
daftykinsi see that strange fellow Chunkz has been highlighting me for no reason00:12
daftykinsalways a shame with nutjobs run free online :(00:12
zmoylan-pithe price we pay for free networks00:13
diddledandaftykins: I have no idea what he has against you00:15
diddledandaftykins: I asked him what he meant but he just quit instead of replying00:15
daftykins*nod* clearly harbouring a grudge about the alleged Kodi conversation from a prior time00:16
daftykinsnot to worry!00:16
daftykinshow are we all doing?00:16
daftykinsi'm just in from pub quiz night00:16
diddledangood good ta00:17
daftykinsand zmoylan-pi? i spy you in the corner there!00:18
daftykinsdespite my post-ride-home wonky eyes00:18
shaunoriding makes your eyes wonky?00:18
diddledanno the booze prior to the ride makes his eyes wonky00:19
shaunosurely daftykins wouldn't drive & drive!00:19
diddledanisn't there a law about drunk in charge of a bicycle?00:19
diddledanshauno: try that sentence again! :-p00:19
daftykinsdiddledan: probably, but i don't know it - so i'm safe ;D00:20
daftykinsi even recorded part of my ride home00:20
daftykinsbut it ended up being 600MB in 1080p 0o00:20
diddledanthat's a lot of emm bees00:20
daftykinssure is00:21
diddledan(I hate that foreigners say "emm bee" instead of MegaBytews00:21
daftykinsstill uploading to the box of dropping, too00:21
daftykinsdo they really?00:21
daftykinswhat about French with their megaoctets00:21
shaunothere is a law about it, yes :p00:21
diddledanthe french are actually sort of sensible00:21
shaunoI like octets!00:21
daftykinsshauno: ah well we won't worry about that, likely Guernsey hasn't cottoned onto it00:21
diddledanit's the indian subcontinent that's the problem00:21
daftykinsthough as it goes in the tail portion of my video i notice a police van followed by a police car doing the rounds00:22
shaunoI don't like that bytes have nothing to do with words anymore.  it seems illogical to me that a 64bit machine uses 8bit bytes!00:22
shaunoso I like megaoctet, because it makes clear they're just measuring chunks of 8, regardless of the platforms wordiness00:22
diddledanaren't all bytes 8-bit?00:22
shaunoI don't believe they always have been.  it just kinda settled into a convention at some point00:23
zmoylan-pior lots of nibbles00:23
diddledana nibble is 4bits00:23
daftykinsi remember answering a pub quiz question about a nibble being 4 bits?00:23
daftykinsthat was up in Portsmouth though, when i was masquerading as a mainlander00:23
diddledanyou whart?!00:23
diddledanbloomin' foreigners00:24
diddledancoming here, answering our quizzes00:24
diddledanhow very dare they!00:24
daftykinsbest part was i tagged onto a group of ex school teachers who won every week practically00:25
diddledanI saw "school" and immediately pre-read the next word as "girls"00:25
daftykinshow have you not been banned yet XD00:27
diddledanI'm not sure on that front :-p00:28
zmoylan-pithey see how ugly diddledan is and take pity? :-P00:28
shaunothat's why he only comes out at night00:28
diddledanwhere's tamworth?>00:30
* diddledan goes to teh googs00:30
daftykinssouth west?00:31
diddledanclose, birmingham00:31
daftykinscan you tell i'm foreign yet?00:32
diddledana parcel just left there at 17minutes past the hour00:32
diddledanit's due for arrival before noon according to UPS00:32
diddledanUPS tracking is awesome00:32
diddledanis a shame they don't do live gps00:33
diddledanthat would be awesome00:33
diddledanallo knightwise00:33
ali1234it would totally be possible00:33
diddledanthey already have the data internally IIRC00:33
ali1234but people would probably use it to rob the vans00:33
diddledangood point00:34
ali1234yeah they absolutely have the data00:34
shaunoyou can stalk DPD pretty well, and they don't seem to have any issues with it ?00:35
ali1234only on the final leg though00:35
diddledanI'm expecting the package to be coming down the M40 to london/slough area00:36
diddledanmaybe M600:36
diddledanthen M100:37
diddledanso either M40 or M100:37
daftykinsi've heard it's no fun up the M100:37
diddledanthe A1M is pretty painful, too00:37
diddledanit's a motorwayification of the A100:38
diddledanis only a short bit of road before you leave the motorway-rules00:39
diddledanbut it clogs up00:39
diddledanI last went on it to get to letchworth00:39
diddledanthere was an accident00:40
diddledanhelechopper and everything00:40
diddledanlooks like my server just did it's nightly updates01:05
daftykinsauto reboot? 0o01:07
daftykinswhat OS is that?01:07
diddledanunattended-upgrades in ubuntu01:07
daftykinsah i see01:08
daftykinsi chose no to a 14.04 but am kinda sad that i don't even get told there are updates now01:08
daftykinsi'll need to work out how to change that after the fact01:08
shaunoseems kernel patching hit the mainline kernel now?  perhaps that won't last much longer :)01:09
diddledanannoyingly ubuntu seems to require a reboot for anything remotely central, despite being able to restart the service affected01:10
diddledane.g. libc won't update without a reboot, so even if the kernel gets patches live you still need to reboot for stuff ontop of the kernel01:11
daftykinsi did wonder if you seasoned veterans had some way of switching to a newer kernel without a restart01:11
daftykinsi thought someone claimed that was a thing once01:11
ali1234it's called ksplice01:12
shaunothere was ksplice a few years back, but I think someone bought it and burried it01:12
diddledanthere's kexec which can swap out the kernel without actually forcing the hardware to reset but otherwise there's the proprietary ksplice as ali1234 says01:12
diddledanshauno: oracle01:12
ali1234kexec is a mess01:12
ali1234pretty much guaranteed to never work :(01:12
diddledanali1234: yeah01:12
ali1234the kernel nearly always expects the hardware to be in the reset state01:13
shaunoglibc I can understand though.  so many things link to it, that replacing it live is almost as heady as the kernel01:13
diddledanyup, it runs through a shutdown sequence as normal but instead of killing the cpu for a reboot it just swaps the kernel01:13
ali1234yes but nobody ever writes proper shutdown and startup code01:13
diddledanand then runs through a complete reinit01:13
shaunootherwise "restart every process that uses libc" and "reboot" really don't seem so different01:14
ali1234they rely on the hardware being in a known state because you have power cycled01:14
ali1234this is why kexec never works properly on arm boards, for example01:14
diddledanshauno: it seems that any library which has more than one user will require a reboot tho01:14
diddledanthe ubuntu or debian devs seem to liberally apply the "must reboot" flag01:15
diddledanon desktop if X gets updated they tell you that you NEED to reboot01:15
shaunoI guess it's just a bunch of trade-offs that you find yourself disagreeing on01:16
diddledandespite beingable to kill X and restart it01:16
shaunoeg, the mess when everyone upgraded openssl but didn't restart any of the processes linked to it01:16
diddledanyeah well that's just bad admin01:16
shaunohence the trade-offs.  more and more distros presume a bad admin :)01:17
diddledanit's turning into windows tho01:17
diddledanfor years we've highlighted the lack of reboots as a feature01:17
ali1234welcome to six years ago01:17
diddledannow we can't do that01:18
daftykinsubuntu slowly trashed that since i started for sure01:18
shaunoI've never been convinced that lack of reboots is a feature though01:18
ali1234it's even less important these days01:18
shaunouptime posturing has always boiled down to people boasting about how long they've been running a known-vulnerable kernel for01:18
daftykinswhen you really look at who cares about uptime, it is essentially kids on IRC + forums, right? :)01:19
diddledandaftykins: yeah01:19
diddledanemail sign-off with an uptime or some image on a forum that pulls a live uptime every time it's loaded01:19
diddledanand then there's IRC /exec uptime01:19
shaunowell, I think anyone who actually should care about uptime, ends up having a bunch of nodes that don't care about uptime, stuffed behind haproxy?01:20
shaunoso "their uptime" and "each machine's uptime" aren't the same thing01:20
ali1234"the cloud"01:20
diddledan"someone else's computer" :-p01:20
ali1234if your service is only running on one machine you are doing it wrong01:20
shaunoit doesn't need to be someone else's :)01:21
diddledanshauno: it does if you're gonna call it "teh clouds"01:21
ali1234again, only if you are trapped in six years ago01:22
shaunoit's just the same thing we've done since before it was cool.  you don't have one dns server.  you rarely have one mx.  the service is bigger than the machines01:22
diddledanthe problem is now it has a name other than HA01:22
shaunoclouds and HA aren't the same thing :)01:22
ali1234to me, "the cloud" means all the old redundancy tricks, except now with virtual machines01:23
shaunoI think there's some new tricks in there too01:23
ali1234maybe a few01:23
diddledanblob storage is a fairly modern concept01:24
shaunoscalability has changed a lot, with chef/ansible/whatever.  "we need more of foo" turns into a very automated process.  even one that doesn't require a person to decide01:24
ali1234yes, but that's all the benefits of virtualization01:25
shaunoI mean, now it can be your load balancer that decides that it doesn't have enough workers and spins some more up01:25
ali1234the only reason it was hard before was because someone had to buy a new computer and then set it up01:25
shaunothe other really weird one is being able to deploy to more than one cloud.  so you can have x availability in house, and if you reach it, you spin more up on amazon01:26
shaunoI know that's just VMs too, but it does lend some genuinely new tricks01:26
shauno(burst scaling is fun too.  you don't need to be big enough for your busiest day, just an average day.  if you have one day a year that's crazy, you can spin up nodes for that day only)01:28
daftykinswho remembers this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAr8LmiTxCA01:28
daftykinsByker Grove!01:28
shaunoI thought they outlawed that01:29
diddledanthere's some amazing fashion there01:32
daftykinsmust require coats 24/7 up norf01:34
daftykinsi was just saying to a mate from across the pond that i wouldn't mind checking out the north!01:34
daftykinspart of me doesn't 100% believe that people speak like that01:34
shaunooh you poor innocent soul01:35
daftykinsi'm as southern as they come, almost01:35
daftykinsJersey is a bit further01:35
shaunolook up bobby thompson on youtube01:36
daftykinsseems i'd have more chance with Rab C Nesbitt01:37
daftykinsand even then it's not a sure thing01:37
diddledanI can't understand a thing in rab c nesbit01:37
daftykinssame here01:38
shaunobobby sounds a whole lot like one of my uncles.  he's my go-to when I have to explain why I don't always understand him01:38
daftykinsi'd just find my dad giggling away to it on the TV most days01:38
daftykinsi don't get _any_ relevant part01:40
shaunomight not help that a lot of the jokes are quite dated too01:42
daftykinswell i've always had issues with hearing speech y'see01:43
daftykinsmight not help that my cat is currently asleep blocking the laptop speakers01:43
daftykinshead in the crook of my elbow01:43
shaunothat said, if you want a laugh, turn the auto-subtitles on ;)01:44
ali1234i think a lot of what he is saying is deliberate gibberish and that's the joke01:45
daftykinsoh :( well that's not funny then!01:46
shaunoreally?  there's 2 or 3 bits where he wanders off into mumbles, but most of it seems fine01:46
daftykinsdisk porn! https://www.dropbox.com/s/00bzkubbvat9hgx/IMG_20150413_190602.jpg?dl=001:51
daftykinshad to swap those over the other day, so many screws!01:51
diddledanonly 32 screws :-p01:52
daftykinsstill :P01:52
daftykinsalso had to remove 5 years of dust from the enclosures01:52
daftykinswhat's weird, is i rsync'd the old array to new... created the same group + users01:54
daftykinsand yet i'm still seeing file permission issues on the Windows clients =/01:54
diddledanmaybe samba?01:56
daftykinswell, in some places it seemed to bring over folders but not +x the folders which was odd01:57
daftykinsi had no idea how i'd recursively add +x to both user+group for folders in a tree only, so i just nuked it and let the client PC copy over again01:57
diddledanchmod +X /path01:58
diddledanchmod -R +X /path01:58
diddledan-R is recursive01:58
diddledan+X is execute on folders only01:58
daftykinso rly01:58
daftykinswell, until i get an example of what they can't do i'm at a loss as to what's not working01:59
diddledanso you can chmod -R +rX /path to add read and folder-execute01:59
daftykinsit seems on the old setup i had a create rule on the samba share to set everything as 0770, which i relaxed to 0660 this time - but i don't think it's working01:59
daftykinsthat sounds like it wouldn't hurt to run across the whole path02:00
daftykinsboth their users are members of the group, as well as mine, so all 3 of us should be able to mess about with things for the most part02:00
diddledanif you only want it on user and group (not world) then use ug+rX02:00
diddledanso: chmod -R ug+rX /foo02:01
shaunohuh, now this I never knew.  I just find -type f & -type d02:01
diddledanshauno: yup02:01
diddledanshauno: I used to use that too02:02
shaunooh nice, the +X thing is in bsd's chmod too.  even better02:03
diddledanrock on tommy!02:04
daftykinsoh dear the hour hand is pointing at the 302:04
shaunoI've already given up on that one.  I work at 6.  now I don't trust myself to wake up in time02:06
daftykinssee i can sleep, but i'm a bit too good at it02:07
shaunoright.  I apparently need more practice at the whole waking-up-on-demand bit02:07
diddledanI'm awesome at turning off the alarm in my sleep02:07
daftykinsi was only ever good at waking up on time if i knew i had a flight to catch02:08
daftykinsdiddledan: haha, truly unconscious silencing?02:08
diddledanmore waking up just enough to figure out the kill switch and then asleep again immediately02:09
daftykinsyeah i do that :(02:09
daftykinsi actually have 3 alarms back to back, most days i don't even remember 3 going off02:09
shaunotouchscreens have helped with that.  they take to random flailing quite well02:10
diddledansee,I'd just do it three times and still be asleep02:10
daftykinsyeah i do exactly that :<02:10
diddledanI'd be most annoyed at having to do it three times, however!02:10
daftykinshave you guys just found forgiving employers that are ok with x hours put in whenever you can?02:10
shaunothe only trick I've found actually reliable though, is I also set 3 alarms.  quarter to 5, 5, and then 5:30 ..02:10
diddledanit'll be a case of "widdle off I'm asleep dammit!"02:10
shaunobut set the 5:30 alarm to be my ringtone.  for some reason that throws my brain into a blind panic02:11
shaunoI can sleep through 3 alarms, and then wake up when they call me to find out where I am02:11
diddledan"boss is phoning!"02:11
shaunoso I co-opted that trained panic into waking me up before he does02:12
daftykinssee i think this very conversation would have made my brain cotton on02:12
daftykinsso upon 5:30am it'd be like "heh, silly past me trying to trick sleepy me"02:13
shaunoI've read that setting multiple alarms is actually counterproductive though02:13
diddledanyou think "oh the next one will get me"02:13
shaunoright.  your trained response is that the alarm matters less.  the next one matters.  but if you're not awake enough to keep track, you're doomed02:14
daftykinsthat's very true, i don't recall which one it is at any point02:14
diddledanI think volume matters, too02:15
diddledanand having neighbours that'll moan02:15
daftykinsand location? i have mine within arms reach of asleep02:15
daftykinswhich is likely a mistake02:15
diddledanyeah I do that too02:15
shaunoanyway, timers on my Hue lights seem to really help with this02:17
shaunothe first alarm goes off just to mess with me.  the second alarm is joined by my bedroom light coming on full with a blue tint that almost hurts02:17
daftykinslights with colours O_O02:18
diddledanautomated lights no less02:18
diddledanvoodoo I tell ya!02:18
shaunoit's not so much coloured, more variations on off-white02:19
daftykinssurely Ireland doesn't have this technology?!02:19
shauno(it can do coloured, I found it to be quite useless.  different whites are neat though)02:19
shaunoawww is north france getting jealou?02:19
daftykinsyes :(02:19
diddledanjelly belly!02:20
daftykinspew pew pew02:20
daftykinsthere's me Monday night02:20
daftykinsdespatching shauno and his lights *whistle*02:21
daftykinsoh my word, cat breath02:21
daftykinsoh that's strong.02:21
shaunothat ... looks nothing like minecraft02:22
daftykinsi do not craft mines, no02:22
diddledanit's minecraft 3d02:22
daftykinsmuch to one of those friends dismay02:22
diddledanor minecraft real-d02:23
shaunoI've never really been into shooters at all. whenever I see them it's just like .. holy familyfriendly, people do this for fun?02:23
daftykinsi mostly gave in to buying this one to join those two mates playing it02:23
daftykinswent from terrible to not too bad, now02:24
diddledanmy experience of shooters is hearing the chainsaw on doom and running like a scared rabbit02:24
daftykinsi used to love the way doom games didn't clear up the bodies, so a single room would just be littered02:24
shaunosee, doom & quake don't count :)02:25
daftykinsshauno: i bet it would horrify older generations who saw combat02:25
shaunobut I think the more they try to be realistic, the less interested I am02:25
shaunoI mean, I was playing yar's revenge this evening.  I like games to feel like games02:26
shaunoif I wanted reality I wouldn't be living on the internet02:26
daftykinsthat makes me think of Tasha Yar02:27
Azelphurdon't suppose there are any Irish folks here that mind doing me a real quick favour? :)02:30
daftykinsshauno's close enough :D02:31
AzelphurBasically I just want someone to call +353-1-4361726 and tell me if it's still up, it's a PSTN gateway02:32
shaunothis is definitely a machine and not someone who's annoyed you?02:32
Azelphurshould be a computer that answers and asks you to enter a VOIP number02:32
daftykinshe's going to kick off a worm that brings down CTU02:33
Azelphurshauno, it's definitely a machine (at least, it should be, it's a very old number)02:33
daftykinsi've seen this one in 2402:33
Azelphurit's one of the sipbroker PSTN gateways, but sipbrokers website is down (and for god knows how long) I got it from archive.org, so I'm wondering if it's working or not02:33
shaunofast tones, it's not in service02:33
Azelphurawh :(02:33
Azelphur0766-020026 is also listed under ireland, is that a mobile number or something?02:34
shaunoI'm not sure what that is.  it shouldn't exist?02:35
diddledanthat's a uk number02:35
Azelphurreally? I'm gonna try dialing that then lol02:35
Azelphursee what happens02:35
diddledanno wait02:35
diddledanmaybe it's one digit short02:35
daftykinsyeah the UK numbers i had during Uni time were one more digit on the area code bit02:36
shaunoit looks about the right length, if you assume that it's now 0176602:36
daftykinslike 07716 for O202:36
diddledanit might be a really old mobile number - some mobiles were one digit short back in the 90s02:36
Azelphurit answered but that one has definitely been shut down02:36
Azelphurshame, no break in for Ireland then, oh well, thanks shauno :)02:36
shaunoirish cells are all 08...02:37
Azelphurfor those that don't know, they are basically computers that have a local phone number and will forward your call to a VOIP line, so you can call a VOIP line from essentially anywhere using a break in02:37
shaunojust so you know not to 'test' those at 3:30am  lol02:37
shaunooh hold up02:37
Azelphurreally handy if someone is going abroad since they can essentially call my mobile as if it were a local call using a breakin :))02:38
shaunoapparently 076 in RoI is "IP-based numbering".  whoever she is when she's at home02:38
Azelphurshauno, makes sense since it's a VOIP service02:38
shaunoyeah, just didn't think of that because 07... is always north-west, and there's not 6 places up there lol02:39
Azelphurhttp://web.archive.org/web/20150212074031/http://www.sipbroker.com/sipbroker/action/pstnNumbers is the site with all the fancy numbers :)02:39
shaunookay, 076 602 0026 gives me same fast tones02:39
diddledansurely if sipbroker doens't exist then their numbers won't either?02:40
shauno(when it just goes 'boop boop boop' and hangs up)02:40
shaunowe don't get the same apologetic lady BT has02:40
diddledanblueface still have a website02:41
Azelphurdiddledan, yea seems that way, looks like all the UK numbers are down02:41
Azelphursuch a shame, was a really really useful service02:41
diddledanoh wiat02:41
diddledanthat's still via the wayback machine02:41
Azelphurdiddledan, nah I checked, they are still up02:41
daftykinssurely skype functions via a similar method to give low rate calls 0o02:41
Azelphurjust guess sipbroker is gone02:42
Azelphurdaftykins, yea but people can't call your Skype for free / local call02:42
daftykins*nod* i've never tried getting a skype in number, not sure on the fees02:42
Azelphurscenario being, gf going to Ireland on short notice, wanted to give her an Irish breakin so she can call me02:42
daftykinsit's kinda neat being able to text one way02:42
Azelphurhehe yea02:43
Azelphurbeen there done that02:43
shaunoI was just about to say, I'd throw up a skype-in number for a month, then kill it again02:43
Azelphuryea may be my best option02:43
Azelphurgood thinking02:43
shaunoalthough do look into whether it's actually worth it02:43
Azelphurdiddledan, yea, no breakin02:44
shaunoon my mobile, it isn't.  if I'm in the UK and I call a UK number, I get charged an international call (ie->uk) and international roaming because I'm not at home02:44
daftykinssame here02:45
daftykinswe pick up PAYG SIMs to handle England :P02:45
diddledanskype ftw02:46
shaunoso an irish number might not work out best for her.  she'll still get stung, just twice instead of once  lol02:46
diddledanunless she can find a payphone :-p02:46
shaunolol .. good luck with that02:46
Azelphur^ or she is staying with family so just use their phone02:46
shaunoskype's maybe your best bet then, depending on what her parents have :)02:48
AzelphurI used to use it for my game server people to call me too02:48
Azelphursince anyone anywhere could call me as a local call, shame02:48
AzelphurAt least sipgate is still up so UK people can call my mobile as if it were a landline :p02:48
shaunobut no-one has landlines anymore.  they only care about whether you're in the same network as them or not :)02:49
daftykinsthe boss seems to enjoy being on O2 for London usage now instead of Vodafone02:49
daftykinssays it's a lot better02:49
shaunothat's one I really wish the EU would hurry up and roflstomp.  they keep threatening to02:49
daftykinsso Vodafone must've really dropped the ball02:50
shaunoI've had a e1300 bill for roaming before.  it's daft.02:50
AzelphurI love three for roaming, I'm in USA right now and I can do whatever I want for nothing02:51
daftykinsare you on some mental contract though?02:51
Azelphurnope, £12.60/mo02:51
daftykinsthat might actually beat O2 for the boss' given business travel usage02:54
shaunowe don't seem to have that here02:54
shauno"three like home" here gives you 2gb of data when you're roaming, as long as it's somewhere that also has 302:55
shaunowhich is basically nowhere useful02:55
shaunoaustria, denmark, hong kong, italy, sweden, uk02:55
shaunoanywhere else it's 25 cents per mb02:55
shauno(inside the eu.  or 5eur/mb outside the eu)02:56
Azelphurbut yea I'm using mine all the time here in USA, I even made a call in Switzerland on the way02:56
Azelphurfeel at home is awesome02:56
daftykinsAzelphur: i looked up your cheap CPU comparison but down here in VAT free land the difference is quite low :(02:57
shaunoI'm kinda bummed that 3 bought out O2 here, because 3.ie is kinda terrible02:58
diddledanshauno: I believe they did in the uk too02:58
Azelphurdaftykins, cpu comparison?02:58
daftykinsAzelphur: the US vs. UK price02:58
Azelphuroh the CPU I posted ages ago02:58
daftykinsi was always under the impression they are pretty pants in the UK due to their walled garden interwebs, though maybe that was years ago02:59
Azelphurnah no walled garden afaik02:59
shaunoheh, they still have "planet 3" here02:59
shaunoit seems to be a weak version of yahoo, that happens to sell ringtones and java games, but doesn't count towards your data usage03:00
diddledanshauno: https://vine.co/v/euEpIVegiIx03:01
diddledanthat's the stage 1 killing the barge03:01
shaunoI really want to see the next few seconds.  why on earth do they think vine is suitable for this?!03:01
diddledanno idea03:02
diddledanI don't actually know what vine is supposed to be03:02
shaunoas far as I can tell, instagram in video for people with ADD03:02
diddledanI don't get why they can't youtube it03:03
shaunobecause that's not social enough.  that's not where the all-important 12yo demographic is these days03:03
diddledanand what's the point in looping 3 seconds of video?03:04
shauno(and yes, that statement is almost as ludicrous as it is realistic.  it's depressing)03:04
daftykinsvine is a thing that shouldn't exist to my mind03:04
diddledanI guess it's a gif?03:04
daftykinswhat problem does it solve? :(03:04
shauno4am and mother decides she wants to chat.  people just assume I'm awake now :/03:18
daftykinshow is she up at this hour too 0o03:19
shaunoshe's in the US03:20
shaunoI just noticed on that vine link.  is "Just Read The Instructions" the name of the ship?!04:20
shaunoand man, /r/alienblue is getting hilarious.  ever since reddit bought it, the only things it's gained are a new appid (so if you paid for it previously, it doesn't count anymore), and a 'bug' that displays 'sponsored posts' way more often than intended04:24
diddledanwow. it seems googley shiny causes windwos 10 to grind to a halt05:22
diddledanspecifically when googley stainless-steel is open it can cause the entire system to enter IO/wait (it appears)05:23
mapppshi alll05:38
diddledanallo mappps05:46
mapppstime for me to watch silicon valley series 2 ep105:52
mapppsquite a funny series..you seen it?05:52
diddledanI think I saw one05:52
mapppsits good;)06:01
knightwiseanyone installed telegram via the command line yet ?06:14
* diddledan signals with some morse code06:14
diddledanI prefer candygrams06:19
diddledan"candygram for mongo"06:19
mapppsisnt telegram the secure im app06:28
mapppsi thought it was for phones?06:29
knightwiseyep , but it also works on the command line06:38
MooDoomorning all06:48
knightwisehey MooDoo06:51
MooDooit's a bit quiet here lol07:47
diploknightwise: yeah I have07:53
diploTrying to integrate it into Nagios :)07:53
diddledandiplo: nagios?07:53
diddledandiplo: how would you integrate telegram with nagios?07:54
diddledanoh for alerts?07:54
diploOn particular customers using telegram-cli :)07:55
diploSorta got it working07:55
diploBetter than SMS, biggest issue is it's a daemon07:55
knightwisei just need a way to install it on my raspberry pi08:21
diddledan(I created a function called "mmpie" in something recently08:21
diddledan(a website)08:21
diddledanspecifically it was a sass/scss mixin08:22
diddledan@extend %mmpie08:22
diploknightwise: telegram ?08:23
foobarryDear Sir/Madam,08:24
foobarryCan you recommend a new main frame for me?08:24
foobarryThe requirement for the main frame is as follow:08:24
foobarryprice below 500 GBP processor must be at least i508:24
diddledanfoobarry: is that legit?08:24
awilkinsThat person sounds like they are from a different era08:25
foobarryand country08:26
foobarryand universe08:26
awilkinsknightwise, What do you want to install on your Pi?08:26
knightwisei run all mu commend line apps from the pi08:26
diddledanmain frame as opposed to mainframe is an interesting comparison to investigate08:26
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Sell them an analogue computer.08:27
shaunoI have a wee script called mmmpi!08:27
diddledanshauno: \o/08:27
diploknightwise: https://github.com/vysheng/tg08:27
diddledanI wonder where my parcel is08:27
shaunoit's nifty.  it does a broadcast ping6 on my ethernet port, then tries to ssh to the reply it didn't recognise08:28
shaunoso pi>eth->laptop, run mmmpi and you're in :)08:28
foobarrysomething about sunshine makes me hungry and happy08:28
awilkinsshauno, That's a cool idea08:29
awilkinsWould you mind sticking that up on a gist?08:29
diddledan"hey everyone, who's there? oh, who are you.. let me ssh-in and see what you're up to!"08:29
shaunoit'd be even neater if raspbian didn't disable ipv6 by default08:29
awilkinsHah, doesn't fix the no.1 use case for it, sshing a new Pi08:29
awilkinsYou just have to know that it by default spangs a particular IP address08:30
diddledanshauno: can't you do a v4 version?08:30
awilkinsv4 won't work as well because of address masking?08:30
* awilkins doesn't actually know08:31
shaunohttp://pastebin.com/x1dRW8k9  (may contain macisms)08:31
awilkinsI had to fiddle around setting addresses manually to get a Pi / ethernet port setup working08:31
diddledanthe pi should auto configure an autoip when dhcp fails08:31
diddledanI forget the range they use08:32
shaunoalso, may contain ugly :|08:32
diddledanit's a standard mechanism08:32
diddledanwell done, foobarry08:32
foobarryi hat ethat range08:32
foobarryit means something is wrong :(08:32
awilkinsWhich range does a wired ethernet port on Ubuntu select when it has no DHCP then08:33
awilkins(don't know)08:33
foobarrywhen DHCP is set and it can't find the server?08:33
shaunothat's why I like v6 link-local addresses.  if it worked, they have a link local address & a routed address.  if it didn't work, they still have a link-local address08:33
diddledanawilkins: 169.254.x.x08:33
awilkinsSo... it should work IPv4 then08:34
diddledanit eitheruses that range or just dies08:34
diddledanI haven't tried ubunut's network-manager in such a scenario08:34
diddledanoo boon oot :-p08:35
diddledangrr @ noisy people outside08:35
diddledanhmm, wonder what they're up to - they gota sign with the virginmedia logo and they're cutting a long hole in  the road08:37
Laneysome kind of grinding going on here too08:37
diddledanlooks like they have a roll of fibre on the truck08:38
shaunothey're fixing your ssh :)08:38
diddledanmaybe they're gonna give me OMGLIGHTSPEED08:39
Laneyhe's angle grinding some railing08:40
* Laney shuts the window :(08:40
diddledanmy blokes are doing that to the road08:41
diddledantwo grinders are running08:42
foobarryperfect weather for it08:42
foobarrywait for the 10am irn bru break08:42
diddledanthey'll only have been working for 30 minutes08:44
foobarrysoudns about right08:44
shaunoyou can get irn bru in amazingstoke?08:45
foobarryyou can even get tizer08:45
shaunois it in the world foods section in tesco?08:45
davmor2Morning all08:45
foobarryis it called iron brew, or irn bru. i mean how should a southerner call it08:46
davmor2diddledan: 2 grinders 8 of you 1 of me I make that pims o'clock08:46
diddledanthere's 8 of me?!08:46
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Microvolunteering Day! :-D08:47
diddledanmicro volunteering?08:48
davmor2diddledan: you are the 1 me08:48
davmor2diddledan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xnfudWQqf008:48
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:49
davmor2diddledan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSvov8TVFgk or this one08:50
davmor2diddledan: or this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk4ekuVVs9408:52
davmor2popey: will like the last one08:52
popeyMooDoo: happy birthday08:58
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
MooDoopopey: thank you :)09:31
awilkinsDammit, Windows just ate half of the hour I had to work on something. Even after I gave it an extra virtual CPU! Ungrateful cur....09:32
bashrc_Windows is high maintenance09:34
zmoylan-pii'm a big fan of how you can't use your windows system while it does updates unlike proper oses09:36
foobarryespecially when you boot out of windows to linux for a meeting09:36
foobarryand the laptop is unusuable for the whole meeting because updates09:36
zmoylan-pi1 of 117 updates...09:36
* bashrc_ is glad he doesn't use Windows09:37
zmoylan-pisee the german team that got relegated due to updates? http://arstechnica.com/business/2015/03/german-pro-basketball-team-relegated-to-lower-division-due-to-windows-update/09:38
awilkinsI am, alas, forced to use Windows because everyone else does09:38
awilkinsYeah, I saw that story09:38
foobarryi only have windows for vmware reasons09:38
awilkinsI use VirtualBox09:38
foobarrylast had windows on my work desktop pre 200009:39
awilkinsI keep it around for i) Games and ii) Compatibility with MS OFfice and our webconferencing software09:39
awilkinsOur webconferencing software keeps pretending they'll support Linux soon.09:39
foobarrygood luck09:39
awilkinsMeanwhile, even GoToMeeting is supporting WebRTC now09:39
* popey only has windows for GameOS and GameDevOS stuff09:40
awilkinsShame that the boss owns a share in the one we use, they are going to get their lunch eaten09:40
zmoylan-piif god had wanted us to use webconferencing it would be available on linux :-P09:40
popeymy windows pc got an nvidia driver update last night, it has an optimal settings wizard thing which optimised GTA5 upwards, which was nice09:41
popeywish we had that on linux09:42
TwistedLucidityI wish nvidia supported GNU/Linux properly09:42
zmoylan-pididn't nvidia downgrade a driver at one point as the linux one had more features than the windows one? or was that some other manufacturer?09:43
TwistedLucidityCan't recall. The lack of Optimus support from nvidia is a total embuggartion.09:43
zmoylan-pihttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQ3NDE NVIDIA Drops Linux Driver Feature Not Found On Windows09:45
TwistedLucidityYes, I know about Prime. But that requires a log-out.09:45
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: nvidia are known for producing the same card and then locking things down in firmware. In fairness, they are not the only OEM to do that.09:46
zmoylan-pitrue, but to remove something because their windows driver doesn't is a new low09:47
zmoylan-piand they irked that nice man linus, takes a lot to do that :-P09:48
TwistedLucidityI can see why they did it (does make it easier for support) but Phoronix is also correct; the door should have been left open for end-users to go outwith support.09:48
TwistedLucidityI don't think many large OEMs "get" the culture that many GNU/Linux users share "I'll tinker, I'll break it, and then I'll fix it - I just need the docs"09:49
TwistedLucidityReminds me, I need to send Verbatim a support email because their SSD docs contain zero info on block-size and I know for a fact the firmware is lying (no way it's 512bytes)09:50
zmoylan-pidoesn't make them look cutting edge when some spotty teenager in their bedroom gets features working on their cards before they do09:50
diddledanTwistedLucidity: it's probably 4k09:51
popeyIBM were doing locking in firmware before most of us were born.09:51
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Yeah, that's what I think too. But there's no mention of Erase Block Size either; so a support call it is.09:51
diddledanphone all the people!09:52
TwistedLucidityAnd that's where OEMs fail. The include marketing information, but no technical information09:52
TwistedLuciditypopey: The zero-ohm resistor.09:52
zmoylan-pithe way ibm did it i was ok with.  you leased their equipment to do a certain task.  and while an upgrade was often a switch away it would affect how often it needed maintenance09:52
diddledanyeah they don't care about technical people - they want to convince managers that they should buy new shiny09:52
zmoylan-pii think it more speaks about how we don't 'own' the hardware we buy anymore09:53
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Which I am cool with. Just have a sodding PDF or a page at the back of the marketing blurb. Lenovo (for all the recent ills) are pretty good and giving you all the detail you could ever want.09:53
diddledanthen thosemanagers say to their tech team "here I bought you this! have at it!"09:53
diddledanhmm, my dad bought a lenovo the other day. I forgot to check with him whether he's looked for superfish09:54
TwistedLucidityIt is a sweet SSD though. If I had time I would actually see if it has boosted the Pi's speed (but I mostly need it for the low-power storage)09:54
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Depends on the model. Proper Thinkpads never had it, only consumer level. Best bet is nuke and re-install.09:55
diddledanit's a desktop09:55
TwistedLucidityNuke and re-install.09:55
zmoylan-pitry pc decrapifier09:55
zmoylan-pimight save the reinstall09:55
TwistedLucidityCCleaner too09:55
TwistedLucidityPiriform do some powerful, and fairly easy to use, Windows tools. "Recuva" is a good, basic recovery tool.09:56
diddledanoh, be careful with spybot search n destroy - dad (again) had issue with running it causing major slowdowns on internet access - turns out it dumps a shedload of entries into the hosts file09:56
diddledanseveral hundred k-work09:57
foobarryonly if you ask it to i think09:57
foobarryif my 10yr old memory serves correct09:57
foobarrymalware bytes anti malware seemed better09:57
TwistedLucidityIt's trying to do a poor-man's network-level block. Thing is, how browsers react to that van vary.09:57
diddledanand if you run a webserver on your local pc then more fun ensues09:58
diddledanit points everything at
TwistedLucidityI have "pixelsrv" installed on the router, that coupled with some DNSMasq magic means the browser *always* gets a speedy and valid response for a blocked domain. a 1x1px gif.10:01
popeyhttp://imgur.com/gallery/KojPK oh my!10:02
awilkins^ re :god and webconferencing.... we were intended to use Wave10:02
awilkinsWith a steadily richer variety of document / wavelet types available for each collaborative task10:03
diddledanwave still exists under a non-google entity I believe?10:03
popeyit does?10:03
popeyI thought it was shut down and the people moved to other things10:04
awilkinsIt's in the Apache incubator10:04
awilkinsBut there have been noises about dropping it recently10:04
awilkinsThe codebase is rather unwieldy it seems10:04
awilkinsthere's http://wiab.pro as well (wanting to keep it running)10:04
awilkinsThere's an upswing in effort to try and stop it dying altogether, but yes, most of the core developers have gone (probably because they took the OT stuff and enhanced Google Docs with it instead)10:05
awilkinsdiddledan, Shiny10:06
awilkinsdiddledan, Hah, one of the default waves in that implementation is one of my pet ideas for wave (expressed by someone else)10:10
awilkinsWave for Electronic Health Records.10:10
awilkinsPossibly because I commented on it back in 2010 and it still knows that...10:13
awilkinsOops, 200910:14
awilkinsWow, Wave is old10:14
TwistedLucidityWatched "Independence Day" recently. That's nearly 20 years old.10:15
awilkinsStill really dig Bill Pullman's speech10:16
diddledanI got chills hearing that10:17
TwistedLucidityOnly issue I have with my home network is OS X. Open a web page takes over 2 minutes for initial load. Stupid thing.10:17
foobarryi hate that film with a passion10:17
foobarryits in my top 10 hated films10:17
awilkinsAnd think the last shot of the film should have been a statue of Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum with their wioves mourning them10:17
zmoylan-pii hate armageddon more10:17
TwistedLucidityIt's a terrbile film, but good fun.10:17
zmoylan-pioh i like 'bad' films but sometimes they are too bad.10:17
diddledanoh no you did not shoot that green poo at me10:18
awilkinsIt's total cheese. This is underlined by Brent Spiner's performance as the archetypical nerd scientist.10:18
diddledanhe's gonna be in the sequel10:18
foobarryi hate the american habit of saving the world10:18
awilkinsAs soon as you see that first shot of him you just go ... .OOOOh, it's not really taking itself seriously, is it10:18
diddledanfoobarry: isn't that what we keep them around for?10:18
zmoylan-piinfecting the aliens computer with a mac...10:18
TwistedLucidity"Blarg, we have travelled interstellar distances in our own lifetime at speed great than c. Commence the invasion!" "K'arg, should be encrypt our communications channel?" "Pfft....why? Use a basic binary countdown in the clear!"10:18
awilkinsIn the sequel they should have the laughing skull of the virus be Steve Job's rotting face10:19
awilkinsDon't think the aliens were a faster-than-light culture10:19
awilkinsSally from Oblivion was a similar (but technologically singular) kind of thing10:20
TwistedLucidity"Blarg, we can hover ships larger that cities in the air with no visible force our technology prowess overpowers these vermin, commence the air assault!" "K'arg, should we enable 'friend or foe' detection and close the launch ports?" "Pfft...no."10:20
TwistedLucidity"K'arg a ship we haven't see for nearly 40 local years has suddenly appeared, it's not responding to hail. Could be a trap." Blarg, let them in, let them in. It'll be fine. Trust me!"10:21
awilkinsIt's like Armageddon. It's space opera. It's fun.10:22
TwistedLucidityawilkins: I more meant that if the movie were to be consistent, it would have been about 2 minutes log. Aliens arrives, humans dead, the end.10:22
awilkinsYou take the needle off the record of disbelief and enjoy it.10:22
foobarryits long and boring10:22
foobarryjames bond is ridiculous but fun10:22
diddledanI've never been one to pick holes in movies - I appreciate them all for just a fun time10:22
foobarryID is boring and stupid10:22
zmoylan-picivilisation that has crossed between stars versus civilisation that got to the moon BEFORE putting wheels on suitcases... :-)10:22
awilkinsThe aliens should have just used a mass driver and killed us all with a nuclear winter10:23
awilkinsThen colonised our planet for the resources10:23
awilkinsThey've been flying between stellar systems for aeons, what's a few more thousand year?10:23
TwistedLucidityNow, the concept in the book "Footfall" was interesting. The aliens were advanced, but had found the tech so had no real understanding. The produced things by rote, never changing. Their tech was more like holy relics.10:23
zmoylan-piin which case a simple virus to wipe out the humans would do the trick10:23
TwistedLucidityBut the humans could innovate. Made for a decent book.10:23
TwistedLucidityFootfall: Niven & Pournelle10:25
zmoylan-piniven and pournelle do decent sci fi10:26
zmoylan-piold school10:26
TwistedLucidityArmageddon was also dumb. Send up a bot, paint half the asteroid white. Job done.10:26
TwistedLucidityWell, maybe not white; but reflective.10:26
zmoylan-pibut we have all these nukes sitting around...10:26
TwistedLucidityWouldn't work.10:27
popeyInterstellar is quite good10:27
popeywatched that twice now.10:27
diddledanI like that interstellar uses relativity10:27
zmoylan-pii like 2010, the monolith is just so far beyond our understanding10:27
diddledanthey left it open for a sequel too10:28
TwistedLucidityIt's an interesting concept and if you like that, check out "Predestination".10:28
TwistedLuciditypopey: ^10:28
popeyalso, you should all read this comic, it's good http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntu10:28
popeystupid copy/paste10:28
popeyhttp://www.shigabooks.com/index.php?page=001 this comic :)10:28
popeythanks TwistedLucidity10:28
zmoylan-piand if you like scifi with aliens that's fun, the fifth element... :-)10:28
diddledanzmoylan-pi: heck yeah!10:28
popeyLeeloo mooltipass!10:29
bashrc_is Ubuntu still cool?10:29
zmoylan-piit's green10:29
diddledansoylent green!10:29
popeyugh, chris pirillo10:29
* awilkins has ordered some Joylent Green10:29
diddledanawilkins: that sounds joyful10:30
TwistedLucidity"The Man from Earth" is also relatively enjoyable10:30
awilkinsTHere's a US company that does "Soylent" a full foodstuff that you dilute with water10:30
awilkinsIt's open-source10:30
awilkinsThe EU version is Joylent10:31
awilkinsThat's the stuff10:31
TwistedLucidityUrgh, so much JS to permit through.10:31
awilkinsOn one hand, I'm a foodie and the idea of it disgusts me because it seems to suck all the joy from food10:32
directhex_i find the concept of soylent rather depressing, but not everyone loves food10:32
awilkinsOn the other hand, I acknowledge that I don't have the time to be a *proper* foodie all the time and this leads me to just throw crap into my face10:32
zmoylan-piat least they're not using the original recipie? :-)10:32
popeyfriend of mine had a wife (now ex) who didn't enjoy food at all10:32
TwistedLucidityIt's the future, unless people stop sprogging.10:32
popeywe ordered pizza when she was round one day, she said no10:32
popeyi asked what i could make for her, what does she like..10:33
popeyended up making baked beans on a pizza base for her10:33
awilkinsThat's just broken10:33
diddledanthat's just wrong10:33
directhex_wife has a friend who basically only eats breaded chicken10:33
popeythere's a guy who works on some free software project I can't remember, and he only eats bread and butter10:33
popeylike _only_10:34
TwistedLucidityIf it's proper bread....10:34
popeyhe is _tiny_10:34
TwistedLucidityNot the standard UK loaf....10:34
awilkinsSo : I ordered some because I reckon it will nourish me better during those times when I'm workaholic-ing and can't be arsed being a proper foodie.10:34
TwistedLucidityBut still...he can't be in good shape10:34
awilkinsYeah, no way is bread and butter nutritionally complete10:35
zmoylan-piyou can live on it a long time10:35
diddledanreminds me of the diet I had to undergo before getting my gallbladder removed - two weeks of milk. milk. and nothing but milk.10:36
directhex_i am on a diet10:36
zmoylan-pino, live.  some people don't eat much, they get by on next to nothing.  and can do it for a long long time10:36
diddledannot allowed any sugar in tea10:36
directhex_but my diet is compatible with cheeseburgers, booze, and takeaway pizza10:36
diddledandirecthex_: I hear ya!10:37
diddledandiddledan: cheeseburger for lunch today methinks10:37
directhex_i've lost a stone in about 5-6 weeks10:37
diddledanwhile eating cheesy burgers?!10:37
zmoylan-pithrowing away the bread?10:38
diddledanthat's unpossible10:38
TwistedLucidityAnd the burger and the cheese, only eating the salad?10:38
directhex_easy peasy.10:38
diddledandon't tell me you do the whole moving your body thing?10:38
zmoylan-pia mate is a body builder who live on junk food, but throws away the bread.  atkins fan10:38
directhex_diddledan: yes!10:39
diddledandear god man!10:39
directhex_diddledan: if i don't, i have to eat less.10:39
directhex_diddledan: i can buy a mcdonalds double cheeseburger with 40 minutes on the exercise bike.10:39
diddledanI need one of those10:39
diddledanI don't mind cycling10:39
TwistedLucidityA McDeath burger?10:40
bashrc_what about a zombie shuffler?10:40
directhex_and by 40 minutes imean 42 minutes10:40
directhex_and by 42 minutes, i mean an episode of babylon 510:40
diddledanthough I would need a static one so I can't fall off when I exhaust myself10:40
diddledanbab5 ftw!10:40
directhex_diddledan: i just got a fold-"flat" one from argos.10:40
TwistedLucidityMy host has a local network and a VPN connection. The VPN is stable. But for some reason the NAT connection the VM is using to access the VPN keeps dropping. Dashed irritation.10:41
knightwisehey popey , diddledan10:42
knightwisepopey: happy belated birthday btw10:42
zmoylan-pibut if it folds flat how are you supposed to hang clothes on it?! :-)10:42
davmor2JamesTait: Microvolunteer day you say.....okay I volunteer to microwave you I don't know why you'd want me too though but hey I'm not going to argue10:42
popeythanks knightwise10:42
TwistedLuciditySeems a bit better now I'm running "ping -t <server>". I wonder what's going wrong...host and VM are Windows. That's probably the answer....10:42
davmor2MooDoo: man now you are as owld as popey again for a moment it must of felt great to be young again ;)10:43
knightwisei've seen statues on easter island younger then popey10:46
knightwisejust like popey they were only partially excavated :p10:51
davmor2knightwise: dude that's harsh, funny as hell, but harsh ;)10:52
knightwiseJust kidding :)10:52
* knightwise loves popey ! 10:52
davmor2popey: on a plus side you still have more hair that me and MooDoo put together :)10:53
knightwiseif we include popeys back that is ..10:53
zmoylan-piwhat if count your backs? :-P10:53
* knightwise is very proud of his chesthairs10:54
knightwiseall three of them10:54
foobarryi have three too11:17
foobarryand daddy long legs sprouting out of nipples11:17
Myrttidid I link to this earlier? https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/linux-essential-details-like-zones-road-previews-not-rendered-in-game-hack-workaround.844896/page-211:20
MyrttiI'm playing Cities:Skylines on my XPS 13 now ^____^11:22
Myrttiwell not now, obviously11:23
Myrttibut I could if I wanted to11:23
zmoylan-pimultitask better :-P11:26
MyrttiI should multitask to kitchen to get more coffee11:27
awilkinsI am a very hairy person11:27
awilkinsNot quite Robin Williams levels of hairy11:27
awilkinsBut hairy11:27
foobarryits called fur11:29
davmor2awilkins: pfff that amateur11:40
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
awilkinsPoll : alternative to Xenu Link Sleuth that's i) OSS and ii) Not Windows-only12:48
foobarryawilkins: wget?12:53
awilkinsfor the purposes of link auditing? ew.12:54
foobarrydoes not fulfil 1)12:55
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)13:01
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
bigcalmpopey: could you lob me your .exe sometime today please?13:08
popeyis that wise?13:08
bigcalmI dunno13:08
popeydunno if it has some key in it13:09
bigcalmFair enough13:09
bigcalmI'll kill my install and re-download13:09
popeytried searching online for fixes?13:09
bigcalmYes, nothing apparent other than people complaining that they have the same issue13:10
* bigcalm grumbles at being in the office for the 3rd day running13:10
bigcalmCan't do anything until tonight13:10
bigcalmIf Steam could maintain 12.4MB/s, I should be able to redownload in 1 hour 22 minutes13:12
zmoylan-pithey should have a monthly magazine and put it on the cover... on an audio casette... :-)13:13
zmoylan-pibut it does sound like a perfect job for torrents13:14
diddledanMyrtti: secret alien tech?!13:45
zmoylan-pionly responds to macs?13:52
davmor2bigcalm: but you chose to go to the office :P14:09
foobarryhad a fire alarm in the sunshine14:40
foobarrywas nice. except that i had just reloaded the firewall14:40
popeyice lollys?14:40
foobarrywas my first thought14:40
foobarrybut shop was far14:40
zmoylan-piand foobarry was far away...14:41
zmoylan-pino cool pops in canteen freezer to grab on these occasions? :-)14:43
foobarryi fear the sun will be going away for 2 months14:44
foobarryi have a man laying a patio on saturday so i expect rain14:44
zmoylan-piand you need a plastic skeleton to bury under the patio for future excavators... :-P14:46
foobarrymy neighbour 2 doors down threw a half moon edging spade in the skip14:47
foobarrymy wife asked if she could have it14:47
foobarrythe neighbour said yes please, i would be nice to return home14:47
foobarryturns out it belonged to the original owner of my house :)14:47
popeywhen we first moved in, we filled in the pond (wife hates ponds, dangerous for toddlers) and a neighbour came round "oh, hello, how are you settling in?"14:49
zmoylan-piask if they have the superman issue #1 that belonged as well... :-D14:49
popeyI wanted to say "other than undoing all the stupid stuff the previous owner did, fine!!" but just said "fine" instead.14:49
popeyTurns out he was the previous owners brother.14:49
popeyglad I bit my lip, he was quite a brick outhouse14:50
foobarryponds are bad14:52
foobarrya bad thing happened to a friend14:52
foobarryand their kid :(14:52
foobarryits jsut not worth it14:52
davmor2popey: you say "Convenient" like he triggered the alarm14:58
mapppsi like ponds15:00
mapppsDon't have a garden anymore so can't have one anyway ;[15:01
foobarrywe usually get fire alarms around exam period15:01
foobarrybut there are some men replacing all the doors with doors 1mm thicker15:01
foobarrydoing the regular door replacement scheme for fire regs that absolutely nobody else bothers with15:01
foobarrya colleague has the stupid whistle notification on his phone, and literally received 20 in a minute15:02
foobarryhe doesn't realise his colleagues want to stab him15:02
foobarryhe spends all day eating15:03
davmor2foobarry: feed him the phone15:04
awilkinsPut his phone in a metal biscuit tin15:04
awilkinsWe used to do that for a manager that left his phone in his office15:04
awilkinsFaraday cage. No more notifiers.15:05
foobarryhe's at his desk15:06
foobarryit would have gone out of the window otherwise15:06
foobarryno awareness of the annoyance caused15:07
mapppsgone over my 3gb 'unlimited' allowance..they slow it down but i guess its not too bad15:08
mapppso2 used to cap it to like 1kB/s when you went over15:08
mapppsat least with 20 can still access email/whatsapp/websites/skype15:09
foobarrygoogle services eats all my data15:09
foobarrycan't turn it off or i don't receive hangouts15:09
mapppshow much you get15:09
foobarry1 GB :(15:10
mapppsi get 20gb 4g with ee..but thats no good to me here ;( wish i could change that to a few gb of roaming data15:10
foobarrynope, 250MB15:10
mapppswhy not get more;p15:10
foobarrybecause i spend all my money on nappies15:10
foobarrythis smarties easter egg came with smarties inside but not in a bag15:11
foobarryso you crack it open and smarties everywhere15:11
zmoylan-pismartie bomb...15:12
foobarrynow they are in my belly15:12
foobarryi wanted the egg first15:12
zmoylan-pisafely disarmed...15:12
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mapppsraining here15:26
* mappps slaps foobarry around a bit with a large trout15:26
mapppsalmost time to walk to the gym too ugh15:27
zmoylan-pican't you take a taxi? :-)15:28
bigcalmdavmor2: I'm in the office today because lornajane is15:31
davmor2bigcalm: I'm telling your wife of you going into an office just cause there is a girlie there ;)15:31
bigcalmdavmor2: my wife is here too15:47
bigcalmdavmor2: https://twitter.com/bigcalm/status/588369546421108736/photo/115:53
davmor2bigcalm: hahaha15:54
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ne2kI am using 14.04 desktop. I am running spotify's official package. I can play and pause spotify using the sound menu and using a key mapped to Play/Pause using keyboard shortcuts (the Pause key in this case).16:32
popeyGood for you! :D16:33
popey(so can I)16:33
ne2kif spotify is playing, xdotool key XF86AudioPause and XF86AudioStop both have the desired effect, but if spotify is not playing, xdotool key XF86AudioPause and XF86AudioPlay have no effect16:33
ne2kany idea how to debug what is going on here?16:33
popeyis spotify open but not playing?16:33
popeyworks here...16:34
ne2kpopey, yes, it is open and paused. if I press the keyboard key, it works. if I press the button in the sound menu, it works. if I press the button in spotify, it works. but if I run xdotool key XF86AudioPlay or XF86AudioPause, it makes no difference16:34
ne2kit does not start playing16:34
popeywell, play works, pause doesn't16:34
popeystop does16:34
popeymaybe ask them in #spotify?16:35
popeyI dunno16:35
ne2kI am also running spotcommander and blockify. I wonder if either of these is making a difference16:35
ne2kI will stop them and see16:35
popeyhah, good luck getting any support in #spotify then16:36
ne2kbizarre. I closed all three, and reopened spotify, and now the keyboard key is not working16:36
ne2kI'm guessing the commands get to spotify via dbus16:37
ne2krealized I didn't quit blockify cleanly. it has a bug whereby if you press the [X] it doesn't shut down properly16:38
popeyYou'll have to ask someone else.16:38
* Myrtti has just paid for Spotify for the benefit of using it on Linux for years like a good girl would16:43
Myrttialso offline mobile playlists.16:44
* zmoylan-pi hugs my fm radio...16:44
ne2khttps://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-and/Linux-dbus-bug-calling-Play-has-no-effect/td-p/482822 popey16:44
ne2kwhaddya know!16:44
ne2kqdbus has the desired effect -- good stuff16:44
MyrttiI listened to the radio yesterday, although online since I don't have a radio at bedside16:44
popeybigcalm: does your windows username contain a hyphen?16:46
Myrttilistened to the local candidates talk about immigration - that was a fun listen. They had a UKIP candidate who was a second generation Polish immigrant.16:46
bigcalmpopey: no, it's my 1st name16:46
popeyjust a thought16:46
bigcalmpopey: just remembered that I have LUG tonight. Won't be able to poke it until tomorrow now :*16:46
popeydirecthex_: may know of magic ways to make steam games not un-work16:46
popeyI'll play for you.16:47
* popey opens it16:47
bigcalmYou do that :P16:47
bigcalmdirecthex_: for context, my GTA V is missing PlayGTAV.exe16:47
directhex_right click game in library, properties, local files tab, verify integrity of game cache16:48
bigcalmdirecthex_: did that and it passed16:48
bigcalmdirecthex_: actual issue is that loading from Steam makes the game mode selection box appear (Play GTA V, Play GTA V Online). Selecting either option closes that box and then doesn't do anything else16:52
directhex_just for lulz, try creating a new windows user and login as them16:53
bigcalmdirecthex_: I'd have to redownload the 59gb16:53
directhex_no, windows stores games in c:\progra~116:53
awilkinsBy default16:54
awilkinsMy Steam folder is j:\Steam16:54
bigcalmI'll try tomorrow16:58
ArthurGraceAlanBell, Just wondering how that Raspberry Pi project is coming along ? i.e. Now that UbuntuMate is on the raspberry ...17:53
daftykinsMATE is? on all models or just the 2?17:59
ArthurGraceI think it's just the 2.17:59
daftykinsmakes sense, given the ARM level17:59
ArthurGraceslow as watching paint dry though.18:00
ArthurGraceis AlanBell ever on this channel ?18:00
ArthurGracegone quiet over the last 12 months.18:01
ArthurGraceScrew this, what am I wasting my time here for ? Sod this !18:04
directhex_use wayland on pi if you want speed18:09
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daftykinswhat an odd attitude on that chap18:13
* brobostigon makes a note of wayland on pi.18:19
ali12341you might as well use dispmanx directly18:21
ali12341wayland on pi is pretty buggy18:21
popeyMATE on Pi2 is surprisingly usable.18:22
popey(if that's what you want)18:22
ali12341yeah but you need pi2 :)18:22
roy_hello everyone :)18:30
roy_Is there any linux app that show the disk usage like what we see in windows right after clicking the MY COMPUTER icon.???18:31
popeyroy_: on ubuntu there is an app called "disks" which shows you how much space is used18:32
davmor2roy_: there is system monitor also18:34
davmor2roy_: open the dash and just type in system and that will give you a tool similar to windows system monitor.  then if you need more in depth stuff disks is definitely the place to go :)18:35
roy_thanks popey & davmor2, Disks utility was not pre-installed in my ubuntu studio, I have installed it from software center & it serves my purpose very well. Thanks friend. :)18:36
roy_yup system monitor is awesome too.18:37
roy_thanks again mate.18:37
roy_Recently I went through an article about ubuntu 4.0 kernel. Will it support on my 14.04 ubuntu studio?18:39
roy_I have never tried installing kernels manually!18:39
roy_have you people tried the new kernel?18:39
roy_sorry. its linux 4.0 kernel18:39
ali12341it was only released like 2 days ago18:42
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davmor2roy_: most likely won't land on 14.04.  14.04 is an LTS so that will add security patches but not new stuff.18:44
davmor2roy_: 16.04 will likely be based off of a 4.x kernel branch18:45
roy_then which distro is best for tinkering with linux?18:46
roy_which distro are you using at the moment davmor2?18:46
davmor2I'm on 15.04 but then I'm in QA so I'm trying to break it, Ubuntu won't get 4.0 kernel till next release 15.10 but that is because it landed way too late in the cycle for this release18:48
roy_gotta go mate. nice meeting you. have fun. bye. :)18:53
davmor2popey: look at the picture of clegg in the news scope, is it me or is his policies to sell you ms windows19:03
=== ahayzen_ is now known as ahayzen
daftykinshello sir20:58
mapppsmy oh my20:59
mapppsagain..go out in public and i just wonder how some people manage in life20:59
mapppswent to a bar opposite me to watch the champions league..group of young english chavs there..1 girls about 18 with a kid and talking about getting her childs ears pierced21:00
mapppsnow..the child can only be id guess ~ max 6months old?21:00
mapppsim no parent..but seems like a bad idea:)21:00
mapppsmaybe i'm wrong;P21:02
mapppsi then heard her friend say 'dont trust google' when talking about finding information for parents online21:03
mapppsdo they not realise google isnt the actual source21:03
awilkinsI've stopped being surprised at the level of ignorance people have of technology21:04
awilkinsAnd the youth of today are less equipped to understand it than us older folks21:04
mapppsi expect these kids will grow up to be contributing members of society..not21:04
mapppshonestly this was like being in Stoke/Manchester..thick english chavs21:05
daftykinsmappps: how are these types making it to Gib 0o21:05
mapppsI'd be shocked if any of them had any education between them21:05
mapppsdaftykins i wondered21:05
mapppswe're paying £1600 RENT21:05
mapppsmy mate pays £120021:05
mapppsbut then i was told by a guy that lives here that locals and people 'in need' get council housing..like UK..but the diff being its a lot cheaper..80-100 quid a month21:06
mapppslocals get access to it by just being local21:06
mapppsbut if i had kids and turned up here i think i could apply21:06
mapppsno other way they could be here..you get a feel for people by the way they speak and appear..sure its not always right..buti figured this girl was trash then i hear her say '#when i go back to work'21:07
mapppsand why are they all out in a bar with 3 kids under 1 year21:07
mapppsmy parents wouldn't have dreamed of taking us out to some dump that young21:07
daftykinsi always thought most bars had no-kids rules :>21:09
mapppsseemingly not these days21:09
mapppswhat would the benefit survivors do21:09
mapppsthey wouldn't be able to go to the bars/pubs during the day21:10
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