
Kilosmorning all05:00
Kilossjoe pieter2627  jy is vroeg05:08
pieter2627haha, hi Kilos. eks altyd vroeg05:12
Jacques_StryMorning all05:24
Kiloshi Jacques_Stry  05:26
Kiloslekker to have you back05:26
barrydkMore almal05:30
Kiloshi barrydk  05:30
* jacques_ waves05:54
=== jacques_ is now known as Jacques_Stry
* Kilos waves back05:54
Kiloste veel goeters aan die gang05:55
magespawngood morning06:07
* Jacques_Stry waves06:07
Kiloshi magespawn  06:08
Kiloshiho SilverCode  06:21
Kilosoh that was for silver the horse06:22
SilverCodeanyone know how to show all emails not matching a domain in mutt?06:26
SilverCodeie. show me all mails not maching *@silvercode.com06:26
Kilosmaybe the pro will know how to do that06:35
Jacques_StryFirst time hearing of the email client06:35
Jacques_StryTerminal email client O.O I'm not that comfortable in terminal yet06:36
SilverCodetrying to find a specific email when you don't know when it was sent, who sent it, or what the title/contents of it is damn hard06:36
Kilossjoe so what are you going to look for if you dont know any of that06:40
Kilosgonna take long but you can go search the mails on the server06:40
SilverCodewell my current strategy is eliminate all the prople I work with .. I know it wasn't from them. Then keep adding people to the elimination list until I see a mail that matches06:41
Kilosgood luck06:41
SilverCodeif anyone is interested, you can use !(~f silvercode.com) in mutt to filter out all messages with that domain in the from field06:51
SilverCodeand after doing that it looks like the mail isn't in my old mutt mailbox, so now I need to figure out how to do the same in the terrible Outlook Web App06:52
Kilosmagespawn  06:56
Kiloscan you point Jacques_Stry  to the mails about that book thin WWK is doing please06:57
Kilosdont you guys read the mails in the list06:57
KilosJacques_Stry  only joined the list yesterday and he does the it at a school so i thought it might be good to have him onboard06:58
Kilosmaybe its my mail addy that shocked them all06:59
Kilosmorning superfly  07:10
superflymorning Kilos, Jacques_Stry, SilverCode, magespawn07:11
magespawnhi Kilos superfly Jacques_Stry07:20
magespawnJacques_Stry: you should be able to look uo the old mail on the list site i think07:20
Jacques_Stryhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-za/2015-April/thread.html ?07:21
Kiloscheck march Jacques_Stry  07:22
Jacques_StryGot it07:24
Kilosi think header thing was books-- something07:25
Kilosor topic07:25
Jacques_StryDocumentation User Group07:25
Kilosmaybe that ya07:25
magespawnJacques_Stry: you should be able to look uo the old mail on the list site i think07:34
magespawnhi Kilos superfly Jacques_Stry07:34
Jacques_StryHi magespawn07:34
Jacques_StryRunning through the mails now07:34
magespawncool beans07:34
Kiloshi psyatw  08:05
* Jacques_Stry waves08:06
psyatwhi Kilos 08:06
KilosJacques_Stry  dont mail the list when i am busy typing out a new one08:06
* psyatw waves back at Jacques_Stry 08:06
Kilosi get distracted and forget what i wanted to say08:06
Kiloshaha just joking08:06
Jacques_Stryi know ;)08:07
* Kilos waves to plustwo inetpro08:34
Kiloshi SubOracle  you well?08:34
Kilosen nuvolari  se tog iets man08:34
Kilosal is dit net besig08:35
SubOracleHi Kilos yes thanks and yourself also hello everyone else08:36
superfly\o/ SubOracle08:38
Kilosim good ty08:39
* Jacques_Stry waves at SubOracle 08:43
inetproKilos: \o/09:16
inetprogood mornings everyone09:16
Kilosyessir inetpro  09:16
psyatwhi superfly 09:17
psyatwhi inetpro 09:17
psyatwyesterday I went to the AngularJS meetup at Google here in Dublin09:17
* inetpro noticed something about an awesome announcement somewhere09:18
inetproAnnouncement: New Ubuntu Membership Board Members http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2015/04/14/announcement-new-ubuntu-membership-board-members/09:18
inetproKilos: that is magic! Congratulations and well done!!!09:18
Kilosty sir. all your guidance09:19
Jacques_StryCongrats Oom Miles!!!09:19
inetprohaha... 09:19
Kilosty Jacques_Stry  09:19
* inetpro had very little to do with it09:19
magespawnnice one Kilos 09:20
magespawnmore work09:20
Kilosyeah ty magespawn  09:20
Kilosthey said i must do lees here and attend their meetings hehe09:20
Kilos2 a month09:21
Kilosinetpro  if not for you and fly and magespawn  and some others patience i would most likely still be asking "sudo" whats that09:22
inetproKilos: I think you'll do a great job and you will enjoy it as well09:22
* inetpro is very happy for him09:23
Kilosthanks so much09:23
* psyatw is happy for Mr Kilos himself09:23
Jacques_StryI remember my days of "Sudo? wt* - #!%$ why is everythink so complicated! >.<"09:23
Jacques_StryNow it's a different story09:24
inetprolot's of interesting people to interview09:24
inetprolots as well09:24
psyatwnow it's a fairytale of how you found the love of your life09:24
* Jacques_Stry does a solo mexican wave for Kilos09:24
* inetpro joins the wave09:25
magespawni tried suo aptitude install on windows, only stopped just before i pushed enter09:25
Jacques_Stryhaha >.<09:25
inetprotime for some coffee and then some work again09:26
inetproMaaz: coffee on09:26
Kilosmaaz assumption09:26
* Maaz washes some mugs09:26
MaazAn assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts, but when made by intelligent people is often proven to be true.09:26
KilosMaaz  coffee please09:26
MaazKilos: Sure09:26
Kilosi  get by with a little help from my friends09:27
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!09:30
inetproMaaz: thanks09:30
Maazinetpro: Okay :-)09:30
KilosMaaz  thanks man09:31
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)09:31
Kilosoh inetpro  they said one thing i must do though09:31
Kilosremove trello09:31
Kilosoh did i dream it09:32
stickyboyOk, this is fucking depressing.09:34
stickyboyKilos: :(09:34
Kiloshi stickyboy  09:34
Kiloswe have a continuous war here with poachers as well09:35
stickyboyLast northern white rhino. wtf.09:36
Kiloswe are even taking dna from every rhino09:36
stickyboyI don't want to belong to this world!09:36
Kiloswe even have choppers and microlights for chasing poachers09:37
Kiloswb MaNI  09:39
stickyboyKilos: Nature is amazing... such a shame.09:40
MaNIeskom have totally ruined my day09:40
Kilosinetpro  MaNI  is our gentoo go to man now09:40
stickyboygentoo w00t09:40
stickyboyArch ftw doe09:40
Kilosstickyboy  are you back yet?09:41
stickyboyKilos: Yah, back in KE since Sunday.09:43
stickyboyKilos: Currently preparing a presentation to my group about GitHub Pages.09:43
stickyboySource is on GitHub of course.09:43
Kilosno more new stuff to learn man09:44
stickyboyKilos: I know how you feel.09:44
Kilosive been told to conserve what brain i have left09:45
MaNIwell I'm a man who uses gentoo and hangs around here, I don't belong to anyone :P09:45
Kilosbut you like the git thing so go for it09:45
KilosMaNI  once you have been here a while you become part of the family09:46
Kilossame as stickyboy  , i found him wandering around in the bush in kenya09:50
Kilosnot poaching though, he thinks a rifle is a fancy kind of walking stick09:53
stickyboyI had a shirt back in the day with a rifle breaking in half.09:58
Kilosso Jacques_Stry  suggestions on hosting that book thing10:00
KilosI am the in between guy so chat directly to william about it10:01
Kilosor mail him10:01
Kiloshe only gets here on meeting nights10:01
Jacques_StryKilos: Well we can get a dedicated server from OVH for R65 per month?10:04
Kiloswait till tomorrow i think padroni can get it cheaper10:05
Kiloswhere did you test booktype10:05
Jacques_Stryjust have to create an account to test10:07
Kilosdrop that link in the list maybe10:12
Jacques_StryGot it from the list10:14
Kilosaha cool10:14
Kilosso we need a local server10:15
Jacques_StryDoes it have to be hosted locally?10:15
Kilosnono ive read them all10:15
Kilosi suppose not10:15
Jacques_StryNah I just posted the mail that has the link10:15
Kilosoh ty10:16
Kilosthats all beyong me10:16
Jacques_StryThing is - Servers in SA is so expensive10:16
Kilosyou see how well i type10:16
Kilospadroni has for good price10:16
Kilosi remember it was much cheaper than hetzner10:17
Jacques_StryWell to host it you need terminal access - so will have to be VM-Hosting or dedicated10:19
Kilosits actually a major project that10:19
Kiloseverything must be done online then put on a vm on a pc that can go around to schools with no internet10:20
Jacques_StryDon't think it is necessary - Finished books can be downloaded as Ebooks so can work without internet access10:21
Kiloswell you guys can work all that out10:22
Kiloslest just see what padrowants for a server10:22
Kilosi think his yearly price was about what others monthly prices were10:23
Kilosi cant remember everything10:23
Symmetri1question, if I have something like this:10:45
Symmetri1and I want a quick shell command I can echo | ..............10:46
Symmetri1so that it returns
Symmetri1(basically subtract one from the last octet)10:46
Symmetri1anyone got a command line like that for me?10:46
Kilosoh Symmetri1  your mirror has been sick10:47
Symmetri1yeah I fixed it last night10:47
Symmetri1aalston@home-server:~$ cat temp2 |sed s/\ \ \ //g |grep [0-9] |awk -F . '{split($4, s,"/"); last=s[1]-1; print $1"."$2"."$3"."last"/"s[2]}'10:52
Symmetri1;p 10:52
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Jacques_StryHoly cr@p10:56
Jacques_Stryyou got it?10:56
Symmetrialol yes10:57
Jacques_StryThanks for posting - I learned a few things10:58
Symmetriathe awk statement divides the IP address into 4 parts, the last part still has the /cidr mask on it, so it then splits the last parameter again into an array, and subtracts from the actual ip, then prints the changed thing out again10:58
Symmetriathe sed and the grep were just fixes to the file to cut out leading crap and stuff10:59
Symmetriabut its the awk statement thats important10:59
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
KilosJacques_Stry  i think i found the right person. keep it up11:09
Kilosim sure betwwen you and william the result will be problem solved11:10
Kilosim so clever hey11:11
Kilosthe other mails were all advice and noone doing anything11:12
Kilospoor william11:12
Jacques_Stry;) That Ubuntu board member organizational skills coming to out11:12
Kiloshaha too soon man11:13
Jacques_Stry...and evidently not my English skills...11:14
Kilosnp im tweetaling11:15
Kilosyou pinging who kulelu88  13:03
kulelu88it works :D13:03
Kilosyou ping yourself13:03
Kilosi see nothing13:03
Kilosoh you mean the lappy works now13:04
KilosMaaz  it13:12
MaazKilos: it is Saturday13:12
Kilosi forget how the pro does the it thing13:13
Kilosit doesnt work13:18
Jacques_Strybb chat later13:33
georgelappieshi Kilos14:14
Kiloshi georgelappies  14:15
georgelappieshow are you today Kilos?14:26
Kilosim good ty georgelappies  and you?14:28
Kilosyou at home already14:28
georgelappieshi Kilos yes I am14:29
georgelappiesI am good thanks14:29
Kilosload shedding huh17:00
Kilosfor those without idiot boxes watch this, i think its a classic17:01
Kilosinetpro  you also look17:01
Padronihi kilos17:08
PadroniI've seen that17:08
Kiloshi Padroni  whats news?17:08
Padroninothing much17:09
Padronislow internet17:09
Padronino complaints17:09
Kiloswe just had 2.5 hours in the dark17:09
Padroniso did we17:10
Padronicame back 16H3017:10
Padronioff again at 22H0017:10
Padronidit is fokken belaglik17:10
Kilossies man17:10
Kilosbad news this load shedding. i need to find a gas powered pc17:11
inetproai tog! 17:16
* inetpro guessing it's the wrong time to call him to order 17:17
inetprosome real bad language there :-! 17:18
* inetpro is the lucky one in this round 17:19
Kilosoh no power cut17:19
inetprobusy charging my phone while I can 17:19
inetprodon't tell anyone, but we have not had load shedding in this round 17:20
inetprojust yet 17:20
MaNIdo you live next to an embassy or something?17:20
inetprofeels like it 17:21
MaNIonly got shed once today, I guess that makes me 'lucky'17:21
inetprokinda unfair, I know 17:21
inetprojust doesn't make sense 17:22
inetpromy bill will be higher than yours 17:22
MaNIreally need to buy myself some solar panels or something17:22
Kilosiits expensive, solar panels, batteries and inverter17:23
inetproKilos: yep, still very expensive 17:24
Kiloslaptops have the advantage when it comes to power outs17:24
Kilosi go eat17:40
Kiloswhy so quiet18:05
Padronilooking for a booktype alternative18:08
Kiloswhat is a dedicated server18:11
inetprodevoted to a task or purpose18:12
Kilosoh ty18:12
inetproor  exclusively allocated to or intended for a particular purpose18:12
inetprokulelu88: wb18:17
Kiloswb kulelu88  18:17
inetproKilos: I beat you! :-)18:18
Kilosnot here you didnt18:18
Kilos <Kilos> wb kulelu88  18:18
Kilos[15/04/2015 20:17] <inetpro> kulelu88: wb18:18
Kilosshould we draw swords and sort it out18:18
superflyKilos: you can make your Kubuntu look and work like Unity18:19
* inetpro too tired for that18:19
* superfly found a new plasmoid18:19
Kilosleave my kde alone superfly  18:19
inetprosuperfly: that sounds interesting18:19
inetprowhat version?18:20
Kiloswhy would anyone want to do that18:21
inetpronot that I want it, just asking for interest sake18:21
Kiloswow you did it by you superfly  ?18:23
superflyit's really simple to set up18:24
Kilosnono im happy ty18:24
Kilosonly thing wrong with my kde is , it cant keep the power on18:25
Kilosbut that does look interesting18:27
kulelu88thank you Kilos and inetpro 18:28
kulelu88i switched from 3G back to ADSL18:28
* inetpro still likes the windows95 extended look and feel18:28
kulelu88in 2025 I may be on fibre 18:28
kulelu88XFCE ftw!18:29
kulelu88XFCE woot!18:29
inetproKDE took the windows 95 and improved in ways that not even windows 7 could catch up with18:29
Kiloskulelu88  did you fix the 3g thing18:29
inetproand then they gave up18:29
kulelu88ja, turns out it isn't network locked on the dongle18:29
Kilosi love kde18:29
kulelu88something occurred to me and that is that we have very few hack-like sites in SA. hack = DIY kind of things18:30
Kilosi replace xfce today with 12.04 unity again18:30
inetproKilos: with windows 8, MS became their own biggest enemy18:31
inetprousers don't like change18:31
Kilosit works ok if you install an app that adds the start button and its stuff18:31
Kilosthats what i did with the second lappy i fixed18:32
Kilosmakes it much of a muchness with 718:32
inetprosuperfly: do you like it this way?18:32
superflyinetpro: so far, no. but that's normal with change.18:36
kulelu88my setup looks similar to Unity, but I have everything at the bottom and hotkeys on the left also18:38
inetprothe one thing I have adopted from unity is the positions of the titlebar buttons18:38
* inetpro moved them from right corner to left corner18:38
Kilosshhh now18:40
inetprotook a while to get used to that but really enjoy them on the left now18:40
Kilosim changing nothing18:40
inetproKilos: ?18:40
Kilosyou normally go on and on til i try stuff18:40
Kilosty im enjoying TB18:40
Kilosno more now too busy18:41
inetproKilos: http://pasteboard.co/2ACw1PjR.png18:42
Kilosi have 10 workspaces in that corner18:43
Kilosthe switcher thing18:43
Kiloseish how many channels do you watch?18:45
inetprobut it's less than 5018:46
Kilosi battle with 618:46
Kilosand pidgin18:46
Kilosfirst meeting was this avy18:47
Kilosluckily no new candidates18:47
Kilosso i could rest18:47
Kiloswe need to push for members18:48
Kilosinetpro  you have procrastinated long enough now18:49
PadroniI am off18:52
Padronilaters, folks18:52
Kilosnight Padroni  18:53
Kilossleep tight18:53
Kilossee ya morrow18:53
Padroniand you, mate18:53
inetproPadroni: good night18:54
inetproKilos: no18:54
kulelu88do any of you okes listen to house music>?18:55
inetprowhat we need to focus on now is Release Parties!18:55
inetprowe need a release party in each town and city18:55
Kilosi spose any excuse is better than none18:55
inetproKilos: you're in charge of arranging that18:56
Kilos16.04 ya18:56
kulelu88imagine a release party in bloemfontein and ermelo18:56
inetprocan't just sit there and look pretty18:56
Kilosi have the whip18:56
inetprouse it18:56
inetprobut not on me, again18:56
Kiloshibana  gee terug my sjambok asb18:56
Kilosyou havent done one inetpro  18:56
inetproahh... you see, he doesn't even have it18:57
Kilosi have a whip now, reach is 5 times or more than a sjambok18:57
hibanaKilos: I'll give it back on one condition18:57
Kilosleather plaited18:57
Kiloswhat hibana  ?18:58
hibanayou use it to make sparks so people get into a party mood18:58
Kilosi battle to get them out of bed18:59
* hibana tucks it away again18:59
Kilosthe mood isnt the prob its the time18:59
Kilosi thought he was my friend19:00
Kiloshibana  lets negotiate19:00
kulelu88don't call it a release party. call it a braai and everyone will show up. a free braai and people who dont use ubuntu will show up19:00
inetproKilos: go see what inetpro posted under current activities19:00
Kilosnono man vivid is a short term release19:01
inetproevery release needs a party to celebrate19:02
Kilosyes i agree but19:02
Kilosyou find 5 peeps here with the time19:02
inetproevery release is better than the previous release19:02
Kilosi am actually tempted to get 15.0419:06
Kilosmainly for plasma 5 and to see what systemd does better19:06
Kiloswill the command be update-systemd19:07
inetproKilos: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3075/19:09
inetproonly one party listed in Africa so far19:10
inetpronot good enough sir!19:10
kulelu88party by Kilos house19:10
kulelu88release + rave party19:10
* pieter2627 is yawning and off to bed19:12
Kilosthat was fast19:12
Kilosinetpro  you are granted the power to organise as many as you can19:14
inetpronee jy verstaan verkeerd meneer die voorsitter van die partytjiebeplanningskomitee19:16
Kiloso dis nie ekke nie19:16
inetproKilos: just talk about it, every day man19:16
Kiloswhy dont you mail the lists, they dont listen to me19:18
Kilosthey accuse me of spam19:18
Kiloslol actually only one did19:18
inetprowb Private_User19:42
Kiloshi Private_User  19:42
Kilosim about falling asleep here19:43
Kilosty my inetpro  19:45
* inetpro still doing the mexican wave \o/19:45
Kilossjoe @ubuntuza followers are growing hey19:46
Kilosyour turn next my man19:46
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:50

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