
mparillovalorie: You mentioned some bugs needed to be verified? I just upgraded and re-booted.00:02
valoriemparillo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krunner/+bug/1444196 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1428877 and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=346190 and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=346191 00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1444196 in krunner (Ubuntu) "Krunner no longer responds to user input" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1428877 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Vivid) "partman crashes when trying to make a EFI partition" [High,In progress]00:20
ubottuKDE bug 346190 in filesearch "Search no longer works after today's updates (Vivid beta Kubuntu), nor does math" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:20
ubottuKDE bug 346191 in components "no right-click menus on the desktop after today's updates" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:20
valoriepartman was not my bug00:20
valoriedamn it00:20
valorieanyway, off to dinner00:20
* ahoneybun thinks getting notifications about snapchat on his awesome KDE desktop is bada**00:23
ahoneybunthe partman one is getting worked on anyway00:24
mparillovalorie: Thank you. The launchpad bugs I could verify were already verified. On BKO, I could only add a comment, which I did.00:28
mparilloDo only special people get to change a BKO bug Status from Unconfirmed to Confirmed?00:54
darthanubisstill doesn't reboot from GUI01:31
darthanubisThe package definately installed from cmdline with no errors01:37
valoriemparillo: yes, it takes karma02:11
valorieyou can ask for more, and will probably get it02:12
valorieask in #kde-bugs 02:12
valoriewhen europeans will be awake02:13
valoriedarthanubis: did you try `sudo apt install -f` ?02:13
* valorie just had the last dinner with husband for long months -- he flies out tomorrow for his half-year long hike: http://bobofwashington.blogspot.com02:14
valoriemparillo: thanks for the confirmation02:42
darthanubisWhy would I do that if there is nothing to force? 04:45
darthanubisAs I said, the package is installed. 04:46
valoriedarthanubis: true05:04
valorieand usually that's what it says05:04
soeegood morning06:23
soeeRiddell: ping08:42
Riddellhi soee 08:51
soeeRiddell: did you get info about this 2 bugs after KF 5.9 upgrade ?09:01
Riddellsoee: krunner not searching and no right click09:03
Riddellneither of which I seem to be affected by but I'll try a live cd now09:03
Riddellnot to hard to revert krunner and plasma frameworks I guess09:03
Riddellbut hopefully frameworks dudes can say what's up, such bugs go against all their stability guarantees09:04
soeeRiddell: nice, 2 users reported it on g+ and today one on support channel09:05
soeeRiddell: good news is i was able to run nvidia drivers finally, but its worth mentione taht only 346 version works here09:06
Riddelloh nice09:06
soeewith 340 we can experiance what i mentioned in last comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/142832809:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1428328 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "nvidia-prime needs sddm support" [Medium,Fix released]09:06
tsdgeosRiddell: krunner does nothing here too09:08
tsdgeosmay be related to that half of the frameworkrs are still in 5.8.009:08
Riddelloh that's a thought, the qa stuff has broken and blocked half the transitions09:31
Riddellsoee: are you able to enable proposed and check if that helps?09:32
soeeRiddell: im on my PC @ work now so i do not want to break it :D09:32
Riddellok I just installed today's daily and it does that have problems, installing proposed now..09:47
Riddellyep all solved by upgrading to -proposed, yay09:51
Riddellqa tools causing qa problems :)09:51
Riddellbut strictly speaking they are valid bugs, no reason you should have to upgrade all frameworks at once09:51
lordievaderGood afternoon.10:06
viphi ho, anybody experienced no right mouse/wheel working on desktop after latest update (vivid)?10:11
sitterRiddell: workspace still broken on ci10:11
Riddellvip: yep, upgrade to vivid-proposed should fix it10:12
vipRiddell: thank you10:13
BlizzzCongrats! The first word my son can spell is Kubuntu.10:13
RiddellBlizzz: yay, lovely!10:15
Riddellmparillo: worth a twitter post surely? :) ↑10:15
Riddellahoneybun: did you ever get to do the muon banners?10:28
Riddellsoee: does muon-discover start for you?10:47
Riddellvip: ↑ can you test too?10:47
vipit starts, shows slider10:49
soeeRiddell: ues and i have an extra window with info trhat im using new kwallet, and it asks me if i want to move wallet content to new version10:52
soeevip: you are first time on this channel or i havent noticed you before ?10:54
Riddellthanks vip, soee. I found my problem seems it was a proxy settings and an issue in kio10:54
mparilloBlizzz: Assuming I quote you, is that the way you would like to be quoted, or is that all a joke. You know that subtle UK humour that we Yanks miss.10:55
Blizzzmparillo: yep. and no joke.10:56
soeeRiddell: thanks for the fix to Web Browser plasmoid11:08
Riddellde nada :)11:10
vipsoee: I'm usually here when I step onto showstopper bug ;)11:13
soeevip: maybe you want to stay for a longer and sometimes help with testing isos etc. ? ~.~11:15
Riddellwe'll need lots of testing over the next 10 days11:15
Riddellactually 8 days11:15
vipsoee: Marcin Sągol?11:17
soeevip: yup11:17
vipsoee: last time i've tried kubuntu isos under vbox, there was black screen ;)11:18
vipso I decided to early upgrade to alphas, betas, etc11:18
vipsoee: but sure, I can test them11:18
soeevip: beta 2 isos worked fine for me in VB11:19
soeeRiddell: maybe add him to testers if hes fine with it ?11:19
RiddellTm_T: can you add vip to testers call?11:19
soeevip: cool, than stay on the channel and is new isos are ready for tests, kubotu will call you ;)11:22
soeekubotu: hi11:22
kubotu'morning soee :)11:22
vipsoee: ok11:27
soeeahoneybun: ping11:40
xennex81I'm still doing the writeup on the website but it taking a bit long.. and Calligra is again failing on me ;-) :(.12:20
soeeLO = libre office ;D12:24
soeebut yes, hiho12:25
ovidiu-florinhello blue geared planet :D12:31
Riddellmparillo: maybe a wire post pointing to http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/beta-plasma-5-3-features ?12:49
mparilloOn it. That said, we will not get them until backports?12:50
Riddellmparillo: just give a warning about the qr code :)12:50
Riddellmparillo: yeah backports but the article includes a pointer to a CI image which includes it12:51
Riddellmparillo: with a smiley :)12:52
BluesKajHiyas all12:52
Riddellit's a secret link to this classic photo from akademy https://www.flickr.com/photos/jriddell/1150266150612:52
BluesKajok, after upgrading to the new kernel version we have missing context menus on the desktop and some in the panel. I suppose you guys arfe aware of this already ?12:58
RiddellBluesKaj: yeah, install frameworks packages from vivid-proposed12:59
xennex81lol libre office is too ugly and it still doesn't work ;-)12:59
xennex81I was just about to get something and then it crashed again13:00
soeeworks fine for me13:00
Riddellgoogle docs is your friend13:00
BluesKajRiddell, not going the propsed route, i can live with it for now13:00
soeexennex81: calligra doesnt work for you or crashes? LO the same : )13:00
soeeyour machine is broken13:00
xennex81no LO doesn't crash13:00
xennex81my heart is broken13:01
xennex81you were so nice to me before :p13:01
* soee hugs xennex8113:01
BluesKaj!enter | xennex8113:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter13:01
BluesKajxennex81, refain fom overuse of the enter key please13:02
xennex81i do my best, my friend....13:03
xennex81i sometimes cannot express myself fully in one line and I sometimes also have trouble knowing what to say.....13:03
xennex81my APOLOGIES13:03
xennex81that is just how chat goes, get used to it?13:04
xennex81i once had someone who wanted me to use less enters because her chat program made a sound on every new line13:05
xennex81instead of turning off the sound really, she wanted me to chat differently.13:11
xennex81princess on the pea we call that, and it can apply to guys as well ;-).13:12
BluesKajcall it what you want , it's irrelavent to this chat ..please stay on topic13:25
xennex81i'm on the topic of getting to do something for your team, that's what I'm doing13:27
xennex81now stay away if you don't like it, I was just chatting a little with this soee person, nothing bad, nothing much13:27
xennex81you don't have to go make a problem out of every small issue as if it is all around and all prevalent13:28
xennex81and there is nothing else going on in this chat either13:28
xennex81so what's the problem...13:28
xennex81i'm sorry if I broke your concentration13:28
BluesKajxennex81, blah blah blah13:28
xennex81yeah, bla bla bla13:29
xennex81now bye13:29
BluesKajgood riddance 13:29
Riddelloh dear13:29
xennex81little children you are13:29
Riddelloh dear oh dear13:29
BluesKajmy ngoodness :)13:29
* sitter feels like pointing out that it's not tuesday and drama must only happen on tuesday13:33
sitterstop screwing with my schedule!13:33
BluesKajthe guy was musing in here yesterday about mostly nothing ...lost patience13:36
BluesKajRiddell, what is the proposed ppa/repos? I might give it a try13:39
RiddellBluesKaj: software-properties-kde -> updates -> unreleased13:39
RiddellI think it is13:39
soeeRiddell: following Alberto's comment here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1428328 it would be good after release to mentione somewhere that 346 driver shoudl be used id one wants to use propriety 13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1428328 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "nvidia-prime needs sddm support" [Medium,Fix released]13:41
BluesKajRiddell, I found software-properties-kde -> updates -> prereleased in muon, giving that a try13:53
BluesKajRiddell, I installed the plasma-framework from the proposed. Is it safe to upgrade the rest of the packagesin that repos or should I drop it ?13:59
RiddellBluesKaj: dunno, best drop it if you don't want to play risky14:00
RiddellBluesKaj: would be good to confirm if it is plasma-framework specifically too14:00
BluesKajRiddell, good, will do, thanks14:00
BluesKajno change after installing plasma-frameworks ...maybe a relogin 14:04
BluesKajnope, logout doesn't work 14:05
BluesKajok, the plasma-frameworks di the trick Riddell, context menus seem to be restored14:17
Riddelland I just uploaded kate so maybe it can transition to -release shortly14:19
* BluesKaj wonders about the rest of the package in prereleased :)14:19
BluesKajgonna give it a try anyway just to see what happens ...still have 14.10 on the other HDD :)14:23
sitterRiddell: kate broken, okteta broken14:41
sitterworkspace still broken14:41
Riddellmeh it's just fuzz http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_stable_kate/6/console14:44
Riddellwhat's a good way to unfuzz that?14:44
Riddellfixed I hope14:50
sitterRiddell: standard scenario I linked you yesterday14:50
sittersimply hop into stable remove the patch, hop into unstable merge stable and push all three14:51
sitterin fact you'd also get away with simply removing it in stable as the merger would then take care of unstable14:51
Riddellsitter: I did just remove it, I was confused by it saying it was fuzzy but it's not14:51
sitterwell, it could be fuzzy against stable14:51
Riddelland okteta was never uploaded with 14.12.3 for some reason 14:51
sitteruh, needs more qa14:52
BluesKajok, ugraded with the proposed repos enabled  looking good so far14:53
BluesKajRiddell, I suppose after this successful upgrade with proposed I should disable it for the time being15:04
BluesKajwhich I just did for safety's sake 15:07
BluesKajfor some reason dolphin and some others don't use the colour scheme chosen in system settings, yet others like kate do use the chosen colour...wonder gives 16:44
BluesKajwhat gives16:44
RiddellBluesKaj: dolphin is kdelibs4, system settings is kf516:47
Riddellalthough they should be synced16:47
BluesKajok , still kde4, didn't ralize 16:49
BluesKajrealize rather16:49
BluesKajI should have checked16:49
BluesKajI've been trying to set the fonts in apps requiring root permissins with kdesudo systemsettings5 in krunner but only the text inside the file contents uses the settings, the toolbars and titles etc still use the small default fonts16:52
sgclarkRiddell: sorry, did anyone run applications?17:35
Riddellsgclark: what what?17:36
sgclarkapplications due out tomorrow?  or was it plasma ? gosh I am scattered17:37
sgclarkRiddell: ok let me rephrase - anything I can do to be useful that involves a script?17:39
Riddellsgclark: plasma beta was out yesterday17:40
Riddellapplications was out an hour ago :)17:40
Riddellpackaging either would be lovely17:40
Riddellinvolves merging from kubuntu_unstable17:41
sgclarkthis kde-ci was more work than I ever imagined17:41
sgclarkRiddell: I thought our script does that now?17:41
kubotusgclark: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"17:41
Riddellsgclark: I thought so too but I haven't checked17:41
Riddellyofel: thanks for uploading akonadi, accepted17:41
sgclarkdid we have complaints on my last frameworks batch?17:42
Riddellsgclark: nothing that is packagers fault, I got the fix for the kpeople overlapping translations upstream and plasma-frameworks is still stuck in -proposed due to some cmake failures it highlighted in kate/okteta which breaks some bits of plasma17:43
Riddellbut that's all upstream's fault not ours :)17:43
yofelfollow up mail for akonadi coming, this thing is sooo... ... fun17:46
Riddellyofel: you'll be pleased to know akonadi-qt5 is due for release in the coming few months so you can have twice the fun packaging that17:47
debfxyofel: when allowing alternative mysqld implementations in the akonadi mysql package you also have to consider that there is an apparmor profile17:55
debfxwhich may or may not break them17:55
yofelhm, true. But shouldn't that be solved by our wrapper script and our own profile?18:00
sgclarkRiddell: applications is a stable release right?18:00
yofelSure, it can be that a server doesn't quite behave like the official server, but then I don't quite believe it should be an alternative for it...18:00
Riddellsgclark: yep 15.04.0 https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.04.0.php18:01
Riddellsgclark: it's to go into kubuntu-ppa/backports18:01
Riddellso it needs merged into a magic new branch i think18:02
Riddellsgclark: so I think it's kubuntu_stable branch needs branched to be called kubuntu_vivid_backports18:02
sgclarkokies. will start with ninjas to test, then I do believe sitter made a backport branch.. need to dig up that email18:02
Riddellsgclark: put it into here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-stage218:03
sgclarkRiddell: ok18:03
sbeattieHi yofel, I see you have an akonadi package in vivid-proposed. Are you working on additional issues, and if so, can you fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/akonadi/+bug/1440501 as well? Thanks.18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1440501 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "Can not load mysql-akonadi apparmor profile" [High,Confirmed]18:35
Riddelldebfx: you agee with sbeattie's patch? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/203386144/akonadi_1.13.0-2ubuntu4.debdiff18:38
Riddellsbeattie: yofel should be around soon to review else I'll take a look in the morning18:43
sbeattieRiddell: thanks.18:43
debfxRiddell: yes, but needs some testing first since the profile has been broken (not loaded) for some time18:48
soeeRiddell: when those packages might be released from proposed ?19:11
Riddellsoee: when okteta compiles19:11
soeeRiddell: ok, thanks19:11
debfxRiddell: seems to be fine.  I didn't see any denials from apparmor in my tests.19:11
Riddellgreat thanks debfx 19:12
soeeiv post about nvidia drivers: https://plus.google.com/110954078302330754910/posts/5z3k8xaP1FA19:21
soeeto inform users that they shoudl use 346 driver version if tehy have nvidia19:22
tuv0kso Iam really the only one with this issue?19:34
yofelsbeattie, Riddell: I'll take a look19:35
soeetuv0k: but yuo can install this package ?19:36
tuv0kI've said here many times, the package is installed. 19:37
tuv0koh that was a question19:37
tuv0kyes, I can install the package, via cmdline and package manager19:37
tuv0kIt pulls the package, I agree to use it, it unpacks all the fonts, and installs them with zero errors19:38
tuv0ksomething is not right19:38
soeehmm i have it installed and dont have such messages19:39
tuv0kit only pops up upon relogin to the desktopp19:39
tuv0kwell not pop, but appear in the notification area19:39
Riddelltuv0k: I guess it's a debconf issue19:54
Riddellthat mscorefonts package needs a debconf dialogue19:54
Riddellso that needs checking19:54
Riddellsgclark: are you going to look at plasma or apps backports?20:01
sgclarklook at? I just ran apps and tons of failures20:02
Riddellsgclark: what sort of failures?20:02
sgclarkI don't know what your asking my Riddell20:02
sgclarkgit merge failed20:02
Riddellsgclark: what's merging? isn't it new backports branches?20:03
sgclarkinto backports branch. which I suspect it is all the kde4 ones that failed maybe. I don't know20:05
Riddellit sounds like you're doing the right thing20:05
Riddellsgclark: give me an example of a failing one and I'll look at it20:06
Riddellthat's the most important package, we need to get that one right!20:06
sgclarkdamn straight lol20:06
sgclarkalready took away my ktux20:06
ovidiu-florinsoee: ping20:08
soeehi ovidiu-florin20:09
ovidiu-florinyou said you'd do something about the images20:09
ovidiu-florinsome converting to jpeg I think20:09
soeeovidiu-florin: what images ?20:09
soeeoh that i do not remember20:09
soeeovidiu-florin: i just said it would be good to add some plugin for lazy loading images20:10
ovidiu-florinthat's not helpful enough20:10
ovidiu-florinif the image that get's loaded first is HUGE20:10
Riddellsgclark: looks like there is no kubuntu_stable or _unstable for the kde4 applications so no merging needed for them, just dch -i and throw into the ppa and see what breaks20:11
ovidiu-florinsoee: do you think converting them to jpeg would be better?20:12
_Groo_hi/2 all20:12
soeeovidiu-florin: it shoudl decreese size but not sure home much it wil help20:12
Riddellhi _Groo_ 20:12
_Groo_can someone confirm if mtp works with dolphin in vivid or kf5 utopic?20:12
_Groo_hi Riddell 20:13
sgclarkRiddell: okies ty20:14
yofelsbeattie: uploaded, thanks!20:15
Riddellsgclark: there's 72 kf5 applications though so I guess lots will need packaging updated from kde4 https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.04.0.php20:15
yofelhow are you folks doing backports these days?20:17
sgclarkRiddell: ... welp I still have crap tons going on with my ci, I will do my best as I can.20:17
_Groo_Riddell: do you have an android phone? does mtp works with vivid and dolphin?20:18
yofelhm, let me fetch  my phone20:18
_Groo_yofel: kio-mtp is broken since you guys changed the kf5 meta package... and although there is a kio-mtp.so in kf5 kio-extras, dolphin doesnt use it... so i cant install kio-mtp nor use the kf5 one20:19
_Groo_see the pastebin, this is for utopic20:20
yofelwell, dolphin is still qt4, so that wouldn't work I guess20:20
_Groo_i believe its not working in vivid too20:20
_Groo_thats why kio-mtp exists20:20
yofellets see20:20
_Groo_but the kf5 meta package is not allowing it to install20:20
_Groo_so you guys either change the plasma-desktop meta, or backport kio-mtp to utopic/vivid20:21
yofelinstalling that worked fine here20:21
_Groo_in vivid?20:21
_Groo_so is the utopic kio-mtp thats broken20:22
yofelalthough that sounds like something that should be there by default20:22
Riddellkdelibs4 kio-mtp is installed by default20:22
yofeloh wait, it's recommended o.O20:22
yofelI wonder why I didn't have it..20:22
_Groo_can you take a look at the utopic kio-mtp?20:23
_Groo_take a look at this pastebin with -o 'Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true'20:24
yofel_Groo_: so, for me mtp seems to work fine in dolphin now that my packages are fixed20:30
yofel_Groo_: and the utopic packages are practically unmaintained, you're better off just upgrading to vivid20:31
_Groo_yofel: would it kill you guys to fix the plasma-desktop metapackage? it was working fine before the update... and yes, ill upgrade to vivid once its out20:32
_Groo_i mean in kubuntu-ci utopic20:32
yofelwell, I'll leave that to sgclark or Riddell then. I have no idea how the utopic ci setup looks like20:32
sgclarkI have not touched utopic in the least, sitter is the one there..20:34
soeeoh searching works20:34
sbeattieyofel: thank you!20:35
RiddellI don't think anyone does utopic now20:36
yofelwell, _Groo_ does...20:36
yofelor well, as in maintains, right, nobody20:37
Riddellmeh I'm stuck on okteta20:40
Riddellthese symbols files are horrible20:40
yofelfor backports? Just get rid of them20:46
Riddellyofel: no in vivid20:46
yofeloh, bummer20:46
Riddellrunning kubuntu-dev-tools/bin/kubuntu-update-symbols doesn't work20:47
yofelah yeah, fixing arm symbols post-upload is a mess :/20:47
Riddelland downloading logs and running pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch -c i386,amd64,arm64,armhf,powerpc,ppc64el buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-*  doesn't owrk20:47
Riddellso I think I'll just mv *symbols *.symbols.amd64 and be done with it20:48
SputRiddell: 0.12.0 is tagged http://quassel-irc.org/pub/quassel-0.12.0.tar.bz221:08
Sputas usual the release announcement will take a few days, but the binary won't change anymore, so feel free to package21:08
Sput(no significant changes compared to rc1)21:08
yofelRiddell: oh, and if you're already busy, mind taking a look at akonadi in unapproved? ^^21:09
Riddellyofel, sbeattie: approved!21:10
RiddellScottK, debfx: you guys are into quassel packaging, anyone able to update it for final or do I have to stop watching game of thrones?21:13
Riddelljr_: ook21:41
SputRiddell: sorry, meant to do the release earlier, but work has been killing me yesterday and today :/21:43
RiddellSput: it's up!21:44
Sputthanks a lot!21:44
Riddelldebfx, ScottK: you owe me an episode of game of thrones :)21:44
ScottKRiddell: You're welcome to any episode I have.21:51
ScottKWas stuck doing actual paid work.21:51
Sputthat dreaded paid work!21:53
andreas_kHi tested the kubuntu installer and had two issues21:58
andreas_k1. for the kubuntu installer an breeze app icons is missing. there was used oxygen other.apps icon.21:59
andreas_k2. in the install overview the large icon in the white transludent are is sometimes arranged on top and sometimes vertical center.22:00
andreas_kI can make an breeze app icon for the installer if you like and push it to the repository, but I need the name.22:01
Riddellhi andreas_k, prth is our gsoc student who should be working on ubiquity this summer, he's your dude to fix these issues22:04
andreas_kok perfect. I don't find other issues the installation was well done.22:04
andreas_kdo you know the app icon name? Than you get an new one.22:05
sgclarkScottK: I will be in Virginia August 12-16ish. We will need to try to plan a meeting again. We will be renting a car this time.22:06
Riddellandreas_k: ubiquity-kde.png22:06
Riddellandreas_k: oh do you know Hugo or whoever does the breeze widget theme?22:07
Riddellandreas_k: the wifi page on ubiquity shows an obvious problem, you can't easily tell if widgets are enabled or disabled22:07
ScottKsgclark: OK.  Cool. At least as far as I know know, I'll be around.22:07
sgclarkgreat :) will ping you again when time is closer22:08
sgclarkScottK: slso I am working on applications, I will let you know when I have updated seed22:09
andreas_kRiddell: No I don't know Hugo, but I/you can ask Jens or Thomas. What do you need? I don't use wifi for my installation :-)22:09
ScottKsgclark: OK.22:09
Riddellandreas_k: other images used https://paste.kde.org/pitmrxub222:16
Riddellandreas_k: oh the libreoffice guy said it's too late for an update as part of the release next week but it can be added as a stable release update so people will get it on upgrading (which can be done during install)22:41
andreas_kI don't change anything only added more icons. there are no problems with the daily builds22:42
Riddellandreas_k: I'm afraid it's the way software goes, you need to freeze at some point to stop more problems creeping in22:48
andreas_kno problem. LO upgraded so often so no problem. I'm only sorry because the icons are quite old (2-3 weeks) so there are a huge number of missing icons.22:50
andreas_kbut to be honest LO icons are really fun for me.22:51
Riddellandreas_k: you just work so fast we can't keep up with you :)22:53
andreas_kthat could be ;-)23:01
andreas_kgood night23:33
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Crash tracker : http://goo.gl/Cdynad | 16 bugs to fix http://goo.gl/Chh7uh
Riddell16 bugs to fix http://goo.gl/Chh7uh23:33
valoriebesides the two bugs I reported yesterday, the only oddity I'm still experiencing is in the slideshow on the desktop23:40
valoriewhen a new slide appears, the old one(s) are not erased -- just painted over23:40
Riddellvalorie: plasma-framework should be in -release now23:40
valorieis that a kwin bug?23:40
Riddellslideshow on desktop?23:40
valorieI have a new slide from a folder of astro pix etc.23:41
valorieonce per hour23:41
valorierather than the standard wallpaper23:41
valoriebut in the last 6 mo. or so, the previous image stopped being removed when a new one appeared23:42
valorieno biggie, but rather strange23:42
valoriei"m sure it's just a bit of code that got misplaces23:42
valorieunsure exactly when it started, because I don't often look at my desktop23:43
Riddellvalorie: mm yes I see23:44
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
Riddellvalorie: upstream bug I'm pretty sure23:44
valorieoh for sure23:44
valoriebut against kwin?23:44
Riddellvalorie: yes Plasma23:45
valorieI'll ask in #plasma maybe23:45
RiddellI suppose it might be fixed with plasma 5.323:45
valoriebut I won't get that for a week?23:46
valorieI could hold off until we have that and then file, since I seem to be the only person using slideshow23:47
Riddellvalorie: there has been zero changes to slideshow wallpapers in the last year so just file it23:49
Riddelland mention that you need different sized images to see the issue23:51

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