
Kilosmorning captine  DalekSec  inetpro  et al04:54
Kilosoh my net splits time again05:55
Kiloshi Tonberry  06:35
Kilosat times im more stupid than others it seems07:54
Kiloshow come 14.04.1 expires in 20.19 and 14.04.2 expires in 2016 and what is the HWE thing07:57
Kilosoh is that only kernel support07:57
Kilosall other security updates will keep going till 20.1907:58
Kilossigh rtfs07:58
Kilosoh my08:34
DalekSecHWE is xorg and mesa too.08:41
Kilosah ty DalekSec  08:41
KilosDalekSec  may i ask where you are so i can fit you into a timezone in my head please10:17
Kilosyou can pm if you prefer10:19
inetproKilos: what is 20.19?10:48
Kiloswb inetpro  10:48
Kiloswhere do you see that10:48
Kilosoh sorry 201910:49
Kiloswhat broke?10:49
Kilosthe . can in becasue of the 14.04 action 10:50
Kilosya town side10:52
Kilosthunder coming closer fast now11:11
Kilosif i disappear power died11:11
Kiloswb plustwo  11:22
plustwoo/ Kilos11:23
Kiloshi captine  11:58
captinehey there12:02
Kiloshmm... hey there , you with the smile on your face12:03
Kilosold song i think12:03
captineam doing ok... just mowed the lawns 12:03
Kilosgood man12:03
inetprogood afternoon13:24
Kilosavy inetpro  13:57
Kilosvery promising thunder we had13:58
Kilosinetpro  ping15:05
hibanahello Kilos 15:05
Kiloshibana  wb15:05
Kiloswat is stukkend15:06
* hibana talking to you from Ireland or somewhere far away 15:06
Kilosnee man15:06
hibanawat nee man jy?15:07
Kilosthere was mo thunder in ireland today15:07
inetproKilos: the thunder took him away to a far off land15:07
Kilosshould i wait for the site to launch before trying to get a list addy15:08
inetprowat's fout oom?15:08
Kilosneo is missing in action15:08
Kilossome heavy project keeping him away15:08
inetproyou don't have to do everything in one day15:09
Kiloshee hee listen to mr impatience himself15:09
hibanainetpro: this thing has been dragging on for longer than one day sir15:09
Kilosty hibana  15:09
Kilossomeone on my side at last15:10
* inetpro scratching with his toes in the sand15:10
hibanaKilos: waar's jou sjambok?15:10
* Kilos prods inetpro with the sjambok15:11
inetprook, ok, jammer oom15:11
inetprowat moet ek maak oom?15:11
Kilostell me what to do, you are the one that said mailing lists are easy15:12
Kilosyou supposed to support me in locoteams15:12
Kilosive set the cheches on neo15:14
Kilosapologise for your greeter bots stupid questions15:15
hibanaKilos: wat het inetpro gedoen?15:16
Kiloste min dink ek hibana  15:16
Kilosi want an official list addy for the site15:17
hibanagee kans ek sal hom vinnig uitsorteer15:17
Kilosnot just any tom dick or harry@whatever15:17
Kilosdankie hibana  15:17
hibanauh wat?15:18
* inetpro lost it somewhere15:18
inetproIT = Information Technology15:19
Kilosit then15:19
Kiloswhat is it15:19
* Kilos hands the sjambok to hibana15:20
* hibana takes the sjambok and puts it aside for the moment15:21
hibanawill come in handy later15:21
Kilossort him man15:21
Kiloshibana  dont forget to hand the sjambok back before you leave, i battle here without it15:29
hibanasure thing Kilos 15:29
inetproKilos: did you or superfly delete the ubuntu-africa team again or was that never created as a team?15:30
Kilosnot me15:30
Kilosubuntu-africa-dev i think it was15:31
inetproI think we simply need to create the ubuntu-africa team15:31
superflyI think there's one already, but I can't remember for sure15:31
superflyI'll check15:31
inetprobut I remember you had something which the fly said was wrong15:32
superflyjust not now, power going out from 6-815:32
Kilosty superfly  how you have lots of coffee made15:32
superflythermos flasks ftw15:33
Kiloswell done15:33
Kilosi got gas stoves and lamps so all i really lose is the internet15:34
* hibana should be immune from power failures here in the DC15:37
Kilosyou guys went offline earlier15:38
Kiloswas that power or upgrade time15:38
* hibana is just afraid of his masters pushing the wrong button15:38
hibanaKilos: I got a new lease of life here at Amazon 15:40
Kilosoh that 1 year thing15:40
hibanathanks to magespawn's brilliant idea last night15:40
Kilosyeah his idea is good because he wants to derive income from it15:41
Kiloshow much space have you got15:41
Kilosoh its timed in hours so no good online 24/715:42
inetproFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on15:42
inetpro/dev/xvda1      7.8G 1014M  6.4G  14% /15:42
Kiloswhat about the time thing15:43
inetproI'm sure I can keep it up all hours15:43
Kilosso is there space for QA15:44
inetproKilos: space should be more than enough15:50
inetproyou'll have to give me a bit of time to get the hang of the setup15:50
Kilosand permissions15:50
inetproso many options, so much to read15:51
Kilosbut you are so good at rtfs15:51
inetpro750 hours free per month15:54
Kilosok how many hours in a month15:56
KilosMaaz  31x2415:56
MaazKilos: Huh?15:56
KilosMaaz  31*2415:56
MaazKilos: 74415:56
Kiloswow so its full month15:56
Kilosi must go back to school and get my folks money back, how can they give you 750 hours when there are only 74416:01
Kilosoh i just twigged about the team inetpro  some names to add hey16:07
Kiloshi SilverCode  16:12
SilverCodehi Kilos 16:13
KilosSilverCode  have you joined us yet at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-za/+members16:26
Kilosi think thats the link16:26
Kilosand if you would, can you add yourself here too please https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members16:27
SilverCodeok, signed up on launchpad, but the wiki login seems to not work :/16:34
Kilosdont you see edit16:35
Kilosoh my16:35
SilverCodeok, it finally managed to log in16:36
Kilosit is very slow at times16:36
Kiloslol yay16:36
SilverCode...and it logged me out...16:36
Kilosoh my16:36
SilverCodelets try this again16:36
Kilosplease do16:37
Kilosmurphy is around again16:37
SilverCodeso do I just edit the wiki and stick my name at the bottom?16:38
Kiloseasiest is to copy paste the one above and the paste and edit it i believe16:38
Kilosall those [| things are hard to remember16:39
Kilosty SilverCode  16:43
Kilosand welcome to our family16:43
Kiloshmm... inetpro  nog ene18:24
hibanaKilos: you were saying?19:24
Kilosi was?19:24
Kiloswhat was i saying19:24
hibanayou were talking about nog ene19:27
Kilosoh moenie loop vir jy my sjambok terug gee nie asb19:29
hibanaKilos: ek loop? Hoekom sal ek nou wil loop?19:36
Kiloso gaan jy bly19:36
* hibana gaan vir die oom sit en loer wannerr hy slaap en waneer hy opstaan19:37
inetprowat maak die oom vandag?19:45
Kilosallerande goed19:46
inetprosuperfly: do you think it would really matter whether a mailing list ends with @lists.launchpad.net or with @lists.ubuntu.com ?19:52
inetproKilos: let's stop whing and just do it19:58
Kilosok do it19:58
Kilostoo much rtfs for me at this time19:59
inetprolemme see whether I can even create a team as a non-official19:59
Kilosyou are an official20:00
Kilosai! all i taught you, and you still know nothing20:00
inetproKilos: give me a description20:01
Kilosafrica team20:02
inetproa sentence or two20:02
Kilosmaybe with caps20:02
Kilosthis team is responsible for the building and launching of ubuntu-africa.info20:02
inetprono man20:02
inetprothis team is not for the web development20:03
Kiloswhat kinda sentence are you looking for20:03
inetprothis team is like the ubuntu-za mailing list team20:03
Kilosfor what then20:03
inetproanyone and everyone welcome20:03
inetproor not?20:04
Kilosya same as ours20:04
Kiloseveryone is welcome to help newcomers to ubuntu and linux in general20:04
hibanadink oom, dink20:04
hibanagee vir die man goeie terugvoer20:04
Kilosand spread ubuntu community spirit as far as possible20:05
Kilosyou want more?20:05
inetpro Ubuntu South Africa is a community for all Ubuntu users, developers and enthusiasts in South Africa.20:06
Kilosand noobs20:06
inetproUbuntu Africa is a community for all Ubuntu users, developers and enthusiasts in Africa20:06
inetprocopy, paste and edit action20:06
Kilosgood that saves time20:07
Kilosi like copy pasting20:07
inetpro Membership policy: Open Team, Delegated Team, Moderated Team or Restricted Team?20:07
inetproOpen Team: Membership is inclusive; any user or team can join, and no approval is required. 20:08
Kilosmaybe moderated but i dont think thats necessary20:08
inetproDelegated Team: Membership is inclusive; any user or team can join, but team administrators approve direct memberships. 20:08
inetproModerated Team: Membership is exclusive; users and exclusive teams may ask to join. 20:08
inetproyeah, I think so also20:08
inetpro Subscription period?20:09
Kiloswell 20:09
inetproNumber of days a new subscription lasts before expiring. You can customize the length of an individual subscription when approving it. Leave this empty or set to 0 for subscriptions to never expire.20:09
inetpro2 years / 3 years?20:09
inetproor more?20:10
Kiloswhat do you think20:10
inetproMaaz: 3*36520:10
Maazinetpro: 109520:10
inetpro3 is a long time20:10
Kilosnot really20:10
inetprowhat is it at ubuntu-za?20:10
Kiloslook how many of our guys forgot to renew after 2 years20:11
inetprodon't we have to renew every year?20:11
Kilos2 at za20:11
inetprohmm... 20:11
hibanaoom, wat eg ons nou?20:11
Kilosek dink 320:12
* hibana sukkel met die kappie20:12
Kilosif you want it for one year thats fine too20:12
inetprook, let's make that 320:12
inetpro When someone's membership is about to expire, notify them and:  20:13
inetproinvite them to apply for renewal, or20:13
inetpro invite them to renew their own membership 20:13
Kilosand make the renewal reminder a real nuisance one so it easier to renew than forget20:13
Kiloshi Squirm  20:13
hibanawb Squirm 20:13
KilosSquirm  you missing all the action20:14
inetproI'd say invite them to renew their own membership 20:14
Kilosya thats fine20:14
inetpro Self renewal period: (Optional) Number of days members can renew their own membership. The number can be from 1 to 3650 (10 years).20:14
Kilosthis is on launchpad right?20:15
inetproKilos: yep20:15
inetproKilos: this is not the mailing list, just yet20:15
Kilosmake that 3 years too then i think20:15
inetprothis is the LP team20:15
SquirmI never renewed because they reminder became a nuisance, it bugged me terribly20:15
hibanaja oom20:15
Kilosshame on you Squirm  20:16
hibanahierdie is vir die loopplank20:16
Kilosrenew on first reminder and its over20:16
SquirmI'll renew when I want to renew :/20:16
Kilosya but you forget20:16
inetproSquirm: I'm sure we can change it later, what do you suggest for now?20:17
Kiloswhen i get the first reminder i renew then its done20:17
Squirm1 reminder a month before an another a day before?20:17
Squirmor three days before20:18
inetprothat's not the option 20:18
inetprooption is:20:18
inetproSelf renewal period: (Optional) Number of days members can renew their own membership. The number can be from 1 to 3650 (10 years)20:18
Kilosya thats the period not the reminders20:19
inetproshall I make that the maximum20:20
Kilosyour choice20:20
* hibana votes for maximum20:20
Kilosthats good for young guys20:20
inetproSquirm: you've been outvoted20:20
inetpronow please go join the team20:21
Kilosi think its lekker to not have to worry about renewing at all20:21
SquirmYes, I like that idea20:21
SquirmOnly thing is that it gets rid of people who aren;t active anymore20:22
Squirmwhich is a plus20:22
inetpro This team does not use Launchpad to host a mailing list. 20:22
* inetpro goes ahead to "Create a mailing list"20:22
Kilosg pro20:22
Kilosgo too20:22
Kilosi need a new keyboard20:22
Kilosthis one makes many typos20:23
inetproThe mailing list is being created and will be available for use in a few minutes.20:23
Kilosinetpro  dont forget to add all this to your wiki page for you membership application hey20:28
inetproKilos: mailing list is there now20:28
inetprorefresh the page 20:28
Kilosdo you see me there20:30
Kilosyay i didnt break it20:31
inetproKilos: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-africa/msg00000.html20:32
Kiloswell done sir20:33
Kilosnow to add it with bzr20:33
hibanawaarvan praat die oom nou?20:34
Kilosthe list address to be added to site20:34
Kilosoh is that it20:34
inetproKilos: that is as simple as it gets20:35
Kilosgood work young man ty20:36
superflywe have mailing lists with the site hosting too20:36
Kiloswe forgot about that20:37
Kilosinetpro  comment20:37
inetprosuperfly: oh, hmm...20:37
inetprosuperfly: why you say that only now?20:38
superflyany mailing list will do20:38
superflyinetpro: uh, I've only just looked at IRC now?20:38
Kilosnow we need to dev a good advertising campain20:39
inetproKilos: did you receive my "Hello Africa" message?20:39
Kiloswell duh20:39
inetproin your mailbox20:40
Kilosof course20:40
inetprocan you respond to test whether it works20:40
inetproas a late subscriber the fly would not have gotten it 20:40
Kilosit opens in chrome here20:41
inetprono man, in thunderbird20:41
inetprodid you not get a message in thunderbird?20:41
Kilosi got the mail in thunderbird and ticked the link and it opened in chrome20:42
inetprono, just reply20:42
Kilosi got three mails20:43
Kiloswhich one must i reply to20:43
inetprothe one with subject "Hello Africa"20:44
inetproas for the others, RTFS20:44
hibanavertel hom inetpro 20:44
Kiloslol i see im approved and admin20:44
Kiloswhat does that mean20:44
inetproit means you've read one of the messages20:45
Kilosi read all three20:45
* inetpro joking20:45
inetproKilos: it means you will get to approve members when they want to subscribe20:45
Kilosbut its useless i tick the subscribe link20:45
Kilosi understand that20:46
Kilosmore work for me20:46
hibanainetpro: hy wil he jy moet alles doen 20:46
Kilosja hibana  hy wil my gou dooi20:47
Kilosbefore renewal even20:47
Kilosi really like hibana  such and understanding young man20:47
Kilosand with good foresight20:48
inetproKilos: I don't think you want to wait for me to approve each one of them20:48
Kilosinetpro  he sees right through you20:48
* inetpro sometimes goes AWOL20:48
Kilosyaya ill do it20:48
hibanaKilos: daar's een uitstaande vraag20:49
hibanahy het vir jou gevra om die epos te antwoord met die onderwerp "Hello Africa"20:50
Kilosi dont see that20:51
inetprohmm.. 20:52
inetpro04/12 22:40:06 <Kilos> duh20:52
inetpro04/12 22:40:12 <Kilos> of course20:52
inetproand that was after: 04/12 22:39:42 <inetpro> Kilos: did you receive my "Hello Africa" message?20:53
Kilosi see new mailing list and approved and admin20:53
Kilosi saw hello africa in browser20:53
inetproKilos: please check your SPAM folder20:54
Kiloseven thats gone20:54
Kilosi have no idea how to do that in the bird20:56
Kilosdone see spam anywhere20:56
Kilosoh up there20:56
inetproI clearly can't see my own message when I send it, question is whether subscribers receive it20:58
inetprosuperfly: can you check your mailbox please20:58
superflyI see20:58
* inetpro just sent a 2nd message to ubuntu-africa@lists.launchpad.net 20:58
inetprocan you reply to it please20:59
superflyoh, I don't see any mails from you yet, just approvals20:59
Kilosi have it20:59
inetprohmm... maybe there's a bit of a delay20:59
hibanaKilos: you have it?21:00
hibanawb Tonberry 21:00
Kilosmailing list , post to unsubscribe and more help21:00
inetprohuh uh!21:01
Kilos4 links in it21:01
KilosDoes this thing even land in subscriber's mailboxes?21:01
inetpronou praat ons, waar het jy dit gesien Kilos?21:02
Kilosits working i think21:02
inetproantwoord die ding21:02
Kilosbo die 4 lienks21:02
inetprowat is die onderwerp?21:03
Kilosi just hit reply21:04
inetproKilos: did it automatically select reply to Gustav?21:04
Kilosi dont see an option for reply to list21:05
inetproguess I can't have my cake and eat it21:05
hibanadis 'n begin Kilos , dis 'n begin21:06
Kilosek stem21:06
Kilosdoesnt lp give that option21:06
hibanavra nou vir al jou vriende an hulle maters om deel te neem21:06
Kilosse die pro moet daai links weer mooi hier na mekaar sit21:07
inetprohibana: it's 'en' not 'an'21:07
inetproKilos: it's simple, just tell your friends to join us at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa21:08
Kilosoh just the one21:09
inetproKilos: yep21:11
inetproand btw, it's fixed21:11
inetproE-mail notifications for this team should go to: The Launchpad mailing list for this team - ubuntu-africa@lists.launchpad.net21:12
inetprowas set to:  Each member individually21:12
inetproKilos: see your inbox now21:12
Kilosclever man21:12
Kilosfirst one joined already21:12
hibanaKilos: ek dink jy is die slim ene, daai inetpro outjie sukkel maar21:13
Kilosnee man hy is baie slim, net n stoot nodig nou en dan hibana  21:14
Kilosmaar ons is nou twee so dit kan net beter gaan21:14
inetprowell done Kilos21:17
inetprod4rk-5c0rp changed by msdomdonner from Proposed to Approved21:18
Kilossend a new testing, old one doesnt show options21:18
Kilosah that was easy21:19
Kiloshe is the other elacheche brother21:19
Kilosbedis and anis21:19
Kilosinetpro  i may be stupid but im not a fool21:20
Kilosjust rtfs is hard work21:20
inetproKilos: hmm... no, I think I misunderstood the option21:21
Kilosnope too21:21
inetproI think that was to set the contact address for the admins21:22
Kilosstill no list option21:22
inetprodon't see another place where I can change that21:22
Kiloslook at lp help21:23
Kilosgoogle is your friend21:23
SquirmMaaz: ping21:27
MaazSquirm: pong21:27
* inetpro going to hit the sack21:27
Kilosnight inetpro  ty for all the hard work21:28
Kilossleep tight21:28
hibanaMaaz: watch him21:28
MaazI'll keep one eye on him for you hibana21:28
SquirmIt seems my internet died21:30
SquirmBut just my browsing21:30
Kiloshibana  jy moet ook gaan slaap21:30
Kiloswow Squirm  21:30
* Squirm shrugs21:30
inetproSquirm: ??21:31
SquirmFNB and 22Seven won't load21:32
SquirmSeems other websites are though21:32
inetprogood night21:32
SquirmYouTube, Facebook, both alright21:32
Kilossleep tight inetpro  21:32
SquirmSomething died somewhere21:32
Kilosmaybe they are on the load shedding path Squirm  21:33
SquirmThat's bad IT work then21:33
Squirmbesides, Load Shedding ended at 1021:33
SquirmPING www.fnb.co.za ( 56 data bytes21:34
SquirmRequest timeout for icmp_seq 021:34
* Squirm shrugs21:34
SquirmBed time I guess21:34
SquirmChat tomorrow21:34
Kilosnight lad21:34
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:45

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