
ScottKRiddell: We don't normally release SRUs over the weekend.  I'll do it on Monday.02:06
ahoneybunthat would be installed with kubuntu-restricted package02:24
ahoneybundarthanubis: ^02:25
darthanubisAhoneybun, problem is, it's not  being installed even though the package says it's installed 04:33
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
lordievaderGood morning.08:57
=== aaron is now known as Guest60366
xennex81I am going to be shortly installing kde plasma5 again with a live dvd of kubuntu 15.04 beta 2, any wishes?13:07
lordievaderxennex81: See iso.qa.ubuntu.com ;)13:17
xennex81thanks, they just want a regular install and see if everything goes okay. I'll just note the things that were mentioned to see if anything is missing, but these things have always worked well.13:24
xennex81and I always do kinda... adjusted setups13:24
xennex81which are not representative of the design smooth install13:25
xennex81kubuntu live session :p13:45
BluesKajHey folks13:58
xennex81i'm just spending my time clearning up my system... which I had a regular mouse14:02
xennex81how are you?14:04
xennex81how is everyone14:39
xennex81except me14:39
* sick_rimmit Appears in a Whooosh of 15.04 Plasma 517:14
sick_rimmitOoooh Shiny, New, Lovelies17:15
lordievadersick_rimmit: No issues?18:31
lordievaderdarthanubis: Could you get the apt version of that message?18:31
sick_rimmitlordievader: Hi18:51
sick_rimmitSorry just back from dinner18:51
sick_rimmitOnly 1 tiny issue, when installing. I tried to go straight to Install Kubuntu, rather than Try Kubuntu18:52
sick_rimmitIt got stuck when detecting the disk setup18:52
sick_rimmitI then used Try Kubuntu, and then installer from the desktop, and all was good18:52
lordievaderHmm, odd.18:53
sick_rimmitTBH, I think it's my Odd COmbo of SSD, 1TB Sata, and External USB DVD, and USB Installer stick18:53
sick_rimmitThat gave it the issues, so I didn't look to raise this as a bug18:53
sick_rimmitI am very pleased, as the new Plasma desktop is faster and more responsive than 14.10 I was using previous, and that's important18:54
sick_rimmitto me because this laptop is about 8 years old18:54
=== Guest60366 is now known as ahoneybun
soeeRiddell: we suggest users LTS over latest ?19:01
KDDAhas anyone else noticed an increase in the time it takes to boot to login?19:02
frecelRiddell: I tried building a package from scratch with no previous version with no success19:02
soeeKDDA: sure, after switch to systemd19:03
ahoneybunKDDA: on Beta 2?19:03
KDDAany idea why?19:03
soeefrecel: how was the digicam packaging yesterday ?19:03
frecelsoee: good, it builds on lp19:04
KDDAyes it did start getting longer from it was switched to systemd19:04
soeefrecel: cool :)19:04
yofelsoee: I don't think we recommend either one?19:04
soeeKDDA: try asking on #ubuntu+1 for this19:04
soeeyofel: im asking because of teh items order on Download page19:05
yofelhm, true..19:05
yofelwell, I would leave it as it is. With plasma5 in the state as it is, random users will probably be more happy with the LTS19:06
darthanubislordievader: Thank you. That was the problem, the gui was not showing the agreemnt page to accept or refuse to use non free font package. The cmdline did, and I accepted, and the fonts were pulled and installed.All done, no errors.19:07
darthanubisAll fonts downloaded and installed.19:07
darthanubisSetting up ttf-mscorefonts-installer (3.4+nmu1ubuntu219:07
yofeleh? That sounds like a bug in debconf..19:08
soeereport ;]19:09
sick_rimmitKDDA Are you connecting to WiFi ?19:21
KDDAmostly ethernet19:22
sick_rimmitKDDA: I noticed yesterday that it waited to bring up the WiFi before I got the login19:22
lordievaderdarthanubis: Ah, that is annoying.19:22
sick_rimmitKDDA: Today when I booted, however it was so fast, I was shocked. I have an SSD, but I did on 14.10 but 15.04 is certainly faster19:22
KDDAI have SSD too19:23
KDDAit was lightening quick before systemd19:23
sick_rimmitKDDA: Well it might be worth having a look at dmesg19:23
yofelthere's also this systemd-analyze thing, that might show something19:27
KDDAyofel: yeah19:28
KDDAI had exim4.service which took 30 seconds19:29
KDDAand Network manager19:29
KDDAdeffo notice the difference19:29
KDDAStartup finished in 3.192s (kernel) + 7.053s (userspace) = 10.246s19:29
lordievaderexim? On a desktop?19:30
KDDAyeah, I dunno why thats installed19:30
KDDAits gone now19:30
KDDAI was playing around with OwnCloud, maybe it installed it :/19:31
yofelprobably, I think exim4 is apts usual choice if it has to install a random mail server19:44
KDDAdont need it, so got rid19:45
lordievaderIt is somewhat strange to install a mail server on a desktop ;)19:45
KDDAdisabled modem manager too19:45
sick_rimmitlordievader: Exim Yes I spotted that too19:48
* lordievader starts to get curious if he has it too...19:49
* lordievader phew19:49
sick_rimmitdpkg --get-selections | grep exim says I'm good too19:50
soeesgclark: KF 5.9 ready ? :)19:51
yofelaptitude why might tell where it came from if you see it again19:51
soeewhat is this exim4 ?19:52
yofelbut you easily get it if you install something just slightly web related19:52
lordievadersick_rimmit: Shorthand would be 'dpkg -l|grep exim', slightly less typing :)19:52
yofelsoee: mail server19:52
sgclarksoee: yes sorry needs testing19:52
* yofel usually sticks to postfix19:52
sgclarkI use exim419:52
* lordievader has msmtp for forwarding to google.19:53
soeesgclark: what ppa ?19:53
sgclarknext staging19:53
KDDAif you think your systemd is slow, use this command "systemd-analyze blame"19:56
KDDAranks by time19:57
Riddellfrecel: what happened?19:57
sick_rimmitlordievader: Thanks, I have trouble remembering which switch does which, so I've developed this habit of typing the long version.19:59
sick_rimmitI hate it when chown wants -R and chmod wants -r too Bah!!20:00
sgclarkRiddell: assuming you are jr, the spamming should stop lol sorry20:00
lordievadersick_rimmit: Yeah, those are tricky.20:00
yofelyeah, jr would be him usually20:00
sgclarkhehe my ci was spamming him :(20:01
soeesgclark: look like smooth upgrade, great work :)20:04
Riddellsgclark: I'm not jr on irc, that was some other poor soul :)20:12
sgclarkoh no! lol20:13
AnonymauzHello! I am using kubuntu 15.04, i have en and ru keyboard layouts. When i switch to another window or press Enter in browser text edit field - my layout switches to default(en_US). I have "Global switching policy" in keyboard settings. What's wrong with it?20:13
Anonymauzbtw, when i double-click window, layout changes to default(en_US) too20:13
sgclarkwell I turned it for for now. 20:13
Anonymauz[23:11] <Anonymauz> any ideas?20:13
lordievadersgclark: Hehe, some random person got all your ci messages?20:13
sgclarklol seems so20:13
sgclarkwell it gets the info from kde identity.. so20:14
sgclarknot much I can do there20:14
Anonymauznobody can help?20:16
sgclarkpossibly not today, it is Sunday. I don't use other languages sorry :(20:17
soeeAnonymauz: this hapens in webbrowser ?20:25
Anonymauzbut not only there20:25
Anonymauznow it happens even if i click another area of the screen20:26
soeemaybe browser forces language and it has osme infliance on keyboard layout20:26
Anonymauzmaybe i have problem not with keyboard, but window settings.. can't find a solution yet tho20:26
frecelRiddell: well I decided to try to build a package for this https://github.com/yvt/openspades20:29
frecelRiddell: and I managed to make a deb file but it doesn't include binaries20:30
frecelI'm guessing it's because the file structure is different than most programs with that mk folder20:30
soeesgclark: do you plan to work on Plasma 5.3 beta ?20:46
sgclarksure. but not today20:47
sgclarkI just want one day off lol20:47
soeesgclark: sure thing, just asking :)20:47
sgclarknp, it is kde that is doing the most overworking20:48
Anonymauzhow can i reset all layout preferences? to the beginning state20:48
Riddellfrecel: debuild -S and give us the source files to look at20:57
frecelRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10811339/21:06
Riddellfrecel: ok, now give us the .dsc .debian.tar and .orig.tar21:13
frecelRiddell: I guess everybody decided to start calling me now21:24
frecelincluding the RCMP21:24
soeeRiddell: KF 5.9 are fine, installed without any problems, will they make into vivid ?21:35
Riddellsoee: undecided as yet21:37
Riddellsoee: have you tested plasma-nm ?21:37
Riddellpresumably you have by virtue of talking here21:38

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