
tumbleweedI'll sync distro-info-data 0.26 in the morning (it's not registered in LP yet) but we really need a w-series name...03:44
UkikieJust go with Wombat.03:45
zequenceinfinity: Thank you :)04:27
tjaaltoncould someone ack this ^04:29
tjaaltonalready tested by cert team04:29
tjaaltonI could do that myself but..04:32
zequenceinfinity: I see it in the upload queue together with openstack. I can test it during the hours to come, so I'm available if needed.04:54
RAOFtjaalton: It'd be good if you didn't accept that, because it had a malformed bug reference in the changelog :){05:22
tjaaltonbah :)05:24
RAOFNow to wait for LP to process all the things and then I'll re-review :)05:25
tjaaltonright, thanks05:25
RAOFtjaalton: Wait, is that actually correct?05:49
RAOFtjaalton: The first hunk of the patch replaces an OUT_BATCH64 with OUT_BATCH64.05:49
RAOFAlthough I guess it *does* add a comment :)05:49
RAOFtjaalton: Accepted.05:50
tjaaltonheh, yeah05:51
tjaaltonfixed my gt3 as well05:51
RAOFI should apitrace Cities: Skylines. Intel *very nearly* renders it correctly.05:53
tjaaltonI'm afraid to try that out.. either it takes all my free time or it'd disappoint me05:55
RAOFI don't think it'd disappoint, but I haven't played all that much yet :)05:56
tjaaltonI haven't finished my first CivV campaign that I started last year :)05:57
tjaaltonand HL2 has a strange bug where it loses all lighting at some point, the textures look bright and dull after that hits, so I stopped playing that too in hoping that the bug would get fixed later05:59
infinityzequence: Oh, bah.  Accepted from NEW now, sorry.  Was out all night.06:26
jamespag`ScottK, infinity: as zul did not get it done yesterday, I've reviewed the reverse-depends on the updates openstack dependencies for rc107:41
jamespag`the only one with anything outside of openstack is stevedore - looking at the two packages impacted now07:42
jamespag`I've updated the bug reports with that detail and what testing we have done in PPA.07:42
jamespag`I'm not intending on raising FFe bugs for the openstack projects themselves as I believe that the agreement we had on the mailing list to land RC's prior to release still stands07:43
LocutusOfBorg1can anybody please process fglrx-*/trusty?10:48
mdeslaurinfinity, rbasak: oracle released their april security thingy. We need to update to 5.6.24. Is doing that now a possibility, or should we wait for a 0-day security update?12:26
mdeslaurI gather updating a week before release would be insane, just want other's opinions12:27
rbasakI'm fine with it from a server team perspective.12:27
rbasakWhether it hits the security pocket before or after makes little difference to me from a regression point of view.12:28
rbasakI guess it's just an issue of how it affects the images? infinity?12:28
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zequenceinfinity: What did do wrong last time? I forgot to add one dependency to one of the packages in the meta source. I'll need to add it and do another upload. Sorry for being so stupid.13:33
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infinitymdeslaur: If the testsuite passes and libmysqlclient symbols look sane, etc, I'm not generally opposed to it.14:09
mdeslaurinfinity: ok, thanks.14:10
infinityzequence: No idea what you did wrong last time, since it never hit the queue.  But that tends to point to you possibly having not signed it.14:11
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ScottKppp upload is a simple fix for a buffer overflow that can cause remote DoS.14:38
zequenceinfinity: Ok, thanks14:58
jamespageScottK, hey - so I think I've annotated the FFe bugs for openstack dependencies with what you requested - specifically testing of the two reverse-depends on stevedore which are outside of the openstack project set15:13
ScottKjamespage: I saw.  Thanks.  I was planning on taking a look at that in just a bit.15:13
jamespageScottK, awesome - much appreciated15:13
ScottKjamespage: Would you do me a favor and run the change in the python virtualenv rdepend by barry?  He's been taking a lot of heat lately on getting that stuff working right and I'd really hate to accidentally undercut him.15:14
jamespageScottK, ack - will do15:20
jamespageScottK, when I can find him at least15:21
elfyinfinity: given that hopefully tomorrow we get RC images ... I am seeing something like bug1259525 again15:25
elfyif I boot in kvm rather than vbox I get the same plus http://i.imgur.com/F2UKnm5.png15:26
Mirvarges: thanks for trusty + utopic SRU handling15:26
ScottKjamespage: Actually, nevermind.  I was thinking of the actual virtualenv, not the wrapper.15:33
ScottKjamespage: All approved.15:38
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argesMirv: np16:27
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sil2100Hello release team! I'm disabling the auto-importer on system-image once the current run finishes16:45
sil2100I'll re-enable it instantly once I copy touch images to the stable channel16:45
ogra_wheee !16:46
* sil2100 always gets interrupted by the import-images lock recently16:47
ogra_yeah, snappy really keeps it busy16:49
ogra_they should get their own server :P16:49
jamespageScottK, thanks - they are all in the queue if you feel like pressing the button :-)17:05
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sil2100...aaand the image-importer is now re-enabled17:10
sil2100...aaand disabled for a few more minutes, sorry for that17:22
sil2100I need to do one more set of copies17:22
wxlcyphermox: i'll kill ppc. we're lts only on it anyways.17:41
cyphermoxwait, it's till running17:42
wxloh wait17:42
wxli can't17:42
cyphermoxit looks like it should finish eventually17:42
cyphermox(logs changed)17:42
wxlah k17:42
wxlyeah it's at the end, too, no?17:43
cyphermoxwell, I'm still unsure how the xubuntu user gets created on images, I can't seem to find the code for it17:48
wxlhave you looked at the logs to see what updated?17:48
cyphermoxwxl: what do you mean?17:50
cyphermoxbrb, lunch17:50
mdeslaurinfinity, rbasak: ^ new mysql with minimal rules file changes to fix ftbfs. Symbols haven't changed, and I upgraded a wordpress install to test.17:50
wxlsorry i mean you could compare manifests cyphermox17:51
ianorlinhmm I sort of wish there was like a tool that showed diffs of manifests17:57
wxlprobably wouldn't be too hard to create17:57
wxlAHEM :)17:57
Odd_Blokeianorlin: https://code.launchpad.net/~utlemming/+junk/mfdiff might help.17:59
zequenceinfinity: Ok, think I got it right this time for the meta package. Uploaded and awaiting approval.18:06
* wxl sighs. 18:06
wxli want my isos already18:06
* wxl wonders when he should start freaking out that his ISOs will enver hsow up?18:07
cjwatsonit's taking longer than usual because there was a bug that caused cdimage's mirror not to have synced, so now that I've cleared that it's catching up18:14
wxlthx cjwatson18:14
cjwatsonbut it is making progress now18:14
cyphermoxwxl: ok, I broke many things, didn't notice an issue in a user-setup merge proposal. mea culpa.18:34
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tjaaltoncould someone check the trusty backports of libdrm & xtrans? they're needed for the vivid stack18:55
tjaaltonbeen on sru queue for a while18:56
infinitymdeslaur: Do you know for sure that sneaking that -fPIC change in won't break anything?18:58
mdeslaurone sec, I think it wa there before18:59
mdeslaurinfinity: it seems to be there in the old build log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/201609382/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.mysql-5.6_5.6.23-1~exp1~ubuntu5_BUILDING.txt.gz19:01
mdeslaurinfinity: we used to build it without and with, but I believe at some point mysql defaulted to it19:01
mdeslaurwhich explains why debian killed it in git19:03
infinitymdeslaur: mdeslaur Erm, you and I are reading this log differently...19:04
mdeslaurinfinity: I'm not very convincing, but that's the best I got :)19:04
mdeslaurinfinity: oh, how so?19:05
mdeslaurfor example: cd /build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/builddir/extra/yassl && /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-g++   -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Dget_tty_password=yassl_mysql_get_tty_password -Dget_tty_password_ext=yassl_mysql_get_tty_password_ext -O3 -DBIG_JOINS=1 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fpermissive -fno-rtti  -fno-strict-aliasing  -O3 -g -fabi-version=2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -DDBUG_OFF -I/build/buildd/m19:05
mdeslaurysql-5.6-5.6.23/builddir/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include -I/build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/taocrypt/mySTL    -DHAVE_YASSL -DYASSL_PREFIX -DHAVE_OPENSSL -DMULTI_THREADED -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -o CMakeFiles/yassl.dir/src/buffer.cpp.o -c /build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/extra/yassl/src/buffer.cpp19:05
mdeslaurit's in builddir, not builddir-pic and i's got -fPIC19:05
infinityHrm.  The first one I looked at was build/buildd/mysql-5.6-5.6.23/scripts/comp_sql.c which is PIC/non-PIC based on builddir.19:06
rbasakI think there was some talk of changing something around that in Debian, if that's what you're saying. Eliminating one of them I think19:07
rbasakwhat you're seeing19:07
mdeslaurinfinity: ah, yes, I see your example now19:08
infinitymdeslaur: So, I dunno.  I'm down with "it should be PIC" being the correct position, but less convinced that we have time to validate that it won't regress something.19:08
mdeslaurinfinity: ok, reject it, I'll try and fix the ftbfs in another way19:08
infinitymdeslaur: Especially given MySQL's history of playing fast and loose with compiler/linker bugs/quiks.19:09
wxlcyphermox: so tl;dr everything's all messed up? :)19:21
cyphermoxwxl: tl;dr everything's messed up because of a stray '\'19:21
wxlcyphermox: oh jeez. so fix uploading, request a rebuild later?19:22
cyphermoxwxl: fix was uploaded19:22
wxlah cool i'll get a rebuidl going cyphermox. what package was updated to which version?19:22
cyphermoxjust waiting for user-setup to finish transitioning to release19:22
cyphermoxwxl: maybe wait a bit before requesting a rebuild, let's check if other builds are still catching up19:23
wxlokie dokie19:23
wxla little error in an uplaod, Captonjamason19:23
wxlone little out of place '\'19:23
wxlalways the stupid stuff :)19:24
infinitycyphermox: Does ubiquity not need a rebuild too, or is user-setup not imported?19:24
wxlfix is uploaded, just waiting on everything to sync u p19:24
cyphermoxinfinity: it does19:24
cyphermoxI was wiating for user-setup to finish making it so I can do an upload19:24
cyphermox(with other small changes for efi)19:24
cyphermoxbut a new ubiquity isn't required to get user-setup to create the user in casper's scripts19:25
cyphermoxinfinity: fwiw; changes are the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10834692/19:30
cyphermoxit would introduce a new button string that will need to be translated eventually, but I'm trying to make the whole question and process less confusing19:30
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infinitycyphermox: Yeah, that's not ideal, but it's probably better than the bug.19:36
cyphermoxthis would conclude my playing with efi for now, hopefully19:37
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jamespageit would be nice if the openstack rc1 updates could be accepted into vivid please - the FFe's where acked earlier for the updates to dependencies19:52
infinityjamespage: Yeah, getting to it.  I've done a few.19:52
jamespageinfinity, awesome thanks - I'll stop pestering then19:52
* jamespage shuts up and goes back to landing charm changes19:52
wxlcyphermox: you just going to trigger a global rebuild when everything syncs up? seems like you'll have ot19:52
infinitywxl: Everything is still cronned right now anyway.20:06
wxlinfinity: ah, so i should expect to wait until tomorrow then?20:06
infinitywxl: Yeah, or you can trigger a new daily yourself.20:07
wxlinfinity: everything's sync'd up though, or should i wait some more?20:08
cyphermoxnow that I got interwebz again, I'll be able to upload ubiquity20:09
infinitywxl: You should wait for cyphermox's ubiquity to hit the release pocket.20:09
infinityelfy: Ditto.20:09
cyphermoxwxl: fwiw, I don't have access to trigger rebuilds.20:09
wxlokie dokie thx infinity20:09
cyphermox(at least, not that I know)20:09
infinitycyphermox: You don't.20:09
cyphermoxexcept for touch20:10
wxlcyphermox: no probs. just let me know when ubiquity's up and i'll trigger lubuntu20:10
wxlthanks for the quick fix btw :)20:10
elfyinfinity: and in 12 hours= ~I'll trigger again20:10
infinityelfy: Your daily might happen by then too.20:10
infinityelfy: I'm not turning off cron until tomorrow night.20:10
elfyinfinity: ack20:11
wxloh hark :)20:12
elfywe do tend to build ~10/11UTC20:13
cyphermoxwxl: ^ that doesn't mean it's in yet.20:14
wxlcyphermox: i know, but it's in the queue20:14
cyphermoxprovided infinity doesn't reject it because I'm fr_CA :D20:15
* cyphermox goes to translate that new string20:17
cyphermoxwell, I would, later20:18
wxlnow that we have an accept, i just need to wait for the approve no?20:19
cyphermoxflexiondotorg: you around, by any chance?20:32
cyphermoxinfinity: what's the bug number for the debconf passthrough thing for update-manager?20:56
infinitycyphermox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/143454720:58
ubot93Launchpad bug 1434547 in glibc (Ubuntu) "package libc6 2.21-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 128" [High,Confirmed]20:58
infinitycyphermox: And many duplicates filed on many packages that use debconf.20:58
infinitycyphermox: Should be reproducible just upgrading an empty package with a single template and a db_go, I'd guess, but I haven't built such a simple package yet.20:59
cyphermoxthat's the one that can't easily be bisected for upgrades?21:00
cyphermoxinfinity: upgrade, so I need to make two of the simplest test ever?21:11
infinitycyphermox: Well, unless you can figure out how to make update-manager install a package.21:12
infinitycyphermox: Given that its entire raison d'etre is upgrading...21:12
cyphermoxI would rather limit variables to the minimal21:12
cyphermoxso, no21:12
cyphermoxoh, but I guess I could fudge ubuntu-desktop to install a new package.21:13
=== stgraber changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Trusty 14.04.2, Utopic 14.10, Vivid Beta 2 | Archive: Final Freeze | Vivid Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
stgraberinfinity: there should be an e-mail in ubuntu-devel-discuss mod queue for you22:24
infinitystgraber: Accepted.22:26
stgraberignore the odd armel and armhf ones up there, fixed22:58
stgraberinfinity: QA tracker is ready, all we'll have to do tomorrow is turn off cron, flip the auto-publish switch in the UI and then do a mass rebuild23:05
infinitystgraber: Huzzah.23:07
wxltry to hold back your excitement, infinity ;)23:07

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