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gunndawg | darthanubis: 0/ | 00:53 |
gazalam | Anyone else have an issue with the update for 15.04 today? My desktop is black after I log in. Nothing is displayed except for the update manager | 01:28 |
gazalam | if I put the cursor in the top left it still shows the blue glow to get to the task switcher | 01:29 |
Syco54645 | hello, running the latest beta of kubuntu and having an issue getting my terminal to load my .profile file by default | 01:39 |
Erthe | Hey folks. Does anyone know of a way to enable global keyboard shortcuts to kmail? | 02:06 |
drdoom | is there a default way to do desktop sharing (vnc or the like) in kubuntu 14.10? | 02:18 |
Erthe | KRDC | 02:21 |
Erthe | Launcher > Applications Tab --> Internet -> Remote Desktop Sharing | 02:21 |
Erthe | Although, that's the client. | 02:22 |
drdoom | correct, I don't care about the client. I need a server | 02:23 |
Erthe | I've used this too: https://www.nomachine.com/download/linux&id=1 | 02:24 |
Erthe | Free for personal use. | 02:24 |
drdoom | Erthe: I appreciate that but with NX you then have to have a separate NX client as well | 02:25 |
drdoom | if I really want to be involved, I could do x2go | 02:25 |
Erthe | You'll need a client either way drdoom | 02:25 |
Erthe | VNC is available on Kubuntu | 02:25 |
drdoom | I believe the default ubuntu has what is effectively a builtin vnc server via a checkbox | 02:25 |
drdoom | the issue isn't the alternatives. it's trying to make it as simple as possible for a user who knows jack about remote desktop sharing on their end | 02:26 |
drdoom | assume this user is like a grandmother without any experience | 02:26 |
Erthe | VNC client is pretty easy to use. | 02:26 |
Erthe | https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-vnc-server-on-ubuntu-14.04 | 02:27 |
Erthe | That should point you in the right direction. | 02:27 |
drdoom | yes, I have used the clients for years. but last time I messed with vnc server on linux, it didn't do as expected. I don't remember all the details | 02:27 |
Erthe | Configuration of most services under Linux have become much easier to work with in the last few years. | 02:27 |
Erthe | And that howto should provide you with all you need. | 02:28 |
drdoom | if I have to get into the box and do it myself, that's ok. I like the standard ubuntu idea of making a vnc server via checkbox immediately active and ready to go outside of configuring the router for port forwarding | 02:28 |
Erthe | There may be options like that for KDE too, I don't use it. | 02:29 |
drdoom | I can neither ssh in or vnc/rdp/nx/x2go at the moment. what about things like gotomeeting, have you guys tested that for something quick and simple? | 02:29 |
Erthe | GoToMeeting uses a Win32 plugin. | 02:29 |
drdoom | yeah, I'm looking for people with kde experience for exactly this reason. I don't see anything obvious searching around | 02:29 |
Erthe | But you could Wine it and do it through Pipelight | 02:30 |
drdoom | doesn't have to be gotomeeting, teamviewer, webex, etc | 02:30 |
Erthe | Why can't you SSH into the box? | 02:30 |
drdoom | no port forward | 02:30 |
Erthe | That's a networking issue in any configuration. | 02:30 |
drdoom | of course | 02:30 |
Erthe | You'd have to use a browser-based plugin that can't share data over http | 02:31 |
Erthe | *can share | 02:31 |
drdoom | coulda woulda shoulda. the idea is that we have a challenge with a user who knows very little and a need to remote in | 02:31 |
Erthe | Best case scenario if you have to support it, is do support intervals. | 02:31 |
Erthe | With Kubuntu you can design the desktop as you see fit. | 02:31 |
Erthe | You could make it incredibly simple. | 02:32 |
Erthe | Does your side of the fence have the capability to forward ports by IP? | 02:33 |
* Erthe has an idea. | 02:34 | |
drdoom | yes | 02:35 |
drdoom | reverse listen? | 02:35 |
drdoom | In any event, thanks for the help Erthe | 02:42 |
drdoom | maybe I should just play around with vnc server again when I am able to get back to that box | 02:43 |
Erthe | drdoom: You could setup a script on the opposite end that exports the X display to your location and runs a terminal. | 02:54 |
Erthe | So you'd end up getting a Konsole window in your X display. | 02:54 |
Erthe | That's local to the remote box. | 02:54 |
drdoom | right, but then x server runs without encryption, which needs ssh, etc | 02:55 |
drdoom | I will eventually be able to get back to that box, but this is more a thought experiment on how to help people in these situations | 02:55 |
drdoom | :D | 02:55 |
drdoom | something like join.me or gotomeeting aren't really possible since they don't have linux non-exe plugins, but they would be great for a temporary way in to port forward and setup vnc, etc | 02:56 |
drdoom | teaching myself more about x forwarding with a vm now, neat stuff | 02:56 |
Erthe | With respect to gtm or join.me you *can* install the plugin through pipelight | 02:57 |
Erthe | Well, through wine, and run it with pipelight. | 02:57 |
drdoom | not familiar with that | 02:57 |
drdoom | ok, so it wants wine | 02:57 |
Erthe | pipelight runs silverlight apps in linux browsers | 02:57 |
drdoom | oh ok | 02:57 |
Erthe | So if it's a Silverlight app for join.me, it's possible | 02:58 |
drdoom | are gotomeeting and the like effectively using silverlight? | 02:58 |
Erthe | Well, I don't know, but if one of them does that's an open route to take. | 02:58 |
drdoom | I see | 02:58 |
drdoom | looks like all I really need is to make sure I install openssh-server and port forward along with fail2ban when I'm on location | 02:59 |
Erthe | Yup. | 02:59 |
drdoom | then I can either ssh directly or x forward an app I might need | 02:59 |
Erthe | I want Mumble to get screen sharing. | 02:59 |
drdoom | I would normally do this but it's my brother I hadn't seen in a long time and he twisted my arm into getting drunk | 02:59 |
Erthe | That'll solve a lot of issues. | 02:59 |
drdoom | :D | 02:59 |
Erthe | Hope you find your solution :D | 03:00 |
drdoom | thanks for bouncing ideas back to me | 03:00 |
Erthe | With *nix, if there isn't a solution, create one. And no problem. | 03:01 |
drdoom | true true. I like the idea of setting up a kde desktop that's what I need it to be universally | 03:03 |
Erthe | I wish KDE had a cloud service to store all of my desktop settings so, when I reinstall or in the event of a system disaster, I can resync my settings. | 03:04 |
drdoom | how do we stop showing join and parts in the web irc client? | 03:05 |
drdoom | probably not a bad idea for the settings although doesn't ubuntu use ubuntu one for stuff like that? | 03:06 |
drdoom | linux mint has something but I believe it's just a local backup | 03:06 |
Erthe | I'm kinda thinking something through OpenDesktop.org | 03:06 |
drdoom | I know some of the programmer types use git and create a "dotfiles" dir for stuff like config files | 03:07 |
Erthe | So Kubuntu, SuSE, whatever your KDE settings are stored globally. | 03:07 |
Erthe | *nods* | 03:07 |
Erthe | I don't want to pay for a private Github repo though, and I'm not sure I want some personal settings browsable by others. | 03:08 |
drdoom | I didn't realize you had to pay | 03:09 |
drdoom | I'm sure there's a way to do something like what you want with dropbox and scripts | 03:10 |
drdoom | but I don't always trust things like dropbox | 03:10 |
drdoom | depends on your level of paranoia | 03:10 |
Erthe | Public repos are free on GH | 03:13 |
Erthe | Google Drive was an idea I had too. | 03:13 |
Erthe | grive is pretty handy | 03:13 |
stormchaser3000 | hi | 03:14 |
stormchaser3000 | does anyone know if installing ublock on rekonq is possible? | 03:14 |
Erthe | I don't know if Rekonq can make use of the modern FF plugins or not. | 03:17 |
Erthe | stormchaser3000: Install it in FF and try loading up Rekonq. I doubt it's possible, but ya never know. | 03:17 |
Erthe | https://userbase.kde.org/Rekonq/FAQs#How_do_I_enable_Adblock.3F | 03:18 |
Viperisthebest | hello | 03:22 |
stormchaser3000 | ugh | 03:23 |
stormchaser3000 | is there a way i can use the rekonq ad block | 03:23 |
stormchaser3000 | without disableing rekonq from visiting most websites | 03:23 |
Erthe | stormchaser3000: You're beyond my realm of knowledge, I use Chrome. | 03:24 |
Erthe | Viperisthebest: Hi. | 03:24 |
stormchaser3000 | because when i enable rekonq's ad block. rekonq doesn't want to connect to most websites | 03:24 |
Erthe | Read about how to configured it. | 03:24 |
Erthe | *configure | 03:25 |
Viperisthebest | I'm trying to install the latest nvidia driver, it says the pre-install script has failed, and nouveau won't let me install it | 03:26 |
Viperisthebest | I think I have to add more things to the nouveau blacklist file it created for me | 03:30 |
Viperisthebest | Do you know anything about nvidia Erthe? | 03:31 |
Viperisthebest | Erthe does kubuntu come with the latest version of java already installed? | 03:35 |
drdoom | Erthe: are you familiar with VPSes? | 04:01 |
drdoom | Erthe: you might be able to run a free vm at one of the sites that has an educational slant (Azure?) and rsync that way | 04:12 |
Erthe | drdoom: I think I may concoct a web service and propose it's use. | 04:48 |
Erthe | drdoom: And yes I'm familiar with VPSs. | 04:49 |
drdoom | Erthe: sounds good | 05:19 |
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parsnip | ll | 06:19 |
soee | good morning | 06:43 |
Erthe | Good morning soee. | 06:46 |
Erthe | Having a hell of a time with Kmail today. | 06:47 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 07:03 |
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Guest91709 | добрый день | 07:13 |
lordievader | !ru | Guest91709 | 07:13 |
ubottu | Guest91709: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 07:13 |
=== RtMF is now known as Guest88362 | ||
s_20 | since baloo is having a field with one of my CPUs, is there a way to see how the indexing (which it is for i assume) has already progressed? | 08:03 |
s_20 | well after a reboot (for other reasons) baloo seems to be happy again | 08:36 |
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donniezazen | s_20: indexing is suppose to be superfast which would mean showing progression is either not feasble or useful. | 11:18 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:32 |
Syco54645 | hello, running the latest beta of kubuntu and having an issue getting my terminal to load my .profile file by default | 11:39 |
rick_ | looking good...#Plasma5 | 11:44 |
BluesKaj | Syco54645, try it in the run command/ktunner | 11:46 |
BluesKaj | err krunner | 11:46 |
rick_ | is it a bug or something? | 11:46 |
rick_ | Krunner???\ | 11:46 |
BluesKaj | could be, it's a dev OS | 11:47 |
BluesKaj | alt+f2 | 11:47 |
BluesKaj | or righy click on the desktop, choose run command | 11:48 |
BluesKaj | err right | 11:48 |
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wellington | Olá | 13:19 |
wellington | alguém pode me da uma ajudinha ??? | 13:19 |
wellington | to com uns problemas com o KDE com plasma5 | 13:19 |
LINKSWORD2 | Hey guys. | 13:45 |
lordievader | o/ | 13:45 |
LINKSWORD2 | Question: I'm looking for a video editor, preferrably one that can handle FLV to AVI. Any suggestions? | 13:46 |
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rmrfchik | hi, is there way to install kubuntu from behind proxy? | 14:03 |
rmrfchik | installer says "no internet" | 14:03 |
Walex | rmrfchik: the installer is wrong! The Internet still exists... | 14:05 |
hateball | Well you don't *have* to have a internet connection during the install | 14:05 |
rmrfchik | this confuses me | 14:05 |
rmrfchik | ok | 14:05 |
Walex | rmrfchik: the existince of a proxy does not matter. what matters is that it has an address etc. that can be routed/NATed to the internet | 14:05 |
hateball | It just makes it easier to grab things like restricted-packages and language packs and such if you are connected during install | 14:06 |
BluesKaj | rmrfchik, don't choose updates or 3rd party in th einstaller | 14:06 |
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P3D03MP1R3 | why would you log this chat? | 17:23 |
P3D03MP1R3 | why not make it anonymous? | 17:23 |
sithlord48 | pretty sure freenode logs all chatrooms | 17:24 |
P3D03MP1R3 | are there any kids here? or is it just grown ups? | 17:25 |
sithlord48 | idk | 17:25 |
genii | P3D03MP1R3: It doesn't matter if there are any kids here or not, if they are using Kubuntu and arfe needing or giving support for it. The channel rules of all *buntu channels require them to be family-friendly | 17:28 |
P3D03MP1R3 | i'm very family friendly | 17:29 |
P3D03MP1R3 | i love kids and families | 17:29 |
P3D03MP1R3 | especially kids | 17:29 |
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faust | P3D03MP1R3: you are not funny | 17:38 |
P3D03MP1R3 | that's because i'm not a comedian faust | 17:39 |
faust | P3D03MP1R3: this is sad | 17:39 |
P3D03MP1R3 | you're sad? go fuck kids it will make you happy | 17:40 |
=== miguel is now known as Guest12888 | ||
MichaelP | in kubuntu can't find xorg.conf.d .. arch is etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ | 19:24 |
xennex81 | question... what channel can I go to to ask about embedded browsers, or single purpose browser? (web browsers, I want something for a wiki that doesn't coincide with other windows) | 19:29 |
F03SD | нинужно вобщем говоря))) | 19:29 |
MoonUnit` | MichaelP: ptu my conf in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d | 19:32 |
MoonUnit` | *put | 19:33 |
MichaelP | MoonUnit`: already found it | 19:34 |
genii | MoonUnit`: Every time I see you here I imagine your last name is Zappa ;) | 19:38 |
MoonUnit` | :) | 19:39 |
phoenixz | Will Kubunti 15.04 have wayland? | 22:33 |
phoenixz | instead of X ? | 22:33 |
deadmund | Anybody here? | 22:38 |
genii | phoenixz: Xorg 1.16 | 22:40 |
genii | deadmund: Better if you have a support question just to say it in the channel and see if anyone takes it up | 22:41 |
deadmund | genii: I figured it out already. haha, sorry! | 22:48 |
Simonious | so I just dropped a DVD with the new ISO into a machine and it boots up, but then on the quit/try/install screen it hangs forever.. Mouse clicks do nothing. Enter does nothing. Only the Enter while 'quit' is selected does something - it just tosses up the confirmation box, but I don't want to quit, I want to do the install. There are no errors. If I go to a command line and type commands the DVD spins up at least.. W | 22:54 |
MichaelP | kubuntu 15.04 everytime i start to move mouse up center of screen and to left side. screen starts turning blue. closer to the corner bluer it gets... http://i.imgur.com/IPIBADm.jpg | 23:35 |
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