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AskUbuntuEVE Application and APIs are not accessible from a different same network machine | http://askubuntu.com/q/60950008:24
nik90rpadovani: Hi, would you have time to do a code review of https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-location-error-msg/+merge/256230 ?09:47
nik90popey: Hi, can you also test https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-location-error-msg/+merge/256230 when you get the time? It is concerning the user location shown in the clock app.09:48
popeysure thing nik9009:48
nik90popey: thnx. The MP description lists the steps to test it.09:49
popeyi see09:49
popeylooks good nik9010:02
nik90popey: thnx. I will wait until the end of the day for rpadovani to do a quick code review and then get it merged10:02
popeynik90: we should talk about a store update plan for clock.10:03
nik90popey: I have handed the location prompt AP failure issue over to QA. If it gets fixed, it is good to go. I have been updating the clock app changelog pad in parallel.10:05
popeynik90: who in QA has looked at it?10:14
popeyi.e. "Who touched it last and now owns it"10:14
nik90popey: I informed balloons about my inability to fix it 2 days ago.10:16
popeyok, thanks.10:16
Jamehello ? in indicator-messages-service, there is a line call indicator_messages_service_skeleton_new in the main function of the file src/messages-service.c. please where is from ?10:19
Jamewho can help me ?10:21
dpmhi bzoltan, zbenjamin, I'm trying to run an existing .qmlproject on the desktop in vivid, but the Play button is grayed out. I've got kits defined and I can run cmake projects with them, but no luck with QML. Any ideas?10:35
zbenjamindpm: on the desktop? hm, does your kit maybe lack the Qt?10:36
dpmwhat does that exactly mean?10:36
dpmzbenjamin, ^10:45
zbenjamindpm: sorry i chat in multiple channels at the same time :D10:46
zbenjamindpm: if you hover over the run button, does it give a reason why its disabled?10:46
zbenjamindpm: also maybe there is a hint on the project tab10:46
dpmzbenjamin, "The project X has no available kit", but I can't assign a kit to it :/10:47
dpmzbenjamin, the Desktop kit says: "No Qt version set in kit"10:47
zbenjamindpm: thats what i mean10:47
dpmzbenjamin, so how can I fix that?10:47
zbenjamindpm: set a qt version in the tools->options->build & run -> kits10:48
dpmthat fixed it, thanks a lot zbenjamin!10:49
zbenjamindpm: yw10:52
bzoltandpm: mhall119: zsombi_: t1mp: kalikiana: zbenjamin: just published this -> https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/04/15/retrospective-and-roadmap-ui-toolkit/11:07
dpmbzoltan, wow, nice!11:09
bzoltandpm:  I got to answer the same questions like dozen of times every week :) So it was a call for this post :)11:10
dpmpopey, could you get together with bzoltan to start scheduling the SDK sessions for UOS?11:12
bzoltandpm:  do you think that these blog posts reach all the relevant folks?11:13
popeybzoltan: do you have a list of sessions already defined?11:14
dpmbzoltan, that's a very broad question :) I think many app developers are subscribed to Planet Ubuntu or to the blog itself, so it does reach them. The challenge is always to reach outside the Ubuntu community11:14
bzoltandpm:  I see... But I hope that our highups :) do read these posts. This latest one is an important one for them...11:16
popeyonce somene makes a blog post, the community can spam^W promote it11:16
dpmbzoltan, I've mentioned the blog posts a few times11:17
dpmpopey, bzoltan, here are some suggestions, I'm sure you'll have some more too: http://pad.ubuntu.com/SdkUOS11:17
bzoltandpm: Cool ... one not hidden  idea behind this post is that community folks see that our plannings do happen in public :)11:18
bzoltandpm: popey: sounds good to me11:18
dpmpopey, bzoltan, could you guys start adding the blueprints? It shouldn't take more than a few minutes11:19
popeybzoltan: if you make the blueprints, I'll setup the sessions in summit11:20
bzoltanpopey: when is the summit?11:20
popey5-7 may11:20
AskUbuntuCan I ask Non-question? | http://askubuntu.com/q/60956011:34
bzoltanpopey: I would need the Wednesday early sessions.11:57
popeybzoltan: ok. do you have blueprints setup? (add links to that etherpad when you do)11:59
bzoltanpopey:  not yet ...still try to figure out how to do them :)12:00
popeybzoltan: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+addspec12:00
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bzoltanpopey:  thanks ... and done - http://pad.ubuntu.com/SdkUOS12:05
nik90bzoltan, zsombi_: Ubuntu.Components.Popups is being deprecated for 1.3?!?12:27
zsombi_nik90: nope... if it's like that then that's a mistake!12:27
nik90zsombi_: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/04/15/retrospective-and-roadmap-ui-toolkit/12:27
nik90- Deprecate PopupBase (Ubuntu.Components.Popups)12:28
zsombi_nik90: PopupBase... :)12:28
zsombi_nik90: we deprecate PopupBase, not the entire popups...12:28
nik90zsombi_: oh.. that's a relief12:28
zsombi_nik90: that should be read like that :D12:29
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bzoltannik90:  got scared, right :D12:40
bzoltannik90:  by the way, did you find the post useful?12:41
nik90bzoltan: yes :P considering I just started using more of popups recently12:41
nik90bzoltan: yeah it gives me a good idea of what the focus is in the near future and how far the SDK has come12:41
bzoltannik90:  cool... that was the idea :)12:42
nik90bzoltan: I am really liking how pretty much every sdk dev has started blogging about their work12:42
bzoltannik90:  It helpes a lot that i am their boss ;)12:44
bzoltannik90:  we have a deal that once a week we publish something .. next should be kalikiana and then loicm12:44
nik90bzoltan: ah that's a nice system..keeps the community aware and engaged with the workings of the SDK12:45
bzoltannik90:  specially that I am reporting about these areas anyway .. so why not to do it in a more readable way ... facts are facts evenin a blogpost format.12:46
nik90bzoltan: somehow I feel these blog post have a higher impact than your monthly mailing list reports about the new stuff in the SDK IMO..I guess blogs are more friendly12:47
nik90and jolla devs and designers seem to be doing the same12:48
bzoltannik90:  vert true ... and those mails were so corporate like.12:48
nik90ideally I would love to see OTA updates changelog being presently clearly in a blog post so users can get excited about them..at the moment it is too hard to say what landed in a particular ota12:48
bzoltannik90: +112:52
dholbachmaybe somebody needs to set up an etherpad12:52
dholbachand start writing12:52
dholbachand invite others :)12:52
popeythere we go http://pad.ubuntu.com/ChangeLog12:53
popeydid my bit :)12:53
nik90popey, dholbach: I guess whenever a silo lands in the stable images, the concerned developer can add an entry to the above pad.12:55
popeyI think we might need to pre-seed it with a bunch first12:56
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nik90dpm, dholbach: is there a rss feed for https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/community/blog/ ?13:37
dpmnik90, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/feeds/13:38
nik90dpm: thank you13:39
karnijdstrand: is there a way I can ask a user to set an env var without making / rw? say, I know there's /etc/environment, but for instance ~/.profile also exists and contains things like GRID_UNIT_PX etc. Are these env vars filtered somehow from app runtime environment?14:02
kalikianat1mp: review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/textDocument/+merge/25279814:16
kalikianait was also reviewed by michael from the reminders app - I'm not sure we can do much in terms of testing right now… as it doesn't really add any API, that's up to the Qt API14:17
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jdstrandkarni: otoh, I think UAL may need to know what to pass through. perhaps ask ted?17:30
popeynik90: Elleo new podbird is amazing!18:07
nik90popey: thnx18:10
NormalGoosehello people18:13
nik90popey: you are lightning fast with your bug reports :P18:16
popeyyeah, sorry :)18:16
popeyThis is such a great update.18:18
nik90Compared to the old listitem design we had in 0.5, the new ones look much compact and efficient.18:20
nik90I might contemplate moving the action buttons to the swipe actions that is supported by the SDK natively in vivid.18:21
popeythat would be nice18:21
nik90popey: do you have a better line for the first slide in the welcome wizard? I tried "Enjoy your favourite podcasts with Podbird, podcast manager for Ubuntu" but it feels it is incorrect grammatically.18:25
nik90and I miss the "one and only podcast manager for ubuntu touch" :P18:25
nik90it had a very confident ring to it18:25
popeywell it's technically true18:33
popey"Enjoy your favourite shows with Podbird, the best podcast manager for Ubuntu".18:33
popeyno lies.18:33
dholbachmhall119, do you know why developer.u.c sometimes logs me out while editing?18:35
nik90I like that ;)18:35
mhall119dholbach_: yes and no18:56
mhall119dholbach_: I'm 99% sure it logs you out because of the middle ware we use to delete session cookies (this was needed to make the china cache efficient, as it stores a copy per cookie)18:57
mhall119this should only happen for not-logged-in users though, and the middleware checks for the existance of a user associated with the request to make sure it doesn't delete their cookies18:57
dholbach_do we need a bug report for this?18:58
dholbach_maybe we have one already?18:58
mhall119now, I'm > 50% sure that some redirects within DjangoCMS are being triggered before the user is attached to the request object, and so the middleware deletes your session cookie when that happens18:58
mhall119dholbach_: I don't think we do, but please file one and assign it to me18:58
dholbach_will do18:59
mhall119thank you18:59
dholbach_mhall119, https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/141350918:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1413509 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Get logged out while editing" [High,Triaged]18:59
dholbach_mhall119, it was already filed19:00
dholbach_Launchpad told me when I wanted to use the exact same bug title19:00
mhall119well, you and the original reporter do think a lot a like19:01
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efesHi guys, where can I find manual how to report bugs ?19:08
dholbachefes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs19:09
efesdholbach: Thank you :)19:09
efesis the phone app, itself, written in QML ?19:10
dholbachefes, the phone consist of many different parts - a lot of them are qml, yes19:16
mhall119efes: do you mean the dialer app?19:17
efesmhall119: exactly :)19:17
mhall119the one that actually makes and receives calls?19:17
mhall119It's a combination of C++ and QML19:18
efesI've noticed that there are some cases when phone app (dailer) and messaging app claim I have no (gsm) network connection whilst both indicators show maximum strength of network connection.19:18
mhall119you can browse the code from it's Launchpad project: https://launchpad.net/dialer-app19:18
efesJust wanted to plug GDB and see (for my curiosity) where is the problem. I'll report a bug for this if does not exist.19:19
mhall119thanks efes19:19
efesI even have some fancy screenshots ;P  Thanks mhall11919:19
efesguys, last one... is there anything like .nomedia on Androids so that gallery app/media scanner skipps that directory ?20:05
ahayzenefes, yeah it does .nomedia should work20:21
ahayzenefes, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mediascanner-team/mediascanner2/trunk/view/head:/src/mediascanner/utils.cc#L132 http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mediascanner-team/mediascanner2/trunk/view/head:/src/daemon/scannerdaemon.cc#L19220:22
nik90jhodapp: ping20:24
jhodappnik90, pong20:25
nik90jhodapp: Does media-hub cache the local file that it was sent to play?20:25
nik90jhodapp: we have a bug in podbird currently where after starting to play an episode a user deletes the local file and media-hub continues to play it.20:26
nik90I was curious if media-hub handles that by caching data beforehand.20:26
Elleonik90: I'd guess that it just doesn't get actually deleted until after media-hub releases its file handle20:27
nik90Elleo: ah yes that could be it20:28
jhodappnik90, no it does not, it take the URI and streams it right from the original location20:28
jhodappnik90, there must be a cached version of it elsewhere20:29
Elleonik90: yeah, quick bit of googling suggests that inodes never get cleaned until there's nothing left holding an open reference to them20:29
Elleonik90: so while the file's gone, the inodes are still there until its closed20:30
jhodappElleo, interesting, I never knew that either20:30
Elleo"file" as in the filename entry in the file system20:30
jhodappnik90, just double check that there aren't two copies of that file during playback on the filesystem, and if not then what Elleo said is probably right20:30
Elleojhodapp: yeah, I've seen similar behaviour with video players still working after files have been deleted, always figured it was something like that20:31
Elleothis is the first time I've actually bothered looking it up though20:31
nik90Elleo, jhodapp: I just tested and noticed that the local file does get deleted from .local/share/com.mikeasoft.podbird/podcasts20:31
jhodappnik90, do you want playback to stop when the file gets deleted?20:31
nik90so it must be the inodes thing I guess20:31
nik90jhodapp: to be honest, I have no idea what the user expects from the bug 144467720:32
ubot5bug 1444677 in podbird "[0.6.b1] I can still play episode after clicking Delete local file and Mark episode listened" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144467720:32
nik90jhodapp: I have asked him for his opinion..personally it is not a bug for me20:32
jhodappnik90, mark it as needs more info with a comment then20:32
Elleonik90: yeah, I wouldn't really consider that a bug20:32
jhodappnik90, ok, we might get what the user *wants* with the new background playlists I'm working on...one feature would be to remove the file from the tracklist if it gets deleted off of disk20:33
mindspin2015anybody in the mood to give a noob some hints?20:33
nik90jhodapp: ack.20:33
Elleonik90: even if you paused playback so the file could really be deleted you'd still expect to be able to play it from where you left off as a stream, so to the user it'd be invisible20:33
nik90Elleo: yes, I think I will give this explanation and mark the bug as invalid20:34
jhodappworks for me20:34
nik90thnx for the help20:35
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dobey!ask | mindspin201520:52
ubot5mindspin2015: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:52
mindspin2015I created a simple html5 app, representing a nothing but some buttons which link to my favorite online magazines. It works fine, but now I will improve it. Is there a way to show the content in a way that its possible to navigate back to the app?21:03
mindspin2015beside _target Blank21:04
Elleonik90: added some comments to https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/podbird/4-add-welcome-wizard/+merge/25465121:18
Elleonik90: feel free to disagree with me on any of those recommendations though ;)21:18
nik90Elleo: The inline comments are fine, I am not a native english speaker so I did expect some corrections ;-)21:20
Elleonik90: well some of them are more opinion than corrections (like the one about "best")21:20
nik90Elleo: Should I remove the line "As a power user you can also tweak these settings to suit your needs." since the new sentence reads "Podbird can optionally download new episodes and clean up old episodes automatically, this can be enabled from the settings page."21:24
Elleonik90: yeah, I reckon so21:25
Elleonik90: one last thing I just noticed I think "We hope you enjoy using Podbird" sounds a bit more natural than "We hope you will enjoy using Podbird"21:27
nik90Elleo: I will change that as well21:27
Elleonik90: thanks :)21:27
Elleonik90: maybe we should make the "Ubuntu Translators" text a link to http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/translations/ as well21:29
Elleonik90: might encourage more people to get involved in translations in general21:29
nik90yeah that's a great idea21:29
efesGuys, I'm confused about that bugs reporing, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs does not specify what is the procedure for Ubuntu Phone. Same as for Desktops ?21:34
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nik90Elleo: pushed21:35
Elleonik90: excellent, thanks21:35
Elleoefes: pretty much, bugs are tracked against their relevant projects in launchpad just like for desktop stuff; you might find this page helpful as it points you to the right project for lots of common components: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Avengers21:36
efesgreat :) thx21:38
Elleonik90: oh, one other tiny thing, when using onLinkActivated it's a bit neater to do "Qt.openUrlExternally(link);", as the clicked link gets provided as an argument to onLinkActivated21:40
Elleonik90: that way you avoid duplicating the link in the code and it works if you have more than one link in a bit of text21:40
nik90Elleo: would it automatically pass the correct link specified in <a href></a> ?21:41
Elleonik90: yeah21:41
nik90Elleo: oh that's better. Give me a few seconds to update and push21:41
Elleonik90: great, thanks :)21:41
nik90Elleo: pushed21:44
nik90Elleo: btw do you still have the issue where you see an empty icon in the unity8 dash for podbird?21:44
nik90the concerned cmake changes was made in this MP.21:45
Elleonik90: oh, good point, I've only tried that MP on the desktop so far21:46
nik90Elleo: I have not being able to reproduce it though. And since popey and a few others tested 0.6.beta and didnt experience, I think its something on your end21:46
Elleonik90: works fine on my mako; just trying on my krillin (where I saw it before)21:49
Elleoyeah, icon still missing on my krillin; but after doing a manual remove and reinstall it's fine21:50
Elleonik90: so nothing specific to your branch21:51
nik90ah ok21:51
Elleonik90: merged :)21:55
Elleonik90: podbirds getting so sweet we should really see about doing some debian packaging and get it into the archive for vivid+1 so desktop users can enjoy it too :)21:57
Elleonik90: oh and on a side note I did a whole bunch of webservice stuff for another project over easter that I'll be able to reuse for the podbird.org services21:58
nik90Elleo: true, adding it shouldn't be too difficult. At one point I was doing that for some community touch apps at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-community-dev/+archive/ubuntu/ppa21:59
nik90Elleo: oh nice21:59
Elleonik90: cool21:59
Elleonik90: life will get even better when we have proper click store support on the desktop though :)21:59
nik90Elleo: Btw after this release, I will be focusing a lot on bug fixes and performance optimization since somethings are still a bit too clunky..like for instance we should introduce pagination in the episode page where a podcast could potentially have more than 200 episodes at some times.22:00
nik90I was able to remove several scenarios where the entire model was refreshed instead of being optimized by using removing a specific entry from the model. but there is still some more work that can be done in this area22:01
Elleonik90: cool22:01
efesis there any procedure about connecting gdb to running process or running e.g. dialer-app through gdb ?22:05
Elleoefes: "attach PID" should work as normal, alternatively you should be able to start it within gdb by doing "gdb dialer-app" then "run --desktop_file_hint=/usr/share/applications/dialer-app.desktop"22:08
Elleoefes: you'll get a SIGILL on startup, just do "c" to continue and it'll start up fine22:08
efesElleo: Thanks. I'll try this in a minute22:08
Elleoefes: looks like you'll need to run gdb as root to attach to the PID22:10
Elleoefes: but seems to work fine after that22:10
efessorry for stupid question: what is the root pwd?22:10
Elleoefes: you'll need to use sudo and then the password will be the same as your lockscreen password22:11
efesaah, thanks!22:11
Elleono problem :)22:11
efesElleo: I think there is somethink shitty there :/ http://pastie.org/1009493822:15
Elleoefes: hmm, try connecting to an existing pid; that worked for me when I tested just now22:16
efesI'll try connecting to pid; it was an attempt to run first instance of phone app22:17
efesElleo: Joining to a process that is currently running works fine. Thanks mate :)22:25
efesThat is enough for today. Goodnight pals :)22:25
Elleoefes: great :)22:26
Elleonik90: the limitedBandwith stuff appears to be broken, so I think we should just hide that option until it's fixed22:52
Elleonik90: added details about it to the MR here: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/podbird/5-auto-download-option/+merge/25465222:52
Elleonik90: although I have a feeling it works correctly from the C++ API, as I used that in cutespotify22:53
Elleonik90: I'll have a play tomorrow if I get time and see if we can expose a working property from C++ ourselves22:53
nik90Elleo: Is this on krillin?22:54
Elleonik90: yeah22:54
nik90Elleo: I remember a long time back telegram devs having the same issue when I introduce this MP for them in qml22:54
nik90Elleo: ok..its local to krillin :/22:54
Elleonik90: ah :/22:55
nik90Elleo: I will remove that option for now then22:55
Elleonik90: maybe we could add a description to the option, saying "This option doesn't currently work on the BQ Aquaris"22:55
nik90Elleo: It won't look professional imo..tbh I don't know if it works on anything other than N4 since that's the only device I can test on22:56
Elleonik90: yeah, probably best just to remove it for now22:56
nik90Elleo: I am unable to find your inline comment23:01
Elleonik90: looks like I forgot to save it23:02
Elleonik90: will redo it now23:02
Elleonik90: done23:03
nik90Elleo: removed limitedbandwidth, fixed log statement and pushed23:06
Elleonik90: great; will retest and merge tomorrow, just about to run out of battery23:08
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nik90Elleo: np, I am also going to sleep soon.23:09
nik90Gud nite23:09
Elleonight :)23:09
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