
mestreneed to use video qml05:21
mestresorry, qt video05:21
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popeyzbenjamin: wheee... highest so far... alan@deep-thought:~/Downloads⟫ mount | grep schroot | wc -l13:47
zbenjaminpopey: did you get the lastest update already?15:03
popeyzbenjamin: update to what?15:10
zbenjaminpopey: the SDK15:19
zbenjaminpopey: we released a patch that should prevent most of the mountleaks15:20
popeyzbenjamin: dunno, what package / version should I look for ?15:20
zbenjaminpopey: but its not resolving the cause it just tries to keep it in control15:20
zbenjaminpopey: you on 15.0415:20
zbenjamin 3.1.1+15.04.20150409-0ubuntu1   << qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu15:22
popey  Installed: 3.1.1+15.04.20150409-0ubuntu115:23
popey2015-04-09 16:16:41 status installed qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu:amd64 3.1.1+15.04.20150409-0ubuntu115:24
popey 16:24:08 up 3 days, 20:03,  3 users,  load average: 0.36, 0.38, 0.4515:24
zbenjaminpopey: or more easy, can you check if /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/qtc_chroot_cmake2  is a python script15:24
popey/usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/qtc_chroot_cmake2: Python script, ASCII text executable15:24
popeySo I probably haven't rebooted since that update came through15:24
zbenjaminpopey: yeah, you need to clean up at least once15:25
zbenjaminpopey: but the chroot mounts won't go away with a reboot15:25
zbenjaminpopey: schroot restores them :D15:25
zbenjaminpopey: schroot --all-sessions -e15:25
zbenjaminpopey: yeah really nice ..... *facepalm*15:26
popeythanks for the help as always dude!15:26
zbenjaminpopey: yw15:26
zbenjaminpopey: after running the schroot command run , click-chroot-agent -r15:26
zbenjaminor better reboot15:26
zbenjaminbecause i also fixed stuff in the chroot agent15:26
popeyi try to avoid rebooting if possible15:27
popeylongest I have had for a while now is 21 days, and that was back in december :(15:27
zbenjaminpopey: you can also stop the chroot agent15:29
zbenjaminpopey: i think click-chroot-agent -s, then restart qtc15:29
popeyalan@deep-thought:~⟫ mount | grep schroot | wc -l15:30
zbenjaminyay :D15:30
zbenjaminpopey: when starting qtc you should not get more schroot sessions than "nr of chroots" * 2 mounts . After lets say 10 minutes there should only be one session per chroot15:31
zbenjaminpopey: to check the sessions: click chroot --all-sessions -l15:31
zbenjaminpopey: oh btw, you in the mood the review my blogpost i will publish on monday?15:34
zbenjaminpopey: could use a native speaker to check it15:34
zbenjaminpopey: --> pm15:35
popeygot it15:35
popeyzbenjamin: that reads really well - fixed a couple of typos, but that's all.15:39
zbenjaminpopey: awesome thanks!15:40
zbenjaminpopey: i just lack pictures but its hard to find some on the topic :D15:41
popeyyeah, i was gonna say a couple of screenshots would be good15:41
popeyeven just a terminal with stuff whizzing by :)15:41
zbenjamina gif :D15:42
mrqtrosHi all17:37
mrqtrosWho is the author of PageWithBottomEdge upstream component?]17:37
DanChapmanmrqtros: i believe it is renatu18:08
mrqtrosDanChapman thx!18:37
mrqtrosrenatu ping18:37
mrqtrosrenatu I hope you will read this later18:47
mrqtrosrenatu I looked at core apps at all, especially at how they implement bottom edge - a lot of them use "upstream" component called PageWithBottomEdge. If it's your work, I want to discuss implementation with you18:48
mrqtrosrenatu I think that your implementation is bad by design - it's not good to create one page inside another, reparent them and so on. I used ShaderEffectSource to take "screenshot" of page which I later can easily display in bottom edge animation18:50
mrqtrosrenatu I'll share code soon18:50
mrqtrosrenatu looks great, works even better18:50
=== Guest60366 is now known as ahoneybun
DS-McGuirepopey, Do you know if anyone from the help app is in here? I can't find anyone20:47
popeyDS-McGuire: wassup?20:47
DS-McGuireI am looking at the help app for Touch and its need of CSS. From the HACKING file it looks like I only do edits in "content" however the .css file is in "static/themes". Is that .css file controlling the app or is it autogenated when you "make app".20:49
DS-McGuireHope that makes sense20:49
popeyi suspect the readme means "if you're writing content, edit only in content...20:53
popeyi think that's what it means20:53
DS-McGuireThat makes sense, I guess I could just see how it goes. Just out of curiosity, is there an app that has great design that I can mimick to make sure it looks good? Or should I just stick to the guidelines?20:56
DS-McGuirejust because I like looking at real products more than guidelines20:56
popeyhmm, hard to say what app would be similar in operation to the help app20:56
DS-McGuireThat's true, there isn't any I know of with a lot of text20:56
DS-McGuirepopey, Just in case you need to know in the future that is where you edit the css. Thanks for the help21:05
DS-McGuireballoons, ?23:15

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