
didrocksgood morning05:49
seb128hey willcooke06:53
didrocksgood morning willcooke06:55
didrockssanta claus!08:07
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:07
seb128oh, he got presents for us?!08:07
* didrocks hopes so08:07
Laneycoal for didrocks08:08
* Laney switch back to upstart last night ;-)08:08
didrocksbut I've been so kind!08:08
didrockslife is unfair08:08
seb128hey larsu08:40
willcookeis anyone using plain X chat 2.8.8?09:10
seb128willcooke, no, xchat-gnome here09:11
willcookeThere's a really weird thing going on with the topic field09:11
willcookeIf I drag a window over the top of it09:11
willcookeI can see through the window's title bar and read the text underneath09:11
willcookebut only on the topic field09:12
willcookeoh, and the channel list09:12
willcookedoesn't matter, just strange is all09:12
seb128weird indeed09:13
willcookeit gets more strange...09:13
willcookeit only happens on my laptop screen, not on my external monitor09:13
larsuuse xchat-gnome? :P09:13
davmor2use irssi09:13
willcookeYou guys and your crackpot IRC clients09:15
davmor2willcooke: I'm using xchat09:15
davmor2I just don't have multimonitors09:15
Laneyba black sheep09:16
davmor2have you any wool09:16
Laneylots actually09:16
darkxstwillcooke, nope, fine here, but GNOME, so different compositor09:18
willcookethx darkxst, I'll show bregma next week if I can reproduce it09:20
davmor2willcooke: what are you testing xchat on?  If it is unity 7 on vivid then I might be able to get an hdmi lead and chuck it into this monitor from my laptop09:22
willcookedavmor2, don't worry about it - it's not worth spending time on09:22
* Laney has added some topics to 'Agenda' on the sprint spreadsheet10:02
willcookethx Laney10:07
LaneyI wonder if I have one of those apple vga dongle thingies10:20
Laneywould be useful to project ting10:20
Laneyactually found one, still in its packet10:28
* willcooke -> haircut10:51
darkxstLaney, if you need apples, have a big tree of them ;)10:52
darkxstwell atleast the ones that are left after the european wasp invasion10:53
Laneythose mean wasps10:54
darkxstyeh! I was quite surpised they can eat an entire apple (Except the skin) in 1 day10:55
darkxstmulti-threaded of course as well, so many apples per day10:56
* willcooke <- haircut11:21
davmor2willcooke and a haircut doesn't sound right......No I'm sure it's Shave and a Haircut 2 bits :D11:23
* didrocks will be in no haircut mode for once11:23
didrocksbrace yourself!11:23
davmor2didrocks: if your hair isn't cut surely the hair will brace people against the wall and they won't need to brace themselves ;)11:25
didrocksdavmor2: ahah11:25
didrockswillcooke: I should have bet as I was 90% sure it was this kind of dog before opening the image…11:26
didrocksit's not *that* bad11:26
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
davmor2hey desktop guys there seems to be some real issue in oem mode on desktop.  There is no prepare for end user script that I can find, after cd eject enter key does nothing, there is no sound in the ubiquity installer part, there is no listing for my AP in nm but it was discovered no issues in the installer, volume is on in desktop for oem12:46
davmor2the list goes on12:46
didrocksdavmor2: are you sure most of them are specific to oem mode?12:51
didrocksdavmor2: the cd eject enter key is something that cyphermox was looking at (related to systemd)12:51
davmor2didrocks: the missing prepare for end user is definitely oem12:52
didrocksI guess the ubiquity/nm issues should be directed to the foundation team12:52
didrocksonly the user prepare one seems oemish12:52
didrocks(and that's foundation team as well)12:53
davmor2didrocks: I don't want to restart till I get some feedback for logs and stuff though  I'm assuming most of the issues priory to oem desktop are general issues12:53
didrocksdavmor2: basically all installer issues is for cyphermox (lucky him) :p12:53
davmor2didrocks: I know right :)  He gets all the bestest things12:53
didrocksbut yeah, I guess the other are impacting normal images as well (some are known and being worked on)12:54
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
didrocksogra_: stupid question, but by reading the snappy ML, I found your message on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2015-February/000281.html13:29
didrocksogra_: seems your sudo question is now fixed, right? (as there is a needs-root or whatever yaml content)13:29
didrockshowever, I was wondering what is the node-snapper?13:29
ogra_didrocks, might be, i had to move back to phone stuff and havent touched snappy in a while ...13:30
ogra_i know there is a bug for the sudo case though13:30
didrocksogra_: and this node-snapper? was it just a package you started to look at and transform it for vim? or another magical tools I didn't find doc on yet? :p13:31
ogra_node-snapper is a tool to provide you an arch specific tarball (or two) with a nodejs interpreter and all needed nodejs modules to put in a snap package13:31
didrocksinteresting (not sure why you needed that for vim though?)13:31
ogra_well, you can easily hack it to pull any other binary package into such a tarball :)13:32
didrocksah ok, you just switch nodejs to vim13:32
ogra_and drop the npm logic ...13:32
ogra_(since vim doesnt need nodejs modules most of the time :) )13:33
didrocksogra_: you always need npm though! :p13:33
didrocksogra_: thanks for the answers ;)13:33
ogra_happy to help ...13:33
ogra_btw, i think mterrys new tool is better for general deb conversion to snap ... node-snapper is pretty specific for the nodejs case13:34
didrocksogra_: yeah, I'm reading that as well to get a sense of state of the art and see how we can help (but without participating to initial conversations, hard to cachup)13:35
ogra_there is no "initial conversation"13:35
ogra_there is just  "we all scratch our itches" currently13:36
didrocksogra_: well, quite a lot of tools and messages on the ML, so interesting to see where this is going and how we can see the bigger picture13:36
didrocksaka "avoid having to run xorg in a priviledge snap"13:36
ogra_right, i just mean we will probably see ten more such implementations until something official comes around13:36
ogra_we neeed some generic way though ... everyone knows that i think13:37
didrocksinteresting thing about the LD_PRELOAD story btw…13:37
didrocksI was really against before the issues with LD_LIBRARY_PATH13:37
ogra_LD_LIBRARY_PATH works fine for less complex stuff (like node snapper)13:38
ogra_i wouldnt want to roll a unity8 snap with Mir inside using that though :)13:38
didrockseverything that doesn't use RPATH…13:38
ogra_(which is essentially what mterry tires to do there)13:39
didrocksyep, for a couple of months already13:39
didrocksogra_: ok, I just saw libsnappypreload's code13:41
didrocksit's… interesting :p13:41
seb128kenvandine, touch channel is a bit crazy, moving here14:19
kenvandineseb128, :)14:19
seb128kenvandine, yeah, I confirmed that the ListItem onClicked: doesn't trigger when we hit the issue14:19
kenvandineseb128, you mean confirmed outside of autopilot?14:20
seb128I added a code snippet the change the page title to "clicked" in the onClicked handler, doesn't change when I hit the bug14:20
seb128with autopilot14:20
seb128I can't reproduce the issue with a manual tap14:20
seb128I do tap correctly :p14:20
seb128seems like autopilot sometime doesn't14:20
seb128indeed :-/14:21
seb128is there a way to dump events log?14:21
seb128to see if it triggers a dnd or something14:21
kenvandineseb128, can you ping the qa guys with what you've figured out?14:21
kenvandinenot sure14:21
seb128kenvandine, who are the qa guys?14:21
kenvandinesee if they have ideas why we don't always get onClicked14:21
kenvandinethey have a vanguard in #ubuntu-quality14:21
kenvandinei think14:22
kenvandinesomeone that should be able to help with autopilot issues14:22
kenvandineseb128, so i bet missing that onClicked happens elsewhere too, which causes these flaky problems14:23
seb128kenvandine, ok, moving to the next channel :p14:24
kenvandineseb128, it was awesome that you figured that out!14:26
seb128kenvandine, :-)14:26
kenvandinei'm a bit distracted by another meeting right now though, but i'll try to follow along :)14:27
seb128kenvandine, do we have a bug about those issues?14:27
kenvandinenot sure, we have in the past ;)14:28
kenvandinebut flakyness comes and goes :/14:28
kenvandineand likely not the same issue14:28
seb128let's see, waiting for a reply but I'm going to open one in a bit14:28
pittioh, I forgot to say good morning earlier, so:15:10
pittigood morning!15:10
didrocksgood morning pitti :)15:16
pittibonjour didrocks :)15:20
larsuhi pitti!15:20
pittididrocks: c'est presque le fin de la semaine pour toi, non ? :-)15:20
* pitti tips hat towards larsu15:20
didrockspitti: presque, en effet ! et toi, tu as le temps pour une glace avant de venir à Londres ? :)15:21
pittididrocks: je ne crois pas ça, je m'en vais à 15:3015:22
didrocksah en effet, ce sera à l'arrivée alors :)15:22
Laneybonjour petit chat15:23
pittididrocks: mais je peux manger de la glace à Londres !15:23
didrockspitti: il fera beau en plus !15:24
didrocksLaney: a wise man said one day "nage, nage petit poisson"15:24
Laneythe small animal zoo15:25
seb128hey pitti15:25
cyphermoxhey pitti, how are you on this fine morning?15:29
willcookequittin' time - see you guys next week \o/16:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
willcookeI'll just leave this here from mterry:  https://github.com/mikix/deb2snap20:08
willcookeseb128, when you're back ^^^^20:08

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