:05
colbyFreedoes the orange font not make it hard to read thou12:06
colbyFreeon the terminal12:06
davevanloowell a launchpad of sorts.. maybe something you could make pre-programmed commands in colbyFree12:06
Thenewonewhen i move it on the face :D12:06
colbyFreemakes sense :)12:06
Thenewonei will see davevanloo12:07
davevanloooeps.. i said it to the wrong guy  that time LOL12:08
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Thenewonei was thinkg ;D12:08
Thenewoneit's ok that's happen12:09
davevanlooheres my current desktop envirement :) http://i.imgur.com/2pCAfga.jpg Thenewone ;012:10
wallbrokenwhat "project sputnik" of Dell is?12:10
davevanlooany suggestions? im sure you have a lot hehe12:10
Thenewonedavevanloo, you just kiked my a...12:11
davevanlooThenewone: I did what? o.O12:11
Thenewonedavevanloo, cool man it's op i like it12:11
Thenewonedavevanloo, kiked my ass :D12:11
davevanlooooh whahaha12:11
davevanlooThenewone: well.. i can see my specs are way above yours yea lol.. or simply the fact i have 2 monitors? :P12:12
Thenewonedavevanloo, i saw that i'm challegin a guys who is gonna make the best desktop12:12
davevanlooThenewone: cool, i had heard about some sort of desktop widgets that would allow monitoring of my system simply as a desktop wallpaper kinda deal.., never found the software that did it though12:13
Thenewonedavevanloo, is not conky ??12:14
* davevanloo chuckles12:14
davevanloojust a little Thenewone12:14
davevanloothis is my personal PC, not a server.., so i have some room to go for bling ;)12:15
Thenewone;D cool12:16
Thenewonei install that just for my subject about vpn12:16
Thenewoneit's runing on vbox12:17
* davevanloo nods12:17
Thenewonelinux is art12:17
davevanlooany one know of some good software for widget/wallpaper type monitoring tools bling?12:17
colbyFreeant art that dosent like my bluetooh :) any bluetooth experts in here12:17
BluesKajThenewone, it can be, in the right hands :-)12:18
davevanloocolbyFree: are you running latest updates?12:18
davevanlooalso.. if its a laptop.. did you make sure the bluetooth is not dissabled using a fn key combo?12:18
colbyFreeyes as far as I know, I run updates everyday cause thats what i do :)12:18
Thenewonelol :D12:18
* davevanloo laughs12:18
ThenewoneBluesKaj, yep :D12:18
colbyFreei assume my wifi won't work with the keyboard combo12:19
colbyFreewhen i do dmesg | grep -i blue12:20
colbyFreeeverything says initialized12:20
BluesKajandrea_, this is not a file sharing channel12:26
bodo_what command i can use to see what is running in terminal in this moment? cuz ihave something running and i dont know what12:27
Thenewoneuse top12:30
colbyFreelspci cmd shows no bluetooth device, does that mean the system dosen't see it at all12:32
=== boxy is now known as Guest89747
=== Guest12440 is now known as EriC^^
kokutHello, how can i change the brightness of the second monitor through the command line?12:46
EriC^^kokut: type ls /sys/class/backlight12:47
kokutEriC^^: acpi_video0 intel_backlight12:48
colbyFreeany available bluetooth experts willing to help me :)12:49
kokuteric i think i'm just gonna use xrander12:50
EriC^^kokut: try xbacklight12:55
kokutEriC^^: i use that for my notebook's screen12:56
EriC^^oh ok12:56
tos-1kokut: Afair xrandr --brightness does not increase the brightness of the backlight of your monitor. It does some fancy gamma manipluations.12:58
kokutanyone knows if theres something like yakuake but for gnome?13:04
kokutnvm i found guake :)13:06
b3n_123hi everyone .. any email notification you can recommend for Unity Ubuntu 14.04 ?13:11
ozlinuxThe Mate Repository "deb http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu precise main" seems to have disappeared during past week, has it officially been retired or is it just down?13:11
htqpbodo_ pstree | less13:12
=== juan is now known as Guest89352
OerHeksozlinux, mate-desktop is back in ubuntu 14.10, that repo is not ours.13:18
raj1I have always userd iso images to install my vms. but how do I install these files for ubuntu core http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/releases/15.04/beta-2/13:25
kokutso, i installed tmux and i have a session, how do i issue commands to that session? :\13:25
raj1what will I get if I untar this package ubuntu-core-15.04-beta2-core-i386.tar.gz13:27
AllanDaemonHi. I having trouble with `apt update`. The http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/source/Sources, as also .../universe/source/Sources  and .../universe/binary-amd64/Packages are giving `Hash Sum mismatch`. I changed the mirror, and deleted the files with `rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf` but it stills failing.13:28
b3n_123who's using gmail notificaiton?13:31
colbyFreeany bluetooth people on want help me fix mine. please13:32
Istalantarhello, can anyone help me with setting up a google print server? so far i followed this guide https://support.google.com/a/answer/2906017?hl=en ... only problem is, i cant use chrome only chromium, so i can't complete the guide, because those commands dont work for chromium13:47
=== DerRaiden is now known as DerRaiden_aw
ozlinuxapt-get install mate-control-center : Depends: mate-desktop (>= 1.8.1+dfsg1-3), and mate-desktop is already the newest version, anybody else having this problem on 12.04 LTS?13:56
OerHeksIstalantar, then you are stuck, that guide only works on chrome13:56
rgb-oneozlinux: what repository did you download the mate desktop from? a ppa?13:58
arobaseHi, anyone can help about Linux auditing?14:01
rgb-onearobase: auditing in what context?14:03
rgb-onearobase: u want to test linux out?14:04
reeedhey all what's the difference between *.a and *.so files ?14:06
rgb-onereeed: you can google both if them and compare your results14:06
OerHeksdynamic and static libs14:07
OerHeksnot sure is .a is static14:07
OerHeksis-if *14:08
IstalantarOerHeks: thats exactly the point, so, without chrome, no print server14:09
OerHeksIstalantar, why can't you use chrome ?14:11
SchrodingersScatthat sounds logical though, if a 'google print server' requires chrome and you can't use chrome then you probably can't google print server?14:13
IstalantarOerHeks: doesnt run on my raspberrypi14:13
OerHeksSchrodingersScat, indeed, but i did a little research if someone found a way around chrome14:13
OerHeksIstalantar, rasp pi 2 ?14:13
IstalantarOerHeks: no, pi 1 B14:15
OerHeksIstalantar, why do you ask here for support, as you can't run ubuntu14:15
ZmEuHello ! I'm installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS and they can't have LUKS/LVM Encryption... It's possible to full encryption when I'm already installed the OS ? and how14:16
IstalantarOerHeks: i could have chromium on ubuntu, so does it really matter?14:17
ZmEuHello ! I'm installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS and they can't have LUKS/LVM Encryption... It's possible to full encryption when I'm already installed the OS ? and how14:24
pikaciuhi, little help  with external sata drive  (usb adapter)  ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10800705/14:25
pikaciui cannot mount /dev/sdb14:25
MonkeyDust!encrypt | ZmEu start here14:26
ubottuZmEu start here: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory14:26
pikaciulsusb says this: Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc. SPIF30x Serial-ATA bridge14:27
pikaciuit sees the adapter but not the disk inside14:27
pikaciuit is broken ?14:28
SJrWhy does the Lenovo say that they work closely with ensuring lenovo laptops are certified with ubuntu, then a laptop has a status that it is certified if ubuntu is preinstalled. But Lenovo does not sell a preinstalled version.14:29
sutterprgb-one: The original repo was deb http://packages.mate-desktop.org/repo/ubuntu precise main where it worked fine, but this appears not to be available anymore.14:29
rgb-onesutterp: maybe you should upgrade to the latest LTS14:30
sutterprgb-one Have changed them to sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/ppa sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/precise-mate, thats when the problem started14:31
sutterprgb-one Can't do that at the moment, still have to support other 12.04 LTS installations14:32
=== amir_ is now known as Guest96507
kam270is there  any decent LVM gui tools out there ?14:32
rgb-onethe problem is you may have the old mate desktop installed and you are trying to install mate desktop which is being retrieved from the ppa which requires the version of mate-desktop in the ppa14:32
OerHeksSJr, see this list, http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/documents/pd031426, certifies has nothing to do with ubuntu preinstalled14:33
sutterprgb-one I have removed all mate via synaptic before changing to the new repo14:33
OerHeks* certified14:33
rgb-onesutterp: run sudo apt-get autoremove14:34
sutterprgb-one I did that several times, funny thing is sudo apt-get install mate-desktop results in mate-desktop is already the newest version14:36
=== ubik is now known as Guest91238
rgb-onesutterp: did you do sudo apt-get update after adding the ppa and before downloading mate-desktop?14:37
pikaciua little help  with external sata drive  (usb adapter)  ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10800705/14:37
sutterprgb-one sudo apt-get install mate-control-center results in mate-control-center : Depends: mate-desktop (>= 1.8.1+dfsg1-3)14:38
sutterprgb-one Yes, I always do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade after changing anything in the repos14:38
rgb-onesutterp: yea. I am thinking that the mate you have installed was not being retrieved from the ppa?14:39
rgb-onesutterp: What you could do is purge mate-desktop and install mate-cotrol-center. It will retrieve the version of mate it requires14:40
sutterprgb-one How do I check that, except that when running apt-get update, it seems to retrieve the data from there14:40
bigred15What is .gvfs directory under the home dir? ..and more importantly, why do I have no permissions to it?14:43
rgb-onebigred15: I think it means gnome virtual file system14:43
sutterprgb-one Synaptic reports mate desktop version 1.8.1+dfsg1-1~ppa1~precise1, yet mate mate-control-center wants mate-desktop (>= 1.8.1+dfsg1-3)14:43
bigred15hrmm, any idea why it exists? :|14:44
rgb-onebigred15: I think it is used by gnome applications such as nautilus14:44
bigred15Ahh, I see. Shame I don't ever use nautilus. Is it perhaps used by terminator by any chance? It only started showing up once I installed terminator :|14:45
rgb-onebigred15: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS14:46
bigred15No, ignore that, what I asked was utterly stupid.14:46
bigred15Permissions are all messed up, seems someone else had a similar problem on the ubuntuforums which was solved by a reboot.14:46
rgb-onebigred15: what is the problem?14:47
bigred15.gvfs has permissions which are...weird: d?????????  ? ?      ?           ?            ? .gvfs14:48
pikaciua little help  with external sata drive  (usb adapter)  ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10800705/14:50
sutterprgb-one purged mate-desktop, apt-get install mate-control-center : Depends: mate-desktop (>= 1.8.1+dfsg1-3)14:52
rgb-onesutterp: maybe there is a problem with the ppa14:53
sutterprgb-one it looks that the two repos  ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/ppa and ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/precise-mate are out of step, as I can not install mate-desktop-environment-core etc, because they all depend on mate-control-center15:02
rgb-onesutterp: Maybe you could try another desktop15:04
sutterprgb-one The other installed desktops run fine (gnome).15:05
=== Rory is now known as Rory_
rgb-onesutterp: work with it.15:05
osa1hi all. I'm trying to run a binary compiled in Ubuntu, and apparently it's dynamically linked with libffi.so.6. the problem is, I don't think version 6 of that library is ever released, it seems like most recent version is 4: https://sourceware.org/libffi/ any ideas what version is installed as libffi.so.6 on Ubuntu?15:06
=== Rory_ is now known as Rory
=== Rory is now known as Rory_
sutterprgb-one: Thanks for your help, hopefully this gets fixed soon, I like mate better than unity15:07
cribbageSTARSHIPcan I use thee "at" command to schedule apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade?15:07
=== Rory_ is now known as Rory
rgb-onesutterp: You are welcome, All the best15:08
colbyFreeFinally got Bluetooth working... phew... any1 with BT issues relating to Realteck wifi/BT combo I can help15:09
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu15:11
MonkeyDustphaenon  next time, do  /msg ubottu !cups15:13
colbyFreeany recommendations for learning linux beginner from the bash i presume15:15
EriC^^colbyFree: /join #bash they got some guides in the topic i thik15:15
colbyFreecool will try that15:15
colbyFreei was installing drivers for BT today and kept typing cd.. to go back a directory... lol which obv didn't work so I kept restarting the terminal  :P15:16
MonkeyDustcolbyFree  it's cd ..15:17
EriC^^colbyFree: yeah that happens first15:17
colbyFreeah just a space I was missing15:17
EriC^^colbyFree: cd alone takes you to your home dir15:17
colbyFreelol well away to check #bash15:18
EriC^^colbyFree: and tab completion is a better than sliced bread15:18
EriC^^*is better15:18
colbyFreeah i learnt that quick15:18
colbyFreeespecially for driver names15:19
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pikaciua little help  with external sata drive  (usb adapter)  ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10800705/15:25
teromousUbuntu plays this bongo sound at the login screen, is there any way to turn it off? It's pretty tchotchke...15:26
pikaciufirst part solved: the data drive needs a double usb cable ... but now i got this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10801245/15:36
pikaciuhow can i solve ? formatting ?15:37
teromouscan anyone help? this bongo sound is driving me nuts, I'm using Ubuntu with Cinnamon...trying to disable this annoying bongo login sound thing...15:37
arobaseHow do you audit a linux server?15:38
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omhlo every one15:40
MonkeyDustarobase  there's alos #ubuntu-server15:40
MonkeyDustom  please use proper english15:41
SchrodingersScatteromous: should be able to mute system sounds in the volume controls.15:42
bigred15anyone know how to delay audio on linux? trying to synchronise sport radio commentary (online digital stream), output it through 3.5mm to amp, and line it up with the sport broadcast on TV?15:42
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MonkeyDustbigred15  i guess the people in #ubuntustudio can help you better15:44
pikaciuyippi yaye i did it ? and you didn't hel me :-P15:45
c0mrad3my pendrive is showing 4mb instead of 16 gb can any one help me with it15:45
pikaciui used thid : mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb then /sdb1 and /sdb215:46
MonkeyDustc0mrad3  like in, 12GB used?15:46
c0mrad3nope :( MonkeyDust15:46
c0mrad3I wan't to know if it's a hardware problem or bcoz of some virus15:46
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omyou have to use windows for it15:47
c0mrad3fine I have a win lap with me om15:48
omohk then just insert your pendrive15:48
tucaalguien sabe usar instrumentos virtuales?15:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:50
omfuck out basterd15:50
MonkeyDustom  please leave15:51
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:51
Olxdany one running kali16:03
MonkeyDustOlxd  kali is not suported here16:04
Olxdwhy not16:04
MonkeyDustOlxd  type /j #kali16:04
Olxdyou a hacker>?16:05
MonkeyDustOlxd  you're in the wrong channel16:05
rgb-onepikaciu: mkfs.ext4 should be on the partitions, ie, /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. /dev/sda is the main device. by partitioning you are dividing that device into smaller pieces.16:07
rgb-onethink of a whole pizza or cake as /dev/sda16:07
rgb-onefor each piece you cut of that pizza it will represent a partiton. If you cut 4 pieces you have 4 partitions, /dev/sda1 - /dev/sda416:09
c0mrad3olxd join #kali-linux16:12
c0mrad3Olxd: join #kali-linux16:12
WileTheCoyotehello everyone16:12
WileTheCoyotei'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS; is possible to change the resolution of the screen?16:13
compdocwe dont allow harassing roadrunners in here, bucko16:13
MonkeyDustWileTheCoyote  use arandr, a frontend to xrandr16:13
WileTheCoyoteso nothing in the Control panel?16:15
rgb-oneWileTheCoyote: System Settings -> Display16:16
MonkeyDustWileTheCoyote  I reckoned you checked that already... it's Displays in the control panel16:16
ashzillawhere do i go to unsubscribe to bug reports16:16
optik_hey i cant join freebsd but im trying to install kde in freebsd i installed it completely no problem but it wont run by default or by startkde command it says no display any help16:16
xanguaoptik_: /join #freenode16:17
optik_k thx xxangua16:17
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phhy !!16:17
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rgb-oneoptik_: have you installed xorg-xinit?16:20
optik_no rgb i dont know what that is it just says no display im thinking i have to set up some file configs or something16:20
optik_startkde command doesnt work either i installed kde properly though16:21
optik_should i just get a book on freebsd and learn it myself16:21
optik_im going to try google for instructions see if i can print them out any help to a website would be intresting and helpful16:22
rgb-oneoptik_: do you have a .xinitrc file set up?16:22
MonkeyDustoptik_  this is the #ubuntu support channel, not freebsd16:22
optik_no i dont rgb-one16:22
optik_what should i put in there16:22
rgb-oneoptik_: exec startkde16:23
optik_just add that line in there16:23
rgb-oneoptik_: yea16:23
rgb-oneoptik_: then you can run startx16:23
optik_okay and that will take care of the no display message and start kde16:23
optik_okay thx16:23
rgb-oneoptik_: assuming you have the xorg-xinit package installed16:24
optik_exec startkde in xinitrc file16:24
rgb-oneoptik_: if not then it won't work16:24
optik_i do16:24
rgb-oneok it should work16:24
optik_when you install kde it installs alot i think it intalls that16:24
optik_or i can install it i will check it out16:24
Emmanuel_Chanellibpam-smbpass upgraded?16:25
Emmanuel_ChanelIs libpam-smbpass on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS upgraded?16:25
xangua!latest | Emmanuel_Chanel16:25
ubottuEmmanuel_Chanel: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:25
Fuchsmarkcdgyw8effcw: try  /join #lockresearch        (whatever that is)16:31
sburjanHello. Is there an article on how to disable non-essential daemons/services in Ubuntu/Xubuntu ? I am installing on a very old lapto, and I am sure there are a lot of services I don\t need and that can boost performance if I disable them. I googled it, I saw some toold to do this, but is there a tutorial that explains all the daemons and what they do so I can chose which to disable ?16:33
reeedsburjan: i chose to use Lubuntu  -- lightweight, minimal services16:34
rgb-onesburjan: check the system monitor16:35
rgb-onergb-one: it will list all running processes16:36
rgb-onergb-one: if you see one that doesn't look useful or is consuming alot of memory you can investigate it.16:37
Bashing-omsburjan: A LOT easier to build up ( from minimal install ) than to tear down and a LOT less problematic.16:39
kodekrackeri got a problem while connecting OPENVPN .Is anybody help me ???16:39
MonkeyDustkodekracker  simply ask your question and wait16:40
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pikaciuwhich is the  proper linux filesystem type for an   external sata hhd ?16:57
MonkeyDustpikaciu  ubuntu uses ext416:57
pikaciuMonkeyDust,   i use it but it did a mess ... so i put in win (ntfs - disk Managment) reput in Ubu and all was fine :-(16:59
pikaciuMonkeyDust,   i want to format this drive in  Ubu with a ext type ... but i'm afraid to get all I/O  errors17:00
MonkeyDustpikaciu  ntfs does not support linux permissions17:00
pikaciuMonkeyDust,   i know :-P17:01
pikaciuMonkeyDust,   this is why i wanna format with ext type17:01
kokutHello, anyone knows how to scroll up in a guake instance?17:03
marjinal1stHow can I create a wifi hotspot in Ubuntu, using terminal?17:05
kokutthe scroll doesn't work in guake, anyone knows something i can try?17:09
zykotick9kokut: i'd suggest using a real terminal... YMMV17:10
kokutzykotick9: i'm running guake + tmux, its the best tbh17:10
zykotick9kokut: does tmux's scroll work?  <prefix>+[17:11
kokutzykotick9: yea it does, seems a bit too much, prefix + [ is there a way to change that to the freaking arrows17:13
zykotick9kokut: i'd guess there is... perhaps #tmux can help?17:14
mehnwhich version of ubuntu should i install on a 5 year old netbook with a 10.1" screen and 1gb of ram?17:14
kokutyea i'm asking there17:14
xanguamehn: I'd guess Xubuntu or Lubuntu, dependong of the resources17:15
kbdhelpgot microsoft 2000 keyboard and the launch 1 through 5 keys don't work. the launch 1 through 5 work fine on my microsoft 3000 keyboard. no seeing anything for the launch 1 through 5 keys in xev on ms 2000. any idea how to advance? did searchs but not finding anyone with my problems.17:16
thenewon1where is the folder where i put my fonts ?17:19
thenewon1for the whol system not my user account17:19
thenewon1Hi first :D17:19
thenewon1hello guys17:20
thenewon1where is the font folder in ubuntu ?17:20
thenewon1found it :D17:20
thenewon1just type in terminal hwereis fonts17:20
mehnxangua: aren't there netbook specific versions of ubuntu still?17:21
xanguamehn: you jsut went way back 5 years ago17:22
MonkeyDust!mini | mehn explore this17:25
ubottumehn explore this: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:25
stefan93_I have 2gb of ram should I get ubuntu 32 or 64 bit?17:27
xanguastefan93_: what proccesor¿17:28
pikaciu32bit can read only 2G17:28
stefan93_AMD Athlon II x2 21517:29
pikaciui'll add ram and use 6417:29
stefan93_i wont add ram on this pc17:29
stefan93_this is old pc and not for everyday use17:29
stefan93_i just want optimal architecture17:29
stefan93_also I screwed my ubuntu and now I want to reinstall ext4 will my old ubuntu /home be saved in /backuphome or something? I have in dual windows too17:30
xangua(12:28:57) pikaciu: 32bit can read only 2G - fake17:30
compdocuse 64bit17:30
stefan93_compdoc, why 64 bit?17:31
compdocthere is no advantage to running a 32bit OS on a 64bit cpu17:31
pikaciuxangua... i emant in windows17:31
pikaciuxangua... i meant in windows17:31
compdocubuntu 64bit is a very great OS17:31
stefan93_compdoc, how do you know my cpu is 64?17:32
thegrreatIm trying to boot windows 7 beside ubuntu but when starting computer and changing so it boots from my usb drive "WINDOWS INSTALLER" it just goes into ubuntu whatever i do17:32
stefan93_it only says 64 bit support: Yes17:32
stefan93_is that it?17:32
MonkeyDuststefan93_  what's the very last line, when you type this in a terminal     sudo dmidecode --type 417:33
stefan93_im not in linux now17:33
compdocits was an ok cpu in its day. I built systems with that cpu, and many others17:33
stefan93_as i cant access it17:33
thegrreatIm trying to boot windows 7 beside ubuntu but when starting computer and changing so it boots from my usb drive "WINDOWS INSTALLER" it just goes into ubuntu whatever i do17:33
stefan93_ok im downloading 64 bit17:33
thegrreatCan someone help me with this please ? :P17:34
compdocyou could probably find a low cost cpu upgrade for it on ebay, since AM3 is fairly recent17:34
stefan93_compdoc, my cpu is good I guess17:34
stefan93_I have at home i7 cpu which runs super fast17:35
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compdocmore cores is nice17:36
stefan93_but i have shitty gigatron motherboard17:37
stefan93_im thinking abut swithng it17:37
stanmcmthegrreat, check your pm17:38
thegrreathow do i check it ? XD17:38
stanmcmShould look like another channel17:38
stanmcmor just leave....lol Why do I try?17:40
thegrreatNew to this irc program cant find my pm :P17:40
stanmcmWhich one are you using?17:41
stefan93_simple ctcp tells you17:41
thegrreatIm using irssi17:41
stanmcmEh, I don't know anything about irc myself.  lol.17:42
stanmcmJust send me a msg /m stanmcm message17:44
pikaciuit's possible to have a dual boot with windows 7 Starter on  nb ?17:46
stanmcmthegrreat, Whenever I've had the problem your are describing it's normally a problem with how the USB drive was created.  Microsoft has an article about creating one from the ISO.  Check it out.  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/windows-usb-dvd-download-tool17:49
momomoI am on ubuntu and I have two similar screens. Is there a way I can make them both expand and act as one screen?17:50
Bashing-omthenewon1: PM: in the statusbar -> Act: ; you see a number in red -> /win<#> to change to the PM window.\17:50
momomo so I am thinking that if I can just use on screen and have it merge with the second17:50
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stefan93_ok now I burned ubuntu 14.04 to dvd17:58
stefan93_now I boot from bios however will I be prompted option to save old backup of ubuntu in /backuphome  of /home ?17:58
pikaciustefan93_, it 'll  ask you if you want install on all disk or alongside of other systems18:00
stefan93_I already have windows 7 and lubuntu18:00
EriC^stefan93_: which lubutu18:00
stefan93_I want to screw lubuntu but to save /home to /backuphome all from install18:00
stefan93_i dont know18:00
stefan93_this is old system18:00
pikaciustefan93_, if home is on different partition you can save it18:02
stefan93_ok got it18:02
stefan93_ok brb installing it18:02
superbootHi all. I'm installing Ubuntu 14.04 alternative cd on a UEFI motherboard. I've finished the install, and when booting, I get a black screen and a flashing cursor. Where should I start to troubleshoot this?18:04
EriC^!nomodeset | superboot18:04
ubottusuperboot: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:04
superbootEriC^: Thanks. I'm checking it out now.18:04
PekkisHi, I need help for Ericsson F5521gw Mobile Broadband modem18:08
arobase I'm searching for any best-practices and tools for auditing system configuration. Can you help with any docs or tools?18:08
* zykotick9 wonders what "auditing system configuration" might mean...18:11
west536457640samsung notebook ubuntu 14.04 - browser (ff/chromium) video playback choppy or freezes - vlc plays video fine... can anyone help troubleshoot this?18:12
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MonkeyDustwest536457640  try html518:13
pikaciuwest536457640, i got a netboook Acer Aspire One AOD255E too, and it's not working well with ubu18:14
west536457640pikaciu, yes same here, just going to check if it is html5 also as MonkeyDust suggests18:15
pikaciuwest536457640, i'll do the same -^_^-18:16
MonkeyDustwest536457640  youtube.com/html518:16
west536457640ok, youtube html5 player runs fine in chromium here, so it is the flash :(18:17
west536457640maybe i need to uninstall pepper-flash and use the default one18:18
pikaciuwest536457640, chrome uses pepper, chromium i  don't know18:18
west536457640thats right pikaciu , but you can make chromium use pepper also - which i did, now going to undo it18:19
restlessis there any group for prolog help?18:26
barneygale_Hi. How can I tell what wifi standard my wifi connection is using (g/n/ac/etc)?18:27
west536457640yep, used to love flash, but not going to run win7 partition just to watch a video :)18:28
MonkeyDustrestless  you mean a channel?18:34
superbootrestless: ##prolog?18:34
superbootrestless: try /m alis list *prolog*18:35
MonkeyDustwhat's prolog?18:36
restlessMonkeyDust, superboot thank you. and what about LISP?18:37
MonkeyDustrestless  ask your qsuestions here and wait18:37
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech
restlessok got it, thank you18:41
dorelyocan somebody tell me why I get no feedback after I use gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf18:41
MonkeyDustdorelyo  what feedback do you mean? it would open the file in gedit18:42
dorelyoMonkeyDust: it doesn't open anything18:42
MonkeyDustdorelyo  try gksu, not gksudo18:43
dorelyoMonkeyDust: just asked my password18:43
dorelyosame resuld with gksu18:43
MonkeyDustdorelyo  yes, it's because the file is outside /home18:44
dorelyohow do I open gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf18:44
MonkeyDustdorelyo  then in a terminal type   sudo -e /etc/sysctl.conf18:44
MonkeyDustdorelyo  i juest suggested to use gksu, instead of gksudo18:45
dorelyo/etc/sysctl.confbash: /etc/sysctl.conf: Permission denied18:45
dorelyoI need to open synctl.conf as su to edit the swappiness18:46
MonkeyDustdorelyo  in a terminal, type ls /etc/sysctl.conf18:46
ichiltonAnyone know about Ubuntu + NetworkManager + dnsmasq? - how is network manager telling dnsmasq about the resolvers for the network connection? - I can see the ones you set in NM are used by tcpdump'ing but they don't seem to be written to the config file for dnsmasqfrom what I can see?18:46
MonkeyDustdorelyo  what's the output of   ls -l /etc/sysctl.conf18:47
dorelyoMonkeyDust: ls: cannot access /etc/synctl.conf: No such file or directory18:48
MonkeyDustdorelyo  ok, so it's not there18:48
MonkeyDustdorelyo  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue18:48
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dorelyoMonkeyDust: elementary OS Freya \n \l18:49
MonkeyDustdorelyo  elementary is not supported here18:49
dorelyoMonkeyDust: I know.. but it's based on Ubuntu 14.0418:49
MonkeyDustdorelyo  based on, but too different from... as you just noticed18:50
MonkeyDustdorelyo  type /j #elementary18:50
dorelyoMonkeyDust: thank you anyway18:50
dorelyoMonkeyDust: what flavor of ubuntu do you use?18:52
superbootEriC^: Hey that nomodeset thing worked! Thnaks a bunch!18:54
dorelyoMonkeyDust: I used sudo scratch-text-editor  /etc/sysctl.conf18:56
EriC^superboot: great! np18:56
dorelyoMonkeyDust: and it worked... they told me elementary doesn't have gedit use18:57
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MonkeyDustdorelyo  now you know you're in the channel here18:59
rainbowwarriorHi all I am using DvdStyler and I am now trying to burn to dvd yet it is just sitting there and not doing anything how can I fix this please ? ( I have same problem with creating image too )19:00
MonkeyDustdorelyo  now you know you're in the wrong channel here*19:01
dorelyoMonkeyDust: I know but it was kinda related19:01
superbootHi all. Trying to install the AMD graphics drivers, and their download for for Ubuntu 64bit downloads a 0bite file. Can someone else check this for me to confirm that their link is infact broken? http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Ubuntu+x86+6419:02
keithclarkI'm trying to write an iso file to a usb stick, but I cannot get it to work at all.  I'm using the Startup Disk Creator and it shows the stick, but with 0.0 Free Space.  What am I doing wrong?19:03
MonkeyDustkeithclark  i guess your hidden .Trash-1000 file is 100% full, simply delete it19:04
keithclarkMonkeyDust, there is no hidden trash directory/file19:05
Ozzis it formatted the right way?19:06
keithclarkOzz, I can only assume so.  I used GParted to format to ext419:06
bpromptkeithclark:    what's the usb stick device mapping?    /dev/sdb?19:06
keithclarkbprompt, sdc19:07
pikaciukeithclark, are you using an hub or is plugged directly ?19:07
zykotick9keithclark: i'd suggest "sudo cp file.iso /deb/sdc" but YMMV19:07
hunteriamguys i click on fglrx-updates in additional drivers, and then click apply, and it just ticks back to the default19:08
keithclarkpikaciu, directly plugged in19:08
hunteriamwhats going on? i have r9 29019:08
keithclarkWhen I look at the drive in GParted, it shows a key icon next to the Partition name.....is that normal?19:08
bpromptkeithclark:    ok...then do a  ->   sudo dd   if=PATH/TO/YOUR/ISOFILE.iso   of=/dev/sdc  <--- depending on how big the iso is, and the usb port  is, if it's say, a 1gb iso, and usb 2.0 port on an usb 2.0 stick, then it'd take around 10mins19:08
Ozzkeithclark, did you try or other utilities? Can you try to unmount all partitions and delete and create them again19:09
keithclarkOzz, I tried to copy a file to it and it will not accept the file.  It does not give me the option to paste it to it.  Maybe a permissions problem?19:10
zykotick9Ozz: fyi, formatting the target USB is only required for unetbootin...  all other methods will overwrit the partitions with the contents of the ISO...19:11
xcfgUbuntu LAstest LTS New install have bug, language of Firefox no change to russian19:12
xcfglocal i mean19:12
xcfgHow to change localisation in Firefox?19:12
pikaciukeithclark, you  could try with linuxpendrive19:12
keithclarkI am trying with the dd command at the moment.19:13
pikaciupizza time :-P19:14
pizzaopsIt's pizza time all the time.19:15
furkananybody know if it's possible to add multiple attachments to a comment on a bug report?19:19
Bashing-omsuperboot: See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/1424491 .19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1424491 in fglrx-installer-updates (Ubuntu Trusty) "apt-get fails to install fglrx or fglrx-updates in 14.04.2 and 12.04.5" [High,In progress]19:19
EriC^furkan: you can always zip/tar them19:19
furkanEriC^: yeah ok i'll just do that... i thought it would be more convenient for the guy looking at them otherwise19:20
thegrreatAfter i installed ubuntu it will only boot up ubuntu it does not recognize bootable usb or cd19:22
thegrreatI made a bootable windows 7 install usb but my pc wont recognize it even tho i changed boot order to my usb drive19:23
Bashing-omthegrreat: After changing the boot prioroty in bios ?19:23
thegrreatYes i did it19:23
thegrreatStill does not recognize the bootable usb19:23
thegrreatIt works on my other computer so nothing wrong with the usb19:23
hunteriamsteams not working at all for me19:23
hunteriami dont understand im having so much trouble with installs lately...19:24
hunteriamsteam gives me seg fauolt after failed to load public/steambootsrtapper_english.txt19:24
Bashing-omthegrreat: Then that suggest that bios does not find boot code on the USB drive .19:24
hunteriamis this cause im using uefi?19:24
hunteriamit was working fine last time i installed19:24
hunteriamthis is so frustrating19:24
mskbdjust can't get the Launch 1 through Launch 5 keys on this new MS 2000 keyboard working.19:24
thegrreatSeems like my computer only can boot linux distr from usb or hard drive but not windows or anyother os19:24
mskbdI'm doing an "xev" and these keys just won't show at all19:25
thegrreatThis happened after installing ubuntu19:25
mskbdall the other keys are responding19:25
Bashing-omthegrreat: secure boot ? UEFI ?19:25
thegrreatI tested everything19:25
thegrreatIt works perfectly when booting any linux dist from usb or cd19:26
mskbdI was having something similar with a gaming keyboard. I learned that "macro keys" are using some special drivers ... and these drivers are proprietary and not supplied for linux19:26
mskbdso I just returned that gaming keyboard19:26
thegrreatbut when it comes to something like windows it just skips to ubuntu xD19:26
mskbdbut I had good look with the MS 3000. Got like keys like XF86Launch5 to show up.19:26
hunteriamhow do i uninstall, redownload, and reinstall a package?19:27
hunteriamplease could someone help me im dying here./..19:27
mskbdbut on this new MS 2000, I get nothing for the launch keys. It was made in October 2014 ... so just half a year back.19:27
Bashing-omhunteriam: -> sudo apt-get install --reinstall <package_name> .19:27
thegrreatso im kinda screwed at the moment since i want to be able to dual boot windows and play games...19:28
hunteriamBashing-om: that didnt redownloda it19:28
hunteriami dont think thats the rigth command19:28
mskbdI have a specific question. If "xev" is showing nothing in Ubuntu, does that mean the key is basically going to be dead. Nothing we can do on Ubuntu?19:28
rspagshaving trouble manually partitioning ubuntu on ssd & hdd. Any one available for a couple of questions?19:28
mskbdThe more general question is if anyone has heard abuot the MS keyboards being changes recently?19:29
Bashing-omhunteriam: What package, and I will check that it is in the 14.04 repository .19:29
hunteriamBashing-om: steam19:29
mskbdI'm also trying to find a good keyboard with extra multimedia keys that would work on ubuntu. Not specifically tied to the MS keyboard or anything. Just that I had good luck a few years ago.19:30
thegrreatrspags - use linux live CD/USB and use gpart application to edit partitions19:30
thegrreatTheres many tutorials out on google how to use it :P19:31
Bashing-omhunteriam: steam >> " Filename: pool/multiverse/s/steam/steam_1.0.0.45-1ubuntu1_i386.deb " // have you enebaled the 'multiverse' repository ... OR installed steam from PPA ?19:31
rspagsthegrreat, looking at gparted and partitions look correct.19:33
rspagssda1 fat32 boot flag19:33
thegrreatWhat do you mean rspags ?19:34
rspagsthegrreat, sda1 fat32 boot flag sda2 /  sdb1 /home sdb2 swap19:35
FinetundraHas anyone been able to run Narbacular Drop in 14.04?19:35
Bashing-ombn: If the card is supported, install from the software center , else PPA when all else fails from the Nvidia site . what card  ? -> sudo lshw -C display <- .19:37
bn173 lastest in center19:37
bnwhere new?19:37
bnCenter have no 300X drivers19:38
Bashing-om!latest | bn19:38
ubottubn: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.19:38
bni need 30019:39
thegrreatrspags, alright i checked my partitions and it looks correct so it does not look like that's the problem.19:39
bnand no 17319:39
bnCenter have only old nvidia drivers19:39
bnfix plesae19:39
bnnvidia-173: Depends: x11-common (>= 1:7.0.0) но 1:7.7+1ubuntu8.1 должен быть установлен             Depends: xorg-video-abi-15 но это виртуальный пакет19:40
thegrreatrspags, Even if there was something wrong with the partitions i should still be able to boot a bootable usb if changing the bios boot order.19:40
bnf bugs19:40
bni cant install even old driver19:40
bnin Center19:40
bnfix bugs please19:41
bnHow install new nvidia driver?19:41
thegrreat2 days of trying to get my computer to usb bootable windows 7 and still no luck im loosing faith in everything xDDD19:42
hecataehi currently directly upgrading from quantal to trusty, anyone done this before and what is likely to break?19:42
geekstayHi everyone. I have several computers with different tools installed on it. I would like to synchronize them and have something like Microsoft Azure, "in the cloud". For example, if I install android Studio with several version sdk on PC1, I would like to be able to use a "simple" command to synchronize it on PC2 withouth passing by SDK manager. I'm not sure to be clear. Does someone know an OPEN-SOURCE tools to do that ?19:43
rainbowwarriorHi does anyone here know how to fix the not able to make image or burn dvd with Dvdstyler 2.7.2 please ?19:43
geekstayFor the moment, I use git, but I think it's not the best method.19:43
Finetundrarainbowwarrior: why not use brasero or k3b?19:44
Bashing-om!eol | hecatae lots can break, can .19:46
ubottuhecatae lots can break, can .: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:46
hecataeBashing-om:  I take it you have not upgrade this far between versions then?19:48
stanmcmgeekstay, How well has git been working for you?19:49
stanmcmgeekstay, I don't have a solution.  I want to do the same thing on my machines though.19:49
Bashing-omhecatae: Yes, I have 12.10 -> 13.04 -> 13.10 ->14.04 ... a long way lots of band width and time ... lots can break in all thee changes .19:49
hecataeBashing-om:  I'm missing out raring and saucy, going straight to trusty19:50
bernhardHello is there anybody, who can help me with problems with cups and lexmarkprinters?19:51
Bashing-omhecatae: Nope, not advised ! .. the path - due to changes - is one release to the other .. The better thing is a clean fresh install of a current release .19:51
geekstayIt's working very well, sometimes slow when I've got big files, but I don't find it "elegant" (Do you see what I mean ?). I've got a personal server here I push on, and I us "myrepo" to synchronise all repositories at startup.19:51
geekstaystanmcm: I would like to build something like Azure from Microsoft, but of course open-source.19:52
geekstaystanmcm: And we'll be able to install it on a personal server of course.19:53
stanmcmgeekstay, I agree git doesn't sound elegant.  Have you looked into using rsync?19:53
stanmcmgeekstay, I haven't used Azure.19:54
geekstaystanmcm: No I haven't.19:55
brunch875rsync is pretty cool. I can't believe I haven't heard about it before19:56
bernhardHello can anyone tell me, where to ask printer questions concering cups and ubutun?19:56
Bashing-ombernhard: As it is ubuntu, you can always ask here .19:57
bernhardOk, thank bashing-om!19:58
hecataeBashing-om:  if it does not work, I'll go back to quantal, reasons, current kodibuntu iso wont work on my hardware, but is based on trusty, trusty works on my hardware, previous release to kodibuntu was xbmcbuntu but on a quantal base, so I have installed the older to get to the newer, either brave or stupid19:58
stanmcmgeekstay, I'm sure rsync can do the job.  It'll cut out all the backups git makes too.  You'll save space that way.  A little scripting and a cronjob and you're good to go.  I think it would be  more elegant this way.19:58
Bashing-ombernhard: Not that I know much about cups, but ask the channel ... some will know .19:59
geekstaystanmcm: Yeah, I agree with you. But I think it needs something more. I gonna try rsync.19:59
geekstaystanmcm: Thanks for the idea.20:00
stanmcmgeekstay, Looking at Azure.  This seems like it's made for the cloud.  You are wanting the same results without having to install cloud computers, right?20:00
Bashing-omhecatae: We do what we have to do .. quantal is End_of_Life and has no support .. get up on a current release .20:00
bernhardMy question is: I installed a lexmark x1100 multifunctional device by using cups. The moment i print, CUPS sends print to the printer, but the printer does not do anything. After that the print-job disappears.20:00
stanmcmgeekstay, You're welcome.  I'm going to keep thinking about it.  I've been learning php and mysql.  Might be able to get something started if we can't find it else where.  I'm at a noob level though.  Don't hold your breath.  lol20:01
geekstaystanmcm: No, I would like to have a "cloud server", and each client synchronize his tools such as virtual machine, android-studio and associated plugin/sdk, same shortcuts, etc.20:01
geekstaystanmcm: Something I prefer git to rsync it's back up possibilities, without make a complete backup. And it's for that, now, I use git instead of rsync.20:04
rainbowwarriorFinetundra , does not matter what dvd burning program I chose there is problems with them all :(20:05
gunnarHi all, this might be a silly question.. but I started a process via cron, can I somehow view the output of the running process?20:05
Bashing-ombernhard: Lexmark .. not great ! but, have you seen : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man5/sane-lexmark.5.html  ?20:05
Finetundrarainbowwarrior: what are you trying to burn? and have you tried lower speeds?20:06
brunch875Out of curiosity... which IRC client do you guys use on ubuntu? Right now I'm using empathy, but it is really simple compared to the mIRC I used to use back when I used windows.20:06
brunch875I'm considering weechat since it can run on a tty, but integration with telepathy and libnotify are big wins for empathy :|20:06
stanmcmgeekstay, I understand that.  You could use both.  Keep git on the server for backups.  Use rsycn to push current files to the clients.  Save some space on the clients and bandwidth on the server.20:06
Bashing-ombernhard: correct my last link to : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man5/sane-lexmark.5.html .20:08
stanmcmgeekstay, Did you look into Ubuntu Cloud?  It might offer what you are looking for.20:08
rainbowwarriorFinetundra , I am trying to burn off an image of my own dvd created of a ghost hunt i did (made up of avi files) and made menus for it with Dvdstyler yet there is a problem with DVDStyler not writing an image or burning to dvd just says making menu and does nothing :(20:08
Aleksahello! I've installed Mate recently on Ubuntu (unity) 14.04. I cannot change the wallpaper. Actually, I've noticed once that it has changed on a moment, and then went back on the previous (set from unity). How to override the settings from unity?20:09
gunnar Hi all, this might be a silly question.. but I started a process via cron, can I somehow view the output of the running process?20:11
gunnar Hi all, this might be a silly question.. but I started a process via cron, can I somehow view the output of the running process?20:11
stanmcmgeekstay, http://tinyurl.com/cfnfdeu20:12
gunnarsorry about that, accidental re-paste :P20:12
brunch875gunnar: can this help? http://superuser.com/questions/122246/how-can-i-view-results-of-my-cron-jobs20:12
Bashing-ombernhard: Does this help : in terminal see: apt-cache show libsane-common <- what returns  ?20:15
KabyHEllo guys20:15
gunnarBrunch875: No I don't think so.  I'm running the distributed.net OGR thing, just for the cause, all I want is to check if the process output is normal.  It's just a report thing telling me what OGR problem it's working on.20:15
gunnarDon't want to waste cpu cycles because I messed up my crontab20:16
Kabyi have on my laptop ubuntu 14.10 , i need someone help me how to dual boot and install windows 7 please20:16
=== john is now known as Guest97286
Guest97286How do I get rid of the Ubuntu Cloud Bckup Popup?20:17
bernhardbashing-om: it returns many things i am not familar with ;)20:17
kro2488Okay, I have a slight annoyance, I was wondering if there was a fix. When my computer screen locks due to inactivity, i can't type in the password anymore and to use the computer I have to hold the power button shut it down and reboot it. However, if i tell it to lock manually it never happens. Anyone know a fix for that slight annoyance?20:18
bernhardBashing-om: but it returns no errors :)20:18
keithclarkok, dd command seemed to have completed correctly, but the image did not boot.\20:19
gunnarbasicly, all I'm trying to do is to somehow switch via textmode only, (since I'mm ssh'd into my linuxbox here) to a running process which was started via cron and view it's current output.20:19
gunnaris that possible?20:19
Bashing-ombernhard: The question is IF that package were installed, would it help in you Lexmark printing problem ? I do not have a Lexmark printer so I can not directly advise.20:20
brunch875I've never used cron before, but from the looks of it on what I'm reading around the internets, the output is discarded unless specified otherwise20:20
gunnarthat's what I thought...20:20
gunnarShould have told cron to mail me the output.20:21
gunnarWell it's a project for tomorrow.20:21
pizzaopsbrunch875: cron output goes to rootmail20:21
pizzaopsunless you redirect it20:21
gunnarroot mail?20:21
pizzaopsroot's mailbox20:21
pizzaopschange to root20:21
pizzaopstype mail20:21
gunnarok let's see20:21
pizzaopsUnless Ubuntu made that non-standard too :P20:22
bernhardBashing-om: It returns the following:20:22
gunnarActually running Mint here, but whatever... :P20:22
bernhardPackage: libsane-common20:22
bernhardPriority: optional20:22
bernhardSection: libs20:22
bernhardInstalled-Size: 310020:22
bernhardMaintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>20:22
bernhardOriginal-Maintainer: Debian QA Group <packages@qa.debian.org>20:22
keithclarkTrying to burn a iso image to a usb stick, but it shows 0 free space.  Any help?20:22
zykotick9keithclark: "sudo cp image.iso /deb/sdc" assuming sdc is the USB20:23
n1ckyi'm missing man pages for stdlib and other C stuff, what's the ubuntu package?20:23
zykotick9keithclark: verify there isn't a ReadOnly switch on the USB as well20:24
Flanneln1cky: manpages-dev20:24
n1ckythank you Flannel20:24
keithclarkzykotick9, tried those, still no luck20:25
keithclarkOk, a brand new usb stick.....how to prepare for ubuntu?20:26
zykotick9keithclark: don't.  just cp/cat/dd it, done.20:26
Guest97286How do I get rid of the Backup Failed PopUp?> http://ibin.co/1y03qiAQJqv820:27
bernhardBashing-om: Sorry, pasted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/10803393/20:27
Guest97286Ubuntu One has shut down.  Please choose another storage location.20:27
Guest97286How to make it stop?20:28
Guest97286merdam: Was that for me?20:29
Bashing-ombernhard: I can not say, Is that package presently installed on your system ? -> look -> dpkg -l libsane-common <-20:29
keithclarkzykotick9, but won't that just copy a file?20:29
merdamyes guest9728620:29
merdamand for all the rest of the niggerlovers on freenode20:29
merdamtake it20:29
merdameat it20:29
merdameat it20:29
zykotick9keithclark: no, trying to format the USB is what will cause this to fail.20:29
=== rikut_ is now known as rikut
merdamit's coming out of my ass all drippin gwet20:30
merdami want you to suck up all of it20:30
merdamlick my ass and eat it too20:30
merdambecause diarrhea is good for you!20:30
thegrreatBe madure now merdam <320:30
thegrreatmature *20:30
keithclarkzykotick9, I tried the dd command but it did not boot.20:30
merdameat it eat it eat it20:30
merdameat my fucking shit!20:30
MisterMommerdam virus or stupid20:31
zykotick9keithclark: ok, what ISO are we talking about?20:31
merdamif you are tired of niggers and their bullshit, you should join Chimpmania.com20:31
bernhardbashing-om: yes this is what it returns when i type in  apt-cache show libsane-common20:31
merdamJayne, kunwon1 and company may have shut down chimpout.com, but our sister site is still active20:31
merdamif you are sick and tired of jigaboo antics, Chimpout Forum ist he place to go20:31
merdambut now it is Chimpmania20:31
keithclarkzykotick9, vivd desktop20:31
Guest97286How do I get rid of the popup that says:  "Ubuntu One has shut down.  Please choose another storage location."20:32
zykotick9keithclark: well, ubuntu ISOs are hybrid, so it should work.20:32
Bashing-ombernhard: All that is , is a quiry to get info about that particular package , if it might be of use in your situation. the 'dpkg' command will tell IF it is presently installed on your system .20:32
kro2488Okay, I have a slight annoyance, I was wondering if there was a fix. When my computer screen locks due to inactivity, i can't type in the password anymore and to use the computer I have to hold the power button shut it down and reboot it. However, if i tell it to lock manually it never happens. Anyone know a fix for that slight annoyance?20:33
kro2488im watching a video too but that was my issue20:33
kro2488if anyone said anything20:33
bernhardBashing-om: I see20:33
merdambernhard  eat my diarrhea20:34
merdamyou're chugging it down20:34
Guest97286Never mind, I think I found it.20:34
merdamyou're sucking my ass20:34
merdamand your lips are all brown20:34
merdamI am going to sit my ass on your face20:34
thegrreatmerdam why are you here ?20:34
merdamI am going to shit in your mouth20:34
merdamI am going to sh it in your mouth20:34
merdamand I want to shit on your mother20:34
jen4r0I have a problem with my simple-scan, wan someone help me?20:34
merdamI am going to shit on your mother20:34
keithclarkzykotick9, nope, not working20:34
MisterMomsomeone get rid of merdam please20:34
kro2488okay, who can kick merdam20:34
merdamI've got to take a shit!20:34
thegrreatThis channel is for ubuntu not shit..20:34
merdamgot a bottle of exlax, going to take it20:35
kro2488like... the annoying issue i have20:35
merdami'm going to take me a lumpy shit20:35
zykotick9keithclark: i have no further suggestions, best of luck.20:35
kro2488anyone else have that h appen?20:35
merdamI'm going to throw it at you20:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang20:35
merdami hope I hit you20:35
merdamI hope it splats in your face too20:35
popeyplease stop merdam20:35
merdamit's coming out of my ass all dripping wet20:35
merdamit's coming out of my ass all dripping wet20:35
merdami want you to suck up all of it20:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang20:35
MisterMomthanks popey20:35
merdambecause diarrhea is good for you20:35
merdameat it20:35
kro2488okay as i was saying earlier if anyone knows why help me out please...20:36
kro2488Okay, I have a slight annoyance, I was wondering if there was a fix. When my computer screen locks due to inactivity, i can't type in the password anymore and to use the computer I have to hold the power button shut it down and reboot it. However, if i tell it to lock manually it never happens. Anyone know a fix for that slight annoyance?20:36
Kabyanyone can help me with tor browser on ubuntu please20:36
jen4r0I have an issue with simple-scan, it won't launch after a crash20:36
=== steve is now known as __steve
kro2488why do you use tor Kaby? I messed with it once when i was using windows in the days past, it was cool but don't see why people like using it much20:37
hecataeBashing-om:  upgrade successful, everything works20:37
kro2488guess no one knows if there is a way to fix it?20:38
=== __steve is now known as steve
jen4r0to fix what?20:38
Kabyanyone have experience in tor browser please on ubuntu 14.1020:38
kro2488Okay, I have a slight annoyance, I was wondering if there was a fix. When my computer screen locks due to inactivity, i can't type in the password anymore and to use the computer I have to hold the power button shut it down and reboot it. However, if i tell it to lock manually it never happens. Anyone know a fix for that slight annoyance?20:38
zykotick9Kaby: perhaps you could share what you're having issues with... specifically.20:39
=== bernhard is now known as BornToFlyBert
hecataekro2488: what type of keyboard: usb, ps2, or wireless20:39
kro2488i think its a bug, cuz i was reading somewhere alot of people have it happen20:39
Kabyzykotick9, i am not having any issue , but on windows i use programs to hide my ip here on ubuntu i don't know what software to hide my ip they told me about tor but i have 0 info about it20:39
kro2488using the mouse to try and hit restart fails as well20:40
kro2488so hence i just use power button20:40
guntbertkro2488: no fix but a pssible workaround:  press <ctrl><alt>F1, you should get a console window, now press <alt>F7, you should be back to your login screen, can you enter the password now?20:40
hecataekro2488:  have you checked your bios settings, does it state to keep usb powered when the pc is inactive, or is it set to sleep, it's usually the legacy usb option20:40
kro2488im not sure hecatae20:40
kro2488where might that be in a bios?20:41
kro2488i hate messing around in there20:41
BornToFlyBertBashing-om: I run dpkg -l libsane-common20:41
marushello, my firefox crash and i have to restart my ubuntu 14.04, is this a known bug?20:41
hecataekro2488:  what manufacture and model is your motherboard?20:41
trijntjeKaby: why not check their website?20:41
goeranhthats not the problem...20:41
Giwrgarashi any good free games for ubuntu?20:41
kro2488and guntbert: this only happens if it goes idle20:41
zykotick9Kaby: well, for web browsing only, tor-broswer can be downloaded from their website then extracted/run (i'd suggest using your home directory or /opt).  Tor can also be used as a proxy for other programs, but i don't have any personal experience with that.  good luck.20:41
kro2488gunbert: not if i set it to lock myself20:41
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins20:41
Giwrgarasa strategy would be nice20:41
Kabytrijntje, i cant find tor for ubuntu20:41
BornToFlyBertBashing-om: Shall I post the return value?20:42
guntbertkro2488: doesn't matter, try it as a workaround20:42
Kabyzykotick9, thank you so much you helped alot20:42
kro2488okay when it happens next time i will ill write down what commands you wrote20:42
Giwrgarasnobody plays games in ubuntu?20:42
goeranhnot as package but tor is avaliabel in an archive on theyt website20:42
trijntjeKaby: really? If I type 'tor ubuntu' in google it is the first result20:42
trijntjeGiwrgaras: sure, install steam, play all the games you want ;)20:43
Kabytrijntje, i will search for it now20:43
goeranhgoto torproject.net#20:43
kro2488thanks for helping im out of here for today20:43
goeranhu can pay minecraft20:43
thegrreatIs there anyway to play wow on linux without lagg becuse of wine ? XD20:43
kro2488doesn't steam work in ubuntu20:43
Giwrgarasany fps for ubuntu in steam?20:44
Giwrgarascof and such?20:44
BornToFlyBertHello can anyone help me with a problem i have got with cups and lexmark printer?20:44
kro2488I do console gaming so I don't really ever worry about that, ubuntu does everything I need20:44
kro2488and idk20:44
kro2488just have to look around or have a dual boot system20:44
kro2488if you pc game alot20:44
kro2488when you play games do windows everything else linux20:44
goeranhthen use gparted20:45
goeranhits easyest20:45
kro2488google and this room are your best friends20:45
goeranhyour so right20:45
thegrreatwell my pc wont boot from bootable usb anymore20:45
thegrreatOnly linux live usb20:45
goeranhthats bootable?!20:45
thegrreatAfter i installed ubuntu it wont boot any bootable usbs20:46
kro2488for figuring out a solution though giwrgagas20:46
goeranhthan u have to configure in the bios20:46
thegrreatI know and i already did it20:46
thegrreatBut still wont work20:46
goeranhno select usb for first boot device20:46
thegrreatI did..20:46
dylantry using the back usb ports?20:47
hecataethegrreat: bios or uefi?20:47
thegrreatIt will only boot linux dists from bootable usb20:47
=== me is now known as Guest89552
thegrreatbut when i try to boot other os such as windows from my bootable usb it goes directly to ubuntu instead20:47
thegrreatand i know the usb works since it worked before20:47
thegrreatThis happened after installing ubuntu20:47
Giwrgarasdo i have to pay for steam in ubuntu?20:48
Giwrgarasit says its payable20:48
thegrreatI configured everything right but still wont work20:48
goeranhthen u have no windows bootloader20:48
dylansteam is free20:48
hecataeGiwrgaras: go to the steam website20:48
thegrreatany ideas what i can do ?20:48
Guest89552how to save the settings in the terminal?20:48
Guest89552something like ^O ?20:48
thegrreatI only have ubuntu on this pc so xD20:48
Guest89552i have ubuntu too20:49
thegrreatI need to fix so i can dual boot :P20:49
gunnarYeah.. root got no mail from cron.  Probably because I didn't tell cron to mail any output.20:49
goeranreinstall ubuntu or windows or just install the bootloader to an third device20:49
dylanthegreat trhy update grub?20:49
gunnarBut that's ok, I'll just edit my crontab and tell it to mail the output to me.20:49
thegrreatgoeran the problem is that i can only boot ubuntu and ubuntu live cd20:50
thegrreatand other linux distributions from bootable usb20:50
gunnartoo tipsy to do it right this second though... So on the 'morrow20:50
thegrreatBut cant boot windows install or anything else20:50
goeranthen u have an really hard problem with your boot setup20:50
goerandisable autoboot in bios20:51
goeranshould help20:51
thegrreatAlready done ^^20:51
goeranwhat manufacturer of ur pc?20:51
goeranim back20:52
Bashing-omBornToFlyBert: Sorry was elsewhere, sure ya can place that 'dpkg' output to paste .. I will look at it and see what we think .20:53
goeranthegrat install gparted, crate new partition, install the bootloader on it20:53
goeranshould work20:53
thegrreatThe computer is made by sonicmaster20:53
goeranthegrat install gparted, crate new partition, install the bootloader on it20:54
thegrreatI try that20:54
thegrreatAnd see if it works :P20:54
goeranor just copy it to it20:54
goeranu can download grub20:54
BornToFlyBertBashing-om: Thank you!20:55
goerani recoment u to use grub bootloader20:55
thegrreatWell i already got grub20:55
goerantry it20:55
dylangoeran i also suggested that20:55
thegrreatbut i dont really think grub is the reason why my bootable usb wont boot :P20:56
goeranthan choose  an different one...20:56
dylanjust try cause you could have it set for the wrong board20:56
BornToFlyBertBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10803591/ unfortunately it is not in english, i hope you will understand it, if not, please ask further questions: :)20:57
Bashing-omBornToFlyBert: look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10803591/ .20:58
goerangoogle translate is my big brother20:58
BornToFlyBertok Bahing-om20:58
thegrreatubuntu is my life <320:58
goeranthen why u wanna have bach windows?20:59
=== parmesan is now known as Guest45725
thegrreatI only want to dual boot windows so i can play wow xD20:59
Bashing-omBornToFlyBert: Well, that says the package is installed. // so, what is the exact nature of the problem you are experiencing with the Lexmark printer ?20:59
goeranare u connected to ur printer via wifi or lan?21:00
gunnarWow.. the Lexmark is still going strong21:00
Guest45725hey all21:01
BornToFlyBerti click on the print button it creates a print-job in cups and "sends" it to the printer but job disappears without printing it out on the paper. The scanner by the way works pretty well (this lexmark device is a scanner and a printer)21:01
Guest45725why am i a guest21:01
goeranbecause u have no nickname21:02
gunnarI'll ust go on a limb here... I've had problems in the past with all sorts of printers while using the correct official drivers.  The problem is probably a permission problem somewhere via smb.21:02
BornToFlyBertBashing-om: The printer is plugged in on a usb-hub.21:03
goeranits possible that your printers driver is desined to work with windows21:03
goeranthats the problem with my printer21:04
Kage`How can I mount a fake-raid partition when I don't see anything except "control" in /dev/mapper ?  dmraid -r shows two member disks, says they're in a group and OK, but I see nothing mountable.  Additionally, I can fdisk the member disks and see they have BSD partitions in slice-format, but I cannot seemingly mount them individually, either.21:04
goerankage wich tool are u using?21:04
Kage`For which?21:04
BornToFlyBertCan i make it run on ubuntu as well not only on windows?21:04
goerankage : for mounting and so on21:05
Kage`I'm using dmraid and fdisk and mount thus far, if that's what you mean21:05
Bashing-omBornToFlyBert: Sounds to me like a situation with the print spooler . But what do I know ? as I do not have a lexmark printer to even know where to look at the spool .21:05
phpcodercan i download somewhere ubuntu 15.04 ?21:05
phpcoderwhen it will be released?21:05
Kage`goeran, Using 14.04 Live CD21:05
goeranyes u can download it21:05
goeranlive cd?21:05
goerannot usb?21:06
goeranbut try tools like gparted21:06
Kage`I did21:06
Kage`It only shows two physical disks21:06
Kage`Does not show a /dev/mapper anything21:06
goeranähmm an cd is not writeable21:06
phpcoderi did not find the link to download the beta21:06
Kage`It is in-memory21:06
Kage`And I have an external HDD also mounted to recover to.21:06
BornToFlyBertBahing-om: Thank you for your fast answer. I am not familar with the printer spooler either, unfortunately!21:07
Kage`I'm doing to try to do a ddrescue once I can figure out how to access the HDD or fakeraid21:07
goeranphp  goto settings -> updates -> versions -> use unstable versions too21:07
BornToFlyBertSorry i meant Bashing-om!21:07
goeranand download21:07
phpcodergoeran, i have to install ubuntu for a new pc21:07
goeranbut it crashed at mines 3 days ago21:07
phpcoderis there not an iso yet?21:08
phpcoderdoes it will be release this month right?21:08
goeranphp ahh ok then where is the problem21:08
phpcodergoeran, is there a direct link t download the iso ?21:08
phpcoderp.s. is it really soo unstable?21:09
goeranu can install an older version to the pc and upgrade it21:09
goerani dont know an iso21:09
phpcoderok i will download the 14.0421:09
Kage`The TL;DR here is this system is a FreeBSD 9 system, dual 1TB drives in fake-raid RAID-1 on a Dell PowerEdge.  The filesystem on the array corrupted, so now I'm trying to recover it.21:09
phpcoderthen i will upgrade when stable21:09
me_intstall mint :)21:09
goeranthats easyest21:10
goeranor use someting like kali linux there are a bunch of recovery tools21:10
phpcoderwhat are the differences from 14.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS community?21:11
me_check checksums21:11
goeranstability and more development21:11
Kage`goeran, Kali just uses a bunch of OSS utils.  If you recommend a specific one, tell me which and I can apt-get it.21:11
Kage`I have network access on this Live CD.21:12
goeranidk i dont use them ask google21:12
goerangoto offensive securitys tool list21:12
Kabyguys on my download center after i updated my linux software now on download it freeze and it don't cancel or something any help ?21:12
goeranapt get them manually21:13
stanmcmI have an old laptop.  Installed Ubuntu 14.04 on it.  No nic drivers.  How can I get the drivers I need onto this laptop?21:17
goeranuse sudo apt-get update21:18
goeranuse sudo apt-get upgrade21:18
stanmcmgoeran, The computer is not online.  No ethernet or wlan drivers21:19
goeranthan its not possible21:19
goeranget an 14.10 iso21:19
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD21:19
stanmcmThank you21:20
jason__That's a good one. I didn't know that.21:20
colbyFreedo you not just download your drivers to a usb then point the installer there, forget packages, find your driver21:22
colbyFreethem make21:22
stanmcmThe only drivers I've found so far are non-free.  Don't know where to find them other than apt21:23
colbyFreenon-free whats the model of the controller wifi chip21:24
colbyFreeyou may find that info in the bios21:24
stanmcmcolbyFree, let me check21:25
Gingeropolousghs, the shouting21:26
Gingeropolousghs, is this mining related :)21:26
ghsHELP PLEASE!!!21:26
Gingeropolouspasting urls cool in here?21:27
colbyFreeyea go 4 it :)21:27
Guest22416for install NVIDIA drivers you can look at package in update tools of your distrib21:27
Guest22416i think i'mnot sure21:28
Gingeropolousthe power of google compels you21:28
colbyFreetoo much lol21:28
Guest22416ok good by21:28
Gingeropolousghs, im total noob at linux, found that site above and managed to get stuff working21:29
=== zz_AlphaTech is now known as AlphaTech
stanmcmcolbyFree, I'm not seeing it.  This is a Dell Inspiron 1501  I'm trying to follow this forum to fix the problem.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2172448&page=221:29
Gingeropolousdoes anyone know if the ubuntu 14.04 - Lenovo X220 wifi bug has ever been fixed?21:29
Gingeropolousmy googling led me to the conclusion that its a mystery21:30
Exagone313hello, i just installed ubuntu server and I don't know how to connect to wifi. I can't use ethernet to download network-manager. is there a command line solution (I prefer to do not write a file manually)? thanks for helping21:32
Exagone313it's exactly what i just found, anyway, thanks21:35
Gingeropolousand everyone must stand alone21:35
johnjohn101Exagone313: i have used those instructions quite a bit21:37
colbyFreestanmcn: can you try this $ cmd lspci -vnn | grep Network21:37
baxxBit off topic - can anyone advise how google URL concatenation works? I want to write a script that will create search terms for me, I'm not sure how everything should be pieced together though21:39
baxxsuch as http://www.google.com/search?q=bottle    is a very basic example21:39
Exagone313it seems that it works only fior wep, and to use wpa ( http://askubuntu.com/questions/138472/how-do-i-connect-to-a-wpa-wifi-network-using-the-command-line ) it need internet to downlaod a package.....21:40
Exagone313url concatenation?21:40
stanmcmcolbyFree, BCM4311 802.11b/g 1434:4311 rev 0121:40
Exagone313What do you mean?21:40
Exagone313uri are encoded21:40
Exagone313so any, clue to conenct to a wpa wifi without installing any new package?21:41
Exagone313if there is no way, I want to know which deb I have to download21:41
colbyFreestanmcm let me check21:42
Exagone313the installer has a package to connect to wpa wifi21:42
colbyFreethere broadcomm for a start21:42
baxxExagone313: yeah, Ill have a look for that21:42
Arnie25hey guys please help. running ubuntu in vmware, i think when i ran the system update, it filled up the remaining space, it wouldn't let me login because the HDD was full, so then i used the Examine tool to delete one of the folders, then i logged in as sudo users with CTRL+ALT+F1 to erase the Trash folder, then I rebooted.21:48
Arnie25The problem now is that Ubuntu won't boot after I enter my password and try to login21:48
Exagone313serously, i need internet to get internet21:49
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Arnie25it's stuck at this screen: http://i.imgur.com/kd9R1Jw.png21:49
=== YamakasY is now known as YamakasY_
bpromptArnie25:     I'd try to reboot to "recovery mode" and run an "fsck" to make sure nothing is busted21:50
bpromptArnie25:     you could always try normal mode, just try disabling "quiet splash"    by editing the grub line and removing it from there, so you can see any error messages21:51
Arnie25i am running fsck21:52
Arnie25bprompt I removed the quiet splash but I can still see the splash screen after enterign the password..21:57
bpromptArnie25:    you were supposed to boot with the edited line, that is, press "e" to edit, and when done ctrl-x to use it21:58
Arnie25I changed GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" then i ran sudo update-grub  and then sudo shutdown -r now21:58
Arnie25bprompt: then I tried to login21:59
Arnie25at what point do i need to press e or ctrl+x ?22:02
k1l_when you see the grub menu.22:02
k1l_should look like this: https://viswanathj.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/grub-menu.png22:03
d17345hi. i am stuck at a frozen grub screen every time i try to boot the computer.  i can't make selections, enter grub shell, or anything22:06
ai6pgI want to get the word out to the  US about our Human Right Self Defense. I'd appreciate suggestions.22:09
geniiai6pg: This isn't the correct channel for that, it's for support of the Ubuntu operating system in here.22:10
ai6pgYes,  I use Ubuntu.22:10
geniiai6pg: Still not appropriate.22:11
ai6pgDon't be a jerk genii - How might one generate a feed to all news outlets or such?22:11
ai6pgif there is  an appropriate place to work with folks on it. please let me know.22:12
geniiai6pg: We do not allow posting of ads or links in any *buntu channels, so it's not personal.22:12
ai6pgIt's not an ad. It's about our Uniquely American Human Right self defense. I gain no benefit.22:13
geniiRegardless, not allowed.22:13
ai6pgAh - you are in Lithuania22:14
geniiNope, Canada.22:14
ai6pgAh. Server is in EU. Have fun in Canada. I loved  my visits to Toronto and other  cities22:15
geniiai6pg: If you want to discuss at length non-support matters such as this, the better channel is #ubuntu-offtopic , where I also am22:17
KabyArnie25, ubuntu on vmware sucks22:22
KabyArnie25, i started first linux on vmware ubuntu 9.04 then i just dual boot it with windows better22:22
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest71493
Arnie25ubuntu won't boot22:34
Arnie25no error22:34
Arnie25wish there was a blue screen22:34
Bashing-omArnie25: What results when booting from grub's boot menu -> advanced options -> recovery ?22:38
Arnie25Bashing-om: there's 3 recoery modes.. does it matter which one?22:40
SJrDoes Ubuntu work with Ultra High Definition displays ? I'm looking at a Lenovo Y50?22:41
Bashing-omArnie25: Nope, does not at this point matter what kernel you boot in recovery .22:42
Arnie25Bashing-om: i am in recoery menu.. before i ran fsck and clean but it didn't help22:42
Arnie25i am trying to run dpkg now22:42
Bashing-omArnie25: So, what you are saying is that you can boot the system, but in normal boot can not boot to the GUI ??22:44
Arnie25Bashing-om: boots fine to the login screen, after i enter the password and press enter22:45
Arnie25it freezes22:45
Arnie25it's stuck at this screen: http://i.imgur.com/kd9R1Jw.png22:45
hackelWhat units does Ubuntu actually use to measure font sizes?  I've been trying to figure out the correct font scaling factor for my 128 dpi display.  It should be 1.33 (128/96), but I found I had to go all the way up to 1.93 to make a 72 pt letter exactly 1 inch high.  What's going on here?22:46
Arnie25before it happened my HDD got full while installing system updates... then it rebooted and it wouldn't let me login unless i free up some space. So then i ended up deleting the Trash directory22:46
topdownjimmyCan someone explain to me how to connect to VPN in LXDE? I've got my VPN added to my Network Connections, but I can't figure out how to actually connect to it.22:47
Bashing-omArnie25: Maybe grub can not find it's boot files. What one can try ( as advised earlier ) is to beeo to terminal - normal kernel selected -> 'e' key for edit mode and replace 'quiet splash" with 'text'; key combo ctl=X to continue to TTY1 . see if you can log into terminal .22:47
Arnie25Bashing-om I am able to open the terminal at the login screen when I press CTRL+ALT+F122:48
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Hackwargood evening. I got a RAID1 and want to convert that to a RAID5. Anybody got a recent tutorial regarding that?22:50
Bashing-omArnie25: I ask again. able to boot the system - yes ? just not able to boot to the GUI ??22:50
Arnie25Bashing-om: just GUI. it hangs on this screen: http://i.imgur.com/kd9R1Jw.png22:51
Bashing-omArnie25: Well, still does not answer the question. Can you boot into the system ? even fron login key combo ctl+alt+F1 ? ( a GUI problem and not a system problem )22:52
Arnie25Bashing-om: I can login from ctrl+alt+f122:52
Bashing-omArnie25: OK. so we have a GUI situation .. what desktop are you running ?22:53
Arnie25the original one that came with ubuntu 14 from ubuntu.com22:54
Bashing-omArnie25: Try and reset compiz back to defaults -> dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ .22:55
baxxDoes anyone else get the following error when they try and run firefox from the terminal? https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-eIRwoaub48Q/VSmnO9c5ydI/AAAAAAAAeFE/9NO_-azqom8/w595-h337-no/a.png23:00
baxx"No D-BUS daemon running"23:00
baxxI'm just trying to write a script for google queries using python and firefox23:00
Arnie25Bashing-om: i tried23:02
Arnie25I also tried everything here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/476930/ubuntu-desktop-does-not-load23:02
Arnie25same thing23:02
Bashing-omArnie25: Nvidia driver ? did you also try and re-install the driver ?23:06
Arnie25Bashing-om: it's running on Vmware and the host machine is Radeon23:07
Bashing-omArnie25: Don't know .. maybe -> sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop <- see what results .23:09
Arnie25Bashing-om: tried that too23:09
Bashing-omArnie25: sudo service lightdm stop , sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm , sudo dpkg-reconfigure unity-greeter , sudo service lightdm start .23:12
kisukewhats the release name for 14.04?23:14
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes23:14
kisukewell crud.23:14
Arnie25Bashing-om: still nothing23:14
remuxaif one is to set up a beowulf cluster with command-line ubuntu as a base23:15
remuxashould one compile mpich from scratch and allow the nodes to access it23:15
Bashing-omArnie25: rm ~/.dmrc  <- reboot and now what ?23:16
remuxaor should one apt-get install the package23:16
Arnie25Bashing-om: still nothing23:17
Bashing-omArnie25: Beats me, out of ideas , sorry .23:17
QwertieHi, I cant connect to my vpn on ubuntu. Does anyone know how I should try and find the problem23:24
QwertieWhen I click on one of the vpn servers from the wifi icon nothing happens23:25
tripelbhello. I want to look for all the filenames that start with the char-string Wonder - I want it to look recursively everywhere, starting at /home How do I do that?23:25
zykotick9tripelb: "find /home -iname 'Wonder*'" might work23:33
CyborgCygnusTrying to format an 8gb sd card that had noobs/multi boot with multiple os's installed for a raspberry pi. In gparted or disks its not letting me wipe the entire multi partitioned sd card23:33
OerHeksCyborgCygnus, unmount it first to wipe, maybe ?23:34
CyborgCygnusOerHeks, it comes up as like 8 devices when I plug it in * if I unmount it doesn't show up in gparted for some reason23:37
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pozhello, might anyone know why I do not get the command prompt when I stop lightdm?23:38
pozthe screen just goes black23:39
pozis anyone here?23:39
CyborgCygnusOerHeks, so individually deleted the partitions but can't delete or change the extended partition to get the free space either side of that all into one23:40
CyborgCygnusOerHeks, never mind it just decided to let me do it. Gosh I confuse myself sometimes23:42
OerHeksCyborgCygnus, delete partitions in extended, write partitiontable ( apply), then delete extended (apply) ?23:42
OerHeksoh oke23:42
OerHekspoz, to stop lightdm, switch to tty2, ctrl alt f2, then stop lightdm. after starting lightdm, switch back to the gui with ctrl alt f723:44
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Codenomicsgoing to rage quit this server shortly. LOL23:50
Codenomicsthis server just refuses to boot from my thumbdrive23:51

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