
=== aaron is now known as Guest12964
=== Guest12964 is now known as ahoneybun
=== sgclark changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | Applications 15.04 Status http://goo.gl/JnVN6h | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Crash tracker : http://goo.gl/Cdynad | 20 bugs to fix http://goo.gl/Chh7uh
soeegood morning06:22
lordievaderGood morning.06:37
soeesearching and rightclick on desktop work again :)07:12
soeeusing kubuntu without krunner was a pain -.-07:13
Riddellsgclark: ooh nice, well done :)07:25
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | Applications 15.04 Status http://goo.gl/JnVN6h | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Crash tracker : http://goo.gl/Cdynad | 15 bugs to fix http://goo.gl/Chh7uh
Riddell15 bugs to fix07:27
sitterRiddell: okteta build still read, workspace build still red07:37
mustafamGood morning, I am testing the latest beta with the latest updates, I had a crash in plasma, but when I press "Install Debug Symbols), I get "Could not find debug symbol packages for this application"07:39
sitterRiddell: reckon we should replace one patch with a slightly less awful patch?08:08
* sitter feels like we should just leave it as it is until next sddm release08:08
sitteror at least vivid+1 opens08:08
valorieis SDDM now starting for new installs?08:09
valoriewithout fiddling08:10
lordievaderThat would be nice ;)08:10
valorieto me that is one of the most important bugs to fix08:10
sitterit isn't?08:10
soeeno sure, im on the same installation 08:10
valorieit wasn't08:10
valoriein teh beta08:10
viphi ho08:11
soeevalorie: check daily :)08:11
soeehiho vip08:11
valoriesorry, I don't have time to do that08:11
sittermh, the beta is like a month old :P08:11
valoriehusband flew out today and I'm now a trail widow08:11
mustafamNow I installed plasma-workspace-dbg but it still lists /usr/bin/plasmashell with the list of files with no debug info08:13
soeehmm there was some other meta package to download debug symbols i think but can't remember what it was08:14
soeeRiddell: ^08:14
mustafamI did 08:18
mustafam# dpkg -S /usr/bin/plasmashell08:18
mustafamplasma-workspace: /usr/bin/plasmashell08:18
mustafamso I installed plasma-workspace-dbg08:18
Riddellmustafam: try plasma-desktop-dbg too08:26
soeether eis pretty nice breeze trheme for yakuake08:32
mustafamRiddell: Installing plasma-desktop-dbg didn't fix this08:41
Riddellmustafam: what's the problem? you don't have debug symbols? do you have any debug symbols?08:57
Riddellmeh what is wrong with digikam?09:07
* sitter thinks the installer simply doesn't manage to resolve the package09:15
soeeif we remove korganizer (or kontact) - not sure what package adds entry to systray, this systray entry stays visible but does nothig as app was removed09:42
Riddellso remove it too :)09:44
soeethis shoudl be done automagicaly09:48
BluesKaj'Morning all10:01
Riddellfreeze day!10:05
Riddellare you feeling cold?10:06
BluesKajnot yet Riddell :)10:07
BluesKaj<--- up early here, not quite insomnia , but close 10:09
lordievaderRiddell: It's cold here... Yesterday sunny and warm. Today cloudy and cold... :(10:12
Riddellhoorah digikam was just missing a .install file not in bzr10:21
mustafamRiddell: Sorry for going, Internet disconnected10:47
mustafamAbout the debug packages?10:47
Riddellmustafam: pastebin the backtrack you have and we'll see what's missing10:55
ovidiu-florinhello sexy people11:32
soeeRiddell: applications 15.04 will land in vivd before release ?11:33
mparilloovidiu-florin: In my imagination, once upon a time I could have replied back, but clearly your greeting was not for me.11:34
ovidiu-florinmparillo: why not?11:34
ovidiu-florinanyone can be sexy11:35
Riddellsoee: no it's backports material and still needs a lot of work although sgclark did great stuff yesterday http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_15.04.0_vivid.html11:35
soeeha :-) so vivd will gets all the best (Plasma 5.3 + apps 15.04) after its release :)11:36
Riddellgosh ubuntu unity live image just gives me a login screen I can't log into today, I guess that's what happens if you only do automated testing11:37
soeei see a lot of devs work on some small screens laptops etc. hwo can you work liek that ? :)11:40
yofelwe like flexibility ;P11:44
sebasvery small pixels :)11:45
* sebas has quite simply good eyes11:45
* BluesKaj avoids ovidiu-florin's look11:45
soeesebas: but it leads to problems with eyes no ? :)11:45
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: ha?11:46
sebasno, only if you force something, never take breaks, etc.11:46
sebasif you have to bend forward all the time, your back's going to hurt at some point11:46
BluesKaj<- old 11:47
sebasthe problem with "bad eyes" is really the problem to focus on something relatively close all the time, that's why looking out of the window (or at least focusing the eyes further away) regularly is important11:47
Riddellovidiu-florin: do you think the website can be ready for next thursday?11:47
BluesKajsebas, yes, i can't use my laptop for extended periods of time, these old eyes begin to blur things11:49
ovidiu-florinI'll tinker with the team page today and meanwhile I'll ping jose11:49
ovidiu-florinand hope soee can help me with the image optimizations11:49
Riddellovidiu-florin :)11:50
soeeovidiu-florin: onyl thing we can do is to pass them through some script that will compress them a bit and remove not needed stuff, than use lazy laoding on website11:50
ovidiu-florinsoee: I still think lazy load is not a good improvement11:51
soeeit is11:51
ovidiu-florinbut that image optimization, can you please take care of htat?11:51
mustafamThe laptop died after waking from sleep :( , I'll post the backtrace next time.11:51
ovidiu-florinthat's a terrible way to die11:52
soeeovidiu-florin: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/10-best-image-optimization-plugins-to-speed-up-your-wordpress-site/11:52
mustafamI have another problem, on a fresh install, pppoe doesn't work out-of-the-box11:52
mustafamI have to install pppoe package11:53
mustafamsome problem with newer NM not working with ppp11:53
mustafam*with ppp only11:53
soeeovidiu-florin: tehy offer functionality to optimize already uplaoded photos and those that will be uploaded11:53
ovidiu-florinon my brother's laptop, (Acer Aspire) after installation and Updates, doesn't boot anymore11:53
mustafamI think we should include it in the default install11:53
ovidiu-florinsoee: I'm at work right now, can you put that in a trello card?11:54
mustafamI talked about this NM pppoe problem previously on IRC, also on kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com11:58
mustafamBut not a good bug report, I thought I should ask here first.11:59
soeeovidiu-florin: done12:00
ovidiu-florinsoee: thank you12:00
mustafamRiddell: New NM doesn't work with ppp, requires pppoe binary, I think pppoe should be added to the default install, what do you think?12:05
* Riddell looks12:08
Riddellmustafam: what's that for? 3g card or something?12:09
Riddellisn't pppoe only for an adsl modem?12:10
mustafamWe use it for Broadband, I think it is used for DSL too.12:11
mustafamIt used to work until recent versions of NM that require pppoe binary, not only ppp12:12
Riddellcyphermox: do you know if that's true? should network-manager recommend pppoe ?12:15
mustafamI think this is the commit12:16
Riddellcyphermox: I tidied up the oem bug a little, bug 1413521 for showing the folderview, bug 1444980 for it not being installed at all and bug 1444967 for it not working on ubuntu unity12:30
ubottubug 1413521 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu Vivid) "desktop folderview needs to be added on first boot on oem installs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141352112:30
ubottubug 1444980 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "kubuntu: oem-config-kde not installed on new oem systems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144498012:30
ubottubug 1444967 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "oem mode does not start installer in unity vivid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144496712:30
Riddellhi sgclark!12:32
BluesKaj'Morning sgclark12:33
lordievaderHey sgclark 12:54
cyphermoxRiddell: NM> well, if configure says so...13:45
cyphermoxRiddell: please just don't straight upload to the release, I'm working on some other fixes in a CI train silo..13:46
cyphermoxRiddell: for the oem bug; it seemed to work here for unity?13:46
Riddellcyphermox: ubiquity-dm didn't load on virtualbox for me when in oem mode13:46
cyphermoxI haven't done much testing in vbox, perhaps I'll get to it today13:47
cyphermoxdid the reboot/eject/press enter thing work in your testing?13:47
Riddellcyphermox: not recently no13:49
cyphermoxmight be broken because vbox still though :/13:50
cyphermoxI'll give unity a shot after I install vbox here13:50
Riddell"Michał Zając (quintasan) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu14:28
RiddellMembers (kubuntu-members) team until 2016-04-22."14:28
Riddellyay queuebot still loves us14:28
shadeslayerqueuebot ... ahaha14:33
santa_sitter: hi, I have seen your mail about the Vcs fields, I think I can offer you an script to add the vcs fields if there aren't any15:15
sittersanta_: I think I got them all sorted earlier today15:17
santa_sitter: ok15:25
joseovidiu-florin: you pinged me?16:52
QuintasanI feel botish now17:40
ovidiu-florinjose: heeeeey17:40
ovidiu-florinI missed yu17:40
* jose is getting ready to leave in 2m17:40
ovidiu-florinhow are you17:41
ovidiu-florinwhen are you comming back?17:41
ovidiu-florinRiddell: there were some problems with the kernel?17:41
ovidiu-florinI keep seeing it in the Vivid updates17:41
ovidiu-florinjose: ^^^17:42
joseovidiu-florin: in around 6 hours17:42
ovidiu-florinI'll do something about the team page and the pictures today and tomorrow17:42
ovidiu-florindo you thing we can do the migration, or at least start it this weekend?17:42
ovidiu-florinjose: ^17:42
ovidiu-florinok, I'll ping you when I'm done17:43
ovidiu-florinwho else is here?17:43
ovidiu-florinsgclark: are you around?17:48
sgclarkovidiu-florin: sorta, whats up?17:48
ovidiu-florinkfunk: are you around?17:48
ovidiu-florinI have an idea17:49
ovidiu-florinand I want to try it out17:49
ovidiu-florinI want to screencast while developing the Kubutnu site, or other KDE applications17:49
ovidiu-florinmake some kind of series17:49
ovidiu-florinthis can be good for promotion17:49
ovidiu-florinand also to colaborate with whomever wan't to join in17:50
ovidiu-florinsoee: ping17:50
ovidiu-florinwhat do you guys think?17:50
ovidiu-floringood or bad idea?17:50
ovidiu-florinor horrible, don't touch it with a 100 meter stick17:50
sgclarknot entirely familiar with screen cast.. is that like camera one while working or?17:51
Sho_make sure you get a proper microphone17:51
ovidiu-florinfor the pilot, I'll just go with what I have17:52
ovidiu-florinSho_: ^17:52
ovidiu-florinsgclark: I capture my screen and possibly me17:52
sgclarksure it is a good idea, but I am with Sho_ it has to be good quality.17:53
ovidiu-florinI agree17:55
ovidiu-florinI'll use the best I have, for now17:55
ovidiu-florinand if this get's any audience, I'll invest more in it17:56
ovidiu-florinwould you guys like to be in my first?17:56
sgclarkI simply don't have time - I rarely get to seep atm, I am truly sorry17:56
kubotusgclark meant: "I simply don't have time - I rarely get to sleep atm, I am truly sorry"17:57
santa_sgclark: hey, I'm working on apps 15.04.0 for siduction, I might send you some simple patches to the mailing list18:00
ovidiu-florinso, here it goes: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/ces84ffh9dlffeqqlvi9kssb2ig18:07
ovidiu-florinwhere is Rick?18:24
Riddellbusy making video podcasts about the eu I think18:30
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: did I miss that hangout?18:41
ahoneybunRiddell: 18:43
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: do you want to join in?18:43
sgclarkRiddell: hmm, I am I correct in thinking kdelibs and kdepim family will still be around for a long while and at that old version branch? if so we need to do a check for those and update to the correct version. This is alot of more work that could be prevented :( what do you think?18:50
Riddellsgclark: kdelibs will be around for ages, kdepim may get a kf5 version in 4 months, or it may not, who knows18:51
Riddellbut yes they should be packaged too18:51
sgclarkwell yeah I have packaged them and uploaded18:51
sgclarkthe problem is all these apps are looking for version 15.0418:52
sgclarkwhich does not exist18:52
Riddelloh the something needs changed in the scripts to not update those build-deps18:53
sgclarkthe update dev packages function could just do another check for those and update according me thinks18:53
sgclarkI will take a look at some point before the next batch of apps18:54
Riddellthere's a bunch of tweaks needed to kubuntu-initial-upload to make it smoother18:55
sgclarkyeah, better error handling for one lol18:57
sgclarknothing like getting through a bunch of jobs and it barfing lol18:57
ovidiu-florinsoee: are you here?19:05
ovidiu-florinRiddell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn7A6ELikH419:05
soeeovidiu-florin: hi, i have som work atm19:09
santa_sgclark: I can offer you an script to fix the kdelibs5-dev version, so with a few commands you could get it fixed for all the appliction packages and save time20:41
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: it died20:50
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I thought so20:52
ahoneybunthe team page is in html not json20:52
ovidiu-florinit is now20:52
ovidiu-florinI removed the json20:52
ahoneybunoh ok20:53
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I've sent you a PM20:54
* ovidiu-florin goes to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz20:55
ovidiu-floringood night Humans20:55
ovidiu-florinand bots (kubotu)20:55
santa_sgclark: mail sent to kubuntu-devel with a proposed idea to fix the kdelibs5-dev versions without much pain21:16
santa_hope it helps21:16
* ahoneybun is sad to see no rss plasmoid21:57
valorieahoneybun: write one?21:57
valorieor port the old one21:57
sgclarkRiddell: ok well next-stage2 PPA is full... which explains why all my stuff is being rejected.22:23
valoriecan you empty it of old junk, sgclark?22:29
sgclarkvalorie: it does not have New release availabe which old stuff usually does. I don't feel comfortable making that call as it has got me in trouble in the past.22:31
valorieseems like the euro-folks are all off for the night22:34
valorieI'm about to leave to have dinner with my son before the KDE meetup tonight22:34
sgclarkaww I wanna KDE meetup lol22:37
sgclarkanyway no worries got enough kde stuff to keep me busy..22:38
ahoneybunvalorie: were you the one who reported that bug about the web page plasmoid?22:53
soeeahoneybun: it was me23:05
ahoneybunsoee: I saw a update that installed the package needed for it, and it looks like it works now23:30
soeeahoneybun: yes Riddell fixed it23:32

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