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AskUbuntujuju state server upgrade | http://askubuntu.com/q/60956912:00
jcastromarcoceppi_, can you pass this around in  nuremberg? ^^12:02
marcoceppi_jcastro: ack12:26
drbidwellIs there a way to import/export a MAAS configuration from/to a yaml file?12:32
marcoceppi_drbidwell: what do yoy mean maas configuration?12:54
drbidwellmarcoceppi: the networks, cluster, and zones information.  The stuff that I need to beat into by hand when I have to rebuild it.13:05
drbidwellmarcoceppi: The Mirantis fuel software has a process for feeding this kind of information into the system from a yaml file.  It was handy to have.13:06
AskUbuntuHow many nodes to use Maas/Juju for Openstack (Juno)? | http://askubuntu.com/q/60958913:16
puffiNot sure if this is really a juju question, but i just did an openstack install on ubuntu 14.04 using juju. I rebooted the machine after install. It's not clear what needs to be started? It's a single instance13:16
cory_fubcsaller: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/04/15/using-the-services-framework-to-implement-your-charms-intent/13:19
cory_fuet al.13:19
bcsallercory_fu: tl;dr13:20
bcsallercory_fu: that section on rewriting charms with the framework is gold13:22
cory_fubcsaller: Agreed13:26
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Spadsbcsaller: thanks!13:55
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bcsallerSpads: thank you13:56
lukasaIf a charm relation is changed, can I determine exactly which fields in the relation changed?13:59
bcsallerlukasa: not without keeping state in the unit. Its common to be able to process the whole state and take what ever actions are possible given the data you have14:03
lukasabcsaller: Yeah, sadly I'm working on charm that has a particularly annoying component in it14:06
lukasaI have a follow-on question, but it works best if you know about the config file infrastructure the openstack charms have14:06
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cmarswwitzel3, i;ve got some pull requests into juju-pyramid for you, when you get a chance15:08
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redelmannHi, im using bootstraped in remote maas15:52
redelmannand "juju debug-log"15:52
redelmannsays: ERROR cannot open log file: open /var/log/juju/all-machines.log: no such file or directory15:52
redelmannstrange, why it is reading local file?15:52
redelmannmh.. ok, i just  realized that juju is telling me that is not all-machine.log in machine015:54
ctlaughlazyPower_, catbus1: I did a manual reset, put the password in that file, and run 'juju resolved mysql/0', but now I am getting all kinds of errors regarding authorization failures from horizon: "Unable to retrieve public images", "Unable to retrieve images for the current project" when I try to launch instances or create volumes.  Is the mysql root password used by the other charms in some way?15:54
lazyPower_ctlaugh: it may be that horizon is using an administrative credential, which would denote it needs the password update as well16:14
lazyPower_beisner: Heyo, Can i tap your brain for a second with regard to ctlaugh's issue? ^16:15
ctlaughlazyPower_, beisner: I looked in the horizon logs and they are full of the authorization errors from glance.  So, then, I looked in the glance logs, and they are full of this: "WARNING keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token [-] Authorization failed for token".16:19
beisnero/ hi lazyPower_ ctlaugh16:20
lazyPower_beisner: the TLDR; on whats going on - ctlaugh joined yesterday and was missing /var/lib/mysql.passwd16:20
ctlaughSo, I've been looking in the keystone configs and logs trying to see what might be the cause, but haven't found it yet.  Keystone's config looks like it uses a 'keystone' user, which shouldn't have changed.16:20
lazyPower_to get root access back, i linked to MySQL docs on how to do a single-user-admin reset, this appears to have exploded into dropping auth for the other openstack components (assuming they were consuming the db-admin role)16:21
catbus1I just want to point out, run juju resolved with --retry so the hook script will be re-run. running it without --retry only sets the status to resolved.16:21
beisnercould this be bug 1423153 ?16:24
mupBug #1423153: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.passwd no longer exist <mysql (Juju Charms Collection):Fix Released by hopem> <percona-cluster (Juju Charms Collection):Fix Released by hopem> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1423153>16:24
beisner^ ctlaugh, lazyPower_    helps if I tag ya16:25
ctlaughbeisner:, lazyPower_ - I saw that bug, but wasn't sure if it was related to my situtation or not.  I deployed this cloud months ago, and it's been working fine since then... until I powered the whole system off and moved it.  That's when I started getting the errors and the file was missing (well, not sure if it was ever there since I had never looked for it, but the charm was complaining that it was missing).16:28
beisnerctlaugh, lazyPower_ - the only deployment i have up at the moment to poke on uses percona cluster instead of mysql.  on that, there is no /var/lib/mysql.passwd file.   that is with the 15.01 charms i believe.16:33
beisnerctlaugh, so do the usual api commands fail?    keystone user-list && keystone token-get && nova list && cinder list && glance image-list  ...etc?16:33
beisner+     keystone catalog  &&  nova service-list16:34
beisnerctlaugh, lazyPower_ - i'd definitely start by looking at keystone, rabbit and mysql logs.   if those three aren't happy, the rest of the stack will be full of errors.16:35
lazyPower_beisner: thanks for taking a look16:38
ctlaughbeisner: lazyPower_ : some work, some don't: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10827803/16:38
beisnerlazyPower_, sure welcome!16:40
lazyPower_ctlaugh: which revision of the keystone charm are you using?16:42
ctlaughlazyPower_:     charm: cs:trusty/keystone-1416:43
ctlaugh    can-upgrade-to: cs:trusty/keystone-2016:43
ctlaughIt does appear to be keystone that's having the problem, but I see nothing that looks like an error in /var/log/keystone/keystone.log.16:45
ctlaughI take that back...16:45
ctlaughWell, I see a few errors related to not being able to connect to mysql, but I think that is from when it was restarting.16:46
beisnerctlaugh, basically, until    keystone token-get    works, everything else will be problematic.     i'd restart the keystone service, whilst watching its log, to see if it is connecting.16:47
beisnerconnecting to mysql that is.16:47
beisnerctlaugh, gotta step out for ~30, but will return.   let us know re:  keystone:mysql16:51
ctlaughbeisner: ok, thank you.  I'm trying, but keystone.log is showing NO errors when token-get is failing.  Just lots and lots of debug spam.16:58
ctlaughbeisner: I'm about to leave for lunch as well, but will be back soon.16:58
beisnerctlaugh,    keystone --debug token-get17:07
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ctlaughbeisner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10828233/18:18
beisnerctlaugh, can you pastebin the keystone log?18:20
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ctlaughbeisner: working on it.  it's choking on the massive file size.  i am going to split it.18:37
ctlaughbeisner: http://svartalfheim.laughlins.org/share/keystone.txt18:44
beisnerctlaugh, sorry, pulled in another direction.   things to check:  what openstack environment variables are set?   it looks like you're using a token.  i generally don't, i use something like this, where x.x.x.x is the keystone IP.   you may get more meaningful output from   keystone --debug token-get      and keystone --debug catalog   if you set your environment like so.19:06
ctlaughbeisner: I took the token out, made sure I have all the EVs set like in your example (I had them all there already, but also had the token one) and I get this: Expecting a token provided via either --os-token or env[OS_SERVICE_TOKEN]19:12
ctlaugh(from keystone --debug token-get)19:12
beisnerctlaugh, what does this show?:     env | grep OS     ... be sure to mask your actual password.19:14
ctlaughbeisner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10828440/19:14
beisnerctlaugh, dpkg-query --show python-keystoneclient   ?19:15
beisner+:        apt-cache policy python-keystoneclient     ?19:16
ctlaughbeisner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10828453/19:17
AskUbuntuOpenStack Juno and restarting it | http://askubuntu.com/q/60971819:18
beisnerctlaugh - do ANY keystone cmds work?     keystone catalog      keystone user-list    keystone service-list     keystone endpoint-list19:19
ctlaughbeisner: not after removing the token EV.  with the token, these work: endpoint-list, user-list, service-list19:20
ctlaughbeisner: keystone catalog fails with this, even with the token: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_service_catalog'19:21
beisnerctlaugh,  weird.  i'm not sure what's going on.  i was hoping to see some meaningful keystone errors.    any hints from mysql logs?19:22
beisnerfailed auth, errors connecting, etc?19:22
ctlaughbeisner: nothing that I see19:24
beisnerctlaugh, are these all deployed with juju?   any changes made to the stack outside of using juju config options?19:24
beisnerrather, charm config options19:25
ctlaughbeisner: no, all with Juju -- no change to any charm config outside of that19:25
ctlaughbeisner: I was hoping some kind of solution was going to jump out, but I'm thinking now it might be easier to ust blow it all away and start over.19:26
beisnerctlaugh, so did the mysql password end up getting manually reset?19:27
ctlaughYes, I manually reset it (the root password), and verified I could log in using it.  I put that password in the mysql.passwd file and run juju resolved --retry.19:28
ctlaughbeisner: I looked in the config files of nova, keystone, glance, etc. etc and if there is a database URL, they all have separate users -- never root. So, I can't see how a root password change could have affected that.19:29
beisnerctlaugh, right, i would think the same.19:29
ctlaughbeisner: Is there something to do to force the keystone charm to re-do whatever it does to see if it can correct itself?19:29
beisnerctlaugh, there is a debug hooks developer mode that can re-trigger individual hooks, but it's generally for charm development.19:32
arosalesanyone available to kick an automated charm test for me on https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/144162220:26
mupBug #1441622: Review queue:  xCAT  <Juju Charms Collection:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441622>20:26
ctlaughbeisner: I really appreciate all your time today and all your attempts to help.  I am going to redeploy my openstack setup -- hopefully that'll be quicker to get back up and running.  I didn't have anything critical in it... it was just used for an Openstack CI setup I was creating.20:26
MitchMCan I use Juju / MaaS to provision barebone servers with any image (not just openstack) ?20:29
beisnerctlaugh, you're welcome - sorry i couldn't help dig deeper today.20:35
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AskUbuntuHow to edit machine hardware detail deployed by Juju? | http://askubuntu.com/q/60974120:44
ctlaughbeisner: I redeployed from scratch, and now all the keystone commands are working.  The only thing I see that is still failing (both in horizon and command-line) is 'glance image-list'  -- keeps returning an "Authorization failed for token".  Very strange... still looking.22:20
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