Kilos | morning all | 03:47 |
Kilos | hi Tonberry | 04:43 |
Tonberry | more | 04:44 |
Kilos | hi barrydk | 04:46 |
barrydk | More Kilos en andere | 04:47 |
Squirm | Morning | 06:08 |
Kilos | hi Squirm | 06:08 |
Squirm | Meh, Taxi's have blocked the entrance to the Business Park I work in | 06:08 |
Squirm | and are about to start burning tyres | 06:08 |
Kilos | ai! | 06:09 |
Kilos | and part of our power probs are because the same thing has been happening at madupe power station for weeks | 06:10 |
plustwo | good morning all | 06:35 |
Kilos | hi plustwo | 06:37 |
Squirm | Off to work now, chat soonish | 06:42 |
Kilos | ok | 06:42 |
Kilos | go safe | 06:42 |
inetpro | good mornings | 06:51 |
Kilos | hi inetpro | 06:52 |
Kilos | lol me weird | 06:52 |
* Kilos just made kaaings in the micro, just as lekker and so much faster | 06:56 | |
Kilos | but you must do it on defrost mode | 06:56 |
Kilos | hi SDCDev | 07:39 |
SDCDev | hey Kilos | 07:42 |
Kilos | oh SDCDev have you joined us yet at | 07:57 |
SDCDev | Im having problems signing in with ubuntu one for some reason ;\ | 07:57 |
Kilos | its just slow | 07:57 |
SDCDev | it worked this time :D | 07:58 |
Kilos | oh it was this thats slow | 07:58 |
Kilos | yay | 07:58 |
Kilos | next task too please ^^ | 07:59 |
SDCDev | doesn't work for me on that one :( times out | 08:09 |
Kilos | wow | 08:09 |
Kilos | you sure you got it right | 08:10 |
Kilos | | 08:10 |
SDCDev | eventually logged in... do I have to create my own wiki and stuff? O.o | 08:13 |
SDCDev | looks like allot of work on a busy day :P mebbe i'll do it tonight :) | 08:13 |
Kilos | no | 08:13 |
Kilos | anytime is fine | 08:13 |
Kilos | you just add yourself on the wiki page | 08:14 |
Kilos | you only worry about your wiki page when applying for official ubuntu membership | 08:19 |
Kilos | but with your lp joining you are now a member of ubuntu-za | 08:19 |
Kilos | :D | 08:20 |
SDCDev | :> :D | 08:20 |
SDCDev | wait is this a swingers club? | 08:20 |
Kilos | what is that? | 08:20 |
SDCDev | lol Im just kidding :) | 08:21 |
SDCDev | 08:21 | |
Kilos | lol | 08:21 |
Kilos | no its most likely naughty | 08:21 |
SDCDev | :P | 08:22 |
Kilos | im too old to be naughty | 08:22 |
Kilos | hi pieter2627 | 08:24 |
pieter2627 | morning Kilos, how are things? | 08:24 |
Kilos | going strong ty and there | 08:25 |
pieter2627 | gearing up ty | 08:25 |
Kilos | we have a mailing list for africa too now, you can join | 08:25 |
Kilos | | 08:26 |
pieter2627 | oh ok, will check it | 08:26 |
Kilos | anyone that has the energy and time can join and help me when i am stuck when new users need help | 08:30 |
Kilos | i think the site will draw many new peeps to ubuntu | 08:30 |
Kilos | i hope so anyway | 08:31 |
Kilos | inetpro no comments? sjoe | 08:31 |
Kilos | must be sleeping in the corner at the DC | 08:31 |
Kilos | hehe | 08:31 |
Kilos | hi Kerbero | 08:41 |
Kilos | wb | 08:41 |
Kilos | you been missing lots | 08:41 |
Kerbero | dankie oom kilos | 08:41 |
Kerbero | different office | 08:41 |
Kilos | aha | 08:42 |
Kerbero | only sometimes visit the old one and restart my irc | 08:42 |
Kilos | eish | 08:42 |
Kilos | make a plan man | 08:42 |
Kilos | what good is an office without irc | 08:43 |
Kerbero | lol | 08:43 |
Kerbero | an irc-less office is a productive office | 08:43 |
Kilos | rofl | 08:43 |
Kilos | thats because you guys open too many channels | 08:44 |
Kilos | hi Padroni | 08:58 |
Padroni | hi Kilos | 08:58 |
Padroni | how are you? | 08:58 |
Kilos | good ty and you? | 08:59 |
Padroni | I'm good thanx | 08:59 |
Kilos | do you share your skills on mailing lists | 08:59 |
Kilos | helping new peeps that is | 08:59 |
Squirm | 'lo | 09:15 |
Kilos | yay you made it Squirm | 09:16 |
Squirm | Yeah, got in at 10. Ended up getting food from Food Lover's down the road for breakfast. Did a U-Turn on the M3 when I saw the backlog :D | 09:17 |
Kilos | lol | 09:17 |
superfly | Squirm: what's up with the M3? | 09:17 |
superfly | oh, gotcha | 09:17 |
* superfly scrolled up | 09:17 | |
Kilos | hows superfly and family? | 09:29 |
superfly | Kilos: OK, thanks. Family is (slowly) getting better | 09:39 |
Kilos | ai! | 09:39 |
Kilos | not lekker when little ones are sick | 09:42 |
SilverCode | does anyone know what the standard per hour rate for outsourced development is in SA? | 10:12 |
superfly | SilverCode: not really, but for an independent contracter I'd expect +/- 350/hour | 10:27 |
Padroni | #back | 10:34 |
Padroni | sorry Kilos - who were you referring to: <Kilos> do you share your skills on mailing lists | 10:35 |
Padroni | ? | 10:35 |
Kilos | you Padroni | 10:35 |
Padroni | you want to know whether I share knowledge via the mailing list? | 10:35 |
Padroni | think I have interacted once with the mailing list | 10:36 |
Kilos | help mainly Padroni | 10:36 |
Padroni | If there's something I feel I can contribute, I will | 10:36 |
Kilos | im hoping to attract news peeps | 10:36 |
Padroni | oh | 10:36 |
Padroni | I am working on getting more peeps into ubuntu | 10:36 |
Padroni | I personally feel ubuntu is the future of computing | 10:36 |
Kilos | goog man | 10:37 |
Kilos | ip | 10:37 |
Kilos | yip too | 10:37 |
Kilos | | 10:37 |
Kilos | you can join all 5 of us there | 10:37 |
Kilos | wb pieter2627 | 10:40 |
Padroni | #joined | 10:40 |
Kilos | im waiting for the mail | 10:40 |
Kilos | approved | 10:41 |
Kilos | new blog on the block guys, you may add help articles as well | 10:44 |
Kilos | Maaz | 10:44 |
Maaz | | 10:44 |
Kilos | hi ThatGraemeGuy | 10:46 |
Kilos | didnt see you come in | 10:46 |
Kilos | im hoping the africa project goes viral when the site goes online Padroni | 10:47 |
Padroni | which site> | 10:47 |
Padroni | ? | 10:48 |
Padroni | hi ThatGraemeGuy | 10:48 |
Kilos | | 10:48 |
Padroni | ah ok | 10:48 |
Kilos | its very beautiful | 10:49 |
Kilos | well will be | 10:49 |
Kilos | that nick shouls be changed to pietertjie | 10:51 |
Kilos | Padroni the guys have been slaving on the site and when we run it on local host its very cool | 10:52 |
Kilos | wb inetpro | 10:54 |
Padroni | would like to see it | 10:54 |
Kilos | wb plustwo | 10:57 |
Kilos | Padroni youve seen | 10:57 |
Padroni | yes? | 10:58 |
Padroni | looks the same? | 10:58 |
Kilos | well the africa one is cooler | 10:58 |
Kilos | youll have to be patient | 11:02 |
Kilos | hehe | 11:02 |
Kilos | Maaz seen jacques_stry | 11:05 |
Maaz | Kilos: jacques_stry was last seen 17 days, 21 hours, 16 minutes and 41 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-03-26 15:48:23 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-03-26 20:18:12 SAST | 11:05 |
Kilos | sjoe | 11:05 |
Kilos | Padroni do you know how to do the bzr and nikola stuff to run locally? | 11:13 |
Kilos | | 11:13 |
Padroni | I have never used either | 11:14 |
Padroni | can't be hard to figure out though | 11:14 |
Kilos | there is a tutorial for bzr on our site | 11:14 |
Kilos | jacsays he will be here tonight | 11:15 |
Kilos | jacques | 11:15 |
Padroni | ok | 11:16 |
Kilos | these peeps that take vacation and leave irc at home | 11:16 |
Kilos | the fly at least gives a running commentary | 11:25 |
Padroni | hehe | 11:31 |
Kilos | hi psyatw | 11:44 |
psyatw | hi Kilos | 11:44 |
Private_User | Kilos: hey, the ##ubuntu-za-social channel is getting :( even the creator no longer joins that channel | 12:17 |
Kilos | lol i have too many open to be able to carry on without making mess ups Private_User | 12:18 |
Private_User | lol | 12:18 |
Kilos | even the pro was chatting in afrikaans to the yanks last night so i dont feel too bad | 12:20 |
Symmetria | PXE Boot + Ubuntu network install image = FTW | 12:20 |
Symmetria | especially if you on a seriously fast connection | 12:20 |
Padroni | so | 13:02 |
Squirm | More taxi strokes | 13:07 |
Squirm | Home time | 13:07 |
Kilos | lol | 13:20 |
Kilos | hi MaNI welcome to ubuntu-za | 13:48 |
MaNI | hi | 13:49 |
Kilos | hi Xethron | 13:52 |
plustwo | Kilos: who else is on the bug squad? | 13:59 |
Kilos | pieter2627 and um | 13:59 |
Kilos | er | 13:59 |
Kilos | i forget his nick now | 14:00 |
plustwo | ok | 14:00 |
Kilos | well try find some more | 14:01 |
Kilos | its a game for clever peeps | 14:02 |
Kilos | i think if the pro had more time he would join too | 14:02 |
Kilos | octoquad\ | 14:03 |
pieter2627 | octoquad is the other peep | 14:03 |
Kilos | i had to go search | 14:03 |
Kilos | lol | 14:03 |
pieter2627 | ah Kilos beated me | 14:03 |
Kilos | haha for once i win | 14:04 |
Kilos | MaNI tell us about yourself | 14:04 |
pieter2627 | s/beated/beat/ | 14:05 |
Kilos | dit ook ja | 14:05 |
MaNI | heh, okay - I'm a software developer in cape town, and long term linux enthusiast, I use mostly gentoo but I have various other distros on VMs etc. and at least one ubuntu machine somewhere :p | 14:06 |
Kilos | cool | 14:06 |
Kilos | you welcome to hang here by us, we have quite a few guys in CT | 14:06 |
MaNI | okay cool | 14:08 |
Padroni | anyone here on the ubuntu-za group on FB? | 14:26 |
Kilos | i think so | 14:26 |
Kilos | maybe me too but fb sucks | 14:26 |
Kilos | why? | 14:26 |
Padroni | just wondering | 14:27 |
Padroni | there's a group there | 14:27 |
Padroni | maybe we can get them to become active here? | 14:27 |
Kilos | can you see who they are | 14:28 |
Kilos | arent most here already? | 14:28 |
Kilos | we actually have a lot of members that dont do irc | 14:31 |
Kilos | wb plustwo | 14:32 |
Kilos | i looked at today | 14:36 |
Kilos | but thats only with unity hey? | 14:37 |
Padroni | xchat comes default with 'buntu | 14:39 |
Padroni | and it works fine | 14:39 |
Kilos | no man for the graphics thing in place of X | 14:39 |
Padroni | oh | 14:40 |
Kilos | i must be with the ubuntu group on FB, just got a mail notification | 14:57 |
georgelappies | hi Kilos | 15:47 |
Kilos | hi georgelappies | 15:48 |
Kilos | georgelappies have you joined here yet ? | 15:52 |
georgelappies | have now :) | 15:55 |
Kilos | and here | 15:55 |
Kilos | :D | 15:56 |
Kilos | shout if you need help | 15:57 |
Kilos | georgelappies ? | 16:13 |
georgelappies | Hi Kilos, where do you register for the second one? | 16:15 |
Kilos | you just edit it and add yourself at the bottom georgelappies | 16:15 |
Kilos | you have to login i think | 16:16 |
georgelappies | ok, will check it out | 16:16 |
Kilos | ty | 16:17 |
Kilos | its easiest to copy paste the last one the just edit it | 16:17 |
Kilos | s/the/then | 16:19 |
Kilos | wb Tonberry | 16:24 |
Kilos | ty georgelappies and welcome to ubuntu-za officially that is | 16:25 |
georgelappies | thanks Kilos | 16:25 |
Kilos | oop syou broke something | 16:26 |
Kilos | inetpro fixit | 16:28 |
Kilos | plustwo you want some work?? | 16:28 |
Kilos | hi there DalekSec sorry ive been half asleep all day | 16:31 |
Tonberry | oh hi | 16:33 |
Kilos | i go eat | 17:04 |
Kilos | hmm... | 17:16 |
georgelappies | have a nice meal Kilos | 17:17 |
Kilos | yeah ty tummy full now | 17:19 |
Kilos | you can go see my wiki page then youll see why i just park off here | 17:20 |
Kilos | | 17:20 |
Kilos | maybe without the #preview | 17:21 |
* Symmetria snores | 17:22 | |
Kilos | haha bored again? | 17:22 |
georgelappies | yeah that formatting is wierd | 17:22 |
Symmetria | Im on my way home, and in the time its taken me I coulda driven from East London to Grahamstown | 17:22 |
Symmetria | infact I'd probably be almost in port elizabeth ;p | 17:22 |
Kilos | wow | 17:22 |
Symmetria | heh, 2 hours and 45 minutes so far | 17:23 |
Kilos | sjoe | 17:23 |
Symmetria | lol in no traffic it takes 15 minutes | 17:23 |
Kilos | wow | 17:24 |
Symmetria | almost home now :p | 17:24 |
georgelappies | where you driving Symmetria | 17:25 |
Symmetria | lol from from the office in Nairobi | 17:27 |
Symmetria | ok, arriving at home, time to go eat and watch the football game, FINALLY | 17:27 |
Kilos | MaNI are you still here? | 17:29 |
MaNI | yeah | 17:29 |
Kilos | do you want to become an ubuntu-za mamber? | 17:29 |
Kilos | member too | 17:29 |
Kilos | | 17:29 |
Kilos | you can be our gentoo support man | 17:30 |
MaNI | haha, think I'm commited to enough teams already for now thanks, but I'll hang around in IRC and let you know if I change my mind :) | 17:31 |
Kilos | cool | 17:31 |
hibana | Guten Abend | 17:37 |
Kilos | hi hibana can you do a quick job for us? | 17:38 |
Kilos | or send inetpro | 17:38 |
* hibana kicks inetpro | 17:38 | |
Kilos | lol | 17:39 |
inetpro | eish! Who was that? | 17:39 |
inetpro | oh | 17:39 |
inetpro | hi everyone | 17:39 |
Kilos | the wiki members page got corruted again | 17:39 |
Kilos | hello inetpro hassles at work? | 17:39 |
inetpro | nope | 17:39 |
Kilos | you went offline twice today | 17:40 |
Kilos | naughty | 17:40 |
Kilos | only loadshedding or upgrading is an acceptable excuse | 17:40 |
Kilos | oh inetpro tell me too please | 17:41 |
Kilos | how can i see the wiki in one line | 17:42 |
Kilos | in edit mode of course | 17:42 |
Kilos | im sure ill get it right if it doesnt do the wrap thing | 17:42 |
Kilos | evening hibana how was your day | 17:45 |
Kilos | ? | 17:45 |
Kilos | hi superfly | 17:47 |
inetpro | Kilos: fixed | 17:51 |
Kilos | ty so much | 17:51 |
Kilos | what was the prob? | 17:51 |
Kilos | the page is growing hey | 17:52 |
inetpro | Kilos: remember Edit, Select All, Copy, Paste in kate, Edit, Select all, Copy, Paste to Wiki, Preview, Save | 17:52 |
inetpro | last || | 17:53 |
Kilos | ai! | 17:53 |
inetpro | I added a blank line now | 17:53 |
Kilos | cool ty | 17:53 |
inetpro | and I sorted again | 17:53 |
Kilos | the bird just told me you fixed it | 17:54 |
Kilos | i see that too, i had to hunt for peeps | 17:54 |
inetpro | too many now | 17:55 |
Kilos | lol must i chase some | 17:55 |
Kilos | ? | 17:55 |
hibana | Kilos: NOOOO!!! | 17:56 |
Kilos | lol | 17:56 |
Kilos | hibana is my friend, from my first day here | 17:57 |
Kilos | so good to have him back | 17:57 |
inetpro | Kilos: probably someone tripped over a cable | 18:00 |
Kilos | aha | 18:00 |
Kilos | i had such a good laugh last night | 18:01 |
* inetpro has no idea what happened | 18:01 | |
Kilos | nice to see im not the only one that chats in wrong channels | 18:01 |
inetpro | whatever it was nobody was brave enough to talk about it | 18:01 |
Kilos | i often get mixed up between here and pidgin | 18:09 |
Kilos | especially rugby days | 18:09 |
Kilos | wb pieter2627 | 18:09 |
pieter2627 | hi all | 18:09 |
Kilos | hey guys if you need help without all the ai!' and RTFS ask hibana. he is a proper gentleman and understands better than others how to help when someone is struggling | 18:16 |
Kilos | oh inetpro sorry i missed the reply list button last night | 18:17 |
inetpro | Kilos: no problemo | 18:17 |
Kilos | hibana will you help me work out a marketing strategy for the africa site? | 18:28 |
Kilos | you are close enought to kick the pro when he slacks off | 18:29 |
Kilos | our site must hit the world like a tsunami | 18:29 |
inetpro | ai! | 18:32 |
Kilos | not ai! man, aye is the right word | 18:33 |
Kilos | hehe and so the wave starts | 18:39 |
inetpro | wave? | 18:41 |
Kilos | tsunami | 18:42 |
Kilos | large wall of water | 18:42 |
Kilos | normally started by an earthquake somewhere | 18:43 |
pieter2627 | ...undersea | 18:43 |
Kilos | there too ya but this time we are the earthquake | 18:43 |
Kilos | pieter2627 have you joined? | 18:44 |
Kilos | | 18:44 |
pieter2627 | 5 secs ago :P | 18:44 |
Kilos | well done | 18:44 |
Kilos | woooo | 18:45 |
inetpro | ai! | 18:45 |
Kilos | what now inetpro | 18:45 |
* inetpro falling asleep | 18:49 | |
Kilos | whew so early | 18:49 |
Kilos | go sleep old man | 18:49 |
* pieter2627 is catching inetpro's symptom | 18:50 | |
Kilos | lol | 18:50 |
* Kilos yawns | 18:50 | |
Kilos | sjoe inetpro | 19:06 |
Kilos | kyk locoteam | 19:06 |
* Squirm looks around | 19:18 | |
Kilos | hi Squirm | 19:18 |
pieter2627 | will see again tomorrow | 19:28 |
pieter2627 | \quit Tired | 19:28 |
Kilos | sleep tight pieter2627 | 19:28 |
pieter2627 | \me to tired to type correct command | 19:29 |
pieter2627 | \quit Tired | 19:29 |
pieter2627 | LOL | 19:29 |
Kilos | Maaz tell pieter2627 use a forward slash /me | 19:31 |
Maaz | Kilos: Righto, I'll tell pieter2627 on freenode | 19:31 |
Squirm | Gnight all | 20:07 |
Kilos | night Squirm | 20:07 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 20:38 |
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