
davidcalleAll went well, again, they called us back to check a few things, nothing conclusive : just wait until the fever disappear. -_-"13:43
* dholbach hugs davidcalle13:49
davidcalledholbach, :)13:49
popeydholbach: mhall119 balloons dpm so do you think we should ask IS via an RT for community-team@ubuntu.com?16:16
dholbachcommunity-team@ubuntu.com almost sounds like ubuntu-community-team@lists.ubuntu.com :)16:17
popeyand people may send mail to one by mistake16:23
popeymaking an intentionally private mail to be public16:23
mhall119we can do canonical-community-team@lists.ubuntu.com but that might have the same problem16:35
mhall119or community-team@lists.canonical.com16:35
popeyi prefer having ubuntu-community-team and canonical-community-team as that's clear (to me at least) which list is which16:36
mhall119yeah, explicit is better than implicit16:36
inetprocan a canonical team be a community team?17:00
inetprois it not exclusive?17:00
popeycanonical are part of the community17:01
popeycanonical-community-team is short for "canonical employed people who work on the community team"17:01
inetproah, that makes sense17:01
mhall119inetpro: "Community Team" is our official designation within Canonical's heirarchy17:11
mhall119so the name serves to distinguish us from other parts of Canonical17:11
mhall119rather than us from other parts of the community17:11
* inetpro gets it now 17:14
balloonsmhall119, I forget to ask about the autopilot docs. When will those land on the site?17:38
mhall119balloons: the RT has been filed, hopefully it'll be in staging this week,but I wouldn't bank on it being in production until next week18:02
PabloRubianesjose: respondio Dante o.o18:04
balloonsmhall119, ack.. can you cc me on the rt, along with chris lee?18:27
inetprohmm... too much CC now :-)18:33
mhall119balloons: it's already sent, but I can keep you updated18:53
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
balloonsmhall119, I believe you can add as as cc after the fact yes? I just want to not have to bug you for status :-)19:10
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware

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