
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Microvolunteering Day! :-D08:48
sergiusensjodh: hey, your udf branch looks good13:43
sergiusensjodh: I just have a minor thing to discuss13:44
jodhsergiusens: sure13:44
sergiusensthe location of where we flag this becomes a problem once we support factory reset13:44
sergiusensjodh: what do you think about storing it somewhere in /boot?13:44
sergiusensI just thought /boot as it's a common location contrary to system-a/b13:44
jodhsergiusens: unless the reset detected the sideload and replaced that file after a format. But yeah, I guess the simplest+safest option is to use /boot.13:51
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tbrso, I'm trying out snappy. Downloaded the alpha2 vm as told in the tutorial. got the examples. built. tried to deploy. It fails.14:29
tbra) if I update the image it fails completely - missing signature14:29
tbrb) with the image as is it asks repeatedly, mumbles about an override and installs it14:30
tbrmy question is: how do I a) sign a package b) add the key as trusted to the core image14:30
tbrquerying the web search engine of my least distrust yields no usable results.14:31
tbrhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy-ubuntu/+bug/1443676 is also not really helpful, but at least indicates that I'm not the only one having a problem14:31
tbroh, and downgrading the "ubuntu-core-alpha-02_amd64-virt.img" image once it's upgraded fails "Unable to determine bootloader"14:34
tbrpointers to be able to RTFM appreciated14:36
Nikolaylool: lcf@lcf-ThinkPad-W510 ~/austin/rpi2 $ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --platform bcm2836-rpi-2-b --size 4 --oem ./pi2.lool_0.10_all.snap --developer-mode --device-part=device-pi2-0.9.tar.xz -o rpi2.img Determining oem configuration 2015-04-15 14:40:14 ERROR snappy logger.go:199 Signature verification failed with exit status 14 Signature verification failed with exit status 1414:40
loolsergiusens: that was it14:47
ogra_tbr, i think there was a newer release inbetween ... the version on TFM might be outdated (not following snappy much recently so take that with a grain of salt)15:00
tbrogra_: so the tutorial bits are all there is?15:01
ogra_not sure, there might be blogs etc about vm images ... i always only used snappy on real hardware (real = ARM :) )15:01
tbrwell, a BBW is on my desk waiting15:02
tbrbut for that I'd like to know how I integrate with a custom kernel as I'd like to be able to use the 6loWPAN stack in Linux 4.015:02
* tbr didn't want to get ahead of himself and opted for a "quick boot of vm image as recommended by tut"15:03
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mterrykirkland, hey btw, I snappified tmux with my scripts and it works fine if you build it with an unconfined profile (needed some /dev access) -- or probably if you used snappy hw-assign to let it access the right /dev.  Anyway, try building like so:  ./make-snap -d 15.04/beta-2 --aa-template unconfined tmux15:47
sergiusensChipaca: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/goget-ubuntu-touch/polishit/+merge/25635816:35
Chipacasergiusens: interesting name :)16:35
ogra_sausages !16:39
jdstrandpitti: lxc-usernsexec -m b:0:1000:1 /bin/bash16:42
pittijdstrand: cheers16:42
jdstrandobviously I didn't unshare, etc there, but that is the format of -m16:42
sergiusensbeuno: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/144353716:47
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mvopitti: what does your subuid file looks like again ?16:52
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pittimvo: martin:100000:6553616:57
pittimvo: but I don't think we actually need that16:58
pittimvo: you can e. g. call lxc-usernsexec -m b:0:`id -u`:1 -- unshare -m16:58
pittimvo: that's what I'm doing in my prototype now16:58
mvopitti: cool17:01
pittimvo, jdstrand: \o/ working17:01
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mvopitti: does still also work if you remove martin from /etc/subuid17:19
pittimvo: it did for jdstrand17:19
mvopitti: nice!17:20
jdstrandmvo: I had to create the mapping on the fly17:20
pittimvo: yes, works fine here17:20
jdstrandmvo: with the -m option17:20
pittiI commnted out everything17:20
pittiso /etc/sub[ug]id mostly seems to be a default for -m17:21
mvopitti, jdstrand: I'm still having trouble to get from  uid 0 back to 1000 inside the shell I unshared. but I will come over to you soon17:25
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pittimvo: yeah, that's so much easier to do in C17:27
mvopitti: hm, I can setuid(0) but can't setuid(1000) anymore, I guess I need to setup a new mapping17:33
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dholbach_slangasek, do we have something like the table on https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/ for snappy?18:53
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mvosergiusens: lp:~mvo/snappy/snappy-fix-hooks-rootdir-wrong-symlink19:54
sergiusensmvo: works fine20:07
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