=== kees_ is now known as kees [07:38] is there any reason why i shouldn't be able to build Mesa from git on Ubuntu 14.04? i narrowed down my bug to between Mesa 10.1.3 and 10.3.2 [07:39] and i'm using the instructions from here to build Mesa from git: http://wiki.x.org/wiki/radeonBuildHowTo/ [07:39] it builds fine and i'm able to install it to /opt/xorg and point my LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH environment variable to it [07:40] but then when i try to log in, unity fails to launch and i just get kicked back to the lightdm greeter [07:40] i couldn't really find anything useful in the logs that i looked at [07:41] i thought maybe i need to apply the ubuntu patches, but i'm not sure how to go about doing that === mck182|afk is now known as mck182 [11:24] shouldn't need anything special [16:22] based on that guide, i did "./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/xorg --with-dri-drivers="radeon" --with-gallium-drivers="radeonsi,swrast" --with-dri-driverdir=/opt/xorg/lib/dri/" [16:23] and then make, followed by make install [16:23] and when i try "ldconfig -p | grep libGL.so" the libraries from /opt/xorg show up first [16:24] but when i try glxinfo i get "glxinfo: symbol lookup error: /opt/xorg/lib/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: __glX_tls_Context" [16:24] i also tried adding --enable-glx-tls to the autogen script, but no difference [16:26] googling the error gives me 2 results from #dri-devel IRC logs lol [16:53] ldd /opt/xorg/lib/libGL.so.1 [16:55] xorg log too [17:05] tjaalton: here's the first http://pastebin.com/hMvbyz14 [17:06] and the second: http://pastebin.com/2jDmFhTk [17:06] i get the same __glX_tls_Context error in the xorg log [17:24] --enable-glx-tls for mesa [17:27] since the xserver is built with it [17:33] tjaalton: yeah, i included that, you mean with autogen.sh right? [17:33] (mentioned above) [17:34] yes [17:35] oh, I see [17:39] forgot to run make install perhaps [17:39] can't be, i ran that too, and i can verify that it copies everything into /opt/xorg [17:42] yeah i just tried it again to make sure it was putting everything in the right place, it's all going straight in /opt/xorg [17:42] is it possible that ubuntu just ignores those? [17:43] no [17:44] and the configuration in that guide is still up to date? [17:44] i created the file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/a-local-xorg.conf [17:44] put "/opt/xorg/lib" in it, and ran ldconfig [17:45] and setting the LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/opt/xorg/lib/dri/ environment variable [17:46] but if i'm understanding right, that part may be unnecessary if using the --enable-glx-tls flag [17:46] "Problem with this configuration is that AIGLX doesn't respect it. This means that compiz doesn't get advantage of new driver. [17:46] It is possible to get the new libGL and dri drivers used without setting LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH:" [17:52] dunno [17:59] you probably need to remove /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu_GL.conf [17:59] or at least try with that elsewhere [18:05] tjaalton: i'll give that a shot [18:05] i've got it narrowed down to between 10.2 and 10.3.2 now [18:06] since i just noticed Maarten had a 10.2 build in trusty-proposed [18:22] tjaalton: i think that fixed it dude... [18:22] glxinfo doesn't throw the error anymore [18:22] * furkan tries restarting X [18:26] this is so weird [18:27] when i put that file in ld.so.conf.d, X starts in low graphics mode [18:27] i removed it, but left the LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH environment variable intact [18:27] now it runs fine [18:27] and: [18:28] furkan@furkan-trusty:~$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep so$ [18:28] libGL: OpenDriver: trying /opt/xorg/lib/dri//tls/radeonsi_dri.so [18:28] libGL: OpenDriver: trying /opt/xorg/lib/dri//radeonsi_dri.so [18:28] that double-slash looks weird [18:28] but i also get "OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 10.2.1 (git-1b69ea1)" [18:28] which is what i just built [18:47] nice [20:42] tjaalton: i think i found the bad commit [20:42] "4a5519f1e019dbf1103e4f3abe0a695637a87518 is the first bad commit" [20:42] r600g,radeonsi: set correct initial domain for shared resources [20:44] i've got a but report filed @ freedesktop and was asked to do the bisect, so we'll see if it gets fixed