
pleia2ahoneybun: care to write some summaries this weekend? :)03:34
=== aaron is now known as Guest60366
pleia2MooDoo: think you could write a few summaries for me? :)17:25
pleia2prep here: http://bit.ly/vDkJyf17:25
* pleia2 bullet points cloud news17:27
pleia2still need summaries for canonical news (some interesting stuff there!) and a couple blogosphere ones17:27
MooDooblogosphere as in new elemental os freya based on ubuntu released, that sort of things?17:29
pleia2I don't think we have that article17:30
MooDoohttp://snwh.org/blog/2015-04-11-elementary-os-freya-release got it from the planet17:30
pleia2ah yes, that would go under "The Planet" section if we chose to include it17:31
MooDooah ok17:32
pleia2we typically don't for things that are derivatives, because there are zillions17:32
pleia2but we do need summaries for the articles we do have in the doc, if you have some free time today :)17:32
MooDooi'll try, it's 6:30 here in the uk so kids bed time lol should be ok for me to look later in the evening :)17:33
MooDootara for now, little un is a callin.17:34
pleia2have fun17:34
MooDoook added one in between teeth cleans lol17:44
pleia2MooDoo: thanks! be sure to add you name at the bottom of the document too :)17:46
MooDoowow not done that much lol17:46
MooDoobut ok done, right now i am going, story time....17:47
pleia2PaulW2U: I just order some UWN stickers from moo.com \o/18:05
PaulW2Uso you took my idea seriously :)18:07
pleia2yep, it was a good idea18:07
pleia2didn't put any rush on them, so I should get them by the end of the month or so, then I'll send some off to you18:08
pleia2the Xubuntu stickers went in the mail on Thursday, so hopefully those are coming your way soon18:08
PaulW2Ujust ran out of steam this weekend - too many other things to deal with18:09
PaulW2Uhence still summaries to do18:09
=== Guest60366 is now known as ahoneybun
PaulW2U"In the Press" done, just three summaries left20:53

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