
craigbass76I've got Window buttons on a panel.  Is there any way to drag these windows around so that they're in a different order?01:46
xanguayes, but you need to change the windows list plugin settings02:07
craigbass76Is this plugin already installed?02:14
xanguait's the windows list02:14
xanguaright clic, properties02:14
craigbass76xangua, that was stupid...  :P02:15
craigbass76Thanks for showing me.02:15
craigbass76Definitely a facepalm moment...02:15
gnumbknuts Thunar "delete" function ,  how can I disable it from both the right-click and the delete key ?05:39
max12345hello, should I/do I have to make a backup before upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10?09:46
elfymax12345: I would. I'd also think about whether I wanted to install something that goes EOL in 3 months09:54
max12345ok then I'll just wait. Thanks elfy !09:55
elfymax12345: well you've the option of upgrading 14.10 now and then to 15.04 in a month, or the next LTS straight upgrade route is 16.0409:56
elfyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS gives you an idea of how the releases overlap09:58
elfyalso bear in mind that while Ubuntu support for 5 years typically, we don't09:59
max12345I already had the case of something not updating because LTS that would have needed to update so I'm ok with shorter support cycles10:02
elfyjust giving you the info where I can :)10:03
max12345yes I appreciate it :)10:03
tiyteezeneed help16:16
andyfiedi think that person needed help20:31
krytarikandyfied: Left half a minute later though.20:35
andyfiedand now we will never know what is issue was :(20:38
knomeit's their loss really20:38
andyfiedyeah, i don't care20:39
xubuntu35wI'm on Xubuntu 14.10. I'm installing Dropbox and there are two downloads available: 1)Ubuntu (deb) 2)Debian (deb). I was going to choose #2. Is that the way to go or could I choose either or should I choose #1?22:23
geniiIf you're running an OS whose last 5 letters are buntu then choose 122:24
xubuntu35wOK. Since it's Xu-buntu then it's #1. But on my other computer I chose the Debian and it seems to work properly. Should I uninstall it and choose the Ubuntu deb?22:26
Unit193You can also install nautilus-dropbox, it installs dropbox and you don't even need nautilus.22:29
xubuntu35wThx but I'm a newbie and I'd really rather just install it from one of these files. I guess if the other Dropbox is working okay (installed via the Debian file)  I should leave well enough alone then, huh?22:30
knomexubuntu35w, installing a package from the repositories is actually easier and better than to install from those packages22:31
xubuntu35wDoes the Unbuntu Software Center have Dropbox?22:32
xubuntu35wAh, it does.22:33
Unit193There's even a plugin for thunar.22:34
xubuntu35wSo I should just leave the Dropbox (that I think I installed via the Debian deb, not the Ubuntu deb like I should have) on the other computer and install this Dropbox via the Ubuntu Software Center?22:34
knomethat's the recommended whenever possible22:35
Unit193Sure, that'l do.22:35
knome*recommended way22:35
xubuntu35wCan I even uninstall Dropbox?22:35
knomethe things you install from the software center are always uninstallable from the software center22:35
Unit193If you installed it from a 'deb' file, yes.22:36
xubuntu35wBut I didn't install the first Dropbox from the Software Center. I used a Gdebi installer.22:36
xubuntu35wSo uninstall it from Synaptic Package Manager then?22:37
xubuntu35wOr should I just leave it since it seems to be working okay?22:38
gnumbknutsThunar: "Disk Image Mounter"  right-click menu option , What is the syntax used to execute this operation ? I would like to us it in a bash script .22:50
gnumbknutsConversely, when I execute: sudo mount -v -t iso9660 -o loop xubuntu-daily.iso mnt , mount gives a warning: "xubuntu-daily.iso is already associated with /dev/loop0 " .  Thunar then shows the iso being mounted twice.23:11
gnumbknutsBTW... what is the syntax to u(n)mount that iso ?23:13
clouseau_I just removed Dropbox from my computer from the Synaptic Package Manager (I'm running xubuntu 14.10). When I put 'dropbox' in the terminal it says: 'dropbox is not currently installed.' And yet, Dropbox is still there and is working and syncing with my other computer. How is this possible?23:39
knomeclouseau_, didn't you say you didn't install dropbox via synaptic?23:40
clouseau_Yeah. I installed it from a .dev file with Gdebi installer.23:40
clouseau_deb file23:40
Unit193dpkg -S `which dropbox`23:41
clouseau_What do you mean?23:41
clouseau_After I removed Dropbox from Synaptic, I removed the Dropbox folder from and when I did Dropbox gave me a pop-up saying do you want to "re-link"? I said okay and signed in but there's nothing on the computer so how is it working?23:43
knomeclouseau_, try running the command Unit193 pasted in a terminal23:44
clouseau_Oh, I didn't realize that was a command. OKay.23:45
Unit193There's also likely a ~/.dropbox/ and maybe ~/.dropbox-dist/ dirs.23:45
clouseau_There's no apostrophes in that command, right? So it's:     dpkg -S which dropbox    ?23:46
knomebackticks `23:46
clouseau_Here's what it said:    dpkg-query: error: --search needs at least one file name pattern argument  Use --help for help about querying packages.23:49
clouseau_You know, can I just add the Dropbox from the Ubuntu Software Center or is that overkill?23:49
clouseau_I'm feeling like I'm getting in over my head here.23:50
clouseau_When I put "dropbox" in the Catfish File Finder (under File System) a ton of stuff comes up.23:53
clouseau_Think I should just leave it be. It's working. Or should I add Dropbox from the Ubuntu Software Center?23:54

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