
Jordan_Udiscus: I would generally recommend to try to keep a minimal number of primary partitions (which would be none if you weren't using Windows), keeping most things in logical partitions. Having partitions be logical rather than primary generally leaves you more flexability to change things in the future.00:00
discusJordan_U: I see00:00
ki7mt+1 you only get (4) primary .. makes life easy to add different distro's when using extended form the get go.00:01
ki7mt.. from the get go ..00:01
discusmore flexible as far as resizing them i. the future gies, or?00:01
* discus goes00:01
EriC^^you can make more partitions if you want00:02
Jordan_Udiscus: Your limitations with primary partitions is that there can only be 4 of them. Your can use one primary partition "slot" to make an extended partition, which then holds an arbitrary number of logical partitions. Your limitations with logical partitions is that they must be contained within your single extended partition.00:02
EriC^^to backup or make a separate /home or ..00:02
tibiasobaHas anyone tried out irssi?00:02
discusEric well I cant since there will be no more disk space left00:02
Jordan_Utibiasoba: Just ask your actual question. If anyone can help, they will :)00:02
EriC^^discus: yeah but you can resize and repartition00:03
discusok logical partition it is then00:03
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discusbtw why is ubuntu making partition of 4095GB size when I entered 4096? this is for swap00:04
Jordan_Udiscus: First, you do not want 4095 or 4096 GB of swap.00:05
discusMB :)00:05
Jordan_U!screenshot | discus00:06
ubottudiscus: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.00:06
discusI cant take a screenshot because I am booting from ubuntu dvd, but I entered 4096 and it says (4094) in the table. odd00:07
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Jordan_Udiscus: If you select "try before installing" then you can double click the installer from the desktop, at which point you can use firefox and any other programs while running the installer (which is just another window).00:12
captainpicardInstalled Lubuntu 14.04, but having trouble with Firefox...for most web pages it says unable to connect, as if i dont have an internet connection. But I'm on the machine right now, connected to IRC just fine00:13
captainpicardwww.google.com will load00:15
captainpicardbut not much else00:15
josselinis ther anybody french here?00:16
josselinis there00:16
Jordan_U!fr | josselin00:16
ubottujosselin: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:16
discusJordan: http://oi61.tinypic.com/an0h0i.jpg  http://oi61.tinypic.com/3462cfl.jpg00:16
josselinok merci00:16
josselin_hey i have a little password problem00:18
EriC^^what's the problem?00:19
josselin_to install softwares00:19
Jordan_Udiscus: I don't know what's going on there.00:19
daftykinsyou're going to have to be a bit more descriptive than that, josselin_00:19
josselin_i'm sure to know exactly my password bit ut it's not recognized00:19
josselin_that worked yesterday00:19
daftykinscaps lock on?00:19
josselin_what are caps00:20
abortretryfail_capital letters00:20
josselin_no it's not locked00:20
EriC^^num lock on?00:20
discus4097 -> 4095, and 4098 -> 4096. it is always off by 200:21
abortretryfail_where are you typing the password? login? terminal?00:21
josselin_terminal and software center00:21
josselin_and in the archive gestionnaire00:21
abortretryfail_when you type it in terminal it is invisible00:21
abortretryfail_but i do not know about software center00:22
abortretryfail_in terminal it is supposed to be invisible so nobody can see. you just type the password and press enter.00:22
josselin_I know00:22
josselin_it's just a bot boring00:22
josselin_a bit00:23
josselin_and annoying00:23
abortretryfail_yes a little00:23
josselin_anyboyd can help here?00:23
EriC^^we still don't know what's the problem exactly00:24
abortretryfail_sorry i just got ubuntu a few days ago and i don't know it well00:24
josselin_ok eric00:24
EriC^^josselin_: did you login to ubuntu?00:24
EriC^^using your password00:24
daftykinsjosselin_: if you can't remember your password, and you insist on spamming this channel instead, then your best bet is to boot into recovery mode and replace your password.00:24
daftykins!recovery | josselin_ like here...00:24
ubottujosselin_ like here...: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode00:24
EriC^^josselin_: ok, type groups00:24
josselin_ah no i don't have a passowrd to enter in ubuntu00:24
kostkonjosselin, make sure you are using the correct keyboard layout language the password was written in, eg US, FR? you could reset it if that doesn't work http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword00:24
locsmifI have a problem where I select keyboard layout US intl with dead keys, but every say ~10 minutes, dead keys stop working properly. Is this a known issue?00:25
josselin_no no i don't have password to come in ubuntu00:25
abortretryfail_locsmif try looking it up? idk00:25
josselin_no it's not a problem of keyboard00:25
kostkonjosselin, it's one password for everything. logging in, terminal commands, software centre, etc00:25
kostkonjosselin, then reset it and create a new password http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword00:26
josselin_maybe i will try an install with a password00:26
EriC^^josselin_: you can reset your password00:26
josselin_thanks eric00:26
josselin_thanks all00:27
josselin_good night00:27
locsmifabortretryfail_: the best I could do was an askubuntu thread where OP claims he fixed the issue by switching to Mint ;)00:28
abortretryfail_great fix /s00:28
abortretryfail_sorry i don't know though00:29
locsmifOk say it happened just now.. I press double quote and press space but no double quote00:29
locsmifNormal double quote doesnt work either, nor single quote (as you can see)00:29
locsmifSo its not like I accidentally switched layouts00:30
locsmifAll I need to do is visit the keyboard layout tray icon menu once, and it works again ëäöéè00:30
locsmifI'm disabling the switch layout shortcuts, see if that helps, even though it doesn't necessarily *look* like this was the cause.00:32
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discuscrap.. I installed ubuntu and now nothing happens.. blank screen (but it is on). neither windows nor ubuntu boots, nor do I see dua-boot menu00:37
locsmifYou do see the BIOS displaying, right?00:37
daftykins!nomodeset | discus try this00:38
ubottudiscus try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:38
discuslocsmif: yes00:39
locsmifdaftykins: he doesn't see the boot manager either00:39
daftykinsthere is no boot manager visible on a default install.00:39
discus(I see BIOS)00:39
locsmifdaftykins: he has it installed alongside Windows00:39
daftykinslocsmif: i know, i can read...00:40
locsmifSo can I00:40
locsmifNo need for hostility..00:40
discusdid a hard reboot, and now I see boot menu00:40
locsmifBut that's impossible00:40
locsmifIsn't it?00:41
daftykinslocsmif: it's not hostility, it's someone replying to someone second guessing their every statement late at night XD00:41
daftykinsso please, calm down00:41
locsmifdaftykins: he's seeing a boot menu now..00:41
locsmifdiscus: anyways, try nomodeset00:41
daftykinsaaaand still don't need the running commentary thanks :)00:41
locsmifAh, I get it, I deserve the abuse. Okay.00:42
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DarkAceZI guess linux will be able to read ext4 in virtualbox if the host is a windows platform?00:43
EriC^^DarkAceZ: yeah00:43
DarkAceZis there a simpler way to read ext on windows?00:44
EriC^^wait what, you want to read the actual hard disk?00:44
DarkAceZyeah haha00:44
locsmifDarkAceZ: there are a few tools, but most of them are old00:44
EriC^^virtualbox won't do that, you'd have to make a raw disk image file and use it00:45
DarkAceZI want to move some files from my ext4 external onto my sister's windows00:45
locsmifDarkAceZ: I used to use ext2ifs on Windows but that doesn't support Ext4, at least not with journaliing00:45
locsmifDarkAceZ: use a livecd or usb00:45
EriC^^DarkAceZ: boot a live usb and do it00:45
DarkAceZwell, I was hoping there was an easier way, but okay00:46
EriC^^live usb is pretty easy and simple00:46
locsmifDarkAceZ: http://www.ext2fsd.com/ perhaps00:47
EriC^^yeah check that out maybe00:47
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EriC^^would be a more permanent solution00:47
locsmifBut it still lacks full journaling support. Could result in data loss, who knows. Use at your own risk.00:48
daftykinsDarkAceZ: given it's a sibling, are your computers not networked? is SCP not an answer?00:49
discuswhat boot manager is used by default?00:49
locsmifThen again, NTFS-3g still isn't ideal either00:49
DarkAceZwell, I have an NTFS partition on the drive for things like this, but the problem is that I'm out of space on both partitions00:49
EriC^^discus: grub00:49
DarkAceZbut I freed up some, and am just copying them to the NTFS for now00:50
EriC^^yeah just copy to the ext400:50
EriC^^( obviously )00:50
daftykinsDarkAceZ: so, are they networked?00:51
locsmifDarkAceZ: so I guess your choices now are: 1. LiveCD/USB 2. Copy to NTFS partition if there's room 3. Networking 4. ext2fsd00:51
DarkAceZshe doesn't live here00:51
DarkAceZI copied to the NTFS, although it wasn't as much as I was planning00:52
locsmif5. Quantum Entanglement00:52
discusam I suppose to edit /etc/default/grub or /boot/grub/grub.cfg?00:52
DarkAceZthat sounds perfect00:52
daftykinsif they're even on the same network temporarily, a SAMBA share would be good00:52
EriC^^discus: /etc/default/grub00:52
EriC^^discus: what are you trying to do though?00:52
abortretryfail_i need help fixing a flash drive that became RAW. there was nothing on it so i dont need to recover the files. any ideas?00:52
locsmifwhat about /etc/grub.d/40_custom ?00:53
locsmifabortretryfail_: format it?00:53
locsmifpartition it and format it00:53
daftykinsdiscus: if this is for nomodeset, you're doing it wrong00:53
EriC^^abortretryfail_: create a new partition table and format00:53
abortretryfail_it will not partition or format and it cannot be read00:53
discusEric I want to change delay and OS that is booted by default00:53
abortretryfail_thats why i need help00:54
locsmifabortretryfail_: wow00:54
EriC^^discus: ok, sudo nano /etc/default/grub00:54
locsmifcan you dd to it?00:54
abortretryfail_what is dd?00:54
daftykinsabortretryfail_: it's probably game over. give up00:54
EriC^^discus: change default and timeout00:54
EriC^^discus: then save and sudo update-grub00:54
abortretryfail_daftykins: not until i try everything i can. it's my dad's 16gb flash drive00:55
abortretryfail_he wouldn't be very happy if i killed it00:55
EriC^^abortretryfail_: i bought one for $13 or so the other day00:55
discushow can I see a list of boot entries? grub_default's value is an integer00:55
EriC^^they're really cheap these days00:56
pavlosabortretryfail_, dmesg should say if it 'sees' the usb stick00:56
EriC^^discus: grep -A10 menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:56
abortretryfail_the computer recognizes it but when i plug it in it tells me i need to format before it can be used. but it wont format and i tried chkdsk (this on windows) but it says the drive is in raw format and chkdsk doesnt work on raw00:57
EriC^^abortretryfail_: did you try sudo fdisk /dev/sdX00:57
EriC^^and make a fresh partition table?00:57
harushimohas anyone installed openstack successfully?00:57
discusis safety from corrupted config file  the reason why we are not editing /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly?00:58
abortretryfail_i will see00:58
EriC^^cause update-grub uses /etc/default/grub and the files in /etc/grub.d/ to build that grub.cfg file00:58
locsmifabortretryfail_: sudo dd if=/dev/sdX count=1 2>/dev/null | hd -v  (replace X with your device letter)00:58
EriC^^discus: so you'd lose the changes whenever a new kernel is installed00:59
locsmifYou should see a hexdump of what's currently in the MBR00:59
locsmifabortretryfail_: it's not write-protected with some kind of jumper, is it?00:59
abortretryfail_how do i know what drive?00:59
abortretryfail_oh no it's a normal unprotected drive00:59
daftykinslocsmif: i'm sorry that you thought i was somehow abusing you by the way, i just didn't need copies of messages i already read on screen is all :)01:00
locsmifdaftykins: no worries01:01
daftykinsit's all about the helping :)01:01
locsmifabortretryfail_: I do this so often I hardly know how to give you that info01:01
abortretryfail_where do i find the usb drive letter?01:01
EriC^^abortretryfail_: sudo parted -l01:02
abortretryfail_Error: /dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label01:02
abortretryfail_Model: Staples Relay UFD (scsi)01:02
abortretryfail_Disk /dev/sdb: 16.0GB01:02
abortretryfail_Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B01:02
abortretryfail_Partition Table: unknown01:02
abortretryfail_Disk Flags:01:02
EriC^^abortretryfail_: ok, so it's /dev/sdb01:03
locsmifHe can't talk anymore01:03
EriC^^i'd blast away the first portion of the disk01:03
locsmifabortretryfail_: use a pastebin for these sorts of things01:03
locsmifabortretryfail_: we can't hear you know but you can hear us, so I suggest trying that command01:03
locsmifyou can pm me if you'd like01:03
locsmifOh, nevermind, you can talk again :)01:04
abortretryfail_oops sorry01:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:04
abortretryfail_i have never used xchat or irc so sorry lol01:04
daftykinsabortretryfail_: are you 100% it doesn't have a slider on it/button to make it read only?01:04
abortretryfail_100% sure. there's nothing on it01:05
kostkonobligatory factoid then01:06
kostkon!tab | abortretryfail_01:06
ubottuabortretryfail_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:06
locsmifThere's his thing01:06
gzcwnkI need some help with setting up 4 nics on 14.04, when I try and configure the 4th all networks stop working, I cant see why01:06
abortretryfail_i typed the commend01:07
locsmifCan you put that into a pastebin somehow?01:07
locsmif!paste abortretryfail_01:07
locsmif!paste | abortretryfail_01:07
ubottuabortretryfail_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:07
locsmifgzcwnk: no idea, could be so many things. Routing table?01:08
gzcwnkroute -n looks right01:08
locsmifdmesg output?01:08
daftykinsip route ? :>01:08
locsmifabortretryfail_: seems alright and expected01:09
locsmifNow we should try to write01:09
abortretryfail_dmesg output01:09
gzcwnkI am specifying the hwaddress other wise the IPs jump to teh wrong nic, works Ok til eth2 for eth3 it then breaks them all01:09
locsmifabortretryfail_: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=1  (again, make sure sdb is correct, at your own risk)01:10
locsmifabortretryfail_: ah, the dmesg output was directed @ gzcwnk, but I'll take it ;)01:10
locsmif[ 5563.901742] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off01:10
abortretryfail_what does that command do?01:11
locsmifWell, that's settled01:11
locsmifabortretryfail_: it writes zeros to the flash drive, first sector01:11
abortretryfail_oh lol01:11
abortretryfail_how long does it take?01:11
locsmifShould take 1s01:11
gzcwnkis there a way in ubuntu like RH to tell ubuntu which mac address =s ethX ?01:11
abortretryfail_then it should be done i think it is01:11
locsmifgzcwnk: used to ifconfig hw ether xx:xx:.. etc. but the MAC addy must be legal01:12
abortretryfail_512bytes copied01:12
EriC^^type sudo fdisk /dev/sdb01:13
EriC^^abortretryfail_: ^01:13
JuneBUGsomeone should create NOOBuntu01:14
gzcwnkunder redhat you have rules.d and specify the mac to ethX in that, ubuntu has no such thing?01:14
locsmifgzcwnk: no idea quite frankly, but probably, yes01:14
locsmifgzcwnk: /etc/network/interfaces I would think01:14
gzcwnkdeleting eth3 and the network works again....just weird01:14
locsmifgzcwnk: man interfaces  # should tell you how01:15
abortretryfail_what does that mean?01:15
gzcwnkI did that and it doesnt work01:15
gzcwnkwhen i give a hwaddress for eth3 all networks stop working01:15
EriC^^abortretryfail_: type "o"01:15
abortretryfail_Created a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xd838e729.01:16
locsmifnow "n"01:16
locsmifgzcwnk: there should be some message logged somewhere informing you why01:17
gzcwnklooks like its a debian bug --> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man5/interfaces.5.html#contenttoc601:17
locsmifbut it could be a bug.. yes01:17
locsmifgzcwnk: however, what you've just linked is not a bug01:18
locsmifIt's more of less a feature of udev01:18
gzcwnkKNOWN BUGS/LIMITATIONS - See also Debian bug #101728.01:18
ubottuDebian bug 101728 in ifupdown "Automatic detection of hardware interface" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/10172801:18
locsmifYes, it's *mapped* as a bug01:19
locsmifAnd it concerns the random ordering of device names, because you should using unique hw identifiers to identify and configure them, not their *nix device names01:19
=== roler is now known as relor
gzcwnkas it says the kernel goes randowm on u01:19
locsmifIt doesn't have to be the cause of your problems, either, but, who knows, it could be.01:19
locsmifgzcwnk: yes.01:20
locsmifas expected.01:20
abortretryfail_i typed "n", now?01:20
locsmifabortretryfail_: you should get a question01:20
gzcwnkwell redhat has it beat  ...01:20
locsmifor message01:20
abortretryfail_primary or extended01:20
locsmifabortretryfail_: primary01:20
abortretryfail_partition number 1-401:20
penoshey guys01:21
gzcwnkkind of a worry for a cluster if you lose the network...01:21
abortretryfail_first sector 2048-3126681501:21
EriC^^hit enter01:21
locsmifgzcwnk: yeah right https://www.redhat.com/archives/rhelv6-list/2013-February/msg00028.html01:22
abortretryfail_Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-31266815, default 31266815):01:22
locsmifabortretryfail_: enter01:22
abortretryfail_ok it created a partition01:22
EriC^^type w01:22
abortretryfail_partition table has been altered01:23
locsmifshouldn't it be a DOS partition01:23
gzcwnkin rh you can set the eth0 based on the pci bus position and hwaddress seems to be no issue01:23
EriC^^yeah what about the type01:23
abortretryfail_type LInux01:23
=== relor is now known as roler
locsmifgzcwnk: this is a nonsensical discussion, you can do the same thing in Ubuntu, and Redhat also uses udev.01:23
EriC^^abortretryfail_: press t01:23
abortretryfail_command not found?01:23
locsmifgzcwnk: unfortunately if you want to use Ubuntu you must learn to use Ubuntu, so read up on the documentation for fixing your ethernet device names01:24
gzcwnkhmm, my point is there seems to be no work around in ubuntu01:24
gzcwnkI was asking of there was a commonly known fix01:24
EriC^^abortretryfail_: type sudo fdisk /dev/sdb again01:24
EriC^^and press t01:24
gzcwnkactually i came here for a pointer01:25
EriC^^abortretryfail_: are you going to make a ntfs or fat partition?01:25
locsmifgzcwnk: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/udev.htm for starters01:26
abortretryfail_selected partition 101:26
abortretryfail_hex code01:26
EriC^^ah ok01:26
EriC^^abortretryfail_: go with b01:27
abortretryfail_changed type of partition Linux to W95 FAT3201:27
EriC^^ok type w01:27
locsmifgzcwnk: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man7/udev.7.html01:28
OerHeksgzcwnk, for VMS, also aplies to normal install http://chris.dziemborowicz.com/blog/2010/07/25/fix-missing-eth0-when-cloning-ubuntu-vmware-virtual-machines/01:28
locsmifalso that01:28
EriC^^type sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sdb101:28
abortretryfail_has it been formatted to fat32?01:28
EriC^^not yet01:28
OerHeksremove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and reboot01:28
locsmifit will after EriC^^ 's command01:28
abortretryfail_oh ok01:29
abortretryfail_ok now i have a usb icon on the side bar01:29
locsmifyay =)01:29
* locsmif high-fives EriC^^ 01:30
abortretryfail_did it work?01:30
* EriC^^ high-fives locsmif 01:30
locsmifIt appears so01:30
abortretryfail_thanks so much01:30
locsmifYou're welcome, but remember if the device itself is a bit shaky then it may fail yet01:31
locsmifYou want to do some testing with it01:31
locsmifCopy things back and forth01:31
locsmifPerhaps use sha1sum on the file copied (a large file, like an ISO, for example)01:31
abortretryfail_no i think it failed because i formatted it too many times when trying to install an operating system on my new build pc01:31
locsmifabortretryfail_: another fine way of testing would be to toss into the fire and see if there any glowing inscriptions in elvish on it01:32
locsmifIf so, hide it and leave the Shire01:32
locsmifYou're right. We must not utter that language here.01:33
abortretryfail_sorry i accidentally moved the ethernet cable01:33
locsmifabortretryfail_: you should look into USB 3.0 usb sticks, too01:35
EriC^^the one i got was 3.001:35
locsmifMe too01:35
EriC^^it was like $13 or something, i couldn't resist01:35
abortretryfail_i have no 3.0 on my motherboard01:35
locsmifBut maybe others will, and it's backward compatible01:35
abortretryfail_i know i only have 1 usb stick, 4gb, this one was my dad's so it was important to fix it01:36
locsmifBack to my question, btw, it appears I can fix my dead key problem by pressing alt-shift if it happens. But, I have shortcut switches disabled01:36
locsmifabortretryfail_: well, it appears to be now01:36
locsmifAny ideas about the dead keys thing?01:36
abortretryfail_woo! my windows 7 laptop detects it and it works01:37
abortretryfail_brought back from the dead01:37
daftykinsyou were using diskmgmt.msc in Windows i take it?01:37
daftykinsto try and make use of it01:38
locsmifSo the initial failure to work was when you tried to get it to work in Windows?01:38
EriC^^i made a fat32 the other day in ubuntu, and put music on it and the car's player wouldn't recognize it, i had to format in windows to get it to work01:38
EriC^^abortretryfail_: dont mean to rain or your parade, i was just curious if somebody knew what i did wrong01:38
abortretryfail_no i wasn't using diskmgmt01:38
locsmifEriC^^: boot sector is slightly different01:38
abortretryfail_i didn't know of that01:38
daftykinsthere y'go :D01:38
abortretryfail_yeah it's ok lol my problem is solved (for now)01:39
abortretryfail_everyone else, go on01:39
daftykinsi made an exFAT in Windows 7 that a mac couldn't mount a bit ago, turns out macs can't handle >1,024KB block size01:39
locsmifEriC^^: also the File Allocation Table may have had a different cluster size, who knows.01:39
locsmifabortretryfail_: hey, you're allowed to enjoy this a bit01:39
locsmifdfgh: WHO KNOWS01:39
xangua!caps | dfgh01:40
EriC^^locsmif: i see01:40
dfghhelp please01:40
dfghHDMI AUDIO no work01:40
EriC^^dfgh: go to settings > sound and click on the hmdi output01:40
locsmifEriC^^: back in the good old days I used Norton Diskedit to fix FAT problems by hand01:40
dfghthere are no01:40
EriC^^locsmif: cool01:41
dfghno in settings01:41
abortretryfail_to think that a few days ago i thought "meh, i'm just going to install ubuntu until i can get windows to work"01:41
EriC^^dfgh: sound?01:41
abortretryfail_i'm keeping it01:41
locsmifEriC^^: if you really want to get to the bottom of it, you should try formatting it in Linux again, then take a snapshot of a Windows formatted boot sector and see if you can change the id string01:41
dfghthere are only integraten01:41
locsmifNot much use for practical purposes, only diagnostic.01:41
dfghand no HDMI01:42
dfghOnly integrated audio in list01:42
dfghWhat do?01:42
mellukdfgh: You using unity01:43
dfghUbuntu defoult01:43
EriC^^locsmif: windows just formatted it right?01:43
abortretryfail_how do i save a terminal session log? i want to know what i typed to fix the flash drive if it happens again01:43
dfghSo what do?01:43
macibookg3I have found that holding down the option key, when starting up you MacBook Pro.  then longing on to your wifi  and doing a Internet recovery will let you install Mac OS X... to a USB drive.  So if you have installed Linux on your internal drive.  You will be able to to boot and run both but one at a time01:43
dfghWhy so many bugs in Ubuntu?01:43
EriC^^it wouldn't change the partition type and whatnot right? locsmif01:43
mellukdfgh: in terminal type alsa-mixer01:44
dfghno found01:44
EriC^^locsmif: i just remembered i think i used msftdata as the partition type, maybe i should have used w95 fat, cause the error was format error or something01:44
dfghu mean alsamixer?01:45
EriC^^locsmif: in windows i just right clicked and selected quick format in fat3201:45
mellukdfgh: yeah01:45
locsmifEriC^^: ah!01:45
dfghthere 2 but HDMI have no colonns01:45
mellukdfgh: unmute hdmi01:46
dfghhere no unmute01:47
mellukdfgh: does hdmi have 0 or m in the box.01:47
dfghbut no have level01:48
mellukdfgh: it won't.01:49
daftykinssounds to me like proprietary graphics without the driver installed to make use of HDMI audio?01:49
mellukdfgh: apt-get install pavucontrol01:49
daftykinsmacibookg3: that's not a given across all models, no01:49
dfghi installed01:49
dfghthere are HDMI yes01:50
dfghbut audio no work01:50
mellukdfgh: in pavucontro did you make hdmi default fall back01:50
mellukdfgh: run pavucontrol01:51
dfghgui i see01:51
dfghi changed to HDMI01:51
dfghbut i not lissen audio01:52
mellukdfgh: to the right of hdmi their is a box that sets fall back01:52
dfghgreen button01:53
dfghi no lissen01:53
mellukdfgh: http://freedesktop.org/software/pulseaudio/pavucontrol//screenshot.png01:53
dfghi have 201:54
mellukdfgh: are all volumes raised01:54
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dfghhere orange level line dynamic work01:55
dfghbut i not lissen it01:55
mellukdfgh: on the output tab is hdmi set01:55
abortretryfail_wow, windows 7 uses nearly 3GB RAM at idle while ubuntu uses half a GB01:56
dfghgreen button pushed01:56
daftykinsabortretryfail_: no, memory usage is all rubbish due to cache01:56
daftykinsabortretryfail_: also, this is a channel for support only - you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic though01:56
mellukdfgh: http://jan.newmarch.name/LinuxSound/Sampled/PulseAudio/images/pavucontrol.png01:57
dfghu pushed integrated01:57
abortretryfail_i have to go so bye and thanks for the help01:57
dfghi no see in unity HDMI01:58
dfghwhat do?01:59
mellukdfgh: are you using dvi/hdmi adapter.01:59
dfghall work in windows01:59
dfghnvidia i use nvidi a+ smarttv02:00
dfghjust bug in ubuntu02:00
dfghbye then thx u02:00
[Saint]That was abrupt.02:01
daftykinsyeah i'd have asked what driver was in use for said graphics card02:01
mellukdfgh: their are tricks using APLAY in terminal but you need to experiment02:02
daftykinsuser left, melluk02:02
[Saint]And gotten "the driver for gfx the smart tv of nvidia" as a response, probably.02:02
[Saint]ie. masochism.02:03
[Saint]"is ubuntu fault"02:03
discuscan I set grub up to display boot menu on the second monitor, not the default one?02:03
daftykinsonly with an unnecessary amount of work, probably - discus02:04
daftykinsor swap your displays over :P02:04
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discusmy tv connects to hdmi, monitor to dvi.. and boot screen/bios are only displayed on the tv, and I see no way of changing that in the bios02:04
daftykinsthere won't be anything in the BIOS, no02:05
macibookg3I have found that holding down the option key, when starting up you MacBook Pro.  then longing on to your wifi  and doing a Internet recovery will let you install Mac OS X... to a USB drive.  So if you have installed Linux on your internal drive.  You will be able to to boot and run both but one at a time.  before you start the install you have to open Disk utility and make sure the USB drive is formated to HFS+ journalized02:05
[Saint]errr, macibookg3?02:06
[Saint]c/p snafu?02:06
daftykinsmacibookg3: that's more of a statement than a support question - also, you can install both at once on the internal hard disk too.02:06
daftykinsor SSD.02:06
macibookg3this is just FYI02:07
macibookg3for those that do not know02:07
daftykinsmacibookg3: there's no point sharing that information here02:07
[Saint]unless someone happened to ask for it.02:07
macibookg3ok now I know02:09
=== discus is now known as discus-
broma0Quick way to wipe a disk? (All partitions/everyrhing regardless of gpt or mbr)02:11
daftykinsdd zero fill02:12
daftykinsnot quick though02:12
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daftykinspossibly a secure erase, but those aren't guaranteed02:12
locsmifyou can tune dd's block size to be faster02:12
broma0I don't need secure, i just want to see 320 gb of "free space" :)02:12
locsmif10M seems to be a good block size iirc02:13
locsmifsudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=10M of=/dev/sdX02:13
daftykinsbroma0: what? in that case just dd zero the first 100MB02:13
daftykinsi thought you wanted to pass the disk on or something02:14
broma0daftykins: I'm reinstalling a distro from scratch02:14
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daftykinsyeah first 100MB then02:14
locsmifsudo dd if=/dev/zero bs=10M of=/dev/sdX count=1002:15
locsmifreplace the X of course.02:15
broma0locsmif: perfecto02:15
locsmifYou're welcome02:16
locsmifand daftykins02:16
daftykins!cookie | you two02:16
ubottuyou two: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:16
locsmifheh :)02:16
[Saint]If you want a GUI for such things in future, one can't go wrong with gparted.02:17
[Saint]pick the disk, remove the partitions, confirm, done.02:17
daftykinsnot sure that removes all remnants of GPT/MBR though?02:18
[Saint]though, it isn't any safer than dd if you're not 100% about which disk is which.02:18
[Saint]daftykins: it should.02:18
locsmifI've had issues with Ubuntu picking up on partition remnants on my USB sticks without zeroing out02:19
[Saint]and you can write a new table if you wanted.02:19
locsmifNo idea how that happened precisely, but it did, until I went in and truly erased the partition/boot sector remnants02:19
locsmifAdmittedly, I was tinkering about with a multiboot USB02:20
[Saint]I've only had that happen on obviously fake storage volumes with hacked up capacity.02:20
[Saint]But, I understand it can happen in certain circumstances.02:20
locsmifI do get nervous about dd and typos when pasting example oneliners02:21
[Saint]Oh noes! My X drive!02:21
locsmifha ha02:21
locsmifIt's where I store my X-files02:22
daftykinsi really need to learn how to alias most of my advice so i don't type it every time02:22
[Saint]<slow clap>02:22
EriC^^daftykins: last week people were literally asking at the same time about making live usb's so i thought i'd make a page about using dd, but i kind of disregarded it or something02:25
EriC^^there's a non-music version02:26
EriC^^i mean i made the page but i didn't finish it02:26
* daftykins taps a finger to the tune02:27
EriC^^abandened the idea02:27
daftykinsmagic :D02:27
daftykinsnow we just need helpees who'll read... ;)02:27
EriC^^yeah :P02:28
daftykinsEriC^^: obviously not relevant to a short image copy, but kill -USR1 $PID_of_dd prints progress \o/02:31
kagenekohello world02:44
gzcwnkbugger what ever i do I cant get more than 3 nics going   :(02:44
kagenekoOh wow i'm actually connected. First time on IRC!02:45
gzcwnkwhimp :P02:47
daftykinsoff topic and childish to speak to someone like that about their client02:47
gzcwnkso you have no sense of humour...02:48
daftykinsif you think that's funny, you need to try some real comedy :)02:48
kagenekoactually i'm intrigued. Why is irssi considered "whimp"?02:49
kagenekoIs there another client other people use? I'm new to IRC in general02:50
daftykinsi believe it was an attempt at a joke based on elitism02:50
KhewI don't think it is, just compared to telnet maybe02:50
kagenekodon't know what telnet is02:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:51
gzcwnkno....just use what you want.....such wars over bitchx etc was 15+ years ago02:51
Bashing-omkageneko: I have been around a bit ... and irssi is also my client of choice.02:51
daftykinsaaaaaand back to topic we go :)02:51
`hypermist`EriC^^, what was the grep search thing ?02:53
gzcwnkanyone tried to add 4 or more NICS to a ubuntu box?02:54
`hypermist`or can someone tell me how to do a search via grep02:54
gzcwnkuh grep <whattolookfor> *02:54
Khewgzcwnk: never tried 4 but I have done more than one. I was tunneling the connection to a computer next to it.02:55
gzcwnkim ok to 3 then teh 4th makes eth0 die with no IP02:55
gzcwnkhaving no joy trying to sret in udev02:56
Kheware they separate cards?02:56
gzcwnkno, virtuual nics02:56
daftykinsaaah so it's a VM?02:57
daftykinsoften handy to be told that from the beginning (:02:57
gzcwnk2 vms to build a cluster02:57
gzcwnkwhy would taht matter?02:57
Khewwell I was going to ask if you were sure all the drivers were in order and that the hardware was tested02:58
Khewbut there are lots of different types of network cards you can emulate, are you using something like virtual box?02:59
gzcwnkah, ok....yes, though this is a trial run for a real t5500 i am about to buy, ithas a quad card in it02:59
gzcwnkVMWare's ESXi03:00
Khewunfortunately my experience runs out pretty quick, I would just poke around the logs if no one has other suggestions03:01
gzcwnktried that and googling03:03
gzcwnktried writing my own net persistant rules in udev no difference03:04
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TyrfingMjolnirIs there a repo still open holding 6.06?03:23
TyrfingMjolnirUbuntu 6.06.2 LTS \n \l03:23
daftykinsdoubt it03:23
daftykinswhy on earth? :)03:23
TyrfingMjolnirNeed openipmi03:23
zorbs0neanyone have issues with their mouse pointer 'mirroring' a reflection of itself?03:25
jason_are you holding it upside down?03:25
zorbs0nejason_: ?03:26
jason_semi joking. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by mirroring a reflection of itself.03:28
pavlosTyrfingMjolnir, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/03:29
TyrfingMjolnirI know the CDs03:29
zorbs0nejason_: :), well randomly my mouse pointer, will replicate itself into two separate mice pointers.03:29
TyrfingMjolnirpavlos: Is there a pool on there too?03:29
pavlosTyrfingMjolnir, what do you mean?03:30
jason_zorbs0ne, so you literally have two pointers? for how long?03:30
TyrfingMjolnirIdeally I'd just change my sources list03:30
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ . The .iso is avalable there .03:30
zorbs0neno, just one, the left one does the clicking, the right is like a symbiotic creature.03:30
zorbs0nei have to log out to get back to the 'one' pointer.03:31
daftykinsz0rdoes it clear if you switch to a TTY then back?03:31
zorbs0neor sometimes it will revert back.03:31
zorbs0nedaftykins: I'll try that next time it happens?03:32
daftykinssounds good03:32
daftykinsprobably won't matter, but worth a go03:32
[n0mad]does having 2 pointers make it twice as likely to click the correct thing?03:33
zorbs0ne[n0mad]: you should try and click on something after tippin' a few back and behind a pair of specs.03:34
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conner_Anyone available to help me figure out a CDROM failure problem?03:57
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Sir_LetoAnyone familiar with compiz-fusion? I haven't used since the 8th grade. I started it up and now all my panels are gone04:08
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xanguaSir_Leto: sounds like you disabled the unity plugin04:10
xangua"started it" how¿04:11
Sir_Letocompiz-fusion --rplace04:11
Sir_Letothat broke even more thins enabling it again04:11
Sir_LetoI'm not even sure what DE I'm using right now04:12
xanguaSir_Leto: If you were using Ubuntu default, you were already using compiz04:13
Sir_LetoI've installed a few DE's04:13
ianorlinwhy not restart lightdm and try to login to another one04:13
Sir_LetoI can't seem to type in the terminal now04:14
ianorlin!tty | Sir_Leto04:14
ubottuSir_Leto: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution04:14
Sir_LetoI thanks04:15
Sir_LetoI restarted lightdm and that didn't help, and I can no longer get into tty04:19
Sir_LetoI might just manually power off04:19
Sir_Letoit's been 6 or 7 years since I've messed with this at all..04:22
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wodrowhello everybabby04:36
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AirStari use ubuntu, i type command like this : apt-get install tree, but command don’t work? how can i do?04:41
somsipAirStar: type 'sudo' in front of it04:43
AirStarwhy? give me the reason? somsip04:44
somsipAirStar: because apt-get requires superuser rights04:44
AirStaroh great. thanks somsip04:44
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:58
lotuspsychjeablest1980: hello mate04:59
ablest1980morning there?05:00
grouchofI have a built in wacom tablet, and whenever I rest my hand on it, unity-settings-daemon makes a connect/disconnect sounds and it's driving me crazy. How do I mute it?05:01
henrique_hi mother fuckers05:02
lotuspsychje!language | henrique_05:02
ubottuhenrique_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:02
henrique_brasileiros ?05:03
lotuspsychje!br | henrique_05:03
ubottuhenrique_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.05:03
lotuspsychjeangel: can we help you?05:03
psyanideanyone have experience loading ubu on a imac g305:05
lotuspsychje!mac | psyanide05:05
ubottupsyanide: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:05
psyanidethx you05:06
AirStari want install ‘vim’, then how can i do?05:09
AirStarvim or vim-gnome or vim-tiny?????05:09
lotuspsychjeAirStar: sudo apt-get install vim05:09
AirStaronly vim?05:09
lotuspsychje!info vim | AirStar05:10
ubottuAirStar: vim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.4.273-2ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 956 kB, installed size 2341 kB05:10
AirStarthanks lotuspsychje05:10
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PHPLearnerAnyone here using Phalcon framework05:59
PHPLearnerI have some problems here05:59
PHPLearnerI just to do not know how to solve05:59
PHPLearnerI can not delete files from my NetBeans IDE06:00
PHPLearnerespecially the cache files create by volt06:00
PHPLearneranyone have an idea here06:00
PHPLearneras this is also a ubuntu related problem06:00
PHPLearnerI am not sure whether it is related to permissions or what related to the NetBeans IDE06:01
teknotusI'm trying to build a kernel package for a ppa and guides of what I need to do reference files that don't exist, and have no explanation of how to make those files.06:15
Jamie_shit... I think i may have screwed over my os06:16
teknotusI can build a package that will install locally, but it doesn't include a changed abiname, and there is no .changes file.06:16
teknotusJamie_: What happened?06:17
Jamie_teknotus: I went to upgrade to 15.04 and when it got to do you want to remove packages i used the details to check them then went to hit enter so that it would go back to the options and only the command line poped up and it says i am on 15.04 but there was no restart no nothing06:18
Jamie_Im just about sure the update did not complete06:19
Jamie_teknotus: any sugestions06:20
teknotusJamie_: open a package manager, and see what the current state of things is. There might be a bunch of stuff queued to happen.06:21
teknotusJamie_: in which case maybe you can apply it.06:21
Jamie_teknotus: is there a way to do that with apt-get06:23
hel0hel0anyone know how to get ubuntu to install a 32bit os even if it's on an an amd64 cpu?06:23
hel0hel0i know the kernels run06:23
hel0hel0just don't know how to do an install that forces it06:24
chaos_llyjust do it06:24
Jamie_teknotus: i cant even lauch muon discover06:25
teknotusJamie_: You could try do-release-upgrade06:26
teknotusJamie_: Look at logs for apt06:27
teknotusI use aptitude from the command line, but there is a learning curve for that.06:27
hel0hel0do-release-upgrade —force 32 or something?06:28
hash4daysis aptitude better?06:28
hel0hel0that would actually be amaze06:28
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joey_anybody know where i can get example code for libgnome-speech-dev or how to docs06:28
hel0hel0would be a goddamn miracle if it worked06:28
Jamie_teknotus: well i ran apt-get ugrade then update... and it went through sevearl06:29
teknotushash4days: it is interactive.06:29
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Jamie_i should have had to restart after a release change06:30
Jamie_teknotus: there are none in synaptic that are pending or need to be installed06:30
teknotushash4days: I can figure out exactly all the changes I want, and manually fix dependency issues if the automatic solver decides to do something stupid.06:31
teknotusJamie_: there is certainly a new kernel for 15.04, and the change to systemd from upstart can't happen without a reboot.06:32
Jamie_I know that06:32
Jamie_that is why im am kinda scared shitless06:32
AirStari can install ‘homebrew’ on Ubuntu?06:32
teknotusJamie_: Do you have a boot USB stick, or something as a backup plan?06:33
Jamie_ummm.... not that will hold all of what is on my computer06:33
jzp113hi  I have a problem why the ubuntu can't auto link 802.1x  when I open the computer06:33
Jamie_I have a total of i think 30 on seperate online save places06:33
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Jamie_teknotus: Is there a way to change to a differnt version... like i can downgrade back to 14.10 then try again06:34
teknotusJamie_: Even if your system is hoses unless you repartitioned, or deleted a filesystem all of your home directory should be intact.06:34
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Jamie_well i dont exactly have a standard ubuntu06:35
teknotusJamie_: Unfortunately I have never seen an OS updater that can go backwards well.06:35
AirStari can install ‘homebrew’ on Ubuntu? i want install python to ‘/usr/local’ directory.06:35
Jamie_teknotus: so there is no way to downgrade.... :\06:35
teknotusJamie_: You could debootstrap into a chroot, and then overwrite files.06:36
Jamie_teknotus: this may be really bad for me... I work from this computer... I would have to regather all of my stuff for firefox os building06:36
Jamie_teknotus: how would i do that06:36
somsipJamie_: no, you can't downgrade.06:37
somsipAirStar: use virtualenv06:38
donniezazensoftware updates is stuck on Running post-installation trigger update-notification-common06:38
Jamie_well this is really not my day06:38
teknotusI haven't tried to do a downgrade that way. Theoretically possible, but never tried.06:38
AirStarsomsip: i want use ‘homebrew’.06:38
somsipdonniezazen: leave it as long as you can, kill it if you need to (sudo kill the dpkg process in ps aux) and be prepared to have to --force something when you next use apt-get06:38
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Jamie_teknotus: is there a way to redo and upgrade... aka trick the computer into doing another one06:38
somsipAirStar: sorry, I can't help with whining06:39
donniezazensomsip: sure. thanks.06:39
somsipJamie_: summarise the issue for me again?06:40
AirStarsomsip: homebrew is not installed to Ubuntu?06:40
somsipAirStar: no06:40
teknotusAirStar: there is a linuxbrew fork of homebrew06:41
AirStarthen i can install python like ‘brew install python3’?06:41
hiexpoAirStar, https://github.com/Homebrew/linuxbrew06:42
Jamie_somsip: I went to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04... it was going through.. when through quite a bit of it... but  when it got to remove packages i wanted to see which ones it was remove  to check for some things, hit the d for details hit enter to get back to the yes or no options to select yes... but it just went to command line... I know that the computer if the ugrade was complete  should have needed a reboot but there was none06:42
Jamie_and the computer is registering as 15.0406:42
somsipJamie_: 15.04 is not released yet and support is in #ubuntu+1 Downgrading is generally felt to be impossible (or horribly tricky at best) so a fresh install might be the way to go06:43
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Jamie_somsip: well is there a way to trick a computer into doing another upgrade by any chance06:44
teknotusJamie_: Maybe sudo apt-get install –reinstall ubuntu-desktop06:44
Jamie_somsip: will try06:45
teknotusJamie_: sudo apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | \06:45
teknotussed '/^$/d' | xargs sudo apt-get \06:45
teknotusinstall --reinstall --install-recommends --yes06:45
somsipJamie_: try the man page for the command you ran (presumably do-release-upgrade) but #ubuntu+1 is the place to ask about 15.0406:45
Jamie_okay thanks06:45
TyrfingMjolnirHow do I write the following in fstab? sudo mount -o loop /home/user/disk.iso /mnt/mount_point06:46
teknotusOh I think you have to do an apt-cache update or it won't do anything06:46
teknotusJamie_: Just like apt-get06:47
dearhawkhi noobs and tards. The Software Updater is stuck, nothing is happening. And I can't click the cancel buttun :(06:47
somsipteknotus: echo {line} | sudo tee /etc/fstab (but test it on a different file first to make sure it does not override the contents, or backup fstab before you do it)06:47
robotdevilhow do I isntall to lappy without working cd rom and no usb boot06:47
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TyrfingMjolnirdearhawk: Are you using Unity or GNOME or something like that?06:48
dearhawkTyrfingMjolnir: xfce406:48
TyrfingMjolnirrobotdevil: debootstrap06:48
robotdeviloh right06:48
TyrfingMjolnirdearhawk: I'm just a ssh user06:48
dearhawkTyrfingMjolnir: is your updating messing too?06:48
robotdevilaverage user, what is this about using unetbootin to hdd for same question ^^06:50
Jamie_somsip: thats for the idea for the apt-cache... but it didnt work... im gonna set up a usb drive and then try to restart06:51
somsipJamie_: I think teknotus made that suggestion06:52
nishantjrHi, I'd like my own application to handle the volume and mute keys, but it looks like unity is grabbing the mute key (but not volume). Is there a way I can disable it from capturing mute?06:52
Jamie_somsip: sorry06:53
robotdevilTyrfingMjolnir: that is running it under a different host though right06:53
Jamie_teknotus: thanks for the suggestion... didnt work... but im just gonna make a backup flash drive for incase it wont restart06:53
monojindid the kernel update the other day solve hdmi issues for other people?06:53
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PCatineanHey guys, how do I make my synclient changes stick?07:01
=== AlphaTech is now known as zz_AlphaTech
TyrfingMjolnirrobotdevil: rebootstrap can run on any folder07:03
TyrfingMjolnirThe outcome is less confusing if you run this at the root level of a device however07:04
robotdevilTyrfingMjolnir: the desired outcome is to have ubuntu installed natively without a cdrom or usb boot. Is this stil correct?07:05
robotdevilim not sure there is a working os on box07:06
TyrfingMjolnirDo you have any linux at all right now?07:07
robotdevildifferent machine07:07
TyrfingMjolnirwith debian based system?07:07
TyrfingMjolnirIs the drive physically available?07:08
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TyrfingMjolnirThe one from the machine with no USB or CDROM?07:08
robotdevilnot right now but could you continue with explaination. I can follow what your laying down07:08
TyrfingMjolnirCan you physically mount the drive from the machine with no USB or CDROM in the machine that currently has ubuntu running?07:08
TyrfingMjolnirman debootstrap in the terminal07:09
robotdevilwell I would be able to attach to the desktop tower07:09
TyrfingMjolnirHere is the process07:10
robotdeviljust been a long time since I ve reviewed any of this07:10
TyrfingMjolnirThe only thing you would have to do some research on is this: debootstrap --arch i386 sid $MY_CHROOT http://http.debian.net/debian/07:11
robotdevilbut thats not using a host os all the time after install right07:11
TyrfingMjolnirThere is some writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot07:11
TyrfingMjolnirrobotdevil: What do you mean?07:12
robotdevilyeah I ve used chroot on a debian install years ago and gentoo I think07:12
TyrfingMjolnirThis is what I would do07:12
robotdevilbut FOREVER AGO07:12
TyrfingMjolnir1) Mount the drive from the machine with no USB or CDROM in the machine that is already working07:12
TyrfingMjolnir2) format the drive, you will find the volume name in: dmesg | grep sd07:13
TyrfingMjolnir3) fdisk /dev/sdX07:14
robotdevilstill folowing07:14
TyrfingMjolnir4) mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdX3 or whichever partition you want to be your root, and others if partitioned separately07:14
TyrfingMjolnirThen follow the procedure: https://wiki.debian.org/Debootstrap ( Full process to create a complete Debian ) yet adopted using a source from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot07:15
TyrfingMjolnir5) ^07:15
TyrfingMjolnirRemember to choose the correct arch07:16
TyrfingMjolnir6) Detach hdd07:16
TyrfingMjolnir7) mount hdd in other computer07:16
TyrfingMjolnir8) boot07:16
robotdevilthe bootstrap will install a bootloader as well?07:17
TyrfingMjolnir5b) Not sure if grub has to be run before you detach the HDD07:17
robotdevilok thanks for refresher07:18
robotdevilmuch appreciated07:18
robotdevilOne more question, wubi is installed within windows correct?07:19
TyrfingMjolnirRemember to us uuids07:19
TyrfingMjolnirWindows is beyond me07:19
somsiprobotdevil: yes it is07:19
TyrfingMjolnirOr above or below...07:19
PCatineanHey guys, how do I make my synclient changes stick?07:23
trijntje!wubi | robotdevil07:26
ubotturobotdevil: Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug07:26
trijntjewubi is not stable at all, I would not use it07:26
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arcskywhat do you guys recommend ansible or puppet or chef?07:34
somsiparcsky: they work in different ways. Define you use case (to yourself as this is offtopic here) and see which best fits your needs07:35
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=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
PHPLearnerI want to extend the screen display of my laptop to another monitor07:49
PHPLearnerwhat must I do to accomplish this07:49
PHPLearnerI have connected the monitor's vga to my laptop already07:49
PHPLearnerI am running Ubuntu 1407:50
PHPLearnerplease help07:50
arcskysomsip: i want to do security/packge updates. and lets say i want to do add a setting in apache.conf i want it to be distributed to all servers in web server class07:52
somsiparcsky: my previous reply still applies. It's OT, and you haven't defined your use case. Hint - how do you want it to be distributed.07:57
trijntjePHPLearner: system settings -> display07:58
=== tumipetteri_ is now known as Tumi
PHPLearnerI did already07:59
PHPLearnerI am wondering my Ubuntu laptop does not detect the other monitor08:00
Generator_HI I have the following GPT configuration, http://fpaste.org/211118/8472414/raw/ , I want to remove sdb3 from md2 and add it to md3, now when I remove it from md2 its OK, but add it to md3 gives me error "mdadm: /dev/sdb3 not large enough to join array"08:00
Generator_Please help08:00
PHPLearnerthe other monitor says scanning but ends up giving a message 'Monitor Going to Sleep'08:01
=== spy is now known as Guest59833
PHPLearnerI used the monitor on another laptop it works but with my Ubuntu laptop it is not08:01
PHPLearnerMy coursemate just used it08:01
PHPLearnerbut now I cannot08:01
PHPLearnerI do not know what is wrong08:01
nishantjrPHPLearner, whats the output of xrandr?08:03
Tumiphplearner which GPU and drivers do you have, is the connection HDMI or DisplayPort or something else?08:03
=== rafa is now known as Guest53043
IncompleteJerkhi, i am new to ubuntu and would like to setup something like a kiosk. any suggestions for a partitioning scheme on a 160GB hdd?08:04
lotuspsychjeIncompleteJerk: i know there are some kiosk software packages to do what you need08:05
lotuspsychjeIncompleteJerk: partition is the users choice, depends on your needs08:05
IncompleteJerklotuspsychje: really? i'll try to research on that a bit. thanks! :)08:06
lotuspsychjeIncompleteJerk: this guide looks interesting: http://thepcspy.com/read/building-a-kiosk-computer-ubuntu-1404-chrome/08:09
=== Dragomulus is now known as pregas_t_
PHPLearnerI do not know08:10
PHPLearnernever mind the monitor was taken back by the admin personnel08:10
PHPLearnermaybe it was defective08:10
PHPLearnerI do not know08:10
PHPLearneranyway thanks fellas08:10
PHPLearnerI just have to contend with this small monitor for now08:11
PHPLearnerthanks for all your help08:11
PHPLearnerOk I got a new one08:12
PHPLearnernow its connected to my laptop08:12
Generator_can anyone help me here with GPT?08:12
PHPLearnerbut it only displays whatever I have on my laptop's screen08:12
PHPLearnerwhen I got to display and press detect display it does not respond08:12
k1l_PHPLearner: open system settings and then monitors. then set the settings you like there08:13
k1l_if you got a nvidia card or a amd card they do have own settings programs08:13
k1l_PHPLearner: but we need lots more details on that to help you08:13
PHPLearnerthe xrandr output is08:13
PHPLearnerxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default08:14
PHPLearnerScreen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 76808:14
cluelesspersonguys, I have this command for a website I've created, but it seems to run a tad slow,   can anyone help me figure out why?08:14
PHPLearnerdefault connected primary 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm08:14
PHPLearner   1024x768       61.0*08:14
PHPLearner   800x600        61.008:14
PHPLearner   640x480        60.008:14
k1l_!paste | PHPLearner08:14
ubottuPHPLearner: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:14
mixer93kghey how to fix this ? E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.08:14
cluelesspersonPHPLearner, uh.. pastebin that  or my link just now08:14
somsipcluelessperson: you need the #python channel08:14
k1l_mixer93kg: please put all the command and ouput into a pastebin08:14
cluelesspersonsomsip, I'm banned there08:14
cluelesspersonsomsip, the mods are twats08:15
mixer93kgim new to linux08:15
mixer93kghow i do that08:15
somsipcluelessperson: language like that will get you no help from me either08:15
k1l_!paste | mixer93kg08:15
ubottumixer93kg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:15
cluelesspersonsomsip, So you're twat too, that's fine.08:15
cluelesspersonsomsip, See the difference in context?08:15
cluelessperson"I'm offended!"  So?08:16
PHPLearnercluelessperson: I just pasted the result of the xrandr command08:16
cluelesspersonbe offended.08:16
cluelesspersonPHPLearner,  so provide a link to it.08:16
mixer93kgi really dont get it, i use synaptic to update system and this happens E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.08:16
* cluelessperson has trouble believing some people are so broken up by words, takes it as a sign of incredible weakness.08:17
PHPLearnerthat is the link to the xrandr command08:17
k1l_mixer93kg: open a terminal. then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" after its done put all into a pastebin08:17
IncompleteJerklotuspsychje: thanks! i skimmed the article and read some of it but i think i can't apply it in my case. i'm sorry if i hadn't made it clear. i'm setting up a school's computer laboratory.08:17
PHPLearnerany ideas fellas08:18
lotuspsychjeIncompleteJerk: and how many pc's will you be using for the kiosk?08:18
PHPLearnerthe extra monitor is just duplicating whatever is on my laptop's screen08:18
PHPLearnerI want it to extend my laptop's display08:18
IncompleteJerkthere are more than 100 pc's here. 128 to be exact. :)08:18
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lotuspsychjeIncompleteJerk: maybe check software centre for 'kiosk'08:18
PHPLearnerthing is I went to display08:18
PHPLearnerthen click detect displays08:19
PHPLearnernothing happens08:19
PHPLearnerthe checkbox on mirror display is disabled yet it duplicates the display of my laptop screen08:19
IncompleteJerkthese pc's will be used by computer science students for their laboratory classes and when their class is finished or when the pc is shutdown or restarted, i need it to get back to it's original state.08:20
PHPLearnerwill restarting my laptop help08:20
k1l_mixer93kg: did you make an upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 recently?08:20
mixer93kgyeah few mins ago08:20
k1l_mixer93kg: did that success?08:21
PHPLearnerfellas any help08:21
PHPLearnerthat I can use08:21
k1l_mixer93kg: how did you do the upgrade?08:21
k1l_PHPLearner: what video card is it=? what driver is in use?08:21
mixer93kgyeah im in 14.10 now but some circle with white line pops up with that problem08:21
mixer93kgwith update maganer08:21
k1l_mixer93kg: please give the one line output in here of: "uname -a" and "lsb_release -d"08:22
PHPLearnerk1l_: how will I know what video card my laptop is using08:22
PHPLearneris there a command in the terminal I use to do that08:22
k1l_PHPLearner: lspci will tell you. please put the output into a pastebin08:22
cluelesspersonPHPLearner,   command | pastebinit08:23
cluelesspersonPHPLearner, cat file | pastebinit08:23
cluelesspersonor my sliceit  ;)08:23
k1l_cluelessperson: pastebinit needs to be installed first, and then pastebinit can read files, no need to cat and pipe them08:23
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k1l_mixer93kg: ok now run a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"08:24
cluelesspersonk1l_, I like to just pipe always, because it works for both reading files AND getting the results of commands08:24
PHPLearnerthat's the result for the lspci command from08:24
k1l_mixer93kg: seems like your upgrade didnt run properly or you used a wrong method of upgrade.08:24
PHPLearnerthe terminal08:24
PHPLearnercluelessperson: i just gave the pastebin link08:25
cluelesspersonPHPLearner, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+show+graphics+card+type08:25
k1l_PHPLearner: that is a very bad system when it comes to linux compatibilty08:25
k1l_cluelessperson: we dont use lmgtfy in here. so stop that please08:25
PHPLearnerwell I do not have any choice this is the only laptop I got08:25
PHPLearnerI am a self supporting student man08:26
PHPLearnerso I do not know much else on hardware stuff08:26
cluelesspersonk1l_, I think it's perfect.08:26
PHPLearneranything I can to08:26
k1l_cluelessperson: its not. stop that in here. thanks08:26
mixer93kgwhat i have to do to fix it?08:26
PHPLearnerk1l_: any suggestion man08:27
PHPLearnerWill restarting my ubuntu help08:28
k1l_mixer93kg: you system package management seems to be a mess. that could be caused by 3rd party packages or software or PPA that were installed. you need to try to "sudo apt-get install package" where package is the one that is mentioned to have unmet depencies and see why that cant be installed.08:29
k1l_mixer93kg: but first try a "sudo apt-get install -f"08:29
PHPLearnerk1l_: any help08:30
PHPLearnerwith the monitor08:30
PHPLearnernishantjr: any help about the monitor08:30
PHPLearnerTumi: any help about the monitor08:30
k1l_PHPLearner: dont know sorry. i just know that SIS is poorly supported. you will need to dig informations about ubuntu and that specific video card and see if someone already fixed it.08:30
mixer93kgagain same error08:32
k1l_mixer93kg: then try to install the mentioned packages one by one and see what they mention why they cant be installed. then try to install that packages. you need to get to the end of the line to get to know what is blocking08:33
nishantjrwhats the output of 'xrandr' can you put it on pastbin or somthing08:34
nishantjr^ PHPLearner08:34
PHPLearnerany suggestion man08:34
PHPLearnerplease help08:34
nishantjrwhats the output of 'xrandr' can you put it on pastbin or somthing08:34
PHPLearnerI really need an extra monitor to finish my project08:34
PHPLearnerI I gave the link earlier08:35
MagePsychowhats the best irc chat for ubuntu?08:35
nishantjrPHPLearner: xrandr? or is that lspci?08:36
mixer93kgall gave me same error08:37
PHPLearnernishantjr: http://pastebin.com/M0wpmpmE that's the link08:37
PHPLearnerI need an extra screen man08:37
PHPLearnerI am coding08:37
PHPLearnerits hurting my eyes doing it in the laptop08:38
nishantjrIn a terminal run: xrandr08:38
mixer93kgcan i remove broken packages?08:39
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memoryleakHi. The Slave Server is getting out of sync all the time with error's like "Could not execute Write_rows event on TABLENAME; Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails" - what possibilities do I have to prevent this happening?08:44
sgo11hi, latest ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. When I try to install qt5-default, I got this umet dependencies error: "qt5-default : Depends: qtbase5-dev but it is not going to be installed". any ideas?08:44
PHPLearnernishantjr: any ideas?08:46
nishantjrPlease read my mesages08:46
k1l_sgo11: try to install qtbase5-dev and see what is blocking that08:48
PHPLearnernishantjr: http://pastebin.com/RhjP3X1S08:48
PHPLearnerthat is the result of xrandr command08:48
sgo11k1l_, http://hastebin.com/leyacisaxi.vhdl08:49
sgo11k1l_, is that this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/143532408:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1424466 in mesa (Ubuntu Trusty) "duplicate for #1435324 Devel package not installable in 14.04.2 (mesa-lts-utopic" [High,Fix released]08:49
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kn333Hello, I think I have broken the package manager (apt-get)08:55
kn333by mistake I manually removed the libboost packages (which I previous installed from apt-get)08:56
k1l_sgo11: i dont know. could be this bug08:57
kn333How can I remove all of the leftover information on this library from apt-get ?08:57
kn333such that It's not confused about still having this in the registry08:58
sgo11k1l_, I have already did apt-get dist-upgrade to the latest. I still have this problem. comments in that bug say the fix has been released.08:58
lotuspsychje!discuss | MagePsycho08:58
ubottuMagePsycho: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.08:58
blueingressHi, How can I tail multiple logs from differnt servers to a console? Thanks.09:04
sgo11Do I need to install ubuntu-sdk for fixing this issue?09:05
lotuspsychjeblueingress: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys know a push trick of the tail logs09:07
blueingresslotuspsychje, thanks09:08
somsipsgo11: I found installing the sdk from PPA brought in a lot of unwanted dependencies and things got ugly for a while, but that was on 14.0409:09
sgo11somsip, I am running latest 14.04. my problem is that I can not install qt5-default.09:10
somsipsgo11: I was answering your question about the sdk. I have no idea abot qt5, but wanted to give you fair warning if you were thinking of going down the sdk-from-ppa route09:11
sgo11somsip, ok. thanks. i have no idea what ubuntu-sdk is. that bug is talking about ubuntu-sdk, that's why I asked here. ubuntu-sdk is in the official repo. why do I install it from ppa? I don't quite get what you mean.09:12
somsipsgo11: don't worry about it then09:12
sgo11somsip, ok. cheers. ^_^09:13
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest6541
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
lngHi! Cannot boot fresh Ubuntu install - "Selected boot device failed. Press any key to reboot the system." Why?09:25
chotaz`wGood morning guys! Or whatever fits your timespan :P I need some help figuring out why I intermittently need to run "sudo lsusb" after boot to get my USB ports working. I have no idea how to go about debugging and further more, fixing this. I'd appreciate any help09:28
olle_anybody know how to find #backbox?09:42
cfhowlett!backbox | olle_09:42
ubottuolle_: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.09:42
=== Fuchs is now known as zombiefox
gaukerhow do I check which dns servers my ubuntu is using ?09:58
vltgauker: cat /etc/resolv.conf09:58
gaukervlt: it points to ?09:59
vltgauker: Is that a question?09:59
=== erwin_ is now known as PHPLearner
amnesiakvit that gives you the list of servers not necessarily the one thats resolving dns queries09:59
gaukervlt: more confusion; am looking for the actual dns servers that are queried10:00
SomeTI have a quick question, my university is telling me to install Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (Trusty Tahr) x86, I have x64 bit machine, is there any advantage I can give myself to installing x64 version of this?10:01
vltgauker: I think, "dig" would tell you in its "ANSWER" section.10:01
cfhowlettSomeT, same process.  why did your uni specify x86?10:01
SomeTI have no idea why they specified this10:01
gaukervlt: dit shows ";; SERVER:"10:02
SomeTjust out of ease and lesser failure for noobs perhaps?10:02
cfhowlettSomeT, might be worth asking.10:02
SomeTthey take so long to respond10:02
vltgauker: Then that is the actual server. Something on your local machine.10:03
=== necessary129 is now known as noteness
gaukervlt: right, Im trying to diagnose slow dns issues; hence I want to know which dns servers my local dns server is querying10:04
amnesiakgauker: you have a local dns caching server lik vlt says10:04
=== noteness is now known as necessary129
amnesiakgauker: prime suspect would be dnsmasq10:04
EightynineHi. I have tearing in Firefox. How to get rid of it? I know that I haven't tearing in Chromium and Chrome, maybe install Chrome?10:05
gaukeramnesiak: yep, dnsmasq is listening on port 5310:05
=== START_OVER_ALL_S is now known as IncredibleHighIQ
amnesiakgauker: then take a look at dnsmasqs config to see which external dns servers are specified10:06
gaukeramnesiak: thanks, /etc/dnsmasq.d/network-manager is the only file I can find and the only conf it has is "bind-interfaces"10:09
gaukeramnesiak: no sight of external dnsservers10:09
DazPettywhat file calls xinitrc? for starting the window manager?10:09
do0fY2HI, someone here who would help a linux noob with 2-3 issues?10:10
amnesiakDazPetty: possibly xinit10:11
cfhowlett!ask | do0fY210:11
ubottudo0fY2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:11
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
do0fY2i have an zentyal system set up here. 1 SSD for System and 2 4TB Hdds for storage. No i want the 2 Hdds to be mounted into an directory. permanently. i tried with google, but it seems, that i am just to stupid10:12
amnesiakgauker: is there no /etc/dnsmasq.conf ?10:14
gaukeramnesiak: nope, but I did find /etc/dbus-1/system.d/dnsmasq.conf and /run/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.conf10:15
gaukeramnesiak: not sure which one to edit though10:15
amnesiakgauker: ubuntu has made a pigs ear out of dns configuration in the last few years no thanks to network manager10:16
gaukeramnesiak: heh10:17
amnesiakgauker: are you just trying to find which servers youre using or did you want to change them?10:18
gaukeramnesiak: both ideally10:18
amnesiakwell you could look at those dnsmasq.conf files you found to see which ones youre using10:19
gaukeramnesiak: one is empty and the other has xml in it ??10:20
amnesiakif you want to change them then its probably easier to manually configure new dns servers on the interface via network manager10:20
gaukeramnesiak: I can just edit resolv.conf ?10:21
chotaz`wGood morning guys! Or whatever fits your timespan :P I need some help figuring out why I intermittently need to run "sudo lsusb" after boot to get my USB ports working. I have no idea how to go about debugging and further more, fixing this10:22
amnesiakgauker it will be overwritten at the next boot10:22
gaukeramnesiak: how do I make it persist ?10:22
amnesiakgauker: you could try editing /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head10:26
amnesiakgauker: and add nameserver entries to that10:27
gaukeramnesiak: thanks10:28
gaukeramnesiak: that also has a warning that it'll be overwritten though ?10:28
amnesiakgauker: :(10:28
amnesiakgauker: the only other thing i can think of is dhclient.conf and using the "prepend" setting10:30
hamsiesuser@ubuntuCarp:/opt/odoo/addons$ cp website_multi_image/website_multi_image website_multi_image10:31
hamsiescp: omitting directory ‘website_multi_image/website_multi_image’10:31
hamsiesim trying to put folder/folder into /folder10:31
gaukeramnesiak: thanks, I did edit head and reboot and the changes have persisted10:31
amnesiakgauker: yeah was just about to say the .head file just carries that as a default warning so as not to edit the resolv.conf file when created10:33
amnesiakgauker: is really an overcomplicated mess now with dns10:33
gaukeramnesiak: yeh, thats weird, so the actual file won't be edited at all then ?10:33
gaukeramnesiak: thanks for navigating me through it!10:34
zy3pDi wanna convert a video from ts to mp4 or something like this on commandline this way: inputvideostream | convert-to-mp4 -o video.mp4 ... can u guys help me?10:34
amnesiakgauker: the resolv.conf file always gets rewritten at boot10:34
gaukeramnesiak: okay, thanks10:35
grishzakyanhello everybody10:36
amnesiakgauker: ive had resolv.conf not include the changes in the .head file before for some strange reason10:36
grishzakyanwho can help me?10:37
gaukeramnesiak: yeh, I have to reboot for it to inc. the changes10:37
grishzakyani have wireless network problem10:37
amnesiakgauker: i think resolvconf -u will reload the config too10:38
gaukeramnesiak: okay, thanks10:38
grishzakyanhelp me fix my wifi problem10:40
TheNumb!patience | grishzakyan10:41
ubottugrishzakyan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:41
grishzakyanokay, thanks10:42
sgo11this is damn weird. the unmet dependencies errors are fixed by `apt-get install libgles2-mesa-dev` manually.10:42
grishzakyani cant wait till will answer me from askubuntu...)10:43
=== renan__ is now known as Super_Ape
Super_ApeCan I have portuguese support?10:48
neredsenvyQuick question if I write a chained command like this:  "avconv -f image2 -framerate 24 -i %d.jpg -crf 1 test.mov && mkdir test" will test folder be created after avconv is executed or somewhere while avconv is executing ?10:48
DJones!pt | Super_Ape10:50
ubottuSuper_Ape: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.10:50
Super_ApeDJones, Hello, Thanks buddy!10:52
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
jermaineHas anyone had the issue of "Couldn't load libexif" when they tried to install/start chrome11:03
jermaineI've tried googling but the results are limited for now and not useful11:04
hi-towerHello! I have a problem with velvet installation on an eeepc. There are separate / and /usr partitions. / is 4GB and somehow filled up. Unable to locate the file(s) that are clogging my partition. Kindly asking for advice11:08
hi-towerI am trying with "du" command and checked the usual suspects (/tmp/, /var/log)11:09
hateballhi-tower: is this a fresh install or upgrade? have you checked /boot for old kernels?11:09
hi-towerHateball: this was a dist-upgrade. I found an old kernel at /boot and modules at /lib/modules. I removed them11:10
hi-towerhateball: would you confirm that 4Gb is plenty enough for a typical install, with a separate /home and /usr partitions?11:10
g105bSince upgrading my packages, I can't launch Nautilus. No output in terminal, nothing. Any ideas of where to start debugging?11:12
hateballhi-tower: and you've done "apt-get autoremove" as well I take it?11:14
hi-towerhateball: for sure I did! :-)11:14
philm88Hi all. I'm using a server install of ubuntu 14.04 and am setting it up so that it boots into firefox full screen, like a kiosk. That part all works fine. What's not working though is firefox's h264 html5 video support. It worked out of the box on desktop ubuntu, but not on server. I've installed firefox, ubuntu-restricted-extras & gstreamer1.0-libav to no avail - does anyone have any ideas?11:15
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philm88& I did check the gstreamer flags are true in about:config - they were by default11:19
tiyteezecan somone tell me how I can change the main repository of my apps for a one with the apps of non-supported ubuntu11:24
hi-towerin order to identify the culprit drive space clogger: I remember there used to be a tool graphically displaying the relative space usage in directories. could someone point me to the name of that tool? KDE preferred11:24
k1lbaobab is a tool for ubuntu11:25
Wughi-tower: I know there's baobab11:25
k1ldont know kde ones11:25
hi-towerWug: ok will give it a try!11:25
Wugk1l: is too fast for me11:25
techgrinhi-tower: you could search for "winDirStat Linux alternatives"11:26
k1lfor kde you want filelight11:26
hi-towerk1l: OK thanks! I will hopefully manage to install it without completely blocking that poor machine11:26
zombiefoxhi-tower: sure, flielight11:26
zombiefoxor bonobo for GTK stuff.11:26
Wughi-tower: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=10084411:26
hi-towerWug: cool! I will attempt to install it11:27
Wugyou could also do it on the command line with du11:27
hi-towertechgrin: thank you. I was unaware of the name of the corresponding windows tool :-)11:27
hi-towerWug: I am aware & using DU, but it is not as efficient if required to look into many directories11:28
Wugthat surprises me11:28
Wugthe unix philosophy of command line tools indicates that it would be more or less the best possible choice11:28
k1lhi-tower: for cli there is ncdu11:29
techgrintiyteeze: how's this- http://www.warpconduit.net/2011/07/31/apt-repository-for-old-ubuntu-releases/11:29
tiyteezetechgrin: thanks11:29
techgrinbasically you modify your /etc/sources.list file, then to apt-get update11:29
philm88anyone know anything about firefox h264 support? Seems to support it out of the box for desktop ubuntu, but I'm struggling to get it working in server ubuntu11:30
k1ltiyteeze: you should not run a EOL ubuntu release anyway.11:30
tiyteezeit is obn my nexus 711:30
tiyteezeOn my computer I run ubuntu 14.1011:30
k1ltiyteeze: even there you should not run an outdated ubuntu. talk to the -arm guys how to solve that issue to get a recent ubuntu11:31
hi-towerk1l: Oh ok, is ncdu included in standard install of velvet, or do I install it separately?11:31
k1lhi-tower: dont think its standard. but you can install it from the repos.11:31
tiyteezek1l: it is impossible to have a recent ubuntu on nexus 711:32
techgrinphilm88: why are you running server edition on a machine you're using firefox on?11:32
hi-towerk1l: ok thanks, that would be an alternative11:32
hi-towerk1l: could you give me a hint of the rough size of a velvet desktop install with KDE5, excluding /usr and /home?11:33
philm88techgrin: This is going to be a minimal kiosk-type set up. I don't need 99% of the stuff the full desktop version installs11:33
puffiI installed gnome using the following apt-get install xorg gnome-core gnome-system-tools gnome-app-install on a  ubuntu 14.04.2 server. This is a VM image on an ESX5.5 host. gdm starts but after login it's a blank screen. could  anyone point me in the right direction?11:33
k1lhi-tower: for 15.04 questions better ask in #ubuntu+111:33
hi-towerk1l: ok. how much would it be on 14.10?11:34
k1lhi-tower: i dont know about the kde stuff. even though the new kde5 stuff is different on the +1. in general you are fine with about 15GB. some minimalistic will work with 7gb11:35
hi-towerk1l: ok, i see. But most of the stuff is in /usr anyway11:35
hi-towerand my /usr is on a separate partition, not affected by the space problem11:36
philm88techgrin: I've installed gstreamer1.0-libav, which is apparently what newer versions (>30) require instead of gstreamer0.1-ffmpeg - but still no h264 support11:36
techgrinphilm88: A kiosk sounds more like a desktop than a server though. Anyway, if I can help I will help. Does firefox show some sort of error when viewing h264 vids?11:37
philm88techgrin: Thanks. It just greys out the video block with "No video with supported format and MIME type found"11:38
techgrinphilm88: what version of ubuntu are you using?11:39
philm88techgrin: 14.0411:39
hi-towerphilm88: What does firefox show at Menu -> Tools -> addons -> plugins tab?11:39
techgrinphilm88: 32 or 64 bit?11:39
techgrinphilm88: k im seeing if I can get it to work11:41
philm88thanks. Out of the box 14.04 desktop x64 does, so I presume I'm just missing a package or two11:42
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jermaineIs there a way to convert an .so file to a new name?11:44
ccatis this bad:  renamed libexif.so.12.x.x to just libexif.so11:44
hi-towerccat: mv oldname newname ?11:45
ccathi-tower: no, no, meaning, is it valid?.  are they the same file type?11:46
emashhello everyone! i created usb stick in uefi mode11:47
emashaaand it's not loading11:47
colbyfanyone know what this means>>This is caused by Ubuntu's QA being a bit broken and only allowing some frameworks 5.9 packages into the archive.  If you manually add vivid-proposed and upgrade it will install the rest and this bug goes away.  So this is an incompatibility between versions of kf5.11:48
emashi used virtualbox to install ubuntu (checked 'use efi') to a virtual drive, then converted it to raw and written to usb. My pc sees uefi entry, but loads windows instead11:48
[n0mad]jermaine and ccat, from what i've read online you definitely should't just rename shared libraries11:49
[n0mad]if you do you will have to recompile applications that use those libraries11:49
[n0mad]doesn't sound like a fun day11:49
hi-towerccat: normally library-version.so.3 is a link to library-version.so.detailed-version11:50
chotaz`wopinions on plank vs docky anyone?11:50
ccat[n0mad]: even just for temp purposes to see if it makes app B work even if it temp disrupts app A?11:50
hi-towerccat: so when you upgrade to a new sub-version, the link is updated so the programs can always find the lib still under the same name11:51
hi-towerccat: my experience is that renaming libraries manually is asking for trouble11:51
hi-towerccat: if you have a program that requires a specific lib version, that you cannot get (in parallel), then the next best option is to 1) compile from source against the available lib on your system11:52
hi-towerccat: or 2) ask the package maintainers for support11:52
foofoobarHi. How can I update my certificates? When running things like wget on https pages I always get errors like this: http://hastebin.com/dubimujotu.vhdl11:52
jermaineThe issue from chrome, I get a "Couldn't load libexif."11:52
jermainewhich we assumes was libexif.so so I initially renamed it libexif.so and copied it into /opt/google/chrome11:53
jermainebut the libexif missing package error still persists11:54
[n0mad]have you tried sudo apt-get install libexif12 libexif-dev11:55
jermainelibexif12 I have, but let me give libexif-dev a try11:56
jermaineargh, no go12:01
jermainegoogle-chrome-stable still returns a missing libexif12:01
Ben64jermaine: what are you trying to do12:02
ubottukiller1234: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:02
[n0mad]maybe it's related to a plugin or extension12:02
jermaineHey Ben64, I'm simply trying to install chrome12:02
Ben64jermaine: add the ppa, install chrome12:03
[n0mad]oh, install, bah lol..going to get 2nd cup of coffee stat12:03
jermaineI've installed chrome from the official .deb12:03
khawarjaermaine try running apt-get upgrade first12:03
jermaineI already installed it, but when I try to run it, nothing shows up. Running google-chrome-stable in terminal leads to a "missing libexif"12:04
jermaineI have khawar :/12:04
Ben64jermaine: do you have the ppa on your system12:04
jermaineNo, let me add that just to be sure12:05
Ben64maybe you installed the wrong deb12:05
jermaineI tried both the 32 and 64 bit12:06
jermainefrom their official site, I will now try the PPA12:06
Ben64remove all the deb stuff first12:06
jermainejust did12:07
sheerare noob questions allowed here?12:09
Ben64all ubuntu support questions are allowed here12:09
jermaineThanks Ben64 and others12:10
jermaineYou guys the real MVPs12:10
jermaineNo more random deb files, I'll make sure do it the PPA way12:10
sheermy computer has windows installed over the entire hard-drive. how would i go about installing ubuntu?12:10
Ben64sheer: the installer should give you an option to resize the windows install and free space for ubuntu12:11
philinuxsheer;~ first this is to defrag and clean up windows and use windows to shrink it's partition to make room on the drive12:11
sheeroh, the installer will do that for me?? too good.12:12
Ben64sheer: in most cases, yes. there are sometimes when its not so easy12:12
philinuxsheer;~ and backup any important stuff first12:13
sheeralright, thanks12:13
=== Luy1n is now known as Luyin
dckapis anyone around12:19
dckapi need a help12:19
TheNumb!patience | dckap12:19
ubottudckap: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:19
TheNumb!question | dckap12:20
ubottudckap: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:20
[n0mad]if i want to increase the size of my ubuntu partition, say from 50GB to 100GB, is it basically correct to use gparted to shrink windows partition size, reboot to windows to make sure it's ok, then use gparted to increase ubuntu partition size?12:20
dckapi am not able to connect my irc client ip12:20
puffiI installed gnome using the following apt-get install xorg gnome-core gnome-system-tools gnome-app-install on a  ubuntu 14.04.2 server. This is a VM image on an ESX5.5 host. gdm starts but after login it's a blank screen. could  anyone point me in the right direction?12:20
dckapwhen i ping in terminal there is no reply12:20
EightynineI have no sound in Lubuntu though I changed output from integrated sound card to HDMI. How to fix that?12:23
techgrinphilm88: so how did you get a graphic environment from which to run firefox?12:25
bazhangEightynine, check pcm in alsamixer, whats it set to12:25
EightynineIt dropped back to integrated sound card.12:25
philm88techgrin: I have an init script that starts matchbox-window-manager and starts firefox12:25
bazhangEightynine, check pcm in alsa mixer whats it set to12:26
philm88techgrin: Essentially, I followed this tutorial, but used matchbox instead of openbox & used firefox instead of chrome: http://thepcspy.com/read/building-a-kiosk-computer-ubuntu-1404-chrome/12:26
bazhangEightynine, have you checked it yet12:27
EightynineHDMI 0, HDMI 0, playback 112:27
bazhangEightynine, did you check what I asked or not12:28
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bazhangwhats the setting then Eightynine12:28
EightynineHDMI 0, HDMI 0, playback 112:28
bazhangEightynine, thats not a valid setting for pcm in alsamixer12:29
EightynineAnd how to fix that?12:29
bazhangopen a terminal Eightynine12:29
EightynineAnd what next?12:29
bazhangEightynine, type alsamixer12:29
bazhangEightynine, check pcm12:30
EightynineAgain it shows integrated sound card.12:30
bazhangEightynine, check the setting for PCM12:30
Eightynine00-00: ALC662 rev1 Analog : ALC662 rev1 Analog : playback 1 : capture 1│   │12:31
Eightynine│  │00-02: ALC662 rev1 Alt Analog : ALC662 rev1 Alt Analog : capture 1     │   │12:31
Eightynine│  │01-03: HDMI 0 : HDMI 0 : playback 112:31
bazhangEightynine, PCM goes from zero to 10012:31
EightynineWhat if i set it to 50-60 for example?12:32
bazhangEightynine, try 80, install pavucontrol and padevchooser as well12:35
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EightynineWhy PulseAudio is not installed by default?12:42
grogoreoWhen I upgrade 14.10 from the stock ISO packages I can no longer login. .xsession-errors says xrdb: Resource temporarily unavailable xrdb: Can't open display ':0' No protocol specified. But logging in as guest works. Any ideas?12:43
XTpeepshi~  guys....anyone knows how to install glibc-static glibc-utils in ubuntu.....12:44
bazhang!info glibc-utils12:44
ubottuPackage glibc-utils does not exist in utopic12:44
=== Dio is now known as Guest73687
XTpeepsin fact,i wanna know how to install hping in my ubuntu smoothly.....:(12:48
bazhang!find hping12:48
ubottuFound: hping312:48
bazhang^ XTpeeps12:48
bazhang!info hping3 | XTpeeps12:49
ubottuXTpeeps: hping3 (source: hping3): Active Network Smashing Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.a2.ds2-6.1 (utopic), package size 107 kB, installed size 251 kB12:49
XTpeepsoh..may be it will take me some time to find out...12:51
EriC^XTpeeps: type sudo apt-get install hping312:51
BluesKajHiyas all12:52
XTpeepsEric^:正在设置 glibc (2.12-2) ...12:53
XTpeepschown: 无效的用户: "mockbuild:mockbuild"12:53
XTpeepschown: 无效的用户: "mockbuild:mockbuild"12:53
XTpeepschown: 无效的用户: "mockbuild:mockbuild"12:53
XTpeepschown: 无效的用户: "mockbuild:mockbuild"12:53
XTpeepschown: 无效的用户: "mockbuild:mockbuild"12:53
teaearlgraycoldCan anyone tell me what's wrong with this awk?  awk -F / -f temp '{print $NF;}'12:55
teaearlgraycoldError: awk: cannot open {print $NF;} (No such file or directory)12:55
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ArcherGodsonteaearlgraycold, what do you want to do?13:03
teaearlgraycoldArcherGodson, actually I figured it out, was telling it to read code from a file, not data13:04
teaearlgraycoldAll good now13:04
XTpeepsEric^:ThX,now i know that hping3(ubuntu) the same use hping(13:06
=== iri is now known as Guest13406
Guest13406q hay13:12
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CR7hola hay alguien13:15
sgo11hi, I met a problem when using qmake to compile a program. This is the error message: http://hastebin.com/raw/ecijawuwah It seems the program installation script got some usage syntax problems. that is the actual installation script: https://github.com/pgmodeler/pgmodeler/blob/develop/linuxdeploy.sh thanks13:16
gabito92ola diego13:21
k1l!es | gabito92 CR713:21
ubottugabito92 CR7: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:21
gabito92de puta madre13:22
cyberbraihi i am using ubuntu 14.04lts but unable to install the adb tools for android13:22
cyberbraiif someone know about this then plz help me13:22
cyberbraiany help13:23
cfhowlett!patience | cyber13:24
ubottucyber: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:24
k1lcyberbrai: what command? what error?13:24
cyberbraik1l  luusb im not seen my number in terminal13:25
k1lcyberbrai: you said you cant install adb tools. so what is the real issue?13:25
techgrinphilm88: ok I'm at where you're at now. In my environment, firefox won't display h264 video :P Now the fun part, making it display the vid13:25
cyberbraik1l  is there any blog where i see the steps how can i install adb  step by step13:25
philm88techgrin: hehe thanks for spending so much time trying to help (: I still havent had any luck with it13:26
k1lcyberbrai: "sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot"13:26
cyberbraiok then13:27
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cyberbraiplease give me the right link for this13:27
cyberbraii think it's time consuming13:27
k1lcyberbrai: i just gave you the command to install the adb and fastboot tools on ubuntu 14.04. so what is the issue?13:27
nomicadb is just installed - one package13:28
cfhowlettcyberbrai, he gave you the command.  run the command.  done.13:28
k1l!in | cyberbrai maybe the people can help there in your native language13:29
ubottucyberbrai maybe the people can help there in your native language: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India13:29
XTpeepsis there ubuntu-cn?13:31
cfhowlett!cn | XTpeeps13:31
ubottuXTpeeps: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:31
cyberbraisorry  k1l actually i think that i waste your time that's a reason  just one question with the help of adb tool i can see my android mobile screen in my desktop13:33
k1lcyberbrai: no. i dont know of screen sharing with adb.13:33
k1lcyberbrai: better ask the #android guys what to use for screen sharing13:35
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beakusHello, anyone out there?13:40
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cfhowlett!ask | beakus13:41
ubottubeakus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:41
beakuscfhowlett, Calm down, I want to make sure there is someone able to respond13:42
cyberbraiactually after using the luusb i am not able to see my device in terminal13:42
cyberbraiwhy any one plz13:42
cfhowlettbeakus, 1.  I'm always  calm.  2.  there's always someone in this channel.13:42
beakusI did an install and my root is getting swallowed13:42
beakusI have 20G for root and am almost out of space13:42
beakusThis has happened with other distros as well, wherein something is running amok and consumiong the root space13:43
k1lbeakus: what gives you "df -h"?13:43
beakusI should have PLENTY of space13:43
jpds_beakus: Check that the log files aren't being filled up with stuff?13:43
beakusjpds_, How would I delete the log files?13:43
jpds_beakus: No.13:43
jpds_beakus: Check that they're not being filled up.13:44
jpds_beakus: Deleting them isn't going to fix the root problem.13:44
k1lbeakus: and put a "ls -alh /var/log" into the pastebin too13:44
beakusYeah, probably the log files are going fritzy13:45
beakusMy solution is generally to switch distros13:45
jpds_beakus: My solution is generally to fix the problem.13:45
beakusI encountered this issue initially on Slackware, and now it seems to be happening in 'buntu13:45
k1lbeakus: lets work this yout instead of blindly reinstalling13:45
k1lbeakus: but you need to give requested informations to get help.13:46
patrick2hello, i have major problems with my server. in the past it runned ubuntu server 12.10 now 14.04 and upgrading to 14.10. the package manager is messed up, some people tried to help me but i think they messed up my kernel and deleted grub, not possible to install grub anymore so im afraid to reboot. apt-get only gives errors on everything i try. please help13:47
jpds_patrick2: Why are you upgrading your server to non-LTS releases?13:48
jpds_patrick2: And pastebin the errors.13:48
patrick2jpds i was having trouble with the current version of samba and hoped the new version would work better.13:48
beakus"Error when getting information for file '/var/log/mail.log': No such file or directory"13:49
jpds_patrick2: In that case, it's generally better to fire up a VM and try the newer version there, rather than hoping. :)13:49
k1lbeakus: what command used?13:49
k1l!paste | beakus13:50
ubottubeakus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:50
jpds_patrick2: Do: sudo apt-get install -f ?13:50
patrick2jpds your right.13:50
patrick2jpds sudo apt-get install -f gives error http://pastebin.com/inpwd4jy13:51
UbuntuTryerHello : I don't understand my sudo NOPASSWD configuration.13:52
beakusAhh, the log is 11gigs13:52
jpds_patrick2: Wow.13:52
jpds_patrick2: I suggest backup your data and reinstall.13:52
UbuntuTryerI was exepecting to see the configuration in /etc/sudoers but I don't see anything about NOPASSWD....13:52
beakusjpds, been there, done that13:52
UbuntuTryerIs there another file?13:52
jpds_beakus: What.13:53
beakusWhatr's a good distro to install?13:53
patrick2jpds_ complete reinstall? no possible fix?13:53
Zerkalerkaanyone running Ubuntu on any MSI gaming laptops?13:53
jpds_patrick2: Anything is possible to fix, it's just doing to take you time.13:53
k1lbeakus: dont you want to solve that issue?13:53
beakusI habvent the technical sophostication at this time13:54
patrick2jpds_ at least i would be happy if it can run for now, maybe in my holiday i cant reinstall13:54
jpds_patrick2: I would reinstall in this case.13:54
k1lbeakus: could be an easy fix. but if you are not interessted: install ubuntu (since you ask in #ubuntu)13:54
jpds_patrick2: You should have a backup of your data anyway.13:55
cem_hi guys, which is better , Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 15.04 ?13:55
jpds_beakus: Also, you seem to consistly refuse to give us the data we need to help you.13:55
k1lcem_: 15.04 is still in development13:55
patrick2jpds_ i know, but i didnt make backups of my root folder. and the only mount i have is a raid 5 array of 16TB. to much to backup. but i just unmount and remount it after reinstalling? its mdadm array so that should give no problems right?13:56
cfhowlettcem_, 14.04 is long term support.  15.04 will not be13:56
cem_so 14.04 is better13:56
cem_but i want more recent software13:56
k1lcem_: do you want to upgrade every  months?13:56
jpds_cem_: Do you NEED more recent softwarE?13:56
jpds_patrick2: Should be.13:56
cfhowlettcem_, bleeding edge is frequently bloody.  your choice.13:57
cem_i dont understand too much , what the difference about software is13:57
beakusjpds_, if you give me the command line commands, I can cut and pastebin for you13:57
jpds_beakus: 13:44:49 < k1l > beakus: and put a "ls -alh /var/log" into the pastebin too13:57
cfhowlettcem_, then you probably don't need the newest software  :)13:57
jpds_cem_: Then go with 14.04.13:57
patrick2jpds_ okay, do you know a way that atleast it has grub again. so that if it reboots because of power problems it wont give trouble.. then next month i'l reinstall it13:57
k1lcem_: start with 14.04 if you dont know the difference then.13:58
cem_okey then thank you13:58
beakusjpds_, http://pastebin.com/1HdcXxk613:59
cem_i have one more question13:59
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cem_14.10 vs 14.04 ?13:59
jpds_cem_: Just stick with 14.04.13:59
cfhowlettcem_, again: 14.04 is LTS.  14.10 is not14:00
jpds_beakus: tail -f /var/log/kern.log /var/log/syslog14:00
beakusjpds_, http://pastebin.com/BgCKpBYq14:01
k1lbeakus: what gives you "uname -a" and "lsb_release -d"?14:01
cyberbraiAs you say i can done installing14:01
jpds_beakus: Ah, hardware problem.14:01
cyberbraiK1l now what can i do for installing adb14:01
k1lcyberbrai: i already answered that.14:02
k1l<k1l> cyberbrai: "sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot"14:02
cem_sometimes , one program freezes and i cant find it with top | grep "name" , it doesnt appear however i know the name , why ?14:02
cyberbraik1l it's done14:02
beakusjpds_, Compatability issues?14:03
jpds_beakus: Now you have some error messages to Google around with.14:03
k1lcyberbrai: then its installed14:03
beakusjpds_, Or is my hardware borked?14:03
cyberbraik1l  installtion is complete14:03
jpds_beakus: But it seems to be something on a USB port.14:03
chotaz`wcyberbrai, you'll have to clearly state your doubt if you want further help, you asked for install instructions and they were provided to you14:04
=== julian is now known as Guest13712
chotaz`wk1l, sorry for the hop-in.14:04
beakusI have a mouse and keyboard attached14:04
cem_sometimes , one program freezes and i cant find it with top | grep "name" , it doesnt appear however i know the name , why ?14:04
cyberbraik1l now how can i install the qtadb14:04
cyberbraichotaz`w i want to share the screen of my android phone to desktop14:05
cfhowlettcyberbrai, did you ask #android what software you should use?14:05
cyberbraiplz help on it14:06
cfhowlettcyberbrai, #android has the experts.  ask them.14:06
k1lcyberbrai: i dont think that works with adb. please ask in #android what works with your mobile device.14:06
linbash -c "command 'whatever' 'i want more of these' 'but they dont work'"14:09
beakusjpds_, anyway to mitigate the issue?14:09
linhow do i get that command to work?14:09
lini want to have many layers of ''14:09
lini tried \' \'14:09
linbut it does not work14:09
Picilin: #bash would be the best place to ask this14:11
MaimsterMorning all.14:13
techgrinphilm88: no problem. I get bored sometimes and this is time well spent, I think. Helping out + learning stuff. No luck so far.14:14
splitwiretechgrin - I learn a lot just be glancing around in this channel; its a great place to hang out14:15
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techgrinsplitwire: indeed. I added this channel to my auto connect list, love the ubuntu community14:18
techgrinphilm88: installing a mystery package... crossing fingers14:18
pawshello, how can i change the default ftp for Linux-ftpd-0.17 ?14:20
splitwirepaws are you wanting to change to a different version?14:20
pawssplitwire: ugh sorry, i meant, how do i change the default Port14:21
CptRageToasterprobably wrong place.  I'd like to know which /dev/pts screen opened up on... is there a clean way to ask screen for this information?14:21
CptRageToasterif someone knows where I should ask, that'd be great14:22
Maimsterpaws: Are you wanting to change the port to the connecting ftp site?14:23
zykotick9CptRageToaster: does "w" show you?14:23
Maimsterpaws: Maybe you mean changing to port on your own ftp server?14:23
pawsyea i want to change the default port ftpd port for my own ftp server14:24
Maimsterpaws: Which ftp server are you running?14:24
zykotick9IMO ftp & ports are a nightmare...  ftpmustdie http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie14:24
sailendrahello there14:25
sailendrahow do i increase the battery life in ubuntu14:25
pawsMaimster: i dont know how to find out but when i connect to my ftp server it says "220 ubuntu FTP server (Version 6.4/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.17) ready."14:25
splitwireis that vsftpd?14:25
Maimsterpaws: Ah, okay you did say the default.14:25
pmcgowanbfiller, do you know whether we have verified mms support in various places in europe14:25
pmcgowanwrong channel14:26
Maimstersplitwire: Probably one of the /etc configs.. checking.14:26
splitwireMaimster - I agree, I'm looking for paws right now14:27
splitwireI use that on CentOS but the file paths will be different14:27
splitwirepaws - nano /etc/vsftpd.conf14:27
Maimstersplitwire: Your right.14:27
pawsi looked up "locate ftpd.conf" and nothing came back14:27
pawsin /etc/ there is only ftpchroot  ftpusers14:28
jarnosIs it possible to choose in grub to boot a release using e.g.  -generic kernel or  -lowlatency kernel? Or do you have to make different installation for each selection?14:28
splitwirepaws, what version of Ubuntu are you running14:28
pawssplitwire: 14.04.214:29
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splitwirepaws, hmmmm did you install vsftpd with the software center or with apt-get?14:30
Maimsterpaws: Your able to logon with your users right?14:31
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Maimstersplitwire: In 14.04 LTS Do you have to install an ftp server to get the services?14:34
splitwireMaimster, I think so14:34
TomAstrohi folks,  just did a fresh install of 14.04,  I'm having an issue with { Software & Updates },  When I click on it; it does not run.  Do I reinstall again or is there a fix?  Thanks14:34
Maimstersplitwire: I rarely ftp into my own box as I have an small in house server here. I'm pretty sure he will have to install vsftpd or something like that.14:34
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mcphailjarnos: you can select the kernel from grub14:35
splitwireThat is what I was thinking Maimster, I think vsftpd just isn't there yet14:35
lasdamhow is grub generated with the command update-grub? I have apt-get removed selinux, but grub is still insisting on loading with selinux=1, and when I manually edit grub to selinux=0 or remove the line, next update-grub and it's overwritten to selinux=1 again, and this line seem to still cause a few problems with my system14:35
splitwirepaws, can you install it with apt-get install vsftpd14:35
mcphaillasdam: edit /etc/default/grub14:35
mcphaillasdam: then update-grub again14:36
Maimstersplitwire: That's why I was asking was he currently logging into his box via ftp now. I think the older versions used inet.d or something.14:36
splitwireMaimster, I know linux you can start up a quick and dirty web server and share stuff like that14:36
zykotic10CptRageToaster: fyi, there is a #screen channel14:36
jarnosmcphail, yes, but can you install many types of kernels in same system?14:36
splitwireMaimster, I think you are spot on14:36
mcphailjarnos: of course :)14:36
lasdammcphail: ah, thanks!14:36
mcphaillasdam: np :)14:36
Maimstersplitwire: Pretty sure Ubuntu stopped that. Now you have to use vftpd as it's so easy and secure.14:37
jarnosmcphail, does it make sense. Can e.g. ubuntu studio boot by -generic kernel?14:37
Maimstersplitwire: I only had like 1 cup of coffee, running slower now. :o)14:37
mcphailjarnos: if you want14:37
splitwireMaimster, really they stopped that, bummer. I just use my dedicated server for all that now so I don't keep up14:37
mcphailjarnos: you may get audio stutters, however14:37
Maimstersplitwire: Exactly!14:38
splitwireMaimster, lol!  I'm on my second Monster I should be more on my game14:38
jarnosmcphail, oh, I was just developing a script to remove extra kernels, so I can not assume all installed kernels are of same type.14:38
Maimstersplitwire: Funny is we do what we know. Masters or our own little worlds.14:38
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mcphailjarnos: apt-fet autoremove will remove old kernels automatically14:39
jarnosmcphail, no?14:39
Maimstersplitwire: Have you tried plex on ubuntu? Runs really well with old hardware too.14:39
splitwireMaimster - very very true.  It is great to master things but bad because it is easy to become comfortable and stop learning new things14:39
Maimstersplitwire: That's why I stop in here.14:40
TomAstroAnyone?  { Software & Updates } does not run in fresh install 14.04,  Thanks14:40
mcphailjarnos: I don't think you can assume any such thing. A user may have installed different kernels from the repositories, installed some from Mainline or rolled-their-own from kernel.org. All can coexist14:40
mcphailjarnos: my system is like that...14:41
jarnosmcphail, oh14:41
splitwireMaimster: I have not tried plex in awhile.  I used to love it and had my whole family setup so they could access my library but I got busy, stopped maintaining it and then decided I wanted to learn some CentOS stuff14:41
MaimsterTomAstro: Your updates, do they run from the terminal?14:41
TomAstroWhen things are running I do, but from a fresh install I usually use the software updater.14:42
Maimstersplitwire: A lot of companies prefer CentOS. RMS uses it for their pharmacy software.14:42
TomAstroI'm trying to get at the video drivers14:42
MaimsterTomAstro: Video drivers? nVidia card by any chance?14:43
splitwireMaimster: I work in a place were I get to do some server stuff and web development so I thought it was good to get some better exposure.  That is the direction I want to go with my formal education so whats better than having it in your own house14:43
OerHeksTomAstro, what gives terminal when you run: software-properties-gtk #this is the name of softwarecenter14:43
TomAstroMaimster: This is the first time I have ever encountered this issue.  Yes on Nvidia.  It is running in nouveau at the moment.14:43
splitwireMaimster: I'm at work now, SSH into my server - that is how I'm able to be on here :)14:43
Maimstersplitwire: Hee,hee.. good man. I just got turned on to sdf.org Free shell accounts. I use Xubuntu myself throught the house.14:44
TomAstroLet me pastebin the error that I get14:45
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splitwireMaimster: I'll have to look into that.  I've got lubuntu on my main latop at home and Raspian on a few RPi14:45
Maimstersplitwire: Actually sounds sweet. I used to run ubuntu, however so fat and bloated now.14:46
Maimstersplitwire: Also Steam runs miles better on Xubuntu IMO.14:47
splitwireMaimster: really!  I need something to run better on my older laptop, Kerbal Space Program is getting a little slow on lubuntu14:48
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TomAstroOerHeks:  Here is the Pastebin link.  http://pastebin.com/MMZPxZbQ14:49
OerHeksTomAstro, oke, try to run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:49
TomAstroOerHeks: I already been there, but I'll run that again just in case. brb14:51
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Maimstersplitwire: Try it, (Xubuntu). Only issue I found which I didn't like is ubuntu starting X with nolisten. booo14:52
TomAstroOerHeks: while that is running, I could not access the resources without manually updating Sources.list, so it will only get what is there from a fresh list.14:52
TomAstroOerHeks:  I haven't touched the Sources.list yet.  I usually tweak that later after things are running smoothly.14:54
ment0sHi guys, So to get ubuntu touch apps on ubuntu desktop I just have to pull it from repository on desktop without modifications right ? Is there a list of those apps ?14:55
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TomAstrothere is a bug report filed at the time I tried to access the Software & Updates.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx11/+bug/144448814:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1444488 in libx11 (Ubuntu) "package libx11-6 2:1.6.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: cannot copy extracted data for './usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0' to '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6.3.0.dpkg-new': unexpected end of file or stream" [Undecided,New]14:56
OerHeksment0s, there is one app available AFAIK, the standard browser named 'browser', maybe you want to join #ubuntu-touch too.14:56
mcphailment0s: you need to install extra dependencies to run most apps. No idea if you can pull the apps direct from the repositories: I usually build them in the Ubuntu SDK14:56
wedgeVgetting this when trying to install php5-fpm on 14.04: php5-fpm : Depends: php5-common (= 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.7) but 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.8 is to be installed14:57
ment0smcphail: , OerHeks is there an open repo for those to install manually without SDK ?14:58
wedgeV(after running apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y)14:58
mcphailment0s: I can recommend the dekko email client: it makes a good desktop client and is much faster than thunderbird14:58
OerHeksTomAstro, ugh, sounds like a bad one, please confirm that bug, soit gets attention14:58
OerHeksTomAstro, you could also help by running this debug command and paste the output to your bugreport too > software-center --debug14:59
TomAstroOerHeks:  I'll post another pastebin again.  Looks as there are more errors in the process of the upgrade14:59
HoloIRCUserHey i got one quest with my ubuntu14:59
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TomAstroOerHeks:  brb  Going to post this upgrade errors in the bin15:00
ioriawedgeV, do you have PPA15:00
wedgeVno, but i guess it’s the “proposed" repo causing the issue15:00
OerHekswedgeV, did you run update/upgrade first, before doing any install ?15:00
ment0smcphail: Its looking brilliant. I'm trying few options with docker to run selective gui apps like chrome and ubuntu touch apps on jessie. Ill give it a try (dekko) its looking brilliant.15:00
mcphailment0s: nice15:01
TomAstroOerHeks:  Its a long pastebin, minus the apt-get update.  Just the Upgrade.  http://pastebin.com/8mytPhuQ15:04
ment0smcphail: how do I get it wihtout those scopes. Ehh ubuntu, please run it on ftp or something accesible15:06
OerHeksTomAstro, what happens when you run line #787  gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders > /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache15:07
techgrinphilm88: well my best efforts have come up empty. I tried installing vlc and ubuntu-restricted-extras. I'll try some more things later but for now I'm hittin the hay15:07
TomAstroOerHeks:  Let me check  brb15:07
philm88techgrin: Ok, thanks for all your help anyway15:07
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baumwhy isn't /opt included in the $PATH variable by default?15:08
TomAstroOerHeks:  I still have Prepairing and Unpacking operation running yet.  As soon as that is finished I'll try that15:09
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zykotick9baum: probably, because it wouldn't make much sense to...15:12
TomAstroOerHeks:  Now this is interesting,  Very Interesting.....   Unpacking ubuntu-docs (14.04.5) over (13.10.2)   Now why is that?  Very strange.  I downloaded the 14.04 64 bit package and installed from USB  and apparently it has 13.10 packages.15:13
OerHeksTomAstro, is this an upgrade from 13.10 ??15:14
baumzykotick9: why not? i though it's the place of choice to install software like eclipse?15:14
TomAstroOerHeks: nope  clean drive fresh install15:14
OerHeksTomAstro, i noticed that 13,10 screen during install in that bugreport too15:14
TomAstroThis looks like it is doing an upgrade15:14
krambiorixhi, in my /var/log/apache/error.log i get all weird stuff like : http://pastebin.com/2bF6F8nD    I think my joomla instances got hacked. How can i stop this asap?15:15
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zykotick9baum: oh, i'm a person who uses /opt but i don't have executables directly in /opt they're in /opt/subdirs/  but by default, it doesn't make sense.  Add it to your path if you want, or do as i do, and just create links in ~/bin15:15
TomAstroOerHeks: I wonder if at the time I download 14.04 trusty someone was working on the package and posted 13.10 under the 14.04.   I did an LS -a to get the version and it did say 14.04.  Thats real odd15:16
TomAstrols -a......15:17
baumzykotick9: i see. Well, what's the standart-way to do it? path, ~bin, or something else? (i don't want to develop bad habbits)15:17
zykotick9baum: when dealing with out of repo/unsupported software, i'm not sure there is a "standard" way...15:17
TomAstroOerHerks:  I'm going to the back room to my main system and re-download the 14.04 and reinstall it on the USB drive.15:18
TomAstroYep  this is doing a full upgrade here.15:18
krambiorixanyone else?15:19
baumzykotick9: i see, thanks15:23
baumzykotick9: but you create the links in ~/bin - not /bin right? may i ask why?15:24
zykotick9baum: i _attempt_ to impact system folders as little as possible... for _me_ this includes /usr/ and everything under it, including /usr/local... but that's just my preference.15:26
OerHekstubejockey, fix your connection please15:26
zykotick9baum: fyi, ~/bin is in your default PATH, if you create it, then log out and back in.15:26
philm88Hey all. Anybody know how to get h264 html5 video working in firefox on 14.04 server edition? Works out the box on desktop, not sure what packages i'm missing on server15:27
geniiHm, server with DE and FF15:28
baumzykotick9: ah well, i was just wondering since /opt/ is globally acessible, however ~/bin/ isn't.15:28
baumzykotick9: but i get the idea - thanks15:29
zykotick9baum: if you have multiple users, perhaps $PATH would be better?  i only have one, so for me, ~/bin is easy... but YMMV15:29
Tekkkzim a growing up developer15:30
Tekkkzand i want to make a game, after i tryed sfml, which is only a lib, i want to use an engine for a 3d game15:30
Tekkkzubuntu is based on unity, but unity game engine is windows only, so what is good for use at ubuntu for a 3d game?15:31
baumTekkkz: unity != unity game engine15:31
Tekkkzhm ok sorry15:31
baumzykotick9: i see, thanks :)15:31
ioriaTekkkz  take a look to  openGL15:31
Tekkkzbut opengl is difficult, isnt it, i had a little look some years ago15:32
ioriayep... a bit15:32
pgunnarsCan some1 explain to me whats going on here. There is a mismatch in the file count between different sources (archive manager and folder properties show 1647 items, ctrl+a inside the folder shows 1645 items.) I've located an item which doesn't show up in the folder when browsing however if you search for it then it shows up.15:32
somsipTekkkz: this is offtopic here, so this is all the help you get from me http://alternativeto.net/software/unity/15:32
OerHeksTekkkz, lots of game engines > http://askubuntu.com/questions/34200/what-2d-3d-engines-and-game-sdks-are-available15:32
Picipgunnars: Are you including the .. and . entries?15:33
pgunnarsPici: thats what I assumed the problem was at first, but how would you explain the missing file when browsing showing up when searching?15:33
Picipgunnars: how are you searching for it?15:34
pgunnarseither ranking the items by name or size15:34
pgunnarsnot thro cmd15:34
pgunnarseverything looks normal through command line15:34
flipapyis there a command for downloading allthe community backrounds from 2010 - present at over 1960x1080 res??15:35
Picipgunnars: hmm.  I'm not sure then.  I'm actually not much of a gui person myself.15:35
pgunnarswouldnt be bothering with this bizarre situation if it hadnt seemingly affected a day long run15:35
flipapybasically, get a zip file and extract it to pictures?15:35
livepiti made a service and placed it in /etc/init.d/tac_plus. i'm trying to get it to start at start up. i ran "service --status-all" and it shows a - next to it. i then ran sudo update-rc.d tac_plus defaults which seems to have taken the comand but it still has a - and doesn't start up. it does work when i do "service tac_plus start". what am i doing wrong?15:36
geniilivepit: Instead of manually adding stuff to /etc/init.d use the update-rc.d command instead15:37
[n0mad]flipapy, http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/download-all-ubuntu-community.html15:37
pgunnarsPici: and it's not . and .. that are affecting it, this isnt the case with other folders15:38
livepitgenii: i think that's what i did, didn't i?15:38
pgunnarsfolder properties and ctrl+a inside folder show the same amount15:38
flipapythanks n0fuq15:39
flipapysorry n0fuq15:39
flipapyn0mad left, thanks n0mad15:39
[n0mad]sure no problem15:39
livepitgenii: the only thing i did in /etc/init.d was place my startup script. i added it via update-rd.d15:40
geniilivepit: The update-rc.d will automatically add any entries into /etc/init.d that are needed. You should not add manually there.15:40
flipapyoh hey i diddnt see th [n0mad] hey, will taht install all the wallpapers to my desktop backrounds or to my pictures folder ?15:40
[n0mad]that will put them to desktop backgrounds i'm pretty sure15:41
livepitgenii: hmm, ok let me try a different way15:41
flipapycool [n0mad] but do you know how i can send them directly to either downloads folder or pictures folder?15:41
[n0mad]flipapy, there's a link at the end of the article to a gz file15:42
[n0mad]that should let you do that15:42
flipapycool, ill check thanks again15:42
flipapyright i got it, for non ubuntu users, i'll do both, trying soething out here.15:43
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=== DarkDevil is now known as darkdevil
SynchronNokia N900 is here15:47
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ninjaiSo I have some open source web software running and I changed my IP to static after setting it up.  Every time I click the login button, it tries to forward me to the incorrect, old, DHCP address.  Is this a problem with the software or ubuntu config?15:55
flipapyim having trouble making a linux usb live drive. brasero doesnt sem to be making the drive, its only offering a cd option15:56
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OerHeksninjai, sounds like an setup problem, not an ubuntu bug or something, rerun the setup, or look in the manual of that"some open source websoftware" howto change the network config15:57
SchrodingersScatflipapy: try unetbootin or dd15:57
SchrodingersScat!livesub | flipapy15:58
ninjaiI figured OerHeks, thanks.15:58
alvarohola a todos16:00
alvaroDios les bendiga desde Colombia16:00
alvaroalguien habla español16:00
flipapythak you startup disk creator worked16:00
flipapywell is in process of working16:00
emashhow do i write img.xz file to usb with mkusb?16:00
SynchronXUbuntu 14.04 on Nokia N900 here16:01
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
ninjaiwhen I do: cat * | grep 192* it highlights 19.  Everything is 19.  No 192.  Why is this?16:03
isifreekninjai: * means "0 or more"16:03
PiciSynchron: okay?16:03
isifreekninjai: you may want + whihc means "one or more"16:03
ki7mtemash, One way, but not using mkusb ; xzcat my-cool-img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdx bs=64k   .. where /dev/sdx is the USB device.16:04
isifreekninjai: that would match 192 and 1922216:04
ninjaino that didn't do what I expected16:04
ninjaiI was searching for 19216:04
ninjaiit showed me 1916:04
SynchronPici: Everything s ok16:04
alvaroalguien habla español16:04
Pici!es | alvaro16:04
ubottualvaro: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:04
ninjaiif I try same thing with "TEST*" then TEST_ASD shows up, for example16:04
alvarook gracias16:05
ninjaiisifreek: http://puu.sh/heVhN/90a55bcf0e.png16:05
isifreekninjai: `grep -r '192+' .`16:06
isifreekno need for cat16:06
ki7mtemash, And here's a presentation updated in JAN-2015: http://phillw.net/isos/linux-tools/mkusb/mkUSB-quick-start-manual.pdf16:08
SynchronHow to install Hydra in Wheezy?16:08
emashactually mkusb just crashed my machine i will try xzcat16:09
PiciSynchron: Try asking #debian, not #ubuntu16:10
ki7mtSynchron, I don't think Hydra is in Wheezy,  you'd have to enable Jessie repos, but That is OT here, you should ask in OFTC #debian16:11
SynchronIs there anyone know how to make a key on keyboard work as a mouse right button?16:14
EriC^Synchron: xmodmap16:14
SynchronHow to set it?16:14
EriC^Synchron: which key16:15
Synchronkeycode 15216:15
SynchronKeycode 152 is a lockscreen key on Nokia N90016:17
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=== andrew is now known as asvetlov
EriC^Synchron: seems the button is called button 1xevxmodmap -e "keycode 152="16:19
EriC^Synchron: it seems the button is called button 3, but i dont think it would work16:20
EriC^xmodmap -e "keycode 152=button 3"16:20
EriC^you can try that but i dont think so16:20
Synchronubuntu@Ubuntu-N900:~$ xmodmap -e "keycode 152=button 3"16:22
Synchronxmodmap:  commandline:1:  bad keysym name 'button' in keysym list16:22
Synchronxmodmap:  1 error encountered, aborting.16:22
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EriC^Synchron: ^16:24
SynchronOk,I will have a look16:25
Sramelyor3301Hey guys I have a problem. I want to dual boot windows and ubuntu. I already have ubuntu on the system now how do I go about installing windows. Most of the websites show by starting off with a windows OS and installing ubuntu how do I go about by installing windows after having installed ubuntu 14/1016:27
Sramelyor3301Do I have to use gparted. If so how?16:28
SchrodingersScatSramelyor3301: windows normally messes up the bootloader, so you have to go back and fix it.  Otherwise afaik it should be the same, give it space to install to, watch it do wacky things, go back and fix grub from a liveusb16:29
Sramelyor3301I am sorry I didn't get u. How do I go about doing that.16:29
Steven77normally you go visa versa16:29
Sramelyor3301Yes. But now I am stuck16:30
Steven77first windows then linux16:30
EarloSteven77, Vice versa16:30
Steven77or follow the lead form SchrodingersScat16:30
Sramelyor3301I don't seem to be able to download windows 8 iso but I have a installation media. Problem is virtualbox just doesn't accept or read my usb media hence the problem. So I decided to go with dual booting16:31
Steven77yes Earlo pardon my french ;)16:31
EriC^Sramelyor3301: try making an .iso of the installation media16:32
Sramelyor3301I did16:32
Sramelyor3301I tried16:32
Sramelyor3301but virtualbox isn't accepting that either16:32
EriC^what did you do?16:32
EarloSteven77, Sorry for grammar nazi, but visa versa sends pings me, since i have set my client to notify if someone says visa16:32
EriC^sudo dd if=/dev/sdX or sdxY ?16:32
Sramelyor3301idk which one exactly but it was something like that. It took a very long time. Made the iso from the usb. Tried booting up the virtual machine. Blank with some error message16:33
Steven77ok si Sramelyor3301 what exactly i you trying to pull ?16:34
Steven77you have a system with ubuntu on it ?16:34
jamie_teknotus: was it you that was helping me last night with the messed up upgrade16:34
Sramelyor3301yes. I have ubuntu utopic unicorn16:35
Steven77ok , so download gparted to make some space for windows16:35
Sramelyor3301I want to install windows.16:35
Sramelyor3301I have gparted16:35
Sramelyor3301But I have no clue as to how to use it16:35
Steven77then create space ( like 60GB ) for windows16:35
Sramelyor3301Last time I used it it caused grub to fail16:35
Sramelyor3301Steven77 can u instead help me in making a virtual machine16:36
Sramelyor3301I would like that rather than dual booting16:36
Steven77download and install virtualbox , download or copy a windows iso to ubuntu16:36
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Sramelyor3301I don't have a copy of windows 816:37
Steven77create a windows virtual machine with that iso16:37
Sramelyor3301i have windows 8 installation media on usb16:37
Steven77what do you have then ? a dvd ?16:37
TandyUKhey guys, im trying to create a user with a custom homedir, /data/Backups/Topclass.. I have created the folder, addd the user, chown'd the folder, but when the user ssh's in, im getting "Could not chdir to home directory /data/Backups/Topclass: Permission denied"16:37
Steven77but not an iso ?16:37
Sramelyor3301no iso16:37
TandyUKIm guessing the problem is with the permissions on the parent path16:37
hiddenanyone know how i could sync my computers time with a remote web servers time? like an apache servers16:37
Steven77where did you get the usb ?16:38
ioriaSramelyor3301, i'm sure you can find some win iso somewhere  ... :-P16:38
Sramelyor3301I am searching problem is I can't find windows 8 iso. I can find only winodws 8.1 iso16:39
Sramelyor3301I have the key only for windows 8 not 8.116:39
Steven77then take 8.116:39
Steven77it's a virtual machine ,16:39
Steven77hack the damn thing it's sandboxed16:39
Sramelyor3301I can't. 8.1 requires key but won't accept the 8 key16:39
TandyUKparent permissons: /data 777 james:users, /data/Backups 770 guests:users, /data/Backups/Topclass 775 karl:karl16:39
Sramelyor3301I am a newbie bro. Sadly I have no clue as to how I can ahck16:40
Steven77the installer asks a key during installation <?16:40
Steven77get another iso :)16:40
Steven77why the heck do you wan't windows anyway ?16:40
ioriaSramelyor3301, if I may ... why  win 8 ? 7 is quite good16:40
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EriC^Sramelyor3301: is it a windows cd16:40
Steven77nope EriC^16:40
Steven77it's a usb but not with an iso16:41
Steven77dd stuff16:41
Sramelyor3301lol. Okay btw Steven77 the only reason I want windows so badly is because I am not able to edit my pdf files. I can't edit or higlight any of the pdf files and pdf is really and important part when it comes to my college work. It keeps telling that I can't highlight but with windows I can use the latest acrobat and higlight and edit pdf files easily16:41
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jwashhi everyone, i have a screen problem where after 10 min it goes black. is there a way to permanently fix it? I'm using XFCE.16:42
Steven77install acroread then16:43
Sramelyor3301Sounds like a very stupid reason to shift but I don't know of any way for me to perform half of the edits on ubuntu with such old version of adobe acrobat16:43
Sramelyor3301I did. Adobe reader 9. No possible way to perform any actions16:43
Steven77there should be a ppa with the new version16:43
Sramelyor3301I don't seem to be able to find one16:44
Sramelyor3301I searched and found nothing. They came out with some Acrobat DC and it doesn't support linux at all16:44
Sramelyor3301Is there any other way to donwload and install the latest version of acrobat??16:45
ioriaSramelyor3301, wine maybe16:45
OerHekslibreoffice can edit pdf16:45
Steven77yes there is , learn linux , install arch and proceed :)16:45
Sramelyor3301Can it?16:46
OerHeksopen with ..16:46
Sramelyor3301I uninstalled libreofice and installed open office instead16:46
Steven77sure install Antergos and install acrobat reader 1116:46
Steven77google it16:46
OerHeksgrinn don't try openoffice16:47
Sramelyor3301why is that?16:47
Steven77install that virtual , and go from there16:47
Steven77problem solved , no need for windows16:48
Sramelyor3301i will try that tnx :) Btw 0erHeks the only reason I shifted to openoffice is because I wasn't able to get libre office to check my spellings properly16:49
Sramelyor3301sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner" <- How do I go about removing that repository??16:56
Steven77software center ?16:56
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html16:56
Steven77or just go to software center and mark/unmark ppa's16:57
OerHeksare you on precise?16:57
Sramelyor3301I know about pps purge but what do I type in the ppa:<repository-name>/subdirectory??16:57
Sramelyor3301no utopic16:57
flipapyis there a command for an oficially supported theme like radiance and ambiance that's not as unattractive as high contrast? im having touble seeing the little scroll bars for my apps and webpages16:58
OerHeksoh then unmark it and delete that entry16:58
Sramelyor3301unmark where?16:58
Sramelyor3301software centre?16:58
OerHekssoftwarecenter> edit > sources16:58
OerHeksor type sources in the dash16:58
OerHeksas that repo couldn't give any install candidates, no harm is done. so ppa-purge would do nothing more than sources menu could do.16:59
Amy_Lu_Whoi need to install java and i tried the turorial but had trouble.  please help.17:00
OerHeksAmy_Lu_Who, what tutorial? our wiki is pretty simple17:01
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:01
ChunkzZy'know the "startup disk creator in Ubuntu 14.10 - is that for Linux OS's only?17:01
Amy_Lu_Whothe one from Java17:01
Amy_Lu_Whowhere is ours?17:01
OerHeksChunkzZ, yes17:02
Sramelyor33010erHeks -> deb http://archive.canonical.com/ precise partner I hwav no clue what cource has this added. ow do I know specificlaly which one of the sources belongs to this line?17:02
ChunkzZOerHeks, okay, linux mint which is based off ubuntu has a "usb image writer" but I can't find it? is special to mint or?17:02
Amy_Lu_WhoOerHeks, where is "our" tutorial for Java?17:02
OerHeksAmy_Lu_Who, see the message of ubottu17:03
OerHeksChunkzZ, maybe mint hasn't got it installed standard, and this channel doesn't support mint.17:03
OerHeksthey have their own issues.17:03
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ChunkzZOerHeks, sorted it, thanks.17:07
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New_User_ubuntuDear All17:22
New_User_ubuntuthe OS is constantly rebooting17:22
New_User_ubuntuI am not even able to see the logs17:22
New_User_ubuntuany idea what issue it could be17:22
New_User_ubuntuits a fresh installation with cloudera software on it17:23
skinuxI don't suppose it's possible to add feature to Terminal to post a portion of current buffer to a paste site??17:23
simplisityHi.. is kernel.ubuntu.com having a planned outage? If so, are there any mirrors? Couldn't seem to find them on google17:27
JoelDoes anyone have this working on 14.04? Config changes don't seem to take affect: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/04/configurable-notification-bubbles-for.html17:29
Picisimplisity: hmm.. let me see if I can poke someone about it17:30
simplisityPici, ok thank you17:31
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Joeldpkg -l isn't printing me a full version, thoughts?17:36
ZeloZeloshow do i turn off the fading animations and other extra effects17:37
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SburAm I the only one having problems with 3.16.0-34?17:40
ZeloZeloscan i still install xfce and use it instead of unity?17:41
TheNumbZeloZelos: of course you can.17:43
ZeloZelossudo apt-get install xfce?17:44
simplisityZeloZelos, not sure if you tried xubuntu, but a lot of people like it17:44
TheNumbZeloZelos: if you install xubuntu-desktop you'll get the set of packages :)17:44
OerHeks!info xubuntu-desktop17:44
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.184 (utopic), package size 3 kB, installed size 44 kB17:44
Guest34416Hi, guys, I'm using linux lite, and no one is over on that channel. I just did an update. Does auto clean clear out the old stuff and keep the new? How do I clean out the old?17:44
TheNumbZeloZelos: unless you want to install xfce only.17:44
ZeloZelosit took soo long to finally get ubuntu installed, i just want to switch the desktop to xfce17:45
TheNumbGuest34416: the old packages are replaced by the new ones.17:45
TheNumbGuest34416: no need to clean anything :)17:45
emashis there an easy way to make mbr partitioned usb pendrive ubuntu bootable in efi?17:46
Guest34416well, my question is, that when I use bleachbit and check the autoclean after updating, it gets rid of quite a few mbs. I hope it's erasing the old.17:46
k1lGuest34416: no need for bleachbit17:46
k1lGuest34416: you can use "sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean"17:47
k1lGuest34416: and for the future: if you want support use a distro that offers support.17:47
Guest34416ok thanks ya17:48
ZeloZelosi think that if i was to turn off all the extra effects (windows fading in and out, animations etc) it probably would be all right, but i cant seem to find the option to do so...how do i do this?17:49
karen_Hi, don't you think bleachbit is a good thing? It appears like it sees and cleans a lot of stuff. What do you think about that?17:53
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k1lkaren_: i dont believe in programs that do some magic and tune your system. if the program considers some data not to be removed i dont think its wise to let bleachbit remove that data. for the package-managment you can use the apt-get commmands i just named17:55
karen_ya thank you! I did that, and it didn't seem to erase anything, so I guess I'm good.17:55
SburHello.  I just updated to kernel 3.16.0-34 and am having resolution problems.  The only resolution it gives me is 640x480, although I have a 22 inch screen and can do even 1920x102417:55
cvetan HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-49-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "precise" 12.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1,60GHz ** RAM: Physical: 7,7GiB, 83,2% free ** Disk: Total: 363,8GiB, 63,1% free ** VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Caicos [Radeon HD 6450/7450/8450] ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI ** Ethernet: Realtek17:56
cvetanSemiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 3h 49m 46s **17:56
cvetansorry guys, accidently.17:56
compdoc_thank you for all that information17:56
cvetanjust going through options in hexchat.17:57
SburAnd, if I'm able to ask these questions, I am using a previous kernel, as 3.16.0-34 doesn't permit me to connect to the internet17:57
MaimsterJesus, I gotta get a client installed.18:00
ZeloZeloswhat's he got to do with it ;)18:00
amahooladoes somebody know how scopecreator works?18:01
ZeloZelosfound this amahoola http://chrismwayne.com/?p=27718:03
amahoolaZeloZelos, yeah i used that tutorial and something didn; t seem to work. but i think it has to do with a missing kit18:07
guest9error n37518:08
stacks88just installed ubuntu server 14.04.2. it has ssh on it thats it. i saw in /etc/ssh/sshd_config it says PermitRootLogin without-password which is great. I then saw how it says #AuthorizedKeysFile %/.ssh/authorized_keys which is commented out... Yet i was still able to go to /root/ and mkdir .ssh and then create a authorized_keys file and put in my public key for my computer at home , and i am18:14
stacks88now able to ssh -l root IP and log in without a password.. How is this possible if its commented out in the sshd_config ?18:14
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stacks88I think whats happening is, its by default %/.ssh/authorized_keys , and if you want it to be something ELSE, then you uncomment it out and define it18:16
stacks88that must be it18:16
stacks88so is this the right procedure i should be following with my servers: To always login as a user, then sudo -i to become root -- and never define a root password ? and keep ssh as root to without-password ? like is this the right philsophy i should be having18:17
stacks88cause i still enjoy being root or, not having to constantly put sudo before everything18:18
treelzebubstacks88: specifying a root password breaks a fundamental convention of all unix-like platforms. probe shouldn't ;)18:19
daftykinsstacks88: i would not permit root login at all, indeed, then use the standard user to connect in then yes 'sudo -i' as you say18:19
ifohancroftHello guys. I am using Kubuntu 14.10 x86_64 and I have just installed the Ubuntu Software Center. Why can't I see apps in it that I can see in https://apps.ubuntu.com? I have enabled the Canonical repo. Also why does it seem like every game that is purchasable is for at most Ubuntu 14.04?18:19
Ali_I have a question about probabilistic language can I ask it here?18:19
stacks88thank you guys18:19
treelzebubexcellent question, though!18:20
ifohancroftAre there any changes made about that in 14.10? Like no more purchasable stuff or something18:20
Maimsterstacks88: Very dangerous way to use UNIX based systems.18:20
daftykinsAli_: doesn't sound like Ubuntu support to me18:20
stacks88Maimster what is dangerous? to login as a user, sudo -i and not have a root password ?18:20
Maimsterstacks88: Using root via ssh without the password.18:20
Maimsterstacks88: If the box doesn't have Internet access then might be okay. Just be careful.18:21
stacks88oh i see what ur talking about, the earlier post, where i mentioned ssh'ing in as root18:21
stacks88yea ill just login as a user only18:21
Maimsterstacks88: Yeah.18:21
stacks88ok cool thx18:21
RokyAfternoon all.18:21
ssboyAre there somebody here18:22
EugeneBanditHello! http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ seems to be down from my computer. Is it normal ?18:22
Maimsterstacks88: Gaining root access should be a pain in the assets.18:22
PiciEugeneBandit: Yes, canonical is working on it.18:22
Maimsterstacks88: :o)18:22
EugeneBanditPici, okay thanks! do you know somewhere else i could find the .deb?18:23
ifohancroftLet me rephrase my question: Why is nothing I find in the Ubuntu apps center available for Ubuntu 14.10?18:23
PiciEugeneBandit: I'm unaware of a mirror, sorry.18:24
ifohancroftIn Available Versions on the site, at most it says 14.0418:24
EugeneBanditPici, thanks anyway :)18:24
ifohancroftIs there a netsplit going on or something?18:28
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newhoaHey, I am wanting to format a drive to exFAT. I have exfat-fuse and exfat-utils both installed (I even upgraded them to the vivid packages), but it won't give me the exFAT option in gnome-disks (it's not an option) or gparted (it's greyed out).18:32
newhoaAnyone have any idea what's going on? I'd really appreciate some ideas!18:32
DJonesnewhoa: It might be and good idea to ask that question in #ubunt+1 vivid  isn't supported here until official release, so the people in that channel who've been testing it will probably be better to suggest solutions18:33
ifohancroftGuys why does the software center in 14.10 does not show buyable applications? There are like only two and when I go to the ubuntu apps directory there is no 14.10 as available version?18:34
newhoaOk, I'm using Utopic, I just tried those two vivid packages for testing, but the problem is also with the Utopic packages on a Utopic system.18:36
OerHeksnewhoa, You have to create a GPT partition table AFAIK18:39
homeplease help me to fix this error18:39
homechecking for rst2html... no18:39
homechecking for rst2html.py... no18:39
homeconfigure: error: Documentation enabled but rst2html not found.18:39
DJoneshome: Looking at the ubuntu packages, that isn't listed as an available package, where are you trying to get that18:41
homei am trying to compile geany18:42
TheNumbhome: apt-get build-depends geany18:42
TheNumbHaven't used ubuntu in a while :<18:43
DJoneshome: Ah ok, would sudo apt-get install geany not install it without having to compile?18:43
TheNumbDJones: he's trying to modify something.18:43
TheNumbSince yesterday ;p18:44
ZeloZelossigh, the wireless connection is connected, i know the internet through the wireless modem is conneted/working, i am using it right now...but freash install will not get updates. tried selecting best server and says no suitable download server was found...waht do I do now?18:44
DJoneshome: Good luck, I'm afraid its not something I can help with18:44
homebut the geany of that of repository has loot of bug18:44
homemanyplugins were outdated18:45
homeanyone please18:46
goeranhwith what?18:47
homechecking for rst2html... no18:47
homechecking for rst2html.py... no18:47
newhoaUsing gpt didn't help.18:47
TheNumbhome: apt-get build-dep geany should be enough...18:47
homeconfigure: error: Documentation enabled but rst2html not found.18:47
TheNumb!info rst2html18:47
ubottuPackage rst2html does not exist in utopic18:47
TheNumbhome: rst2html is provided by python-docutils18:48
mekhamiI am on OS X, I need to make an Ubuntu USB Loader so i can take it home to my desktop and load it up there18:48
homeso how should i get it18:48
newhoaI did manage to use msdos, create a fat32 partition using gparted, then use sudo mkfs.exfat /dev/sdXX18:48
TheNumbhome: install it?18:48
mekhamiI don't want to dual boot ubuntu on os x or anything, i just want to create the boot loader on my usb drive18:48
newhoaAnd that worked... but exfat doesn't work in gparted or gnome-disks.18:49
TheNumbnewhoa: did you install exfat-utils?18:49
newhoaYeah, exfat-fuse and exfat-utils are both installed.18:51
homeso how should i get it18:51
newhoaIf anyone else could check real quick and see if the option to format exFAT is greyed out in gparted and missing in gnome-disks, I would really appreciate it. I'd like to file a bug report but it would be nice to see if other people have the same problem.18:51
mekhamihow do i make an ubuntu usb boot loader on os x?18:53
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hgerbonsoir y'a til un linuxien pro pour me venir en aide18:54
* nunoh sracthes his nose18:54
DJonesmekhami: Hope this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Creating_a_bootable_Ubuntu_USB_flash_drive_from_Mac_OSX18:55
BluesKajmekhami, what are you trying to accomplish with the bootloader /grub ?18:55
MonkeyDustmekhami  i'm sure the people in a mac os channel know how mac os works18:55
stanmcmHello!  I'm trying to help a friend with a compromised system.  It's a hosted webserver, so I'm working remotely.  I want to make a complete backup before doing anything else.  I'm wondering if the backup script in the server manual is good enough.  Any thoughts?18:55
mekhamiMonkeyDust, I''m glad you felt the need to say that out loud.18:55
DJones!fr | hger18:56
ubottuhger: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:56
homecan please anyone tell me how I am going to get the "rst2html"18:56
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BluesKajmekhami, did you see my post above ?18:56
ZeloZelosi'm about to give up on this pos machine18:57
mekhamiBluesKaj i'm on my Macbook, I want to create the usb loader so I can use it on my desktop at home which is not functioning18:57
DJonesmekhami: Have you checked out ubottu's link18:58
ZeloZelosi really wanted to do something nice for someone that is somehow more needy then us but it has been a month and finally i got linux to run and able to see, now it won't update, load a webpage, and the stupid effects are bogging it ;(18:58
Es0tericwhen using the nice command, what is the highest number you can use18:59
DJones!mac | mekhami18:59
ubottumekhami: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:59
mekhamiDJones i'm running through it now, I originally ignored it because I didn't want to run ubuntu ON My mac, which is what i originally saw as the intent18:59
Es0tericfor priority18:59
mekhamiDJones like I said, don't want to run on my mac, jus tlooking to create the boot loader from my mac18:59
BluesKajand what OS on your desktop at home, mekhami?18:59
ZeloZelosnot to mention 10dvd disks/coasters while trying to figure out why i couldnt see anything18:59
mekhamiBluesKaj effectively nothing18:59
homeubuntu 14.10 64-bit19:00
BluesKajmekhami, then why not install ubuntu on the usb stick and use it to boot your home pc , you can always install grub from the live-usb19:01
DJonesmekhami: Please see my original reply19:01
DJones19:54 <    DJones> mekhami: Hope this helps19:01
mekhamiBluesKaj that's exactly what i'm trying to do19:01
OerHekshome, does this hint not work?? <TheNumb> home: apt-get build-dep geany should be enough...19:01
mekhamiDJones it's helping so far :)19:02
homeunfortunately no19:02
ZeloZeloshow does it do that, show that it is connected to the router, but no internet at all??? this one is connected, and fully operates with no issues on the same router via the same type of connection19:02
bekksCan you define "no internet at all"? How do you try?19:02
ZeloZelosapt-get update, update manager, firefox umm..19:03
ZeloZelosnone will connect, even tried the select best server thing for updates n stuff..it would not even find one19:04
ZeloZelosit looks like a dns issue, but on the machine i am using for help i have no issues whatsoever19:04
WugI asked this question a while ago and I'm hoping for second opinions19:05
ZeloZelosthe only guess i have is that it is an unsecured wireless network? would that be the fault?19:05
Wugit has a number of sub-questions that I will ask as I get to them19:05
WugWhat I'm trying to do is run a remote X server and a local X server that display the same content. is this possible19:05
OerHekshome, seems to come from docutils http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/rst2html.1.html19:05
WugI'm not a huge fan of VNC, in my experience it only performs acceptably over a lan19:06
OerHeks!find python-docutils19:07
ubottuFound: python-docutils19:07
ZeloZelosthe wireless reciever is a netgear wg111v2 if that helps at all19:07
WugI have looked at xdmx, but it does not seem obviously useful in this regar19:07
Wugsub-question: how do I list all of the displays on a machine?19:07
Wugwhen I ssh into one machine with X forwarding, it usually gives me a display :10 or something like that19:08
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Wugbut I'm unable to actually find such a display listed anywhere19:08
homeOerHeks: Thanks a lot19:08
bekksWug: Displaying an application on another xserver is different from your original question.19:08
Wugbekks: I know19:09
ZeloZelosWug, did you google? http://superuser.com/questions/758463/getting-1920x1080-resolution-or-169-aspect-ratio-on-ubuntu-or-linux-mint19:09
simplisitylooks like kernel.ubuntu.com is still down. Anyone have any ideas when that might be back up?19:09
bekksWug: So why are you trying unrelated things then? :)19:09
WugZeloZelos: if my googling is supposed to lead me to that article, with a title completely not related at all to my question, than it's not surprising I missed it19:09
ZeloZeloshehe, you have an issue with aspect ratio/display dpi right?19:10
OerHekssimplisity, thanks, we already noticed that.19:10
liveusbHi all, i am having trouble trying to add a new entry to grub (terminal access). the OS is a modification of ubuntu which loads a screen with 3 options, 2 of those are a game that starts right away and the 3rd is "quit". I have to install fraps on the computer so the game can be recorded (a child's game for a friend's project). The issue is that even in recovery mode accessing a terminal as root, it only gives me those 3 options, and19:10
liveusbno access to the terminal to run apt-get install. Here is bootinfoscript http://pastebin.com/c3sQP14K19:10
Picisimplisity: not sure. I spoke with a Canonical sysadmin and they are at least aware of the problem.19:10
Wugmaybe you mixed my question up with someone elses19:10
ZeloZelosi probably did ;)19:10
Wugbekks: what, I'm only allowed to ask one question?19:10
simplisityPici, ok thanks19:10
Wuglet me clarify my use case19:11
simplisityOerHeks, ok19:11
WugI have a program running on a machine X, somehow19:11
simplisityOerHeks, Pici : are there any mirrors?19:11
bekksWug: No one said that.19:11
WugI am locally using the gui session on machine X, and am also connected via SSH + x forwarding to machine X via machine Y19:11
Wuglocally, I am using display :0, and remotely, I'm using :1019:12
WugI want to somehow perform some magic that allows me to make one display clone the other19:12
Wugso I see the program on both.19:12
Wugaddendum: vnc is not ok.19:13
bekksWug: Use nxclient/nxserver, in a version 4.x19:13
Wugnomachine appears to do the same thing vnc does19:14
Wugperhaps it's slightly better at it19:14
liveusbi can see the grub but it always takes me to those 3 options no matter what19:14
liveusbeven excecuting chroot from liveusb19:14
mchelen1is there any way to refresh the list of available wifi networks?19:16
shadytvmchelen1: restart your networking service is the best way19:17
Wugwhy is it that from the remote session I can open programs on the local display but not the other way around19:17
mchelen1shadytv: hmm there is no other way? it sees many wifi networks just fine, but it won't detect a new network for some time if i just turned on the wifi router for example19:18
bekksWug: Because the redirection works one way only.19:19
OerHeksmchelen1, turning on a wifirouter can take up to a minute to be active. maybe more.19:20
CyberGabbermchelen1: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan      or sudo iwlist eth2 scan     (my wifi card is eth2)19:21
shadytvmchelen1: sudo iwlist <your wireless interface> scan (Sorry I can't test this i'm on a wired windows machine ATM :( )19:21
mchelen1OerHeks: i know the network is there because i can see it from other devices19:21
mchelen1CyberGabber shadytv cool thanks19:22
gmscame across a weird issue today - LTS 14.04 had rwxr-x--- on /media/joe-user - instead of the usual rwxr-xr-x - which obviously broke auto-mount-display-filemanager feature19:26
gmsuser of the system does not even know how to change permissions19:27
MonkehParadeuhm, hi19:27
gmsthus I am wondering how this could happen19:27
shadytvgms: anyway to reporduce the problem? what was the last thing you were doing? ect..19:29
shadytvMonkehParade: hi :)19:29
MonkehParadeI have a question? :/19:29
shadytvMonkehParade: Fire away! let's see if we can help19:30
gmsshadytv, not really - joe user certainly used the system as always, i.e. accepting all Ubuntu update messages, surfing via firefox, reading mails via thunderbird, occasionally inserting a usb stick etc.19:31
MonkehParadeI'm trying to create a snapshot of my root so I can restore it after a clean install (in case I screw up while tinkering and learning). What do you propose I do?19:32
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate19:32
shadytvMonkehParade: !cloning19:33
in_deep_thoughtI want to install the latest cmake on ubuntu 12. I run sudo apt-get update, apt-get install cmake, and it tells me its already the latest19:34
bekksin_deep_thought: On whoch Ubuntu 12?19:34
in_deep_thoughtbut I think this is because its the latest for ubuntu 12.19:34
CyberGabberor use 'generate package download script' from within Synaptic Package Manager...19:34
bekks!info cmake precise19:34
ubottucmake (source: cmake): cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.7-0ubuntu5 (precise), package size 4295 kB, installed size 10419 kB19:34
in_deep_thoughthow can I get the latest version - for trusty tahr?19:35
in_deep_thoughtand would it be compatible with ubuntu 12?19:35
liveusbHi all, i am having trouble trying to add a new entry to grub (terminal access). the OS is a modification of ubuntu which loads a screen with 3 options, 2 of those are a game that starts right away and the 3rd is "quit". I have to install fraps on the computer so the game can be recorded (a child's game for a friend's project). The issue is that even in recovery mode accessing a terminal as root, it only gives me those 3 options, and19:35
ifohancroftGuys why does the software center in 14.10 does not show buyable applications? There are like only two and when I go to the ubuntu apps directory there is no 14.10 as available version?19:35
bekksin_deep_thought: you cannot mix packages from different releases.19:35
OerHeksMonkehParade, you could dd the partition with the live-iso https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DriveImaging19:35
in_deep_thoughtbekks: so I can’t install the latest cmake on 12?19:36
bekksin_deep_thought: you cannot install the cmake version for trusty on your precise.19:36
MonkehParadeI came across links that told me to tar the root directory, do you think I should do that?19:36
bekksin_deep_thought: if you want the trusty version, upgrade to trusty first.19:36
OerHeksMonkehParade, that would be an option19:36
dzanHi, I have some #include statements in my .Xdefaults, these don't get processed when X starts, only after later on manually doing 'xrdb .Xdefaults'; does anyone know how to fix this?19:38
ifohancroftdzan: Have you tried removing the #?19:38
dzanI'm guessing whereever Xdefaults is loaded it's done with -nocp leaving out preprocessor processing..19:38
MonkehParadeOerHeks, but if it starts backing up the files in /media or /dev ? :/19:38
dzanifohancroft: comments in .Xdefaults are with a bang :p19:39
ifohancroftah ok, srry didn't knew that19:39
dzanno problem :-)19:39
OerHeksMonkehParade, never had trouble with duplicating partitions, /media/ etc is not active in that image, only on your live system19:41
OerHekselse take a look at clonezilla19:42
MonkehParadeI think I'll go with clone-zilla.19:44
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OggyDo i have to put linux on a disc before installing?19:46
OggyOr can i directly run the downloaded file?19:46
OerHeksOggy, on dvd or on usb.19:47
daftykinsOggy: from what OS? you need to put it on a DVD or USB flash drive ideally19:47
OggyFrom windows19:47
OerHeksor memorycard.19:48
MonkeyDustOggy  yummi/yumi is a windows tool to create a bootable usb stick19:48
OggyAnd can i install it onto an external drive then run it?19:48
daftykinsexternal mechanical hard disk connected via USB?19:48
daftykinsyes, but you'll need to pay attention during install else you'll be left with a bit of a mess19:49
MonkeyDustOggy  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/19:49
OggySo i have partitioned it on :Z, i can just install it there?19:50
daftykinsubuntu cannot use drive letters you've setup with Windows19:50
OggyBut when you are installing19:50
OggyCan you install it on :Z, which is on a drive, then run it?19:50
MonkeyDustOggy  linux doesnt work with C: D: etc, it uses /dev/sda, /dev sda1 etc19:51
Oggyso how do i install on a partition19:51
OggyIf it is a :Z19:51
MonkeyDustOggy  create a bootbale dvd or usb, with yumi19:52
OggyOk will try19:52
TheOGGisbackThis is also oggy19:53
JFlashgood afternoon19:53
TheOGGisbackBut on phone ;P19:53
JFlashmy laptop stopped detecting the secondary screen (HTML) for no appearent reason19:53
TheOGGisbackI guess I will try using yuri19:53
daftykinsJFlash: HTML? or HDMI? :P19:53
JFlashI just tested with 2 monitors and cables19:54
JFlashHDMI, sorry19:54
TheOGGisbackTo make my drive bootable19:54
JFlashI also tried xrandr --auto19:54
daftykinsTheOGGisback: my vote would be for Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com - which is also where YUMI can be had.19:54
JFlashnothing shows up19:54
TheOGGisbackThanks for help19:54
daftykinsJFlash: are you connecting it after boot, or powering up from being switched off - with the screens connected?19:54
JFlashdaftykins, I tried both before and after boot19:55
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TheOGGisbackI would run only Linux but some games don't work on it19:55
JFlashis thre some sort of row back of system config on ubuntu or something19:55
daftykinsJFlash: what graphics hardware does this laptop have? what driver is in use for it?19:55
dimgsHello everybody, I would like to ask something about a new laptop and compatibility with Ubuntu. Could someone help me?19:55
JFlashthis was working great in the morning19:55
daftykinsdimgs: not until you ask the actual question19:56
JFlashits a 2015 model LG ultrabook19:56
JFlashprobally and intell 440019:56
JFlashthis been working perfectly for 3 months19:56
daftykinsJFlash: run "lspci | pastebinit"19:56
dimgsthe laptop is here -->  http://lenovoshop.gr/specs/DS_G50_ds_80G0018JGM.pdf19:56
JFlashno program pastebinit installed19:57
daftykinsdimgs: you might have issues installing Linux on that, as it goes. it's also little better than a netbook in many ways19:57
daftykinsJFlash: yeah, you need to install pastebinit19:57
OerHeksJFlash, maybe your laptop have a FN key for monitor internal/external/both ?19:59
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daftykinsok yep intel on-die with the haswell19:59
JFlashOerHeks,  good point, but it's hardly improbable I taped it unwilling ly20:00
JFlashOerHeks, will check20:00
daftykinsJFlash: "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" might shed some light on what's up20:00
dimgsdaftykins: do you mean issues with the drivers on it? graphics card, wireless card, sound card?20:01
daftykinsdimgs: no, general installation issues to do with EFI. windows 8 with bing complicates matters i think. the specification of that system is really terrible though, i don't think i'd want one for free :)20:02
JFlashany hints form the xorg?20:03
JFlashxorg log*20:03
daftykinsoh i didn't see you posted it since you didn't highlight me20:03
daftykins14.10 huh?20:03
JFlashis that bad?20:03
tworkinis there any ppa for pyqt5 on ubuntu12.04?20:03
daftykinsjust confirming version20:03
adrianita_18iam programer20:04
JFlashi dont know  my ubuntu version20:04
JFlashits pretty recent thou20:04
adrianita_18incest sex >> http://www.joserro1.5gbfree.com/?p=18420:04
JFlashtrusty or up20:04
daftykinsJFlash: "cat /etc/issue" - anyway that log is no use without one of these HDMI displays connected20:04
daftykinsso if you could power off, plug one in, then boot up and repeat the pastebinit20:04
JFlashok will do20:05
dimgsdaftykins: I know that specs are terrible, but it is free of charge for me, so I am thinking about that...or something similar "bing" unfortunately20:05
dimgsdaftykins: I think that a lightweight distro would be ok into Lenovo, or not?20:07
daftykinsdimgs: like i say i don't even think you will be able to successfully install on that20:08
muzyHi everyone, I noticed that kernel.ubuntu.com seems to be down (tested from multiple locations). Is this a known problem?20:11
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roky@muzy Right now, yes.20:12
OerHeksmuzy, thanks, the admins are aware.20:13
JFlashIm'  back20:13
JFlashdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10828712/20:13
muzyroky, OerHeks: great, thanks!20:13
daftykinsJFlash: hmm i see nothing about another display at all... "xrandr | pastebinit" ?20:15
fikshow would I zero out the first 1MB of a file, in place?20:15
JFlashdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10828726/20:16
daftykinsJFlash: yeah no sign of anything else at all. confirm it's 14.10 with "cat /etc/issue" ?20:16
TheNumblsb_release -d would also work20:17
daftykinsyes i know this20:17
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JFlashyes, 14.1020:17
daftykinsJFlash: anything new come in if you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ?20:18
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dimgsdaftykins: so, all laptops with Windows Bing are "locked"? I can't install any distro of Linux?20:18
JFlashdaftykins, just curius, why updates would fix it, if it was working fine just a few hours ago?20:18
daftykinsdimgs: i've read of issues with them is all20:19
daftykinsJFlash: just check as a curiosity, it might offer a newer kernel. i suspect you may already be on a newer kernel which has caused this issue, if you have older ones you could try those20:19
daftykinsJFlash: to be 100% certain... was it a TV or a monitor you just plugged in? was the display on during boot, sat awaiting input?20:19
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JFlashbtw was fiddling with virtual box this morning20:20
JFlashand then I had some problem which asked me to update a kernel20:20
JFlashnet sure what kernel it was talking about20:20
JFlashnot sure if it was virtualbox kernel it was talking about20:20
JFlashthen I made this update20:20
JFlashbut the computer has not been restarted btween the kernel update and the first occurence of the problem20:21
bekksOf which problem?20:21
JFlashbekks, it stopped detecting secondary screen20:21
bekksSo did you restart?20:21
JFlashdaftykins, TV20:22
daftykinsbut just before i asked you to power off and boot with the display connected?20:22
JFlashdaftykins, I did try both TV and monitor a bit ago20:22
daftykinsand was this TV switched on and tuned to the correct input channel when you made the log just above?20:23
JFlashdaftykins, yes the display was waiting for input upon laptop boot20:23
daftykinsdid you look for key combo external monitor options as suggested earlier?20:23
JFlashyes i has some key like that20:24
JFlashpressing it yelds nothing20:24
daftykinsJFlash: "ls /boot | pastebinit"20:25
nightfurianyone why dmidecode wont work and gives this output ? # dmidecode 2.12 /dev/mem: No such file or directory20:25
OerHeksnightfuri, run it as root: sudo dmidecode20:26
MonkeyDustnightfuri  try     sudo dmidecode --type 420:26
nightfurii get the same thing running as root20:27
JFlashdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10828763/20:28
OerHeksnightfuri, is this in a VM ?20:28
nightfuriOerHeks: no. but i got the kernel 4.0 recently.20:29
daftykinsJFlash: try booting an older kernel. hold left shift at boot time, go to advanced options, try each one20:29
vltHello. I just installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. How can I add my audio device to the list of available devices? It is listed in `aplay -L` and appears also as selection in alsamixer (F6) but not as output device in the audio settings dialog. Any idea how to activate it? (It worked on 13.10 and several other systems (w/o pulse) before.)20:29
daftykinsJFlash: but your logs suggest to me that a display was never connected20:29
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OerHeksnightfuri, oh, own kernel, then i can´ t help you20:30
nightfuriOerHeks: thank you20:31
OerHekstubejockey, 1000th visit today, hi20:31
JFlashsorry guys in meeting right now20:33
daftykinser, ok20:34
nightfuriOerHeks: i dont think so its own kernel. i got it from .deb files20:34
OerHeksnightfuri, you better check out #ubuntu+1 for vivid channel20:34
daftykinsnightfuri: the point is you're using an unsupported configuration and so can't seek support here :)20:35
nightfurioh ok thank you gusy OerHeks daftykins20:35
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realityphantomThere is nothing like hardcore pegging now is there?20:39
realityphantomwrong channel, so sorry20:41
* ObrienDave did not want to know anyway ;p20:42
grkvlthi. wondering what the status of kernel.ubuntu.com is?20:43
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grkvlti can't connect from anywhere i try, so kernel updates fail ;(20:44
nightfuriwhats the off topic channel ?20:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:44
ObrienDavegrkvlt, use dist-upgrade for kernel updates20:44
ObrienDavegrkvlt, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:45
ObrienDavegrkvlt, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:45
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grkvltthat won't get me 3.19.3 though, will it?20:47
grkvlti need 3.18 or higher for docker overlay storage driver to work...20:48
grkvlt"download and install the packages below in turn [...] from the kernel.ubuntu.com"20:50
grkvlti know *how* to upgrade20:50
grkvltbut, kernel.ubuntu.com is down20:50
ObrienDavethat's possible20:51
daftykinsdoing that isn't even supported, grkvlt - what are you trying to achieve?20:51
grkvltso was wondering if there was a status page, maybe its scheduled maint?20:51
Picigrkvlt: I know that Canonical is aware of the outage, I didn't see an ETA on a fix though.20:51
MonkeyDustgrkvlt  it's down, can't reach it either20:51
grkvltwhat, kernel.ubuntu.com is not supported as a way of getting kernels for Ubuntu?20:51
MonkeyDustgrkvlt  guess we'll soon learn what causes it20:52
ObrienDavegrkvlt, obviously there's a problem with the website. sheesh20:52
grkvltheh, ok. am just surprised there isn't a status page...?20:52
JFlashdaftykins, back20:52
mojtabaHi, Do you know how can I enable error detection in writer?20:52
JFlashdaftykins, it's a real mistery, why would it stop working20:53
JFlashdaftykins, is there some way that I can know20:53
JFlashdaftykins, which updates I may have done to my system recently?20:53
daftykinsJFlash: be nice if you could join all those messages into one :) try an older kernel as i suggested earlier20:54
mariannehi, someone was on here the other day and he said he had flixster working through firefox and 14.0420:57
JFlashdaftykins, I just plugged a raspberry pi to the tv with the same cable20:58
area51pilotis http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ down for everyone?20:58
Bashing-omJFlash: For the log of what the update process did -> cat /var/log/dpkg.log .20:58
JFlashdaftykins, so that's proof that the laptop is to blame :(20:58
JFlashBashing-om, thanks will check20:59
vltvlt: Read the syslog messages about xhci_hcd errors and then plug the device into a non-blue USB port. -- vlt: Aah, thanks! That worked mysteriously.21:01
OerHeksmarianne, try chrome, as it supports netflix too21:01
JFlashdaftykins, could this be of help?    http://pastebin.com/ZatXiBMN21:02
daftykinsJFlash: did you do what i suggested yet?21:02
Iw43hello ubuntu users, in one of ubuntu machines the screen is nicely shining bright white, while in the other it is yellowish dim..the two screens have different resolutions, is it the reason for it?21:02
JFlashdaftykins, well I want to avoid rolling back to older kernel21:03
Iw43the brightness settings of the two are the same21:03
JFlashdaftykins, isnt that like some sort of last resort?21:03
daftykinsIw43: different screens have different colour reproduction, if that's what you're asking21:03
daftykinsJFlash: just. try. it.21:03
marianneOerHeks: just keeps loading, nothing plays, no error message?21:04
Iw43daftykins, I dont know if that's what i am asking. but one is not as bright as the other, in general, actually, quite dim in comparison21:04
daftykinsIw43: i take it they're different makes + models? not identical?21:04
Iw43daftykins, same make, but different model21:04
daftykinsyeah so not really an ubuntu issue21:04
Iw43but same ubuntu version21:05
vltIw43: Different model. That’s enough reason ;-)21:05
Iw43is it because the resolutions are different?21:05
vltIw43: Try two identical and come back if they show veeery different brightness.21:05
vltIw43: No, it’s because they are two different models.21:06
daftykinsas long as the displays are using the native screen resolution, that's all you can do21:06
daftykinsunless someone has messed with the OSD settings21:06
Iw43ok, thank you both for your information.21:06
marianneOerHeks: do i need any extensions or addins?21:08
OerHeksmarianne, i don't know, chrome was my last resort, i read ". Please Note: At this time Linux OS is not supported for Streaming or Download."on their site.21:09
marianneOerHeks: well crap on a cracker... guess I'll just have to live with HBOGo21:10
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OerHeksmarianne, it surely plays on that chromecast hdmi stick http://www.google.com/chrome/devices/chromecast/apps.html#?view=search21:12
marianneOerHeks: how much will one of those set me back21:13
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daftykinsmarianne: we don't know where you are in the world - and we're not a Google shop :)21:14
mariannedaftykins: I know, I realized how stupid that was after i hit enter21:14
perpetualdelaypehello, does Ubuntu have an official suggestion/ bug mention place?21:15
OerHeksmarianne, if you open chrome > appstore, there is a app for it: Version: 1.0.0 Updated: March 12, 201521:15
elacheche_anisGuys! Is there a public infrastructure team where we can contribute?21:15
elacheche_anisperpetualdelaype, you're lookign for launchpad.net :)21:16
JFlashdaftykins, I just tried all the kernels that were listed ,23 up to ,32  and one of the recovery modes21:16
JFlashdaftykins, nothing so far21:16
MonkeyDust!contribute | elacheche_anis21:16
ubottuelacheche_anis: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu21:16
OerHeksperpetualdelaype, sure, launchpad21:16
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:16
kokutHello, anyone knows how to change/remove a key-binding from cmus?21:16
perpetualdelaypethanks elecheche_anis21:16
vltHello. After installing Ubuntu 14.04 on an empty new disk the swap partition is not swap-on’ed. There’s a line in /etc/fstab pointing to a luks device and a corresponding line in /etc/crypttab but no device in /dev/mapper. What happened? How to fix this?21:18
elacheche_anisyeah MonkeyDust, there is all types of contribution right there, but IT ones :( I think that's a "right" for canonical's sysadmins.. :/ I don't like to go and contribute to Fedora Infrastructure Team x)21:18
marianneOerHeks: thanks I'll take a look right now21:18
rgb247I have a VPS, I cannot ping/curl any https website. How can I solve that?21:34
lancasteri need to copy a wordpress folder by sftp, local folder is public and target folder is public_html21:36
hkrrsxrgb247: Make sure port 443 is open on your firewall21:36
lancasterhow is the command?21:36
hkrrsxIt might not be by default21:36
rgb247hkrrsx: can you tell me how to open it please? it is blocked by iptables?21:39
hkrrsxrgb247: Are you using UFW or iptables specifically?21:39
hkrrsxYes, I'm aware that UFW is basically a front end for iptables :)21:40
rgb247hkrrsx: it seems that UFW is inactive21:40
rgb247ufw status verbose gives: inactive21:40
hkrrsxrgb247: iptables -nvL --line-numbers | pastebinit21:41
rgb247hkrrsx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10829623/21:43
JFlashhi, I'm back with my second monitor problems. I installed intel graphics from this url but still no sign of life from HTMI :   https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads21:45
JFlashmost references I find online list display port as "disconnected" on the xrandr command output. however , in my case htmi is not even listed!21:45
hkrrsxrgb247:  sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport https -j ACCEPT21:45
JFlashI wish I could find out if it's a hardware problem21:46
hkrrsxThat'll open port 443 for incoming connections21:46
hkrrsxYou're not blocked on outgoing connections either21:46
daftykinsJFlash: boot a live session from USB21:46
rgb247hkrrsx: thank you, it works21:46
OerHeksJFlash, that ppa is dead, maybe https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa has better interl drivers.21:47
JFlashOerHeks, but its listed as a March 2015 release??21:49
JFlashdaftykins, ok so go to linux on a stick website and download the stuff from there, is that what yu mean?21:52
OerHeksJFlash, you understand that 'march 2015' driver is for 3.19 kernel ??21:53
OerHeksas current ubuntu versions do not have that, it is notgoing to work.21:54
[n0mad]last week I changed my ubuntu one password. now i'm unable to turn on recommendations. if i launch software center as sudo it pops up and lets me login and i can see recommendations. any ideas?21:54
daftykinsJFlash: download ubuntu desktop, throw it on a flash drive, boot from it, then try plugging the TV in from that *live session*21:54
[n0mad]i've also reinstalled software center21:55
JFlashdaftykins, sounds like a plan but I think I only have SDCards and external disk drives :(21:57
OerHeks[n0mad], it could be you have 2 keys in keys & passowrds  [seahorse]  stored, http://askubuntu.com/a/143291  delete one21:57
JFlashOerHeks, thanks for the tip21:57
JFlashOerHeks, should I remove that installation then?21:58
OerHeksJFlash, yes i would purge/remove that intel repo21:59
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dustinspringmanany postfix masters in the house?22:02
JFlashOerHeks, I'm using sofware center22:03
JFlashOerHeks, it only gives me option to "reinstall", never to remove22:03
hkrrsxdustinspringman: /join #postfix22:03
dustinspringmanhkrrsx: hah! I guess I should've thought of that.. thanks!22:03
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:03
hkrrsxdustinspringman: You got it :)22:04
OerHeksi hope this works for that repo too22:04
[n0mad]OerHeks, thanks! I went ahead and deleted anything there Ubuntu because i'm brave and there were many "ubuntu web account" listings and one for ubuntu one22:05
[n0mad]i went ahead and deleted all of those and then restarted software center and now when i turned on recommendations it worked22:06
OerHeks[n0mad], have fun22:06
JFlashOerHeks,  sudo ppa-purge command not found!22:09
Seveas!info openssh-server vivid22:09
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.7p1-5ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 363 kB, installed size 1121 kB22:10
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samthewildoneWhat it the command to regenerate the passcode for the encryption of my /home folder.22:10
rokyDo you have the encryption utilities installed?22:11
samthewildoneroky, not sure.22:12
samthewildoneroky, was a fresh install with encryption so deep I don't remember.22:12
stevewhat stops the owner of a PPA arbitrarily overwriting my system?22:12
stevelike shipping me a new openssh-server22:12
samthewildoneroky, all I know is when I logged in, a prompt to generate a passcode was available and I clicked it but, didn't write down the passcode.22:12
roky@steve the choice of you updating the package or not.22:12
steveok, so nothing :)22:13
roky@samthewildone "sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils cryptsetup"22:13
stevethe usual update/dist-upgrade cycle doesn't present the user with the origin of each package afaik22:14
roky@steve, You could use another terminal to show where packages are being updated from. However, I don't know off the top of my head what terminal does. However, I have seen it.22:14
rokyThat or you could see the packages that need to be updated and keep an eye on the ppa packages you have. It's not ideal though, ha.22:15
samthewildoneroko, thanks I found the command "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase"22:15
rokyDid it prompt for your login password?22:15
rokyIt should then show you the passphrase.22:16
steveroky: yeah, i guess it's an intrinsic risk, oh well22:16
roky@steve, Pretty much. PPA's are great, but there is a risk to adding any repo not on the distro by default.22:16
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rokyPrice of choice ;)22:16
samthewildoneroko, got it !22:20
samthewildoneroky, ^22:20
roky@samthewildone Awesome, glad to hear it.22:22
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tds5016hi all. Question... I have an openstack instance from which I've attached a volume. Do you know an easy way  I could figure out what the device path is from the instance?22:24
tds5016I don't want to query openstack itself.22:25
mekhamii'm having trouble booting from USB22:30
mekhamii made a usb loader earlier22:30
mekhamiplugged it into my PC22:30
mekhamimy bios settings have USB as the first boot priority22:30
mekhamiand it's stuck on a blinking cursor22:30
daftykinsmekhami: which OS did you make up the flash drive with? did you MD5 your download to check it was good?22:31
mekhamii downloaded straight from ubuntu.com today, i made it up on OS X with whatever the tool is in the ubuntu docs22:32
mekhamii can make it again from a windows desktop22:33
XYZAFFA1RI am on ubuntu 14.04 trying to get league of legends to work under wine 1.7.38. I used playonlinux to install it and that all went well but when I get in an actuall game I get about 10 fps. Other than the frame rate everything else works well. I am using intel graphics. SO far I tried dropping the settings and turning off shadows to no effect.22:34
postmodernhow do you ensure update-alternatives survive updates? everytime I update the ruby2.0 package (from brightbox's PPA) apt-get resets the symlinks to point to the ruby1.9.1 package22:38
alex1001j'ai une question , si quelqu'un peut m'aider22:38
k1l!fr | alex100122:38
ubottualex1001: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:38
mekhamiAnyone know why my USB loader might not be working?22:39
daftykinsmekhami: try from Windows yeah, using Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com22:39
k1lmekhami: just use "dd" to burn the image onto the usb22:39
k1lsome "make usb" tools corrupt the iso22:40
OerHeksXYZAFFA1R, check the wineHQ database, for tips.22:41
OerHekselse your intel gpu is not that strong for 3d gaming22:41
XYZAFFA1ROerHeks, It runs smoothly in windows on my computer, but I don't have windows anymore.22:42
JFlashguys, how do I reinstall ubuntu without a cd or flash drive22:43
k1lXYZAFFA1R: better ask the wine guys. seems like the wine layer is the issue there22:43
EriC^^JFlash: you want to fresh install?22:44
k1lJFlash: pxe boot or let grub load the iso. but its most easy just to get a dvd or usb drive22:44
JFlashEriC^^,  well anything that can fix what I screw up :(22:44
EriC^^JFlash: you could dd the partition of your installation22:45
EriC^^and if it gets really bad you could just dd it back22:45
JFlashwhat does dd mean22:45
EriC^^diskdump, it's a tool22:45
JFlashwhat can I find a step by step that I can follow22:45
JFlashI'm not an advanced user22:45
OerHeksXYZAFFA1R, i just google around and find this, http://www.sysads.co.uk/2014/06/install-league-legends-ubuntu-14-04/  you need to install more stuff22:46
JFlashhow do I make sure I have such a partition?22:46
EriC^^it's pretty straightforward, dd if=<input file> of=<output file>22:46
EriC^^JFlash: like sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/path/to/save/partition.img22:46
JFlashok but I dont have the media to save it on22:46
JFlashmaybe I'm not following22:47
JFlashi don't have the phisical media22:47
pgunnarsSeems like all the hex editors have varying usability. I need a hexeditor that can search a 17gb binary file, and add into the middle of it (not editing, adding).22:47
daftykinspgunnars: 17GB binary? of what?22:48
EriC^^you'd have to save it on your pc somewhere, and use ubuntu if it's still somewhat running or boot a liveusb to restore it22:48
EriC^^JFlash: ^22:48
JFlashI don't have media22:49
JFlashI want to reinstall from hard drive22:49
EriC^^JFlash: if you make a separate partition with just an ubuntu iso and it22:49
JFlashin widows I can restore the system22:49
EriC^^you could boot the iso and restore when you want22:49
JFlashis there such thing in Ubuntu?22:50
EriC^^it's somewhat of a headache but it's a suggestion if you want to restore your system in case it goes boom22:50
JFlashwhere is the ISO?22:50
JFlashah ok22:51
JFlashso it's something I have to download22:51
JFlashhey I have this in my external drive22:51
JFlashI already have it22:51
JFlashwhat do I do with it?22:51
EriC^^if you have an external drive22:51
JFlashit's not a flash drive thou!22:51
JFlashit's hard disk22:52
EriC^^then just dd your installation there, and if you ever need to restore just dd it back from there22:52
EriC^^you can boot the .iso i think from there no problem maybe someone can confirm22:52
JFlashEriC^^,  maybe you did not follow, the reason I need to reinstall is that the system is broken22:52
JFlashI screw up the config22:53
EriC^^what config22:53
JFlashwell it doesnt detect the HDMI port anymore22:53
JFlashit's not even listed on xrandr22:53
EriC^^what config file did you change?22:53
JFlashid not change anything manually I just stopped working22:54
JFlashmaybe some kernel update22:54
EriC^^did you try an older kernel?22:54
JFlashbut then I tried a few kernels and nothing worked22:54
JFlashI tried many things, I ahve been trying things for 5 hours22:54
JFlashI really need my second screen back :(22:55
daftykinsEriC^^: i was following this one earlier, definitely need a live session booted to be able to diagnose further22:55
daftykinsJFlash: you're going to need to obtain a flash drive22:55
daftykinsor perhaps a kind soul will help you add a manual GRUB entry to boot a .ISO from your /boot partition directly22:56
JFlashcan't I just get a fresh install rather than continue to try to battle this?22:56
daftykinswell yes but you say you have no flash drive or DVD to put Ubuntu on22:56
JFlashthat's right , I don't22:57
JFlashsorry I just happen to come recently from windows22:57
daftykinsso you're out of options22:57
daftykinshonestly you can even buy flash drives in supermarkets now22:57
JFlashso it's hard for me to grasp that I cannot restore my computer to a fresh , safe state22:57
JFlashthat 's a bit mind boggling to me22:57
daftykinswhy? only Windows 8 offers this functionality as you describe.22:58
JFlash(without using accessories, that's what I mean)22:58
dawnsonThe installer does not detect any keyboard (after grub, when selecting languages)22:58
daftykinswell, kind of macs too i suppose22:58
daftykinsbut they just clean install over the internet22:58
dawnsonFound several bug reports for multiple Ubuntu versions all as won't fix because no new ISO for that Ubuntu version22:58
daftykinsdawnson: are you talking about 15.04 ?22:59
dawnsonYes but have the same issue with 14.10 ISO22:59
JFlashI have SD cards22:59
JFlashwill those do?22:59
dawnson(Both server ISO)22:59
JFlashI have a raspberry pi22:59
daftykinsJFlash: you can try. it's up to your system whether it can boot from them22:59
JFlashI'm f*cked22:59
EriC^^JFlash: did you do an update or something before it disappeared?23:00
daftykinsdon't use even obfuscated language in here please23:00
JFlashEriC^^,  maybe, I use the computer all day23:00
JFlashEriC^^, I do have a log online, 1 sec23:00
k1lJFlash: the most easy way would be to grab a dvd or usb-pendrive23:00
mekhamithis isn't exactly ubuntu related, but any idea why my new SSD might not be detected?23:00
dawnsonI tried every setting and no matter if I boot from bios or Efi23:01
mekhamiIt's all connected but the bios doesn't notice it23:01
k1lJFlash: but since you deny that easy way, you need to take more effort now to make a reinstall. look at pxe boot or try to boot the iso with grub23:01
dawnsonKeyboard does work fine in grub but not In installer23:01
JFlashEriC^^, http://pastebin.com/ZatXiBMN23:01
k1lmekhami: hardware failure? does the bios support ssds?23:01
JFlashEriC^^,  problem started when I got back home around 4 pm and trided to re-connect the TV23:01
k1ldawnson: what keyboard?23:02
k1ldawnson: some special hardware has issues with the kernel. which gets loaded after grub23:02
dawnsonI tried a wireless Logitech one and a wired (usb) roccat one23:02
JFlashk1l, ok I will try to read about those23:02
dawnsonNothing special about this. My Efi/bios supports both23:03
dawnsonEven windows 7 installer works fine23:03
EriC^^JFlash: did you check dmesg or the xorg logs?23:03
dawnsonThe only other keyboards I have besides those 2 are all Bluetooth so no option to use them during setup23:03
JFlashEriC^^, daftykins did look at xorg logs23:05
JFlashEriC^^, don't remember have trying dmesg23:05
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dawnson(The device I am trying to install on is an i5 Intel nuc23:07
dawnsonI know it is possible because I had Ubuntu on there before, but I don't know how I did it back the23:08
dawnsonHaven't changed any device settings either23:08
JFlashEriC^^,  what should I look for in dmesg?23:09
deadmunddawnson: I just got here,  what is the issue you're having??23:09
k1ldawnson: could be a kernel issue?!23:10
dawnsonDeadmund: keyboard not working in installer for server image23:10
dawnsonBut works fine in grub23:10
dawnsonK1l: with 2 different kernels? Unlikely23:11
deadmunddawnson: very strange.  I have no idea! :(23:11
dawnson(14.10 and 15.04)23:11
dawnsonHave this every time I want to install Ubuntu on any machine! Well not every time but annoyingly often23:11
k1ldawnson: ?!23:12
k1lon different hardware types with different keyboards?23:12
daftykinsdawnson: do you have the latest BIOS on this NUC?23:12
dawnsonI tried 2 different keyboards (all I have besides the Bluetooth ones) and tried the 14.10 and 15.04 kernels23:13
dawnsondaftykins: yes23:13
daftykins100% you checked intel's pages - you're not just saying yes to make it a problem here? :)23:14
dawnsonNo, I checked yesterday when I started using the nuc again after a few months (it had win7 installed for a while)23:14
JFlashguys could this tool help me: https://launchpad.net/systemback23:16
JFlashthey say the have sistem install and system repair23:16
dawnsonJflash: what do you want to do?23:16
deadmunddawnson: Have you tried a) resetting the bios to defaults (or looking at the bios for USB / USB+Keyboard options   and b) replugging the keyboard after you get into the installer?23:17
JFlashdawnson, repair my system , it's not working properly anymore23:17
JFlashdawnson,  been trying to fix it all day23:17
JFlashdawnson, it can no longer see HDMI port23:17
Johnny_Linuxi believe that is a back up first pgm23:17
deadmundJFlash: For that software package to help, you need to have made an image _before_ the problem started.  That way you have something to roll back to.  What issues are you having with your system???23:18
dawnsonDeadmund: yes, I tried the bios defaults and settings, I even tried the installer in Efi and bios mode. And yes, I tried re plugging the keyboard to another sub port when the language option step comes23:18
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JFlashdeadmund, but it says it has an "install" feature!23:18
JFlashnot just restore23:18
dawnsonJflash: the raspberri pi has a .txt file in the root partition for he I options (and some other) you can try that. There should be instructions in the raspberry wiki23:19
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JFlashdawnson, but I'm not rying to reinstal lthe raspberry pi23:19
JFlashI'm trying to reinstall ubuntu on my laptop23:19
EriC^^JFlash: type tail -n 100 /var/log/apt/history.log | pastebinit23:20
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JFlashraspberry has some sort of lesser linux on23:20
dawnsonAh ok then I have no idea23:20
mekhamiso I got my SSD detected23:23
mekhamibut now it's not detecting my USB23:23
dawnsonGuess I do have to try Ubuntu desktop version, that might work according to some people on the Internet (so probably not)23:23
dawnsonMekhami: welcome to the club xD23:23
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compdocmekhami, the ssd is sata?23:24
Guest98376guys, I have a laptop with a broken screen, so I have it hooked up to a monitor. Which one is Monitor 0 and which one is Monitor 1?23:24
Guest98376Do you think monitor 1 is my broken laptop screen?23:26
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EriC^^Guest98376: in what context?23:28
JFlashEriC^^, still there?23:28
IYOOTcan i be band from an irc net even if i chenges my ip and user name?23:28
EriC^^JFlash: yeah23:29
JFlashEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1083032423:29
mekhamicompdoc yes and it's detected23:29
k1lIYOOT: ban evading ist forbidden in most irc networks23:29
mekhamibut now i go into the bios and the usb doesn't show up in boot priority23:29
daftykinsIYOOT: that is not on topic here, you can chat to #freenode about their rules for this network.23:29
IYOOThow do i unblock myslef?23:29
Guest98376umm In my "computer summary", i have two displays. One is my broken laptop screen, and one is a desk monitor I am using that is hooked to it. Which one is Monitor 1 and which one is Monitor O?23:30
darkelfjuggaloCan someone tell me the easiest way to get the most up to date version of Firefox on Unbuntu 14.04... the Repository doesn't have it and every time i try to install a program from a .tar i can't access it properly23:30
JFlashEriC^^, see anything suspicious?23:30
EriC^^JFlash: not really23:31
JFlashEriC^^, or anything I could try to undo?23:31
dawnsonIs there a release date for 15.04?23:31
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: what version are you talking about?23:31
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k1ldawnson: 27th april iirc23:31
EriC^^JFlash: try booting the iso from grub https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot23:31
EriC^^JFlash: try the sd card first it might work23:32
dawnsondarkelfjuggalo: can you install it from Mozilla.com?23:32
JFlashEriC^^,  looks like a major upgrade today around 7 am23:32
mekhamii don't understand23:32
mekhamii just rebuild this usb loader23:32
mekhamitake it from the pc23:32
mekhamiplug it into the other one23:32
k1l!info firefox | darkelfjuggalo23:32
mekhamiand my bios doesn't see it23:33
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 37.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 (utopic), package size 40068 kB, installed size 94637 kB23:33
EriC^^JFlash: type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | pastebinit23:34
JFlashEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10830340/23:35
mekhaminevermind, it was listed in hard drives for whatever reason23:37
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JFlashEriC^^, did you see it?23:40
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darkelfjuggalofirefox uses a .tar file, not .deb file but it says to direct download... can i add mozilla as a source for existing mozilla software?23:42
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: what version are you talking about?23:42
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k1ldarkelfjuggalo: ?23:43
darkelfjuggaloi dont know what version i have, only that my gmail says it no longer supports this version but the list of supported versions says it supports the most recent and current major release23:43
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: can you pastebin a "sudo apt-get update &&apt-cache policy firefox"23:43
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k1l!paste | darkelfjuggalo23:44
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:44
JFlashwhat about UnetBooting23:46
k1lthat corrupts the iso23:47
JFlashcould it help me install without a USB stick?23:47
k1lwhich can result in boot failure23:47
mekhamiokay so i have a fresh install of ubuntu now!23:47
k1lJFlash: no.23:47
daftykinsJFlash: seriously please just wait and buy a flash drive, this topic is getting irritating now :P23:47
mekhamiI have a question though; I don't want to mess up my paths again, last time I had to sudo half the time and not half the time, so let me see if I can get an explanation23:47
mekhamiwhen I do things like apt-get, do I always have to sudo?23:47
mekhamihow do i set up my user correctly this time?23:47
k1lJFlash: seriously: pxe boot or iso booting in grub. but that are advanced topics. the best way is to grab a dvd or usb drive.23:48
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: so any feedback?23:48
JFlashk1l, why no?23:48
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: if you would give some feedback we could sort that in seconds.23:48
k1lJFlash: that doesnt help you without a usb pendrive. and even then its not the best method.23:49
darkelfjuggalowell i have several peices of business working at once and the browser issue ties into my business... here is the paste http://pastebin.com/3MxtrzCq23:49
k1lJFlash: i already answered you twice what your options are23:49
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: oh my. you got raring sources enabled? what sort of mess is that?23:50
JFlashwell you are oblidged to know or remember evrything :)    (as in evry option that could help me)23:50
JFlashanyway, point taken23:50
daftykinsJFlash: you've been told what your choices are, please accept them now :)23:51
darkelfjuggalothat was what has been in effect since I upgraded23:51
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: please pastebin a "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" and a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" too23:51
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=== Ttech is now known as Adran
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: how did you upgrade?23:51
darkelfjuggalothe previous version did it automatically. then i spent 3 months trying to get my DE back23:52
daftykinsafter one month you didn't clean install? :P23:53
k1l<k1l> darkelfjuggalo: please pastebin a "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" and a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" too23:53
Bashing-ommekhami: Think like so, anytime you are working outside of your /home directory, and desire to make any change to the system, administrative authority is required. that is the 'sudo' mechanisim .23:54
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" then erase all lines which include "raring" and erase the last both line with ubuntuzilla, too23:55
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: then ctrl+o for saving, then ctrl+x for exit. then "sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy firefox"23:56
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: wait23:57
darkelfjuggalowait what?23:57
k1ldarkelfjuggalo: dont remove the 2 lines that include "partner". you need to exchange the raring with a trusty there.23:57

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