
jw4perrito666: OCR PTAL http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1434/06:24
perrito666jw4: I am so no OCR, not even in my own tz :p but ill take a look06:26
perrito666oh axw_ already stamped it06:26
jw4perrito666: you're a gem - thanks axw_06:27
perrito666jw4: contrary to what you said, there is no actions doc06:46
jw4perrito666: one typo bugfix and you get all antagonistic with me06:46
jw4perrito666: https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.20/actions06:50
jw4perrito666: better link: https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/actions06:52
perrito666jw4: I was for some reason looking for that in github.com/juju/juju/docs07:04
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perrito666jw4: so, whenever I want to action get, I need to do agivenparam.name07:29
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jw4perrito666: no, the .name was just an example to show how to retrieve nested values07:46
perrito666that is a misleading example, we should add some more info there07:47
perrito666btw, very useful docs, cheers07:47
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jw4perrito666: congrats to bodie_ who did most of the docs07:50
jw4I did mostly state server, API's and back end stuff in the uniter, etc.07:51
jw4so I'm a little fuzzy on the command line, action-set, action-get, etc.07:51
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mupBug #1444333 was opened: subordinate relation removed still shows on the subordinate side <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444333>07:59
mupBug #1444333 changed: subordinate relation removed still shows on the subordinate side <remove-relation> <subordinate> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444333>08:59
mupBug #1444353 was opened: juju backups/restore does not support local provider, but doesn't warn user <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444353>08:59
mupBug #1444354 was opened: juju backups includes previous backups in saved file <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444354>08:59
dimiternjam, ping09:08
dimiternjam, we're in the same hangout btw09:08
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mattywgsamfira_, ping?12:15
gsamfira_mattyw: pong12:15
mattywgsamfira_, hey there, have you ever tried installing vim with choclatey? I've followed the instructions on your wiki and thought I'd try installing vim at the end and it doesn't work -  but I don't understand the error. Just wondered if you'd tried it?12:16
mattywgsamfira_, this is what I get: vim : The term 'vim' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet12:17
gsamfira_ahh yes12:17
perrito666mattyw: you are not embracing the proper spirit man12:18
perrito666use notepad12:18
gsamfira_mattyw: windows has this bad habbit of installing apps in its own folder12:18
gsamfira_mattyw: those folders are rarely in $PATH12:18
gsamfira_mattyw: so you end up having to type out the absolute path to it12:18
mattywgsamfira_, there's a vim74 in Program Files x86 that looks like it - but that gives me the same problem12:19
mattywgsamfira_, although maybe my powershall skills are failing me12:19
mattywperrito666, is this the start of a notepad <-> vim flamewar ;)12:19
gsamfira_&mattyw:  'C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\vim74\vim.exe'12:20
gsamfira_try: & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\vim74\vim.exe' C:\test.txt12:20
gsamfira_ampersand is important if running from powershell12:20
mattywgsamfira_, ah yes - vim74 is a folder - I feel like an idiot!12:20
perrito666mattyw: it may very well be, we just need someone to take notepad's end12:20
mattywgsamfira_, got it - thanks very much12:20
mattywperrito666, lolz12:21
perrito666mattyw: here gsamfira showed me (he is afk btw) that a nice way to do things is to create a bin folder, add it to your path and then add a lot of files called yourcommand.cmd with a call to the full path inside12:21
perrito666and that puts the command in the path12:21
perrito666isn't it super easy and user friendly?12:21
* perrito666 rejoices while running the testsuite in windows to fix it12:22
jw4notepad rulez12:23
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mattywperrito666, I used to do that in my old windows days - just trying to remember it all - it's all hidden at the back of my brain12:23
perrito666mattyw: in my old windows days I used desktop icons12:24
perrito666I was never a power hacker of windows12:24
mattywperrito666, same - but I had the custom folder with my own bins12:24
* perrito666 thinks that he should now install vim and add it to his bin folder12:25
gsamfira_mattyw: thats how the brain protects itself from traumatic memories. It berries memories deep in the back of your mind12:25
perrito666just like windows does with binaries, apparently12:26
mattywperrito666, haha12:28
jamespageericsnow, hey - I'm struggling to build juju from source right now to testout your fixes12:33
jamespagego install -v github.com/juju/juju/...12:33
jamespageericsnow, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10826372/12:34
jamespageany ideas?12:34
jw4jamespage: looks like you may need to run godeps12:43
jw4go install launchpad.net/godeps12:44
jw4pushd github.com/juju/juju && godeps -u dependencies.tsv12:44
thumperjw4: do you know about the Makefile?12:45
jw4jamespage: make install-dependencies12:45
jw4thumper: but I don't think that runs godeps does it?12:45
thumperif you have export JUJU_MAKE_GODEPS=true12:45
thumperthen make check runs godeps then the tests12:45
thumpero/ jamespage12:46
* jw4 needs to read the docs again now that it's not all new12:46
jamespagehey thumper12:46
jw4... to me12:46
perrito666wallyworld: I am u here, next to the elevator12:54
jamwallyworld: looking at your status feedback12:54
jamdoes that mean "juju status > out.txt" is going to switch to UTC vs "juju status" is going to use localtime?12:54
wallyworldperrito666: i'm already in mark's room12:54
wallyworldjam: yes12:54
jamwallyworld: sounds bad to me12:55
wallyworldwas a strong preference from IS12:55
perrito666k just fetch me out after you finish12:55
jamhaving the output change because I try to save it12:55
jamis bad12:55
jamnow, having a flag, or "-o" or something else would be semi ok12:55
wallyworldjam: i understand and made the same arguments12:55
wallyworldbut eventually caved in12:56
jamwallyworld: so I think we push back/elevate this to someone else12:56
wallyworldi'll add a --utc flag12:56
wallyworldto the status command12:56
wallyworldjam: would you be happy with a --utc flag?12:57
jamwallyworld: I'm fine with it12:57
wallyworldok, thanks, i'll do that12:57
jamI can understand the "use UTC if I'm scripting/documenting this for posterity"12:57
wallyworldi do agree with you12:57
jambut doing "juju status"12:58
jam"juju status | vim"12:58
jamand I get something different12:58
wallyworldjam: actually, this is for status-history12:58
wallyworldand with status12:58
wallyworldit is only for the Since timestamp12:58
perrito666I am + 1 with same command should give consistent output12:58
wallyworldin the yaml12:58
perrito666wallyworld: ^12:58
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mwhudsonsinzui: can you run grep-dctrl -FBuild-Depends golang-go  -sPackage /var/lib/apt/lists/*Sources on your trusty system?13:50
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sinzuimwhudson, https://pastebin.canonical.com/129629/13:56
mwhudsonsinzui: thats a bit more than just docker :/13:57
benjiyeah, the DWIM when piping status has bitten me before14:52
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perrito666ericsnow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/144435415:05
mupBug #1444354: juju backups includes previous backups in saved file <backup-restore> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444354>15:05
perrito666:) enjoy15:05
jw4mattyw: did your 'cannot retrieve meter status' fix get pushed to master yet, or just 1.23?15:05
mattywjw4, I there was definately a pr for it - tasdomas is the guy to speak to15:06
jw4mattyw: k, thanks - I just triggered the bug again just upgrading from 1.24 to 1.2415:06
mattywjw4, it did land in master, can you send a paste of the error?15:10
jw4mattyw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10827323/15:16
mattywtasdomas, can you take a quick look ^^ I thought this would have been fixed by monday's change15:18
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tasdomasmattyw, looking15:31
mattywtasdomas, thanks very much15:32
tasdomasjw4, the PR landed in master this morning15:34
mgzjw4 - action hero, on now15:35
mwhudsoncherylj, mattyw, wallyworld_: icon time https://plus.google.com/+GustavoNiemeyer/posts/UpjgWHbpjCU15:47
mattywmwhudson, awesome15:49
cheryljmwhudson: I'm on it!15:49
mattywcherylj, mwhudson I'm working on the amulet tests at the moment, hope to get them done by the end of our charm comp session tomorrow15:50
jw4mgz: aww :)15:51
tasdomasjw4, seems to be working fine for me16:02
jw4hmm; upgrade from 1.24 to 1.24?16:02
jw4I'll try again in a clean env16:02
tasdomasjw4, yes16:02
jw4basically I deployd from master... deployed a charm... modified juju.... did juju upgrade-juju --upload-tools16:03
mwhudsoni ran my ec2 out of disk space testing my fixes :-)16:04
tasdomasjw4, did the same - git checkout master; git checkout HEAD^; [build,bootstrap,deploy];git checkout master;[build, upgrade]16:04
jw4tasdomas: okay - thanks - I'll verify that it wasn't an issue with my env.16:05
tasdomasjw4, do you have the gitref you were upgrading from ?16:07
jw4tasdomas: aa1532b16:07
jw4tasdomas: one step I didn't see in your upgrade... go install ./... before juju upgrade16:08
tasdomasjw4, yeah, that's what I mean when I said "build"16:09
tasdomasjw4, did an upgrade from aa1532b to HEAD, did not see any problems16:21
tasdomasjw4, if you manage to reproduce me, do ping or email or find me16:21
mupBug #1444037 changed: juju-core 1.22.1 is not packaged in Ubuntu <block-proposed> <packaging> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged by strikov> <juju-core (Ubuntu Trusty):New for strikov> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444037>16:30
mupBug #1444576 was opened: Skipped TestUpgradeSteps* in cmd/jujud/agent/upgrade_test.go <skipped-test> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.23:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1444576>16:42
mupBug #1434555 changed: ppc64el unit test timeout <blocks-release> <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434555>17:18
mupBug #1434555 was opened: ppc64el unit test timeout <blocks-release> <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434555>17:30
mupBug #1434555 changed: ppc64el unit test timeout <blocks-release> <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434555>17:36
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natefinchmarcoceppi_: you around?22:14
natefinchor lazyPower_ ?22:14
marcoceppi_natefinch: whats up?22:15
natefinchmarcoceppi_: looking at the mongodb charm.... does  it only provide username, port, and hostname in its rels as a database?22:16
marcoceppi_natefinch: probably. its an old ass charm22:16
natefinchAm I supposed to be able to find out what it sets from its documentation?22:17
marcoceppi_natefinch: in a perfect world yes. in the near future: yes, at this moment nothing like this exists22:20
natefinchmarcoceppi_: fair enough22:20
marcoceppi_natefinch: it actually looks like it just sets hostname, port, type, and replset22:21
marcoceppi_authenticated acces was experimental at the time22:21
natefinchmarcoceppi_: heh22:22
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