
Kiloshi there nhaines  and all others05:01
nhainesGood morning, Kilos.  :)05:16
Kiloshi dpm  :)05:25
dpmhi Kilos05:26
Kiloshi toddy  08:29
toddyhi Kilos 08:30
Kiloshi dholbach  :)13:24
dholbachhey Kilos13:25
elachechesalut MoMohamed 14:59
MoMohamedje suis noivice dans ubuntu, mais je me demande si ubuntu  a fait ces preuves en entreprise15:00
MoMohamedcar j'envisage de mmigrer vers ubuntu server 15:00
MoMohamedEst ce qu'il ya un support ubutu15:02
elachecheMoMohamed, we need to o15:03
elachechemove on to #ubuntu or #ubutnu-tn this is a channel for loco teams topics15:04
elachecheOn doit discuter dans un autre chaine irc MoMohamed.. Tu viens vers #ubuntu ou ubuntu-tn15:04
geniitn is what, Tunisia?15:11
elachecheyep genii, I thought he's tunisian :) googling he's IP he's from moroco 15:16
elachechegenii, Arabic name and uses French, can be just from tn, ma, or dz :) 15:17
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware

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