
Kilosmorning africa05:29
Kiloshi ongolaBoy06:42
superflyKilos: have you gotten any feedback from Canonical yet?07:13
Kilosnothing superfly07:13
Kilosit might be an idea to launch the site and share the link with the cc to hear what they say07:14
Kiloswe just dont go public till they have checked it out07:15
superfly"It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission." -- Grace Hopper07:16
Kiloswe just say oops sorry07:17
Kilosits not like we are doing anything to the detriment of ubuntu07:20
Kilosto the contrary imo and we arent using any official trademark anyway are we superfly07:50
superflyno we aren't07:50
superflywell, except for the "Ubuntu" name, which technically should not be copyrightable07:51
Kilosok lets do the forgiveness thing then07:51
Kilosi dont think they realise the scope of our project07:52
Kilosi will right up an article for the weekly news letter and mail it to you07:53
Kilosai! superfly  the last line is wrong, because it will be on topic08:33
Kilosno rush to check08:33
Kiloselacheche  you here?12:28
elachecheKilos, hey!13:00
Kiloshi elacheche13:00
Kilosi didnt know if you got the welcome mail like toddy didnt but i see you in the channel13:01
Kilosso all good sorry13:01
elacheche:) Kilos13:05
Kiloshi neo18:49

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