diddledan | this was posted in another room, but https://scontent-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xap1/v/t42.1790-2/11097880_809151599172890_356111680_n.mp4?oh=ac38253012576f02eef814bfea47586a&oe=552B41B0 | 02:12 |
ali1234 | warburtons bread is the most horrible bread ever | 02:33 |
ali1234 | and that advert makes them look like neo-nazis | 02:33 |
mapps | hi all | 03:07 |
diddledan | allo mapps | 03:12 |
mapps | oFF TO PRAHA on sunday;D | 03:12 |
diddledan | ali1234: aye the bread from warburtons is of the type that I refer to as "blotting paper" | 03:12 |
mapps | 19th-26th april:) | 03:13 |
MartijnVdS | morningsa | 04:23 |
mapps | morning MartijnVdS | 04:24 |
knightwise | morning peeps | 06:51 |
knightwise | just installing the new stable version of Freya and giving it a go | 06:52 |
knightwise | looks pretty good at first sight | 06:54 |
MooDoo | morning all | 06:56 |
knightwise | yo MooDoo | 06:56 |
knightwise | how are you doing :) | 06:56 |
MooDoo | hello knightwise yeah i'm ok thanks. | 06:57 |
knightwise | installing Freya for the moment . looks very good | 07:01 |
knightwise | very mature distro | 07:01 |
MooDoo | knightwise: elemental? | 07:46 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 07:48 |
zmoylan-pi | good $time_description * | 07:52 |
MooDoo | morning brobostigon | 07:54 |
zmoylan-pi | monday the 13th... should be worse than a friday the 13th which kinda cancel each other out? :-P | 07:55 |
brobostigon | morning MooDoo | 07:55 |
davmor2 | Morning all | 08:15 |
MooDoo | morning davmor2 how are you on this fine day? | 08:16 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: awake | 08:16 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: you? | 08:16 |
MooDoo | davmor2: yeah i'm ok thanks :) | 08:16 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Monday and happy Scrabble Day! :-D | 08:21 |
* zmoylan-pi boggles... | 08:22 | |
MooDoo | howdy JamesTait Oxyphenbutazone that's 1778 points to you | 08:22 |
JamesTait | Well played. ;) | 08:22 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: that's not a word there is an o missing :P | 08:23 |
davmor2 | Oxypheno, surely | 08:24 |
MooDoo | ah shush you | 08:24 |
MooDoo | ooo books arriving today forgot about that - sorry totally irrelevant change of subject | 08:24 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: you're just trying to get away from the fact that the dyslexic knew you spelt a word wrong :P admit it :D | 08:26 |
MooDoo | davmor2: cough cough | 08:28 |
MooDoo | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyphenbutazone - nope | 08:28 |
* zmoylan-pi hands MooDoo a throat lozenge | 08:28 | |
davmor2 | MooDoo: highest score ever was BENZOXYCAMPHORS 1830 | 08:28 |
MooDoo | damn you google | 08:29 |
MooDoo | I will beat you one day morley | 08:29 |
MooDoo | :D | 08:29 |
* zmoylan-pi wonders what the profession of the person who scored that was... | 08:30 | |
MooDoo | footballer ;) | 08:30 |
zmoylan-pi | ah it seems to be the theroretical maximum and didn't happen in a competition... | 08:32 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
Myrtti_ | time of day | 09:05 |
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti | ||
Myrtti | https://youtu.be/r0IZ_TEzg7M I wonder if it'll be available on Linux | 09:06 |
MooDoo | looks fun | 09:07 |
Myrtti | I can't decide if his accent is intentional or is it like that for real | 09:08 |
davmor2 | zmoylan-pi: professional scrabble players | 09:11 |
zmoylan-pi | so a video game version of skanger me banger? :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RlXJCwSjwg | 09:12 |
popey | Myrtti: well, it's unity5.. so should be able to | 09:14 |
popey | Myrtti: that guy is hilarious | 09:18 |
Myrtti | popey: apparently the car is modeled to ridiculous reality | 09:18 |
popey | yeah, it looks like it | 09:19 |
Myrtti | I don't understand anything of cars but apparently the engine starts to knock if the vents have been assembled wrongly | 09:19 |
Myrtti | etc | 09:19 |
Myrtti | vents, valves, whathaveyou | 09:19 |
Myrtti | needs all the fluids refilled etc | 09:19 |
popey | yeah valves. | 09:20 |
Myrtti | summer car is a Finnish institution of buying a banger in the spring (preferably with recently renewed car insurance (in Finland it's attached to the car, not the driver) and recent MOT, drive it around and then get it baled once winter is turning in and you'd have to change into winter tyres you don't have and don't want to buy | 09:21 |
* davmor2 so wants it to be vents now :D | 09:21 | |
Myrtti | http://www.johannesrojola.com/msc/ | 09:22 |
davmor2 | JamesTait, MooDoo: I wonder if you could cram in floccinaucinihilipilification or pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis :D | 09:24 |
willcooke | czajkowski, ping? | 09:24 |
JamesTait | davmor2, bless you. | 09:24 |
davmor2 | I don't think the board is wide enough for either but they are such nice words | 09:25 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
popey | Myrtti: he is quite funny | 09:29 |
knightwise | boom :) | 09:31 |
knightwise | ubuntu phone just arrived | 09:31 |
popey | \o/ | 09:31 |
Myrtti | I think I might have cracked my Nexus 5 screen on the London trip :-| | 09:31 |
davmor2 | Knightmare: don't install machine vs machine you will lose hours of your life | 09:32 |
Myrtti | shoved it too hard into my full handbag | 09:32 |
zmoylan-pi | ouch, priced a replacement screen? | 09:32 |
Myrtti | 75 to 99 with installation | 09:33 |
directhex_ | that's not so bad, honestly | 09:33 |
directhex_ | it's a high res screen, and hard to replace | 09:34 |
Myrtti | almost went to a place to have it changed while we were in London but someone said that I shouldn't rush into things. Well, that means that I'm now very much not rushing because this certainly is not London where I could have gotten it fixed the same day | 09:34 |
directhex_ | /o\ | 09:35 |
directhex_ | lots of cobblers do screen repair too | 09:35 |
directhex_ | it's a transferrable skill! replacing touchscreens is almost exactly the same as nailing heels to shoes | 09:36 |
zmoylan-pi | my father a trained cobbler _was_ a dab hand with electrics and electronics in his day... | 09:38 |
popey | cobblers | 09:38 |
popey | awls | 09:38 |
zmoylan-pi | i did have a cobbler in train station alter a bag back in 90s to make a compartment for psion 5 to slide into that saved it a few dents and bangs | 09:40 |
zmoylan-pi | kinda of a holster within the bag | 09:40 |
popey | pew pew pew! | 09:41 |
MooDoo | why can i picture popey behind a sofa playing cowboys and indians with his kids when he says pew pew pew! | 09:49 |
popey | I bought a load of caps for Sams guns | 09:49 |
MooDoo | ahem i mean playing starwars lol | 09:49 |
MooDoo | popey: the ones in a strip or little red ones? | 09:50 |
popey | http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004RI7ZNQ a thousand shots for 5.50 | 09:50 |
MooDoo | yup i remember them :D | 09:50 |
MooDoo | i remember the brown ones that came in a long strip, you used to rub a stone down a load of them lol | 09:51 |
popey | no, the plastic ringsyeah | 09:51 |
MooDoo | ah the memories | 09:52 |
zmoylan-pi | ah the plastic rings that you cut off the actual caps and put them in guns that fitted onto keyrings. very loud | 09:52 |
zmoylan-pi | i still occasionly see the plastic rings caps in discount stores, haven't seen the paper roll caps since early 80s | 09:53 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: I picture popey playing lazer tag with his kids and his wife walking in and ruining all the fun ala Castle :) | 09:53 |
popey | yesterday all the kids in the street were out playing | 09:54 |
popey | easter break is cool when it's sunny | 09:54 |
popey | there's about 15 kids in our road, and they're all similar ages, and all get on well | 09:54 |
* davmor2 pictures popey out with them starting the water fight cause that's the way he rolls | 09:54 | |
zmoylan-pi | when i play ad&d at one group we all use nerf to settle arguments, works well :-) | 09:54 |
MooDoo | davmor2: next time there will be a nerf gun outside with a message "Hi, I also have a nurf gun and am hidden in the house, looser cooks tea" ;) | 09:56 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 09:57 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: hahahaha | 09:57 |
zmoylan-pi | i think i saw that on reddit :-) | 09:58 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
czajkowski | willcooke: pong | 10:09 |
MooDoo | zmoylan-pi: yeah probably where i got it from, just seemed appropriate. | 10:11 |
willcooke | czajkowski, Do you happen to remember the name of that lad who installed Ubuntu on his mates computers at school? I can't find the article anywhere. | 10:17 |
diplo | /j #telegram | 10:31 |
diplo | Oops :) | 10:31 |
czajkowski | willcooke: pm ? | 10:40 |
willcooke | czajkowski, thx | 10:41 |
czajkowski | popey: willcooke FYI https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ie/2013-December/001366.html | 10:46 |
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
popey | Myrtti: saw this and thought of you https://twitter.com/kartsa82/status/587605750253486080 | 13:19 |
zmoylan-pi | i saw a moomin dvd on sale yesterday and thought of posting a pic here... | 13:20 |
MooDoo | love the moomins | 13:25 |
DJones | A friend of mine from Finland is mad on Moomins, her partner must send her at least one picture a day on moomin art/decor/themed cups/knitting patterns etc | 13:28 |
brobostigon | any ideas on something like pushbullet/pushover that can push irssi highlights to ubuntu touch? | 13:33 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: next you'll be saying you like noggin the nog and ivor the engine too ;) | 14:03 |
zmoylan-pi | clangers and bagpuss too | 14:04 |
MooDoo | davmor2: and others :) fireball xl5, joe 90, terrahawks etc etc | 14:33 |
foobarry | i watched bertha the other day | 14:33 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: battle of the planets, starfleet, thunderbirds, captain scarlet, dungeons and dragons, teenage mutant ninja turtles, transforms, thundercats, he-man, THE MUPPETS and fraggle rock | 14:35 |
mapps | is betfair working? | 14:36 |
mapps | can someone check | 14:36 |
mapps | www.betfair.com | 14:36 |
mapps | just timing out for me;/ | 14:36 |
ali1234 | terrahawks was great. you don;t see stuff like this in kids shows any more: https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/71/200493485_3768ae3e23.jpg | 14:37 |
foobarry | bruce forsyth? | 14:37 |
moreati1 | mapps: it's down http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.betfair.com | 14:38 |
ali1234 | http://s.sidereel.com/episodes/159751/featured/28464.jpg | 14:38 |
popey | Yeah, I loved Terrahawks | 14:38 |
popey | especially the cubes vs balls thing | 14:38 |
popey | with Windsor Davies as the voice | 14:38 |
ali1234 | i had a terrahawks colouring book | 14:39 |
popey | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZC9B0YJ8W8 nostalgia! | 14:39 |
mapps | thanks | 14:39 |
Myrtti | Cities:Skylines players might benefit from watching Twitch's best traffic mangler, CleaveTV on http://twitch.tv/cleavetv | 14:40 |
mapps | so it isnt my end - last month couldnt get on for a week yet worked for everyone else | 14:40 |
Myrtti | I still suck in the game tho | 14:40 |
davmor2 | popey: MooDoo: you're both of the right age, do you remember Black Hole? | 14:41 |
ali1234 | you mean disney's the black hole? | 14:41 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
davmor2 | ali1234: yeap the one with maximillion and old ben | 14:42 |
MooDoo | davmor2: yes loved it | 14:42 |
MooDoo | vincent | 14:42 |
davmor2 | popey: the balls in terrahawks video reminded me of it :) | 14:42 |
davmor2 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5pOiyD4h6E and old ben was the beat up one :) | 14:43 |
MooDoo | davmor2: http://www.bugeyedmonster.com/toys/blackhole/blackhole/blowup/334inchall.jpg | 14:47 |
MooDoo | davmor2: it was old bob | 14:47 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: I new it was old and began with b I was close :D | 14:48 |
davmor2 | Old bobs the name and shootings the game :D | 14:48 |
MooDoo | :d | 14:49 |
MooDoo | did you look at the photo? | 14:49 |
ali1234 | does anyone remember a live action show that was like king arthur vs aliens? | 14:52 |
bigcalm | o.O | 14:54 |
bigcalm | Dungeon Quest? | 14:54 |
ali1234 | the aliens all wore black leather and had storm troopers with laser guns | 14:56 |
ali1234 | and king arthur had magic | 14:56 |
foobarry | sounds like some pervy geeks dream | 14:56 |
ali1234 | i think the aliens might have been time travellers | 14:57 |
ali1234 | would have been on tv around 1984 | 14:57 |
bigcalm | 70s 80s or 90s? | 14:57 |
bigcalm | Okay | 14:57 |
ali1234 | and it was a british show | 14:57 |
bigcalm | http://www.imdb.com/list/ls002724091/ | 14:58 |
ali1234 | it wasn't a kids show | 14:58 |
bigcalm | That changes matters a lot | 14:59 |
ali1234 | well, i mean it wasn't on kids TV | 14:59 |
ali1234 | it was like doctor who | 14:59 |
ali1234 | or merlin/atlantis that they show now | 14:59 |
foobarry | ah | 15:00 |
foobarry | knights of god? | 15:03 |
ali1234 | yes that could very well be it | 15:04 |
foobarry | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_of_God | 15:05 |
ali1234 | yes that is definitely it | 15:05 |
ali1234 | there's a helicopter in the intro | 15:05 |
ali1234 | i was gonna say i thought there was a helicopter | 15:05 |
ali1234 | oh look there's the laser gun storm troopers | 15:06 |
ali1234 | and more black helicopters | 15:06 |
foobarry | i never saw it | 15:07 |
ali1234 | apparently it was only ever shown once | 15:07 |
foobarry | i have a lifelong habit of not really watching ITV | 15:07 |
foobarry | it was canned due to lameness apparently | 15:07 |
mapps | lol | 15:07 |
awilkins | Really it was canned because Arthur beats the fascists! | 15:08 |
mapps | betfair's down due to a DDOS attack | 15:08 |
awilkins | We can't have the proles thinking they can win! | 15:08 |
mapps | been down 4 hours! | 15:08 |
mapps | paying their 'engineers' and other people fortunes and cant deal with a DDOS attack | 15:08 |
mapps | pathetic | 15:08 |
foobarry | :-| | 15:09 |
foobarry | its very hard to deal with DDOS | 15:09 |
mapps | well | 15:09 |
mapps | I'm sure the likes of Google/twitter/facebook get targeted..no? | 15:09 |
foobarry | because its very similar actually supplying a web service | 15:09 |
mapps | not sure what that means | 15:10 |
awilkins | Beating DDOS is really only possible if you have a large distributed infrastructure | 15:11 |
foobarry | if you have a web service that is popular | 15:11 |
foobarry | then it supplies web pages to lots of different people | 15:12 |
foobarry | a DDOS is very similar to that | 15:12 |
foobarry | the first D in DDOS suggests that there are various/many sources | 15:12 |
mapps | ya | 15:13 |
mapps | you mean because theyd have multiple servers multiple locations | 15:21 |
mapps | i assumed betfair would too | 15:21 |
foobarry | yeah sure, | 15:21 |
foobarry | but DDOS will eat them all | 15:21 |
foobarry | given sufficient capacity | 15:21 |
mapps | yea | 15:22 |
mapps | theyre trying to claim it's a competitor on twitter | 15:23 |
mapps | ;] | 15:23 |
foobarry | i have no love for betting companies | 15:26 |
mapps | they pay me very well so im happy enough | 15:26 |
mapps | only reason i moved ;] | 15:26 |
ali1234 | is there some large gambling event currently? | 15:27 |
ali1234 | if i was a betfair competitor i would have ddos'ed them on saturday | 15:27 |
mapps | nah | 15:27 |
mapps | yea saturdays are our busy day | 15:27 |
mapps | like 150 events in play | 15:27 |
ali1234 | especially when it's the boat race and the grand national | 15:28 |
mapps | sometimes on CL days our site goes down due to demand | 15:28 |
mapps | the money that comes in every minute is quite shocking | 15:28 |
mapps | people refer to work as 'the big green machine' just prints money O_o | 15:28 |
diddledan | mapps: can they print some money for me? (without requiring me to gamble) :-p | 15:32 |
mapps | ;] | 15:33 |
mapps | bit tired today hm | 15:33 |
ChunkzZ | what channels are you guys on, on freenode? I'm on 24. | 15:56 |
daftykins | some ubuntu, some Kodi... some chat | 15:56 |
popey | only 49 now. trimmed down a bit | 15:57 |
ChunkzZ | what one's popey ? | 15:58 |
popey | wat? | 15:58 |
popey | oh, which channels | 15:58 |
popey | lots :) | 15:58 |
ChunkzZ | pic ? | 15:58 |
popey | nah. I'd have to blur some out | 15:58 |
daftykins | ChunkzZ: why don't you ask us what you're really after? because asking people what channels they're in isn't exactly... normal. | 15:59 |
ChunkzZ | daftykins, I'm not after anything!!!!!!!! | 15:59 |
diddledan | plus you can just /whois them | 15:59 |
ChunkzZ | popey, okay no worries | 15:59 |
daftykins | ooook. | 15:59 |
Laney | not on freenode you can't | 16:00 |
daftykins | sure you can, depends on those channel modes though | 16:00 |
diddledan | oh fair enough, Laney , I just assumed having never tried it | 16:00 |
Laney | (by default) | 16:00 |
Laney | no, it depends on user mode +i which is on by default | 16:00 |
daftykins | oh ok | 16:00 |
daftykins | things used to be much different on Quakenet | 16:01 |
ChunkzZ | daftykins, you're the 1 who ripped in to me about kodi? | 16:01 |
daftykins | i don't have a clue what you mean | 16:02 |
ChunkzZ | you were on about some illegal stuff, remmeber now? | 16:03 |
ChunkzZ | streaming is illegal etc etc etc or whatever shit you said. :p | 16:03 |
ChunkzZ | sorry excuse my French | 16:03 |
diddledan | o_O | 16:04 |
diddledan | streaming isn't inherently illegal. it's only illegal if you're streaming copyright works that you haven't got license for | 16:04 |
daftykins | oh probably, enforcing channel policy in #kodi of not permitting illegal addons or repos to be spoken of | 16:04 |
daftykins | well regardless of if that was me, another channel isn't the place to discuss that. | 16:05 |
diddledan | o...k... | 16:05 |
diddledan | guess he didn't like the answer? | 16:06 |
ChunkzZ | daftykins, diddledan https://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-group-admits-streaming-movies-isnt-illegal-130624/ that is all see ya | 16:06 |
daftykins | sadly #kodi attracts a lot of idiots who aren't even aware of what they're being told not to discuss, so they start throwing out links like the above that are trying to justify their actions... when the main issue is simply that in #kodi the naughty repos and add-ons are off topic :) | 16:07 |
daftykins | unfortunately a lot of people out there make money by loading up little devices with these copyright infringing addons then sell them with Kodi as their base, which then make them come to #kodi when something doesn't work | 16:08 |
directhex_ | bloody teenagers | 16:12 |
popey | s/teenagers/people/ | 16:12 |
awilkins | Grrarr. Outlook.com is being annoying by refusing to accept mails from my personal domain. Feel I may have spoiled something by defining SPF records. | 16:15 |
awilkins | Even when relayed through my DNS provider it's not working | 16:15 |
daftykins | outlook.com eh - novel choice 0o | 16:15 |
awilkins | It's our work email provider | 16:15 |
awilkins | Trying to get my Redmine server to mail things to it | 16:16 |
awilkins | I have postfix / dovecot all nicely running on the server | 16:16 |
awilkins | It mails things to GMail just fine | 16:16 |
awilkins | Even though GMail was initially canning it as spam (switched to my DNS mail relay and it's in my inbox) | 16:16 |
diddledan | awilkins: afaicr outlook andpreviously hotmail require that you submit your spf details via a webform because microsoft don't trust standards | 16:17 |
daftykins | lol | 16:17 |
awilkins | *donk* | 16:18 |
awilkins | My home IP (where my server is at) is on some evil blocklist they have | 16:19 |
awilkins | Got a "sod off" message from their server | 16:19 |
bashrc_ | I have the same issue | 16:20 |
bashrc_ | some domains won't accept email from me because of a spurious IP based blocklist | 16:20 |
awilkins | Aha, now they are at least going to my junkbpox | 16:21 |
awilkins | A quick mark of them as not-junk and it's going to my inbox | 16:23 |
awilkins | HUzzah | 16:23 |
awilkins | I don't sync my junkbox to Thunderbird | 16:24 |
popey | golly https://twitter.com/unity3d/status/587492191829958656 | 16:42 |
popey | is the 3ds powerful enough to run unity3d games? | 16:42 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
foobarry | does vlc on ubuntu stream to chromecast? | 18:40 |
foobarry | maybe ill just plugin hdmi | 18:42 |
popey | dont see how it can | 18:46 |
davmor2 | popey: it does say the new nitendo 3ds | 18:47 |
popey | yeah | 18:47 |
davmor2 | popey: I don't know if that means there is going to be a new one released | 18:47 |
popey | a new one was recently announced | 18:48 |
davmor2 | popey: indeed just looking at it now | 18:49 |
ali1234 | presumably you still have to jump through all the nintendo licensing hoops though? | 18:49 |
popey | I guess | 18:49 |
popey | no real "official" indie game scene on nintendo is there? | 18:49 |
ali1234 | no, only homebrew linux stuff | 18:49 |
ali1234 | afaik | 18:49 |
davmor2 | popey: so looking at the spec the new 3ds sounds like a tablet with 2 small screens instead of one large one | 18:52 |
ali1234 | the old one was too | 18:53 |
ali1234 | nintendo have been using ARM since the gameboy advance | 18:53 |
directhex_ | davmor2: your comment on spec is more true than you realise | 19:35 |
directhex_ | davmor2: the "2ds" cut-price 2d-only 3ds variant is literally a larger lcd with a bunch of it hidden behind plastic, as it's cheaper than 2 separate smaller screens | 19:35 |
MartijnVdS | and when it breaks, it's all broken at once! | 19:36 |
MartijnVdS | </experience> | 19:36 |
mapps | phew | 21:11 |
mapps | thought id lost my sim | 21:11 |
mapps | got a dual sim phone but both are nano phone takes micro..couldnt even order the adapter to gib;/ | 21:11 |
mapps | waiting for it to arrive in spain# | 21:11 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away |
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